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    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu]

    Alivya Tarrin
    Alivya Tarrin

    Spirits Keeper

    Spirits Keeper

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Summon
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    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] Empty Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu]

    Post by Alivya Tarrin 26th September 2015, 6:32 pm

    Job Info:

    Being new still to the guild of Tartarus the celestial mage wandered around the guild hall aimlessly with a job request in her hand. It was one that she had spotted that seemed like some fun, but she wanted someone to go with her. But being new had some downsides. She didn't know anyone. Well other than Master Nii-chan but he was always off doing something. The girl sighed and plopped herself down on one of the few seats in the hall of the castle that the guild had found to be its home. Her head fell and rested on her crossed arms with the job request visible to anyone who passed by her.

    Honey had taken note of her distress and proceeded to remove himself from her bun and nuzzle into the side of Lamya's face as to which the girl only looked at the bunny and smiled slightly. He was trying to cheer her up. Looking at the bunny the girl smiled and new found energy sparked within her. She looked at the door to the guild and made a promise to herself that who ever came through that door next she would ask them to go with her.

    True to her word the minute that the door to the castle opened Lamya stood up from her seat. "Would you go on this job with me!"

    WC: 228

    Last edited by Lamya on 28th September 2015, 8:20 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of Inari
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    Guild : Sabertooth (Guild Master)
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    Experience : 1,099,455

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    First Skill: Spirit Fox Magic
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    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] Empty Re: Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu]

    Post by Itori 27th September 2015, 5:29 am

    Itori looked up towards the big castle that functioned as the home of the guild she had joined, Tartarus. Every time that she approached it she once again had to conclude that it was a very old building, old enough that it was a surprise the humans had left it alone and not either repaired it or taken it apart for the materials. That of course also had to do with who the owner of the castle was: he wouldn't have let any humans know of its existence, let alone allow them to approach it unless they were there to join him. Still, it was something for her to think about as her sandalled feet touched the stone-clad path leading up to the large gate serving as the entrance to the castle.

    The fox girl was carrying a rather large bag, almost large enough for it to be comical and ridiculous rather than impressive. The size and most likely weight of the bag totally betrayed the expectations most people would have of her strength when they looked at the slender and elegant form of her body. Even those who had seen her in more revealing clothing and had seen that she actually had a somewhat athletic build would most likely still make a double take if they saw her right now. Of course those people didn't know that the bag was containing food, which somehow served as an explanation for why Itori was able to carry so much. She had been out procuring new provisions, since she was growing hungry again and she didn't want to make anybody else grow hungry because she had accidentally emptied their stores in one of her food raids.

    She caught herself drooling slightly as she reached the large wooden gate, and wiped her mouth before pushing the door open with that same hand, trying to navigate through without her bag of food getting stuck along the way. What she didn't expect to happen during that time was for somebody to jump up and immediately ask her something, leaving Itori standing in the middle of the doorway as she gave Lamya a puzzled glance. She then held up a hand and smiled, motioning for the girl to wait while she got herself and her food through the entrance without any accidents. Only when she had placed her bag down and made sure it wouldn't...walk away or something (it could happen) Itori turned back to Lamya and bowed, then walked over to the girl with a curious expression. She didn't know too much about Lamya, the woman being even newer than Itori herself. Itori would have put more effort into quickly entering a friendly relationship except she was still busy making sure both her sisters were comfortable in this place.

    Once she was standing next to the girl Itori motioned for Lamya to show her the job description, still having that warm and friendly smile as her tail swished from side to side. Honestly she still wanted to first go and cook the food she had gathered so she could eat it, but she could first at least see if this job that Lamya was talking about was one that she could help her out with. From the way that the girl had reacted she hadn't been waiting for Itori specifically, which meant that the job most likely was one which didn't require specific skills, just a helping hand. That was promising, at least. If it had required specific skills it could have made things complicated.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 176
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1543
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cycle of Revenance
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    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] Empty Re: Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu]

    Post by Alexander 13th October 2015, 12:34 pm

    Boredom was a rare experience for Alexander. Normally he could go years before experiencing any type of distraction or interest loss, focused entirely on his studies. Yet recently, it had become a plague to him. While it was definite, he believed it to be from his new situation. Years upon years had been spent in his cave, focused solely on what little material he had available to him. Now however, there was a massive influx, from Lyserg's massive library to even the other guild members, shortage of subjects seemed impossible. So now, when he tried to return to his previous work, he constantly found it inadequate. So, when these moods hit, he often went for walks, simply strolling the large halls to exercise his body. It may not have been necessary for him, but his body had actually started to show signs of health recently, and he didn't wish to lose what he had now gained.

    A secondary reason for the walk was to spy. Without question, many of the guild's members could be described as "eccentric." There were often encounters amongst themselves; situations that could lead to promising new information. So at any sounds he overheard, Alexander would quickly trail and watch silently, most times never even having been noted as present. Such was the case today, as an unfamiliar voice echoed through the halls. Silently, he approached and peered into the main hall, standing in the hallway to try and obscure himself.

    He saw two figures; one of the fox triplets and a new character. Another guild mate perhaps? She held a sheet, something he vaguely recognized as a "job" request. Was the new girl looking to bring the fox on a job? So far, Alexander had only seen Izayoi in action, and still desired to learn more of the other two. This could be the proper chance. Sliding forward, he approached the pair, his face locked into a polite smile. He made no sound or notification of his coming, completely willing to simply watch and not involve himself at all if left unnoticed.


    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] R9bdomr
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
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    Posts : 252
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    Cosmic Coins : 4
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    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] Empty Re: Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu]

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 15th October 2015, 1:21 pm

    Izayoi was raiding the kitchen that day, she had a small bag of food that she was going to use to make a pretty good dinner later on and was heading back to her house. She came around a corner and caught sight of Alex, Itori and someone else she had never seen. Izayoi smiled meekly and walked over, "what going on?" Izayoi looked at itori and then Alex then to the other person. "And who is this?" Izayoi motioned to the new person, Izayoi raised a eyebrow at the girl and noticed the paper in her hand. Izayoi snatched it out of the person who was holding it and read it. A cosplay job, Izayoi's ears folded down as she read. "Just no...." She looked at Itori and Alex. "I guess i can help if they are... the more the..." She was going to say merrier but decided against it, the idea of dressing up in skimpy outfits for perverts was not something she wanted to do again. 300 years of having be someones slave can ruin just about anything for someone.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD
    Alivya Tarrin
    Alivya Tarrin

    Spirits Keeper

    Spirits Keeper

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Experience : 200

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    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] Empty Re: Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu]

    Post by Alivya Tarrin 23rd October 2015, 10:36 pm

    Lamya's face brightened up as she saw the person whom she had at random ask walk over to her. She was afraid at first that the person would turn her down as new comer didn't say a word, but as Lamya handed her the job sheet it seemed that the person in question was willing to go with her. Her face brightened up, there was someone who would go with her! Lamya could almost reach out and hug the unknown person but she stopped herself knowing that it may be too awkward. But the duo weren't alone for along as another person approached them. He was male. Lamya didn't know him either. She would not have noticed him if it weren't for her keys warning her of someone approaching.

    The purple haired girl to look at the approaching character and smiled. Maybe this was another person who would join her and the other mute person of whom she didn't know the name of. But her happy moment didn't last long as her source of connection to her future guild was ripped from her fingers from a person whom she hadn't seen approach. Looking at her the newcomer looked a lot like the first girl whom had approached her. Could the be sibling. The celestial mage had been too busy thinking about other things to hear the demand of her name which she came to realize that it had been asked as the other fox girl in front of her glared at her with murder in her eyes.
    "O-oh! You're right! I am so sorry. My name is Lamya. I'm new." The purple haired girl smiled brightly, she didn't seem at all like a dark mage. "If you want to go on this job with us that would be wonderful!" The girl had offered to come if she was needed and Lamya could only think about how fast this could go with more people. "This is going to be so much fun! I get to meet new people from my guild!" Lamya knew deep down that many of these people standing around her would question if she was actually dark, but Lamya and Gil... they knew better. "When would you guys like to go?" Her head tilted slightly at the question.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of Inari
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    Guild : Sabertooth (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,099,455

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Fox Magic
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    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] Empty Re: Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu]

    Post by Itori 24th October 2015, 12:32 pm

    Before Itori could actually read the job description Alexander entered the room, Itori greeting him/her with a smile and a slight bow before turning back to Lamya, who looked quite happy that the silent Kumiho was in fact acting cooperative instead of just dismissing her. Alexander didn't look too eager to interfere, so she could first at least see what the job was like before actually giving a full answer and preparing for the job, if she did in fact agree on going. Not that she saw any reason not to, if this job was an easy one...

    At that point Izayoi arrived and immediately grabbed the job description, reading off of it and looking rather uncomfortable at what it said. On the other hand, it seemed like she was willing to go if both Itori and Alexander were also part of the job, so maybe it wasn't really bad and it was just something Izayoi personally wasn't a fan of? Regardless, Itori smiled and waved at her sister before moving over to her side, for now ignoring the fact that Izayoi had just grabbed the job sheet without asking first and instead reading over her sister's shoulder. Some kind of cosplay cafe? Not the kind of job that Itori expected for a guild of mages. The fact that this guild was not one officially accepted by the government of this nation was not even a part of that. She wondered why they would ask mages of all people for this. However it also was something that they could most likely do without ever using her magic, so it was something that Itori could join in on without a worry. She had worked as a waitress before in her past, one of the many small jobs a female could do if she wanted to remain hidden in plain sight.

    Looking at Lamya she pointed at the job sheet and then herself, nodding to show that she would gladly join the purple haired girl on this job. She placed a hand on Izayoi's shoulder then, giving it a comforting squeeze. It looked like Izayoi wasn't looking forward to this, but at least she should know that her sister would be helping her out and looking out for her. Alexander she gave a questioning expression, as if asking him/her whether he/she wanted to join or if this was just a coincidental meeting before the necromancer moved on to whatever he/she had been planning. Lamya's question got a thoughtful expression as Itori glanced back at the bag of food that she had been carrying. Storing them some place safe, preparing and eating enough of it to fill her stomach for a while...she looked back at Lamyia and made a vertical circular motion with her finger to simulate a clock, then raised two fingers. Two hours.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 176
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1543
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cycle of Revenance
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    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] Empty Re: Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu]

    Post by Alexander 25th October 2015, 9:52 pm

    While he wasn't exactly hiding, the speed at which Itori caught Alexander offset him at bit. Her hearing was truly above human level. So far, he had no opinions on the situation, trying to analyze the best option available to him. Izayoi had entered the scene quickly, and had a mixed opinion on the job from what he could tell. He still had no idea what it was about. Sliding onto Izayoi's other side oppose Itori, he tenderly slid the paper from Izayoi's fingers. a small bow as he did. "Pardon me." Scanning the paper, he was curious. He hadn't heard the term 'cosplay' before. What was it, some kind of service? From what he could tell, the job was to serve at the restaurant while 'cosplayng'. It involved a uniform, so perhaps it was a type of service? He wished to inquire, but couldn't stand the idea of losing face and looking foolish, so he simply nodded. "It sounds like a simple job, are you sure you need other's help with this?"

    He walked forward, returning the paper to Lamyra in place of Izayoi. He scanned her, meeting and locking eyes with her. He never removed his mask, constantly smiling, but his eyes spoke a different story if examined. Seemingly empty and blank, a small hint of distrust seemed to go through. There was more to this girl, he could feel it. He slowly extended a hand, the cold, pale hand hovering before hers. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure. My name is Alexander, a resident of these halls. I have heard your name already, so it felt fair to exchange my own. I must say, Lamyra sounds quite elegant." His smile grew, furthering his display of kindness. All in all, the man looked completely harmless. Frail, pale, and covered in disheveled robes. His accent and tone betrayed his uncomfort with speech, as well as using the language. He was not a wolf in sheep's clothing, but a sheep through and through.

    And that was a fact. He was harmless; so long as you weren't a research subject. Just as Lamyra seemed nothing like a dark mage, Alexander was anything but as well. His mind raced, questioning and observing every detail he could of Lamyra. He wanted to gauge her now, and figure out all he could about her. "If you do require assistance though, this old soul is more than willing to offer it. I may not be of incredible help, but all I can offer is your's to the taking. I may not look it, but the service industry has always been my home." That was a solid fact. Born a slave, and never truly freed from the submissive chains around him, Alexander was an eternal servant. This kind of job truly felt up his alley.


    Tartarus Cosplay Cafe? [Job|Lamya/Itor/Alexander/Izayoi Burakkurōzu] R9bdomr

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:01 pm