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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us


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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 17th March 2016, 5:33 pm

    job details:

    Thorn moved through the guild her mind set on one task the, only task she had really done for the past couple of days, she had sent one of her piller members into the catacombs but he had come out almost a broken man the sight had disturbed her no one had come out so injured before just as mentally broken be not physically. Thorn shock her head she had taken Raiza to the infirmary and had gone there every day to visit her guild mate she had become quite fond of the man, after all she convince him to join but then again Raiza hardly needed convincing to follow her here. Thorn palsied for a moment  before shaking her head making the thought leave her mind as quickly as it came intruding.  

    pushing open the door with her elegant hand thorn was never stopped going into the room and she sat in the chair she had situated next to Raiza waiting for him to wake she had done this every day so far she felt some what responsible on his state of body "hello Raiza, back again even though this has started to bore me you are here because of me sending you down there so I suppose I should at least stay here for now anyway but wake up soon sitting in this place is making me annoyed i need light and my kin. I have to say this about you though you very good looking whilst asleep!" thorn joked with her last sentence at least she thought she did laughing softly she thought how silly she felt talking to herself.

    Sitting in her seat Thorn fidgeted form side to side often her eyes where on the window, not really concentrating on Raiza, that led to the forest and thorn could not sit any longer "be right back!" she stated without thinking her hand squished Riaze's arm as she moved to the window and looked out day dreaming softly of being in the flow of nature with the grass soft beneath her feet and she sighed softly shaking her head lightly moving away from the window back to her chair "see not gone long but you need to wake up!" she whispered softly into his ear "i need you..... for a job!" she palzed for a long moment after the you trying to see if she would get a reaction.


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 18th March 2016, 5:59 am

    After his examination, Raiza was put into the infirmary due to all the physical damage. The mental damage would be repaired over time, but his physical wounds would take a bit longer due to the drain of his magical power. Though today was going to be his last day anyways. All his wounds had healed, and to boot, he had replenished a large portion of his mana, even more than he was used to having.

    If Raiza could hear any of Thorn's words complementing him while he slept it would of been a nice witty complement back. However with him asleep such words were missed. It wouldn't last long though. His arm was squeezed accidentally when Thorn had gotten up, causing Raiza to finally start to wake up.

    Then he heard it 'I need you', was he still dreaming? He wanted to react fast, but couldn't. Still trying to wake up, his eyes flickered open just about the time Thorn had said the words 'for a job'. So there went one hope, oh well. Not like Thorn knew about what happened inside of the catacombs right? Trying to dismiss that thought was near impossible, the more and more Raiza tried, it only became more apparent he couldn't. Though refusing to react towards it at this moment, just to not make it any small amount of awkwardness towards his pillar leader.

    His eyes would meet with Thorn's gaze, she looked pretty as ever...

    'wait damn it, stop thinking that'

    Trying to focus right now was a bit more of a chore than ever as he simply matched her gaze "A job huh, with you and a planned one, this sounds like a high class job Thorn. So does that mean I passed my examination? Either way, so who are we going to kill this time? Perhaps someone more interesting this time I hope"

    Thoughts still raced through his mind. It was true, he had his mind set on other things, only trying to focus on the task at hand, and the conversation. After all, his mind was still fuzzy from the mental stress that spirit had put him through. Not to mention, facing every fear he had, and to learn how much he actually valued his friendship with Thorn, and the crush may have developed over time.

    Then there was the talk of a job right after his examination. Sounds fun no doubt, but one thing he did worry about was last time, he barely stood a true chance, having to be forced back into his demonic state.... however that demonic form is long gone, his lineage was no longer masked, he possessed powers of a reaper, not a demon. It was strange after all, adepting to his secondary magical powers, and his gamer magic. He did notice on his H.U.D many things have changed, different access panels, showing his different spells, and his level was now B. So he did pass... it was a good motivation to know that truth.

    post: 2/40


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us YdfXSKP

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 19th March 2016, 5:46 am

    Thorn looked down at Raiza the look of relief filled her eyes and a soft smile formed on her lips people generally said she was the nicest member of savage skull not as mentally insane and in that single moment it would seem to be true. Remembering herself quickly she laughed lightly "passed? ow that yes you can continue with us and you should feel the power increase already even though the power is still not quite done!" she stated lightly she looked at Raiza and almost thought she could see something but it was gone in a second "it is good to see that the events of what happened down there did not damage you to much! so going to tell me what happened or are you going to keep it to yourself?" thorn asked softly crossing her legs she was dressed slightly different her usual attire of the dress had been replaced by simple black leggings and a corset top a jacked was slung over the chair and her hair was up in a pony tail.

    "we will not be fighting a who but a what and even that I have no idea i wonder what we !" she stated explaining the job details well the details she dose now "should be intresting to figure it out though!" she said softly leaning back she nodded to a package "I brought you some cloths i would of gone to your room but i have no idea if you have one in the guild, infect I dont now much about you that will change this time!" she declared looking to the door she nodded lightly "i will leave you to dressed after all if i was to see you naked you never now what would happen!" she stated winking playfully laughing to herself as she got up off her seat and moved to the door her hand laid on it as she looked behind her at Raiza "if there to small call and i will get the slaves to get you something else!" she stated shrugging her shoulders before pushing the door open and moved out of the room and waited in the hall for her comrade to ever call or exist wearing the clothing or even the torn stuff he still had on the spear chair.

    thorn stationed herself to the side of the door nodding to anyone that passed and waited for ten minutes before becoming bored and walking back into the infirmary looking at Raiza.


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 19th March 2016, 6:27 am

    "What happened? I uh.. well the exam was like normal I suppose? wasn't it? I was confronted by fears and uh, put through a mental hell. Hadn't been too prepared for the food and water while I wandered around uh...nothing uh" he was obviously thinking about Thorn at this point "uh personal or anything, just normal". Dismissing that thought was harder with Thorn still talking, and having brought him clothes, it was a nice gesture but his old ones would do nicely. While Raiza thought about it, he knew the clothes must have been hand picked by Thorn herself, and well that was fairly nice.

    Eventually Thorn did leave the room after the couple nods Raiza had given, trying to take everything in. His power did indeed change. New spells added onto his H.U.D, and some changed. Others made him concerned, while he began to grow curious of his general level of power. A few even sparked his interest somewhat. Though the flirting that Thorn had done prior made Raiza left with a bit of a sigh. Does she know? or is she just playing around like normal.

    Deciding to go with the clothes Thorn had picked out, they were indeed a good fit. Perhaps due to the comment she had made about things would happen if he was naked, or perhaps due to his crush he had on her. Either way, Raiza went against his normal choice of just wearing his old clothing. The robe she chose was a bit bigger, but still a nice fit. He could even get used to wearing these clothes, as the dark colors, and the blue were very nice with what he chose for good taste. Though still thinking about what Thorn said about the job...A what, not a who? This sounded interesting, and further more, Raiza's interest was sparked too. The fact that even the guild Ace, Thorn, did not know about something had actually made Raiza begin to analyze things at a heightened rate. His H.U.D even began to show a new spell called 'IN the Zone!' ready to activate. Though disregarding such an option just based on the fact he may need to use it later. A new spell, how did it function, how did anything he has function. The descriptions came to mind with every single thought, it made him smile on a few of them. While others left him rather depressed they were not stronger.

    Finally dressed and in front of the mirror, he had actually liked the change. It was pretty fitting in his eyes(Going from old face claim clothing to the clothes on my new face claim the Kiryu Kyosuke one) He looked a lot more dignified & evil, rather than some rag tag mercenary from before. Though it was not too long before Thorn had come back into the room.

    "Bored are we Thorn?", though the moment he said her name he looked away and damnned himself for saying her name instead of calling her m'lady or mistress. "Sorry Mistress, slip of the tongue, I mean not to disrespect by calling you by your name. Please forgive me"

    Still bitter about that slip of the tongue, half thinking to get on his knees to beg for mercy, but he knew better than that. A pillar member is best to show their wrong and not go down to their knees, as that in itself is just asking for torture...which actually didn't sound too bad if it came from Thorn.

    'Damn it, stop thinking like that' Raiza had sighed, looking out the window still. "M'lady, the clothes are a nice fit, thank you. You have my gratitude, but lets not dwell on fabric. You have a job for us, and this sounded urgent. Lets talk on the way there, especially if it is as urgent as I think it may be. I'm guessing it is a class of job higher than B-rank this time around?"

    post 4/40
    word: 638


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us YdfXSKP

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 19th March 2016, 11:47 am

    Thorn tilted her head Raiza was acting very strange indeed but she shock her head "if you dont want to tall me about what happened down there then say that rather than make up something!" Thorn hissed slightly annoyed she did not like being lied to, the way Raiza acted she immediately thought the way she had and with someone she thought of quit fondly was doing that exact thing she hatted it.

    Her eyes moved over Raiza she could not help but smile softly at his outfit he had chosen the cloths she had brought and this made her quite happy "Yes I was very bored but now it is more intresting and you look very good in that, very dark and evil!" she stated softly she almost surprised herself with her words they where more kind than intended when she herd him say her name it made her happy shacking her head softly "please no more just call me thorn, that is my name after all!" she stated lightly leaning against a piller waiting for him to finish looking into the mirror her eyes where on a flower potted in a window box 'his hansom' it whispered and thorn could do nothing but laugh 'yes he is but i am not his type he is far to formal with me' she replied in her mind the one way she new Raiza could not hear moving next to Raiza she toke his arm and pulled him along handing the job details over on paper just in case she had forgotten ant small detail that may be important she had forgot she had wrote on it 'Raiza' she looked over and almost tried snatching it back she reached out her hand then curled her hand into a fist and hung it at the side.

    taking him to the stables she had already got the servants to ready three horses one each and one for supplies so the horses did not become tiered to quickly. Quickly and elegantly she lifted herself onto the horse and settled into the seat as she waited for Raiza to get on his "riding will conserve our energy and give you more time to get use to the new power I for one am looking forward to seeing what you can do." she said softly waiting patiently until everything was sorted and set out riding like it was second nature to her.

    Word count - 408


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 19th March 2016, 12:17 pm

    Looking down, a bit ashamed he felt embarassed that he couldn't tell Thorn just yet. Why? Some dark evil mage, unafraid to kill any man, woman, child or otherwise identifiable target, he ha been able to kill without a second though if his guild ordered it. Now, standing before Lady Thorn, head of the pillar of screams. The insanity branch because they were known for being monstrously evil. The mad doctors, the evil witches, the derranged demons, the lunatics, and the crazy. The list went on, but one thing held truth. Thorn was on top of them all, and Raiza had been a proud member for nearly a year now. Why can he not be open enough on a simple as this issue?

    Nodding his head, he turned his gaze towards her with a casual smile. "my deepest apologies M'la---" stopping himself from saying m'lady, he continued by saying her name "Thorn". Exhaling a deep breath in the form of a sigh he looked away before a blush could come on. Why was this so hard! A damn ruthless killer should not be so flustered by the fact this woman near him, his leader, was such a well... cutie.

    By the time Thorn left the room, Raiza would be soon to follow, only Raiza would make a mistake by forgetting plants can talk to her. The plant he looked at, and smiled "Thorn, you look cute yourself you know...". Though with that comment, he would open the window to air the room out, before heading out, and closing the door behind him.

    Finally reaching the stables, Raiza seemed a bit better after having that brief moment to himself. "I'll try to call you by Thorn from now on. I'm just so used to being formal around our guild master, and back when Lord Harrigan was around." It was true, back then, he knew he'd be in trouble for being out of line, and the power Harrigan had, crushed him just with the aura alone. He was a man to be feared after all.

    Though enough of the past, Raiza looked at the horse he was to ride, and swiftly hopped onto it. Horseback was something he did a couple times, nothing too expert, but one job he had to do with another person. Magna? was his name? They had to ride heavy for practically an entire day to get to the job location.

    "Thorn, I'm sorry if I upset you. I'll be honest... that examination was brutal, and I'm still grasping everything I learned from it. Maybe some time I can share with you what happened."

    post: 6/40
    word: 436


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us YdfXSKP

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 19th March 2016, 1:06 pm

    thorn concentrated on the journey ahead she was keeping her eyes front not wanting to really look at Raiza. "you think i look cute?" she asked softly her eyebrow rose the mistake was that Raiza opened the window allowing the plant to tell any plant within the aria and she laughed softly "you forgot about the plant it is telling me i told you so funny enough it thought we where a couple it was quite funny to say the least!" she said lightly a smirk on her lips "I can not Imagen myself dating or involved that would give people something to target and it is a kink in the armer, i learnt not to get attached long ago when.... you now that dose not matter!" she almost spilled her secret about being well not normal even by the standards of savage skull.

    shaking her head thorn pressed her hills into the horse and edger it forward her hands gripped the rains her nails dug lightly into her pram that kept her carm and level headed "thank you to be honest being called mistress and m'lady makes me feel old, as long as you still refer to the guild master and anyone of power with authority you will be good just not me never me!" she stated making her pint blunt and to the point almost finishing that topic.

    "you have no need to apology's to me. you have your reasons for not telling me and i am shore when you feel able to i will lisson and may even be genrally intrested or just fake the intrest!" she said winking playfully at Raiza wanting to see if he was acting stange for a reason or it was just the exam.

    thorn decided she could not continue with the tension "Raiza, have i done something to make you unconformable or just not want to be around me for you seem different or is it just the exam?" she asked pulling her horse to a stand still they had rode till the sun was setting and thorn decided that it was time to make camp then she realized it and froze in place "THOSE IDEATES, the half wits at the guild only gave use one tent, i will do first watch that way it wont be to um to unconformable!" she stated she was looking in another direction from Raiza and felt the blush flow over her checks, the redness quickly disappeared thorn made shore it was gone before turning back around.

    word count - 423


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 19th March 2016, 10:33 pm

    The plants...how could he forget the plants... Plants can communicate flawlessly with Thorn, and it was one hell of a tactic too. Perfect spying, and recon ability. Though as much as Raiza wanted to blush, he felt the redness want to appear, he only could smile at this. 'how could I be so stupid to forget', thats what he was thinking right now. Trying to gather words to form even a sentence, one that sounded audible other than a blurt of words.

    "Tell you when we're done riding", his words stern enough to give him enough time, especially hearing that Thorn had learned to not get attached. Though it was a relief to know Thorn was openly okay with being called by her name, and not a title of power. This at least put Raiza's mind to ease that he'd not be punished for calling her by name. Plus it sounded better, and much more friendly to do such.

    Then Thorn's next words stuck him. It was sun down and Thorn had inquired if she did anything wrong to Raiza. A smile on his face and a shake of the head was his reply at first. Though more so, hearing about the one tent was also hilarious in his mind. "Thorn you really want to know? If you really want to know everything, then I will share with you, but the best way cannot be shared within the time frame we have. Although my powers have changed, and allowed me to access a new spell. Grab my hand, I'mma take you through the entire exam I went through. Don't speak till it is over, after all I'm still learning this spell, and it is a hard one to focus... grab my hand if you wish and you agree to go through this. Remember this will only take one real time second"

    A spell he had, called lets play a game, however the stronger form of it was 'Just enjoy the game!' where time was an illusion. If Thorn would to grab Raiza's hand, then she agrees to allow the spell access to her mind, allowing Raiza to use this spell to access his own memory, showing the entire examination to her in the smallest of details, every small hint of detail he had about the exam as well. Nothing was spared.

    The entire exam would unfold within only one real life second, while the two would be able to see the exam as if an entire week had gone by. This would be the best way to show Thorn what happened, and why Raiza was so different around her. He had been confronted by every fear, and more so, he had learned new things about himself.

    Once(and only if) Thorn did grab his hand, and the illusion had ended, the scenery would still be the same around them. Only a second had passed, not so much as a muscle twitch would have changed, except now he was staring into Thorn's eyes, with a blush he could not shake before it was over.



    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us YdfXSKP

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 20th March 2016, 1:42 pm

    Thorn shock her head and smiled softly "You should never forget my spies Raiza, they are everywhere after all!" she stated her hand glided over the floor moving grass away pitching the tent quickly she then place her hand on a tree 'I am sorry my friend but we need wood for a fire if you would be so kind!' she thought trying to be as kind as possible it seemed to nod in response and dry wood appeared seamlessly at her feet. Bending down she collected the wood up and toke it over setting some of it alight a tear ran down her cheeks "I am sorry brothers and sisters thank you for your sacrifice!" thorn had to close her mind to the plants around her the cries where like torture to thorn these where her weakness the plant life was her only family the burning of any of them even ones already disappearing was a grait strain on thorn.

    looking up at Raiza thorn wiped her eyes quickly making her face straight again and looking back to normal, she hated looking weak around people including anyone from her guild, standing to her feet thorn looked at his hand and shrugged her shoulders "as you are so shore!" thorn said moving her hand over to Raiza's taking it with a her own. A sigh of astonishment the catacombs unfolded before her like she was back at the guild it was so realistic the she sore Raiza in the cloths from yesterday the days past as she looked at the illusion she was confused as she watched but when she realised what happened in the exam. Snatching her hand away she stepped back slightly her eyes showed nothing about how she felt, but the exsitment built could she act cool?

    "Raiza....... what.... explain!" she stammered softly she looked at him in the eyes trying to make it anger that was there and nothing more she had no clue if it was working but she would not give anything away not until he said it out loud "you.... how did you show me that? I thought only my plants could do that!" she stated lightly meaning able to get into her head after all she had spent so long trying to become mentally strong against intruders, could she have let her gaurd down as she was with one of the few people she trusted.

    wc - 403


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 21st March 2016, 2:24 am

    At first it was just a simple sigh that escaped his lips after hearing the response from Thorn. "You remember my magic is that of a game, no? That was a spell called 'lets play a game', it allows us to normally play games in real time or, an altered time frame. Allowing entire game sprees to go on within a single second. However it has other uses, Its perfectly controlled by me, so therefore I can use it to hold a conversation or even do what I had just done. I showed you the catacombs, and my entire exam. Sorry if it is not what you wanted to see. Do not worry though. I cannot force the spell on anyone, they must be willing for it to happen. Any form of resistance and It'll never work."

    Trying to explain a spell he was able to use just after his examination was quite hard. After all a normal mage would have to develop the spells, but with him he learned them through game methods, which means he learned upon rank up. How to use was one thing, how to perfect was another. Which was apparent because Raiza couldn't show more than just his examination like he wanted.

    Turning away from Thorn knowing she must still be shaken from asking the plants for help. More so, he knew it was only worse by the sudden reliving of his examination. Something must be done to relieve the stress, and Raiza had just an idea. "Allow me to help Thorn. Spell active; Access player inventory"

    See, he wasn't limited to what kind of food that would be produced, but in fact he made apples, quite a bit of them. Enough to split between the two of them but that was not the purpose that this held. The spell activated and created apples, but what were inside apples? Seeds, and what did apple seeds become? Trees. They became kin, and life to Thorn. While Raiza could not create plant magic, he could still create life in this way.

    "Plants, I do not know if you understand me, but we offer new life in thanks. Please, raise these as your own". Knowing the ground was wet in some areas this made it easy for Raiza to drive his sword into the ground, twist and turn it to easily lift some dirt up. Thankfully this was a magical blade or he'd be trying to sharpen it after this ordeal came around. Though in each hole he made, he would put an entire apple down. More than one seed existed in each apple, and that was what he gambled on, for the best seed to grow in each hole.

    After three holes were made he still had mana left to create more food if Thorn so wished, however he knew personal provisions from the savage skull slaves already had been packed. "Thorn, were you satisfied with my examination? Did you get the explanation you wished for?" still blushing, Raiza kept trying to shake it but knew it would be of no use.

    word: 516


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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 21st March 2016, 3:58 pm

    thorns eyes almost glazed over her mind raced with the information about the exam she was confused about what happened he had never admitted not verbally who the spirit was talking about when it mentioned attraction but she was shore the person was in the guild. moving away from Raiza thorn sat near the fire curling her legs up and wrapping her arms around them as she tried to figure our reality and his illusion 'mental note dont take Raiza hand when offered' she thought to her self at that moment she could not help but smile at herself she was being so silly right now but curled like this thorn felt safe and secure.

    "the whole exam so nothing was missed nothing was changed?" she asked tilting her head lightly she had questions was he going to answer them? "who was the spirit talking about and why did you keep saying my name?" the questions flowed through her lips before she had even resided on weather it was a good idea to ask them or not.

    "you now what you dont have to answer that rather I dont need to now the answer it may be best that way!" she stated standing once more thorn moved to a tree and a root lifted her off the floor to the first branch and thorn started to climb higher and higher until all she could see was the tree tops she needed to get away from that situation, the answer, Did Raiza like her was her thinking right and could thorn return that affection to someone after last time she had thought she closed her heart but had she truly. Sighing softly she watched the last lightly fade over the horizon and soon sat in the dark her mind raced with thoughts but no answers came to mind.

    Shaking her head thorn finally made her way down but only went to the lowest branch stalking in the dark of the tree she watch Raiza wondering if he was speak to himself like he had in the exam and show what he was thinking. half the time thorn wished she could read peoples mind then reminded herself how crowded it was with plants and they where simple beings humans are complex and had so much on there mind having that as well as her own it would soon be unbearable. snapping back to reality wondering how she was going to complete this thin with this person would there feelings if any get in the way of the job.

    wc 427


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 21st March 2016, 4:50 pm

    Shaking his head, Raiza opening his mouth to speak I can tell by your reaction you're worried about me doing that illusion to you again. Don't worry, you have to agree to it. I have to explain or tell you I wish to activate that spell. I can never force it no matter how hard i can try. So try to get some rest, I can already see you're on the edge. However he knew that would only get so far, and one question laid unanswered. Yet Thorn knew the answer, but Raiza felt the need to reply anyways

    "Thorn, you asked so I will tell you. I wont lie when I say it was you. That is why you were the image that the illusion took. However I can already see this has made you uncomfortable so why dont you go to sleep. I'll take the first watch. Besides, night time is my strongest point, right now i'm at my best potential of power. " Raiza's blushed face and smile had long faded. He made things worse just by even doing that for Thorn. Why did he? It felt stupid to let this happen, and more so he knew he had just screwed up.

    Finally he himself took a seat near the fire keeping an eye out into the distance while mentally preparing a spell if any intruders were to come, yet he was also trying to focus. To him he just crossed the line anyways. 'maybe I should resort back to calling her mistress... keep it professional, stop showing stupid feelings... she obviously doesn't like me, and i only made it bad on her'

    His expression only showed deep focus, thinking of quite the number of things at once. Though he did in a few ways look a little depressed. Though one thing did come to mind now. A pillar transfer was always possible. He knew how destructive he could be, and taking up the pillar based on that was a great option. He was a B-class mage, and that pillar lacked a leader, someone like Raiza could request to take that spot, even if it meant he had to face the guild master or every pillar member to obtain that spot. He didn't even know if that was an option, but right now, at this point, he felt that might be the best choice. Besides, if all he was doing was making it hard on Thorn, he could easily remove himself from the picture. Of course easier said than done, but Raiza knew how "I'll make it easier on us both Thorn. Tomorrow, I will request a pillar transfer to the pillar of annihilation. You'll never need to be bothered with me again unless strictly guild matter. I do apologize for making it hard on you, and I will complete this job, don't worry I will ensure we succeed with the job."

    Satisfied with his reply Raiza clenched his fist, his eyes shifted to the fire, staring intensely into it and still yet felt bothered by such a reply as well. He knew if all he was doing was making it worse, then it was high time to take himself out of the picture. He was so intensely focused that he wanted night to speed up so he could just get the job over with and vanish.

    word: 560


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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 23rd March 2016, 6:01 am

    Thorn sighed nodding softly looking at the floor she could not look at him not at that moment, when he was so willing to leave her did he like her enough to stay or was he trying to save her feelings? thorn looked up and steped forward closing the gap between herself between herself and Raiza she place a hand on his shoulder blushing slightly she could not cower away from fear and Raiza was a bit unknown witch made thorn sigh softly "No! I not you would not force a illusion on me not without consent" she sated lightly smiling lightly a blush started to chow on her cheeks.

    "you have not made me uncomfortable and i dought i could sleep until I know what is going to happen! you are not going to move pilers you are to well suited for my pillar, and you will not avoid me that is far from what I want, just tell me how you feel about me is it more than just attraction?!" she asked softly she was inches from Raiza her eyes looked into his then flicked away with a bright blush on her cheek. She tilted her head as she looked over Raiza's shoulder her eyes looked confused as she fell on a odd distortion in the land, she looked back at Raiza and smiled instantly "I dont think ever us will be sleeping.... not the reason you think look at that!" she stated nodding to the distortion she sore

    walking around Raiza she tried getting a better look but decided on getting her pet and weapon before moving closer something about it drew her close a odd feeling that just made no seance at all. As she passed Raiza again Thorn moved her hand catching Raiza's as she passed deep blush showed as she held hit dragged Raiza over to the distortion wondering what the hell it was.

    Thorn looked at the distortion the other side was not the same at where they stood Thorn could see a world filled with light, and hear a humming sound from within beckoning her to enter. Stepping inside, there's a world where winged beings with human bodies fly about. "wow!" On entering a being notices them and immediately stops thorn and Raiza from moving any further into its home. The being appears to be female, wielding a staff with sharpened edges. "Who are you? how did you get here she asked she voice was intoxication not knowing either of you, but since you're not from she assumed you to be demonic invaders. "I am thorn this is Raiza well feel on your land from our own but were are we?" she asked no answer came the woman just made them move to a funny building.


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 23rd March 2016, 6:25 am

    Hearing Thorn's footsteps grow closer and closer to himself, he felt his words had meaning, and as bad at social interaction as he was, he did understand one thing, that he wasn't the only one feeling like this. His words to spare Thorn's feelings were not a threat, they were what a friend would do in a situation like this. However, seeing Thorn's response, it became all too clear that the situation was a lot different than Raiza had anticipated. Things like this were all too clear and he knew Thorn had some feelings to him as well. If she didn't, why stop him? Why just say fine, go ahead and leave the job right here and now?

    Instead Raiza saw the pink and red hues change on Thorn's cheeks. A blush from her? Now that was a rare sight, yet the same time, Raiza could feel a blush on his own cheeks begin to form as there were only inches apart already. Was this closeness on purpose, a plan on Thorn's part to see how Raiza would truly respond? The situation only complimented the question Thorn had asked him. Was this only attraction? Well sure, Thorn did look beautiful, but there was so much else that Raiza adored. The keen fact that she was a dark mage, and had to put up with all the hardships meant the two knew how each other felt. The few times they truly interacted also showed they both had inately cared for the other in some shape or form.

    Then it hit him, the perfect, or at least perfect in his own mind, the perfect response to the question was not words but rather an action. Would Raiza dare to cross that line, a line that if it was willed upon he could be executed here on the spot for such a thing? Knowing full well how Thorn outclassed him in superiority he knew such a thing could end up killing him. A drop of sweat ran down from his face and down his cheek. Slowly dripping from his face as he dared himself to do this. Raiza listened to Thorn's next words about not getting any sleep, and telling him to look at something.

    "But first... my answer is this", he spoke in a soft tone, pushing forward and letting his body naturally react. The warmth of the two bodies only made him feel a rush of emotions before his lips would press against Thorn's own. Not daring to keep them locked but a soft collision before releasing with a smile "Understand now?" he whispered, turning to look at what Thorn was asking him to look at.

    The strange sight was white and yellow like a ripple in space. At first it was odd, they were addressed and Thorn did all the talking, Raiza only followed, keeping his eyes on the place, trying to figure out exactly where they were. No indication was able to be told immediately, but he did not innately care for the place, as if the evil inside of him hated the place.

    word: 515


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    Post by Thorn 23rd March 2016, 7:00 am

    Thorn could feel the rush of blood go straight to her cheek the sudden connection of there lips her face bright red she could feel the heat go from her cheeks shocked her and thorn even brought her hand up to sap Raiza but thorn remembered herself and just placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him back "cant wait to do that again!" she whispered laughing softly.

    Her hand tightened around Raiza's all she wanted to do is kill every being in this place thorn new if she felt this way she knew Raiza would feel that want for blood even more than she did. thorn could swallowed that need she new right now was not the time for murder "you are demons, if not you will prove that fact in the dome someone will get you when it is time!" the woman sounded like she cared if they would die or not "I told you my name what is yours? and prove how?" thorn asked her hand never left Raiza's she wanted to stay alive and she fared if Raiza felt as she did he would not control it like she did "The names Ananchel, and you will have to wait for that!" the woman stated lightly.

    Thorn smiled softly she had read about angles "Angel of Grace, Ananchel means "grace of God", and she is here to offer us the experience of an open heart allowing the love of God to pour in. She awaits to bathe us in a state of ecstasy, when every cell in our body sings praises to God and every thought is turned Homeward in thanksgiving. Ananchel provides the state of grace which allows the angels to fill us with love, inspiration, wisdom and rapture. Ananchel assisted the Archangel Gabriel when Mary was visited and provided with the remembrance of her mission by surrounding Mary with a state of grace. not as graceful as I thought you would be!" she stated lightly tilting her head at the being as she closed the door.  Thorn turned to Raiza and smiled "well this shore will be intresting, so that kiss!" she said lightly she laughed lightly leaning against a wall a coy smile on her lips "how long you been holding that from me?" thorn asked she could not help but smile it was a rear sight to see her so happy expeshally locked up but being here with Raiza thorn seemed to forget about the restriction laided out before her.


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 23rd March 2016, 7:19 am

    At first this sounded like a typical fairy tale, the place was heaven? Then what they were encountering was supposed to be some sort of 'realm' of angels? Bah!, as if! Raiza's thirst to destroy these things only grew bigger. They existed, and that meant they could aid the side of good. If that happened, the legal guilds would turn on the dark guilds with much more force than anticipated. So was this some secret weapon? To throw numerous evil mages into this realm to be killed by the angels? While it was an effective and interesting thought, Raiza had to conclude it was not one he wanted to act rash on.

    Especially with Thorn here. He had been kissed back, rather than killed. It was a definate relief, and any form of worry was gone. He knew the fact that since Thorn had kept such a calm and cool composer right after the kiss, and then talking to the angels? It did mean she was the more mentally prepared for this situation. OR was Raiza just overthinking almost... everything again, and like normal?

    How long had he been holding that kiss from her? Hard to say really, he felt affection for a long time, and it had grown to a large degree when he took his examination. "Too long Thorn... too long" he spoke softly, trying to get a grip on the situation before what seemed like an eternity had started to pass. His body was not rejecting this realm, as his lineage was that of which reaped the angels and demons alike with no bias for good or evil. His demonic like eyes only made the angelic guards be uneasy as he stared at Thorn with a smile, trying to comprehend the situation.

    "I don't like the way these 'angel-things' look at us Thorn, it is almost as if they hate our existence. If they hate us so much, why do they open a rift into our world for us to find. It was so counter-productive that I feel they better be bringing us home and soon." The attitude Raiza had against the angels was met with equal hate as one of the guards glared hard at him for calling them a 'thing', and suggesting it was their fault entirely. The tightening of the spear a guard had only began to show exactly how much hate boiled from the angel and the desire to get rid of Raiza for his words.

    word: 412


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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 23rd March 2016, 7:58 am

    Thorn shock her head stepping close to Raiza her hand laid gently on his cheek "Please be carm my love...." she said thorn could not beleave she just said that but did not regret it, palsing in slight shock 'wait what?' she thought. "we will prove we are not what they think but there will be a slight twist!" she stated lightly kissing him once more on the lips "you wont have to wait again for a kiss unless you did not like it as much as i did!" she stated softly winking playfully moving her lips near Raiza's ears "when the time comes we will show these things you do not need to be a demon to be as evil as them but lets make them think we are good first let them get there guard down then you and me can have some fun!" she whispered her hand had slipped from Raiza's cheek to his chest er fingers laid there and she smiled softly.

    Thorn bit her lip softly looking into Raiza's eyes once more she wondered what he was thinking after her comment she stayed like that for a good while she even managed to lose track of time her soft smile flowed over her lips she had found someone in the world and she liked that thought one person to shear it with the plants when everyone was dead.

    Thorn looked at the guard forcing herself to tear her eyes from Raiza witch was quite difficult in itself "I hope this thing happens soon or i will get far to bored and want to leave!" she stated lightly the men turned opened the door and with out a word grabbed thorns arm "ouch" she said through gritted teeth thorn almost hissed at the men.

    Dragging her away two more went in and grabbed Raiza taking them to a dome like building the where placed in what looked like a fighting arina looking up Thorn sore sets filled and Raiza was thrown in next to her "what ever it is dont kill just make un-contuse!" she said softly then the doors opened a Angelic Warrior walked through Wielding a single sword, thorn was confused she sensed no magic "can you sense magic?" she asked Raiza not able to look away form there opponent.

    Gripping her staff hard she had no clue if she used her magic would that make these people decide she was a demon? not knowing what the task was exactly annoyed thorn graitly.

    Last edited by Thorn on 23rd March 2016, 8:14 am; edited 1 time in total


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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by NPC 23rd March 2016, 7:58 am

    The member 'Thorn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 23rd March 2016, 8:29 am

    The air reaked of holy magic, one thing Raiza disliked was both holy and unholy magic, it dictated magic in itself was aligned with either good or evil. Magic was a tool, a piece of the game. He knew from the moment Thorn was yanked away, and he was grabbed right away as well his blood began to boil in a metaphorical sense, he was royally pissed. The garm could be summoned right now by both of them to decimate this place, but at the same time Raiza only grew more and more annoyed.

    Soon they were thrown into an arena, both hitting the ground pretty hard yet at the same time Raiza looked at the crowd of angelic beings. distasteful he thought looking forward and seeing what appeared as their first line of a warrior. However it was only one warrior. "You're asking me to not kill when they're the ones branding a sword before us? Fine, I'll let them live." Getting up to a standing position, staring at his opponent as what sounded like an arena master called for the beginning of a fight.

    "As for magic, yeah I can sense it all over this place. They're magical beings just like us, but angelic. No doubt this could spell disaster if we let our guard down. You're right in us not using magic right now but for the wrong reason. Demons and angels both use magic, they will no doubt see our magic as nuetral, being from the mortal realm, however I do suggest that we in fact use magic when we only absolutely have to. For now, keep it on the down low because I think they're just trying to figure out how we fight" Keeping his voice low so only Thorn could hear him.

    Already stepping forward, his gun sword drawn but refusing to use it as a gun, Raiza tilted his sword forward towards the angel that now stood before them both. "Angel, as an honorable fighter, I'll commit to a death match if you do the same. If you do not agree, then let us leave here now!" Words were shouted not to just his opponent, but to the entire stadium arena

    "This fight is to the death demon, you may stand there and die, or fight and try to survive." Though the angel from above had replied to Raiza, it only caused tension. The angel standing in front of Raiza would brandish a new stance, preparing to assault both Raiza and Thorn.

    word: 419


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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 23rd March 2016, 1:29 pm

    Thorn breathed heavy the smell from them was very sweet overly sweet. Thorn sighed she looked at her staff and shock her head the thing is she had never fought without magic before the closest she had learned was fighting with her staff and her hand to hand combat was non-existent so the fight that lay ahead of them would be an intresting one. Nodding lightly "they stink of goodness and it makes me queasy!" she stated only loud enough for Raiza to hear. thinking of the disturbing creatures known as the garm made thorn smile they to her where very cute and cuddly but she was a savage skull member after all so they would never harm her that helped the cuddly side of the creatures.

    Thorn smirked lightly swinging her staff around moving her staff from hand to hand several times. Thorn found the balance the staff her hands finding the best place to hold the staff, becoming fermillier with her weapon once again, when against a sword it seemed this was pointless but this staff was not a normal weapon and it had metal around it making it stronger than any normal staff that would be the angles mistack to think thorn was a defenceless as she looked. Thorn knew she could not kill this thing with one hit but she was not going to let Raiza fight alown.

    Looking at them both the angle smirked at thorn and cam at her his weapon at the ready striking at her chest, Thorn brought her staff up and it collided, a large crashing sound filled the arina mettle hitting mettle nothing like it, with the weapon as she steped to one side thorn turned as if she was dancing as always thorn looked elegant in the movement and in complete control of her movements for when the angle turned bringing his sword around swipping at her arm Thorn brought her staff up just in time to block it another crash filled the arina. Thorn grunted lightly and she slid back a few inches as the angel pushed into her trying to disable her trying to find a weak spot in her defence. Thorn smirked softly and shock her head "two against one or have you forgot me fr... My man?" thorn said lightly changing her mind mid sentence hoping she had done enough to be a distraction for Raiza.


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Raiza 23rd March 2016, 2:17 pm

    A light chuckle came from Raiza watching Thorn almost play with her weapon of choice, obviously the way she had handled the staff now indicated some rust as if she had not used it in awhile. While it concerned Raiza to a small degree, this concern was completely erased as he fiddled with a ring on his finger. 'Thorn, may you be ever lucky to recieve this from me. You're the only one to ever know what it feels to feel no pain ever'

    It was magic after all, a link to Thorn's life force was directly tied to Raiza's as he stood there watching the Angel charge in while Thorn played around with the staff. A Sword trying to cut Thorn? hardly... the attack would bounce off her body and instead cut into Raiza's skin. If.... that was even a problem. Raiza knew all too well his ward necklace would not save him, however his reaper's cloak would, and he wore the savage cloth garb, a garb that actually made him actually seem a lot weaker to enemies than he really was. To the angels, he no doubt felt as weak as a D-class... no even weaker than that. However to Thorn, he knew the full extent of his killer aura and B-class mage abilities were able to shine.

    The first clash of weapons was enough for Raiza to step forward, the second was enough for him to smile when Thorn had called out to him as her man. True these angels had a lot of potential, but you may be a bad ass, but a bullet through the brain will still kill you. Time to see if the immortal angels really were immortal.

    IT was as simple as raising his sword forward, and tilting it. He could unload seven bullets right now if he wanted, but instead, Raiza activated an that the angels would never 'see'. In truth, he followed the advice Thorn gave of no magic, but at the same time, he was using a form of it.

    His steps were near instant as if he was always in a full sprint. His speed was quick, showing he could reach full sprint with every action he took. Quickly closing in on the angel was no hard task when he required no warm up to move at full pace, and redistribute the momentum to simple side steps, preventing his movements from being easily analyzed. In truth, Raiza was purposely showing this skill to provoke the angels into showing their main arena boss early just so both he and Thorn could end it faster.

    It was a rather fast first round end anyways as Raiza blew past Thorn, a smile and wink was given Thorn's way as Raiza's blade went through the neck of the Angel, removing her head from her shoulders. The angel unable to dodge something so sudden, or block in fear that Thorn's staff would ultimately crush her head in.

    word: 494
    Hp: 300
    Temp HP:150
    All items here are worn.
    activating painful endurance, and taking 100% of all damage Thorn recieves.


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us YdfXSKP

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by NPC 23rd March 2016, 2:40 pm

    The member 'Thorn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Boss We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us WeakMonster

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 23rd March 2016, 2:42 pm

    re role as boss apeared saving that for round 6


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by NPC 23rd March 2016, 2:42 pm

    The member 'Thorn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us WeakMonster

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us Empty Re: We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us

    Post by Thorn 23rd March 2016, 3:30 pm

    thorn laughed softly as Raiza finished their apponant in a quick motion thorn managed to step back as raiza came in for the kill she had done this so she had space to monover it somehow the angle had managed to dodge the attack. It seemed however thorns movements had been erelivent shaking her head she looked at Raiza with a coy smile on her lips "A wink really? as you kill someone, nice job!" she stated lightly she did not mind the wink at that moment in time at all infact thorn found it quite thrilling in fact.

    Looking down at the angle thorns smile slipped into a snarl like thing on her lips she dis liked this place and it people so not being able to kill him herself was disappointing but she was hiding her magical ability and with just her staff thorn could not kill not easerly. The angle was defiantly dead and the crowd half booed half clapped at the end resolt of the fight, it must not of been entertaining enough for them and obviously this person was not the main attraction. Bending forward down towards the angle thorn looked closely the kill had been quick and prosise the cut was one made by a professional and thorn could not help but admire Raiza's work. "we are no angles but that dose not mean we are not evil!" she whispered softly to the body "Amen! this word rang out of thorns lips loud enough for the crowd and they all corased 'amen' in reply, the angles assumed thorn had said the last prey so the spirit of the angle could live on somewhere else in peace.

    Thorn laughed at her self softly but was slightly shocked when as chears erupted around her the arina a lightly with atmasfear once more, then she spotted them four angles in the hands they have poop covered shovels thorns nose curled up slightly not wanting to sniff the air she wondered if they had used them recently "babe you want to take them four on I just cant they have poop shovels just no, no, no!" thorn stated she did not mind poop but she hated to get it on her clothing that was the main problem "so is this a fight to the death too?" she asked the men that had entered they simply nodded not saying a single word to her or Raiza.


    We are not demons but that dose not mean you should not fear us S6Eaz9K

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