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    Lineage : Elemental Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Visa

    Post by Visa 9th September 2015, 8:20 pm

    Name: Visa Moln
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Birthday: December 22nd
    Sexuality: Unexplored
    Special Characteristics: Just really long blond hair

    When not in the heat of combat, Visa is a fairly quiet young girl. She doesn't say much nor does she seem to express much emotion. Her entire face is most often gently frozen into a soft frown as her eyes seem to be only half open. She sometimes appears to be sleepy or disinterested in everything around her. However, this isn't true. Visa simply isn't aware of how to properly express herself to others. The girl is stuck in a very awkward state where she isn't quite sure what's proper to do and what isn't. Her extremely sheltered upbringing has made her somewhat uncomfortable around most people as she isn't sure what to do. The girl doesn't want to offend anyone, so she keeps quiet.

    Visa is actually very thoughtful. Her mind is always working on the double to try and figure out how to speak to others properly. Of course, given her complete lack of experience with others, the girl always ends up over thinking things and stumbling over her words. She has an incredibly difficult time getting a proper sentence out. Most of the time, she doesn't even speak. Visa is perfectly comfortable keeping quiet in the back and not giving her own input or contradicting others. She just wasn't raised to question others, so the girl could be considered fairly gullible.

    Despite the fact that she's quiet out of concern for others, Visa can come across as cold or bored. Generally, this seems to give others the impression that she wants nothing to do with them. At times, she can appear to be rather annoyed with others as her eyes shift to the side and avoid eye contact. However, in reality, this is because she's embarrassed and doesn't know what to say. The girl has no idea how to express herself, and to most who do not know her, it comes across as being somewhat stuck up. Still, Visa is fairly kind. She'll go out of her way to help others or listen to what they have to say.

    If a fight should break out, Visa is most comfortable listening to orders than coming up with her own ideas and plans. She isn't dumb, not by any means, but the girl has never had to properly fend for herself. As such, she isn't sure how to do so. Visa isn't aware of the intricacies of combat or the tactical advantages one person may have over another. When not under the command of someone else, the girl is very prone to acting without thought. On the battlefield, Visa's emotions rule her not logic or common sense. After all, she is very young and inexperienced. To be honest, she's never been in a real fight. The inexperience in her casting and skills is blatant to the point where it's almost embarrassing.

    Not only that, but Visa is easily frightened to the point of tears. While she wont run from a fight if others are involved, it isn't unusual for the girl to begin crying. She doesn't like violence. Visa would rather avoid it if she can. After having been sheltered and protected for most of her life, she isn't sure how to react to combat and death.

    -Music, Visa loves music. It reminds her of her childhood and of happier times. She'll often get distracted by music and seek out musicians if she hears notes in the air.
    -Friends, Visa isn't anti-social. She just doesn't have enough experience to properly express herself. As such, the few friends she can make, the girl cherishes greatly. Whenever the chance to make a new friend presents itself, Visa will try her best- even if it doesn't seem that way.
    -Magic, Visa loves watching others preform magic. While she isn't too confident in her own skills, Visa adores magic as a way to express one's self and protect those they care about.
    -Singing, Visa adores singing- although she wont do it around most people.
    -Herself, Visa has somewhat low self esteem. Part of it has to do with allowing herself to have been taken advantage of her whole life. Another part of it has to do with her upbringing and how they plastered the idea of the community over the self.
    -Loud Jarring Noises, She isn't use to crowds or the noises that come along with them. When a loud noise interrupts any peace or quiet that was about, Visa visibly jumps.
    -Rude Individuals, Visa spends a lot of time trying to be polite and over thinking things. So, when someone is blunt and rude to others, it makes her upset.
    -Spicy Foods, While Visa likes most foods, she can't handle spicy foods.
    -To See, After being raised in such an enclosed environment, Visa's main goal is to try and see the world around her. Her dream is to visit every forest and town.
    -To Love, Visa has romantic dreams of finding true love. However, this also extends to platonic love. She hopes to make friends of all sorts.
    -To Protect, Visa wants to be able to protect herself and those she hopes to call friends. She'll try her hardest to be brave for this sake.
    -Being Trapped, Visa fears returning to her caged existence before being set free.
    -Losing her Voice, Because she has trouble talking much, Visa sometimes has nightmares of losing her voice. This extends to a deeper psychological fear of losing her ability to be noticed or heard by others.
    -Death, Obviously, Visa fears dying before she can complete her goals in life.

    General Appearance
    Height: 4'9”lbs
    Weight: 79lbs
    Hair: Visa's hair is long and curly. However, the length and weight of the hair has somewhat flattened the curls, making her hair appear to be more intensely wavy than curly. It is a soft hay colored blond.  She most often lets it hang loose and wild. There are also often decorations in it consisting of flowers and vines.
    Eyes: Her eyes are a soft shade of hazel that can appear blue, gray or green in various lights.
    Skin Tone: Her skin is very light as she's seemingly spent most of her life indoors.
    Visa is a small pixie of a girl. She appears much younger than she actually is due to her short stature and lithe appearance. Standing a four foot nine, she isn't much taller than some children. Her long golden hair is the most striking thing about her. Most often, she wears it loosely and allows for it to fall where it pleases. Her usual outfit when around the Fairy Tail headquarters consists of a simple white dress with a red bow above her waist that wraps around her torso. The dress is somewhat tunic like with frills attached to the arms. She does not wear shoes when home. When traveling, she wears something more protective and practical. Her outfit consists of a brown blouse with a small corset and white skirt. The blouse is most often covered by a small cloak that covers her neck and just above her waist. She wears several belts and leather straps as well. When traveling, Visa does wear brown leather boots- as well as elbow length gloves. One can also see straps across her face from what appears to be a mask worn due to her shyness. When in crowded places or among strangers who make her uncomfortable, the girl finds solace in attaching a simple wooden mask to them as something of a safety blanket.


    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Tattoo: Her Fairy Tail tattoo is a soft pastel shade of orange located over her heart.
    Rank: D

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Visa

    Post by Cr1tikal 10th September 2015, 9:49 am


    Very well done, I like this character a lot.

    Approved, and hoping to see you RP. If you ever need anything drop me a PM/message me on skype. Will also do jobs with you with one of my characters should you ever find the suitable for your story needs. Best of luck in Fairy Tail!


    Visa MQNhOUw

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:17 pm