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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]


    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 2nd September 2015, 3:53 pm

    OOC NOTE: This is a job that was turned into a social, and we have not fulfilled the job's requirements we're going off the fact this is a 'false lead' and the boss we encounter here, is just a fake of the real job. Though for rp sake, no posts have been changed except the original final post. Which shows the progress we did have on the job prior to canceling it

    Job Information:

    Didn't people know how to deal with their shit themselves? Raiza was a sellsword but it didn't mean he was always interested in fighting random lunatics that the stupid guards could not handle. OH no one even knows who this person is either... no one has apparently ever come back alive, its hardly strange the guards even know where to look or how to look for the stupid lunatic. maybe it was a group of people, yeah that sounded like an accurate assumption without a shadow of a doubt, and with Raiza's thought process he knew it would be.

    This 'job' wasn't one you 'signed up for' no, the fliers were around town, looking for people to take out this 'mysterious force'. They isolated the 'threat' to the rose garden. A few thugs were typically found here, but that was about it. The man or woman they assumed to be behind all of this had supposedly last killed here in the rose garden. Though Raiza could have just turned away and ignored it all, he wanted the cash that was going to come with the job. After all, free money for killing someone? How could a sellsword pass this one up. Especially since he wasn't loyal to any one group yet, though after this job, he was going to be heading to the capital soon, almost as if fate was pushing him there for some oddity.

    Thats when he sensed someone he recognized. "great... that candy girl.." he mumbled, feeling the presence of her magic near by. Of course she'd be here... it was the rose garden after all. Though could she sense him? What would they do if they did? A sigh escaped his lips "maybe I can take her on this... couldn't hurt?"


    Last edited by Raiza on 9th September 2015, 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 2nd September 2015, 5:33 pm

    Bell smiled at the clothing she had recently ordered. She had to get it from a cosplay shop of course, considering nobody in their right mind would sell something like that. Her recent shopping trip had been started when she realized she could edit her outfit she wore after transforming. The outfit she ordered was a lot more frilly and flashy, she liked it that way. Her hairstyle was different too, this time she programmed it to have two sectioned off ponytails that fell just around her waist. Her new outfit would represent a new begging, one of her new found confidence and resolve to fight evil.

    The woman at the counter was quite nice. She seemed to be older than the average age pool of people enjoying anime, but Bell wouldn't judge. Maybe her son she was talking about got her into it. There was anime back in Nova, so maybe it was a phenomenon across the multiverse even though Japona certainly never existed anywhere but Pantheon.

    Bellaria payed for her expensive outfit and thanked the woman before going back into a changing room and adding the outfit into her Novian wardrobe along with her older one. People gave her strange looks when she went back into the changing room, considering she had already bought her clothing. Bell smiled at them nonetheless when she exited the small changing room and threw the boutique looking pink and cream striped bag into the recycling bin. After all, there'd be no Fiorre to protect if it was all garbage-y!

    The Nova Girl skipped out of the store and walked out into the busy streets, giggling as she saw a family of cats playing on a brick fence. They looked at her with suspicious gazes when the human approached but they softened their glares when she smiled and waved. The black cat was first to be petted and played with while the others whined for attention. When she had finished giving attention to the pets, she jumped up and continued down the street, stopping to wave at a guy she had previously went on a job with. He was Raiza, a great guy that can be a bit scary at times. Now she wouldn't make the mistake of judging him of course!

    Bellaria skipped over to him with a wide and bright smile on her face, stopping a half a meter before him. "Hi! Glad to see a familiar face around here, what brings you here?"



    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 3rd September 2015, 8:44 am

    The magical presence began to draw closer and closer...and damn it closer. Yup...Raiza was noticed. Damn, oh well guess he has to play along right? Even as Raiza was approached by Bellaria, he didn't move from his spot, still examining a vague wanted poster. How could the guards clearly even ask for help through wanted posters when they had no clue who or exactly what they were dealing with. Though the best bet no doubt was to just go trail down where the last guard was killed at. They were obviously following some form of lead, why not approach that lead then? It would be enough to provoke the 'cause' wouldn't it?

    Though a sigh escaped his lips when Bellaria finally approached him. "here Bell, this is why" He would move his hand up to the wanted paper and point to it. The wanted poster would give no information to the killer, only just where it happened, and to be wary of danger. The wanted poster itself was so vague only 'hunches' could try to take you to where you'd need to be.

    "I've decided to go after this, and kill anyone that gets in my way. Want to come with?", his stern cold voice rang through as he knew he was going to be doing the guards a favor, but at the same time, he got to practice his magic some, which actually meant very much through all that he had been through the entire ordeal to practice some meant he'd defiantly be able to use it in more serious matters. Then again... this was a serious matter all by itself as well. The sheer fact he would no doubt be going up against some unknown forces indicated he'd be needing a possible back up. Though would Bellaria even suffice? Lets see...



    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 3rd September 2015, 9:25 am

    Bell listened as Raiza explained why he was there. He saw him looking at a wanted poster, so she thought maybe he was here on a quest, and apparently, he was here to find whoever that was on the wanted poster. It was quite vague, only indicating that there was a danger and a criminal and to be wary. It wasn't very informative so the police probably didn't care too much, that just meant she'd have to take justice into her own hands! Maybe she could convince Raiza to let her join, as it was her duty to protect Fiorre.

    "I've decided to go after this, and kill anyone that gets in my way. Want to come with?"

    Bellaria smiled and nodded, "Yes, if you'd let me i'd be delighted to help. Anything for justice."

    In all honesty, Bell was quite frightened of fighting a criminal. She was never the best at fighting people, especially as she was so hesitant when harming others. Did criminals even deserve to be hurt? According to the magic council, you could use any means possible to capture a dark mage or criminal, but what gave them such allowance to make the rules? She was scared, because even though she had to be courageous and strong on the outside, the fear and self loathing would sometimes take root when her courage and resolve shattered. She could feel it happening again so she started tapping her foot to ignore it.

    She had to go, to prove she was a warrior of justice. If she denied his offer and gave into fear, what message would that send to others? She had to be strong, for everyone's sake.

    "Maybe we should check a few back allies, i've been told they can be really scary and a good place for criminals."


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 3rd September 2015, 9:31 am

    (place holder post to roll)


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by NPC 3rd September 2015, 9:31 am

    The member 'Raiza' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] NormalMonster

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 3rd September 2015, 9:51 am

    An earie smile replaced the typical cold hard stare Raiza normally gave. "Bell, if you work with me on this one, know for me I'm not doing this for this so called 'justice' you're saying", in other words, Raiza was showing he was a sellsword at this point, and it meant that he was doing this for well... "This is for the jewels for me and nothing more. I am doing this for the reward", and to put it bluntly, he began to walk forward, if Bell didn't follow then she'd be left behind, but for now she did have a good point, try the alleyways. Though he was going to head towards the direction the last death had occured. If anything they were in pursuit or fleeing, which meant that general direction would be good for something.

    Though after he turned the corner with or without Bellaria, they would approach a long dark Alleyway. The entire presence feeling before walking down he felt an odd strange presence above them, most likely another mage or the alike, but when he felt them stop above him the sigh escaped his lips. Ambushed already it seemed.... oh well. The situation couldn't be avoided it seemed, and with a quick charge of his gunblade into an explosive element to the blade's edge, which he quickly noticed the bee hive drop near him. "Bell move back" he spoke quickly, kicking the thing forward as the bees swarmed around him as he thrust the tip of his gunblade down, causing an explosion around him. True it hit him too but it was all worth it. Luckily the ring an necklace he wore siphoned it up and the only thing that looked remotely damaged was his cloak, and even then it wasn't that much. Almost as if Raiza's entire stature was to be base around being defensive from such an attack.

    Though regardless, the explosion didn't travel backwards too much, just to ensure Bell's safety in the entire ordeal. Though that was just coincidence. "Well that was annoying... they already ran off but that ambush would have stopped anyone not ready with some form of attack. Luckily... I typically rush right to explosive elements.", it was true, he did favor the dramatic explosive bullets and blade swings, it allowed an easy AOE and devastation attack.

    "You're right though... looks like if we follow the alleyway, we'll be on the right trail eventually. It even looks like they know we're here... Try to stick close, and keep your eyes out for anything. Do not let them get behind you.

    hp: 200(100%)
    Temp HP: 45(90%)
    Mana: 85%
    Object_Element Duration: 1/5

    Spell used:


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 3rd September 2015, 4:48 pm

    Bellaria knew people had different morals, so she was only slightly dissapointed when she realized Raiza wasn't fighting for justice like him. She realized humanity was greedy, and she was no exception. Not that the guy was greedy or anything, but the desire for money was something this guy had. The degree of that desire was unknown to her, but she felt it was great. He didn't seem too bad though.

    Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, an object fell to the ground next to them. Dread filled her in seconds as she registered the buzzing coming to life around them. She never had time to transform, as Raiza had shouted for her to get back before an explosion bloomed before her. It all happened too quickly for her to properly react, but thankfully this guy had a quick thinking mind. Bell checked herself briskly, the only thing wrong was that she was shaking with adrenaline. There was nothing she hated more than insects that stung. At least they were gone now, so she managed to calm herself down.

    "Well that was annoying... they already ran off but that ambush would have stopped anyone not ready with some form of attack. Luckily... I typically rush right to explosive elements."

    Bellaria smiled and laughed, she was happy to not have been stung. She was confident knowing her  quest ally was quite strong, when she could hardly provide herself. Maybe she'd get a chance to prove that she can drag her own weight. Maybe if somebody else ambushed them, she'd get a chance....

    "You're right though... looks like if we follow the alleyway, we'll be on the right trail eventually. It even looks like they know we're here... Try to stick close, and keep your eyes out for anything. Do not let them get behind you."

    Bell nodded before answering, "Thank you, I'll try my best not to let anything sneak up on me."

    In all honesty, the fear of what could happen was overpowering the confidence gained by being right about the alleyway. She could usually feel the harmful intentions of others, something granted by her Novian Magic, but she doubted she would be able to detect it fast enough if her senses were clouded by the pollutants of fear she was experiencing.



    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 3rd September 2015, 4:50 pm

    Dice/Placeholder post

    (Monster Dice Roll 2/5)


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by NPC 3rd September 2015, 4:50 pm

    The member 'Mapleseruhp' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] StrongMonster

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 3rd September 2015, 6:48 pm

    A smile on his lips not because of Bellaria, but because he sensed the figures had stopped. "perfect", he chuckled. His explosive power had ran dry from the sudden burst and now it was according to his H.U.B, on a simple cool down right now. Looks like though the thug figures were dropping from the roofs up ahead, though only some of them did, were there others?(different roll). Damn shame, but at least now Raiza would get the opportunity to try and end a few lives that tried to end his with that stupid wasp nest.

    "Oh Bellaria, go ranged for me, I remember in our duel you had a special little gun you used on me. Think you can do that again?"
    , thats right... the last time they saw each other, Raiza was still classified as a D-class mage, and without any magic. Now standing before Bellaria, he began to wonder what her reaction to his magic even was, and more so, how it was.

    Though what perked his interest the most however was how much did Bellaria progress? She didn't appear to have any form of a.. well weapon at all yet, still... damn that needs to get changed soon. Though Raiza was going to do this job for the money, he still yet began to think of Bellaria as a future ally. 'No... I can't shes a legal guild member, and me... I've started to do ...more evil things, such as that one job with the mice... I can't be nice. After this job I must leave and never turn back towards them'

    hp: 200(100%)
    Temp HP: 45(90%)
    Mana: 85% (2/5 for regen)
    Object_Element CD: 2


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by NPC 3rd September 2015, 6:48 pm

    The member 'Raiza' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] StrongMonster

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 3rd September 2015, 6:49 pm

    (that roll I did is the extras running off for us to meet up after we finish the first group of the thugs)


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 5th September 2015, 12:53 pm

    (I'm having really bad internet problems! Really sorry for any wait)

    Bellaria winked and smiled, "No problem, I'll handle it!"

    She unhooked her Nova gem from her necklace and brought it into her hands as the gem rose up into the air. After bellaria had realized she could modify her transformation, she wanted to make it as cool as possible. Her brown ballet flat clad foot drew a circle on the ground, frosting glazed the area where her foot had passed over. As a continuation of her previous movement, she pun around like a figure skater as candy circled around her like rings.

    Candy was being pulled from the floating rings around her as she spun, the pieces collected at the top of her head as a gold medallion, white frills and brown ribbons suddenly appeared in place. Cotton candy condensed around around her hair as it changed color to a bright pink and lengthened, before being parted into two stiff sectioned ponytails held together by a dark magenta see through hard candy material.

    Next up in her performance was her dress, which was being taken care of as she began levitating and ribbons of candy wrappers wrapped around her waist  before turning into a ruffled stiff pink cocktail dress that had an elegant yet modern feel to it.

    She fell back to the floor, her feet landing in marshmallows that turned into pink ballet flats with thigh high climbing up her legs. The nova gem that was suspended in the air floated down to her stomach before enlarging into an over-sized belt buckle to a ruffled wrapped candy belt.

    The process probably took around eight seconds, but her new outfit was totally worth it, the larger gem allowed her to summon her guns quite easier, but she had no idea if was a vulnerability. It was a mystery what would happen if her Nova Gem shattered, so she was a bit reluctant making it bigger. Bell doubted the Panthean gods would give her such a weak point, so she figured it would just regenerate if broken. She never liked thinking about it, so she decided to distract herself with battle.

    Willing her magic to form, she retrieved a custom combination of musket and rifle type guns. She never knew much about them, besides what she knew from her brother's gaming habits, but she imagined this was a rifle or musket or something.

    She flipped the gun around in her hand to fill its chamber or ammo holding or whatever device before firing five shots at the guy holding the shotgun, two hitting and shattering while the other hitting the gun, knocking it from his hands. The bullets had shattered like plan, and were currently irritating his eyes. The crook's aim would probably be weakened now. He wasn't incapacitated yet, an onlooker could have seen a brief flash of annoyance in her sweet eyes as she flipped the gun around again to reload it.

    The criminal holding the long metal pole charged at her, but she willed herself to remain calm. What superhero panicked in the face of evil? She was only pretending to be brave and courageous, and was really scared to death right now.

    Bellaria spun her gun around -not to reload, but to grasp the barrel end and deflect the pole heading towards her. The large metal object veered to her right and the man before her was defenseless, she shot five bullets into his head at point blank range. They certainly wouldn't kill him, but do a lot more damage than usual, and hopefully stun the guy while she was at it.

    She was exhauted, and wasn't sure she could deal with the other thugs who jumped down towards them so she ran back behind Raiza. "Batter up"



    Last edited by Mapleseruhp on 5th September 2015, 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 5th September 2015, 4:08 pm

    His thought process watching Bellaria transform slowly changed from 'bloodlust' to a more subtle 'I am hungry now...' kind of moment, and not for what every reader is thinking right now...pervs. No, he just had a sweet tooth right now, all the sweet candy just littered across the ground, not so much to distract him but it was a thought to go get something sweet after this job was done, it was ironically just enough to cause him to actually feel the need to address it though. "if you become an exotic dancer named Candi, and thats candi with an I by the way. I am going to laugh my ass off", his plain attitude showed he possessed 'some' humor, even so if it was a crude maybe annoying humor. on that note though, even the surprise bunch of candy that was spawned had not taken Raiza so much by surprise as did the random appearance change that went on. Why the appearance change though? Was it absolutely needed when all that possibly was needed was a simple gun summon?

    Sighing as he watched Bellaria fight instead of joining in, he was actually focusing his magic gathering energy to the point to aid in a massive burst when it was his turn. Though watching the elegant and graceful candy assault was like watching a kid with a sweet tooth play candy crush saga with actual candy to crush across people's face. Which is literally what happened in a crazed messed up sense of way. All the way from watching the candy shots start to become irritating to the shotgun user 'good range is now our win', while the other he watched get shot point blank five times in the head. Now what seemed like to have not killed the man actually nearly did as after Bellaria ran past raiza to regain footing, the polearm man actually had fallen to his knees from the head shots.

    Though not to be outdone, Raiza simply smiled, his left hand raised up and formed a second gunblade. The exact same 'gunblade' he was using with his right hand. The smile on his face showed everything to the enemy before him. "She shot you... lets see... maybe half of what I can?" a snicker on his face before aiming both gunblades' barrels towards the thug group before releasing every single round possible, the bullets flied by twos per gunblade, just because each trigger pull launched two bullets. They would stack up fairly quickly and the man that was currently stunned would soon find himself dead as the bullets ran through their skull and eye holes. The man that fell to his knees from the head shots from candy, soon met his fate too from repeated rounds that this time went through their skull as well. All in all, four bullets were used on those two. Ten remained per gunblade.

    The opportune moment presented itself as the last three began to charge forward ducking and weaving to dodge some of Raiza's rounds, which about a quarter left were. Which was actually good on their part. A total of six were dodged, however of the fourteen that would find their way piercing into flesh, and chest cavities. The man that held the rubber chicken would find his way to the floor after four rounds ran through his chest, and another two ran into his head. The pain from the sufficating from his lungs being pierced  while the two magic rounds that hit his head would tear through the face, dropping him to the ground just to slowly die from blood loss and suffication as they were in too much pain to continue charging.

    Eight rounds remained to be counted for, and all eight went into the man's body that had the brass knuckles. The katana user was the one that dodged every single shot at him from earlier, and closed in on Raiza swinging his katana downwards, only barely able to try and hit Raiza whom raised his gunblade up to cross sword edges with the man, locking themselves in a sword struggle after the other two had died. Now all that was left was just this guy whom seemed to be struggling to push raiza back, almost as if Raiza had some form of strength bolstering item, which he did.

    Though the strength from this thug was still overwhelming to the point Raiza used both gunblades to block this one katana from the thug, now requiring something to break the struggle, at least until the man kicked at Raiza's stomach, pushing him backwards and onto the ground with a rather harsh 'thud' sound. Both gunblades were raised up in defense, but the towering Thug was now aiming to finish the job as he kept going forward unless stopped.

    (kay I'm so classifying the thug you shot 5 times in the face as deadish...that shoulda been a kill shot, despite HP)

    hp: 200(10%)
    Temp HP: 40(80%) (took 10dmg from kick, -5 from my necklace to ward some of the damage away)
    Mana: 85% (3/5 for regen)
    Object_Element CD: 1


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 5th September 2015, 5:45 pm

    The Nova girl had trouble keeping her eyes open, in all reality she just wanted to close them and weep. This isn't what she wanted, not something she could stomach. Her magic couldn't kill, only largely incapacitate. The source of her magic was mostly emotional, thus the strongest she could do to someone would be to put them in a coma forever, but if she really focused on it, it was definitely possible. It was one of the guidelines implanted into her when she transcended, she had no idea of their origin, but they all seemed to be truthful.

    It was odd, she had no trouble killing Tranzbose, so what was this warm churning feeling in her stomach? She felt sick, so her hand instantly shot out to the alleyway wall to steady herself. She couldn't do this, not now.

    They were all dead, this was a massacre.

    Bellaria flinched as the last man went limp on the floor, this was the first time she saw somebody die. It was overwhelming, the sight of the blades piercing and blood spilling- bell suddenly became nauseous and gagged, a bit of acidic fluid pooling in her mouth. She spat it out and wiped her mouth. This was no time for her weakness, that guy was probably really evil too. Raiza's method's probably never caused any pain.

    She gasped when the katana wielding thug dove towards her partner, her friend was going to be killed too if she continued being a coward.

    Taking action, Bellaria spun her gun around one more time before firing five shots in quick succesion. She had focused her intent to kill using her Nova Gem so hopefully this would do the job, she doubted it would, but she felt mixed emotions as two of the bullets hit his sword that was knocked from his grasp and deflected straight into his forehead. This was it, she couldn't handle this anymore.

    The nova girl bent over the sewer grated and vomited up everything she had eaten at the cutesy cafe she had previously attended. Finally, after regaining her sense, she stood up and wiped off her dirtied mouth with her hand.

    She managed a half smile, "Sorry, must've been something I ate, lets go finish the job now."




    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] TpeMINY

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 5th September 2015, 6:37 pm

    (post holder)


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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by NPC 5th September 2015, 6:37 pm

    The member 'Raiza' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] WeakMonster Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] WeakMonster

    The Red Player

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 5th September 2015, 6:38 pm

    (lovely... damn anothe roll is required so... 2nd placeholder due to the type of roll needed x2 Rolling block dice to see if the two street rats poison Raiza )


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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by NPC 5th September 2015, 6:38 pm

    The member 'Raiza' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Block Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] FailedBlock

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 5th September 2015, 7:07 pm

    The final thug had fallen, and now the next five(my earlier roll) were noticing their comrades had fallen fairly quickly, and began to rush to back them up. Unfortunately, they were going to try and set things up, but had not gotten the time. Though perhaps they did, which was made apparent the moment Raiza noticed an energy signature appear near him and Bellaria. The energy signature felt faint, but it went after him and that was a mistake.(Block'd roll), his instincts drove his blade forward as he sprang from the ground, raising his gunblade up in an upwards swing while Bellaria was puking, the strike ran through the street rat Thug's face and torso, while the second gunblade followed up with a slice to the mid-section. A third follow up strike was with now his first gun blade by cleanly shaving the head off of the man, allowing blood to spurt from the open neck hole before Raiza spun around and kicked the man's body away towards the wall letting the thud of the impact hit fairly hard.

    Then came the second energy signature. "BELL!!!" his voice carried faster than his mind could react. His body jumped forward without thinking of a defense and as he did, he jumped between Bellaria and the other thug whom lunged forward with a knife, driving it into Raiza's stomach causing immediate immense pain, the pain didn't stick to just that point of impact either, but rather it was spreading to his entire body almost surging with a pain based poison. The strike was short lived as Raiza before dropping to his knees would drive a gunblade tip to the assassin's chest and pull the trigger multiple times while turning the blade and running it upwards, causing holes and cutting into the man, causing them to forcefully endure pain before their death.

    Though it wasn't the deadliest poison, it still caused an immense pain to Raiza. The poison alone dropped Raiza to his knees, while the impact of the knife going through his stomach region, hopefully avoiding anything too fatal such as his actual stomach. Nothing like having internal bleeding or stomach acid pouring into his body after all. Still though, why did he even jump inbetween the attack. Bellaria could no doubt have handled it...right? No, she was puking her guts out from the apparent 'ate something bad', though Raiza knew that reaction all too well... yeah he knew it badly. He recognized the events that took place and knew what he was doing to Bell. This job was far too much for the young candy mage. Thats what Raiza thought at least. He was some mercanary brute taking an innocent fairy tale mage to their potential death just by asking them to join in this job, and what was worse, was now they had five more thugs heading their way. They were off a good hundred or so meters away, no doubt the two assassin thugs that came after them just now were hired out by that thug group. This was their plan, to flee, and hire a few 'sources' to attack them, while they looked like they were simply 'fleeing'. This allowed them to get the initiative, and then charge back in. Especially with Raiza so weakened with this assault that recently happened, he knew that healing up through his one spell would be much too hard right now.

    Though looking up his vision still fairly good, no hazyness yet like normal poisons. Though the pain...dear god the PAIN!, it was hard to deal with. His second gunblade vanished yet he barely could stand, let alone fight right now. "Damn it..." he whispered, 'why the fuck did I move... why did my body get in their way? why save the life of just some fucking girl I barely know? why care!', guess it was his pride that told him he would be looked upon better if he did this, maybe or maybe not. Hard call truly.

    Even his thoughts on this matter raced with his ideals. Just a couple days ago he killed so mercilessly, and today he did too. Obviously that was him, someone who can easily become a killer, yet he protected his friend? Wait friend? No...thats not what he thought Bellaria was... she was just some random girl some random person that decided to talk to him again, and he just so happened to drag them along, right? 'damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' The thoughts were haunting him more than he could ever truly expressed as the look upon his face was more pain and annoyed than anything. His entire composer lost as he saw the thugs a large distance away.

    "one hundred meters... 2/3rd the range I can hit, thats easy!" he remarked, pointing his gunblade out and firing a few rounds, missing every single one. Each of the twelve rounds from that gunblade would miss, not because they were dodged, no, just because each bullet had no aim to them or so it looked. They were passing clearly by the group with such inaccuracy it showed the level of Pain raiza was in, especially since he lost his aim in such a way like that.

    "Pathetic... the gun is malfunctioning" yeah, blaming it on the gun, yet his arm was swerving so much and his hand shook so badly, he realized that it was a lie, and if Bellaria couldn't tell that Raiza was actually missing legitly, and it wasn't the weapon, then they were duller than a butter knife, yet pride told him to lie and make it look like he was still able to handle the five. Though no doubt in this state, if he went alone, no telling the outcome in the end.

    "system give player companion", his next words would cause a knight like figure to materialize in front of the two, which would begin easily by charging forward and holding up a defense. The knight himself readied for combat as the group of thugs were charging forward, by now they would be fifty meters away. Easy enough to be able to be a nuisance if they needed to.
    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Armore10

    hp: 160(80%)
    Poisoned: 2% per post till cured or end of thread
    Temp HP: 0(0%) (took 80dmg from the strike 40dmg went to temp hp and cleared it)
    Mana: 85% (4/5 for regen)
    Object_Element CD: (Final cd post)
    Duplication glitch CD: 1
    Summon Dura: 1/3
    Summon HP: 100
    Summon mana: 25%

    Summoning magic:


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 5th September 2015, 7:37 pm

    It was horrible, and all her fault too. If only she was stronger, than she could have killed the thing before it got to Raiza. If she wasn't so weak than she wouldn't need protecting, this was all her fault. Her partner appeared to be suffering badly, his weakened aim showing that. Now there were five more guys, but she had an apparent armor clad ally. She wasn't nearly as strong as her partner, but she could try. Although, before she could do any of that, she'd have to make him more comfortable. It appeared to be some sort of poison, what could she do to fix that? Her mother used to make her sweet peppermint tea, but she had no idea if her magic could extend to that, let alone cure his poisoning.

    She held out both hands and tried, and luckily it worked, but the ceramic was replaced a hardly edible candy that unnervingly couldn't melt.

    "Here have this, it won't cure anything, but it always made me feel beter." Bellaria handed the steaming cup of light green tea to the fallen guy, before smiling reassuringly and returning to face the approaching men.

    "What is this, some sort of cosplay? Heh, i'm no fighting no girl...... but......."

    Bellaria ignored the taunted and flipped her gun in her hand and firing five shots at each of the men in quick succession. Due to her oddly enraged state, her accuracy was less than admirable, but each got hit by around three bullets. Not in any areas to cause any real harm, but certainly a lot of pain.

    Her gun was now useless, as it had channeled all of her Novian magic possible. It was useless to fire bullets, so she thew it like a boomerang at the men. It was quite silly looking and all of them ducked when it came their way except for a guy who was clutching at his groin, probably from the shots she had fired earlier, causing him to be knocked unconscious to the floor. Bellaria really had no way to win, she was just making it up on the go while hoping she'd get lucky. Right now, she was a fighter of justice that would do anything to fight evil, which were right in front of her. Her gun and shattered, glimmering pieces of pink candy scattered throughout the air.

    (am I godmodding? I'm really reluctant about all the attacks I do because i don't want to be a mary sue ;-;)


    HP: 100/100
    Mana: 90% (3/5)


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 5th September 2015, 10:19 pm

    Agonized by the damn wretched poison that was clearly causing a number on his body, even watching Bellaria struggle to fight the thugs off, eventually the summon collided with the group. The shotgun user instantly unloaded a few rounds into the summon's shield, which ripped through it, but a clean slice at the man's mid theigh out of a reaction slice caused the gun user to back off while a second attack came in from the rubber chicken using thug to slap the metalic wired chicken across the knight's head, causing a bludged pain. Lastly the katana user took aim with the open face mask of the knightly figure and drove their blade into the summon's head, except not before he got lacerated by the charged up blade of the summon, quickly striking at the torso and piecing through just as equal measure.

    Though as fast as the knight arrived, the knight also fell, shattering into pixelated dust and scattering away as they were killed off, but not before they also rendered a huge blow to the five thugs whom then had to deal with Bellaria's attacked, which picked a good number of their health off while Raiza was on his hands and knees trying to catch his breath. Though the thugs that were still alive began to close in. Damn.. this wasn't good. An emptied sigh as Raiza struggled to his feet once more, nearly unable to bare with the hurt pride that he even had such a wound inflicted on him. The wound he had was clutched by his hand, and by now Bell must realize he ignored her offer for tea, it wasn't something he needed unless it helped him. Adding fluids to his body to warm his blood could promote a faster blood loss rate. If anything, he needed to finish this so at least they could try to escape, perhaps that'd be ideal right?

    So, they wanted to play with metalic weaponry like that, Raiza shook his head, holding his gunblade out which now began to spark with electricity. Not just any kind, but a demonic like electricity as his entire right arm became engulfed in a black shadow like substance, his gunblade began to turn slightly black and red while his demonic like aura surrounded it. Two spells were used as he focused the energy needed. An electrical element for his weapon, and the partial take-over magic of his right arm. Even his entire presence of the pain that flooded his body as he aimed his gun at the close figures, he began to pop the trigger off repeatidly, even though his aim was lacking, the bullets that did hit either their weaponry, their armor, or flesh would send a shocking pain through their entire body. The demonic energy only infused more pain before the final bullet was sent out, and now the remaining that Bell and the knight didn't finish, were now dead.

    The five laid on the ground either unconscious or dead, though the unconscious ones were needing to be killed, though that wasn't something Raiza was able to do just yet as he pulled the final trigger to end the final thug, he fell back down to his knees. Though oddly enough he saw his health bar on the hub '73% huh? odd... yet I feel in so much pain... this poison is just that damn effective at messing with my nervous system it seems...' he sighed, pushing out a bit more energy, this time charging another spell, but it'd take time to charge up.

    "Bellaria, give me time, they're dead, I've got a spell to use. Though I ask you to leave now, run away and go flee for your own safety okay? You shouldn't worry and get hurt. There is no justice in protecting a sellsword like me. leave me to die or to possibly win, you wont need to know the outcome if you run now.", obviously trying to coax his partner into leaving, though his arm was still shifted, as was his gunblade still radiating electricity from it. Obviously he wasn't going to leave himself, he was going to finish this job out.

    (nope. you're fine)

    hp: 146(73%) (80%- 5% from bleed damage(I feel its needed)  -2% from poison)
    Poisoned: 2% per post till cured or end of thread
    Mana: 95% (5/5 for regen 10% regened)
    Duplication glitch CD: Final CD post
    Summon CD: 4
    Summon HP: 0 (unsummoned due to faint/death)
    Summon mana: 15%
    Demon arm dura: 25%
    Demon arm post dura: 1/3
    Object_Element dura: 1/5 (lightning)
    Chain Charging my Access player inventory spell :Charge post 1/1 and 1/1 for the second of the chain

    spells used:


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 5th September 2015, 10:53 pm

    Bellaria was considering the offer, this was too much for her to handle... Tranzbose weren't human, but these guys were probably just as evil. Why was she fearing this, when she fought nightmarish creaetures on a daily basis? This was nothing compared to what she faced daily. She probably wasn't fighting in the name of justice anymore, but as a protector instead. How could she face herself if these guys ended up hurting an innocent, or even worse, spawning a Tranzbose?

    She was shaking, she was afraid, she was cowardly, but she knew staying here would be the best choice. Bellaria was blessed by the Panthean gods, there was no way she'd let some criminals make her look uncool in front of her friend. She knew this guy had his demons, and probably had taken many lives, but he never felt like a bad person..... Maybe if she got to know him better, would everything make sense.

    Staying here may make her a villain, but she never cared about her superhero status. Bellaria was doing what she thought was right, something that would make her mother proud. Besides, nobody would believe her anyway if she told them why she was always so busy. Those people didn't need to know of her selflessness, that itself was selfish.

    Bell knew this would probably be a mistake, but she desperately wanted a friend, even if they weren't to her standards. Her life know was so laughable, she always thought she was fighting for justice, but justice was never black and white.

    "Please don't ask oth-therwise, or i'm not sure what i'll say. I am going to stay and fight, I wouldn't want to look uncool in front of my elder now would I?" Although her voice was shaky, she spoke with all the resolve she could gather, as if she was trying to convince herself of something unknown.


    HP: 100/100
    Mana: 90% (4/5)

    Sweet Summon Gun CD: (1/4)


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP

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    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] Empty Re: Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria]

    Post by Raiza 5th September 2015, 11:28 pm

    Tsch, who was Bellaria fooling? Not Raiza. The uncertainty in words and shaking in her hands meant too much. Raiza only sighed as he finished the spell. Food appeard in his left hand and some in his partner's hands.

    "Food spell, charged to maximum potential. Since you wanna fool yourself, might as well go into this fully ready to die, right? Well I wont lie... I can sense a figure nearing us, so eat up and refresh your mana. They have healing properties in them as well, so lets get ready okay?"
    , which the moment he began to bite into the riceball he made for himself, it was not only charged once, but double charged by chain spelling it. Too bad this was as much as he could make, then again it was a rather big rice ball, about twice the size of a normal one, which he began to nom at, slowly eating it and the poison began to leave his body, soon after the wound began to close. The pain was still there for the most part yes, but at least for now no danger since he was practically healed up. Even his mana reserves were healing fairly well. Though he knew Bellaria had practically no reason to consume the food, it would be a nice gesture, besides one use of the spell was enough to feed an entire squad, so for her he made a rice ball, and something to drink, the odd blue liquid would be similiar to a sweet fruit punch kind of liquid. No need in to give this girl saki or some shit, that'd just get Raiza in the wrong kind of trouble after all.

    "prepare cause it is coming...soon and i hav no clue how we'll make it out alive, after all... no ones ever lived if you remember"

    hp: 182(91%) (73%- 5% from bleed damage(I feel its needed)  -2% from poison ending up to 66% HOWEVER 2 different charged heals took place so 66% + 10%charged so +15% and another +15% however rules cap it at 25% a post so I restore 25% of my health from 66% so up to 91% )
    Poison was cleared via healing spell
    Mana: 100%
    (I didn't calculate it from last post sorry 95 -10(demon arm) -15(element) -10(Chain part 1 of 2 of food spell) -10(Chain part 2 of 2 of food spell) = 50
    so 50% + 22.5 +22.5 (out of battle regeneration 15%+charged so 22.5 per time so I'm up to 100% mana now)
    Summon CD: 3
    Demon arm dura: 25%
    Demon arm post dura: 2/3
    Object_Element dura: 2/5 (lightning)
    Chain Charging my Access player inventory spell :completed
    spell(out of combat)-Charged and chained:


    Better get your stuff together[Social Raiza + Bellaria] YdfXSKP

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 9:18 pm