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    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]


    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Guest 2nd September 2015, 6:34 pm

    Job Description:

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    She was unbelievable anxious as she waited on the outskirts of the Cursed Lands. They hadn't always been cursed, she remembered when they were beautiful and full of life. Yet now they seemed to hold nothing but despair. "No, there's still hope. She could be alive." Her source of hope was in the letter that she lay crumpled in the pocket of her long red cloak. A friend, or rather someone that had sheltered her after a certain incident. Kuro hadn't spoken to her or seen her in years but they were still dear to her. "I wouldn't have learned to read lips if not for her." Kuro wasn't the most pleasant of students, especially back then when she was more of a disaster than anything. "She's the closest to family I have now. She's the only one who understands." After all, the young woman that had written Kuro asking for help happened to be completely deaf where as Kuro herself only couldn't hear voices.

    Considering the precariousness of the situation one might think that Kuro would let the Rune Knights know of the ordeal but she didn't do anything of the sort. "Not if the source of this problem could potentially be-" She cut her thoughts off there, just thinking about it made her shudder. The possible source of the curse, of the situation her friend was in, was the very reason why she couldn't turn to the Rune Knights for help. She didn't know any of the members well enough and there was always the risk that they could turn against her. Which is why she requested outside help from a guild rather than her own comrades. She wasn't sure if Sabertooth would answer her call for help but amongst all of the guilds they seemed to have some powerful members, one's that hopefully wouldn't speak of any of her secrets that might come to light. "They should be here any moment." Her icy eyes glanced up to the sky assuring her that she had to wait at least a few more minutes and then she could go after her friend.

    Words: 353
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Lord of Domination

    Lord of Domination

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
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    Experience : 944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood and Bones
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    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Daddy 2nd September 2015, 7:07 pm

    A yawn left the lips of an oddly placed man that made his way through the cursed lands. Something about him naturally drove off some of the nastier things out there. Perhaps being a demon slayer did have some good benefits other than the destroyed mindset. It was something that would be nice to look into eventually, but hey that was life. This man’s bright white hair broke the monotony that was the area’s color scheme. His expression was one that said he just didn’t give a fuck!

    ”Why do I always get stuck doing the weird jobs. I mean, for once can I get one where I get to do something on a beach? Vexel muttered to himself as he took a moment to notice a female off in the distact wearing a red jacket, and sighed. A little girl, really? At least this was in a place that empowered him. They should just be able to blow through this. Though something felt off about the area so before reaching her, he pulled Requin’s Coupant from his body and wrapped it with Requin’s own tentacles against his back to have it ready.

    As he reached her he spoke up. ”Good evening Miss. Take it you called someone from Sabertooth for help?” He would say before lightly tapping on her shoulder as he would've came up behind her. As he did that, he thought about the fact that his scaled cover torso, arms, and neck were visible to all.


    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] JAgwtRZ

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Guest 2nd September 2015, 8:54 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    A slight shifting sound would have caught Kuro's attention if not for the fact that there was plenty of shifting sounds within the Cursed Lands. She merely wrote it off as nothing more than another stray mouse or perhaps some sort of spirit trying to mess with her. However, the source of the shifting was not a mouse or some strange ghost but something that potentially could have been much more dangerous. A sudden touch upon her shoulder made Kuro jump. Turning upon her heel and snapping her finger a few jagged crystals appeared around her prepared to strike at a moments notice.

    The person whom was foolish enough to touch her as well as sneak up on her appeared more to be more of a scaled creature than he did a human. Yet there was no denying that he didn't mean any harm necessarily, he simply touched her shoulder, if he wished he could have killed her when she was unaware. Aggravated that he had surprised her, the crystals still floated ominously in the air awaiting the make mages command. Instead of attacking or shouting, though she would have liked to do both, she instead crossed her arms and gave him a cold glare that more or less demanded an explanation. Unfortunately, Kuro was unaware of a certain detail in which she had missed earlier. He had spoken to her when her back was turned meaning she didn't hear a thing he said or even knew that he had said a single thing. Unaware of her slip up Kuro still did a good job of pretending that she could hear, and instead would do an excellent job at playing the silent type. It had been much too long since she had heard her own voice so talking wasn't exactly an option when it came to her.

    Words: 307
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Lord of Domination

    Lord of Domination

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood and Bones
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    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Daddy 4th September 2015, 12:11 am

    Brow cocked for a moment as she hadn’t reacted to his words, but his touch. He spoke not this time, as to test something as he looked directly into her face. ”How’re you today?” He mouthed to her. There was no voice behind it at all. This was all to test one thing, and that was in she was deaf. His eyes carefully watched her for a reaction before after so long he moved off to look over the land. Requin’s grip on the Coupant tightened for a moment as Vexel would let out a little snarl that pulled against his skin.

    Personally Vexel disliked cursed lands like the ones that he was being forced to go into. It always made him have a funny feeling about the area. It might be the fact that it was bouncing off holy make of his magic, and by extention, his body. Out of habit his hand went down to his side, and the scaled tip of his fingers tapped against the metal bit of his pants in a pattern that spelled out his discomfort in morse code.


    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] JAgwtRZ

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Guest 5th September 2015, 10:10 am

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Instead of receiving an explanation as to why he was a startling moderately scaled person, or even an introduction, she instead received a question. One brow raised itself in question obviously perplexed by his inquiry. How was she? She was a number of things that she lacked the voice to communicate: Stressed, tired, worried, afraid, and most importantly confused but annoyed by the stranger whom she assumed was there to help her. Yet he seemed to be more of a hindrance or a distraction at this point. Letting out a huff of air in what could be described as an annoyed sigh, Kuro decided to at least give him an answer to his question.

    Thumbs down

    It was odd to see such elegant looking hands poised into such an informal position. However, it was her only way to communicate to him that she was not "good". Deciding that she would not waste anymore time with pointless and confusing conversation, Kuro turned her back to him beginning to venture off deeper into the Cursed Lands. Yet a certain sound caught her ear causing her to stop dead in her tracks to listen. A small tapping sound that would not have held any significance if not for that it was clearly saying something. There were two sorts of tapping in the world that Kuro lived in. There were the meaningless, and pointless noises that people created out of habit or accidents. Those sounds met nothing despite her ears being trained to attempt to decipher them. Then there was the tapping that was with pattern and purpose, that was meant to communicate. This was a sound that Kuro knew the basics of or at least enough to understand what "discomfort" sounded like in the strange form of communication.

    Turning her head over her shoulder to glance at the white haired, scaled man Kuro pursed her lips in thought. Her eyes were still pointed into an icy glare, something that seemed to be there out of habit, but there was a certain sort of curiosity amidst the irritation in her eyes. "Hmph." Having finally reached some sort of conclusion Kuro once more turned her attention to the path ahead of her, brashly going ahead, but not without notification.

    "Deal...wi..th it."

    Her voice was hoarse as if it hadn't been used in a long time, and she had little to no control over her volume so it was much louder than intended. The words sounded a little awkward and funny as if she couldn't quite recall what they sounded like or how she should move her lips to create the sound, which is why there was a pause or two as she struggled with the words.

    Words: 453
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Lord of Domination

    Lord of Domination

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 556
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood and Bones
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Daddy 6th September 2015, 2:12 pm

    He grinned as she attempted to speak. So as it seems she couldn’t hear voices, but could hear sounds. That was something nice to know, along that should have been included in on the request. He always did get the weird people. For a moment his eyes flicked back to her as he unwound one of the tentacles from his weapon and let it hover from the side opposite from her. His finger went back to the metal and began to tap, this time a direct message. “So no voices then? I’m Vexel from Sabertooth. You requested and they sent me to help. Excuse the appearance. Sorta a curse from my first teacher. Didn’t like it when I left him” He put out in morse to her as he looked forward over the area. He wasn’t actually sure what they were doing. He would glance back at her afterwards and start tapping again. ”So may I ask why it was suggested a Demon Slayer to come on this mission with you? I’m not entirely sure what use I’ll be other than an escort.”


    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] JAgwtRZ

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Guest 6th September 2015, 4:20 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Kuro listened for a moment or two trying to decipher the morse that she hadn't heard in years. She was rusty to say the least, only able to pick up on the vague idea of what he was saying. She couldn't translate it nearly as fast as he was creating it. However, she got most of it or at least the parts that seemed to matter. "V-Ve.." What was an x supposed to sound like again? She thought of a "ch" sound but that didn't seem quite right. Instead she simply said, "X...L"Lots of pauses between the letters and the sounds but once she thought it sounded right the first time she nodded to herself. "VEXEL." Despite it's loudness it was an inquiry to see if she said it right and if she did the continued but this time without speaking.

    She wasn't confident enough in her ability to produce Morse code back to Vexel so insead she played a game that she had gotten very good at over the years. It was one that didn't require her to speak whole sentences or really produce too many any sounds for that matter, and at times her make magic would aid her.


    Kuro was by far a champion at it considering that it was her only way to communicate with people for the most part, except for carrying around a notebook to write in but that wasn't nearly as effective at times. For a moment she thought of how to answer his question and then it came to her. She pointed at Vexel to indicate that she was referring to him, "R."She spoke out loud before turning to make sure her back was facing him. She placed her hands on her back a few times, the pale white of her skin standing out against the red fabric of her coat. Until finally, a single delicate finger pointed up towards the sky. All of these together created what she was trying to elaborate to him,

    "You are back up."

    It probably wasn't the answer he was looking for but it was all that he would get out of her at least for now. Besides once they found what they were looking for then that would be all the explanation he'd need.

    Words: 382
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 20th October 2015, 10:05 am

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc





    Cool Down


    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    Aemon was trekking through the woods of the dark cursed lands seeking out  randomly located cabin somewhere in these “cursed’ lands. The whole area gave him an extremely eerie feeling and this feeling grew the further his feet kept leading him deeper into the woods and he didn’t like this feeling at all and with each step he took a lingering question continued to plagued his mind while taking in everything he saw. He was by no means ignorant to the reputation that the cursed lands had obtained over the years for the monsters that inhabited the looming spirits all of it was known to him however the means on how to deal with the spirits weren’t. With a final chill running down his spine he finally let his thoughts become words ]”What am I even doing out here, with the only reason for my being here was nothing more than a random letter from a friend, a friend that he doesn’t recall ever meeting. “

    Earlier in the day Aemon was at the Eclipse Soul, still settling in his new home a dorm room located within the massive fortress of a guild hall. He had the bed set up, had the rack of decorative weapons displayed over his bed as well as several still on his bed when he heard a knock on the door. Aemon set his weapons down made his way to the door quickly and opened it to see who it was, it was a little girl holding a single envelop with Aemon’s first and last name written on it. With a smile he took it from her as she handed it off but before he would let her leave he handed her a piece of candy and patted her head ]”Thanks a lot kid “ he said before closing the door behind her and examining the letter, more specifically his name and how it was written. He had attempted to recognize the writing at first thinking it belonged to that of one of the his teachers from the temple but it wasn’t one he was familiar with. So he turned the letter around and opened up the back of the envelop and and pulled out a letter and he read it out loud to himself. ]”Dear old friend I don't know if you remember me but I need your help. A strange cursed has swept across my home land destroyed most of the population. I managed to escape, and am now in hiding, but while I was escaping from those creatures one of them bit me. Within the envelope I have placed my current location I am currently at an old cabin in the cursed lands, please come as soon as you can as I am beginning to feel rather feverous. Yours Truly “ he paused immediately after reading it and chuckled ]”Isn’t that amusing, No signature and yet a claim to be my friend? I don’t know if this is a legitimate claim of being my friend or not but one thing is certain and that the author of this letter is in distress and despite that being the case, had enough situational awareness send me a letter“ Aemon let out a sigh and ran his right hand through his white hair and motioned to the door ”Now what sort of friend would I be if I didn’t answer this distress call “ he said quietly to himself as he exited his room and left the guild.

    Aemon shook his head recalling the events from earlier in the day and kept walking ]”If I had known this adventure would be nothing more than trying to locate needle in a haystack I might not have been so inclined to accept this S.O.S. but now that I am here I might as well find it… Now if I only had a clue“

    template by Darkee

    Last edited by Aemon Trahaearn on 21st October 2015, 9:56 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] 14e642f

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Guest 20th October 2015, 4:23 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    The two had wandered about the woods for sometime before a sudden sound caught her ears. Kuro despite not being able to hear voices had rather excellent hearing. Consider it a side effect from her condition, her other senses working extra hard in order to make up for that little bit in which her body could no longer do. Her hearing had worked extra hard to make it so that she could hear tiny things that a regular human might not be able to. In fact in her room in the barracks at the headquarters if she concentrated enough she could hear even the pitter patter of mice. So it was only natural that in the almost completely silent forest, save for her and Vexel's footsteps, Kuro could pick up the other sound within the cursed lands that almost sounded like...footsteps!

    Without hesitation she dashed off leaving her partner, there could only be one other person within this accursed place! "Please be okay!" She prayed within her head, and quietly sent an apology to Vexel who she had left without a second thought. Tiny branches knicked and scratched at the little exposed parts of her skin, as she rushed towards the source of the sound. She pushed through the shrubbery rushing towards the source of the noise as fast as she could. With a final push of her long legs she burst through the shrubbery, "Nymeria!" She shouted blue eyes widening as the source of the noise was not the friend that she had been expecting it to be but rather a complete stranger.

    Words: 382
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 23rd October 2015, 11:26 pm

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc





    Cool Down


    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    Aemon continued to travel in the direction he started in with no signs of changing his direction, there wasn’t much point in doing so the cursed lands were so vast that attempting to locate the cabin in such an area would be extremely difficult if he were to randomly search the forest without a plan to accurately search it out and running around in circles would certainly not do in the current situation Aemon found himself in. After walking several more yards Aemon stopped dead in his tracks and released a sigh ”Damn, what am I even doing out here? “ he asked himself trying to figure out what exactly compelled him to venture out here to help a stranger. Could it have been his misplaced sense of honor to help those in need regardless of the situation? ”What’s the point of questioning this now? I have already arrived making the question irrelevant to the task at hand which was discovering the location of this cabin. I just hope that what I find there is the person who sought my help and not something else entirely“ he said out loud to himself.

    While standing still in the middle of the cursed lands speaking to himself about his reasoning for being there he had managed to hear the sound of footsteps. Aemon looked around attempting to pinpoint where the footsteps were coming from  and thanks to his enhanced senses he was able to just that and turned so he would face whoever it was that was coming towards him. As the footsteps grew closer Aemon was able to determine that whoever or whatever it was, was running towards him. This revelation caused him to take a fighting stance and was prepared to fight but he was taken by surprise by what it was he encountered. His emerald colored eyes locked onto the girl before him who called out for a “Nymeria”, she had piercing blue eyes, black hair up in pigtails and was wearing a red top and a black skirt with long black socks. The girl was in fact pretty to say the least and he had to respect her choice in colors when it came to her outfit, it matched his own nicely. Aemon shrugged at her taking a much more relaxed stance ”I’m sorry miss but there is no Nymeria here. “ he said to her crossing his arms and keeping his gaze on her ”If you are looking for someone I can be of assistance if you so desire it “ he said to her. While his purpose was an important one he couldn’t very well sit by and not help someone else who might also get lost in this horrible land and so he stood there waiting for her to answer.

    template by Darkee


    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] 14e642f

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Guest 24th October 2015, 10:45 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Before her stood not a dear friend but a complete and total stranger. A look of utter disappointment crossed her features before she seemed almost angry. She was half tempted to take her sudden fit of anger out upon him but she stopped herself. This man was not the cause of all of this, but it was rather suspicious of him to be out in the Cursed Lands. His appearance suggested that he was not some lost civilian who had taken the wrong turn but rather he was there for a reason. Briefly, she realized that he was speaking to her, his voice lost upon almost deaf ears. Luckily, she was more than adept when it came to reading lips.

    Letting loose a huff of air, cursing her curse for the billionth time Kuro turned on her heel storming away from him without a word in response. She had many questions none of them in which she could articulate to him, at least not effectively. Why was he, a man dressed in armor, out in the Cursed Lands? Had he seen any signs of anyone else? The list could go on and on but she couldn't voice those words to him. Deciding that she ought to get back to her partner, the previous one she had abandoned in her excitement, Kuro headed back towards the tree line. She had yet to even enter the wall of dead tree's when suddenly something burst out at her.

    Words: 245
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by NPC 24th October 2015, 10:46 pm

    The member 'Kuro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] WeakMonster Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] WeakMonster Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] NormalMonster
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 26th October 2015, 8:33 am

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc





    " "
    Cool Down

    "Weak X 2 "
    "Normal X 2 "
    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    Aemon had noticed that right after the girl's eyes took sight of him that the pretty features on her face turn from the expression of excitement to one of that could only be described as a combination disappointment and anger. Despite the fact that he was a total stranger it was obvious he wasn't the person she was looking for. He offered to aid her if she so wished it but it seemed that his words had fallen on deaf ears, that was until her eyes met his lips and she focused on them. "Was she reading my lips? Could she be like Master Agnir? " Aemon's mind wandered back to a time where he was learning the art of archery, his instructor was an older man late 50's at the time give or take who stood head and shoulders above a teenage Aemon and he was also deaf. Aemon couldn't have been certain and it didn't seem he would get a chance to ask the blue haired girl about it.

    Before he knew it she had let loose a puff of air and turned, facing the way she had come from and began to storm off in that direction, he disposition screamed to him the severity of how angry she was at that precise moment. He had known absolutely nothing about the girl aside from the possible fact that she was deaf. Aemon lifted his hand out making a stop sign as he spoke, talking with his hands "wait miss, I Don't think it's a good idea to.." he stopped in the middle of his sentence when he caught the whiff of something foul. The cursed lands had already had a peculiar feeling to it but what he was smelling, it smelled like something was rotting. It was like the rabbit he found once long since passed its expiration. "The smell, it's all around... But " he faced the girl and took a whiff "it's coming from that direction, girl wait... Right " he had forgotten that she might not be able to hear him. As she took another step he noticed the rustling of in a patch of grass and that was enough. "Welsh dragon wings!" and out from his back two red wings sprouted and he flew to the girl and right as he caught up to her is when something small in size lunged at her. Aemon scoops the girl up quickly princess style and while cradling her he rotated smacking the animal with his wing sending it into a nearby tree, the sound of bones cracking could be heard . He let her down so her feet would be on the ground first then proceeded to make a fist and rubbed it on his chest in a circular motion and signed sorry to the girl. Aemon wanted to ask her for her name but he had to looked at the rabbit as it started to get up like nothing happened "Well, that's new." Aemon held out his hand and in lights of blue and green a matte black bow materialized. Aemon pointed at the rabbit for the girl to look at"introductions will have to wait... We have more guests" he said knowing he was speaking to himself as another undead animal appeared looking like a wolf. Aemon held his bow up and drew it back creating a red arrow as he drew and fired it at the wolf's leg hoping it would drop instantly but instead the wolf walked like it was nothing. "awe come on. Don't tell me it's a zombie"

    template by Darkee

    Last edited by Aemon Trahaearn on 13th November 2015, 11:33 am; edited 2 times in total


    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] 14e642f

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Guest 12th November 2015, 12:20 pm

    we've lost it all

    & i am just a silhouette, a lifeless face you'll soon forget

    Considering her back had been to the stranger she didn't see what he was saying to her. Instead she charged brashly ahead as she was known to do. The source of the rustling revealed itself to be a dead and decaying rabbit. It was zombie like than rabbit but it was still surprisingly quick. Enough so that all Kuro could do was take a step back, moving her hands trying to form some sort of barrier between herself and the creature. Before she could put even an ounce of mana into forming a crystal barrier, arms had wrapped about her. She let out a squeak of protest, not one to have her personal spave invaded even under these sorts of circumstances.

    Everything had happened rather quickly but Kuro was able to hear a sickening crunch of bones. Next thing she knew she was once more placed back onto her feet. Kuro took a moment to straighten out her cherished red coat, and dark skirt alike. Once her appearance was straightened out Kuro gave the man a look that was clearly disatisfied, "I could have handled that." Is what her eyes saide before narrowing in confusion. Did his heart hurt or something? Unable to discern why his hand rubbed circles upon his chest, Kuro's attention was once more drawn to the sound of rustling.

    The rabbit had gotten back up and another creature had appeared, this one a wolf. The stranger had shot an arrow at it but that proved to be ineffective. With a sigh Kuro pointed two fingers at the recovering rabbit. A red circle had appeared in front of those fingers. Upon her command she a red crystal similar to a bullet had formed and was then shot at the rabbit. Putting just a bit too much of her mana behind the attack the bullet exploded upon contact with the ball of decaying flesh.

    Words: 245
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Aemon Trahaearn
    Aemon Trahaearn

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of a Mercenary
    Position : None
    Posts : 234
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,168

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Empty Re: Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel]

    Post by Aemon Trahaearn 13th November 2015, 11:38 am

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Aemon%20Black_zpsc1g9nzyt

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Artworks-000093873495-e0nvw8-large_zpshvhffprc


    Dearly Departed

    " "
    Cool Down
    Wings X4

    "Dialogue "
    "Thought "

    Writing code Dark Red

    "To save a life, I must fight for more than Ideals."

    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] Ezgif.com-gif-maker_zps15rwunt3

    - Aemon

    " "
    Aemon had set the girl down and like he should have expected, she gave him a disapproving look for his swift and rather rash action in picking her up and defending her from the incoming creature. He has performed the sign for “sorry” perfectly but the girl didn’t seem to have understood what he was going. "Perfect you don’t know sign language. " he said disappointedly as there was more rustling which revealed to be a wolf but in the same condition as the rabbit. He turned his attention to the wolf as the girl gave hers to the rabbit and Aemon fired an arrow into the wolf’s leg which did nothing to slow it down. "Well that’s great. Undead animals just what I needed. " he said sarcastically as he prepared to draw his bowstring back to create another arrow out of his mana but the wolf would have other ideas. It charged at him like a rabbit beast and lunged at Aemon looking to take a bite out of him as if he were prey for this beast. Aemon could have dodged the incoming beast but that would leave an opening for the girl beside him so he had to counter the animal. Aemon gripped his bow and thrusted it forward smashing into the wolf’s face, crushing back it’s snout and sending it backwards. Aemon immediately took action and flapped his wings sending him up into the air and when reaching his desired altitude he took aim with his bow and drew back his bowstring, upon doing so an arrow materialized from his mana and released the bowstring firing the arrow directly into the wolf’s head sticking out between the eyes of the wolf causing it to drop.

    Aemon peered over at the girl while airborne who had pointed two of her fingers which had a magic circle appear at the tip of them and then out of the circle which then created a red like bullet and shot it right directly into the rabbit and exploded causing the small undead critter to cease to be. Aemon took a look around while he was in the air, scanning the area for more undead minions but when the coast was clear he released his wings and dropped down and landed next to the girl. He had tapped her shoulder and waited for her to turn around before speaking up. "Excuse me miss, My name is Aemon, what is yours? " he asked her curious to who she was and he hoped that at the very least she would read his lips and understand what he was saying to her. "If at all possible Have you noticed a cabin out here by chance? I am looking for the person who wrote this letter. " he said to her as he pulled out the letter to show her the parchment that was addressed to him, the letter that drew him out on this journey to begin with. It was a long shot but at this point it would be much better of an option than wandering around aimlessly trying to find his target.

    template by Darkee


    Dearly Departed [Job/Vexel] 14e642f

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:35 pm