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    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 225
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
    Experience : 10,518.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Dark Orchestra
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    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Rohma 16th November 2015, 2:58 am


    ’It’s still so strange to be given “orders” by someone other than him,’ a dark haired man mused as he sat on the patio of a deserted café. The whole town seemed rather hushed truth be told, a lot of citizens opting to stay inside and businesses more or less closed in the face of the current debacle. It certainly made getting a cup of tea impossible for the moment as he sat upon the banister of the railing, seemingly without a care aside for tapping his scuffed up cane against the deck to a mental tune.

    A beat up, leather hat in the shape of a slightly squished top hat sat next to him, goggles strapped to the base. When a small gust of wind attempted to knock the article over a gloved hand prevented the fall, instead moving the beloved object onto a nearby table instead as he peered around.

    The assignment came in the middle of work unfortunately, the man stuck between the knights and his father’s business – something the older man found annoying, yet couldn’t pass up gaining connections within a military institute either. The twisted expression on his face – torn between happiness and displeasure – had been mildly amusing for the young man and worth the explanation. However he still expected his son to help out in his ever growing business, the prominent trader side of him ever present, so when some commanding officer decided to inform Faeral of his new assignment with a partner they’d chosen for him, he’d agreed albeit requested they explain to the partner to meet up at X spot in the city of their job as he’d be traveling from a different location. It was merely easier to have them meet up close to the objective rather than deal with awkward travel times there since he had one or two things he had to finish up (although he refrained from mentioning that to the officer).

    After they paired up the duet would have to meet with these “musketeers” the organization declared would be aiding them, some personal friends of the Sir Townsend. First things first though he needed to make contact with this “assigned partner” who they’d at least showed a picture, likely doing the same for the girl so she’d know who to look for…’Though in this “crowd” I’d either be a suspicious character or the partner so she’d have about 50/50 chance of getting it right.’




    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 16th November 2015, 11:29 am

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    The town in which Kuro had been asdigned to was eerily quiet, more so than usual for Kuro. While she could not hear voices she could often hear the bustling of a crowd, footsteps on the ground, and the subtle shift of clothing as one moved. Yet the only sounds in which Kuro could hear was the very sounds that she had created. Overall it was unpleasant, Kuro always enjoyed the slight noises produced by people. Those small noises reassured her that she was not actually deaf, just partially so.

    Her condition or rather the curse placed upon her was a very well guarded secret of hers. She could not hear the sound of a persons voice, and Kuro went to great lengths to make sure not many knew of that. Even within the ranks of the Rune Knights Kuro had managed to fool the higher ups into thinking that she could actually hear them. There was only a single Rune Knight who knew of her condition but she doubted he went around telling others of her slight disability.

    The mission in question was one that Kuro was rather excited for. It was already starting off well seeing as she did not have to travel with her assigned partner. Traveling with her fellow Rune Knights was always stressful since she had to be alert so as to not break her lady like, perfect image. The actual mission also peaked the woman's interest. Helping out the military force of a foreign country had to have been good for the diplomacy between Fiore and Minstrel. Most interesting of all was the partner assigned to her. He would be the first Rune Knight who was a slightly lower rank than her at least in terms of the Rune Knight bureaucracy. All, she had received was a photo of him and a request to meet him at a cafe of sorts.

    Sure enough the man was at the practically abandoned cafe as promised. He wad the only living soul around, and he seemed to match the photo. Kuro did not speak up as she approached but her boots clicked against the stone pavement surely alerting him to her presence. Slipping her hand out of her red coat, Kuro produced a neatly folded piece of paper. The paper unfurled itself revealing that the job description. Her head tilted slightly to the side, blue eyeing having not yet narrowed themselves into her signature cold glare. This was her version of a silent inquiry as to whether or not he was her job partner.

    Words: 245
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 225
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
    Experience : 10,518.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Dark Orchestra
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    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Rohma 18th November 2015, 2:41 am



    Adjusting the rhythm of the cane clacking against the wooden deck to create a proper beat with the approaching sign of life, the man allowed his neck to loll over his shoulder to peer at the figure. A languorous smile spread as the tapping ceased and he turned himself about on the banister. Dropping down to the ground he stared at the paper, the smile momentarily disappearing before coming back in that practiced, gentlemanly size and he bowed, ”A pleasure to finally meet you,” he stood back up and placed the beat up hat upon his head, ”my lady. I am Faeral Laforet, if you are Kuro Kanso?”

    She certainly matched the photo they shared, similar hairstyle and all, icy eyes…he hazarded that she stood around the same height as Erika give some centimeters to an inch. It ensured the dark haired man had to look down no matter how straight she stood, though he gave her silent applause for the wonderful posture. ’She’s certainly been a knight longer than I or those in my training group…but it’ll be a fair time before they can match that stature if they ever drum up enough pride.’ It made him wonder if perhaps this Kuro was of higher breeding than the common man, but it was far too personal a question to ask at this time and once he was fully initiated into the special ops information would come a little more freely.

    ”As my superior I shall follow you to the meeting place.” He nodded to her, a small smile refusing to leave his face as he allowed the woman to take the lead. ’Hopefully she doesn’t mind a slight lax in demeanor. Wouldn’t be wise to walk around like soldiers with enemies possibly hiding about. Though simply being out and about is probably a curiosity at this point.’ Like when he’d shown up the man’s eyes slid about as if searching for any sign of life, yet could find little beyond the occasional movement of curtains. Be them locals or enemies hiding…they caught some attention at least. ’Should probably get out of here quickly.’




    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 19th November 2015, 12:00 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    When she had approached the man had dropped down to the ground giving her a well practiced bow. "Not bad." She internally mused, and in turn she gave him a small but perfect curtsy. Despite his gentlemanly manners his appearance was rather different. A worn top hat and cane would have made him look fotmal if not for their rather beaten appearance. He was a rather strange character with his mannerisms and appearance but Kuro had met stranger than him.

    "Lady?" She almost wanted to laugh, it had been a long time since someone had referred to her as a lady. After reading the question off of his lips Kuro gave a small nod confirming that she was indeed Kuro. However, other than that the woman remained silent, lips pressed tightly together. She had never been very talkative, and after so many years of not hearing a living persons voice including her own she had forgotten what many things sound like. Meaning her speech sounded nothing like the lady like, perfect image she tried very hard to keep up.

    Being his superior it would have been only natural for Kuro to take the lead but... That could be rather problematic in itself. With her back turned to him she wouldn't be able tk determine if he was speaking to her. Her entite existence, her very ability to function in society was based upon reading others lips. She nodded her head agreeing to take the lead but before she did so she placed a single finger to her lips requesting that he remain silent, praying that her request would be enough to keep him quiet. Hopefully, that would save her from having to awkwardly explain to her fellow Rune Knight her condition of sorts. Without any further delay Kuro moved down street, leading them to their destination. Her hands were shoved in her pockets but her eyes roamed the streets searching for any enemies, and upon occasion she would look back to check on Faeral.

    Words: 245
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 225
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
    Experience : 10,518.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Dark Orchestra
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    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Rohma 21st November 2015, 12:05 am

    For reasons beyond him the woman offered the silent treatment, and a moment later a decree of silence. A curious idea, one that flashed across his face before smiling and nodding: if she wanted to travel in quiet then so be it. They would attract less trouble then when meeting their supposed allies, three feisty women that almost piqued his curiosity as much as his superior. Following his current leader Faeral would refrain from twirling his cane about – as tempting as the silly habit could be – and settled for casually eying the place around them.

    Ghostly flashes of life sprouted here and there, curtains waving as the people vanished behind them, and shutters clicking closed a split second before his roving gaze passed over them. ’They truly are afraid, aren’t they? Probably believe we’re with the ruffians currently inhabiting the place. I wonder how far they even stray from Townsend’s residence…though it’s possible the musketeers have them somewhat corralled. Wonder if they advised people stay inside then?’ There were still a few holes in what he knew, though perhaps they’d given his dark haired superior more Intel?

    ’But hmm….would she even answer?’ Every so often she turned around as if double-checking he was following her. Did she expect him to toddle off? Was that something new recruits often did? Or maybe she expected him to get grabbed and replaced by an enemy? A part he blamed on Erika wanted to make a face each time she peeked over her shoulder, but luckily he managed to hold back – something the special little snowflake of a woman would’ve been horrendously disappointed about.

    Eventually he couldn’t help himself a bit, and while she was looking forward he whispered his question – since she seemed so keen on being quiet.

    ”Are we almost there?”




    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 16th February 2016, 9:18 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    The town seemed almost deserted if not for the occasional rustle of life behind drawn curtains, no doubt it was curious children wanting to see what the law enforcement of Fiore looked like. Other than that the entire town seemed to be quaking in fear from a small group of dark mages that had taken a certain family hostage. Considering these illegal mages were from Fiore it was only natural that the two Rune Knights take some responsibility. With nothing but the sound of her boots clicking upon the cobbled street, Kuro in theory should have heard his question but she gave no response or acknowledgement that she had heard him. In fact some time afterwards she glanced back again, clearly oblivious to his earlier question. Her gaze lingered for only a moment before turning her attention elsewhere, unaware of how her own cover might have been blown. Kuro kept her gaze forward, searching for a trio of female mages to meet before they snuck into the building housing the hostages and their captors.

    As silent and stoic as ever, Kuro lead them through the winding streets, blissfully unaware of any other further questions he might have asked, provided that he continued to speak when her icy gaze was trained in front of her. At the least she seemed to know where she was going, because she stopped just short of a coffee shop, where three female stood alone. There was no doubt that they were the one's the two mages were meeting. All three were attractive to say the least, not that Kuro cared much. Their meeting point was the coffee shop, but the actual target home was still some ways away. A debriefing was in order, and Kuro was more than happy to oblige. One of the women turned, the red head, and gave the pair a wave in greeting. In turn, Kuro gave her own silent but pleasant greeting. However, she sent one last look to the male behind her, unsure of just what he was like. Her cold gaze stated one thing, and one thing only,


    Words: 245
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 225
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
    Experience : 10,518.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Dark Orchestra
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    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Rohma 17th February 2016, 6:52 am

    Hmm…perhaps that’d been too quiet? Attention more trained on the area than the man following her Faeral figured he was either on the receiving end of the silent treatment or the question went unheard. A few beats of waiting he considered asking again when she looked back more to make sure he kept up the pace rather than properly address him…it shocked him long enough that she’d turned back around when he asked again, sure this time she merely hadn’t heard him. ”Are we…almost there?” Cautious as he could be, Faeral spoke more in a normal volume with a hint of quiet like one might at a fine restaurant.


    An eyebrow raised, the man uncertain if she chose to ignore him or…well, he wouldn’t be yelling the question anytime soon to see if it garnered her attention, fractionally tempting as it may have been. For now he offered her the benefit of the doubt, the circumstances apparently more dire than to answer a silly question. Besides he supposed she wanted to assess the level of danger if this sheer desertion was anything to go by.

    Finally the answer revealed itself as three brave souls stood by the empty coffee shop, their stance admirable as if by merely standing there they defied the invading force. Faeral would truly be disappointed if ballads and sonnets weren’t written about the trio after this, though he wouldn’t be surprised if one or a few existed already merely about their looks. Someday they’d become little more than overhyped legends he imagined, but he enjoyed the thought of knowing them before that time. Returning his gaze the dark haired man was met with a silent message. His raised eyebrow asked all he needed to in that moment, questioning her doubt.

    What did she expect anyhow? For him to turn into a drooling, love-struck drunkard?

    Hardly his style.

    The blonde nodded to them even as the red-head waved. Waiting until they were closer before making the introductions she motioned towards the red-head and the brunette before herself, ”This is Portha, Atma, and I am Atha. You are the knights we were promised I take it?”

    ’Judging by that look we won’t live long if we’re not.’ While blonds might’ve had more fun Atha’s expression hardly said such, cold eyes staring at them both, ready to do away with them if they turned out to be spies or fakes. ’Hmm if they’re related at all…cousins perhaps, maybe even distantly.’ He’d just let Kuro speak for them, the stoic knight having taken point on this job.




    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 17th February 2016, 12:13 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    There was a brief but awkward pause, the air was thick with silence. She had half expected her fellow Rune Knight to answer the woman's question but as the silence bore in it became increasingly evident that he was expecting her to speak on their behalf. Which presented a problem in itself. Her speech was anything but pretty, volume control was lost to time, and there was long pauses between each word as she thought about just what it should sound like though that didn't mean that pronounced it right. After so long without hearing voice, Luro had found it increasingly hard to remember what certain sounds sounded like, let alone could she reproduce them perfectly. She avoided speaking with as much grace as she could, and in this circumstance a simple nod of her head, and the showing of the Rune Knight mark upon her hand seemed to suffice. Her stance relaxed some once the trio of musketeers accepted that as satisfactory identification. Hardly a moment later the blonde one, Atha, explained the plan they had created.

    Kuro followed along eyes trained on the woman's lips, reading every word from her lips like one would a book. The plan seemed simple enough, the two knights were to infiltrate the castle as quietly as possible, locate the hostages, and get them out of there before dealing with the mages. Once the hostages were safe the musketeers would be more than happy to help. It was at that moment that Atha turned around, still speaking, saying something about a signal so that way the Rune Knights would let them know when to storm the building. However, the woman's back was turned and it was lost to Kuro, whatever the signal may be surely her partner wouldn't have her do it? Atha then turned to face them once more prompting them for questions but Kuro shook her head, once again glancing back to make sure her companion hadn't said anything in the brief break down. The trio of women departed all of them having various forms of goodbye, wishes of good luck, and a subtle threat that should any harm come to the family the Rune Knights would be suffering a far worse fate. Once they were out of sight Kuro turned her attention upon her fellow knight, shooting him a look to see if he was ready to try and sneak into the home.

    Words: 245
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 225
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
    Experience : 10,518.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Dark Orchestra
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    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Rohma 17th February 2016, 10:01 pm

    Silence. They all more or less looked to her, awaiting some form of response and he could almost feel it slowly sink in, much to his amusement. Like a good recruit though the man didn’t smile, merely blinking with his blank face in waiting. Finally she nodded, perhaps having worked through a few things in her head first before deciding she was ready for the trio’s game plan, and his attention turned back to them. ’I guess it’ll be up to us to do the majority of the work,’ he thought with a small, internal sigh, ’but I guess that’s the extent of their “friendship” to this Sir Townsend?’ Their weapons, he noticed, were high-grade if not top notch. The swords alone probably gleamed in their scabbards even as each toted some form of gun, metal glinting with promise. He’d even hazard a guess they could take him down with fair ease and speed, not that he’d put them to that kind of test.

    On the bright side they really only needed to find the hostages and save them before the strong allies would be their’s for any fights. Not a lazy bones, Faeral did prefer to use any and all assets to their full potential and trying to “hog all the glory” definitely wasn’t his style either. As Kuro’s attention averted away he shrugged, ”The signal will be easy enough as I use a type of sound-based magic. When you hear the horns by all means, feel free to come charging in.” Not knowing what Kuro could do quite yet it seemed only fitting since sound could be more reliable than something visual, never mind his little “back up speakers” that could ensure the sound reached the outside.

    ”Well no pressure,” he muttered as they left, knowing that relations with Fiore itself could be harmed by a failure, or at the very least a distrust brewed with the Rune Knights. Meeting the eyes of his partner he motioned for her to go first in the direction the ladies pointed out for the abode, ”Après vous, mademoiselle?”




    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 18th February 2016, 12:02 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Ignorant of the signal and how her partner would be the one signaling, Kuro lead the way to the home in question. It was only a short walk away, the home more mansion like than anything. Naturally, they couldn't just walk through the front gates, the two would have to scavenge about the gated mansion for an alternative entrance. The search was a brief and quiet one, Kuro still occasionally glancing back to make sure he wasn't talking to her. Eventually, the dark haired girl found what appeared to be a gardner's entrance. The mansion clearly had little to no security save for the walls surrounding it. Though the walls seemed to serve no purpose as one of slender build could easily slip through the rusted iron bars of the gardner's entrance, and luckily Kuro was of very slender build. The bars barely brushed against the tip of her nose when she slipped past them and onto the mansions grounds. Quickly, she opened the gate from the inside allowing her partner access to the grounds as well.

    From the outside the mansion seemed to be empty, but That didn't mean they could just dawdle around in the open. Making yet another motion for him to be quiet, Kuro slipped across the lawn edging closer to the mansion for cover. Once they were safely out of sight they could hopefully find a somewhat discreet way into the place. The Rune Knight managed to press herself against the wall of the home, so as to avoid anyone spotting them from the Windows. When suddenly her eyes widened,


    She peered up and around, praying that there was a window somewhere, and to their luck there was a window cracked every so slightly... On the second floor. Her gaze remained firm upon that window for a moment, contemplating as to how she might get up there as quietly as possible. Then it clicked and once more her icy gaze was upon her partner. She pointed up at the slightly open window, then to herself, and then finally to him. The long red cloak that she typically wore was soon shed, leaving her in a standard blouse and skirt. Bright red would only garner more attention, and the long heavy fabric would be pesky to deal with when trying to climb through the window. Just in case he wasn't following along, she repeated the same three motions again, only this time she added a fourth one that vaguely looked like she was holding someone up in the air, in short she needed a boost.

    Words: 245
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 225
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Xia Song (Deceased)
    Experience : 10,518.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Dark Orchestra
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    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Rohma 19th February 2016, 7:15 am

    The architecture here certainly held appeal to the man, Faeral unable to help admiring the mansion even as they scoured around for a back entrance. ’A summer home wouldn’t be amiss here, as long as things end well.’ Luckily the search ended quickly and his thin partner proved more than a match for the gate, granting the man entrance without some silly and overly ridiculous acrobatics involved…or simple tree climbing. Whatever it came down to first as he peered about.

    ’Hmm…I’d imagine more people patrolling, but I suppose whatever groups haven’t made it back here? Or worse: they’ve hired slackers.’ Well one could only hope for lazy villains, but he chalked it up to most of the group hiding inside rather than out, the Townsend estate nothing to laugh at so if they had the halls filled over the outside…well he wouldn’t be entirely surprised. That aside, it meant entering could get tricky as any room might bear unwanted people inside, the doors to the outside most likely sporting a pair of guards or more. He remained cautious as they crossed the lawn, Faeral waiting a beat or two before following the woman.

    This was one of those times he rather preferred she vocalized, the actions a bit…well, silly, but he accepted that the woman really liked to err on the side of caution as she gestured that she wanted to get through that window. With it being up high he’d have to boost her up unless she sported a trick to do it herself, the woman asking silently for that the second run through her sign language. Rather than vocalize however he merely nodded, lacing his fingers together as he made a sort of “step” for her, crouched a little so he’d put his knees into it rather than his back. Thanks to a decorative ledge she wouldn’t need to balance on his shoulders while peering through the window or finagling it to further open the thing. Being the gentleman and knight now that he was, Faearal would keep an eye out for her, ready to catch Kuro if she fell or slipped too far, but eager to ensure some random Joe Schmoe didn’t catch them and try to sound an alarm either.




    From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: From Knight to Musketeer [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 19th April 2016, 11:19 am

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Once her partner has acknowledged her words, Kuro gave a small nod. A moment later and Kuro with as much grace and dignity as possible, tried to climb up. She placed her boot clad foot upon his intertwined fingers, testing his hold before placing more of her weight on him. Her slender build was accompanied by a similar weight, she was light, but that lightness and her build was hardly helpful at the moment. "So close.." Fingertips were shaking with effort, trying to reach the ledge but only brushed against it. Her other hand fumbled for her partner, and then pushed down on his head of dark locks with a grip that was far from gentle. Continuing to fumble, trying to reach just an inch higher, eventually her fingertips managed to just barely curl around the edge. Finally, her weight was no longer bearing down upon her partner, and instead she was supported by nothing but her own physical strength. Which was less than deplorable...

    A soft sound of strain escaped her lips as her legs kicked out, scrapping against the wall. Inch by inch Kuro pulled her body up until her torso tested on the ledge, her lower half still dangling in the air. Expecting to slip through the cracked open window with ease, Kuro was unpleasantly surprised to find herself stuck.. Most of her body had managed to get through the crack of the window into a room that might have belonged to the servants of the house. Wriggling around some Kuro found that the window was stuck upon the curve of her bottom. In embarrassment and frustration the Rune Knight tried to smooth out her dark skirt to hide the pale skin beneath from any prying eyes. More and more she wriggled until eventually Kuro freed herself. Not wanting to leave her partner hanging, Kuro scavenged for something to help get him up there.

    Since the room seemed to belong to servants there was a number of uniforms, and laundry in the room. Within the piles of laundry was a simply white bed sheet that would have to do the job. Gripping one end of the sheet, Kuro tossed open the window, and threw out the other end to her partner. Surely she'd be able to support his weight as he climbed for a little while as well?

    Words: 245
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:19 pm