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    Desert Beach Party!


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    Lineage : Lucifer's Descendant
    Posts : 734
    Guild : Guildless
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    Experience : 10762.5

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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Chesha 18th October 2015, 12:57 am

    In the female’s defense there wasn’t exactly a lot of wood laying around in this place to knock on, but all the same she knew to a degree they’d been damning words/wishes. Now instead of a pair they’d been surrounded by a group that would probably evolve to a legion as things continued skittering and crawling out of places. A little bit of repentance and a spot of necessity she’d have to defend the man while he began casting something big. Perhaps the earlier groups had been scouts of sort to test them? Maybe all these animals merely couldn’t wait their turn and sought to strike and get their portion now…who could say?

    ”It’d be so easy if you could just eat them instead…”

    The voice went ignored, the odd phenomenon something that had yet to disappear since that Lilith job. She could sort of feel the secondary voice, but it didn’t speak quite like this one and acted more on instinct and feeling in a way the woman couldn’t properly describe. A few dry chuckles were the last she heard before the line went “dead” so to speak.

    Rather than leave the man as a tantalizing target she tossed an orb over her shoulder, the sapphire base blossoming into a rapidly growing cloud once it rolled close enough to the man. Though he could probably sense the magical disturbance it wouldn’t affect him, becoming only a visible hindrance to those starting to filter into the room.

    ’And now for the one I dislike…’ Mao’s facial features cringed a bit even as she took on yet another stance, arms raised while surveying the enemies and which ones might strike first. The eyed her hungrily, their food sources no doubt far and few between when they didn’t resort to devouring one another, attention focusing more and more as something bright and shiny manifested in one of her hands.




    The shards from the orb fell away from her gloved hand, though their journey to the ground never found completion as the bundle grew in size until a veritable cloud formed from the sharp and jagged pieces. Their master’s eyes changed too, pupils thinning a little even as the shade of the orbs became muddied from their usual green hue. The first might have been the most unfortunate, one of the smaller scorpions becoming anxious – especially with one of its full-grown kin nipping behind it – and the thing charged only to have her claws smack both its pincers aside and slam down into its head, two streams of gem stones mocking her movement to pierce holes through the two trying to flank. Behind a snake wove its way around the small carnage pile, getting ready to rise up and strike when the earth started trembling.

    Horns pierced its throat as a roar echoed throughout the room, the mad beast himself returned as he surged up through the crumbling dirt floor, tossing his head about and sending the thing slamming into a wall with a resounding “CRACK!” More prone to protecting what he actually cared about, Nocshanks listened to her mental command to protect Niyol and took a running start, body curling after the first few paces into a rolling ball of doom. He surged about, his hardened hide relieving some of the overgrown insects of their limbs while some of the basilisk who sought to bite found themselves struck with concussive force that bounced them away even as teeth cracked and snapped.

    The dance had only begun.


    MP: 80%

    Aquamarine Needles: 1/5 CD
    Blood Diamond: 1/3 active


    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 18th October 2015, 1:24 am

    "... By your claws, I am empowered. By your will, I am forgiven. Come forth! Niddhog!" Seikatsu shouted, completing his chanting. The floor around him turn to a lava-like ground, consuming the item used to protect Seikatsu as it fell into the pool of liquid fire. A claw reached out, grabbing the ground and cracking it moments before a head bursted forth, destroying the sliver of land Seikatsu was standing on and becoming the new perch by which the soul mage would stand upon. "Keep me safe." he said to his draconic friend. "I shall." he responded, his voice carrying the guilt of having aided in allowing Lisa's death, thus giving him more purpose to fight harder to preserve his summoner. A large heatwave came across the room, incinerating most of the smaller scorpions, and burning the basilisks' eyes to cause them to flail about. The rest of the small scorpions filed in, thinking they'd be able to charge into the fray and live. All were horribly surprised when they were lit ablaze, and immediately consumed by the great dragon's attack. All the meanwhile, Mao would feel nothing as the dragon was providing them forgiveness from the burning torment that he'd insinuated. "Keep it going, I'm going to start charging." Seikatsu said to his summon as dark energy began pooling in his hand. The energy was comprised solely of the anger, hatred, sadness, lust, envy, desire, and rage he felt in his heart. It brought nothing more than the worst of Seikatsu, pooled it into an attack that focused in his hand, and then would assault his opponents with it all. An item from one of the charging smaller scorpions had skidded across the floor as it died, landing next to the large red dragon for Seikatsu to pick up at his leisure. Meanwhile, more of the enemy were filing in, likely the rest of the creatures hidden within the boundaries of this temple... give or take a few straglers that may show up later.

    Down in the tunnel, Gabriella was moving forward and began looking about. "Master is not far ahead. I believe your owner is with him as I can sense a second magical source. The energy being emitted by my lord would mean he's in a very great fight. If such is the case, your master very well may be fighting almost entirely alone." she said to the large creature, informing him that he needed to move his ass.

    HP: 300
    MP: 107%
    Post: 13
    Gabriella's HP: 180

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store 50% extra MP
    Legendary(+) Weapon: increased base MP
    Gabriella's Presence - Seikatsu & his allies have +3% HP Regen
    Volcanic Wrath - All enemies taking 15 damage per post after this one
    Forgiveness - Friendly Fire is turned off

    Amplify - 2 Posts
    Unleash Soul - 2 Posts
    Armageddon - 2 Posts

    Summon Gabriella - 4 Post
    Charging Unleash Darkness

    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 1 launched of one Normal Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Die_06_42164_sm
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 PzArA86 , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh

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    Lineage : Lucifer's Descendant
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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Chesha 18th October 2015, 2:01 am

    There was a relief to knowing one’s enemies could experience flames and yet one’s self was immune alongside their magic. If Mao had been in a regular state of mind she would’ve relished a bit more in this fact, the glaring weakness of her magic one that seemed to plague the woman wherever she went. However the grip of the blood diamond was hard to ignore even for one usually filled with the calm energies of the other crystals. The gemstone lusted for blood, the crystal knowing only the pain wrought by greed and so it learned hunger from those same hands. Each body they plunged through, each creature they shredded would never be enough to fully satiate the gem.

    It became a pleasure for the woman as well, rending the protective shells of the scorpions until they no longer concerned her in the face of the large reptilian. Tearing through the bodies of the snakes became the sole source thereafter as she disfigured spines, tore through flesh to the inner meat, and ripped jaw bones completely free of their owners. None of it was enough however, even though Mao’s once white veiled had been all but dyed red-turning-brown at this point, each coat reviving the luscious hue.

    Yet the hunger was merely growing, Mao’s tongue beginning to water.

    ”You’re a carnivore, at the heart of things, why not indulge?”

    A heart hit the ground.

    ”You can’t ignore what you truly are.”

    Another snake flopped to the ground as the last breath gurgled out of its exposed throat.


    A howl of rage and concern pulled Mao from her stupor, the trance edging away as rabbit-eared woman realized she’d bitten a chunk of meat from her recent victim, blood coating her chin and staining the chest region of her shirt. She could feel Nocshanks’ emotions flow through her, forcing a calm even as the mage swiped her hand – the action commanding a wave of the shards to slash through the throat of a thrashing basilisk that was getting all too close. Peering around quickly she noted the multitude of smoking corpses now sprinkled with fresh snake meat here and there, her canine companion doing his part in mowing some down just a bit ago during his reentry. Judging by the crater he jumped out of the loyal dog had crushed a couple more before realizing how far down the rabbit hole his mistress was falling.

    ”Thank you…Nocshanks. I let them get ahold of me.”

    Though Mao referenced the diamonds, a part of the woman wasn’t sure she truly meant them.

    Coming to stand next to her, Nocshanks dropped a small bag before her, nuzzling the woman before slapping away a writhing snake with his horns. It’d come too close for comfort.


    MP: 80%

    Aquamarine Needles: 2/5 CD
    Blood Diamond: 2/3 active

    Chesha carried out 1 launched of one Normal Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Die_06_42164_sm


    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 18th October 2015, 2:26 am

    Seikatsu watched as his friend was succumbing to blood lust, a feeling he'd personally known from the many times his demon had taken over... or rather, his nature had taken over. It pained him to watch a spitting image of himself in action, the gore, the disregard for life... none of it was what Mao was truly like. He was getting ready to stop casting, risk being killed in order to beat the sense into his friend, signified as his hands began twitching open. The great dragon wrapped his tail around Seikatsu's hand, preventing it from opening, causing him to nearly turn the attack on him. The volcanic dragon pointed its nose to Nocshanks, noting that he'd done something to force his master out of it. "Continue charging my friend. Rest assured, the rabbit-beast will be fine. Trust that she knows what she does." he said in a deep, wise voice that cause Seikatsu to relax as the dark energy continued charging. Gabriella had been forced to stick near the dragon, while her healing would still reach Mao, Gabriella didn't feel good having just the two out on the field. A quick swipe of the dragons' tail would knock several large snakes and over sized scorpions across the field, away from Seikatsu while he continued charging. He grew tired of charging the single spell, more enemies were pouring in. Only the weakest were dying from the flames, while Mao was forced to deal with the rest of them. His demonic scar turned pure black as cracks appeared at his eyes, and the iris of his eyes turned pure white. Seikatsu grit his teeth from the pain caused by pushing his body to, and beyond its own limits and forcing himself to begin charging energy in his other hand. This energy was purely soul energy. Specifically, all the souls of heroes trough history that died would have their power attracted to Seikatsu and used as a weapon just as the darkness would. "Just a bit longer!" he shouted to his allies. Meanwhile, energy began pulsing heavily in his hands, signifying that he'd be ready to cap the attack and blast anything away. Hopefully, his allies would be able to hold on as even more enemies poured in...

    HP: 300
    MP: 119% (+10% 5th post)
    Post: 15
    Gabriella's HP: 180

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store 50% extra MP
    Legendary(+) Weapon: increased base MP
    Gabriella's Presence - Seikatsu & his allies have +3% HP Regen
    Volcanic Wrath - All enemies taking 15 damage per post after this one
    Forgiveness - Friendly Fire is turned off
    Charging - Unleash Darkness II
    Charging - Unleash Soul I

    Amplify - 1 Posts
    Armageddon - 1 Posts

    Summon Gabriella - 3 Post

    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 PzArA86
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 NXDHjfc
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 R2fEWNz , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh
    Ninetails Derpfox carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh , Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 OdAaNwh

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    Lineage : Lucifer's Descendant
    Posts : 734
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    Experience : 10762.5

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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Chesha 18th October 2015, 3:48 am

    ”I’ll be fine,” she tried to reassure Nocshanks as he refused to part too far from her. However things were beginning to creep a little close for comfort, and while the two summons stuck close to Niyol the legal mage didn’t want them to deal with too much while supporting him lest they be sent back before he was ready. More of the critters crept in from a side entrance, but Mao couldn’t leave her post either since more filtered in from in front and she might have to deal with a few sliding in from the other side as well. ”We need to split if we’re to get through this. I promise I won’t fall to the blood diamonds again.”

    The smile and passed emotions seemed to finally assuage him, the muscular dog beast grunting before he turned back into the rolly polly of spinning destruction and began to mow down weakened foes.

    It was curious though, the woman usually much better at staving off the effects of the gemstone. Sure it’d been corrupt, and she never liked that dark influence before yet it hadn’t been a problem outside her scope to date. Normally the other crystal influences kept the worst at bay. ’My mind feels so different right now…’ Something obscured her usual stability, creating a rockiness to her function. Even emotions often felt inhibited by the sheer calm of her crystal magic yet she’d felt such the bloodlust moments ago and now she yearned to find something…

    Along the edges of this scene of carnage danced an object that called out to her for reasons that acted vaguely familiar. It hummed in her mind whenever it came close and grew quieter when it hovered away, creating an unfortunate tease since she refused to veer too far from protecting Niyol even if she relied more upon the commanded cloud of crystals than actually ripping into hides herself. She could almost make out a taunting voice at times, but brushed it off in the face of the prevalent task before her.

    ”Seqat pmuut lremt...”


    MP: 80%

    Aquamarine Needles: 3/5 CD
    Blood Diamond: 3/3 active - going on CD


    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 18th October 2015, 3:00 pm

    Seikatsu's scars began to burn pure white energy, radiating his desire to get his friend out. He ran up hid dragon, Niddhog the Volcanic Emissary, with the energy pulsing in his hands he jumped off the dragon's snout, landing into a forwards roll on the floor. A pulse of energy from his arms forced the two spells to complete their charging phase as he spun around and got ready to fire. He placed a foot behind him to act as a support, and one in front to ground him. The great, volcanic dragon placed a hand to his back to prevent the force of the attack from sending Seikatsu across the room. His body began glowing with a pure black aura as the lineage he held, the Knight of Death, coursed its power through him and into his hands splitting its charges evenly between his two attacks. "I am Niyol, chief of souls... You attacked one of us... FEEL MY WRAAAATH!" he sad with a powerful voice as both hands were opened, the last bit was said with a voice that sounded like the demonic choir all shouting in unison. A massive blast of blue and black erupted from the hands, causing all the insects and snakes to be torn to shreds as the wave of power entered them. The energy continued through the tunnel networks the insects and snakes used to traverse the temple ruins, forcing the remaining enemies from their homes in the form of goopy juices, destroyed organs, and severed limbs. Mandibles, legs, destroyed exoskeletons, and insect guts littered the field as the attack continued. Meanwhile, in the middle of it all, a single opponent stood bracing itself against the onslaught of power Seikatsu was throwing at it. The force got under it, sending the beast into the air and sending it across the room, smashing it into the opposing wall, causing the temple wall to become a crater. The attack completed, causing the lighting in the room to slowly return to normal, transitioning from the dark blue hue to a gently glow. Seikatsu breathed heavily, falling to a knee before collapsing to the ground and passing out from having used such great power, his words as he fell "Do not... succumb." were said softly, nearly inaudible. His final act for his ally, was using the ability 'Sow' on his weapon causing the Thorn of Betrayal to disappear. The two summons disappearing as their master had become incapacitated, lacking the ability to sustain their existence in this world. A black aura would engulf Mao's claws, granting her the ability to deal her own melee damage, as well as a second hit of damage in the form of Seikatsu's melee damage should she accept the blessing.

    HP: 255
    MP: 106%
    Post: 16

    +2% MP Regen
    Can Store 50% extra MP
    Legendary(+) Weapon: increased base MP
    Sow - Mao deals 2x melee damage

    Amplify - 4 Posts
    Rushed Magic - 3 Posts
    Niddhog - 7 Posts
    Gabriella - 7 Posts

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descendant
    Posts : 734
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 10762.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spatial Devourer
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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Chesha 21st October 2015, 2:56 am

    A clawed hand stuck out, halting Nocshanks’ movement towards their last foe, the beast in the distance struggling to push itself back up. The thing had taken quite the blow even if it braced, and used the other denizens as shield of sorts. It wouldn’t take much more to fell the beast.

    ”Hu...E crymm bid ed uid uv ed'c secano.”

    Against his wishes the great beast moved to stand closer to her friend, placing his body between the combatants and the recovering man. Should the thing make a go for the prone mage then the horned canine would step in, but he knew already such wouldn’t be the case as his mistress walked closer to the disturbing creature.

    ”Oui...nasaspan...” the odd voice ground out, pain evident in the trio of voices that spoke through each mouth. Breathy laughs escaped as the three pairs of eyes stayed trained on the approaching woman, the beast starting to coil its muscles, ”Drah oui...ghuf...fryd E fyhd...fryd E caag...”

    A small shiver of guilt ran through her, brows knitting before Mao’s expression smoothed out and she nodded. ”E nasaspan...dryhg oui vun rumtehk ed vun cu muhk.” She clasped the emerald a little tighter before the gem disappeared, vanishing back into her otherworldly collection of memories. ’Out of my selfishness it has suffered so long…’ An old adage came to mind, but Mao stowed away her thoughts as she brandished both her fists. However it possessed one final request for her, one that surprised the rabbit-eared mage.

    ”Vekrd sa...fedruid ouin vyga sykel, so geh.”

    It stunned her for a moment before she nodded, acquiescing and releasing the magical energy she’d been building up. About to summon up the protective form of diamonds, she fought without her magic as they charged each other. It would be the chimera’s final roar as it neared the end of it’s life…

    * * *

    When Niyol would finally come too there would be the faint sounds of singing, a lullaby echoing off the old walls.

    ”-fa yna ymfyoc uh dra fyo du veht dra bmyla fa pamuhk-“

    Nocshanks continued to stand guard by the man, though his posture remained lax as the threats refused to resurface between the defeat of such numbers and the take down of their leader. The old beast lay on the ground, the last dregs of life leaving its body. Mao sat in front of it, the lion’s head placed in her lap as she lightly brushed through the mane, sending the beast off with a song she’d recalled in the memory.

    ”-pid eh uha sunhehk fa'mm caa dra cih
    pnekrd crehehk sunhehk taf cehkehk
    drao fru femm caynlr femm veht dra myht
    uv ajanknaah-“

    Her voice remained soft, a pseudo-whisper, eventually hitting the final note. She could no longer feel any breath ghosting over her stomach, the thing finally succumbing to its wounds, lacerations hardly visible on the underside of the other two heads’ necks.

    ”The road to Hell is paved with good intentions,” the tailed woman quoted, gently placing the head onto the ground and standing, ”It was selfish of me to ask such a favor of you when it would’ve been kinder to end your life…but still…I hope you found some enjoyable moments in your freedom, when the pain of your life weighed a little less.” Leaving it where it laid she walked back towards the Chief of Souls, concern marring her face, ”Are you all right? You expended quite a bit of energy in that last attack quite suddenly. If you need to rest you can ride on Nocshanks if that would help? The beast told me of a little den not too much further down where there might be more items to salvage if you would like a look?”


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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st October 2015, 3:56 am

    "Niyol..." a soft voice called through the darkness, breaking the seemingly endless silence. "Niyol... my son." the voice repeated. It was... familiar... yet strange. He'd heard this voice many times as a child, but held no face by which to match it. "Niyol, do you not remember me?" the voice called. So gentle, so soothing it caused no alarm to the unconscious man. The voice seemed powerful, preventing him from responding. A single light appeared in the distance. His heart skipped a beat upon seeing the light, as if it knew what this light was, that it was some piece of his life. "Come to my my son." the gentle, feminine voice said. Seikatsu felt himself motioning to it, unable to fight the words... unwilling to fight the words. Slowly, steadily, the light grew closer as the warm voice said "Yes, you're doing well. Come my child." beckoning the lonesome mage to walk closer. The figure of a woman was seen, voluptuous curves, and an evenly proportioned bust. It wore no clothes at all, but Seikatsu didn't have the feeling the woman before him was naked at all. She floated down to his level, slowly moving closer. Seikatsu feared no god, but something inside him compelled the man to step back, and begin to move to his knees without wanting to. A pair of hands stopped him halfway down, gently touching his shoulders and causing him to rise as the woman pulled him into a loving embrace. "Wh-who..." he said with a shaky, hesitant voice. His eyes were wide open, though his pupils had constricted themselves to tiny dots as he was thoroughly terrified for the first time in his life. "You have known me all you life. Your people have been the closest mortals to my heart." she said, rubbing his head while continuing the embrace. "M-mother..." he said, his terror shifting to amazement. "Yes my love." the woman said, relaxing her hug and taking a step back. Her right hand remained on the side of his left cheek.

    In the real world, Seikatsu shifted. His mind attempting to pull himself from the uncomfortable situation. However, he was still out cold, and his friend's words went unheard.

    "I-I... I'm..." he said, unable to find the words as tears filled his eyes. His physical body matching the level of emotion, small creeks flowing on his slightly tanned face. "You need not apologize my son. I know your heart. I know your mind. I know you did not kill your people of your own will, so I bear no wrath on you." the voice said. Seikatsu fell to his knees, the forgiveness of The Mother overpowering him, making it the one and only time he felt the desire to bow to someone out of submmission. "But... mother! I-I betrayed them all! I've killed so many! I... I... I-" "Enough little Niyol." she said, kneeling down and resting her hand on the side of his bowed head. Seikatsu quickly looked at the mother, his eyes unsteady, filled with remorse and still grieving for his people. "You have my permission to fulfill your destiny. Shed no more tears over your past, for you've made up for your misdeeds. You have killed many, but you have saved even more. You have betrayed your people, but when tested you standby your friends. You have matured, and become a great leader. Embrace who you are my dear, and always continue to walk your path." the voice said as the mother faded away.

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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Chesha 21st October 2015, 11:44 pm

    The perceived awakening was nothing more than a clever ruse, the man visibly responding to whatever dreams currently gripped him as the woman noted the tears. ’It wouldn’t be wise to leave him here nor stay too long lest the beasts regain their courage. Hopefully he won’t mind…’ Luckily the man seemed very much out of it as she had Nocshanks lie down so she could heft the unconscious mage onto her friend’s back. The weight would mean nothing to someone of his size and muscle, the only thing making Mao wince was the solid ‘smack!’ noise as she basically shoved Niyol and he flopped into place. ’Well…hopefully he won’t develop any bruises or cracked anything important. At least nothing I can’t fix I’m sure.’ She might not be as full of heals as those who focused, but the crystals did provide a couple of avenues.

    She lead the small group away from the burnt mess and the still body of the chimera, only the sound of their feet scratching against the sand-strewn floor making any noise.

    ”You knew them.”

    Those words caught her off guard, Mao turning to stare with slightly widened eyes at her companion. Perhaps it was the knowledge the man on his back continued to sleep, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, but it shocked the woman all the same to hear the beast’s voice out loud.

    His gaze remained unwavering, the statement an unspoken question. As she came back to herself Mao’s expression smoothed out and she nodded, the pair resuming their walk. ”Aye…to a degree. The emerald it bore reminded me of its existence, and it’s something I shall keep with me as a token of its life. We are not too different, that thing and I…unfortunately it drew the short end of the straw I’m afraid…” her voice slowly died out, the girl unable to help the welling sadness for the creature. ’Do we not all deserve a chance to live?’ It was a question she’d blessedly forgotten until now.

    ”And what is it you plan to do now?”

    This time the mage didn’t react to the murmured question, continuing her pace without faltering. ”The same thing I’ve been doing all this time…” the emotion dropped out of her voice, those verdant orbs hardening as both pupils slimmed a degree, ”but first I need the emerald she holds. Until then…there’s not much I can do right now.”



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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 22nd October 2015, 1:48 am

    Seikatsu overheard some of the conversation, but only the last little bit and decided to stay 'sleeping'... but there was an unsuspected friend of Mao's who was just as interested as the large male would be who decided to take a more direct approach. A second shadow would reveal itself to be hiding within Mao's, at first in the exact shape of hers, but after splitting it would slowly transition to being in Altsoba's shape. "The emerald, who holds beast-girl?" the voice echoed from the shadow. The shadow rose from the floor, taking on the blackened figure of the demonic queen with crossed arms. "I'm not a fool love, I know what I heard. If you plan to tell my vessel as few details as possible, but send him to his possible grave, I will see you dead." she said with a serious voice. Her shadowy figure suddenly burst into a series of particles, revealing the full figure of Altsoba with a devious, but friendly smile on her face accompanied by strong, bold, confident and loving eyes that she normally didn't have. Altsoba took a couple steps forward, bearing no weapon by which to intimidate her with for once, reached out gently touching Mao's shoulders and pulled her into a soft embrace. "Niyol wishes to help you with your plight..." she said with a gently tone and released her slowly. Altsoba then took a step over to the large dog-ish looking beast and gently rubbed her vessel's hand. "But you can't do that... IF YOU WANNA BULLSHIT SLEEPING!" she said, transitioning to a loud yell as she grabbed the hand and tossed Seikatsu's pretending ass off of Nocshanks's back. Hitting the ground with a loud SMACK and leaving a few cracks in the floor, Seikatsu began slowly getting up. "Dammit you wretched woman, I was hoping you'd be more useful than that." he said groggily. Seikatsu grabbed his head, waiting for the room to stop spinning, or seem like it wasn't spinning. "If you want to find information, you get off your lazy ass and ask the girl, not eavesdrop on her conversations! At least if it's a friend..." she said angrily to Seikatsu. He began raising his head to comment on her words when Altsoba held out her hand and tossed something at Seikatsu, the item slamming him in the face and sending him back to the ground. "You forgot that before passing out asshole." she said irritated, very openly showing that she didn't like mistreating ones own allies. The queen then turned to Mao, her expression softening and pulling the rabbit eared female for a final short hug before giving her an item. "You left this on the ground my dear." she said gently before bursting into shadowy particles. Seikatsu held his hand out and grabbed the item that was seemingly glued to his face from the force of the impact and took a look at what it was. After learning what it was, he slowly got up, stumbling a couple times but eventually regaining his balance.

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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Chesha 22nd October 2015, 3:03 am

    She’d intended to speak no further of any of this, not knowing when he might wake and certainly wishing to avoid any unnecessary people being dragged into her business. This desire of her’s was a personal one, a wish that could lead to her death for all she cared as long as that one person could be safe and live their life freely. Becoming conscious of the bonds of her people for the first time in…well months technically, was a frightful thing. Even walking the woman could feel an invisible collar in place, a leash leading to an unseen force.

    When the demoness revealed herself Mao almost bluntly stated she held no intention of involving him or offering any further Intel. The less he knew then the less involved he could be, and ultimately all the safer. Before she could so much as open her mouth and present those words to her however, the shadow-possessing demon decided to force the man from his “clever” ruse, going so far as to chuck him from the armored canine’s back. It broke some of her seriousness, blinking as she watched the event, a little more used to Altsoba acting lovingly with him and a bit flirtatiously as well. Not so….rough. Even the fact she was mildly touched by the revealed desire to help her was overshadowed by the overall silliness. The man couldn’t even get a word in edgewise as she chucked something at him, scoring a point as it beaned him right in the face with the loot bag.

    Though more surprising was the pair of hugs she received, the action causing a slight shiver to run through Mao’s body at the foreign feeling of affection.

    It left her conflicted as many animals enjoyed even the slightest hint or showing yet…she couldn’t overwrite that thought that she didn’t deserve it. There existed too many reasons in her mind, the mere knowledge almost enough to bring tears to her eyes if the emotions could’ve gotten that far. Luckily she didn’t have to deal with it between conditioning and the automatic siphoning to her crystals, forcing that “dead” feeling back into her body. Observing the item she sighed, returning her attention to the man as he tried to regain his bearings. Once she was more or less sure he wouldn’t fall back over she spoke to him, retaining that blank expression, ”Whatever you heard would be better forgotten as it does not concern you, nor should it. There’s really no reason to worry yourself with my business.”

    A part of her wanted to request a favor, but even that felt like asking too much. There’d be no reason leaving emeralds in his possession could be dangerous, yet the woman didn’t want to take the risk if she could help it.


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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 22nd October 2015, 3:20 am

    Seikatsu listened to Mao's words, thinking to a time when he didn't want anyone in his affairs for fear of getting them hurt. But that time had passed, and Seikatsu was no longer a being on this plane of existence, merely the name of a petty man who believed himself unworthy of anything. Seikatsu walked up to Mao, bearing his demonic scars with no concern. He gently raised his hand, and would bring it across Mao's face with a loud clap as it hit her cheek, should she not dodge it. "I am your friend Mao Nakiri. Understand this, accept this, and never forget it. Your plight is my struggle as well, and I will fight alongside you even beyond death. I'll not forget what I've heard, and if you go off to do something that would get yourself killed, I'll be following behind whether you want me to or not. Do I make myself clear? Good." he said with a very unhappy voice, nearly offended at the request for him to back off from helping her. "You're withholding something. I can feel it in my gut that you want to say, or ask something. If it's a favor, I care not what it is, I will do it. If it's a question, I'll be perfectly fine to answer it. If you want to hit me, then do it." he said boldly, fixing a firm expression on his friend. He'd give her time to think on it while they made their way back to the desert village.

    After their short conversation, the two would head back to the desert village to turn in their loot. Seikatsu's loot was two sacks of jewel, as well as a pair of strong items that he was fined ten thousand jewel to have cleaned. He told the merchant to take the price of the two non-magic item, items and use it towards the cost of un-rusting his other items. The total price Seikatsu would pay the man would be three thousand jewel, which he willingly gave him upfront. Niyol would wait at the entrance to the village with the desert night sky as his backdrop, patiently waiting to see if Mao would trust in their friendship enough to speak up on what she was holding back before.

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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Chesha 22nd October 2015, 3:54 am

    The slap left her stunned, wholly not expecting the action as much as the hugs earlier from his ethereal companion. It was…odd…to remember someone might care. No…she knew at least someone cared, so maybe it was odd to realize that someone other than she cared about Mao and Mao’s existence. That someone else might react to her death or do something to try and prevent it. A little repentant, the woman remained silent as she rubbed her sore cheek and allowed the soul user to lead them back towards town.

    As they walked back she remained in the shadow of her enormous friend, the beast not minding a lick as he softly reminded her, ”It’s not just him or her. I count as well…as do others, I’m sure.”

    Getting everything appraised, Mao sighed as she forked over some money. The trashed items she’d left behind in the temple, the things far too broken from the ruckus to be worthy anything. The ones with some worth she’d find a use for later, though whether she’d sell one or offer it to her canine friend remained to be seen. Leaving the place, she noted the pleased expression on the merchant’s face as no doubt their business helped him recover to some degree.

    ’Now for other matters,’ she mentally noted, catching sight of the scarred man towards the entrance. Sure she could ultimately avoid him, leaving from another part of town…it was horribly tempting too…yet painful. Any thoughts towards taking a step in another direction never made it to fruition and she sighed, accepting this fate that offered more comfort. With this decision the lockdown on her limbs freed up, permitting the tailed woman to walk towards her friend, hesitantly speaking, ”There is…a favor I would ask of you.”

    How much should she explain though? It was a troubling notion, knowing she’d have to force a pseudo forgetfulness about this moment if only to create a replacement with false information to trick the other person. Pulling him some distance away from town, not wanting another soul to hear them – even forcing Nocshanks to stay if only so he could claim plausible deniability in this matter (because she knew the canine understood the situation more at this time, and should’ve been preventing her from speaking to Niyol in the first place). Once they stood a safe enough distance with the town still in sight, but nobody around she took a fortifying breath, ”I need….for you to hold two of my emeralds for me. They’re…well, they’re a way for me to store memories. I need these two that bear the truth to remain safe so I can use a false one to hide my knowledge and retain these memories. The people I’m forgetting, the events that are being erased or rewritten…those crystals are created from forged memories by someone else’s…well not will so much as orders given unto them.”

    She looked away, biting her lip as it pained her to spill so much, though she gained a rueful smile, ’Then again I’ve already been plotting traitorous actions, haven’t I? What are a few more?’ The realization offered some strength as her gaze met his, giving him a helpless smile, ”Well you’ve already expressed interest in helping me, which is no different than offering to help a chair or vase…because for my people my existence is little more than as a tool. The emerald I need to take back is in possession of my handler, or as my people call her, my “technician.” If I can get that back then I’ll have the edge I need to kill my squad leader. But…” she paused, her expression turning serious as she wanted him to grasp the importance of this next part, ”I don’t want my “technician” to come to harm because she’s the one I want to protect and save from our way of life. It’s kind of ironic really…planning to kill one sister in order to protect another…”

    Holding out her hand two emeralds the size of large marbles would sit there, a mild glow radiating from them, ”I would appreciate it if you could safeguard these…”



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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 22nd October 2015, 4:34 pm

    Seikatsu listened with a straight face, bearing no sign of disdain towards the woman for making it so he'd have to literally smack the stupid out of her. Her request was not so strange as she would think, and for some strange ass reason it made perfect sense to him. "As of late, I have had to sacrifice a beloved friend, to save scores of humans I knew not. To sacrifice one person you dislike, to salvage the life of one who has performed no wrong to you, at least of their own will, would be almost the same. The toll is great, but the reward is greater. When the time comes, I shall join you in removing the chains that bind you. For now..." Seikatsu said plainly, stopping and holding out the Thorn of Betrayal. Seikatsu pressed on one of the crimson, glowing gems on each side, the ones in the middle to be exact, causing them to come loose and fall to his hand. He took the two gems from Mao, placing the other two in her hands. "...I shall safeguard your memories, and entrust you with my own. Those gems hold the history of an entire people. The knowledge, emotions, experiences, and thoughts of 132 Chiefs, and over 190 thousand of tribe-kin, not including myself are within your hands. It cannot be extracted by an outlander. It cannot be altered, not by anyone, nor any power. They are my tribe's greatest treasure, which we safeguard with our lives. Upon these gems I take from you, I pledge my soul to their protection just as I protect my people's." He said solemnly before inserting the two gems into the sockets. The sword accepted them, altering the size and shape of the sockets to take in Mao's memory jewels. 

    With this deal made, Seikatsu turned and began walking again. Having several tasks to complete, the young mage would require a great deal of time before he can put his people, his mind, and soul to rest.

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    Desert Beach Party! - Page 2 Empty Re: Desert Beach Party!

    Post by Chesha 23rd October 2015, 6:29 pm

    The last thing Mao expected was a trade of sorts, merely hoping for the man to help safeguard these for her. Later she’d need to create a false gem to overwrite the one she gave up, but at least her sister wouldn’t be able to notice anything amiss since the crystal would’ve been created on the same day unlike the replacements. ’I suppose they never thought I’d notice such patterns…it’s probably not the first time either.’ If she’d even been able to create that other one the chimera bore for her then this likely wasn’t even the second or third. One did not simply plan a murder over the span of a hundred years without coming to their senses here and there, though Mao held a few hunches of some of her past tricks.

    However the length to which he trusted her, or perhaps wanted to show support touched the woman as some of her hardened expression faltered under shock. It comforted her that they couldn’t be tampered with at least or she might’ve held a few qualms with being trusted with such a trade – temporary as it was. A part of her did want to access it, perhaps to understand one of the few friends she recalled or maybe to merely place their memory within…but she smiled, also happy that she couldn’t do such. ’For to do that would be to reveal far more than I’d like to Chesha, and for now it’d be better to keep her in the dark if only a little longer. It’s easier if I hold all the secrets.’ She smiled ruefully, pocketing the gems for now, unsure whether to set them to some jewelry or trinkets. While her sister might be curious about their presence if the crystal user merely played them off as a minor item of some sort them the technician wouldn’t question them nearly so much.

    After all she likely held a multitude of souvenirs from past jobs. Mao already had a hunch Nocshanks was one of them as she gazed at her canine friend as the beast offered his back. ’Well…no matter,’ she laughed under her breath, accepting the proffered ride home.



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