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    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
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    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Seryth Essora 8th June 2016, 10:37 am


    A mission has come down to reach Yuki through the strangest of means, a white-shrouded figure had approached her personally with an ornate letter bearing a seal of unknown origins addressed specifically to her... so they had learned about her little ruse and wanted to send her away on a mission with two of their own. Well, the girl didn't mind at all. She had accepted the message from the gentleman who was enrobed from head to toe in white, then read it with a smirk soon enveloping her lips. That was what had brought Yuki from her 'vacation' in Hosenka and to the current location in which she stood at this moment. She missed the hot-springs, but she would be back enough she thought as she read the dossier gathered on Sukai. 'Sukai is a massive planet that is covered in clouds. However, there are large pieces of land that tower over the clouds which people have build cities, towns, and countries on. Many wealthy mages have built vacation homes or mansions here hoping to retire or relax as the atmosphere is incredibly soothing.' Maybe this job wouldn't be as bad of a diversion as Yuki had originally thought, it could just be another extension to her Vacation and they wanted her to gather Runes which couldn't be very difficult.... or could it.

    It was after some days that Yuki had come finally to the Wakusei Portal and found herself here. Roiling energies gathered before the strange portal that had been erected to allow travel to other planes and worlds within the expanse of space, a figure donned in white to either side with a shackled pole attached to either side of the portal. These men wore white entirely, even their faces were covered in flowing caps of white silk. They looked rather odd to Yuki though perhaps they were clerics which would make sense to her. Father had always told Yuki stories of the clerics of the church, and these two seemed to fit in with the mental image she had perceived from her father. Stepping forward rather in-ceremoniously, Yuki finally took the plunge as she proceeded right through the portal when called upon. While passing through, it gave the feeling of being everywhere at once, or rather being torn apart everywhere at once - but then the sensation came to a close as the woman stepped to the other side and cleared the portal into the realm of Sukai.

    With a quick bound, Yuki rifled into the pocket on her belt, her black garb covering her body and head with the ruffled fur blowing slightly in the soothing wind.  As she rifled through the belt's pocket, she withdrew her hand and raised the map up to her purview and observed exactly where she was to be then peered up to take in her surroundings. The world seemed to be covered within heavy layers of white puff, indicating that it was indeed a world that was heavily clouded over. This meant the world under was likely a wastelands from lack of sun. It  seemed the floating island she was one was but one of many, but her destination was luckly to be found on this island. Currently, it was half an hour after noon and the star was still brilliantly overhead. The ruins wasn't that far away - it took a ten minute trek to reach. Unfortunately, it seems the ruins were already occupied...

    The woman wouldn't let this little slight pass her by, however. she was destined to find the rune she was looking for, but going in all gung-ho wasn't exactly the best idea either, and so the woman had decided at that point to simply sit and wait until reinforcements arrived in the form of her partners. She did manage to spy a quick look into the cracks between the ruined building of ancient make and architecture, counting four of them. Unfortunately, the woman couldn't get a good enough view of them from here. Shifting about, the black hood was removed with a simple wrist motion to reveal plumes of blue hair and her beautiful countenance. At hr left elbow was the wooden buckler strapped on tight, and held in her right was the carbine made of mahogany, raising it up to aim down the iron sights.

    Words: 722/2625


    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
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    Experience : 100

    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Morning Star 8th June 2016, 12:43 pm

    Morning Star's random travels to spread sin took him to the portals of Wakusei. Each portal swirled with various colors and elements of light. Wind whipped into the portals and dragged Morning Star's old Rune Knights uniform closer to the whirling vortexes. At half past noon the sun beat down hard over the trees that hid each of the portals and caused a line of old sweat to roll down the ebony eye patch covering the older man's mystic eye. A warm smile crossed his face while he thought back to the reason he had even came to the area in the first place.

    A local job board back in Oak Town requested that a Wizard travel to the portals and visit a land that was floating in the sky. Apparently there were ruins that needed to be investigated. Morning Star considered the fact that there would be plenty of men women or children to murder on the spot and jumped at the chance to see what other worlds had in the way of magic. That was three days ago and now he was just a few feet away from where he needed to be.

    The man clasped both hands behind his back and stepped through the portal. With a flash of light and a crack of thunder Morning Star came out the other side. The ground under him was made of a firm stone, sand stone maybe? Off some few meters away was a woman with attractive blue hair holding a rifle and a shield. Morning Star's brow raised sharply and he stepped forward with confident strides. "So you must be Yuki. My name is Morning Star..." Slowly Morning Star glanced over her shoulder into the ruins some feet ahead of her. "Oh. Someone needs killed. Would you like me to draw the fire of those men so you can take your shots safely?" Morning Star's deep voice rang out softly and smoothly.

    Without letting the woman respond Morning Star stalked up a flight of stairs that led into old stone ruins where a group of men were all boxing what looked to be drugs. The old man drew a blade from his back scabbard and from his hip, the metal glinted softly in the light that came through the ruins. Step by step he descended a flight of stairs until he had his back to Yuki and whipped his blades around, slashing air. "Gentlemen, hello. My name is Morning Star, if you tell me where your friends are. The one with the magic ring to be specific I'll end your lives swiftly and painlessly. If not... Then I'm afraid I'll be forced to make this painful."

    WC: 451


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
    Second Skill: n/a
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    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Seryth Essora 8th June 2016, 3:40 pm

    Words: 1501/2625

    The older gentleman was expected as she had been expecting another to appear, a compatriot who would aid her on the job as they themselves had taken on the job as well - a partner and it seemed like he had arrived. The blue-haired beauty of a woman examined the gentleman closely from his chiseled muscular features to his finely-kept mustache and hair, in fact if one didn't know better they would take him for a military man. He seemed the sort of man which Yuki was attracted to, even from such a short moment, though she wouldn't know whether or not to pursue him now. Either way, the two had more important business for now though the opportunity was present for the future. As the gentleman spoke, a pure blue phoenix of icy proportions quickly dove down to meet them and land. First, Yuki spoke, in a dulcet tone. Indeed I am Yuki Chimei, Morning Star. Indeed, those four miscreants need killed though I was merely using the gun for a more focused sight. Still, if you wish to draw their fire then I do not mind, I'll use the time and advantage to attack from on high."

    Without response he left Yuki to her thoughts, leaving her to her vantage. Yuki quickly hopped onto Lapella as they didn't need to communicate through voice any longer to know what the other was thinking. The both of them quickly ascended high to give Yuki the greatest view she could have. From here, Yuki would await Morning Star and then once he had their attention, released four bolts of ice - one frost bolt and three blasts of black ice - then came the ray of pure white light. The pyro-biker was the first to be taken down, followed by one of the poisonous thugs and the pimp all taken down in the magical assault. Finally, Yuki and Lapella flew down to intermingle with the remaining group of them.

    Last edited by Yuki Chimei on 9th June 2016, 5:49 pm; edited 4 times in total



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    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by NPC 8th June 2016, 3:40 pm

    The member 'Yuki Chimei' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) StrongMonster Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) NormalMonster Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) NormalMonster Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) WeakMonster
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 100

    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Morning Star 8th June 2016, 4:24 pm

    As the men all looked at Morning Star like he was insane the broad shouldered Wizard glanced about, the sense of massive magical auras closed in on him. "It seems we are not alone. Very well. Come then boy." Morning Star casually tossed his long blue jacket aside revealing his massive arms and toned body wrapped in a sleeveless black body suit. His body shifted back a step placing his left leg back while his arms raised to point his long sword at his targets and keep his short blade close to block and parry any strikes that might be lethal. Just as he was about to move to attack a series of Ice shards came rocketing into the stone Ruins and smashed into various spots. The force of the blows killed two of the thugs on impact.

    Suddenly the room came to life as eight, no twenty two men flooded the room all surrounding Morning Star and keeping eyes on him. The military man frowned at his sudden misfortune with being surrounded. "MMmm My my. Maybe I should work with the Small fries first. Yes I believe that would be best." Morning Star mused to himself. His arms tensed up and a single strand of black hair fell down his face.

    Eight men wearing dark leather jackets stepped forward and extended their palms. Flames extended from their hands all aimed at Morning Star yet the man simply seemed to remain calm as a massive fire surrounded and slammed into him.The fire spread away after a moment yet Morning Star stood unharmed. "Gentlemen Please, when your're ready fire again. I quite enjoyed that attempt. Now.... Allow me." Morning Star twisted on his left heel and sprang out towards one of the eight men with swords and lunged his long blade into the mans chest. The blade went straight through bone and organs, coming out the other side while Morning Star's head slammed hard into the thugs. As the man stumbled back, gasping for air Morning Star withdrew his long blade, slashed the man's throat then hurled his short sword into the next fire users leg, hobbling him. In a blur of black and blue Morning Star was upon his injured target leaving the others in the area stunned at his speed and strength. "To slow son. Try again in the next life." Morning Star stuck his blade through the thugs eye, ripping through the skull while drawing his shorts sword and twisting around with the body. Once the body was up Morning Star kicked it off his blades, and sent the corpse tumbling into a blast of fire that would have roasted Morning Star alive.

    WC: 449


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
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    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Seryth Essora 9th June 2016, 5:46 pm

    There was something about this gentleman which made him different from those who were her usual type, an allure that drew her towards Morning Star. Yuki didn't know exactly what that was but knew it was something that was to be investigated at a later date. Perhaps Morning Star would be the one who she settled down with or perhaps all she was experiencing was a momentary crush. Yuki didn't have the time to examine the possibilities at the moment as she now focused upon the scene below as it was being depicted. The beautiful blue-haired woman watched scenes unfold from above as the assault pushed on towards the twenty two men who had flooded into the room with little hesitation to meet with Morning Star. Twenty-two would quickly turn to eighteen from Yuki's own onslaught but with Morning-Star that number would again dwindle down to only ten of them to remain. It semed as if this gentleman was a beast in melee combat but neither was Yuki to be taken lightly. Plummeting, she slammed into the apex of them all hard with an icy blade outstretched to slam hard into the terra underneath them. Ice and frost raised above to overwhelm them all aside from Yuki herself and Morning Star, slamming down and flash-freezing all within the vicinity. The remaining ten caught within would mostly fall to this icy reign of 20m area. Even so, there was no end in sight for these gangers it seemed, but in between attacks Yuki would deliver a flirty response in her dulcet tone just as her hand slapped against his butt. "We meet again, hot stuff."

    Black lines curved outwards in every which way as a series of lines enfolded into twin circles that stretched around the form of Yuki at the eaves of her feet - black taint awash around her entire body in streaks of pale hue. Around her right arm now, which lie outstretched to perpendicular of her body, black energy manifested into a pair of crimson lines which formed circles that now enmeshed the arm. Colour faded from the right arm as it became of alabaster hue, the nails turning into sharpened talons in an instant. Now, the black lines coalesced into runes crossing her arm as the crimson light formed a circle at the end of her arm's stretch. Moisture in the air pooled up around her, snowflakes blowing across as the ice formed into two large wings - both of pure ice. Meanwhile, the energy of itself pulsed as the blade was withdrawn from the space between the two rings. The blue blade is complemented by wavy lines across it's surface with an ornate hand-guard bearing a blue crystal and hilt. The pommel is set with another blue crystal and a series of beautiful feathers poking outwards.

    471 Words - 2421/2625 words



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    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by NPC 9th June 2016, 5:46 pm

    The member 'Yuki Chimei' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) NormalMonster Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) NormalMonster Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) WeakMonster
    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 100

    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Morning Star 9th June 2016, 6:43 pm

    Just as Morning Star had finished off his current group of foes and whipped his blade about to clear blood from the silvered weapons Yuki rocketed into the room with a blade of ice that froze everything in the room aside from the Two Wizards, even the apparent leaders of the group. Morning Star narrowed an eye at the woman as she slapped his rear and considered doing something back to her but refrained for the moment. Instead he simply placed his long sword back in it's scabbard and slipped his eye patch over. The tainted orb lit up a crimson red while he flipped his short sword to hold by the blade. His left arm lit up and he hurled the blade hard. It whipped about and crashed through all the frozen men until returning to his hand.

    In that time the woman cast a dark spell to create a wicked blade of ice. Morning Star placed his eye patch back and listened to the sound of more men drawing closer. "For an Ice Wizard you seem warm blooded. That's a good thing. Keeps the body looking well endowed. Now if you will follow me I can smell others. We should follow the trail and have some fun." Morning Star walked to one of the men he had killed and picked up the body only to sling it over his shoulder. Then he grasped Yuki's hand in one of his massive ones and proceeded up a small flight of stairs and down a hall where a group of men were running at the pair. Some carried brass knuckles while others carried pipes and chains. Morning Star released the woman's hand and dropped the body at his feet. "I'll take the attacks if you kill them. Just don't freeze the bodies as I'd like to eat them afterwords." Morning Star stepped over the body at his feet and extended his arms to touch the stone walls around him as three men slammed into him with brass knuckles doing no harm to the man. His dark voice seemingly echoed with anger while he spoke. "My wrath is about to explode. Run in fear!"

    WC: 365


    Jobs Completed: 3
    Jobs In Progress: 1

    Bank<> Magic<>Morning Star<>Theme
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Seryth Essora 15th June 2016, 12:07 pm

    "I wonder if you would consider becoming a companion of mine after this mission. I could use someone with your skill and well... your not bad to look at, hot stuff. You don't look bad either if you know what I mean. So, your name is Morning Star... I hope Morn is okay to call you." Yuki said with a seductive tone, batting her eyelids playfully towards Morning Star as he spoke of her and of the others who would likely be making their entrance to the others who she heard. Yuki took his hand, she was no dainty she-elf and so it wasn't so massive. She would follow him up the stairs, then to the hall where the others remained. She was quick an nimble, but even more-so acrobatic, running along the wall as she darted past the three men, brigning her sword up and then through the chest of the last lad of the group. Ice wings buried their tips through two others, tossing them into the wall behind. A chuckle filled the air as the nearest broke towards her, and using the wall would rebound before cleaving his head clean off.


    Morning Star
    Morning Star

    Lineage : Kuroryu: The Void Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 100

    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Morning Star 15th June 2016, 12:32 pm

    "My dear, you're beauty is something to be envied and lusted for. It would be an honor to accompany you on many more journeys but you must know. I crave power and sin. So long as you don't stand in the way of that we should get along just fine." Morning Star stated as the pair sprang into action.

    Morning Star absorbed blows and showed no sign of pain, is Slothful reaction slowing the pain to the point that he didn't even feel it, his organs reacted slow to the surge of stinging pain that ripped through him while Yuki made her move. Morning Star placed his hand to a man who's head had rolled from his body and absorbed the corpse, healing his wounds and cracking his knuckles. His natural dark power allowed for the Killer to restore his magic almost instantly but these fools didn't have the strength to take Morning Star on let alone his magic.

    Slowly he stalked towards a man who had been impaled with a wing of ice. His large hands wrapped around the man's neck and head, with a swift jerking motion he snapped the man's neck and killed him on the spot. He moved on to the next one and made the same motion. His single non covered eye blinked and glanced at Yuki with a glint to it. "I would wager that our targets are in the next room, behind those doors... There." Morning Star pointed down a hall and at a pair of large wooden doors, the doors seemed sturdy and unused as if someone had kept themselves barred on the inside.

    WC: 274
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
    Second Skill: n/a
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    Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private) Empty Re: Hunting Runes with Morning Star (Job/Private)

    Post by Seryth Essora 19th June 2016, 12:12 pm

    "I do not see why that would become a problem. I have no problem with that at all." spoke the blue-haired woman with a faint smile drawn upon her lips as she quickly stepped to the side of Morn as they waded through the bodies and upon the corridor which now lead into the hall where their destination was lead. Finally, the two came to the large wooden doors which was the only thing which now held back from their target. Yuki was ready and prepared, and gave an affirmed nod to Morn.


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