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    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]


    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 7:39 pm

    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Tumblr12
    When a few more minutes had passed, Kanix decided that it was best to get a move on with her job once more. The longer she procrastinated, the longer it would take for her to get the job done on timely manner. As far as she was aware, the guardsmen and duke would want her to catch this bandit as quickly as she could. So, to procrastinate any longer would give her a bad reputation, and she did not want Famine to find out about that. Standing to her feet, the mage would grab her staff, leave the bag on the table, and head out the bakery's door. She exited the place as quietly as she had entered, this time leaving only the bag as evidence that she had been there. Not that anyone would have known that she, herself, had left that cookie bag there on that table in the bakery.

    However, it was the pounding of footsteps that drew her attention to another direction, mostly to listen to them. She was curious to know what or who they belonged to, but also did not want to get closer in fear it was an enemy. The last thing she needed was another encounter with someone that she didn't necessarily want to handle at the time. No, what she really wanted to do, seeing as she was getting bored, was to go home and find something better to do. Yet, she stayed where she was, carefully studying the direction the sound was coming from, and waited.

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    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by NPC 24th January 2016, 7:39 pm

    The member 'Kanix Laspor' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 NormalMonster

    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 7:56 pm

    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Tumblr12
    A swarm of hornets were heading this way, chasing people down the walkway, who were screaming in terror. Kanix merely stood there, slightly amused by how they were running, but also not wanting to be attacked, herself. She grimaced and turned back to the swarm of hornets, waiting until they were close enough to her to start attacking. The mage tapped her staff against the ground and called upon one of the spirits, she was friends with, for help. Her blind eyes swirled with a white light and the emerald on her staff light up with the same glow as well. Then she swept the staff in front of her, casting the spell on the swarm of hornets, who froze in place afterward. Their tiny arms gripped their heads as they swirled around in a mass, trying to decipher reality from illusion.

    After a while, the hornets began to drop like flies, one by one, until they were all crumpled on the ground. Most of them were dead, others were paralyzed and dying, she could have cared less about nuisance of insects. She would turn on her way at this point and head on down the streets, wandering aimlessly like she had recently been doing. As if she would encounter the castle killer anytime soon, the doubt was starting to arise in her head already. Besides, what would she do when she finally did encounter that thing that was running rampant? Freeze in terror or fight it like an actual dark mage?

    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 8:24 pm

    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Tumblr12
    Kanix yawned out of boredom and swung her staff forward, not caring if it happened to hit anyone in her way. Speak of the devil, and someone was screaming at her about how she should watch what she was doing with that dumb stick. She merely shrugged at them and continued on her way, the smile still plastered silly to her face for now. Nothing better to do than wander the streets, as she had long since given up on actually looking for the one who she was after. If it wanted to make an appearance, then by all means, she would encounter it at the time it decided to appear. The Basilisk Fang mage hummed a little she walked, twirling her staff slightly in her hand and enjoying the stroll. People passed by her, eyed her, but nothing more than that happened, and she was clearly covered in blood.

    Funny how no one had asked her what all of that was on her coat, as if they just assumed it was part of the design. Then again, that was probably for the best of them, as knowing that a dark mage was around probably wasn't good. Kanix hummed a little more and even put a jump to her step, though it wasn't long before that skip ended abruptly. There was something in the air again; she wasn't sure what it was, couldn't explain precisely, but it was there. She stood in place and spun on her heels to check every direction, for she felt that something was following her. Not that she could guess, but scenarios ran through her head, ones that she didn't necessarily like looking at.

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    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by NPC 24th January 2016, 8:24 pm

    The member 'Kanix Laspor' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 WeakMonster

    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 8:34 pm

    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Tumblr12
    Kanix was tackled to the ground as someone came running by, grabbed her around the waist, and took her down. She let out a scream of terror, as she did not see that outcome as a possibility, meaning that they had changed the future on her. Now, she wasn't all that certain of what was happening, and she struggled against the weight that was on top of her. Her staff was tossed aside, thrown away from her after the impact of landing on the ground like something tossed away. With what little strength she had, the mage would try to push herself over, either rolling on top of the person or escaping. However, neither of that happened, as the one above her was far too heavy for her to even budge or push away. The woman let out a huff of air, but was taken back when the person maneuvered her, so that she was now on her back.

    Her body was straddled between the person's legs, and the next thing she knew, a bottle top was being popped open. This would be the second time that someone was going to try and poison her, and now she was unable to do anything. Kanix was left utterly defenseless, and with her staff thrown to the side, she didn't know where it could be. She had heard it fall, but she didn't know how close it could be or if it was even possible for her to make a move toward it. The next thing she knew, she could feel liquid being poured onto her face, and her mouth being forced open again. She wanted to scream for help, but she couldn't.

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    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by NPC 24th January 2016, 8:34 pm

    The member 'Kanix Laspor' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Block

    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 8:44 pm

    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Tumblr12
    Suddenly, the woman felt the weight lifted off her body and she sat up, confused as to what had happened just now. She wiped away the liquid that had been poured on her face, likely poison, but she didn't know why they were trying to poison her. Perhaps they had a vendetta against her, but once again, Kanix wouldn't know why they would even have one. After all, she hardly knew anyone around here or anywhere in the world for that matter, so that's why she didn't understand. Kanix grappled for her staff, and when her hands wrapped around it, she lifted herself back to her feet. Quickly, she dusted herself off, and wandered away, too embarrassed about that incident than to deal with it. The mage grumbled a few things under her breath and tried fixing her posture and attitude, but nothing worked for it.

    Things were just getting worse for her, she just wanted all of this to end and and it was starting to drag on. Why wouldn't the killer appear for her? What did the killer even look like? Why had she taken on this job when she knew nothing. Maybe she was mad at herself, maybe she wasn't, everything was starting to become confusing for her and messing her up. Kanix looked around, listened, but nothing gave away a single hint as to if the killer was even in this vicinity. Who knew, maybe it had run off to someplace else, some place that it wouldn't be as much of a nuisance for her.

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    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by NPC 24th January 2016, 8:44 pm

    The member 'Kanix Laspor' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 NormalMonster

    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 9:08 pm

    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Tumblr12
    The familiar buzzing sound entered her ears for a third time that day, in which it was starting to annoy her more than anything else. A frown spilled across her lips and she turned on her way, rushing down the sidewalk without hesitating to look back. There was no way that she was going to stick around when there was a possible chance of being met with hornets again. She had a enough of those today, and to hear that they were there again, why that pissed her off to the utmost annoyed. Kanix wasn't sure if her spell kept failing and they weren't dying or if they were just literal nests being dropped right and left. All those possible outcomes rushing her mind, she wasn't sure which possibility she wanted to make come true. Even so, as she was running, they were constantly changing, which was giving her a headache alongside being annoyed.

    She weaved through the crowd of people until she came to a door of a building and entered it, shutting it behind her. Kanix didn't know where the wasps were or if they were going to follow her after she ran away, but hopefully, they would be gone. With a heavy sigh, she pressed against the closed door and slid to the floor, but as she did so, a low growl emitted through the air. The mage went rigid, her body stiffening at the sound, and she listened as the growling and thumping of steps came closer. Snatching up her staff, she quickly tapped it on the ground, letting the gem glow and her sightless eyes light up. Again, imaged clouded her mind as she worked her way into summoning an elemental creature for protection. As the beast got closer, the creature at her side would growl threateningly before launching itself at whatever was coming toward her.

    It nipped and clawed at the beast, which distracted it momentarily, but the creature only whacked her guardian away. That didn't stop it from launching itself back at her attacker though, this time latching onto one of its fat legs. Her fire elemental wolf would crunch on the leg until it made a large gash on the creature, then back off as it tried to attack. The creature would dodge and run around the beast, until finally it made another attack on the monster by slashing. Then it would shift a part of its body into a shield, making sure that Kanix was kept behind it at all times. While the monster was busy attacking her elemental, Kanix would stand back to her feet and prepare herself for the onslaught.

    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 9:18 pm

    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Tumblr12
    The mage hummed a few more words, tapped her staff on the ground, and summoned a large fist to hover over the monster. Her elemental creature bit into the monster a few more times, precisely several more attacks before it took too much damage. Afterward, the element dissipated, and the fist came slamming down on the monster, knocking it senseless. It was long before it had regained consciousness and started advancing toward Kanix, but Kanix was already pinned to the wall. As it got closer, she was starting to realize that she was running out things that she could to do to protect herself. So, she maneuvered forward and swung her staff at the monster, cracking it against the knee cap and breaking the skin. The beast let out a yelp at Kanix, and swung it heavy hand toward her, catching her in the chest and knocking her backward.

    Without hesitating, she would charge at the monster again and whack it with her staff on the ribcage to the best of her ability. Then she would slip around it and shove her staff into the back of its knee, making it topple over to the side. As she dodged the attack it tried making toward her, the woman would thwack the creature on head with her staff. Afterward, she would smack it again, and for a fifth time or so before he would stand down and tap her weapon against the ground. In which, Kanix would summon a door to hell, the wooden structure rising up from the ground just a few feet from them.

    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 9:31 pm

    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Tumblr12
    A demon came rampaging out of the door, and swirled around the beast, locking it place, so that it was unable to move. While it was busy being distracted by this demon, it sucked in a deep breath and blasted a water stream from its mouth. Kanix didn't understand what was happening, but quickly backed out of the way, so that she wouldn't get hit by it. However, her spell had quickly subsided, though it was able to deal a few bits of damage to beast before it did. The woman, on the other hand, hid somewhere safe until she gained the courage and smashed her staff into its head again. She wasn't about to let this beast win, and so she bashed her weapon into its head a few more times before it fell to the ground. Heaving a sigh of relief, the mage took a step back and swung her staff down toward its head again, hoping that it would kill it.

    Whether the attack missed or not, Kanix would then grab the beast by its smashed head and begin dragging it out of the building. This was her only proof that she had caught the killer of the castle, and she was quite proud of her feat. However, since the beast was so massive, it was almost near impossible for her to even drag it out of the building. Let alone, she wouldn't have known how to get it anywhere if it was merely unconscious, and for how long, she didn't know. She was almost tempted to just leave the creature there, just go on her way and tell them that she had caught it.

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    In Progress Re: wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor]

    Post by NPC 24th January 2016, 9:31 pm

    The member 'Kanix Laspor' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    wanted! Castle Killer! [Kanix Laspor] - Page 2 Attack

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