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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 28th December 2015, 12:07 am

    tanding before the Lamia Scale guild hall, Niyol had originally come to this city with the hopes of awaiting his daughter's return. However, the will of the mother did not call him to this plane to indulge in his own purposes as others had done. A force was felt through his body, urging him to turn away and walk to the harbor where a great deal of ships entered and exited of their own accord for varying purposes. He let out a breath and followed the force, deciding he'd return once this business was over with. It was around noon when the shirtless man, wearing nothing but bandages over his well tanned stomach had stepped onto one of the many boats. Some of the passengers had commented on his indecency; the females commented on how his muscles were visible even through the tightly wrapped medical bandages while the males commented on how he should put on a shirt. Some of the children on the ship were more entranced by the various scars lining his exposed pectorals, others by the demonic scar under his left eye. He looked around, sensing for what this... force wanted him to be doing here, or looking for some sort of clue. The force began pulling him once again, not towards the standard dead person... the usual forgotten soul with unresolved conflict. No, the one it pulled him to was quite alive indeed. She was quite small, standing no higher than Niyol's sternum. He looked down at her, examining her large brown eyes and olive colored skin tone. He had a flashback to a time not that long ago... a time when he hated himself. As well as the day he'd granted the first selfless, last wish a soul had ever requested. His cold, dead looking, dark purple eyes slowly focused in on her as his mind caught up to where he'd seen this one before. The memory filled in, an aerial view of three females taking refuge in a refuse container... "You were there..." Niyol said, referring to the unfortunate day he'd spent at Magnolia when the actions of a single woman nearly destroyed the entire world. His voice came out soft, gentle, but quite cold and emotionless when he said "The forces of this world have called me to safeguard you passage, to which I am honored to be in the company of such a beautiful woman. I am Niyol, the Chief of the Tribe of Souls." having finally understood his purpose for being brought here. Immediately after stating his name and origin, Niyol performed a respectful, oriental style bow.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    HP: 300/300
    ƧƧ: 112/160

    Soul Storage: Niyol can Store up to 50% additional ƧƧ
    Unnatural Attraction: Niyol has +2% ƧƧ regen
    Strong/Legendary(+) Weapons: +10% Base ƧƧ
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 29th December 2015, 11:04 am

    Almyra sat on the railing going around the deck of the ship. Her hood was down, a rather rare sight to see. Normally she kept it up and had her cloak wrapped around herself, perfectly comfortable in almost any weather, but today was warm and windy, and she wanted to enjoy the feeling of the breeze on her face and in her hair. Just as she had predicted, it was a good day to set off for home. The westerly winds would take them far today, allowing for a quick journey to her home: Desierto. While the country may not be the most welcoming to her, it was her home, and more importantly, it was the home of her sister: Timara. She heard some rather harsh comments being said nearby and looked to the source. Someone apparently disapproved of the man with bandaged arms walking around shirtless. She failed to see the issue. It was a nice day to walk around without a shirt, sunny and warm. The man turned and looked at her, their eyes met. He seemed to examine her before saying "You were there..."

    She tilted her head, curious. She didn't recognize this man, but he seemed to have seen her somewhere. It was a bit strange, since Almyra was not one to forget things, let alone people. He introduced himself as Niyol, and informed her that he was to safeguard her on her journey home. She didn't understand the need to, really. She had made the journey many times before. Then again, it could be dangerous at times. Still, she certainly wouldn't mind the company. The road could be a lonely place at times, and she was sure her sister would enjoy having another guest, since she rarely had any.

    Almy was unsure of how to respond to the bow, so she simply remained sitting where she was, looking up at the taller man. "My name is Almyra. Thank you for helping me to get home. The journey can be lonely." She said. "Where have you seen me before? I don't recognize you."


    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] 3MA5V3N
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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th December 2015, 6:35 pm

    iyol grabbed his head, his dull purple eyes flashing to a dark, crimson color with black markings. A flash of dark energy running down his body as the memories began prying at his soul. Combined with the remnants of the event in this town, the scar left by the deaths of thousands that is, Niyol was forcing himself to retain a somewhat natural composure. "The one from the disposal bin..." he said, his voice was pained slightly as he said it, his now crimson eyes quickly beginning to narrow. Veins appearing on his arms, very obvious signs that his muscles were beginning to tighten as her started losing to the demons within. Suddenly, the ship jerked at it began taking off and Niyol fell to the ground. Still holding his head, clenching the hair to try and have something to bind him to this world and prevent the man from decimating the ship he remained on his knees. His breath grew irregular, and the bandages around his stomach began turning red as the wounds below, which hadn't healed over quite yet began to reopen. Barely holding into his own will, Niyol began crying silently as he waited for the ship to get far from the town. One of the children standing nearby saw the man's condition and pulled herself close to her mother for fear that he was a lunatic, and she was trapped on the ship with him.

    After ten minutes that felt like ten years to Niyol, the vessel was several miles from Hargeon and Niyol's pain seemed to stop. Niyol's breathing was quite heavy, but somewhat delayed as he tried to mentally recover from this episode, one that seemed to occur near sites of the Priory's work. "I... apologize... Miss Almyra..." he said between breaths, his voice was still pained and somewhat raspy as the words came out. He stumbled to his feet still holding his now aching head, one of the ship's crew saw the whole thing. Much to Niyol's luck, it was a man who was familiar with magic and completely ignorant of demons and their power. He'd signaled for one of the other crew, who was much closer, to bring Niyol a chair and some bandages; amenities that arrived withing seconds of them being requested. He took a seat on the stool the man provided, sitting up straight so the sailor could perform first aid unhindered. The man lifted a knife to the existing bandaged and quickly shot downward, cutting all the bandages in a single motion. When the bandages hit the floor, Niyol's stomach revealed a large cut running across his lower stomach, several smaller ones lining his well developed abs, and on his back was a large gash from where debris had hit him. "One day... " Niyol said, his eyes having finally reverted to their natural purple shade. "This was the result of that one day in Magnolia..." he added. Niyol looked at Almyra square in the eyes "In this world, there are powers beyond your comprehension. Not all are so kind as to merely watch from a throne, basking in the worship of millions of ignorant fools who cling to the belief that they are loved... In areas where the death toll is highest, I become unstable... because there are some powers who's thrones lay within a man's soul, and they attempt to use that man as their sword and shield. At that point, it becomes a fight that none can aid him in... It's much to my dismay that it gets stronger when death is abundant; but there are times where I am able to resist his call. Fear not, should I become a danger to you, I'll simply cut my own throat." Niyol said calmly, coldly, but quite honestly. Looking at the girl's skin tone and facial features, remembering the last time he'd been to the place as well, Niyol couldn't help but say "Tell me, Miss Almyra... are you from Desierto? I've been to the land before, and the people have very similar features." The sailor who was wrapping Niyol's torso up listened to the man as well, though he wasn't trying to. He didn't say anything about but secretly, he was hoping that Niyol would try not to go demon mode before they hit port. He'd finished wrapping the gauze, but the bleeding started back up immediately. The man pulled out another bandage, being stopped when Niyol held out a hand saying "Waste not materials on me, the bleeding will stop of its own accord." his voice was level again, and completely emotionless.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 29th December 2015, 8:41 pm

    Almyra blinked at the mention of a disposal bin. That's where this man had seen her before; Magnolia town, when that insane woman who believed Acnologia to be a god attacked and summoned all sorts of creatures. That was indeed a frightful day, though Almyra had managed herself fairly well, given the injuries she had sustained just before that. She had recovered completely, thanks to the assistance of a skilled healer. She had always been able to bounce back from injuries faster than most, nothing superhuman, just her being a rather quick healer. Perhaps it was genetics, perhaps it was her magic, she had never actually investigated the cause. She made a mental note to do that one day.

    Her thoughts were interrupted by a rather violent reaction from Niyol. He fell to the ground as the ship set sail. Almyra slid from the railing she was sitting on, landing on the deck and walking over to Niyol to support him as... something happened to him. She wasn't sure what, but wished to help. "There's no need to apologize." She said, giving him a small hug, though she made sure not to get any blood on her. "You can just call me Almy." She continued, a warm smile on her face.

    She looked at the wounds he had pointed out were from Magnolia. She had suffered some of her own, though her time spent in the hospital had helped her recover quite quickly. Niyol went about telling her of various powers that affected this world. She already knew this, probably better than most, given her studies and access to the vast archive of knowledge she held in her satchel. Still, his lecture explained what had happened to him, explained, to a degree, the powers that had direct influence on his very soul. She had a power of her own over her soul, though hers was not malevolent, and didn't exert any real force, simply giving suggestions for her to follow. She usually followed them, as they were good things to follow.

    She made no comment on Niyol stating he would slit his throat before harming her. She could understand the desire to kill one's self over losing control and killing an innocent. He asked whether or not she was from Desierto and she nodded. "I am. I'm on my way to visit my sister." She smiled at the thought of her. It would be nice to be home with her to share stories of her adventures. She considered offering to help Niyol with his wounds, as she carried some herbs and such with her, but she decided he was alright for now, and that it might be best to save them for later.


    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] 3MA5V3N
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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th December 2015, 9:23 pm

    iyol had a look of depression about him at the mention of her returning home to visit her family, having been the one who killed his own the man had never thought to return to the location of his birth. "Must be nice to have a home..." he said under his breath softly as a quick memory of his childhood returned to him. It was a brief flash, the face of his first friend followed by the sound of them laughing together. Returning his focus to reality, Niyol let out a sigh before the demonic scar under his left eye began glowing pure black. The black glow flowed down the mark, following the scar as it led behind his jaw and onto his back, linking with a much larger scar that was partially concealed by the bandages on him. From here, the glow flowed to another scar that ran up his right arm, wrapping around as it moved further down and finally ending on a mark that looked like the face of a demon resting on the back of his right hand. Niyol took a deep breath, and suddenly the blood soaking his bandages receded back into the wounds they'd come from. The black glow ceased, and the bandages were seen as a beautiful white color as if they'd never once been touched by a single drop of blood. He exhaled again and the demonic scar flashed crimson for a brief second. Niyol spoke not a word for the rest of the trip, merely sitting on the stool as the passengers who'd witnessed the man perform the action all gave him a very wide girth. However, this didn't last long as after about an hour Niyol felt something touching the snow white sheathe on his left side. Looking over, he saw a young boy was running his hand along the smooth outer edge seemingly entranced by the item. "Do you not fear those whom you do not know?" Niyol said calmly, startling the young boy who'd assumed he was being stealthy. He looked at Niyol, slightly trembling as he locked eyes with the man. "Fear not, I offer no danger to those who are yet to live their life. Do you wish to see a trick?" he said calmly, the boy took a few seconds since he needed to decipher Niyol's strange manner of speaking. The kid gave Niyol a small, slow, nervous nod and was immediately picked up by the large bandaged man and placed on his lap. Using his thumb, Niyol revealed a small section of the sword the boy was eyeing, revealing the blade to be pure white. "Dance, Tamashī Reitōko" he said calmly, and a very small portion of the blade disappeared. He held out his hand and a white powder appeared in it, spinning slowly and dancing about in his palm. The young boy's eyes filled with wonder as he gasped in amazement, a large smile filling his face. Niyol controlled the metallic, snow looking powder and made it appear in various forms and shapes before finally making it take the form of snow wolves playing on his palm. Before long, the ship had finally pulled into port after the six hour journey, most of which Niyol occupied himself with showing the young man the less grim power of his weapon. The young boy asked Niyol how he did that, only receiving the answer "A true magician reveals not his tricks." before gesturing to Almy to take the lead. "After you Miss Almyra." he said respectfully as the white powder disappeared, seeming to flow into the hilt of the white weapon.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 29th December 2015, 11:20 pm

    Almyra nodded. It was nice indeed to have a home, despite its location not being the most welcome, she knew she would still have her sister to meet there. Even if she was shunned by most there for having magic, she at least had one person she could always count on. She tilted her head to the side as she watched Niyol do something to heal his wounds and idly wondered what sort of magic he used. He didn't seem to be in the mood for talking, so Almy went to explore the ship for a time before arriving on deck once more, carrying her satchel of things, a smile on her face like always. She arrived to see Niyol speaking with a young boy and moved a bit closer to watch.

    The man moved the boy to sit on his lap, and with a command word of some sort, had a small section of the sword at his side turn to powder, that he then used to display various things, entertaining the child. That certainly was an interesting use for a weapon, though considering it was still a weapon, Almyra wondered what use it had in combat. She wasn't highly knowledgeable in the field of combat. Sure, she had read about it, but had only ever tried to fight twice, and lost both times... badly, taking a morningstar to the face the first time and a sword to the gut the second. It was somewhat miraculous that she had been able to survive, but she did seem to be made of tougher stuff than most, and years of exploring and surviving in the wilderness probably helped.

    After being lost in thought a few moments, she went back to watching Niyol and the child, happy for them. The man had made a positive impact on the boy, in her opinion. It had potential to resonate, to grow from a ripple to a wave, especially if the child was capable of learning magic. Found a quiet spot to pull out her book and take notes before they arrived. Niyol gestured for her to lead the way, and with a small nod, she did so, putting her hood up as the harsh sun of Desierto began to beat down on them. They weren't in Desierto yet, though. They had to pass through Ministrel, but luckily she had managed to save enough money—some of it gifted to her by the people of Magnolia for helping to protect a city in a country that she wasn't even from—to afford transport by train across the section of Ministrel that lie between the sea and Desierto. Almyra would have a nap during the train ride, pulling out her small ragdoll to hug as she did so.

    Once the train reached its destination, she would wake up and lead Niyol out of the train. They had left early in the morning, by now it was mid afternoon, and the desert sun was still harsh on the skin and eyes. Almyra drew her hood, hiding her face from the burning sun, as well as helping to conceal the red spot on her forehead that signified she was a mage. Not all regions of the country used this to indicate someone was magical, but even in those that didn't, people still knew what it signified. Still, she would look rather strange: a woman walking about in a woolen cloak with the hood on, despite the harsh desert heat.


    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 30th December 2015, 12:28 am

    uring the short walk from the boat to the train station, no words were exchanged between the two. Niyol walked with his head held high, the three blades he kept on his person acting as a powerful deterrent to any who would try to harm Miss Almyra. While his eyes looked forward, he had locked onto the souls around him to sense for any threatening advances. Upon boarding the train, Niyol spotted the small woman pulling out a rather macabre looking doll and allowing herself to fall asleep. Niyol however decided to take the time to pull out one of his blades, a one foot, eight inch long wakazashi with a wooden grip and sheath. He slide the weapon out of its container and pulled a small stone from under the white sash about his waist, and began carefully sharpening the blade. The train stopped as he'd finished with the task and gently slid it back in its sheath, at the same time Almyra exhibited a good sense of instinct as she began to rouse from her sleep instead of needing to be awoken. Exiting the station, Niyol saw the group leader putting up the hood on her woolen cloak, something he'd find to be slightly odd himself. Walking through the town, no words were spoken as Niyol wanted to remain focused with so many people about. Their path had taken them through a severely crowded portion of the small town, an area where vendors lined the streets and close quarters were abundant. The two had made it through the small village unobstructed, and as Niyol's feet touched the outer path leading to the desert he pulled out the small weapon. "Miss Almyra." he said, hailing to his partner. "Please, take this. I'm unsure if you're armed or not; I know not your combat aptitude... but should I be unable to protect you, I would feel relieved to know you had a decent weapon. While the items isn't as powerful as my swords, it's the only one I have that requires little skill to use. That and these two I've sworn to protect even from beyond the grave, so I am unable to loan them out." he said calmly while holding out the blade concealed in a wooden sheath. Should Almyra reveal herself to have a weapon of her own, Niyol would retract the one he'd offered with a relieved aura about him. She she turn it down without proving she had her own, Niyol would insist upon her keeping it on her person as a precaution. Should she refuse it a third time, Niyol would retract the weapon with an aura of concern about him.

    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] RrlDTzT

    Once that business had concluded, he would turn to face the desert and wait for Almyra to begin walking. Niyol would allow her to gain a total of six feet lead before drawing the white blade from his side and saying "Dance, Tamashī Reitōko" in a calm voice, the entire weapon this time would dissolve. A massive cluster of white powder would erupt from behind the mage, some flying above him and forming a small three foot radius disk that was two inches thick, the rest forming two rings six feet in radius. The first ring hovered ten feet off the ground, and the other hovered only one inch above the floor and would move up and down in sections where the desert floor was uneven. While standing outside of this circle, the desert heat would bake a person, but while standing inside the circle one would feel as though they were in the Silent Glaciers from how frigid it was. Almyra was outside of this formation, Niyol didn't know what her temperature preference was, so he'd decided not to convert her into an Almya-cicle. Meanwhile the dist floating directly above Niyol acted to keep the sun from his eyes. While this setup seemed preferable for the desert, he actually used to in the event he needed to protect Almyra, as the weapon was already drawn all he would need to do was attack.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 31
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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 30th December 2015, 12:39 pm

    Almyra and Niyol had just set foot outside the village. Niyol seemed ever vigilant, determined to protect her from whatever dangers they may face, though, to her he seemed a bit paranoid. While it was true that there were occasional bandits and raiders that roamed the desert, it wasn't terribly dangerous, especially for small groups. The more well-armed thieves had no reason to target small groups, it was the larger caravans carrying loads of valuable metals and minerals from the mines that were likely to be targeted. Still, there were smaller groups that might attack the two individuals, but she had never encountered them, and was confident she could evade them if she did. Niyol seemed a competent fighter, a significant display of martial, let alone magical prowess would likely be enough to scare them off. She wasn't sure how well it would work on more experienced raiders, but the spot on Almyra's forehead was enough to scare some people here away from her. Those without magic had no way of telling how powerful a mage was without seeing them actually display their power, so bandits were right to be cautious around them, even though Almyra looked, and was rather harmless.

    Niyol stopped her before they went on, offering her a knife. It really wouldn't do much good for her, considering she had no idea how to use one for fighting. Still, it's not like she really needed it. "I have one already." She said, reaching under her cloak to unsheathe a survival knife of roughly the same size, with a 7-inch blade, serrated on one side. For one as inexperienced in fighting as Almyra, it was probably a better option, given that, if she ever were to actually get into combat where she would use it, her fighting style would probably involve stabbing frantically until she was beaten or whatever attacking her was killed or at least maimed enough that she could escape. This was another thing she had acquired in Magnolia, after her previous knife was destroyed on a job. It was well crafted, like her last one, practically the same knife, really. She didn't need any special weapons, just something she could use to cut things, light fires, and skin and prepare animals to eat. She sheathed it again and smiled. "Thank you for offering, though."

    With that she would start walking, allowing Niyol to trail behind a bit. She wondered as to the purpose of the two rings that were formed. The disk helped block the sun, but he didn't seem to be using the rings for anything. She walked up to them and put her hand between them, feeling the icy air. She pulled her hand out again and moved on, perfectly comfortable with the heat. Still, she wasn't quite sure why Niyol would make those, but not use them.


    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] 3MA5V3N
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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 31st December 2015, 2:11 am

    iyol caused the two circles about him to shrink down to a simple four foot radius, with him marking the center. He hastened his pace to keep close to his temporary ally. Continuing for quite some time, they'd already gone several miles and day had turned to night. Niyol heard the sounds of shifting sands crunching below someone's feet from behind a sand dune. "Miss Almyra, I believe we should make camp for the night. One needs not great deals of time Desierto, to know what to expect at night in a desert." he said calmly. "Additionally, I wish to find out who it is hiding behind that sand dune." he said while pointing to the sand dune in front them. The metallic display above Niyol turned into a metallic platform that would keep the two from rolling down the dune. It was complete with a bit of metal overhead to keep the sun from torching them when daylight broke, as well as protect from projectiles. Niyol sat down cross legged at the edge, placing his hands in his lap and closing his eyes. "Additionally, women require their beauty rest. It is unwise to forsake slumber when it is unnecessary to do so." he said before he began breathing slowly, focusing his mind on connecting with the world about him. Unlike the formation he'd used before, this one didn't alter the temperature at all.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 31st December 2015, 7:07 pm

    Night had fallen and Niyol seemed to want to stop. Almyra, in all honesty, would have continued onwards for some time into the night. She had traveled by night here before, and often did so. Her cloak protected her from both heat and cold, so day and night made little difference to her, provided the moon was full enough to supply enough light to see with relative ease. If one couldn't start a fire, then traveling by night would help to keep them warmer in the cold night of the desert. Still, she was a bit more sleepy than usual, despite her nap. She nodded in response. "We can rest here, then." She said, sitting down and pulling a small canteen from her satchel and drinking some water. Magical protection from the heat of day was quite nice, allowing her to not require as much water as one would normally need in the desert. She had no food, though, but by tomorrow they should reach another village where they could get some and resupply on water.

    It was then that she noticed it, a bit of movement on the sand. She perked up and looked at it. Closer examination revealed it to be a scorpion. She hopped off the platform and approached it, drawing her knife. With practiced precision, she struck, pinning the creature's tail between the sand and her knife's blade. With a bit more pressure being applied, the stinging limb was severed. She picked the creature up in her left hand and frowned slightly. "Sorry, but I need food." The thing probably wasn't sentient and wouldn't understand her, but she felt obligated to apologize, even though this was the natural order of things: life fed on life. The only things that didn't need to kill to survive were plants, and even some of them had to. She opened her mouth wide, holding the scorpion by the remains of its tail and lowered it into her mouth. She bit down, crushing it between her teeth with a crunch to quickly kill it before chewing normally. She returned to Niyol at his platform. "I'll give you the next one I find if you want it." She said as she lie down and pulled out her doll once more, hugging it to her chest tightly. She wondered who was on the other side of the dune, but was sleepy, and would rather sleep than bother them.


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 31st December 2015, 10:30 pm

    ot exactly fond of eating live, uncooked insects Niyol didn't react to miss Almyra's offer to give him one. He did however meditate, focusing on the world around him until she had finally fallen asleep. After that, he stood up and walked away taking a very small section of the platform with him for a weapon. On the other side of the dune, Niyol spotted a small camp that was set up. There was a goat tied to a pole, and the corpses of its masters strewn about. Using the bit of his weapon he'd carried with him, Niyol cut the goat free and used the weapon to carry the still lit fire. Going back and forth, Niyol found rare spices, salt, and some goods he could trade but decided to leave them alone. He'd called the souls of the dead men to find out what happened. According to them, the next town over was their home... they were remarkably close when a large creature came in and killed them as they'd made camp. Niyol decided to ask if it was alright that he looted their bodies, and took most of their goods. The men were highly displeased he'd done so beforehand, but they were willing to accept they had no use for their belongings. As per the usual, Niyol asked what each man wished for before death. The first man wished that his goat be buried with him and nothing more. The second wished for his money and anything Niyol hadn't planned on keeping to be given to his loved ones in the next town as well as giving them his regards, and of course, killing their attacker for them. This, as the soul explained, was not for vengeance but rather to ensure his family's safety. To fulfill the order of the first man, Niyol killed the goat quickly with a single strike that removed its head.

    My morning, the air was filled with the smell of Goat Jerky, as well as some finely roasted goat for breakfast. "Our guests from the dunes were killed by some monster... they'd described it as a type of enlarged arthropod. I am not native to this land, so I wish to inquire as to whether or not you'd know of such a being?" Niyol said as a flat, white, metallic disk was slid over to Almyra. "I've buried the goat with his master, and recited a prayer for their souls to be at peace. However, I must hunt down the monster that did this before I leave this land... with any luck it will find us." Niyol said calmly, using a pair of white, metallic chop sticks and a white metallic knife. He had a series of the platform rise up, forming the same utensils for Almyra should she wish to eat. Once the two finished, Niyol would reform his set up for traveling through the desert and resume following behind Almyra.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 1st January 2016, 4:15 pm

    Almyra awoke to the smell of roasted meat and yawned. She stretched, doll in hand and wrapped herself up in her cloak, looking around before smiling at Niyol. Her smile quickly faded upon hearing the news of those on the other side of the dune. "How long were they dead before you found them?" She asked. "How did it kill them? Were there any tracks leading to or away from their camp or any signs of digging?" She continued asking questions. There were several possibilities as to what may have done this, and she would need more information in order to identify the culprit. Almyra would take the food and eat quietly, listening for any more information they would have. "I will help you find the creature, but I'm not very good at fighting. I may be able to do more if we stop at their campsite. My magic is useful for investigating things." She said, a rather serious look on her face. She didn't care for avenging the people killed, but she did want to keep others safe from harm. Besides, if Niyol would be searching for it anyway, she would rather find it than the other way around.

    She rose to her feet and put her doll and other things away in her bag before slinging it over her shoulder. She would start walking up the dune to visit the former campsite in the hopes of finding something Niyol didn't, once more not caring to use the setup Niyol had for travel, perfectly comfortable in her enchanted cloak. Giant scarabs did exist in this land, and was the most likely culprit, but other giant arthropods could also be found, including giant locusts and giant scorpions as other more common ones. For those less common, she would likely need to consult her book.


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 1st January 2016, 7:51 pm

    he site of the murder was completely dry of visible clues. Over the course of the night, the sands were pushed by winds, shifting more and more, and covering over any signs of a fight. Torn clothes were visible but mostly buried, as were the remnants of the group's campfire and tents. The bodies of the men would be the best clues, so Niyol held his right hand out and a piece of his formation flew towards the small graves. It circled around, rotating faster and faster before finally blasting into the ground, sending sand flying into the air. After several seconds, a platform raised from the ground with the two men's corpses on it. "You wish to gain information, let the dead guide you." Niyol said calmly. What he meant by it was that any tracks were already covered by the desert itself, and the only thing that would provide clues would be the dead bodies. The corpses weren't mutilated all too much; some slash marks, a large hole in the middle of one of the men's stomach and inside was dried up blood with some poison mixed in. If the venom was reconstituted with some water, it would prove to be so toxic T'd melt glass in seconds. Niyol used his metal formation and created a stool which he would sit on until Almyra had investigated to her heart's content. Upon Almyra telling Niyol she knew what it was; if she said she knew what it was, the shirtless man would say "You say you're not one for combat... if that's so, if we run into it, stay within two feet of me; or my weapon will filet you without remorse." coldly. What he said wasn't false, his weapon encompassed a fifteen meter radius in its current form... but when Niyol got serious it encompassed an area twelve times that and he wasn't good at controlling it. After all, what man could control a woman?

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    ((OOC: It's a giant scorpion... like ridiculously huge scorpion...))
    Almyra Bys
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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 1st January 2016, 9:40 pm

    Almyra stood bye as Niyol unearthed the corpses of the men. She walked over and knelt beside them to examine them, taking note of the injuries, as well as the venom. Poison like this narrowed it down much more. "Odd that they were not eaten." She muttered. "Their injuries narrow it down to fewer options, most likely a scorpion." She said before closing her eyes. "I will attempt to find the direction it traveled."

    She removed her satchel and pulled her book out, opening it to a blank page. Still kneeling, she began began channeling her magic. While normally used to try to predict the future, the information it gave was also quite useful for discovering what had happened in the past. "Please, be silent for now. This requires focus." As her eyes opened once more, Niyol would see a soft green glow to them. The glow began appearing on her hands now. Her breathing slowed as she entered what seemed to be a trance. Slowly, she raised her hands from where they rested on her legs, reaching out in front, then to the sides. She felt the pressure and saw the links between objects, events. She could see and feel the cause and effect of everything around her. One with less experience would likely be driven into unconsciousness, but Almyra had done this many times before. She focused more, reaching towards the bodies of the two men, seeking the cause of their death. She found it with ease, the lacerations and poisoning. Her left hand moved to pick up the pen attached to her book as she began to draw. Strange markings, graphs, and symbols were hastily scribbled on the page. Niyol would be able to find no meaning in them.

    But now she sought the source of those, claws, stinger, mandibles. The creature possessing them was indeed a scorpion. But why, what had stopped it from eating its prey? She dove deeper, searching, looking around, her eyes veiled by a sort of glowing green mist over them. Her pen scrawled across the parchment rapidly before stopping. A frown of concentration grew on her face. She couldn't find a cause of it being scared off or the like... Perhaps... she moved backwards, tracing a line back to a previous figure as she looked at the source of the men's deaths once more: the scorpion. What was the cause for it killing them, though. Evidence showed that it was not hunger, and that nothing had scared it off. The pen scratched away faster now. Yes... yes that was it. Territory. A home. But where?

    The grains of sand, moved by the wind but also other sources. Footsteps of man and goat and bug. The cause of the killing, its ripples emanated outwards from a point to the west. The grains moved by the scorpion also indicated both coming and going from and to the west. That was it. It was likely not far. She had what she needed.

    Her pen dropped from her hand and the mist faded from her hands and eyes. She wavered where she was kneeling before falling to her hands and knees, crawling away from the corpses the two corpses and her things. She coughed and heaved, sickened by her exertion and the rapid changes in her mental activity. Before long, she vomited up her breakfast, glad that she had eaten lest she be spitting up bile. She lie on her back now, eyes closed tight as she caught her breath before slowly rising to her feet, still looking a bit weak. She collected her things, closing the book containing her strange scribbles, and turned to Niyol. "They were killed by a giant scorpion defending its territory. It lives in a small burrow to the west of here. I will follow you." She said still regaining her strength after her exertions. She gave him a small smile. "And don't worry. I will be fine."

    MP: 45%
    Spells used: Amor Fati (non-combat use), 6 post cooldown


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 2nd January 2016, 12:39 am

    iyol watched as Almyra performed some strange magic using a book. The results of which seemed to be rather... painful to say the least. Had Niyol attempted such magic, at least, right off the bat he would more than likely kill himself in the process. He nodded as Almyra agreed to follow, telling him their target went west. The town they needed to pass through was in that general direction as well, so it all worked out well. "Miss Almyra, I wish to ask you something. The previous time I visited this land, all the people's foreheads were clear; but you seem to have a mark on yours. I wish to inquire as to what this signifies. As an exchange, I shall share with you some of my culture." he said out of a desire to start conversation, as well as an honest curiosity. While walking, Niyol would listen intently to anything the smaller person would tell him, taking in all information. Once she finished, he would say "This mark." while pointing to the tattoo on his left arm. "It is the mark of the grand shaman of my people. It allows us to see the spirits, commune with them, and grants us, the men that is, the right to address ourselves as warriors. All women are born warriors, and are revered to the highest extent. The shaman of my people is charged with communing with The Mother, a female deity who is quite loving. We also act as a medium, she literally speaks through us, but most importantly; we act as the tribe's judge." he would inform her with a calm voice.

    Shortly after their conversation, only a mile or two away from the village Niyol stopped abruptly. The metallic array he kept about him turned into a single, pure white Katana held in the shirtless man's right hand. "Stay put." he said with a slightly deeper, more focused voice. Niyol placed the blade at his side, causing it to glow black with a blue hue. "Guardian's Soul Slash" he said with an emotionless voice and the blade was consumed with the black glow entirely. A quick, horizontal slashing motion flew into the sand twenty meters in front of them but didn't exit. Niyol watched as a massive figure appeared in his eyes, its soul being marked for him which allowed it to be seen through any object. Seconds later the ground shifted and Niyol put a smirk on his face. "Very well then, let us begin." Niyol said calmly, the white blade he held evaporated into a powder. The sands before the two erupted and a massive, forty foot long scorpion emerged and immediately charged at Niyol. Niyol would grab Almyra by the head and pull her closer, assuming she didn't expect the action. Assuming she didn't expect the action and dodge him, a massive blast of white powder would erupt from the air space behind them; barely giving Almyra enough room to twitch even while pressed against Niyol as the tiny blades came out. The scorpion was quite old, its thick carapace battered with scars, holes, and shattered bits from its years of battle. It was wise, and knew to stop its charge and begin attacking the powdery storm. Niyol would spend some time examining it, not moving from position but his arm would relax and allow Almyra to move away should she have not already been away. Niyol would continously allow the scorpion emporor, as he'd acknowledged it to be, to attack the powder vainly. He was allowing it to attack so he could learn its attack patterns. While the being was busy with Niyol's attack, Almyra would be free to provide any form of support she deemed fit; or simply allow Niyol to finish the kill. Under the circumstance that when Niyol reached to pull her in, Alymra dodged; Niyol would be obligated to alter the path of his blades and accidentally tear a piece of his arms out.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Almyra Bys
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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 2nd January 2016, 7:37 pm

    "The mark on my forehead shows that I'm a mage. It's not as commonly used in these parts, but those who live here still know what it means. Mages are not very welcome in this country, especially in the areas near the coasts, where there is less need for their help. Inland and near the borders of other nations, we are a bit more welcome, either because we are more common, or because our abilities make survival significantly easier. Even still, most mages, especially those who have been marked, choose to live away from the others who would judge them." She said. She explained that she and her sister were born and grew up on the southern peninsula of the country, where those with magical abilities were usually ostracized. Like so many others, they were marked, and rather than face the discrimination of the wealthier areas, they chose to move to the more desolate areas of the country, where their abilities would be more appreciated. While they still wouldn't be entirely welcome, especially with the marks on their foreheads, they would be much more accepted than in a place where they aren't needed to survive.

    They reached the place where the scorpion had gone. Niyol told her to stay put, but she decided against it, choosing to heed his earlier advice of staying close to him. He wouldn't need to pull her in as his blade began its assault, as she was already practically clinging to him, heeding his warning that the blades would cut through her if she was too far from him when he used it. She would do nothing to assist in the battle, knowing full well that she wouldn't be strong enough to pierce the creature's exoskeleton with her knife, and that her magic was likely too weak to harm the creature. Any sort of offensive abilities she had were improvised for self-defense, and tended to be weaker and less reliable than most. Her magic was not one of violence, but of learning.


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 3rd January 2016, 12:01 am

    iyol nodded with a solemn look on his face as though he were lost in thought. "Indeed... you are truly powerful..." he said, feeling the ripples in the air from the massive claws smashing at his storm of white powder. "... had this been a fair fight... had I fought you honorably... I would surely have died." he said softly, admitting the truth. "As such is not the case, I will end your life in but a single strike so you may not suffer great emperor of scorpions." he said calmly. Niyol raised his right hand, and in reaction the massive storm of white powder raised into the air. His hand changed from being loose, with the fingers pointed down to being rigid. It resembled the symbol for paper during 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' and in reaction the weapon floating above the scorpion changed form to resemble an enormous guillotine blade. Niyol brought his hand down, as though he were a judge slamming a gavel. The scorpion looked at Niyol, its six eyes all contained acceptance as it lowered its claws and tail. The floating blade came down, cutting the scorpion cleanly in half, killing it so quickly its legs couldn't curl up under its body as it normally would. Niyol lifted his hand and grabbed the air as though there was a sword in front him, at that time the handle of a Katana appeared in his hand. He began making a motion, like a samurai flicking his sword as the massive amount of white powder began collecting into the hilt. When the motion was finished, the entire katana had reformed and Niyol gently sheathed his weapon.

    The shirtless man walked over to the corpse, resting his hand on the smooth surface of its claw. A blue figure appeared next to him, the same scorpion he'd just killed but this one was smoking. "No longer are you plagued by the torment of relying on food... no longer do you need to worry for your life, for I have already claimed it. May you find your peace in the world beyond, and know that one day I shall call upon your strength; as I am the Guardian of Souls, and you are my friend." he said calmly, looking at the scorpion soul before him. The scorpion looked at Almyra, curling two of its eight legs below its body and lowing its front in a bowing motion to the girl. It let off a few clicks, and then faded out of reality. "This scorpion had never once attacked a human out of territorialism... it did not consume unnecessarily... it did not seek war. It respects you, Peaceful One, for not aiding me in battle." Niyol said. "Come forth, Emperor Scorpion." Niyol said, and a massive blue magic circle appeared on the ground. The same scorpion that disappeared came back, clicking its pincers at Niyol with eyes that stated it was ready to serve. "Return to the site of the last mortals you killed. Bring to the next village their wares. It will take some time for us to arrive, so I'm expecting you to catch up. Altsoba, you help our new friend get loaded up." Niyol said sternly. Niyol's shadow spoke saying "Very well, my love." with a feminine voice, and the shadow moved from him to the scorpion. On the ground, Niyol now had no shadow at all.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
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    Post by Almyra Bys 3rd January 2016, 6:45 pm

    Almyra stood bye Niyol as he tested the massive scorpion's attacks against his enchanted blade. There was really little she could do against something as massive and powerful as that, well, at least not in the current situation. Given the proper resources and preparation, she could have likely trapped and subdued it without too much issue. Almyra's strength lie not in her fighting abilities, but in her problem solving and other intellectual abilities. It wasn't long before Niyol dispatched it with his weapon, after admitting that he would have lost a normal battle to the creature.

    She observed silently as he called forth its spirit, eased it, and then asked it to assist them, sending what was obviously another spirit living within his shadow to help. "Let's go, but I think we should carry the merchants' goods into town ourselves once your friends catch up to us." She said. "The people here are already wary of mages. They won't like us using magic to bring the ghost of a giant scorpion into town, even if we don't want to hurt them. Besides, not everyone will know you have magic, so they will welcome you more than me if you don't let them know you're magical."

    Almyra's wariness was rather out of character for her. She wasn't her usual happy self right now, despite being closer to her home than she had been in a long time. In fact, the farther they went, the more wary and nervous she would seem to grow of a place that refused to accept her for something she could not help, something she only wished to use to help people. She could understand people being nervous about mages, they could indeed be very powerful beings, but she wished that people could be more trusting like she was. She was nervous though, not because she was afraid of being subject to discrimination, but more because she disliked upsetting people, and hoped to not do that once they reached the village.


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 3rd January 2016, 8:15 pm

    lmyra made a good point with saying they should carry the supplies in themselves, though Niyol probably should have told her that was the plan. He didn't say he intended to do as she said even after she'd told him, the only response was a nod accompanied by a rather serious expression. Niyol stopped roughly a half a mile from the village and waited for the scorpion to arrive. Once it did, he checked all directions to make sure no one could see what he was about to do, and then the white blade disappeared again. The blade reformed to the shape of a sled just large enough to hold the case of gold pieces, and various spices that was on the scorpion's back. Altsoba moved from the scorpion's shadow to Niyol, soon spawning a shadow on the ground where none was at all. It took Niyol's shape, and moved as he did making it seem completely normal. The shirtless man walked to the spirit scorpion and gently rubbed its mandible "Thank you for your assistance. You have proven to be a highly valued ally, please take time to rest." he said with a gentle tone, allowing the scorpion to fade from existence and return to the spirit world. Niyol caused the weapon to create a type of hand hold on the sled for him to grab so he could pull it across the expanse and the rest of the blade compressed itself into its sheath. From here, he would pull the object half a mile to town, and decline any attempts from Almyra to assist him. He would however offer to let Almyra ride on the object as it had enough room to do so.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Post by Almyra Bys 3rd January 2016, 11:13 pm

    Almyra would keep quiet as they walked the rest of the way to the town. She would offer to help drag the sled, but would let Niyol drag it himself when he refused the offer. She would choose to walk instead of ride on it as well. The village had no walls or defenses, and there were no wardens or watchmen to deny them entry. As the entered, though, they would receive looks of confusion from the townspeople. A shirtless man was a strange sight in the desert. Those without something to protect themselves from the scorching rays of the sun did not tend to last long as they overheated, their skin burned, and they grew sick from too much sunlight. Almyra drew little attention from the townspeople, as she had traveled through this village before, allowing them to easily recognize her by her somewhat iconic green cloak. The townspeople knew of her already, and while they weren't outright hostile to her, she wouldn't exactly receive a warm welcome. They wouldn't outright ignore her, but unless she were to speak with them, they wouldn't engage in any sort of conversation with her. Even if she did speak with them, they would generally try to end the conversation as quickly as possible. "Do you know where we are taking these to?" She asked Niyol. She would likely know where to find the place if Niyol told her, though he may have been given directions on where to take it.


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 4th January 2016, 2:08 am

    iyol didn't care for the sun beating down on his back, his demonic attributes prevented any damage anyways. He didn't care for the individuals staring at him strangely, knowing that he should be roasted by now. He also didn't care that the sled he was pulling was incredibly heavy... What he did care for was how stupidly hot it was in the desert. While he didn't voice any complains, he didn't like that he couldn't use his sword to drop the temperature to an acceptable level. Niyol heard Almyra asking if he knew where they were going, and before he could answer his shadow immediately said "Likely not." with a feminine voice. "Hose it wench, less you wish to obligate me to level this village." he said in a hushed tone. The shadow made no reply afterwards, knowing she was already under bad terms with the soul mage she didn't want to make it worse. "There is a house in the middle of town, near the markets that's quite large. That is where I must take these." he said with an annoyed voice. Upon arriving at the house, Niyol noticed the door was better looking that the others. He knocked at the door lightly, bearing his trademark cold expression with dead looking eyes. A woman opened the door, her hair was long and black, and her skin was olive colored like Almyra's. She looked at the two curiously, before realizing a large man and a mage appeared at her doorstep, then it turned to fear that she may be about to die. "Please, we bear you no ill intentions miss. I merely have unfortunate news I must present to you... as well as several items." Niyol said, his voice was sympathetic for her as he remembers when he lost someone he loved... more specifically watched her die. The woman's expression changed again, turning to that of concern. She invited Niyol in, but hadn't mentioned anything for Almyra. Noticing that the man stayed still, not even acknowledging her offer, she then restated her offer saying "Please, both of you." with a calm tone. Niyol gave a polite bow as he'd entered the residency, making sure to pull the sled inside with him.

    Inside looked quite nice. It was made entirely of white stone, but had actual windows and an air conditioning system. The family was quite wealthy from what Niyol could see. The woman led them to a living room, where three young girls and a young man were waiting. Niyol bowed to them politely, saying "Greetings, I am Niyol." with a calm voice. One of the girls, the oldest of the three, but still younger than the male turned a slight shade of red as she looked at him. "These are my children... please have a seat, we're just about to have dinner." the woman said. Niyol would normally turn it away, but he accepted as he didn't want to spoil their appetite. The meal was simple, unfitting of the luxurious surroundings. A set of flat bread, along with a chicken dish that was seasoned with a combination of spiced Niyol was unfamiliar with (OOC: Curry Chicken w/ Naan). The family all introduced themselves, though the boy eyes Niyol the entire time as he'd seen his sister's reaction to him. He indulged them in tales of adventure, and even told them about some of the places in Fiore. The boy asked "Are you a mage too?" though his voice didn't seem upset at the possible answer. "I am uneducated in the ways of controlling ethernano." Niyol said calmly. The boy accepted it as him saying he wasn't a mage; since as far as they knew ethernano was the source of all magic. However, Niyol didn't use it in his magic at all... Niyol's source of magic was the decayed souls of the damned. After the meal, the woman pulled Niyol into a separate room; asking the rest of the family to remain in the dining room. "Tell me... those things on your sled. This news... is... is my husband..." she asked, her arms shaking "Indeed, he was slain by a massive scorpion while traversing the desert. His final wish was for me to ensure his earnings, and whatever supplies I did not require were taken to you." Niyol said, his voice was soft and humble. The woman's head tapped onto Niyol's chest as she began crying. She reached out towards the shirtless mage, and grabbed at his sides; Niyol had done this many times and reached and arm out to give her a supportive hug. "Please... please tell me that thing is dead... that I don't have to worry about my son-" "This woman has personally seen to its execution. You may find its carapace a little over a mile to the east." Niyol said interrupting the woman, and giving the full credit to Almyra not wanting to reveal himself to be a mage.

    The woman thanked Niyol for what he'd done for them, as well as Almyra for killing the scorpion. Looking outside she noticed it was getting dark, and as far as the two may have traveled she offered them each a room. Niyol was told he could use the guest room, and Almyra was granted the honor of using her husband's room. "I shall take you offer, you have my full gratitude." Niyol said calmly, not wanting to refuse. Niyol's eye darted to a doorway that was cracked open, behind it was the young boy, and the youngest of the three girls below him. Their mom, not knowing they'd already heard, walked in and told the group to get the two rooms ready, and she began cleaning up. As the dining area was cleared of people, Niyol turned to Almyra saying "Please accept my apologies, but as a person who's watched the only thing he'd ever loved dangling like a fish on a hook... I wish to allow these people a small bit of comfort. Please humor my wish for only one night, I shall return the favour." Niyol said with a saddened voice.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 4th January 2016, 4:52 pm

    Almyra couldn't help but giggle at Niyol's shadow when it said that he likely didn't know where he was going. Her smile would fade rather quickly though, returning to the rather neutral expression she had before, with the same air of concern in her eyes. She followed along behind him quietly as he walked to the house. It was rather nice. The man who was killed was obviously very wealthy. The woman who answered the door invited Niyol in, but made no mention of Almyra. She wasn't surprised that she was wary to let a known mage into her home. After Niyol paid no heed to her initial invitation, she invited both him and Almy inside.

    The children seemed to pay more attention to Niyol once they met them, and tended to avoid contact with Almy, and seemed not quite sure what to make of her as she quietly, but quickly ate her dinner, having thrown up her last meal from using her magic to find the scorpion. Still, despite the rather cold attitude the others had towards her, she was cheered up somewhat by the meal, happy to have something from home after all this time. She remained quiet, still, not wanting to disturb their hosts, as the news the duo brought surely would. She didn't follow as Niyol took the woman to a separate room to tell her the news, but sat somewhere out of the way and pulled out her book and pen before beginning to scribe something. The woman returned and thanked her. Almyra bowed her head solemnly. "I would have saved him if I could, but at least now the area is a little safer." She thanked the woman when offered to stay in her husband's room. She nodded to Niyol as he asked her to humor her. "It's fine. I won't mind spending the night here. It's safer and nicer than outside." She offered a small smile. "It's good of you to help others, to turn a tragedy into something positive. Through your actions, the world remains in balance."


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 4th January 2016, 6:04 pm

    iyol looked at Almyra coldly, his eyes were rather harsh "I only do this because I killed the one who was supposed to." he said with an icy tone. The eldest of the three girls came by, grabbing Niyol by the arm while avoiding eye contact and let him know she'd be showing him to his room. The median aged of the girls came to escort Almyra. For some reason that one was smiling at her, even though she knew the woman was a mage. Niyol didn't pay it too much mind, figuring that the smile was because Almyra was a mighty savior and not an evil person.

    "She didn't actually kill that scorpion." the girl said while walking down an open area in the middle of the estate. "And you can sense her magical presence... mage." Niyol replied. "I don't sense magic from you... how-" "I can see your soul." Niyol interrupted the girl. She had a look of awe at the thought of a mage that didn't use ethernano... that couldn't be sensed by other mages... "I advise you to keep distance from me; I'm not so kind as you would like to believe. Death is all that I bring... death and suffering... and pain." he said solemnly, though his voice didn't quiver in the least. The girl figured he knew what he was talking about, the markings on his face, neck, back, and arm didn't exactly come across her as a good omen... Neither did the considerable amount of scars his bandages didn't cover. The girl pointed to the door to Niyol's room, and let him know he was free to get anything from the kitchen if he needs. He gave her a kind bow and went to his room, making sure to it that she didn't follow.

    When Niyol awoke, the same person he'd told to stay away from him was sleeping next to him... under the sheets with and arm around his bare chest. He pulled the blankets up and let out a sigh of relief as he saw both of them still had their clothes on, and the preceded to shimmy his way from under the covers. The man grabbed his swords and left the room, making his way out through the front door where he would wait for Almyra. 'A house of mages unable to show their true nature... this land is strange.' he thought to himself while looking around the desolate street. The sun was a couple hours from peaking over the dunes, but Niyol wanted to get out of town before it did... so he didn't have to face that damned heat again.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 4th January 2016, 9:26 pm

    Almyra didn't particularly heed Niyol's comment about killing the one 'who was supposed to' help others. All that mattered now was that he was doing so, righting his own wrong and balancing he negative with the positive. Whatever had happened in the past had lead to him helping to preserve balance, at least for now.

    The two sisters came to guide Niyol and Almyra to the rooms they would be staying in. Niyol walked off with one while the other smiled at Almyra. The chaos theorist smiled back, getting up and following along behind the girl quietly. She wasn't particularly talkative today. Still, the fact that the girl seemed happy to be around Almy pleased her, as it meant she didn't mind the fact that the woman behind her was a mage. As they reached the room, Almyra stopped outside and looked at the girl. "Thank you for showing me to the room. And would you please tell your mother thank you for letting me stay the night here? I hope you all sleep well." The girl nodded before hugging Almyra. Not one to say no to a hug, the mage hugged back, embracing the smaller girl for a few seconds before letting go. "You sleep well, too..." "Almy. It was nice meeting you." Almyra said with a smile before going into the bedroom. She wouldn't go to sleep right away, but rather finish something she had started earlier: a drawing. For the next few hours of the night, Almyra drew a nice picture of the family all together and happy, with the late father included. She tore the page from her book and left it on the bed when she left in the morning.

    Almyra stepped out of the house and took hold of Niyol's hand, smiling up at him, in much brighter spirits than she was the night before. "Ready to go?"


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 5th January 2016, 10:47 am

    warm sensation graced Niyol's hand as he felt the smaller person holding it, the man turning his head to see she was in a slightly better mood than the previous day. Niyol nodded, letting Almyra know he was ready to depart, and began walking out of the village. "I find this culture strange... however, many outlanders find mine the same way." Niyol said calmly while walking through the desolate streets. He would say no more until they reached a mile or so away from the village. "Come forth, Scorpion Emperor" he said, calling forth the enormous arthropod from the spirit world. The massive scorpion appeared before them, blue and smokey, but enormous just the same. Niyol climbed on its back and offered Almyra a hand to get on. "We have lost a great deal of time, with this we can arrive to your destination considerably faster. Though I advise we stop far enough away so as to not attract unwanted attention." Niyol said as he held out his hand.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

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