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    Red Sand Bandits


    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 541
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 7th December 2015, 10:30 pm

    Mission Details:
    Zhu sighed as she waited on the train for the two mercenaries she was assigned to helping. She already hated being without a guild, but she couldn’t sign herself up to a guild that didn’t have any direction there was no honor in that. She had taken a first class cabin from the former occupants and was leaning against the tree while she was waiting for the two other people to join her. She had heard something about them, and they were both supposed to be similar to her. She didn’t know why she was doing this. She had no desire to travel to some sand trap in order to get a mission done, but the promise of a good honorable fight was something that she couldn’t pass up. So here she was.

    She did know that her two partners were from the same guild. The guild known as Laughing Coffin and she did know that this particular guild was run by the evilest and insane wizard she had ever met. A little girl known as Haruhi. She had only met the diminutive Satan once, and it wasn’t a fond memory or a good one in any way shape or form. She had met Brennan on her last mission, and he had certainly been interesting so she decided that she would see what would happen if she were to interact with more of the guild members. As she waited there she wore her usual attire, and on her hip was her family’s sword. All in all she stood out like a glaring red light and it was fairly obvious who she was, and that she was waiting for someone.

    Last edited by ZhuFeng on 3rd February 2016, 10:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Character Info:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 7th December 2015, 11:34 pm

    Being hired for a mission is one thing. Though Zaltac had no information on what this mission could possibly be. His Guild Master was very vague, even Feitan was faint on the details. Originally, Zaltac had no inspiration or desire to be someone's tool. And though Feitan showed obvious aggression towards Zaltac for refusing to help the Guild make money, Haruhi obviously knew how to entice him.
    "Instead of this being an order, I will let you choose: You can either go ahead and accept this request and find someone worth-while of your time -as well as to test your skill- or, you can be responsible for me as I drink, while doing all of my chores around the Guild." An innocent enough sounding threat, though even with Zaltac hardly knowing Haruhi, it was clear that this was disturbing and intimidating all the same. That, and Zaltac found the idea of babysitting the young child more of a unworthy task than going on this mission. Yet the promise of finding a worth-while opponent or target of interest was a good ideal for him to achieve. Even though he has been vigorously training his body, Zaltac needed to find others to test his limits. Eventually, he will find someone whom he could call a worthy rival.

    So, with motivation in hand, Zaltac would find himself at the train station waiting to get his ticket. His blindfold tightly wound around his eyes, as he wore his usual outfit. He had no weapons on him at all, making no one even suspect him of being a mage, let alone a fighter. Zaltac would wait until it was his turn to get his ticket. He would pull out his wallet to reach for the money it would be, but as he did this a ruthless young blonde haired punk shoved Zaltac to the side; causing Zaltac's wallet to drop to the ground while making him stumble. Not only was this disrespectful to the blind, but Zaltac's pride was now injured. There had to be retribution.
    "You dare lay your hand upon me, wretch?" Zaltac's heartless, cruel, and cold voice stood out as the reckless youth turned to face him, and scoffed. The blonde boy in brown vest that displayed his tattooed chest, simply laughed as his accomplices chuckled as well.
    "You wanna go, man? I don't care if you are blind, I will make you handi-capped too!" The youth stated, throwing a harsh right hay-maker at Zaltac. Yet the blind warrior was not concerned. Zaltac instinctively grabbed the on-coming fist, and held it in his clutches firmly. He could hear the boy's bones bend in his grip as the youth snarled at him.
    "You are not even worth my time, fool." Zalt retorted, pulling the youth in and delivering a stunning knee to the boy's solar plexus; freezing the youth in place as he coughed heavily. Following up with a firece elbow and back handed chop; the youth was down on the ground in a moment's notice. However, the youth's friends charged at Zaltac to defend their comrade. A big mistake, as Zaltac would kick the closest youth's knee out in mid-run. Following it up, as a firm right straight into the office wall, smashing the blue-haired boy's skull against it - and then delivering a sharp right hook into the boy's temple; knocking out the second youth in mere moments. The third youth tried to attack Zaltac from behind with a heavy kick to Zaltac's kidneys; but this failed as well. Zaltac simply reacted by catching the leg with his left hand before it struck him - still facing away from the youth- and snapping the boy's ankle out of socket with a single motion. Already disarmed, the boy fell to his knees, but Zaltac was not done. Lifting the green haired boy to look up at him, Zaltac delivered a firm palm thrust into the boy's nose- breaking it and knocking him out in the same moment. Though the blow was not fatal as Zaltac was not ordered to kill anyone outside of the mission's targets. Thinking the mess over, Zaltac would go back towards the counter, till he heard the blonde youth speaking angerly at him.
    "You bastard!" The youth cried out, holding an iron sword hidden under his vest as he charged at Zaltac once more.
    "Enough of this nonsense." Zalt stated, infuriated. The blonde haired boy swung down over-head at Zaltac. However, the blind warrior simply caught the blade with both of his palms, clapping them together to stop the momentum of the swing. In the struggle, it was clear who was stronger as Zaltac pushed the blade back towards its owner with little effort. Kicking the boy away, Zaltac stole the blade and now walked towards the stumbling youth. Zaltac would bash the youth with his closed fist in an upward swing- knocking the boy onto his back. Zaltac would then firmly stomp onto the boy's right wrist, filling the room with a wail of pain. He would then circle around and smash the boy's left wrist next. Now crying, the youth would look up to Zaltac who pointed the blade at the boy's throat.
    "If you cross me again, I will not show you mercy." Zaltac would then slam the blade into the nearest wall, breaking the blade off of its hilt before casually walking to pick up his wallet.

    With everyone else in the room terrified, Zaltac calmly walked towards the window and stared at the receptionist.
    "One ticket. First Class. Desierto." Zaltac demanded. Without hesitating, the receptionist would hand him his ticket without question, even though Zaltac showed her his passport anyway as to not break customs. Leaving the booth, Zaltac would wait around the train for his other guild member to arrive. It was saddening that Zaltac did not even know who this person was, nor who their client was to begin with. Though he was more annoyed at the scene he was a part of, as he doubted Feitan or Haruhi were going to be happy of him beating on three teenage youths who tried to pick a fight with the wrong person.

    Last edited by NightDrivenEn7 on 8th December 2015, 10:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:

    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 853
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 8th December 2015, 9:38 pm

    It wasn't much more of a labor to walk the distance she had come to do before compared to the one toward the train station in the first place. Since she was a child, Sasha mainly walked everywhere anyway, all day and into the night every day for years and years. It was more rare compared to the amount of people who choose transportation over taking the time to relax while they walk and enjoy the surroundings of nature as they would walk along it all. Then again everyone is raised different and rather than make it out to say that society was lazy, she just learned to accept it and get over it like any other thing she could possibly find wrong with the city folk compared to her simple country style and just brush it off and not care anymore than what was already said and done.

    Normally, like any other day it would just be a simple visit for whatever reason the bunny enthusiast had felt like, but in fact her purpose was real this time. Rather than something to simply think up should someone ask her why she would be in a strange town or place, the red head now had a reason; a mission. Specifically, this was more assigned to her than a voluntary job due to something regarding having to meet someone in representation of the guild. Not that she wouldn't have been against doing this, but to just be signed up for it was a little odd. However, she wasn't going to go against it, and it had been some time since she did anything useful anyway, so why the hell not!

    Dressed in a very seasonal style of clothing, the red headed mage walked closer and closer to a train station where she was to meet up with everyone for this mission. With her precious pet bunny snuggled up in gently folded arms, her little Bunbun was happily kicking its paws back and forth as if it was walking along with her, so much that it's little playful and childish noises make her squeal with joy and nuzzle her face into Bunbun's furry body as she giggled with glee. "Oh my god, you are just so darn adorable!~ Come on now, we're almost there, bud!" She would begin to speed herself up some as she headed towards the threshold that was the entrance to the train station.

    Tons of people hung around the place, and she was in no way used to all the people around. Still, she found it odd how static they were from actually moving as if they had somewhere to go. It seemed more like they had been distracted more than anything. Jostling her way into the group, they slowly began to disperse from the area and left the farm girl left in the center, blinking in confusion as she couldn't even see the problem before it was even over. With a sigh, she looked down and noticed the man picking up a wallet laying on the ground The little brown rabbit began to make noises, fidgeting around and pointing at someone in a faint distance from her. Looking down to where the wallet was, Sasha looked up and then down to the bunny as Bunbun nodded to her notion, leaving her to begin to chase after him.

    After a moment, she caught up to him as he had purchased a ticket... right for where she was going even... Being that as odd as it had already been, she brushed it off as luck and purchased her own, walking over to the man and holding out gave a light tap on his shoulder. "Howdy there. I wondered if you'd be able to tell me if something happened back there. I came a bit late and I wanted know if you had seen anything or were involved." As she mentioned the last part, Sasha peeked around his body and his clothes looked a little wrinkled and rattled, but nothing that couldn't have simply been from any activities or anything.


    CharacterPrimarySecondaryTertiaryBankMain Theme

    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 541
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 10th December 2015, 12:56 am

    Zhu was resting against the train as she waited for her helpers, but she was suddenly snapped into action by the sounds of a wail of pain. This caused her hands to go to her blade that hung on her hips she was ready to fight, but when she noticed a crowd growing several meters away that seemed to be by the ticket desk she frowned and approached. As she did she pushed through the crowd roughly and watched the last bit of the exchange. Of course she watched the girl with the bunny appear and touch the blindfolded man who somehow seemed to be the center of attention.

    Now Zhu did know who these two were simply by the description she had been given when she had heard about them and that they were going to be helping her. The blindfolded man, and a woman who would somehow be bunny themed. It was clear to Zhu that these two were her mercenaries and she approached them both clearing her throat loudly to get their attentions shaking her head “You both seem to bring way too much undesired attention to yourselves not to mention myself. I believe you are both from a guild known as laughing coffin. If you are both from that guild, then I am the one who asked for your help with my newest job. I’ve gotten a message from your ‘Gravemaster’ that I’m to look for a blind warrior, and a bunny girl. Now then if you are who I am indeed looking for then please hurry up and follow me I don’t have the time to waste with people who can’t help me with my quest. I’ve got us a cabin already and the train is about to leave. We can talk more on the train.” She said flatly before she turned on her heels walking away her walk seeming very quick paced.

    Sure enough the train whistle sounded and the conductor announced the ‘All aboard.’ Zhu would enter her cabin and not a moment after the other two wizards got into the cabin if they did so the train would start to move and they would be off to their destination and Zhu would be sitting across from the two Laughing Coffin wizards. As she did so she would put her blade on her lap and look at them with a raised eyebrow her one sapphire eye scanning them expertly “Well, I was told that you are both somehow similar to me. So let me start. My name is Zhu Feng. I am the Herald of the Scorekeeper, and I follow the path of the warrior. Who are you two?” she would ask them.


    Character Info:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 10th December 2015, 1:09 pm

    Zaltac wanted the mission to begin so that he could see if his Guild Master was right or not on what he would find during it. However, that is when he would feel a light tap on his shoulder. Normally, under conditions like these, Zaltac would have grabbed the arm and nearly broken the wrist of the one who dared to try and touch him. He despised unneeded contact. However, Zaltac was not in the mood to bring about more violence in fear of what punishment could await him. So he let it slide this once. Turning to view the one responsible for touching him; he would see an outline of two - one human and one rabbit- and by the sound of the person's voice he could tell it was a female. Her question was oddly placed, wondering as to why she even cared to know on what went on. He knew this woman not, and he cared not for her.
    "What business of yours do you place in your heart to know what has occurred, or to even ask if I was one involved or not? Leave me be, for I am no business with you." He retorted. His voice was cold, distant, and harsh as it had always been. There was nothing to change him or his tone even if the girl was trying to be friendly. However, that is when another female walked up to the two of them. The only reason Zaltac knew it was female, was again by her voice. Spending your life time blind and only seeing aura, you learn to tell voices apart no matter how masculine or feminine they can be for either sex. Beyond that, however; the woman immediately began speaking to the two of them. Though he disapproved of her first remark, she left no time for a retort as she continued on. He would listen to her explain; giving him reason to hold back further as he finally was to learn what this mission was to be. Without even looking at his fellow guild member, Zaltac would follow the woman; matching her pace as to not keep her waiting. Sure enough, the train began to sound for take off leaving the group to make sure they boarded the train and to get to their cabins.

    Zaltac would sit across from their client, as well as keeping his distance from his fellow guild member as he sat on the cushion of the bench; arms crossed and his left leg crossed over his right to have his ankle rest on his thigh. He would prefer to be standing as to lean against the wall more alert, though he was warned to also be on his best behavior in front of the client. His head hung a bit low as he did not care to observe or show interest to his fellow companions on this journey. Their client was the one to begin with chatter. Though Zaltac could have cared less if the travel went off in silence or not. She introduced herself as Zhu Feng. Though what interested him most was her declaration of "...I follow the path of a Warrior." Even Zaltac was a bit impressed that he found someone else striding on the same path. Though he still remained reclusive as he did not know exactly how she was following this path. Though it did interest him. When she requested to know who they were, Zaltac took his turn without caring for his fellow member's attempt.
    "You are a decendant of the Zhu family, that has to be a lineage and burden that you are proud to bare." He began, though in the way his voice and tone spoke it sounded more as sarcasm than any form of compliment. But that was just how Zaltac spoke, "I go by the name of Zaltac Nivalis. My origin and lineage is of no concern to me. And i shall bring an end to the corruption of magic that infests this planet. I too follow the path of a Warrior. And no one will stand in my way." He stated, before returning silent once more before he found reason to speak again.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:

    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 853
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 30th January 2016, 8:21 pm

    Sasha ha me seemed to be a little bit more hypertensive about going on this mission in particular really. More so that she got to keep herself busy and meet some new people to beat up others with instead of having to do it alone, which was also fine. However, it was a struggle to contain her own feel of bursting out in anger and probably- no, most likely doing something that she would regret doing later on. Luckily she had kept herself very clear of the need to end up in situations like that, but it's hard to tell when she would just spike up with random sparks of anger that would seem to be rather unprovoked in rare cases even. Aside from that, she did tend to find it a little hard to switch herself from a carefree mode to something more serious and.. Threatening to put it simply. Even so, there was never a difference in the amount of effort put into the fight, just purely a different way she would fight with another person compared to others.

    Her eyes trailed from the woman to the man when she had mentioned that he was blind. It was such a rare occurrence that she would see a person with any kind of disability like that, but for someone to be able to go around their handicap and better themselves and adapt was both astounding and worth idolizing for doing so. She decided to stay quiet, despite what she may have normally done before hand, this time it seemed to be the best option really. Not that she wasn't in the position to do so, but more to the fact that she had no idea how to respond to anything going on right now. As far as she knew, this was the client person she had to meet, so she knew more of what had to be done from this point now so it was a little less than caring to need to say anything right now.

    Once on the train, she followed in behind the two and watched then sit down in the booth. Unfortunately, Sasha had decided she wanted to entertain herself. She looked up and seen a several small metal bars used to hold bags from the looks of things. The red head quickly took hold and pulled herself up onto them, seating herself on top and looking down. Below had been a small space she could fit in and would crawl over as the woman had spoken up. Her introduction seemed to be a little confusing for the simple farm girl, and after the blind guy had done his own introduction, she contorted herself to be able to hang down from the bar and face the pair of people, smiling with a happy grin. "Welp, the names Sasha, Sasha Martin. I don't know much 'bout them paths ya'll two were talkin' 'bout, but I suppose it would have something to do with types of magics?" She'd hang down as if she did this normally for a living, her right hand stuffed in her coat pocket while the other hung down with the light reflecting off her morpher every so often.


    CharacterPrimarySecondaryTertiaryBankMain Theme

    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 541
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 3rd February 2016, 10:47 pm

    Zhu glanced at Zaltac. He was clearly knowledgeable about the warrior families who mattered and Zhu’s was certainly among that list. Still she didn’t appreciate people knowing about her family, still she shrugged off his comment about her lineage and simply ignored it. She didn’t really care much about where her lineage came from, she was a Herald of the Scorekeeper now and that was all that mattered to her. When he made a comment about him ending the ‘corruption’ of magic she looked at him as if he was foolishly stupid, but it was unlikely he saw it. The Scorekeeper gave magic to people who meant to do great things, and honor her by earning Voin points. You didn’t have to just be a warrior to gather Voin points, anyone who fought with honor, and engaged in Honorable combat earned Voin points to become better than they were. Still she assumed he was simply lost and shrugged his comments away.

    Her one-eyed gaze turned to look at the red-head that was up where she didn’t expect a lot of people were supposed to be. When she introduced herself Zhu nodded her head “Something along those lines. You can choose many paths in life to take. The path of the warrior means you are a fighter, you seek to strengthen yourself to achieve whatever goals you have, and all your actions are under the watchful gaze of the Scorekeeper so you can earn her favor. Still it is nice to meet the pair of you.” She glanced around as she looked to the door then back at each of them “Our mission here is very simple. We are to eradicate the Red Sand Bandit clan in the country of Desierto. We are to slay them to the last, and capture their leader giving him to the Blue Sky warrior clan. I have a map of the region and the city of these red sand bandits. It seems they are a powerful clan. The other most important aspect is to free the captured hostages who are members of the Blue Sky clan, and make sure they return home safely. We are going to arrive at a station that is almost in the heart of the country, so it shall be an easy walk through the dessert. Make sure when we arrive you stock up on water, and are ready for a fight. These Red Sand are legendary for not messing around, and being either the strongest, or second strongest clan in this country.” She said flatly not leaving the point open to be discussed further.

    She closed her one remaining eye seeming to relax and perhaps even falling asleep, but there was something uneasy about that idea. Still it didn’t really matter right now, what mattered was the rest of the trip she would be relaxing, and when they finally arrived at the station she opened her eye and lead the other two off of the train into the town waiting for them to be ready to push on.

    ((We are dropping Sasha Martin from this Mission at this point in time as she doesn't want to continue this job))

    Last edited by ZhuFeng on 15th May 2016, 10:04 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Character Info:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 10th February 2016, 9:12 pm

    Zaltac was rather unimpressed by Sasha's antics. And even more so by her lack of comprehencsable intelligence. Even her mannerisms were annoying to him. That being said, Zaltac did not enjoy the company of many people. Though the trio were involved into this mission together, and there was no escaping that. The blind male would just have to put up with it; no matter how annoying it will be. And he figured it to be a rather annoying trip. Though when Zhu began to speak of this "Scorekeeper" Zaltac scoffed at the entire idea. Seeing it more meaningless than acutally useful.
    "If you are going to try and indict someone into your cult, than I advize you to do so on your own personal time. I could care less what Deity you choose to worship; but it has little to nothing to do with being a true warrior. I would advize help, though you are probably far lost in corruption within your own mind to be saved anyway." He retorted, not having the patience for anything.

    When Zhu began to speak of the mission and it's details; Zaltac remained quiet and gave her his full attention. It was an eradication to a bunch of misfit bandits. They were cleaning up the area from the filth of the lot that chose to try and hide in the desert. Yet the unjust are always met with a blade. It is just a matter of When, not If. Zaltac could get behind this mission with ease. Even if he hated his comrades, he did not hate the idea of tearing through worthless curs. To him, this was just a run through for his test of strength and skill. Not much else. Upon Zhu's ending statement, Zaltac would stand, and proceed to leave the train-cabin. He had no further use or desire to listen in to his comrades or stay within their vacinity. He had his orders, and that is all he needed to get the job done.
    "Try not to slow me down...And I will offer you the same courtesy". Was his final remark, before exiting and heading out into the rest of the train to be alone. Or as alone as he could get for the remainder of the ride.

    When the train would finally arrive at their destination, Zaltac waited by the door for his companions; as it would have been rude to leave without them. Even if he desired to do so. When Zhu would guide him and Sasha off of the trian, he would immediately stand to the side; as he had no form of knowledge of the location. It was at this point, that if he was forced to get items; he was going to NEED to cooperate with his allies. As he could not see or read signs or shops.
    "Let's get this over with."


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:


    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 541
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 9th April 2016, 5:49 pm

    Zhu lashed out with her blade having drawn it without flushing her magic into it and surged it right in front of Zaltac’s face touching his nose with the flat of her blade “You may not agree with my views, but I will suffer no insults against the Scorekeeper. The next time you badmouth the great Scorekeeper I will take your head from your shoulders this is your first and only warning.” She said before she sheathed her blade once more leaving the train with her companions. At least she thought that they had all gotten off of the train as it turned out she was wrong it seemed that one of her hires had vanished and that was fine by her. She only really needed Zaltac anyway this mission would prove to be a simple one it was wholesale slaughter.

    She and Zaltac moved through the little train station and she made sure to acquire plenty of water for the both of them. She handed him some water as she turned looking out over the desert tsking in annoyance “I hate the desert. Such a worthless, and horrible place on the map to exist.” She shrugged lightly and walked forward heading to the desert’s heart. She knew exactly where she was going and where the red sand bandits were hiding, well hiding wasn’t the right word they lived there in their village completely sure that they were going to be just fine and no one would lay a hand on them. This was because they hadn’t ever met anyone like Zhu before and they wouldn’t meet anyone again as she was going to slaughter them to the last. Well at least all of the fighting capable warriors, anyone who wasn’t able to fight would be spared from the sword, but that was a rare occurrence.

    The pair traveled for a long enough time that it was high noon and they could see the Red Sand Bandit’s home. They had conquered a ruin of some kind and they were using it as a hideout, as well as their home launching out against the other clans, and villages throughout Desierto. Still, she stopped and looked over to her companion speaking “Be ready to fight at a moment’s notice. We are not going to be alone from here on out.” She warned as she walked down the dune towards the ruins that were the Bandit’s village.

    (Rolling all of the monster Dice for this job in one go. They will appear from least to most difficult.


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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NPC 9th April 2016, 5:49 pm

    The member 'ZhuFeng' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Red Sand Bandits StrongMonster Red Sand Bandits WeakMonster Red Sand Bandits NormalMonster Red Sand Bandits StrongMonster Red Sand Bandits NormalMonster Red Sand Bandits NormalMonster Red Sand Bandits WeakMonster Red Sand Bandits WeakMonster Red Sand Bandits StrongMonster Red Sand Bandits NormalMonster

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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 10th April 2016, 9:39 pm

    Zaltac was not one known for his hospitable conversations. He was quick with his remarks and made sure to get to the point on his opinion. That being said, he cared less on how those around him felt about his words. So when Zhu raised her weapon at him, he reminded himself on who the client was; as to not retaliate. However, the fact that she held her blade just barely touching him left no impact on his face or demeanor. He was given more threatening circumstances by his trainer. That being said, Zaltac raised his hand and grabbed the blade without any hesitation. He was looking in Zhu's direction, as he raised the blade up to his forehead, and willingly cut his forhead with the sharp point of the blade. It was't deep, but it was enough to make a red line across that would trickle blood into his blindfold.
    "If you are going to threaten someone, make sure you make them bleed first." Was his only retort, before letting go of the weapon and walking on his way out of the train cabin.

    When they finally arrived at their destination, Zaltac would follow Zhu out of the train in silence. However, he quickly noticed that his fellow guild member was not with them. And with the train departing again; it was too late to get her back. She would either have to run off after them, or just skip out on the mission. What caused her to be absent however, is unknown. All that he knew was that it was one less headache to deal with. Even if she was capable. Since Zaltac was obviously unable to acquire the goods needed in the town, it was left up to Zhu to gather the water and anything else they would need for the desert. It would be the first extreme heat climate that Zaltac had entered in, and he did not want to leave it underestimated. Yet he looked forward too it. Though when he heard his client's remark, he shook his head in dissappointment.
    "The desert offers just as much as any other biome you can find. You simply need to know where to look. Nature, is perfect. Unlike us. You see wasted space, man more see differently. Just be thankful you can gaze upon the shifting sands." He remarked, not looking for conversation but simply wanting to add in a piece before he would begin following her out into the heated desert.

    During the long walk through the sand, Zaltac thought about his opponants; and how to approach them. Seeing as he had not encountered thieves of their ilk before, he looked forward to testing his skills. And in the ever growing heat of the desert, it was clear that it would prove to be a very tasking mission. Though it was bound to be something that both Zhu and Himself could handle. If Zhu was the kind of warrior that she claimed to be that is. When she made the statement to be ready, he scoffed and cracked his knuckles.
    "Try to find someone less ready than I for battle. Unlike you, I am not distracted by my sight." He retorted, as he was constantly on alert. He had little to no choice with a higher sense of hearing nad touch than most others. It was something he could not help but live with; but he did not hate it either. Even in the heat and sand, he was well aware of his surroundings. Even if he could not see them.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 12th April 2016, 5:08 am

    When Zaltac put her sword to his head and made himself bleed on her blade she frowned deeper swiping it clean shaking her head lightly “I didn’t want your unworthy blood to stain my family’s sword. You aren’t worthy of being felled by Tessaiga. Only warriors who are honorable and worth the title will be slain by my blade. You will have to prove that to me.” She said with a matter of factness that was heartless, and even cruel to some point. She wasn’t here to make friends either and she wasn’t about to put up with him and his insults to her, her family, and the great Scorekeeper. She had, had enough and was starting to lose patience if she killed him she would save on the reward money that she was supposed to split with his guild.

    She had heard rumors of who was the guild master of Laughing Coffin however, and she knew that she didn’t want that problem. She sighed glancing back at him as he spoke about the desert before them and simply rolled her eyes “So I hear, but there is no reason that I have to like it. Now please keep your little commentaries about my statements to yourself. You have worked on my last nerve and started off poorly by insulting the Scorekeeper you are lucky I don’t take your head from your shoulders. Be thankful to that demonic little girl that she protects you and I have no home any longer.” As they walked further into the ruins she glanced back at him with a soft smirk “I have only half the vision that you don’t little one. It was something I had to give up, besides if you’re so ready why are there men surrounding us and your weapon isn’t ready.”

    It was at this comment that she drew her blade flushing magic through it and causing it to take on its true form. She brandished the blade that was easily bigger than her body. She was quickly attacked by one of the men wielding a scimitar and as he brought it down in a vertical arc trying to cut into her head she deflected it with her own blade licking her lips slowly as she kicked the thug in the chest sending him back landing him in the sand while she pressed her advantage. She brought her blade down and sliced the man through his chest delivering a serious blow. It was at that point she became very well aware that there was someone rushing up on her blind side. Suddenly the skull on her eyepatch screamed as loudly as possible and she ducked down bringing Tessaiga up to its full width blocking the strike with the flat of her blade only to swing it and slam the flat of the giant blade slamming the other thug into the ground.

    (This is the first group of Weak monsters 5 thugs in total.)

    HP: 100%


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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 16th April 2016, 11:09 am

    "You still at least can see beauty in this world. I have nothing left but darkness. Your own words are intolerable to me as well, yet I hold back my aggression unlike you. I will not taint my tongue with painted colors of deciet. You may take insult upon my words as much as you like. But I refuse to change the way I speak to one whom has not proven themselves to me. We are not here for each other, we are here for a common goal. Once it is over, I would not mind truly testing your metal should the fools around us not be enough to satisfy." Zaltac retorted oncem ore, his cold and uncaring voice never once changing tone; as he looked around at the waves of aura about them. And with Zhu's final remark, Zaltac actually found himself mused. "Like you, I too do not waste my weapon's time on the low and pathetic. Different ideals, but common standards it seems." With that stated, Zaltac put himself into a combat ready stance, as he looked for the nearest enemy to get too.

    Some of the bandits were intimidated by Zhu's weapon being drawn out as large as it was. Despite how logically impractical, her use of it showed them how she still had great use with it. But seeing an unarmed blind man; the three remaining thugs made their way around Zhu -if needed- and rushed towards him holding their scimitars over their heads as they each prepared an overhead veritical swing. Zalt however, remained still. The sounds of foot steps through the sand gave him an impression on where they were. And on that, he rushed off to the right in a charge. The bandit simply smirked as he began to lower the scimitar. However, Zaltac was quick, and closed the gap in enough time to catch the man's wrist just before the blade could make contact. This is where Zaltac demonstrated his strength, and calmly began pushing the bandit's struggling arm up as the blind warrior became up right. Forcing the bandit back, Zaltac would hear the other two still rushing up on him from behind. Zaltac kneed the bandit in front of him in the solar plexis - causing them to be bent over and stunned- allowing him to lift the body up and hurl it at the rushing two bandits. The sudden body of their ally flying towards them, knocked both onto their back and letting the injured companion roll into the sand onto his stomach. The trio would then rise to their feet, one gasping while the others are snarling, as they all glared at Zaltac; who had lowered and widened his stance holding his left palm out towards the trio, and his right fist curled up to his side. Even without a weapon, Zaltac was more than confident enough into fighting his foes who worked so sloppy.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 17th April 2016, 10:30 am

    Zhu sighed as she shook her head lightly ashamed of these fools, and mostly herself. She quickly and ceremoniously sheathed her treasure only to put it back into the sword loop. Of course as soon as she had it vanished summoning up another blade. This was a much weaker, a much smaller, and truly a blade that was barely worth the cost of metal and time it had taken. She drew this weapon in hand saya and all. She unsheathed the blade using it and the Saya as weapons and she was ready to attack. The first man that had tried to attack her with his injured chest. He tried very hard to put up some kind of contest, but really there was nothing to actually be done against Zhu. She was simply far too good in order for him to make any kind of actual attempt of an attack.

    She slammed her Saya into the Thug’s head as best she could, and she heard a solid crack against her foe, and this was wonderful to see. Of course she wasn’t about to end this there however, as she brought the blade to slash at his chest once more slicing through the man’s flesh spilling even more blood into the sand at all of their feet. She pressed her advantage once again this time skewering the man in the chest with her blade slamming the saya into the man’s neck snapping it and sending him to the Scorekeeper above.

    Now she turned to face the other thug the swords ringing out as she laughed softly shaking her head “I am truly disappointed with you. You wield a blade, you attempt to fight in that style, but you have no honor, no style, and no WORTH!” She kicked the man in the chest before bringing her sword and Saya down upon him. She slapped the thug’s scimitar out of his hand with her Saya, cutting the hand off with her blade. It was also a similar attack against the man’s head slamming the Saya into it, as well as her blade slashing through his eyes smirking as he writhed on the sand below them. She glanced back to keep her eye on Zaltac with a soft smirk on her face “Do finish with your so called “opponents” quickly. We have much better foes to put down.” She made no comment about the writhing man at her feet.


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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 21st April 2016, 6:04 pm

    Zaltac could not agree more with Zhu on how their first encounter was with such a straggling group. However, it was an ambush that the two had to fear more of. Even if the runts were sent in first, it could just be a distraction. That just meant Zaltac had to finish the trio off in front of him quickly. He walked calmly towards the three, who were now more confused and angered from being tossed around by someone who could not see. They slowly departed and circled around the approaching blind man; stepping lightly as they waited for a chance to strike. Despite their beliefs Zaltac could stil watch their auras as they split apart, keeping track of each of them as two moved to his sides and one remained in front of him.
    "Such a petty trick..." He mumbled to himself as he purposfully lunged towards the opponant who faced him head on. The bandit raised his sword in defence, though Zaltac's aim was not to harm; but disarm. Striking the man's wrist with a swift kick; Zaltac knocked the scimitar loose. With a clang from the hilt against his boot; Zaltac took hold of the blade and pulled it back behind him as the weak foe staggered with their right wrist in pain. Meanwhile, the other two thought to take their chance and charged at the now armed blind warrior. Yet hearing their footsteps, Zaltac turned and quickly parried both individuals separately, first the one on the left than the right. Before he simply sliced off the wrist of one of the bandits with a clean sweep from the scimitar. This not only injured, but disarmed the fool; allowing zaltac to pick up the second scimitar. Now armed with double the weapons, Zaltac faced down the last remaining armed bandit; who was backing away slowly. The other two were defenseless and unable to do anything; so this left the warrior with easy prey. He charged into the injured bandit stabbing him with both blades. Splitting the bandit's body open by bringing the edge upwards and tearing through the fool's arms, before slicing his head off in mere moments. Without letting time for this vicious display to set in, Zalt hurled the two blades like knives into the bandit behind him who had the broken wrist. The blades sunk into both sides of the bandit's chest with surprising accuracy, puncturing both lungs and having him collapse on the ground. Zaltac simply glared over to the remaining bandit; cracking his neck slightly out of irritation. In a mix of fear and adrenaline, the bandit charged with a wail head on. Zaltac just walked forward, and dodged the blade's downward swing. With a single retaliating strike, Zalt aimed for the unguarded neck with a well precise palm thrust. The force of the two moving was enough to cause the esophagus to collapse; leaving the bandit to choke and gasp for air before collapsing.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 22nd April 2016, 6:07 am

    Zhu watched the comrade she had with a bit of interest now. He was quite skilled without a weapon, she had never bothered to perfect such combat being as she was always within a hand’s reach of over two dozen weapons. She never had to go without a weapon she knew enough of that fighting style to be effective at keeping herself armed, and to disarm other foes. Still with this little skirmish at its end she swiped her blade clean leaving the injured bandit to writhe in agony and without sight. She glanced over at him with an amused look in her eye “The Scorekeeper will not have him as tribute, but still he has learned a valuable lesson, and who knows perhaps he will become an even greater warrior now that he is blind.” With that she hung her blade in her sword loop moving instead to pick up two of the Scimitars that were in the sand.

    As she held them she tested their weight, their flexibility, and their sturdiness. Her professional eye understood them at once and she nodded her head once with a smirk “Well these are bought, or stolen, but the forger did a fine job on them. A very fine job. I am most impressed.” She looked around and then grabbed a thug ripping off of his body along with another. She walked around collecting the Scimitar’s collecting them and making sure they were clean before she was carefully wrapping them up inside of the stolen cloak she was using as a sling and even stole another belt to wrap it around her body strapping it fully on before standing “These weapons deserve someone who is worthy of them. I shall be happy to return them to their friends.” She smiled with a confident smirk before he continued on her way “There will be more of these flies before we reach the point where we need to be at.”


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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 2nd May 2016, 4:10 pm

    Zaltac simply walked off from the choking bandit as the fight was over. Though they had a reputation, these were poorly trained. Though he did not expect much more from simple bandits. He could hear his companion walking through the sand and picking up the scimatars that were left behind. A meaningless hobby to him, he would rather not say a word. Seeing as she could do whatever she wanted. However, he did ponder about what she was muttering to herself while he was fighting. His attention being on the bandits, he did not pick it up outside of vague speech. Though it did not matter, else she would have spoke. That was his thought about it anyway.

    "When you are doing gathering the spoils, we should keep on moving. There is nothing worse than to spend precious time out in the desert. They will be more used to the heat than we are. We should be ending this quickly, before the heat saps away our strength." he stated, waiting for her to keep moving as he could only see blackness. He would be lost without Zhu guiding the way. He knew this. In a flat land like a desert; he would be doomed to wander in nothingness. At least forests and meadows had life flowing off of them that revealed an aura. The desert was mostly lifeless; plane earth did not reveal any aura. "Any fool who dares try to strike at us will be met with their demise. From your unrefined strength to my skill; we should be more than a match for any bandit. Be they twice as skilled or more than the runts we picked off." He retorted in confidence, following the warrior in front of him. Though his face remained expressionless as they ventured on through the sands.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 2nd May 2016, 7:13 pm

    She glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow and chuckled softly nodding in agreement “Aye that would normally be true, but my skin is far darker than usual so the heat won’t get to me as fast as you, not to mention I am wearing practically nothing if I am wholly honest. Still, I brought water for the both of us and I am sure if you were to check these men they would have water on them as well. You are right about one thing and that is that we should hurry before the sun does eventually get to us.”

    As she continued to walk she heard about her ‘unrefined’ strength and that caused her to frown a bit “My strength is not unrefined more like unbound or uninhibited. Still my strength has a refined quality to it that gives my strikes more power than usual. If you wish to see real unrefined strength wait until you see my secondary magic. If you are so lucky as that.” She said with a smirk.

    The pair would walk for a bit longer until Zhu sighed shaking her head as they were starting to be surrounded in a small little clearing of buildings “Well, seems we have a dozen foes now.” She said slowly turning. There were more of these little thugs, but what she didn’t like seeing was that some of these red sand bandits were holding guns. She tsked in annoyance as she drew two of the scimitars that were reclaimed from their earlier foes “Watch out. At least two of these guys have guns. I will try to take them out if you can keep the others distracted.” She said.

    As soon as she said it she hissed in pain as her body began to change and shape into a new and fantastic form. On her back her skin and bones grew out until they formed two large wings her skin slowly growing feathers. The transformation was quick, and soon she looked like an angel, with a great flap of her wings she soared out above the crowd drawing the attention of the snipers in order to give Zaltac a bit more of a fighting chance. The gunners didn’t waste any time and tried to shoot at her despite the fact that in this form while in flight she was a much, much harder target.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 75%
    Angel’s abilities (Secondary D rank) Duration Begin

    Foes: the last 2 weak monster rolls as well as 2 of the normal monster rolls.
    Remaining: 4x Strong (Using the last 2 normals to upgrade to a strong)

    Last edited by ZhuFeng on 29th May 2016, 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 11th May 2016, 12:03 pm

    Zaltac mostly walked in silence, as he could not see or collect the condition of either person's skin. Though he had trained in intense heat before, he knew the desert would be worse with the sand sapping away moisture from them. No matter who was in the worst condition to endure the heat; they both had to be careful. Though when he heard her remark about her strength; he simply shook his head in responce.
    "You misunderstand the difference between power and strength. You have a large amount of trained power, but your strength in using that power is unrefined from what I can see from your aura. You typically use your power to overwhelm your opponant, of which is the most basic of tactics. You lack a sense of refined training in the elagence with your power; to distribute it in singular points along your whole body. You have trained for the sense of the most basic style of fighting; to crush and destroy. I am not saying this is not a vaiable tactic to use, but it makes you more of the distraction than anything else. Should you go up against someone with enough speed and skill to utalize their own power to overwhelm you, you would be killed in an instant despite being the stronger fighter. Power can corrode one's strength. Just because you can swing hard and fast -using an oversized blade like a toy- does not mean your strength is refined." Zaltac analyzed and explained, using the words that have been hammered into his mind by his late teacher. Zaltac had heard of similar stories of the most powerful being taken down by those who spread out their talents into other areas. Though intimidating, those same type of fighters had a common flaw. Their lack of skill. He was told that they often relied on instincts to keep up with the faster and more skilled opponants; but eventually refined and trained combat would win. Brute force was/is not the most reliable route to take for a warrior. Despite it being able to get the job done when needed.

    As the two walked on, Zaltac could hear a faint sound around them. Though unsure if this was an animal or not, he kept his attention at hand. And once the two had entered into the small building clearing; he heard a noise that was not well accepted to his fighting style and lack of vision. He could hear the sounds of firearms being prepared. As he heard Zhu state how many they had, his hearing calculated otherwise: there were a lot more than what could be seen hiding away. They had walked into a  deadly ambush point.
    "By the sound, I count thirty. Twenty of them are gun-men. If you have a plane of dealing with those who are hiding, I suggest you do so. Until my senses get even stronger; I am at a lethal disadvantage. Take care or distract as many as you can. When I am done with the runts, I will assist with what I can." He re-literated, as he heard the weapons within the buildings around them. This would make it harder for him to avoid gunfire as he could not detect them in time to avoid a barrage.

    Zaltac watched Zhu's aura grow and give the form of wings onto her back. Though he could not see what she had turned into, it was clear that she took off into the skies. Hopefully the hidden gunmen were also fixed on her. Zaltac wasted no time, as he held out his right arm. While the weaker enemies were watching the angel in the sky, Zaltac rippled space in front of his palm and conjured out his defensive weapon: the Axe of Shall. Gripping hold of the small one-handed axe; he charged forth to begin his assault onto the weaker enemies.

    Mp: 90%
    Abilities: Axe of Shall Duration: Begin - 3 posts.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 16th May 2016, 3:14 am

    Zhu cursed under her breath as she soared above the top of the group, ducking, diving, and weaving through the buildings, and in the sky in order to avoid being shot down, there were a lot more gunners than she had originally counted. It would prove to be a problem, but she would settle it as best she could. She had to make a move so she dove low towards the ground aiming for one gunner in particular. She dove low stabbing her sword straight into the chest of one of the many gunners, this was the first that would fall and she removed her blades only to slash them through the rest of him dropping the first gunner.

    Now she turned and spoke softly “Dance my blades.” She said as she spun around whirling around and letting the blades spin about herself. With a flick of her hand these spinning blades shot out slicing through several of the gunners eventually stopping and slashing into another gunner perfectly. She had a smirk on her face as she watched as the wounded gunners turned on her once more. She didn’t let herself be a target yet however she slashed the air in front of her in a cross pattern and sent the pattern to slash through one of the gunners. The gunner was wounded severely and would not be able to attack again as Zhu was on him sticking one of her newly stolen scimitars into the man’s chest leaving it right there.

    She wouldn’t stop there however and drew another of the stolen Scimitars flying over to sink these into the body of yet another gunner in order to end his life, and wonderfully he was able to end the life of this individual. She pulled another two from the slot on her back throwing them at another gunner with another two following them soon after three of them finding their target the fourth didn’t find a mark however, and sank into the sand. She had ended the life of at least four of the damned gunners, and now she was back in the air slowly summoning up two more weapons from her pocket dimension these were vicious looking triangles, or kind of like pinwheels.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 65%
    Angel’s abilities (Secondary D rank) Duration 1/5
    Two Moonglaives summoned up (-10%)


    Character Info:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 24th May 2016, 11:40 am

    Zaltac could only hear the mixed contortion that was gunshots, shouting, and the sound of Zhu slashing through enemies. However, none of this really effected him from performing his duties: to eliminate all bandits that were on the ground. Since he was dealing with the weaker set of bandits compared to the gunmen it should be somewhat easy. Were it not for the fact that he could be pointed out by one of the many gunmen still around. And with so many bandits gathered in one spot, his vision was not at the highest of qualities to be able to accurately find each one. Adding this to the gunmen problem, Zaltac was playing a rather risky game of chance; despite his skill. He would have to make each strike count in order to defeat these bandits as quickly as possible.

    Zaltac rushed in towards the group with his axe ready. The bandits were ready with their scimitars as well, waiting for him to get close. And the moment he did, they all lunged at the blind warrior for a unison strike. Seeing this wave of aura come at him, Zaltac focused as he began to try and move around it with his axe in a defensive position. Zaltac would strafe to the left; keeping himself centered towards the multiple auras as he would faintly hear them get closer- thrusting and slashing down their scimitars at him. Zalt would suddenly stop, tightly turn, and dash to the right - swinging his axe- to collide with as many of the scimitars as possible to disarm the bandits. Though this worked on a few, the fourth bandit stopping him and collided with him for a brief moment. Having lost momentum, Zaltac jumped back just in time to avoid a still armed bandit from the right come slashing down; having the weapon clang against a fellow bandit's scimitar instead of his skull. Repositioning himself, Zaltac raised his axe once more, knowing that it's defensive time was almost out. Though not highly skilled, their numbers still made them dangerous for Zaltac compared to the last encounter. This fact slowed him down, as the bandits began to circle about the blind warrior in confidence with their numbers.

    Health: 100%
    Mana: 95%
    Axe of Shall Duration: 2 posts left.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


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    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

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    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 24th May 2016, 4:39 pm

    Zhu dove down through the sky aiming at more of the gunner twisting turning, tumbling, and making sure that she avoided as many shots as was humanly possible. There were a few that grazed her body and she could help those nothing, but still she dove low towards the ground landing and spinning around keeping her wings folded close to her body spinning her glaives around slicing through gunner’s and their guns alike. Albeit they only managed to slice through one gun before part of their blades broke and it was troublesome to use them. So she threw them as hard as she could one finding purchase in the skull of a gunner, while another found a home in the back of one of the thugs that was attacking her partner. She spared him a thought as she knew that he would have to be kept alive, and it would not be a simple matter being that he was blind.

    Now weaponless once again she needed to have a proper weapon, and she summoned up the Flying Dragons this trio of swords here exactly what she needed to deal lots of damage quickly. She flexed her right hand and the blades began to move along with her motions. These blades floated unlike traditional blades and she used them carefully. She moved towards one of the gunner corpses that had one of the stolen scimitars inside of his body and ripped it from the dead putting the hilt in her mouth holding it with her teeth. Now in either of her hands she summoned up two weapons that looked similar but were significantly different. She was armed to the teeth literally now, and she was ready to attack. She launched herself at the nearest set of gunners. With her Kopesh in her right hand she slashed into him, at the same time the flying dragons mirrored the movement ripping into him three more times before he could blink with a backwards slash she sent him to the netherworld.

    The next target was much easier and she slashed at him with the scimitar in her mouth spilling a lot of his blood, but she used the Arakh it her left hand to cut a rent in his throat and chest before spinning around and letting the flying dragons slash through him three more times ending him. With only half of the enemies alive at this point the pressure was certainly starting to ease up for Zhu.

    HP: 75%
    MP: 40%
    Angel’s abilities (Secondary D rank) Duration 2/5
    Flying Dragons Duration Begin
    Keeper’s Kopesh Summoned
    Khal’s Arakh Summoned


    Character Info:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
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    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 29th May 2016, 12:30 pm

    Though pressure was easing up for Zhu, it was only barely easing up for Zaltac. With the threat of gunners being slowly illiminated, he was free to take on the ten or so bandits that were around him. Which was a bit easier said than done with all the chaos going around. But thankfully, his lack of sight made him put more focus around himself and his sphere of control. So, with axe in hand, Zaltac was more than ready. He just had to play patient for when the first attack would strike against him. Standing there, idle, as the bandits continued their circle about him.  Ten in total, they were more than confident. A mistake they would see first hand.

    With a roar, the first bandit lunged at Zaltac from his four'o'clock. Another followed suit from nine'o'clock, and so on in rapid succession till each of them were stabbing at Zaltac from every direction. Zaltac - slowing down time in his mind- could sense their approach and already figured out their tactic. So in his split second of reaction time, the blind warrior ducked down and split his legs as wide as they could go apart; lowering his body before the blades could connect to his abdomin. This put him directly under all of the scimitars in a tight circle of the bandits. The group clashing of metal stopped the group's momentum just long enough for Zaltac to counter strike. Reaching up, Zaltac grabbed the blades and leaped into the air. Though his palm would suffer for this, the sudden jerk left the bandits shock; as the group pulling of the blades six from simply pulling their scimitars back; forcing them out of their hands. In the air, Zaltac rolled to the left, appearing as though he was trying to escape the circle. So, when one of the still armed bandits raised his sword to try and strike the flying blind man, he was met with surprise as Zalt thrusted one of the blades into the man's skull; rolling behind the bandit and taking his scimitar as well. Zhu was not the only one able to fight with an enemy's weapon.Though through all of this, Zaltac's left hand was now injured, and his axe was lost in the jump. Though it had no duration left, it would soon vanish. But that was one down, with nine more still to go. Dropping the seven scimitars, Zaltac faced the group once more; hand raised as he was ready to continue on.

    In anger now, the bandits once again rushed him. Some aiming for the scimitars, while three were charging with wild heavy swings. Zaltac could hear their movements in the sand, and lunged forward himself into the attacking enemies. He would stop the first armed bandit's swing by grabbing his wrist, while twirling the same bandit into the second's swing. This would injure one as the scimitar ran down his back, while causing the second to stumble. The third armed bandit was stopped just as easily, as Zaltac would grab the bandit's arm and throw him over his shoulder into the ground. Though this left him vulnerable to being struck in the back by two bandits from behind, he was used to pain; and retaliated by striking back with his elbows at the two bandits. Who, thought they were clever, moved out of the way and grabbed Zaltac's arms by the elbow. Zaltac would jump and roll in the air, pulling his arms straight with his body and slamming the two bandits together; knocking them onto the desert sand. Though none of these actions were fatal, it showed the difference in skill Zaltac had, making the statement that he was still more than a match for their numbers. This caused the rest who had not done anything to hesitate, and only move towards the scimitars on the ground as they all re-evaluated how to fight this blind monk-like-warrior.

    Health: 75%
    Axe of Shall: End


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:


    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Posts : 541
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by ZhuFeng 10th June 2016, 1:35 pm

    Zhu sighed as she looked around and saw that there were still several gunners. She would have to take them out quickly otherwise they would be no end of trouble for her and she couldn’t have that. With one great flap of her wings she was in the air again flying towards the few gunners that remained letting the flying dragons cleave through the men on the ground. In so doing she slew one and injured another of the men who were focused on Zaltac. She didn’t mean to do this, but it would help him none-the-less. She on the other hand never stopped flying until she reached a gunner who tried to fire off shots at her.

    He didn’t even graze her as his shots were wild and untrained he would most likely have missed a barn’s wall if he was standing on the inside of it. So Zhu fell upon him skewering him with the scimitar in her mouth and the arakh in her left hand. She drove him to the ground pulling out her weapons slashing into him even more to end him. The last two gunners had turned and were shooting her now as fast as they could. Their bullets were painful and they ripped through her wings so she wouldn’t be able to really fly any longer, but she would not give up here. She flapped jumping herself forward to be right in front of them with a single bound. She spun slashing the flying dragons and her kopesh through all of them and then spun the opposite way to slice her weapon through all of them once more. It was just that easy and she had ended them.

    Now she looked to Zaltac to see how he was getting on, all the gunners were now dead, and the only thugs were facing him. Of course she heard the sound of weapons being drawn and sure enough there were several giants of men and she sighed heavily. These were the so called brutes and they would not be push overs. Zaltac was busy so she had to engage them she flapped her wings throwing herself towards the first one passing him and slicing him with the Scimitar in her mouth and the Arakh in her left hand. The man bellowed in rage as he tried to bring his weapon down upon Zhu who was just far too fast for that and she spun in a circled several times the flying dragons following the movement making her into a bladed top. With three spins they cleaved through the brute’s stomach and spilled his innards upon the sand. She stopped spinning and flapped away from the remaining seven getting herself ready to attack once more.

    HP: 65%
    MP: 40%
    Angel’s abilities (Secondary D rank) Duration 3/5
    Flying Dragons Duration 1/6
    Keeper’s Kopesh Summoned
    Khal’s Arakh Summoned


    Character Info:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Red Sand Bandits Empty Re: Red Sand Bandits

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 16th June 2016, 1:48 pm

    A distraction was exactly what Zaltac needed. Even if it was not necessary. With Zhu flapping her wings to create a gust in the loose sand and the dragons she sent out that flew towards the bandits -killing one and knocking another bandit back- it drew the attention for Zaltac to find a moment to strike. And he did not waste any time with it. Zaltac would rush forward, and leapt into the air above the first bandit in front of him, and came crashing down with his heel in a mighty drop right on the skull. The bandit would stagger as his head felt caved in; Zaltac straightened out and grabbed the dazed bandit. Snap. With a firm twist, Zaltac broke the neck of the bandit letting his corpse fall to the ground. In total now, there were about six bandits left. At least for the minor ones. Zaltac kept up the momentum and charged at the next bandit. This one tried to stop him with a swing of his fist. But seeing as it was not a properly trained one; Zaltac rolled under it and delievered a punch of his own straight into the stomach of the bandit; causing him to gasp in pain. Zaltac could tell that larger foes were on the way, simply from how Zhu took off towards them. The group had to be dispatched quickly. So, Zaltac held out his free hand for a moment as he allowed the bandit to stumble away from him in pain. A ripple in space, and suddenly a sickle came into his hand. Grabbing firmly at the short ranged -farming- tool, Zaltac leaned forward taking a single step, and lashed out at the bandit before him. The curved blade formed a blue wave as it moved; the bandit's gasps turning to gurgles as his neck erupted out blood before he collapsed. And though Zaltac had just tooken down a second bandit, the third and fourth re-acquired their blades and each took a good charging swing at Zaltac's expost back. Hearing the foot steps, Zalt turned in an attempt to block, and only managed to stop one blade. The other scimitar ran down against his chest. Though it was just the tip from the turning momentum, it was enough to deal a good amount of damage to Zalt. But not enough to stop him, as he pushed the collided bandit to the side and retaliated with an upward slash. This struck the stumbling bandit's face and took out one of his eyes, while hte other leaned back and dodged the slash. Grabbing the injured bandit by the head, Zaltac quickly raised his sickle and brought it down through the bandit's neck. Decapitating him. Tossing the head aside, Zaltac collided weapons with the bandit still confronting him. The bandit desperately trying to kill Zaltac with reckless and wild swings, and Zaltac blocking the blade from right to left and redirecting it. The bandit had advantage in range, but Zaltac was not learning the attack range from this. As the blades echoed, Zalt would glance around and listen to pick up where the other four bandits went. And he located them at the scimitar stash behind his current opponant. Though slightly distracted, Zaltac took another blow; just barely avoiding the edge as he tried to dodge while putting his focus somewhere else. This was down his sternum; easily tearing Zalt's garments as it went by. Zaltac would then grab the bandit's armed arm, and brought the curved blade down and stabbed it into his opponant's shoulder. The bandit howled in pain as he tried to grab Zaltac to let go, but Zalt just charged up against the bandit; and repeated this action. Only this time, into the Bandit's chest. This not only pierced the bandit's heart, but took out his entire chest cavity, as Zaltac visciously ripped the blade from his foe. With only four left, Zaltac prepared to face his remaining foes. Hoping he still had time, before the four larger warriors arrived. He speculated even Zhu might have a bit harder time keeping them at bay for long. Though without his knowledge, she appeared to be doing just fine ripping through them. Zaltac just did not estimate the foes to go down that easily, as he was not looking towards their auras to notice this.

    OoC: Health: 55%
    Mana: 90%
    Sickle of Agarius Duration: Begin.
    4 Weak Enemies left.
    3 Strong Enemies Left.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:49 pm