Fairy Tail RP

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    Red Sand Bandits


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 86
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 631.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by MorpheusDavol 12th October 2015, 6:26 am

    He began to hear noises up ahead something akin to the sound of a bird squawking, this was perhaps the bird that he saw was also a pet to this terrible warlord. Hayden let a smile spread over his features as he neared the exit to the next area; the final area. To be fair the more he walked the more he felt like this whole ordeal was trying out; why couldn't how gutless enemy come to find instead of vice verse? He had systemically gone through and single handedly gone through this whole damn compound to defeat him and he hadn't even bothered to reveal himself yet. Quite rude to be percise; yet each step Hayden took made him even more tired.

    As he walked his blade dragged on the ground creating a loud scratching noise as he traveled throughout the Halls. He had a feeling something might be happening soon causing him to let a hum out from his throat. This whole thing was going to be a spectacular battle of strength and wit. So much so he simply couldn't wait to get into the fray and show this bastard just how much work he had put into tracking him and capturing him; lets just say he had gone through giants, soldiers, and a shit ton of bandits to get to him. This needed to end quickly to say the least. As he neared the doorway he began to see a light; he was no hero at these small moments before a battle simply another soldier ready to end a war that was dragging on.

    [Words 267 and 22th]


    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Easy-modo_zps6vsri8ro
    ~ Vanguard ~

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 86
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 631.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by MorpheusDavol 12th October 2015, 6:42 am

    Hayden wasn't scared, he didn't feel fear in these small moments before battle in fact he felt a small shiver running down his spine as he let a smile play on his face. He was going to stand above this enemy as a obelisk to all the failures this tyrant had committed; each life they had taken Hayden would be the angel to reap all he had sowed within the earth. This lair was simply another another hell that he had to deal with and another person that needed to be killed to prevent the loss of more lives- yet maybe in his heart sometimes he wished that this didn't have to end in death. He wanted to believe that all humans where capable of redemption but for that to be true that meant he needed to accept that all actions where redeemable... and he didn't believe that.

    "Another day another dollar." Hayden muttered as he stopped just before the door looking inside seeing a room that was empty for the most part. Whoever, in all his years he knew a empty room was never a good sign of combat it meant a trap was waiting for Him and with that came hesitation to move on. But none the less he stepped inside of the room boldly, challengingly, to see what lay for him but for the most part it remained quiet and unwavering for the most part. Nothing was said nor did he see anyone yet but he knew something was in this room waiting for him to slip up or let his guard done.. but he wouldn't.

    [270 words 23rd]


    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Easy-modo_zps6vsri8ro
    ~ Vanguard ~

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 86
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 631.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by MorpheusDavol 12th October 2015, 8:28 am

    "Show yourself."

    This was all Hayden spoke as he looked around the open room covered with flecks of sand and stone pillars that held it up. He knew that somewhere within this large room was his target; it was almost like he could smell the threat nearby. The tension in the room was a thick enough to be cut by a rusty razor had he been carrying one at this moment, but instead he held a sword that was currently in his hands. The very sword that had cut through most of this base defenses till it gotten to this room; the final battle. This would be the battle that ends this whole mess and he was eager a grin spreading on the features of the swordsman.

    "Show yourself! Let's end this here and now! Are you afraid? Do you fear the reaper? For I have come!" He explained jutting his body out slightly as he walked forward his arms outstretched as the challenge was initiated. He heard a maniacal laughter from well.. everywhere. This was the benefit that two mad men had when all the restrictions of society was thrown off- Hayden was no hero to follow but he would make sure every villian and mad men hiding in the darkness would burn when he places the spotlight upon them. For this would be his legend; he would bring a storm of vengeance. A storm that thundered so loud and far that when people heard it they could only know it was one man: The Storm Bringer had arrived looking for blood.

    [263 words and 24th post.]


    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Easy-modo_zps6vsri8ro
    ~ Vanguard ~

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 86
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 631.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by MorpheusDavol 12th October 2015, 1:34 pm

    "You're a feisty one."

    These words echoed throughout the small chamber as Hayden let a smile come over his features for his enemy finally revealed himself. The man stepped from behind a pillar as he revealed himself in a set of red magical armor Hayden could feel the properties of that it would provide the user some protection. His hair was a mess as sweat poured from the top of his forehead having beady brown eyes so dark they looked almost black; his height just being a inch or so taller than Hayden. He seemed to crack his fingers slightly as he looked to Hayden with a devious intent his eyes wild as they looked to Hayden.

    So this was the mage that had caused so much ruckus in these lands that they needed to place a international job on him to bring him down and save the civilians. Hayden gave a slight smirk as he readied his sword thinking to how he would take out this low class wizard who thought they had the right to enslave and steal people away from their families. It was so strange to see such madness in front of him that must have taken years to end up where he was; staring down a halberd of justice that wanted him to fold for defeat. None the less Hayden didn't even bother with words as he launched off with a dash to them initiating the battle between the fierce titans.

    Hayden saw the dire falcon launch off it's master shoulder squeaking loudly as it flew towards Hayden with murderous intent; Hayden surpior reflexes however allowed him to dodge shifting his blade a bit to cut into the wing of the bird to throw its flying off balance. Hayden's resolve was un-wavering as he charged the sound mage who let a sick grin on their face as they clapped their hands together causing a sonic boom that was so loud Hayden ears began to bleed; he had to shut it up so with that he used his Rising Heaven Down to Earth attack. A explosion came from under his feet as he flew at the mage his left hand coming up with enough force to actually make the guy fly up into the air and backwards. Hayden managed to stop his assault as he gripped his head; that attack was a bit much he had to admit.

    However, the sound mage was caught by his falcon who set him down softly as it came back to it's master bleeding from the wound Hayden had inflicted. But just as they where landing Hayden was jumping at them slamming his hand into the ground activating his Destructible V2 spell causing a massive explosion where the point of contact blowing back both the bird and the man damaging both of them. Hayden was not finished however as he lept at the bird swing his sword rapidly charging his BANG sword attack landing a solid blow on the wing as a mini explosion sounded breaking the wing causing it to fall to the ground in pain. Hayden didn't even bother to look at it as he lifted his foot up stomping on the bird swiftly ending it's miserable life.

    The man had gotten up pissed off by now as he quickly reached into his chest piece removing three knives he quickly threw at Hayden, the wizard aiming for his chest. Hayden however was able to react dodging to the right lifting his sword to smack the blades out of the air as he rushed him tackling him as they ran through a pillar causing another tremor within he building indicating it's weakening structure. The leader of the Red bandits was dazed as he laid on the ground, Hayden dropping on top of him yelling as he began to beat him over the head with his fist till the man fell limp indicating he had passed out from the beating. Hayden however struggle was not done as he picked up his sword sheathing it within it's sheathe; beginning to pick up the unconcious man as he looked to see the ceiling slowly breaking apart making a hole to the sky. The entrance he had came through was broken so there was only one way out- up.

    Hayden dug his feet into the ground twisting his feet as a explosion happened under them as he literally used Rising Heaven to fly upwards at full speed to the heaven like a rocketship. He landed in the sand as the sand began to sink into the now broken underground lair to the people surprise he had survived and brought the criminal which they prompted began to strip of his armor and weapons tying him up. They helped Hayden to his feet thanking him profusely as he simply muttered:

    "Let's get out of here."

    A few hours later and some rest Hayden was at the makeshift camp of the people who he had saved; they had imprisoned the leader of the bandits and he was schedule for trial due to all the crimes he had commited. Meanwhile they took care of Hayden allowing him full rest as they informed him he would be getting the bonus due to bringing the bandit back alive. A day or so later he was paid and on his way back to his home: Infinity Hydra. Home.

    [900 Words and 25th post. Done.]


    Red Sand Bandits - Page 2 Easy-modo_zps6vsri8ro
    ~ Vanguard ~

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:01 pm