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    Draconic Thieves [job]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Paradise Control
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    Draconic Thieves [job] Empty Draconic Thieves [job]

    Post by Cielle 24th April 2016, 9:51 pm


    An unnamed tune flittered into the winds as the girl hummed a song as she sat waiting for her partner. She’d already met with the job fellow, the bandaged up man bemoaning the loss of the shipment and the injuries upon his crew by these unsavory bandits. Really the man had been pretty long-winded about it all to the point she’d intervened in order to get the pertinent details before the man went through the cycle of speech a third time. Shade may have held plenty of time to listen to him, but if he actually wanted this stuff back before they sold it off then they couldn’t afford to dawdle. Before the white haired mage left however he mentioned meeting someone else pretty soon and that she could wait for them, to which she’d offhandedly told him to describe her to this fellow as she’d be heading out. Time was of the essence! At least that was her excuse to avoid hearing the same spiel again.

    The ride from the sandy little town to this outcropping of rocks surrounded by dunes had been pleasant with the wind whipping through her free locks. It meant the sun above remained bearable though the girl felt slightly cooked by the time they landed a bit away from the rocks to avoid being spotted by the ruins beyond. Amarylis shifted from the white draconic form Shade’s predecessor gifted her back into the black fox-like one, the thick mane wavering as they braced against a strong wind. Both could smell the humans just barely as the scent carried over, the two making their way to the rocks more for shade as they bided their time.

    ’Well…at least we can watch a lovely sunset. I can’t recall the last time I saw the desert so fiery looking…’ When they headed out the sun had been inching its way cautiously towards the horizon, but by this point the bottom touched down to create a reddening of both the sky and the sands where the ember’s light lessened. ’Perhaps if they’re willing to wait we can simply sneak inside under the cover of night?’ It offered her time to consider swapping out jackets, her mostly white outfit not likely to help in going in undetected, only her leggings a charcoal black as the rest remained white with pastel hues. Resting amongst the rocks and hidden from the ruins she continued to wait for her partner with the large, black fox and a brown wolf-rabbit like stuffed animal with X’s for eyes.



    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Draconic Thieves [job] Empty Re: Draconic Thieves [job]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 1st May 2016, 8:41 am

    Draconic Thieves [job] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Draconic Thieves [job] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Draconic Thieves [job] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    " "
    Aemon found himself on his way to next job he had to take. He could feel how hot it was intense, the intense heat from the sun bearing down on him which wouldn't have been a problem at all if not for his all black outfit that he was wearing. His wardrobe consisted of his sleeveless black body armor with black pants with some belts and the like around the legs and the boots that were connected to the trousers. He was also wearing his red shroud and battle skirt that hung from his belt but these were covered by a white cloak and a matching turban like hat to help ward off the heat some. "A bunch of thieves hiding in a desert? Talk about cliché. " he would mutter to himself heading towards the meeting point where his partner on the job would be waiting for him. He was at first apprehensive about taking on a job that would require him to partner up with someone outside the guild but a sense of duty guided him to making his choice to go. After accepting the job he has sent word out to the guild of the person who had taken the job first and had been given word to meet his partner for the job several meters from where the thieves’ encampment at a rocky outcropping. "The fact that they knew of an outcropping even being with in the area must mean they have done some sort of reconnaissance prior to taking on the job." he said to himself as a burst of dry hot hair swept into him causing the cloak tails flapping in the wind.

    A majority of his trip was done during the daytime when the sun was at its highest point in the sky but now the sun had began to set and Aemon was just now reaching the meeting spot where he could see a figure resting among the rocks. It was when he got closer he was able to make out the details of the person. It was a female appearing not much older than himself wearing a white top skirt with black leggings. Another noticeable feature was her color of hair, it was white but unlike Aemon's it wasn't completely devoid of vibrance and when he was within the outcropping near the girl he noticed the stuffed animals she were holding onto. He could have come up with a smart remark for them in his mind but thought against it and would sit down leaning against a rock facing her and took a breath before speaking to her "It must be safe to assume that you are my partner on the job. I'm Aemon Trahaearn of Infinity Hydra, pleasure to meet you."

    template by Darkee


    Draconic Thieves [job] 14e642f

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Paradise Control
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    Draconic Thieves [job] Empty Re: Draconic Thieves [job]

    Post by Cielle 4th May 2016, 4:19 am

    As the man approached the black fox lifted her head up, mane wavering in a small breeze as she stared him down, observing the fellow. In contrast Shade regarded him much more lackadaisically, not particularly concerned since his getup didn’t match the people they’d been observing on and off until then. She found it rather entertaining that their targets proved a bit uniform, but ultimately compared to the two mages the people also dressed more commonly for the desert…well aside for the gentleman’s cape and turban. Rather relaxed the man took a seat across from her, answering their silent inquiry before introducing himself.

    A happy smile blossomed as she tilted her head, waving to him with one of Kumei’s plush clawed paws, ”Nice to meet you, I’m Shade of Black Rose, the foxy one here is Amarylis….and well I guess this bunny-fox-guy here in my hands is Kumei. I’ll save the introductions of the others for later perhaps, don’t wanna ruin the surprises after all!” She winked playfully, happy to have someone else to talk to for the time being. Amarylis’ head laid back down as the sun continued to dye the sky in darker pinks, purple slowly creeping overhead. ”Curious: would you prefer to sneak in before dusk fully settles in or are you the type to wait for complete night fall? At least now their eyes are busy adjusting to the constant changing light, but I ‘spose night cover’s always good for sneaking.”

    Snapping her fingers, a charcoal-black version of her jacket appeared, the girl holding it in her hands with Kumei hanging over the crook of her arm as she considered the garment, ”Hmm…would the black or white jacket be better? Black’s got the whole shadows thing going for it…but white also wouldn’t be as curious for them to see…” ’Hmm….Kumei would also be useful…but I suppose we’ll have to get inside before I can figure out who else will work out here…I mean if it’s too enclosed CM won’t be as fun…’



    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Draconic Thieves [job] Empty Re: Draconic Thieves [job]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 5th May 2016, 1:21 pm

    Draconic Thieves [job] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Draconic Thieves [job] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc




    " "
    Cool Down


    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Draconic Thieves [job] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    Before Aemon had taken the seat he made sure to note the cheery smile that was on her face upon his arrival and even was made to smile with her using her bunny fox plushie to wave at him. He could tell she was an innocent soul and knew right away that he was in good company with her. He listened to her as she returned a greeting in response to his own and even introduced herself as Shade from Black Rose, the latter he was already aware of due to the notice he had gotten from the guild when he was taking the job. She continued the introductions for the plushies that she had with her referring to the fox looking one as Amarylis and the bunny that she used to wave at him as Kumei. This action seemed strange for him, he had not had experience with stuffed animals nor had he ever seen anyone play with him so it was quite foreign for him to see and wasn’t quite sure on how to react exactly to this, even further she made mention that there were more to “meet” but she didn’t want to ruin any surprises and even followd up with a wink and a smile, so he followed his gut so to speak and rolled with it and lifted his hand up in the air signaling a greeting "hmmm okay..Hi..." he said with a puzzled tone of voice right but let a small bit of color to appear on his cheeks from the pretty girl’s actions but the color vanished as they began to get down to business with Shade asking him which he would prefer to do, go as dusk begins to set or if he would prefer waiting until the sun had fully set and it was totally nighttime. Aemon pondered this for a moment as removed the white cloak revealing his tight red shroud covering his arms from his shoulder down to his wrist and upper torso as well as his black body armor covered by the shroud complete with his black trousers that were fixed to his boots. He then removed the turban from his head revealing his colorless white hair that was slicked back. As soon as he was finished he would speak up and share his opinion on the matter, "Either would be acceptable but if we were to approach during dusk it might be a good idea to come in opposite from the sun set where it is darker." He would pause "however I am not sure how well fortified their camp is, have you noticed any sort of alarms to look out for or how many of them there are?" this is all information he would need to know if they were to continue.

    Another curious question popped up about a change in wardrobe for the girl having a black jacket appear in her hands and asking if it would be better to use over her white one. "If you want my opinion I would say stick with the white jacket, while the black would be typically used better for cover in the night time your outfit already comprises of mostly white and the black jacket would make the rest of the white stick out. Not to mention that the white looks much better on you." he would say making a complement towards her style. Aemon would then stand up in a crouched position holding out his hand materializing a matte black bow and would point it towards the ruins and pull back on the sting and hold it by the side of his cheek which would activate the bow’s innate ability to magnify his sight so he could see zoomed in. "There are at least ten men roaming around the area and there could be more… I don’t see any of the missing cargo so it’s safe to assume that they had hidden the goods somewhere within the ruins. It looks like we either have to go with the stealth approach or fight our way through. " He would relax his drawing arm so the string was at rest and held it at his side and looked at the girl who made her choice of clothing. "No matter the choice we should get into position east of the camp and proceed." He would pause and start to leave the outcropping leading the both of them to where they would begin their approach but along the way would ask her a question "So mind if I ask why you brought a pair of stuffed animals on a job? "
    template by Darkee

    Last edited by Aemon Trahaearn on 5th May 2016, 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Draconic Thieves [job] 14e642f

    Posts : 23954
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    Draconic Thieves [job] Empty Re: Draconic Thieves [job]

    Post by NPC 5th May 2016, 1:21 pm

    The member 'Aemon Trahaearn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Draconic Thieves [job] WeakMonster Draconic Thieves [job] NormalMonster Draconic Thieves [job] NormalMonster Draconic Thieves [job] NormalMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Paradise Control
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    Draconic Thieves [job] Empty Re: Draconic Thieves [job]

    Post by Cielle 8th May 2016, 3:10 am

    ”They’ve been milling about pretty regularly and it’s hard to tell too many differences between them from this far away…I’d caution towards a lot and go from there,” she supplied with a shrug. Unlike him with his bow apparently spying from a distance wasn’t really her shtick. Armed with basically a uniform there were very few discerning marks between them as well, usually stemming from one person having something and another not having it…but that existed amongst a couple of them as well. ”As for traps nothing easily noticeable, though they have some search lights or something they’ll likely turn on later at night since it’s at least a way’s away from any village or town so they won’t draw attention.”

    She’d go with his ruling on this, deciding to stick with her white jacket and letting the black one vanish back to the other realm. Once she stood up the white haired girl dusted herself off, keen to get some of the sand off whenever she could. The compliment didn’t go unnoticed, the girl beaming: obviously he knew what he was talking about since it was one of her favorite colors cause of its potential.

    Ten didn’t sound too bad, knowing there’d be more crawling about, but if they fought smaller groups rather than say an army all in one fell swoop then she figured they’d be fine. Following him, the summoner almost bumped into the tall fellow before giving him an exaggerated, confused look. For starters: why not bring a stuffed animal? Sharing a look with Amarylis who brought up the rear of the group, the black fox closer in size to a large wolf than the same stuffed critter in the crook of Shade’s arm, ”Only Kumei’s stuffed…it’d be impractical to bring a large stuffed animal along, but someone nice and compact like Kumei here makes a great travel companion! Well I won’t hold it against you: Amarylis’ mane and fur are unbelievably soft.”

    Lightly she pushed his lower back, urging the man to keep going with a spring in her step and smile on her face. Like he said they needed to get into place, and she supposed dusk would be better while their eyes continued to adjust, but they didn’t quite light up the ruins yet either to continue business into the night. The closer they came the better the detail and the more people she realized might actually be hiding in this place as a small surge of guys came out of one building, most hauling things and moved it into one of the larger ones, likely going down into it to drop off whatever into a more secure spot. Once they passed there remained at least ten fellows milling about. ”Quite an operation they’ve got going on here,” she murmured to her partner(s)-in-crime, ”I take it we’re gonna try n’ slip past some of them?” She doubted they could get passed all of them, though someone might notice a hole in the patrol at some point creating a few likely wouldn’t be remiss either. Less to deal with on the way out.



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