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    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid]

    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Lineage : Clockwork Soul
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    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] Empty Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid]

    Post by Mark Baxter 17th January 2016, 8:54 pm

    Brennan was strolling around Rose Garden, chills running through his spine. He did not want to be here, but he needed to come here, just to remind himself of what his father was capable of. Flames flickered around the metal-clad gloves on his hands, as much as Brennan hated to admit it, he would always be on alert here, no matter how much time passed since his father assaulted him. A rat scuttled past Brennan, and the flames on his hands instinctively flared up, and he almost shot a flame at the rat, before realizing that there were a lot of people around. Brennan did not know why, but the teen always thought that someone would attack him at Rose Garden. "Let's calm down now Brennan..." He mumbled to himself, putting out the flame on one of his gloves and adjusting his tie. Another rat scuttled by, and the flames ignited again, "Dammit Brennan... He told himself. Stop being so paranoid, you idiot..." He kicked the floor, and grimaced. "Wait... why are you even talking to yourself? Baka..." He shook his head, I really need to stop talking to myself... Brennan sighed, and kept walking, lightly shoving people out of his way. He wasn't really going anywhere, just... roaming. Brennan really hoped he wouldn't be attacked here, if he was, his trauma would only grow. But that didn't mean he wasn't ready to fight, if anyone attacked him, they would pay for it, and they would pay for it very dearly, after all, Brennan was already prepping his Absorb Stance.


    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] 1zya1cx
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
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    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] Empty Re: Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid]

    Post by That Adopted Kid 17th January 2016, 9:51 pm

    The rose garden, a very fitting place for Sharp to walk within during this instance within her time in this plain. She wasn't on any kind of mission for Chaoris not, this time, it was just her exploring a part of the world in between her life of servitude. The massive amounts of people and the various flowers scattered about the area gave a misty glow within the atmosphere. The red, white, and hybrid flowers blending onto the mist within the air creating a hue within the fog that made the area all the more beautiful. Sharp couldn't appreciate it to her maximum extent, though unlike before she could, at least, feel something, it was calming being here, the people all wandering about their business, and Sharp within her own little world of peace. Shattered within an instant, Sharp felt it, an awakening of magic within the area, it was a flame or a spark, it didn't matter which, it was then that she saw something, it felt familiar yet different, it was odd, but she was somehow drawn to him, maybe it was just her overreacting or reading the atmosphere incorrectly, but she felt the need to try and preach right now, maybe it was still some of the leftover anger that she had felt from that shade? No impossible she purged such feelings, this was a sign to give prophecy to someone else right here and right now, probably by Chaoris's wisdom.


    Sharp boomed out and pointed towards Brennan, much of the crowd turning to look out of confusion, annoyance, or fear.

    "You who shows potential but lack focus, draw your blade, and let me show you my benediction within this area, and let all who are here be witness to the true lord of this world, the blood god."

    Drawing her blade, crimson, Sharp let the energy fan out of it, making the red hue particularly strong around her and now causing some panic at the drawing of a weapon.

    "Come and show me, if you are just a foolish child or an actual warrior!"

    Lifting up her left arm, Sharp pointed her weapon, Zeal towards the one who faced her down possibly now and fired off a single round towards them, as a starting "test" to this potential fight.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 110%/110%

    abilities that are always active/items that are on Sharp or in use:


    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Clockwork Soul
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    Posts : 1043
    Guild : Black Sails
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    Experience : 9,213.19

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cephalon Impulse
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    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] Empty Re: Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid]

    Post by Mark Baxter 17th January 2016, 10:13 pm

    Someone was talking to Brennan, telling him to draw his blade, even though the teen didn't actually have a blade with him. The opponent demanded that Brennan show that he could fight. Instinctively, he tapped his pendant, turning it into a black aura, and his bracelet pulsed, both providing him with a speed boost. Also, a small magic circle appeared on his left arm, further increasing his speed. Then, right before Sharp attacked, Brennan pressed a button on a small green bracelet, turning it into a dark green suit of armor, stopping at his wrists, where the Gloves of the Sun were. Right as Sharp fired Zeal, flames would burst of out Brennan's gloves, sending him flying into the air at more than 50 miles per hour, this meant, of course, that he had dodged the bullets from Zeal. "What the hell?!" He yelled, "Well, hey. You asked for it." Still in the air, Brennan snapped his fingers, and a dragon made of flames appeared right behind Sharp, and with a flick of his wrist, the dragon would attempt to bite Sharp in half. Brennan slowly lowered himself down onto the ground and shoved through the terrified crowd, getting closer to Sharp. "Why are you doing this?!" He yelled, "What did I do to you to make me attack me near all of these innocent people." While he screamed at Sharp, his hands were prepping the Absorb Stance that he had broken earlier, making sure the teen would be ready to counter her spells.


    HP: 300/300
    MP: 115%

    Active Abilities/Abilities That Are Always Active [Refer to Character Info for Weapons]:

    Note: Dragon will do 30 damage if it hits. [Armed melee damage one rank above the user].


    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] 1zya1cx
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fallen God Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] Empty Re: Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid]

    Post by That Adopted Kid 17th January 2016, 11:29 pm

    He dodged the bullet, it wasn't that hard to really dodge, more of something to get him to start battling. In all honesty she didn't know why she was fighting against him, mostly it was just due to what she perceived as Chaoris's wisdom at the time, and right now that was good enough for her, though her real feelings were a little clouded she would hide them away within her mind, this little battle would be an interesting one, and she had to keep herself focused. There was a dragon of flame manifested behind her, thankfully Sharp could see it due to her little trinket, not that it mattered, she would instantly teleport next to him as the same time unleash several different spells, one not even half a second after the other. Anything within the range of them would be struck and caught within the flames, the range of the aura manifesting instantly within the area. Sadly a few innocents around them would be caught within the range and possibly die.  The flames from the spells weren't true flames, just mimic the appearance of them. Should he be caught within them, a fact that was highly likely due to instant activation and movement of Sharp behind him within her beautiful yet deadly spells range, he might find that his abilities become less than substantial, in fact, those innocents also hit might feel the same way.

    Sharp left an after image of her getting "hit" by the dragon where she stood, the illusion's effect possibly clouding his judgement, and unleashed a torrent of blasts from Zeal, numbering fifty in total over the course of a few seconds, and twenty strikes from Crimson within the same time span, unleashing a fury of attacks all in one go against where he would be after he was potentially struck by her blow. A spell she cast increasing her strength slightly, helping her to attempt to crush him in this alpha strike.

    Should he dodge out of the way before she could fire the first shot, or after a any of the blows actually missed, Sharp would teleport away up to fifteen meters to regain her balance or to attempt to intercept him.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 70%/110%

    Superior Purifying Flames: 1/5 duration.
    Purifying Jump: 1/3 duration.
    Hammer Hand: 1/3 duration.

    OOC Summary/damage listing: All Melee strikes from Crimson deal 64.5 (due to strength buff) damage a hit, if all 20 strikes hit it's 1380 HP, for Zeal its 22.5 damage a hit, if all connect it's 1125, The spells deal 60 each, and effects apply regardless of defenses, but damage can be blocked as normal. Her magic can't be eaten by slayers and it can't be cancelled out so I don't believe your ability can absorb it due to it acting like slayers for consuming. The reduction affects total buff's as described within magic description, so you would be at -175% (I believe) to speed, and -50% to spell damage.

    spells cast in order:


    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Clockwork Soul
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    First Skill: Cephalon Impulse
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    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] Empty Re: Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid]

    Post by Mark Baxter 18th January 2016, 9:18 am

    There was too much going on, there seemed to be a girl where his dragon was, and Brennan could sense a girl right behind him. The one behind him had just released a barrage of melee attacks and spells at Brennan. He was too overwhelmed to use the absorb stance, and frankly, he didn't quite get what was going on, so suddenly, his body morphed into a flame, and he went rocketing into the air at a speed of over fifty miles per hour. Speaking technically, Brennan did not actually need to go skyrocketing into the air, because after all, he was immune to spells in his flame state, but he flew anyway, just as a precaution. "She's powerful..." He muttered, "Very, very powerful." But all that meant was that he would have to use his true powerful, an awe-inspiring, devastating thing. "Here goes nothing..." With the snap of his fingers, ninety tiny orbs of fire appeared, surrounding Sharp. They would each take turns trying to hit her, each orb attacking the girl a total of one time. If even a handful of them hit, the effects would be devastating, and if they didn't hit, Brennan would simply conjure up more, because these orbs took little to none of his power to create. Just as a precaution, Brennan created a barrier of fire surrounding the orbs and Sharp, which would hopefully keep her from escaping. Nervous as Brennan was, this was his first time using Solar Flare to it's truest power, which was actually sort of fun.


    HP: 300/300
    MP: 105%


    Spells Cast:

    Note: 90 Orbs were created, each of which attacked one time. This is a total of 2,700 damage. If Sharp attempts to penetrate the fire barrier, she will take 30 damage.


    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] 1zya1cx
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] Empty Re: Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid]

    Post by That Adopted Kid 20th January 2016, 5:10 pm

    Just as Sharp began to fire towards the man, he seemingly fired himself, straight up into the air. Such a reaction time, it almost seemed inhuman, but he had played a bit of his hand, she had already guessed he was a fire based mage due to the dragon, but now it was more solidified though, like hers, he might be different, so she would need to watch closely. Thankfully she didn't feel those random emotions that clouded judgment and remained calm. She had teleported a few meters to relocate and catch her positioning right after he had vanished into a little bolt of flames. Looking up through her little trinket, she attempted to spot him, but he seemingly he had vanished, but then she managed to spot him, and not a moment too soon as apparent precision fire strikes were spawning around her, thankfully due to her nullification of magic near her body, she had time to react, though maybe it was his turn to hurt civilians. Either way, Sharp Dashed forward a bit, and teleported up into the air onto the other side of the fire barrier, leaving an illusion of her getting hit by some of them in her wake. She would then teleport a slight distance towards him and have her previous position launch a bullet towards him to attempt to lead him in one direction to "avoid it". Then the main event, she would jump the full fifty meters to attempt to get her various spells within their range of him. Thankfully she could fly, her white wings of Ether keeping her flying within the air, towards her target.

    It would possibly be a close one, and she was starting to run a bit out of time, but Sharp was still going to go on the offensive. If this started to become too bothersome, Sharp could always come back another time to turn this man into a faithful servant of Chaoris. Should she get within range once more, the effects would be reapplied within her aura, hopefully stopping him from running from her truth, the truth Chaoris had shown her.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 64%/110%

    Superior Purifying Flames: 2/5 duration.
    Purifying Jump: 2/3 duration.
    Hammer Hand: 2/3 duration.
    Ether Jump: 1/4 duration.

    OOC: I am unsure how far away you are from me, but Sharp will give this basically one last try, if you get within the range the effects are re-applied, but not the damage, and then we can continue from there. Also I forgot that Sharp has a 2% MP recovery every post, so that's why the MP is at 64%, she's a Nintendo console right now. Also the other spell she used to teleport a short way is the signature one above, in fact all the stuff above is still active etc.

    new stuff used:


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

    Posts : 571
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fallen God Slayer 2nd Gen
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    Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid] Empty Re: Goodbye, Rose Garden. [Duel/That Adopted Kid]

    Post by That Adopted Kid 27th January 2016, 6:08 pm

    Brennan hasn't posted in 7 days, I believe I am victorious.


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