Introduction to Magic
What is Magic? Many individuals were ever so curious to what magic really is? Does it create miracles or bring forth disaster? Can it grant one's happiness or sadness? Is Magic good or bad? In order to answer these Inquiries, it is imperative to know what magic really is.
Magic is a class of mystery that surpasses all kinds of science and craft and represents events that are unachievable through the mere expenditure of time and resources, so no matter the difficulty, events brought about through such methods will never be seen as Magic. Magic itself will never fade out, as the arrival of magi at existing or yet uncharted Magic can allow for new Magic to be born and the numbers to be increased. The actual chance is more difficult than a camel passing through the eye of a needle and finding one speck of a jewel in the desert, but it is not impossible.
"In my experiences, magic is a kind of energy that is similar to how the soul is developed. Our souls are like Ice and magic is like water, unlike the soul, magic is the non-crystallized energy that flows freely across the universe."
Mejai believed if it was put this way, then as such the soul can be a catalyst in order to bring forth magic, the Soul however can also harness the energy in order to replenish itself. As to how Mejai described the "Soul" as "Ice" and that "Magic" is "Water" if too much magic is embedded in the soul, it melts away completely turning into magic itself.
Its implied if one were to reach the ultimate origin of magic itself and commune with the mysterious class of energy, it is possible for one to become living magic. However having to completely become living magic is a difficult process and could prove to be irreparable once done. Our soul can become magic but once converted into magic, everything about the soul will be lost almost permanently and whatever is left of it will return to the life cycle, starting life anew. This however is the reason why reincarnation is possible or at least one of the possible methods of reincarnation.