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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 7th December 2015, 11:13 pm

    Job Details:

    ... Mashyuu and Rocky stepped aboard the Tailspin, a ship owned by a team that included Sabertooth member Kite. Slung over Mashyuu's shoulder was a large brown bag that was filled with both rocks and a few sets of clothes to change into. His brown boots clacked against the metal of the ship's floor. Already Mashyuu both loved and hated the thing and it hadn't even started to fly yet. He wasn't sure why but the brown haired Dragon Slayer felt like he was going to be sick. Mashyuu dropped down on a single orange cargo pant covered knee and rubbed Rocky behind the ear. "Alright boy, this is the first job we have done with more than one other team member.... Aside from the one over seas... So lets give it our all."

    Swiftly Mashyuu stood up and started to explore the ship cautiously. In his left hand was a flyer for the job the three Wizards had agreed to do and once Mashyuu found what he assumed was the central meeting room of the ship he placed the flyer down, face up on the table and reviewed it again. The job seemed simple enough, save the clients daughter and return with her. However Mashyuu wasn't sure how the group was supposed to get inside the tower. Mashyuu looked around and realized he was alone for the moment but someone had let him on the ship. Carefully he reached into his bag and grabbed a single sharp rock and called out. "Hello! Is anyone there?"

    While he waited for a response Mashyuu looked around for a pen and paper and grabbed a piece up and started to go over what he knew about the woman in question. The woman was roughly five foot seven inches tall, had straight black hair was slender and had green eyes. Her name was Miyo. Aside from that the team really didn't know much but it was a start at least.

    WC: 323

    Mashyuu Status:
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 8th December 2015, 12:28 am

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    The Demon Slayer sat in his personal chair aboard the Tailspin prepping the ship for take off while he waited for his fellow guildmates to arrive. He fiddled with some of the knobs and looked over the multiple gauges all indicating how much fuel the ship had, it was more than enough to get them too and from. After he was satisfied with his inspection he leaned back in his chair, making good use of the chair’s arm rest and the fur seat cover he had installed for extra comfort while flying the ship, and he contemplated what sort of day he had signed himself up for "Strangers coming aboard my ship, going on a mission that I know nothing about. What could go wrong? “ he spoke out loud as he gazed out the window, looking at the magnificent Fortress that floated in the sky and he smirked, "but I don’t think I would have it any other way.“ he said admittingly and just as he noticed that someone was approaching the ship, making Kite smirk "Well looks like I have passengers.“ he said as he pushed himself out of the chair and made his way around the chair and walked down the small flight of stairs that led down the neck of the Tailspin, the small hallway where there were 5 alcoves , two on the right and three on the left. These were the cubbies that would lead down into the rooms for the crew or teammates once he got some that was.

    His boots clinked and clunked on the metal grates as he walked through his ship. He emerged in the dining area but made a quick left and made his way down a flight of stairs that led to a catwalk that hung above the cargo bay, where there was a man standing in his ship or rather walking through his ship, passed that Cargo bay and made his way to area that was initially the passenger lodging but converted into a lounge room, there he placed the paper on a table and so he waited. Kite quickly made his way down the stairs and entered the lounge area where the man stood with his pet by his side and a sharp rock in his hand and called out asking if anyone was here. He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the doorway,"Point of interest, coming aboard a vessel that isn’t yours with a weapon like that is a good way to find yourself in a heap of trouble.“ He said to the man and paused for an instant  "but I’m guessing you must be here about that job I’m suppose go on, I’m Kite Wilhelm Captain of Tailspin. Got a name there stranger? “
    " “

    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gvf4gD8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 8th December 2015, 8:44 pm

    Minh was told by a higher ranked comrade that he was to depart on a mission with several other individuals to a tower that has been know to hold a cult. Though, from what he tells of this cult, it seemed to be one that was quite expansive and has establish several fronts. Not one to decline a mission of this nature, the earthen warrior took it gladly before nodding to the older man who stepped out of the way as Minh immediately took off into a jog with thudding footsteps. Following close behind was Cheepie, who took to the air after the man as usual with the two of them quickly making their way to the hanger. It would be here that they both come across this airship that they were supposed to be taking.The two men inside the ship would probably hear a sudden boom as Minh hopped down on the platform. Several engineers around him and Cheepie looked off before waving at the figure before going back to their work. He has been around the guild long enough for people to know what occurs around him, and sometimes it has influenced some to make the paths from his private room to other important areas incredibly streamlined to avoid any accidents with him causing collateral damage.

    The two men inside the airship would firstly hear the thunks of heavy weight moving across the metal flooring of the ship while they get ever louder in volume as they came closer to the two men. Before long, Minh stood before the two men, almost towering over them as he looked down on both the fellow earth mage and the Flame God Slayer himself. "So, are we expecting more, or the three of us are all that the guild shall be sending on this job?" He gave both men a long look, having a slight grin as if a tad excited to be out on the field again.

    (Need to update my stuff, but, Minh is like 7'3"ish right now


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 8th December 2015, 9:58 pm

    A voice rang out and caught Mashyuu's attention. Swiftly he raised the rock as if he were going to use it as a legit weapon. He looked the man up and down and admitted that he had seen the guy walking around the guild hall from time to time. Carefully Mashyuu lowered the stone and nodded his head up and down. "Sorry. Never know what's coming round the corner. I'm Mashyuu. Earth Dragon Slayer and this is Rocky. It's nice to meet you Kite. Nice... Ship you have here." Mashyu strolled around the table and extended his hand out to Kite's to shake it firmly.
    Just as he reached out his hand a thunderous boom echoed through the ship. "See what I mean?" Mashyuu said and turned towards the source of the sound until a massive man came into the room. "Oh shit....You are massive." Mashyuu muttered under his breath. The massive man asked if it was just the three of them and slowly Mashyuu nodded up and down. "....Well, us and Rocky, my Elemental. And your buddy there." The man motioned towards the large Wizards pet.
    "I'm just going over what we know about the job before take off. But maybe we can do that along the way? If you have anything to add, I'm happy to put it on the list. The more we know, the better chance we have of a smooth mission. Or maybe we should just charge in and toss folks out of the tower if that's more of your styles." A light smile crossed Mashyuu's face while he took a step back and looked at the two other Wizards. "Either way I'm looking forward to working with you guys."

    WC: 281

    Mashyuu Status:
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 9th December 2015, 6:22 pm

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Even before revealing himself to the stranger aboard his ship, Kite could sense the amount of tension that was coming from the stranger on his ship, well he wasn’t a total stranger, they were in the same guild but never had actually met up until this point. Shortly after mentioning how it could be dangerous to carry a weapon drawn aboard a ship that wasn’t his, a ship he was expressly given permission to board for that matter but seeing as there was work to be done the Demon slayer overlooked this fact as the man apologized for it and explained himself and how one can never truly tell what is coming from around the corner. Hearing this made Kite smile a bit for it was a valid reason to be a weary "Can’t say that I can argue that. Mighty fine point. “ he admitted outloud just before his fellow guild member introduced himself as Mashyuu and announced he in fact was a Earth Dragon Slayer, one of many slayers that were members of the guild and he also introduced his partner and companion Rocky which by just looking at it, anyone could tell he was an earth elemental of sorts. Kite reached for the extended hand and gripped it tightly and gave a firm handshake, "Nice to meet you...Neat, so I think we have one more guy showing up if I recall “ he said and just as the saying went, you speak of the devil and he shall appear, a loud thud could be heard at the ships cargo bay which caused Kite to look in that direction. As an addition to the earth Slayer who he had just met there now was gigantic man who towered over the both of them, and with Kite being over 6 foot himself that was saying something, even Mash mentioned in a low voice that the man was massive and shortly the goliath of a man asked the both of them if the three of them were going on the job. Mash confirmed this also including the pets, his rock man and the Rockman’s little chippie...adorable, Kite noticed the grin ”Well now, big fellow I guess it’s safe to assume that you are my last passenger for the day Let’s lock her up and we can get down to business. “ he said as he walked up to and past the big guy and pushed two buttons on the console near the bay door which closed up and then immediately after he approached the two of them as Mashyuu started to conjure ideas like going over it now or on the way their or if the Kite and the big guy wanted to just charge in, Kite enjoyed the thought of it but something popped up in Kite’s head which made him answer upon his approach. "Well if we are tossing ideas around I think first thing we should do is speak about our plans now seeing as the second we take off you are going to be confined to the head for the flight. If I recall correctly Dragon slayers and transportation don’t mix very well.“ he said matter of factly before sitting down in one of the chairs surrounding the table. "So, lay out the details for us. Also before it slips my mind again, what’s your story big man and what’s your take on the job?“

    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gvf4gD8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 10th December 2015, 4:06 pm

    The earthen figure makes his way to the center of the chamber facing the two men before pulling out a roll of paper that looked like it was an archived scroll found in the depths of the guild's library. Any idea of this indomitable looking person doing scholarly pursuits seemed impossible, but it is apparent that Minh had uncovered something of importance to reveal to his job partners. He rolls it out before presenting to the two of them a wall of text plastered with various symbols. "This scripture here talks about a documentation of a bold investigator who willing allowed himself into the folds of the cult that we will be attacking. He written down details of their day-to-day rituals and acts as well as symbols and icons they hold in high reverence. As for a plan of action, it depends on how you wish to approach this. We could act as new members of this cult to strike from within or lead a direct attack, but nothing from above. Whatever magic and power they draw from the sun makes any approach from the air impossible." Minh ends his little talk, still holding the scroll if anyone wanted to take a gander at it.

    Cheepie during this time made his way over to Rocky before perching on the creature without a second thought, cheeping away in a relatively happy manner without a single care for the battle that awaits them in the future. However, everyone in its vicinity can feel the power that the little creature had, but if any of them wanted to inquiry, it would have to be through Minh because he was the only one here who knew of its story. That and asking a bird would not do so well unless one can speak avian which is probably very unlikely with these two fellow mages. So far, it seemed things will go by quite swimmingly between these men and their companions.


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 10th December 2015, 4:34 pm

    "Slayers get sick?" Mashyuu questioned while looking the two over. After a long moment Mashyuu gave the floor to Minh and listened intently. "Alright so we can try to sneak in and make it look like we are part of the cult. But don't you guys think that anyone with a bird and stone dog are going to be found out quick? I understand that we can't attack from the air but I'm going to do whatever you guys want to do." Mashyuu said while slipping the scroll over to his paper and swiftly jotting down bullet points for his own personal use.

    Once the notes were jotted down Mashyuu considered what they already knew and then back to Kite. "You any good at sneaking, or maybe tracking? I think we should find the missing girl first. If we don't and we get found then they might kill the girl. We should at least make sure that she isn't part of the cult, that she has her own free will."

    ...After details were hammered out Mashyuu folded up his paper and walked over towards where Kite had come from. "So you said I was going to get sick? Why don't you show me where I'm supposed to go I don't want to ruin your ship." Mashyuu said happily. The Wizard clapped twice and Rocky, who had been standing with the bird on it's head jumped up and walked over towards the Wizards. It barked happily and walked in a small circle before waiting at Mashyuu's feet.

    WC: 253

    Mashyuu Status:
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 10th December 2015, 10:05 pm

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    The Dragon Slayer had given Kite a questioning look when the topic of getting sick came from the Demon slayer’s mouth. Kite was taken by surprise a bit by the apparent lack of knowledge from the dragon slayer, more specifically that he didn’t know about the motion sickness. Kite knew of it but only because Haretsa, a dragon slayer he knew that used his shadow to hide from said motion sickness. "Yes, but we will revisit that once the time to take off is upon us. First thing is first, anyone who has information to how we are going to go about this job now would be a good time to make say your piece.“ he said outloud for anyone to take center stage and reveal what they knew, he would but since he didn’t know anything about this job except the destination and who the enemy was his input wouldn’t have been relevant. That is when the large man revealed some that was of interest to the group, it was a scroll with script of some sort, not one that Kite had ever seen before but soon enough the big guy went ahead and explained the story of how someone had went into some great effort to infiltrate the cult and managed to dig up information that was of use for them including day to day routines and information on various markings and symbols and their distinct relevance. Minh left the scroll out for them to look upon and then mentioned a few possible plans, two in fact, one was was they could pose as the cult and invade their ranks to take them down from the inside, the second was they could just all out attack them but made it clear that an aerial attack wouldn’t work out well for them. Kite took a second to think about what sort of hand they had to play with.

    Kite’s eyes looked over at Mash who was asking The Demon slayer if he were any good at sneaking or tracking and went to say that they need to find the girl for fear of her safety. "Well the girl’s safety I don’t think that is our worry from what flyer says she might be there of her own desire and among their numbers, not to mention unless the cultists have this exact request form they won’t know to harm her or use her as leverage.“ he said to Mash and then added "As for your earlier question about  tracking I think your nose would be better than mine, but unless you have something of the girl’s you won’t know her scent any better than someone else there, and more importantly do we even know what the girl looks like?” he inquired, if they recklessly attack than we might hurt her ourselves. "but why don’t we cover our bases a bit here Why don’t we do both. One of us goes in while the other two..er four take a walk around the park. Maybe find someone to beat the information out of find out if we can find any leads to the whereabouts and possibly a description of the girl.“ He suggested  as a plan which might be crazy enough to work. "Seeing as I have a fair amount of heat on my side I might be able to appeal to them on some level while you two rock their world. then crash the party once I find the girl.“. It was shortly after things were figured out that Mash asked him where Kite wanted him. "Well I figure you can either rude in the Latrine in the common area but not alot of room for you and your dog, so you can relax in the infirmary, buckets and bed pans a plenty not to mention plenty of room for your pet to join you for the ride.“ he said and pointed down the cargo bay to the door opposite of the bay door, "Go through that door and down the stairs to the right and you can’t miss it on your left.“ Kite then turned his gaze to the large man "Never caught your name friend, where do are you fixing on going during the our trip? wanna stay down here,in the dining area, or shotgun in the cockpit “ he asked and waited for an answer as he climbed his way up the stairs of the cargo bay and up towards the cockpit.
    template by Darkee

    Spells used:


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gvf4gD8

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 288
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 4744.5

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 11th December 2015, 10:39 am

    “If we had to settle on something, then I would do so with your idea, Demon Slayer, and if it would please you or further cement this plan of ours so to speak, Cheepie here can accompany you till you find the girl at which point he can make his way back to us to give us the signal to assault the tower and all of its cultists in a blitz. Though I suggest playing along till the very last moment if you can help it in the event she also happen to be accompanied by even more powerful foes. As for my name, it is simply Minh and this here is Cheepie.”

    Minh would then direct his hand towards the small bird cheeping away while on top of Rock, flapping its little wings in a sort of excited gesture, unable to contain itself. Upon being introduced, the bird hopped up and down in place with one wing waving at everyone. Being a miniscule figure compared to Minh, it did contrast well if not add a little dynamic to this whole encounter. Afterwards, the earthen mage looked around the ship before putting a hand to his hand in slight confusion until reaching a final statement on his decision.

    “I will stay here, there is little chance of me being one to engage in small talk much and I am a rather….blunt man figuratively and quite literally.”

    He would grin once more before looking over to the little bird again who made a little swoop back out of the airship when no one was looking and if Kite would make his way to the cockpit, he’d probably see what seems to be a small, chubby sparrow perched on the front of the ship with the intent on riding the airship in that manner for the heck of it. Minh, on the other hand, seemed content on taking a seat nearest to the exit of the airship. Though, one could see that he had taken along some small device to keep himself busy with apparently.


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 11th December 2015, 3:55 pm

    It took a long while for the team to make it to the massive tower. Fifty stories tall at least, the sun seemed to show through the windows of the ship at all times while Mashyuu laid on a set of padding groaning and vomiting in a bucket. "...Land!....Ughhh..... Please!!" He cried out in a desperate attempt to get the ship to land. Mashyuu would have willingly joined the apparent cult that was in the tower. Hell he would have learned Fire or Sun magic. When the ship touched down smoothly Rocky yelped and ran around Mashyuu happily. Mashyuu didn't move, instead opting to groan weakly with a terrible dread. After Mashyuu didn't move for several minutes Rocky bit down on the collar of his jacket and dragged Mashyuu out of the med bay to the boarding ramp...

    By the time Mashyuu had at last recovered and pushed himself up off the ground the group had all assembled at the ramp. "You guys are devils. I've never been so sick in my life." Mashyuu grumbled and slipped his moms brown jacket off his shoulder and placed it on a hook, if anything happened to the jacket Mashyuu would have killed himself. Once the trio was ready Mashyuu tugged a white tee shirt over his shoulders and patted Rocky on the head. "Stay with me, keep your guard up.... Lets do this. Come on Minh let's hide and wait until we have a chance to sneak in and cause some real damage." Mashyuu said while walking towards the med bay again. He looked around and opened up a cabinet for Rocky to hide inside. Then Mashyuu made his way to the cargo space and slipped into a large crate. With any luck Minh would find a good place to hide too...

    WC: 265

    Mashyuu Status:
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 13th December 2015, 9:12 pm

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite looked back and forth between the big man and Mashyuu waiting for one of them to speak up about the plan he had had come up with but soon his gaze locked on the large built man as he commented on Kite’s suggestion for a plan, he kept it short and sweet saying that if he had to settle on a plan that the “Demon Slayer’s” plan would be the one he would go with. Kite’s eyes narrows lightly and his ears perked up upon hearing this man whom he had never met calling him by his magic’s name. ”It would seem I am a step behind this fellow, I will have to keep this in mind.“ he thought to himself while the man added a bit to his plan, he made the suggestion that Kite should take Cheepie along with him as he infiltrated the tower that way when he found the girl he could send Cheepie back to them and that would act as a signal for them to make their move on the tower. "That would make things a tad easier, wasn’t sure what would be a good way to signal you guys without giving away my position. I think that will be it then, time to go.“ he said as he started to make his way to the stairs across the way near where the control panel was located. He took a few steps up set of stairs and he hit one big red button which began to close the loading ramp. It was from there he saw Mash make his way to the Infirmary and Minh took his place at by the boarding ramp, taking a seat on some crates but he didn’t notice cheepie make it’s way out the door as it shut. Kite reached the first landing and then turned to walk up the next flight of stairs that lead to the catwalk that wrapped around the upper level of the cargo bay and stopped where the cat walked reached the next flight of stairs that would lead to the fore passage that would lead to the cockpit but before he climbed them he looked down at the bay and smirked "Let’s get this show on the road.“ he said out loud right before making the climb and within less than a minute he passed where the bunks where the main crew would sleep and climbed up the short flight of stairs and he entered the rather spacious cockpit and reached up for the radio for the com system. "Attention passengers this is your captain speaking, take your seats and prepare for take off.“ shortly after he took his seat and ignited the already prepared  ship engines which slowly pushed it up off the ground until it was airborne along the way up Kite noticed that he had a little passenger right outside his window "Looks like you are riding shotgun with me.“ he said just as it got to the correct altitude Kite initiated the turbine rotation and the ship went flying west from Sabertooth’s guild hall. After about a half an hour after passing Crocus Kite altered course and headed south east until he parked his boat about a mile or so away from the tower.

    After landing, Kite made his way down to the cargo bay where Mihn was still sitting and he could hear the displeasure Mash was having in the infirmary and as he exited and made his way out to the cargo bay, Kite smiled when he heard the Earth Slayer refer to them as devils "Well its sorta in the name.“ he said with a smirk as he pulled out from one of the cargo containers a roll of wrapping which he wrapped around his arm up by where the Sabertooth Emblem was stamped on and then used the entirety of it to fully wrap his sword from tip to pommel and placed it on his back. "Alright so i approach directly going north east Might be a path I can take while you two take a stroll around the park, see what you can find out.“ he said as he pressed the correct button sequence to open the ramp and he proceeded to exit but stopped as soon as his boots touched the ground. Kite scooped up some dirt and patted on his clothes some on his face and tore the knee out of his pants. "Cheepie, you coming along?“ he asked the bird and waited for him to land on his shoulder before he strolled off on his own. Kite journeyed across the mile or two of land before he reached the ominous looking mystic tower, home to the sun cult and possibly the missing girl, with a small gulp "Little man, if thinks get ugly need you to go and get the others okay?“ he asked the bird before approaching. Soon enough he reached the tower’s entrance where he was greeted by two men, dressed in ceremonial garbs both ignited their hands in a bright white light which created a strong amount of heat “Stop, what is your business here?” the one asked with the second one following up “Yeah State your business or toast we will make out of you.” hearing this made Kite sigh "Woah take it easy, I am looking to seek entry into the tower. I have read up on much of your ways and i want to know more, I want to know how to better worship the sun.“ Kite let the fire flow from his finger as he drew one of the signs he saw from Minh’s scroll. Both men stood down and turned “ you may enter stranger, follow us.” he said and Kite followed with the irony of it all, the further he went in the darker it became. "So Fellas, get many strangers here?“

    template by Darkee

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    Last edited by Kite Wilhelm on 13th December 2015, 10:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gvf4gD8

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by NPC 13th December 2015, 9:12 pm

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! WeakMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! NormalMonster


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! WeakMonster


    #4 'Monster Dice' :
    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! NormalMonster

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 15th December 2015, 3:57 pm

    Minh would make his departure as well from the ship, regardless if Mashyuu was following suit or not behind him as he was not going to waste anytime with this mission being quite a critical one to accomplish as soon as possible due to each passing second potentially causing to lose sight of their quarry. He would trudge alongside Kite for a while before he would have to make his split towards the nearby outskirts of this massive tower. The surrounding was a mixture of light forests and large clearings from what he had seen, but what he didn't realize was that there were the existence of light-based cloaking fields covering large encampments in each of these clearings. They were all lucky enough to have landed pretty far away from the majority of these gatherings lest they be swarmed with enemy combatants right off the bat. Though, cleaning the outer area of them would do well in the case of their escape with the girl. He had some courses of action to take with several being ways to rid of the enemy as well as some plans to avoid them altogether. Though, one daring one was to ambush one of the cloaked men and don their garb so that way he can blend in without allowing his ascended form compromising their element of surprise. If Mashyuu had caught up with him, Minh would turn his head to face the man before talking quietly while gesturing to the camp he was observing while in his thinking process.

    "Listen closely, I am going to need you to grab the attention of some of those cloaked men....or at the very least create some sort of distraction on that outpost ahead. If we can snag the garbs of those persons, we can move from camp to camp gathering what knowledge we can and if needed, we shall cut down all of them to provide a clean escape once we acquire the girl."

    Cheepie, on the other hand, was enjoying his stay in Kite's hair, being the little heart warmer he is as several of these initiates would find the little creature adorable and rather interesting. Little did they know that once the battle starts, a primal bloodlust within this chubby sparrow would unleash a beast from within that would leave only ruin and wanton slaughter wherever it went. For now however, it'll stay cute and tiny, relaxing for as long as it could in this rather tense situation as Kite would be led deeper...or rather higher up in the huge tower. Hopefully, he would be led towards their objective as well.


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by NPC 15th December 2015, 3:57 pm

    The member 'RockyTheRockiestRock' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! NormalMonster Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! WeakMonster Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! NormalMonster



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 15th December 2015, 9:50 pm

    Mashyuu sat in the crate for a moment and slowly peeked out as the others walked down the ramp. Softly Mashyuu whistled and rolled from the crate. A moment later Rocky was at his side and together the pair silently slipped past the group that Kite was dealing with. It wasn't hard to see where Minh was going and the Dragon Slayer caught up to the man swiftly. By the time the towering Minh had turned his head and told Mashyuu his plan the Brown haired wizard turned his head and and looked over to where the Wizard was pointing.

    "Bro I don't think you are going to blend in anywhere around this place." Mashyuu commented silently but looked over at the men at the outpost. He considered his options and frowned. Mashyuu was never fond of sneaking around. If he could have it his way the Wizard would have started punching everyone and tossing them off the isle.

    "Lets take em out. I'll jump in front of em and hold their attention. Just take em from behind. Rocky, stay with Minh." Mashyuu suggested. Mashyuu pointed to the ground under him and winked then the ground around him shot up, swallowed him and the Wizard traveled fifty feet away from where he had been standing. A small line showed where he had come from but the Earth Wizard jumped up out of the ground in front of the three Wizards that were on patrol near the encampment.

    The Wizards were surprised to see Mashyuu jump up in front of them and they were about to shout a warning to the other at the encampment but Mashyuu reached across and slam his strong arm into the face of the Wizard to his left, then spun around and drove the back of his left hand into the other two Wizards jaws.

    To retaliate the three Wizards tried to fight back against Mashyuu close range but the Slayer was naturally faster and stronger than they were. While all three magic users tried to punch, knee and kick at the Earth Wizard, Mashyuu easily blocked and dodged all three strikes while glancing back at Minh to make sure he was ready to strike. It was then that the other groups had heard Mashyuu's fight and started to charge to get in range for spells. Mashyuu grinned and took a wide stance to prepare for a real fight.

    WC: 403

    Mashyuu Status:
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 15th December 2015, 9:58 pm

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite continued to follow the cloaked men as they lead him through the tower, they acknowledged his question but neither one of them answered his question and without a word they both looked forward again seemingly ignoring him which was about to get on his nerves but then one of them began to speak, responding to his question a little later than he would have prefered but better late than never, “No, it isn’t often that we have get visitors here. Not many know about our organization.” Kite kept his eyes locked on the back of the head of the man who was speaking to him. While the answer was pretty simple over all it did help him narrow down some important facts that he didn’t know up until that point which was that the chances of him finding someone who is a newbie would be more in his favor possibly. Kite couldn’t give away much of his position but he needed to ask questions in a casual manner as if he was genuinely curious and not seeming like he was investigating. ”So does that mean that I will be soloing it during the orientation then?“, the question was simple in nature and far from suspicious. The same man let out a sigh and glared at him over his shoulder and answered again “Yes, or that would be the answer if there was an orientation. You are the only one who will be getting examined and depending on how you are judged by the higher ups and if you pass you won’t be put through the trials of Sol like the last visitor.” Kite let out a gulp mimicking someone who would be worried ”Trial.. of Sol? Last one? You sure made that sound ominous.“ the man snickered “You are afraid, that’s good, the last one, well lets just say she is still going through her trials.” he said and said something of interest to the Demon Slayer and mentioned a She. ”could the girl he meant be the one I am looking for? But if that’s true how would she send letters home to her parents… maybe a cover up?“ he thought to himself analyzing the bit of information but there was one more he needed to know about ”What did she do to be forced through this trial? Anything I need to know?“. The man snickered “ yeah, just do as you are told, the little lady came here but when asked to do…. a “Special” task she refused, that high and mighty bitch is now going through the trial and has been for months now. So be respectful and you might get lucky.

    With this bit of information Kite had to detain his anger, if he cover was blown in the early stages of the job then it will end not so good for me or her and so he remained quiet for the rest of his ascent with the cute cheepie resting in his hair, he was surprised that no one questioned the bird in his hair yet and hopefully they didn’t. It wasn’t his bird and he had no idea what the bird could do so he wanted to keep it that way until the very end. The two men had lead Kite to a large room in the tower where he was met by an older man who examined his body poking at his muscles, his skin “Hmm good, good high body heat, that means that the sun will be strong with you. Before we start any sort of training you must complete a special task to prove your worth to me.” he said, which made Kite wonder what it could be, ”Alright, what’s this task?“ he asked plainly which caused the old man to smile with glee “It’s simple young man, you see we as the order of the sun take initiation seriously and we seem to have a recent member much less… compliant than yourself and she has been taking her trials but won’t submit to our ways. Your task is to convince her by any means necessary.” Kite’s eyes widened, he didn’t want to torture anyone but he had no choice but to agree or atleast seem like he agreed, so he bowed his head ”Consider it done, let’s get to it lead me to her the faster this gets done the happier we will all be..“  he said to the man and was lead down a different set of stairs which had him descent down several flights but before he could go far he saw several windows which might be his only means to send Cheepie out so he kept it to memory. It was a matter of minutes until Kite was in front of a large wooden door that opened up to reveal a girl shackled to the floor with bruises and cuts, clearly from being beaten and burns from the use of heat. Kite drew his sword and looked at his escorts  ”Leave us, this won’t take long.“ Kite approached the girl with his sword in hand and she sobbed and it wasn’t until the door shut that he smashed his sword into her chains and kneeled down to check on her condition ”Don’t worry I’m not here to hurt you.“ he said to her which caused her to ask him questions “Who...who are you?” she said but a little louder than he would prefer at this moment so he placed his finger to his lips ”My name is Kite Wilhelm, I’m a member of Sabertooth and I am here to get you out and home to your parents. Can you stand?“ he asked her in a whisper, to which she went to speak but Kite once again pressed his finger to his lips and she nodded instead. ”Good. Let’s get you home.“ he said to her and looked at the door, the only means of escape. ”This will get interesting, and I need to get Minh and Mash informed….but how? “ he was trying to figure it out and he wasn’t coming up with anything, that was until he saw a hole in the roof of her room  where the sun shined brightly in. Kite poked at Cheepie gently ”alright little buddy you need to fly and find Minh, if you can give him the signal to attack.“
    template by Darkee

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    Last edited by Kite Wilhelm on 28th December 2015, 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gvf4gD8

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by NPC 15th December 2015, 9:58 pm

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! StrongMonster Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! NormalMonster Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! WeakMonster

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 22nd December 2015, 1:35 am

    Minh was not a fan of Mashyuu's rather direct and sudden decision to head out to do this little distraction of his, but it wasn't because he was not a fan of the tactical move. He was more concerned with the commotion of 20 cultists fighting the two of them with 10 of them being the cloaked ones who seemed much more trained than the others that Mashyuu were engaging. In fact, the Dragon Slayer was about to have a really bad day if a rail of energy fell upon him like that, and luckily, Minh was already in motion. There was no need to use any of his magic in this situation as all of them were turned upon the intruder like a pack of dogs. The outpost battlements weren't too large and was more like an outpost as he thought, so with that thought in mind, Minh moved into a sliding kick which used his momentum to bring him crashing through the base of a log pillar that served as a support. The earthen monk stopped himself in his track, throwing debris into the air before tackling the support and ripping it out of the outpost. Men on top were shaken and had to stop to see just what was that. When they did, they'd see Minh systematically swinging the support back and forth until the structure came crashing down like a tree. It wouldn't knock any of these fellows out, but it served to save Mashyuu's ass from being fried by ten Sun Cultists. Before Minh continued, he stumbled upon a rather large spherical crystal of sorts that rolled out from the fallen building. It had to be what was given this area its cloaking capabilities, and with a mighty stomp, he crushed it underneath his the sole of his foot before stomping over to Mashyuu, swinging the pillar once more with several of the tougher initiates being thrown off to the side violently by a single swing of the log. Others, however, who were the novices were splattered on the makeshift weapon painting it red as Minh swung back and forth to thin the numbers heading for Mashyuu. Several unfortunate souls were smashed asunder by the log as the warrior shifted his tactics into executing those who were not hasty enough to get up.

    In the meanwhile, Cheepie would be flapping his adorable little wings out of the massive tower, cheeping away somewhat eagerly as he made his way back to Minh whom he always had a natural sense of direction in finding him. Upon coming across the two Sabertooth mages cutting down a swath of cultists, Cheepie joins the fray by diving down as fast as he could before jutting through the head of a foe about to attack Mashyuu from the front with a large hole in his face as Cheepie flaps after Minh in a bloody mess. Upon perching on his head, the bird pecked him twice. At this point, Minh turned over to Mashyuu with an grievous look.

    "We must finish this quickly, Kite has found our quarry, assault the tower now."

    (Ask Kite for what it looks like. Babel Tower basically I think it was.


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 23rd December 2015, 9:43 pm

    "Alright... I might have bitten off more than I can chew on my own." Mashyuu said under his breath as he continued to fight the Wizards in front of him while the others started to charge Mashyuu from behind. He was just about to summon the darkness in his body up from his soul to aid him when Minh took action. He rushed past Mashyuu, Rocky coming up behind the massive man. Minh appeared near the outpost and ripped a post straight out of the ground with what seemed like little effort. Before Mashyuu knew it, Minh had taken down most of the men, and the ones that weren't dead or broken were running for their lives from the other Earth Wizard. In fact if Mashyuu didn't know who the man was, he would have ran with the cult following Wizards.

    Rocky tackled the last remaining man and knocked him out cold. A bloody bird remained near Minh, sending a small chill down Mashyuu's spine. Guess this guy isn't above killing. Mashyuu thought to himself and took a whiff of the blood in the air. "Alright, lets start attacking. Do you know a way up top? Maybe you can jump it?" Mashyuu asked while pointing up towards the massive tower, thinking the strong man could actually make such a leap.

    Mashyuu ran up towards the rounded tower with multiple windows that seemed to go on forever while aiming his finger like a gun towards a window about a quarter of the way up. A small rock floated in front of Mashyuu's finger before he squinted and took a shot. "Rock Bullet!" Mashyuu called out. The blast sent a small stone shooting at a high speed, cutting through the air and crashing through a window. A man stumbled out of the window and fell to his death with a sickening thud. "Throw me up there!" Mashyuu suggested.

    WC: 316

    Mashyuu Status:
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 28th December 2015, 6:37 pm

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Things were about to get very interesting in the tower, the problem was that with this girl here it could get a little too interesting but he had to figure out a way to get her out safely while dealing with the men that were waiting for them outside the door. He could blow the door out on them, catch them by surprise but too loud of an explosion could alert the guards to the internal attack that was taking place. The other option would be to lure the guards into the room but by doing that, seeing that the girl hadn’t been harmed in any way would reveal immediately that he had no intention of completing the trials which would cause them to most likely break out into a fight and have reinforcements here in minutes. Kite looked around the room to see what he had to work with so he could conjure a solid plan but there wasn’t much here, the room was circular and the only real coverage was the two pillars that were adjacent to one another, where the chains that were holding the girl had been anchored to. He wasn’t done looking around the room before the girl said in a concerned yet sarcastic tone, “So genius, how are we gonna get out of here?, there is only one door in and out.” Kite turned the girl and put his finger to his lips letting out a loud shushing noise. ”Shhh. I am keenly aware of this girl pointing out the obvious ain’t helping none. So I would take it as a kindness if you wouldn’t speak unless you have a plan.“ and ironically the girl had just given him a good idea, he turned and faced the door and saw something of interest to him. Hanging well above the door was giant skull trophy. The skull was white similar in shape and design to that of a ram but on a much larger scale in size and judging by those facts alone he could tell that that the ram head was anchored to wall by several bolts and metal wires. Kite smirked as an idea popped up in his head, an idea that might be crazy enough to work. ”Girl, I have to ask you a question. How is your grip strength?“ this caused her to look at him crooked, her brow creased “What sort of stupid question is that? How’s my grip strength like that sort of thing would matter..” she was trying to ridicule his question and belittle his train of thought but Kite wasn’t going to have it, he wasn’t a stranger to such things but now wasn’t the time for it so and even less time to wait for her to finish her belittling him. Kite had grabbed under the girl’s armpits and tossed her over his head and launched her up to the bullvine skull which she grabbed by the horns and held on for dear life but not before yelling on the way up. With the notion of her screaming already in his mind he had already had a plan for that. ”Flame Demon’s Flare Fist.“ he shouted and as he threw his fist in the direction of where the girl was chained, sending out an over sized fist made of his white demon fire causing an explosion to follow.

    Between the scream and the explosion the two guards, the initiates that were stationed outside of the room burst into the room and while they were expecting to see Kite and the girl so it was safe to say that they were surprised to see that it was just Kite alone in the room and where the girl had been chained was nothing but smoke and broken chains. One ran up to Kite and gripped him by his shirt while the other one had made his way over to where the girl was to inspect it. “What did you do?” the man said, standing over the girl’s supposed resting place while the one who had Kite gripped by his shirt shouted in his face “Where is the girl!?” but the first man turned and looked in Kite’s direction and noticed the girl hanging on by the bulls horns while Kite had a grin on his face and slammed his fist into the gut of the man, thereby loosening his grip and Kite took a step back, ”Batters up.“ he said as he pulled his weapon off his back and with the blunt end of his blade out instead of the sharp edge and with a full force swing and drove it into the man who was hunched over and sent him crashing into the second man with a solid thud. Kite took two steps back and held out his arms to catch the falling girl who smacked him across the face “If you ever do that again…” Kite cut her off ”What save your life? You’re right, next time you get all captured like I’ll just stay home.“ he said and dropped her onto her feet and walked over to the two men and stood above them with his sword over his shoulder ”You know it’s awfully compelling for me to end you right here and now, but lucky enough for I ain’t in a killing mood so you can either luxuriate here in this room quiet like or I can make you quiet.“ The man laughed, “and you will go where? this tower is tall and there are many of us, you won’t make it out of here alive and the last thing you will see will be the light of the sun as it fries you to a crisp.” His eyes were filled with confidence and a smile was grew on his face as he tried to struggle from under the body of his friend, meanwhile Kite let out a sigh ”Well, darn.“ he said plainly as he dropped the sword across his head and then did so to the man he had hit first. Both men would be out for some time, plenty of time for them to leave at least. He stormed out the door and grabbed the girl by the wrist and pulled her with him. ”If things get ugly, you hide behind me or the nearest cover while I fight.“
    template by Darkee

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gvf4gD8

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 4th January 2016, 1:53 pm

    Minh looked over at the Dragon Slayer before looking back up at the tower with a puzzled look for a moment as he wondered just why would Mashyuu consider such a possibility of him being able to do such feats. Perhaps leap quite a bit up, but probably not up the height of this massive tower, much less be able to throw his fellow comrade up the whole way as well. The main issue being that a human did not make for a really accurate or workable projectile to have flying through the air. That and having a small target to get him through too required something much more practical and specialized for traveling through the air. With not a moment lost, Minh pointed to Cheepie who let out a cheep before watching as Minh pointed towards Mashyuu, and the dragon slayer would have little time to complain against this idea before he was swooped up by the small avian bird who carried him off quickly and with a speed that was just as surprising as the fact that Cheepie was able to lift this much.

    Minh, on the other hand, was not going to follow that route and headed barreling down towards the base of the tower towards the closest entrance he could find. At the very least, he could serve as a distraction or hold off the majority of them for the others when they come down with the girl. Once the girl was retrieved and taken out of the tower, he would become the rear guard for the remainder of the mission. Hopefully all will go well with no mishaps on the way.


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d



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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 6th January 2016, 5:52 pm

    Before Mashyuu knew what was happening, a small little bird had grabbed him up by the shoulders and fluttered off with the Wizard. Mashyuu went white faced with fear. He looked up at the bird then down at the massive man who was growing smaller by the second. "Rocky! Stay with him!!.... Oh man, I wasn't meant to have my feet so high off the ground." Mashyuu mumbled to himself while he reached into his jacket and pulled out a pair of red and black gloves. "I didn't think I'd need these, but it looks like I'm headed to a place with little earth." He cursed to himself. The small yellow bird flew Mashyuu into a room just under the center of the tower. The bird dropped Mashyuu on the cold hard floor where six men seemed to be running to a flight of stairs... Well five of them at least. The sixth one was floating up the stairs, wearing a golden crown. "I like those robes. Can I get em?" Mashyuu asked while smiling and preparing for a fight.

    Five men dressed in sun robes cast magic around their arms and legs, a bright light enveloped the towers room. Mashyuu covered his eyes for a moment then clenched his fists, the red gloves on his hands cracked with the rarely bent leather. The men charged Mashyuu and he raced forward to meet them head on. One Wizard went for a Superman punch but Mashyuu dropped and slid down under the blow, then sprang up and sent a wild knee into a Wizards jaw. In that time the man wearing a crown raised a brow while watching the fight for a moment then flew up the flight of stairs.

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    Last edited by Mashyuu on 6th January 2016, 6:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by NPC 6th January 2016, 5:52 pm

    The member 'Mashyuu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Boss


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! NormalMonster
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 9th January 2016, 3:01 am

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gz9pLlV




    Cool Down


    "Word “
    "Thought “

    "You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! VjAvM1A

    - Kite

    Kite had made his instructions for the girl perfectly clear, when things would started to get hairy she would either hide behind him or go for cover whichever was more readily for her. He made his way through the exit but had to stop when he heard a lack footsteps behind him. ”Huh, is she really not moving from that spot?“he had asked himself as he turned around to look at the girl who was standing as still as a statue with the exception of her left foot digging at the ground, looking down all docile like, “Mr.Wilhelm can’t I just stay here until you clear the way?” She looked up from the floor and locked eyes with the Demon Slayer with a pleading expression gracing her face. “That way I am out of the way and you can go wild.” While the idea of not having to babysit this girl on the way down the tower while fighting off who knows how many cult members but that last part is what troubled the Demon Slayer. He shook his head ”Sorry sweetheart but as much as I’d like to go with the notion you mentioned it wouldn’t work.“ He crossed his arms and took a slouched, one sided stance ”I leave you here and clear the way but who knows how many more will pop up from out of the hidden nooks we don’t know about. As much of a nuisance as you would be along the way you would be much safer near me than here alone.“ He paused and lifted his arm so his hand was pointing in her direction and he performed the signal with his hand to have her come with him. Her eyes grew more fierce as she approached “FIne, I’ll go with you, but I am not a nuisance!” she shouted right before Kite took her by her wrist and pulled her along up the stairs.

    The flight seemed to take longer to ascend than it did to descend, it was either because it is usually faster to go down than to go up or the anticipation of a battle breaking out and having to protect her along the way. Luckily the journey up the stairs went by with no problem however when they reached the room where he had met the man who would give him the assignment to go through the trial of the sun he was greeted by two more men, dressed similarly to the ones were dealt with down stairs. Kite pulled the girl in such a way that she was now in a position where Kite was between her and the men. In the meanwhile the two men looked at each other then back at Kite who was fixing them both with a serious stare as the one on the right spoke up. “What do you think you are doing? She isn’t suppose to be out of her holding cell.” Kite held up his hands showing his showing he wasn’t trying to be aggressive ”Take it easy Fellas. The big guy told me to bring her to him when I was done with her punishment.“ Upon hearing this come from the demon slayer the second man peered around the Sabertooth mage to look at the girl and then back at Kite “If she were punished then why is she standing without a scratch on her?” Kite didn’t think of that oversight and that was a problem to say the least in terms of convincing them that he did in fact complete the deed. ”Uh well you see,funny story...“ he paused as the men awaited eagerly for him to explain himself but what they would be getting would be a lot less than an explanation and a lot more fire. ”Flame Demon’s Rage!“ he shouted as he unleashed a plume of fire that pushed the two men through the large stained glass window and had them plummet to the ground below. With both men out of the way Kite shut and locked the door that lead down to the trial room so that way the man Kite had left sleeping with a big bump on his head. Kite turned to the girl ”Those stairs are closed off now. That flight there goes leads down the tower and to the exit but most likely my associates are causing a scene down stairs so you get to stay here, until I get back now that it is secured.“ Kite began his climb down the stairs and stumbled upon a man floating his way up the stairs towards him and stopped when he saw the large sword wielding man a head of him. ”No one told me the king was going to be here. All hail your majesty.“ “You, I remember you. You had such fire I would have hoped you would join our cause. Now I have to deal with a whelp like you.” Kite smirked ”Well you aren’t wrong about the fire Stranger but we will turn up the heat in a second. First you get to meet my blade.“ He pulled his sword from his back and held it out with two hands and in a combat stance. Kite charged at the man swinging his sword blade first at the man with the crown but instead of flesh the man had a shield made of light, sun light blocking the attack. Kite was caught off guard for a short time but regained his composure quick enough to jump back as the Arch Mage made a blade out of sun light and slashed at Kite, slicing through his shirt but missing his actual skin. ”Oh that’s a neat trick.“
    template by Darkee

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Gvf4gD8

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    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Empty Re: Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return!

    Post by RockyTheRockiestRock 22nd January 2016, 2:19 pm

    Cheepie saw Mashyuu holding his own against those five mages and saw that is was unfair that he was to be outnumber, and the little bird decided to even the odds by letting loose two shots that smashed through two of the seasoned cultist sending one's head splatter across the room while another was sent flying into the wall with a crack, making a crater of sort before one would notice the head of the unfortunate woman, flopping off the side almost comically with the facial features ruined beyond repair. The wizened old man didn't get much of a chance to run much further as he took the third shot from Cheepie's tiny, little energy turret which sent him flying out of the tower with a classical Wilhelm Scream. He would let Mashyuu take care of the others as he start flapping his way up the stairs.

    Minh was also making his advance on the tower as well, making a loud crash as he slammed his way through the tower's wall like a bulldozer, causing almost all the novices and adepts to turn their heads towards the debris cloud only to see a massive silhouette surge from it. Minh reached out and grabbed the face of one novice, moving quickly to plant his whole arm straight into the ground with his head bending further back into the floor than what was humanly possible. Without loss of momentum, he used all his force into the maneuver to hold up his heavy body with the same arm sprung up like a spring. He pushed forward to throw himself into the air, righting himself immediately as he was in the air, to then bring both of his arms down upon an adept, throwing him into the ground with an impact that left the ground concave below the person. The rest immediately charged at him in a panic while he lash to and fro throwing the men and women alike back and forth in a tangle of limbs.


    Sabertooth in: The Sunny Tower Of No Return! Minh_by_ravenart5-d9drt2d

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:26 am