The days bit by bit had been growing colder as she walked the music box still singing and praying within her as it played it's almost constant music to her the blood once wet and fresh on her hands now all but scrapped away by time itself. Each step a new day it seemed without end as her eyes scanned each city and the city in return chased her out with inadequacy as she herself was for what seemed to be almost sleep like in her trance each city she came too would repeat the same message to those she deemed perhaps even a little ready for her each time, "Are you my master?" Each word rolled off her inhuman tongue as if it were the most natural thing in the world. This was the daily life of herself the living puppet Nequam the embodiment of worthlessness as her first master had coined her. With each day in the arms of her first master he would beat and rip her apart. But that was alright with her she felt no pain and all she wanted was for her master to feel better so her body could be abused. He would throw her to the people below sometimes and yell at them to use me as payment. But that was alright master needed his help for home. Finally master asked me to help his heart with my hands. I did so with the vigor a good puppet always does and master slowly fell asleep. For weeks I waited for master to awaken but in the end he never did seeming to have died in his sleep. I was a good puppet for master but now I needed a new one and so it is for this reason I travel as much I do.
The days grew smaller and the nights longer as I reached the next town to search for queries of a new master. Each time I walked past a human my usual greetings of a soft curtsy and a hello came forth but most would be afraid of me when I said hello. Was it my look? Perhaps I will never know. Soon I came upon a peculiar man with striking blue hair but before I could greet them they ran into a building that looked unlike anything the small towns and other areas I had visited ever seemed to be. Was this. . . A mages guild? I had heard of them before but they always seemed. . . Off I never found one with someone I could call master but maybe this was the place. Taking the music box from her chest a quick walk was taken to the doors of the guild not even bothering to announce herself she would wind her box as it would play it's music calming her slightly as she looked around for this blue haired mage wondering if she could ask him the question she has been denied with so many times before.