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    Storm Bound (job)


    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
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    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Storm Bound (job) Empty Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 28th August 2015, 11:12 am


    Lady Red

    Siren stat in a high backed chair turned away from a thick heavy desk to overlook the nighttime city of Crocus from atop a hill.   The residency she acquired here was fit for any one of the noble families, but was modest in comparison.  She didn't want to stand out too much or seem too distant from the common citizen.   

    The building was mostly composed of stone, with a wooden exterior making it look "Homey" while much of the building was underground and not sticking out.   A simple wooden fence boxed in the cabin-like house on the edge of the capital city,  blended in with surrounding trees in the U shaped clearing in which her residence sat.    One of many. 

    As cabinlike as the house was,  it was still a few floors tall and boasted a tower on one side from which Siren looked out from atop the hill at the sea of lights from the many street lamps and interior lighting throughout the city.  Her window was little better,  as light from the two fireplaces on either side of the large window illuminated her features and the paper she held in her hands.    

    It was a message from Count Sparrow,  with an attached job request.   Using his connections he had diverted the sending of the "Job" away from the guilds and left it in her hands as an official request of the Rune Knights,  something to give them relevance again.  Something to show that the Rune Knights were stirring back to life.
    A calamitous threat was emerging from the ocean to threaten the whole of the Principality of Veronica,  threatening to extinguish their culture and civilization in a nation-destroying disaster from an ancient being that was stirring.   It was awake already, but slow and still half-asleep as it drifted towards land.  

    She wouldn't have long to deal with the monster.  From the sound of the letter there would only be a day left until it made landfall and started to sweep over the cities of Veronica.  Siren was confident she'd be able to handle the job.  Her connection to the earth was strong, and what was a storm in the face of a mountain.  Few others could be as capable at facing this monster without being tossed in the winds or lost in its waves.

    Even from here in Crocus Siren noted irregular weather patterns as this being disrupted natural currents.  There had been random rain showers the past three days from rogue clouds.  Now she knew why.

    "The Storm King".  She mused,  light from the fires reflecting in her eyes, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.  You will be mine.  Excitement flickered in her heart as the means further her plans fell right into her lap thanks to the good Count.  She wondered if the man knew how much this Storm King influence things to come. 

    Rising from her chair she stood up and stepped towards the window running from the floor to the ceiling,  pressing a hand against it and staring off over the city toward the horizon.  The carpet beneath her feet fluttered to life and rose off the ground, shrinking to match the window that opened before her to carry her into the air as it shimmered,  disappearing.

    Last edited by Lady Red on 10th September 2015, 11:51 am; edited 1 time in total


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 10:26 am

    Words: 629
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    He couldn't exactly remember where he had initially taken off, or where he planned to go anyway. Deniel could remember that he was once soaring through the open skies, clear as day. The sun had been shining brightly against his glorious white armor, creating a bright reflection and illuminating shine coming off of his armor. As he flew over the vast and open seas, his body was covered head to toe with very thick white armor. Several blue orb shaped jewels were located around his knees, the backs of his arms, a large one at his chest and three around it, and at his knees. And coming off of these blue orbs were sections of thick white armor covering his body, save for small gaps with the joints in which smaller black armor could cover it up. For protection and freedom of movement. And on his back were two large metal strips, and with each metal strip there were four shining and sparkling strips of blue energy that resembled wings.

    From where he initially had taken off to where he was now, Deniel had used his powerful White Angel Take Over, a form in which his flight could carry him faster than most methods of transportation aside from teleportation. At his full speed he could perhaps traverse the entire country of Fiore in a matter of minutes, but doing his full speed over a long period of time would exhaust his much needed energy. Instead he stuck to traveling at a moderate speed, which even for him was several hundred miles per hour.

    He stuck to being only a few feet just above the sea, so that any sort of wave wouldn't crash into him, and he could also enjoy the sight of the near-horizon level he flew on. He could not recall how long ago he had taken off, but he knew that he couldn't keep flying forever. He needed to find some form of solid land to...land on so he could rest. Resting would probably only take an hour or two of his time, but he often made it last more than a day out of curiosity for exactly where he would land. And this curiosity would nearly hit its peak when it came to the island that he had started to see in the distance. After spotting it, he sped himself up significantly and also ascended higher into the sky so he could take a look at its shape. Looking down onto the island, he saw that it carried an unusual crescent shape with a very large beach on the inside of the crescent and a very thick forest surrounding it. Assuming that the beach was much more densely populated, Deniel circled his flight all the way around the island so he could land in the middle of no where, and then make his way to the beach appearing as a normal person.

    After a few more minutes of flight, he at last descended himself on to solid ground. On almost the very edge of the island, Deniel firmly placed his two feet on the ground and de-activated his Full Body Take Over for the time being. He knew that soon enough he would have to use it again, and that was no issue. He could go in and out of them with relative ease and not too much strain on his body. The armor covering him glowed a bright blue color for a second, and then vanished in an instant as if someone had turned its light off. Underneath his armor was his normal figure and jet black clothing. Opening his red eyes, he stretched himself out a bit now that he was no longer compacted inside of his armor. "Aaaaah...I'm finally here! Solid ground!"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
    Position : None
    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 10:47 am

    Lady Red

    Siren appeared on her magic carpet in the air above a grand library in Oak Town.   From what she knew already she had time to spare until the Storm King was a real threat,  time enough to do her research.   She sent the request in to the commander who was for the moment above her in rank.   She worked with him closely and he knew that she would be replacing her eventually,  it was just formality that she achieve some feats in the name of the Knights in order to rise higher.   

    As an Ex-Saint recently returned to the living,  she had a lot of respect from them and they knew she was capable.   Ranks were just a formality when it came to her and they took her words with care.   When she asked a division of Defense Corpse to prepare themselves her request went without question.   While they organized and pooled the Knight's limited resources,  Siren flipped through pages of books within the Library of Oak.  One of the foremost magical libraries in the world along with the Library of Blue Pegasus

    But... Visiting that library would be a situation she'd rather not get into yet.  She had yet to approach her old crew,  her daughters,   or the members of Blue Pegasus.   Or the guild master, Shu... No,  she recalled something about Blue Pegasus getting a new GM.  Zack.  One of her past crew members for a time. 

    In the library standing in the dim light of a more out of the way bookshelf,  Siren read books at an unnatural pace,  gleaning the words and raw comprehension off the pages with just exposure.   Four books hovered in the air before her eyes,  flipping through pages quickly while her eyes darted between them,  a hand on her chin with a finger over her lips tapping while she soaked up the information.

    Know thy enemy,  words to live by.   Siren read what little the library had to offer on the Storm king within the hour,  following up on references from one book or another and finding matching situations among other books.   By the strike of midnight the last book on Siren's little reading adventure slipped itself back into place on the shelf and she skimmed the names on the spines as she walked down the bookshelf length,  ignoring the few pairs of eyes staring at her as she thanked the librarian before stepping outside and onto her carpet,  vanishing away into the starry night air.


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 10:55 am

    Words: 515
    "A wander isn't always lost."
    "Enjoy the ride, Nidhogg?" Already taking his first steps in the dense forest on the island, from out of his collar came a very tiny scaled creature: a dragon. Looking much more like a snake with hands and legs, as well as spikes on its back, the tiny creature popped right out of the back of Deniel's collar and gagged. "Gaah! Finally landed? It was getting stuffy in there." Smirking and chuckling to himself, Deniel shoved his hands inside of his pockets as his small pet crawled up near his shoulders so he could see where exactly he was going. The sun was shining down through the dense trees just enough so Deniel could see where exactly he was headed, while also still providing a sense of mystery as to what lied ahead. Unlike his flight, Deniel knew exactly where he was going. He got a look of the island just before he landed, and he made it so if he walked straight ahead, he would end up on the inner part of the crescent where perhaps there were people. And if not any people, at least he would have a beach all to himself to relax on. Relaxation...that was something he could seriously use right now. Ever since leaving Eclipse Soul, he wandered endlessly with only a day or two of breaks in between. He traversed the country of Fiore several times before he decided once and for all that he would go out there and see the rest of the world.

    The first place that he decided to go was South, perhaps eventually leading himself into another country. Maybe Ministrel or Ca-Elum. Regardless of which one he ended up in, he planned to stay for a while to learn about their ways of life and perhaps any way he could adapt it to his own. For he wandered endlessly no longer in search for power, but in search for his own destiny. Something he wanted to know if he could possess, or if it was just a fainted dream for him. Even if he could not find it, perhaps endlessly searching for it was his own destiny. And he was okay with that. While he was walking and thinking about this, the pet that he carried on his shoulders was reading his thoughts in a way. Their minds were connected so they could communicate each other, and sometimes what Deniel was thinking about himself was accidentally sent as communication. "You shouldn't be so negative, ya' know." Shaking his head out of his thoughts, Deniel looked at his pet with a frown starting to make its way across his face by furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? And why's that? Got something you're not telling me?" Crawling over to Deniel's other shoulder, Nidhogg gave a shrug with his very tiny limbs. "Not this time. What you did from the moment you killed Diabolos was your own life. Nothing guided by me, him, Arianna, or Vergil. And that's how it is now."

    Staring back ahead of him, the only words that Deniel could muster was: "Wonderful."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
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    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 11:02 am

    Lady Red

    Sitting down on the back of her carpet far above the capitol Crocus,  watching the lights below as she sat with her legs over the edge,   Siren considered the knowledge she had gained.   The various facts and recordings of previous Storm King arrivals.   Detail was relatively sparse,  but enough to get a grasp of the situation.  

    The irregular weather patterns were as unnatural as she suspected.   From the books,  the Storm King would be defended by a thick "Shell" or "cocoon" of heavy black stormclouds with heavy lightning,   a great storm spreading out from it like a great hurricane.   Rather than having an Eye of the Storm,  this storm would have a great bulge where it's cocoon lay at the heart.

    There were two accounts of the Storm King being repelled,  three in which the Storm King drove on unchecked and laid waste to nations.   The beast itself was described to be more or less a mass of tentacles.   The body of the beast itself was never seen,  only the great tentacles that stretched far and wide from its core.    Extending even far beyond the reach of the hurricane,  slowly worming their way across the ocean floor and dragging itself along.

    Siren suspected they had 2 days before the slow creature would reach Crescent Island along its path to The Principality of Veronica.   Siren considered the island.  A resort island, luxury.  The rich or well-off, or simply families that save up for all year,  enjoyed that island's fine sands and exotic fruits and wildlife from luxurious hotel rooms and spas.  

    She would have to evacuate that island and set up shop there.   She could use that island as the front line of defense to take on the Storm King.   It wouldn't get anywhere near the mainland.   Not if she could help it.   

    The island's crescent shape could form a natural barrier,  a catcher's mitt of sorts.   With some tweaking herself,  she might be able to guide the beast into its arms and deliver her death-blow.  She had no intention of letting the beast live and rampage again in the future.  This would be the last wakening for the creature.   And it's soul... It's soul would be hers to command in Hell.   A priceless tool,  a weapon with which to conquer.   But nobody had to know that much until it was time.

    In the mean time,  Siren stood up on her carpet and vanished once more.   She needed to check up on how preparations were coming.   The island would have at least a hundred or so civilians in need of evac,  and they had to have somewhere to stay for now.  


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
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    Posts : 1836
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 1:09 pm

    Words: 529
    "A wander isn't always lost."
    The landing location Deniel had chosen did not have much ground between it and the beach, so it did not take him long to at last come out of the unpopulated thicket of trees that immensely surrounded the island. Spotting the light of day just ahead of him rather than in the gaps of tree branches and leaves, Deniel sprinted the last few hundred yards rather than walking so he could get a glimpse of what lay ahead of him sooner than later. But what he saw once he escaped the woods was something that he did not expect. Quite an extraordinary sight given the fact that he thought this island was not inhabited by people, and if it was he figured it was for natives. Instead, what he saw when he popped out of those woods were streets and roads. Where he was standing was just in front of one that lead all the way down the hill he was standing atop of to the city below. It was a coastal city, and one that he figured to be for vacations. For this city that was on the island seemed to be full of attractions. In one section, more towards the right if the crescent there was a huge hotel carrying many floors, and would probably be lit up like a candle if it were night time. On the beach there were countless people, and yet they all seemed evenly spread out and enjoying their time. More towards the left there was an amusement park for people to visit...wow.

    And in the center part of it were the residents of people who permanently lived here rather than simply stayed for a week or two of vacation. Of course Deniel planned to stay only a single night, but now...he was more than tempted to stay for even longer. The excitement filled him up with adrenaline, and the thought of what he could do here seemed to be more appealing than anything! He could go to the amusement part, enjoy a nice relaxing hotel room, or even check out some ladies on the beach. Jumping down to the road that lead from down to the mountain, Deniel sprinted in joy of the place that he had found. Of course there were probably many tourists here, and many people perhaps knew of this place, but this was the first time he did not. And he was certainly not going to forget it. Very soon he was in the city, but practically ignored everything that he saw. He was tempted to go to the beach first, but instead what he needed to do was check out a room here, if there was any, so that he may at least have a place to come back to or put his clothing.

    Making his way to the colossal building, there wasn't a doubt in Deniel's mind that he had plenty of jewels to pay for more than one night, and he did not mind. For despite being homeless, he was quite a rich man. He just had never thought of what exactly he could do with all of the jewels that he carried around.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
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    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 1:10 pm

    Lady Red

    When Siren appeared at the designated location she saw the Rune Knights unloading supplies off of wagons and carrying them into a large warehouse as they prepared it.   Heavy wooden crates full of food and basic provisions.  Water.  Blankets,  spare clothes.  Other knights hauled bed frames and basic matresses along with privacy partitions.   

    Siren stepped off of her carpet and it disappeared off through a thin crack that appeared int he air while she walked forward,  her white furs rustling behind her as she approached the men clad in her leathers,  a metal arm band around one arm ready to expand into her full armored appearance emblazoned with the Ankh of the RK.   It wasn't so visible on its own,   so she had the emblem on a charm around her neck and pinned to the black sash around her waist. 

    Not that she needed the identification.    Rune Knights stood straight unsure as to whether they should salute or not, hesitation and confliction visible in their eyes making her smirk.

    "How are preparations going?"  She asked in general at the nearby Knights.   "Smoothly.  We were able to find old supplies leftover from the tragedy at Era,  and got the cooperation of local charities on the down-low."  He stiffened and committed to the decision to raise his hand over one eyebrow in a salute when he answered.   

    "Easy now.  I'm the same rank as any of you for the time being.   Good work on getting ahold of the supplies on short notice.  I'll be bringing in refuges in the morning."  Siren said and waved.   "Carry on." 

    With that Siren stepped past them to enter the ware house herself to inspect the preparations personally.   She could see the beds getting set up and spaced out with rudimentary privacy set apart for changing,  along with a long table where food was being sorted and unpacked for some cooks to provide bulk meals when the time comes.  

    It was looking good.   Many of the refuges would be wealthier individuals from multiple nationalities.  It wouldn't due to insult them with poor conditions.   There shouldn't be anything to complain about here.   On the far side of the warehouse there were couches being set up and a bar was being raised and stocked.   A lounging space.   It would be early morning when she'd arrive to take them off island,  most would be restless.   

    She'd make a note of getting escorts to guide them on tours through the capitol to see sights and explore what the city has to offer.   Make it something of a day trip rather than an evacuation.   


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
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    Posts : 1836
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 1:30 pm

    Words: 477
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Arriving at the entrance of it and going inside, it was like a cool breeze of fresh mountain air had struck Deniel. No longer was the heat of his sun over the head, and although he lost the fresh scent of the sea, something had replaced it. The wonderful smell of something new, something fresh. Something that was just constructed. Obviously this building was kept in excellent condition. The floor beneath him was carpeted, and there were several desks that people would checkout rooms, most likely to compensate for when countless numbers of tourists arrived. Deniel was not concerned with that, for it seemed like he was alone. There was no line he had to wait in, and he was able to check out a room in just a few seconds. He estimated he would only stay for around three days, so that was initially what he played for. It was a hefty cost for several ten thousand jewels, but nothing that he really minded. He had no other use for jewels.

    Having his room at around the middle section, Deniel could get a good glimpse of the city. As he arrived where his room was, he opened the door using the key that he was given, and practically gasped at the wondrous sight of his room. It was in an all-white theme, not that he really minded, and it had a king sized bed in the center of it. There was an advanced lacrima vision in which he could watch whatever he pleased. A balcony so that he could go out and get the fresh sea's air, and with a sight to behold. Without anything to unpack, the very first thing that Deniel did was make his way over to the balcony. It was protected by a glass door, so he could still get sunlight in, but wouldn't have to worry about wind or noise in case he didn't want to. Opening it up and stepping out onto the railed balcony, Deniel gazed down at the amazing city one more time. There were so much people in there alone, and although a bit less, so much on the beach as well. That was probably why he didn't have to wait to checkout a room. Everyone was out...while he was sitting there. Well, he didn't mind. He needed some time to kick back and relax, and this would be it.

    Walking back inside and closing the glass door, he collapsed down on the king sized bed. More comfortable than anything he had felt before.... He shoved off his combat boots and lay on his back staring up at the ceiling. Nidhogg had gotten away from his neck and shoulders, and moved on to his chest which moved up and down every time he took in a breath. "I think I just died and went to heaven, Nidhogg..."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 1:48 pm

    Lady Red

    With her business concluded,  Siren bid farewell to the Knights and stepped onto the magic carpet that appeared before her and vanished away from sight.   

    As quickly as she disappeared Siren appeared over the coast on a beach. She had never been to the island before,  or the principality in danger and as such she was unable to appear there.  Instead she would have to travel there the old fashion way.  

    Siren laid back on her magic carpet resting her head on arms folded behind her while she let her mind wander.   She was flying high in the sky above the clouds on her way to the Principality of Veronica.    

    They may yet know more about the situation at hand.  They were the ones who noticed the presence of the Storm King after all,  and were the ones who knew enough about it to seek the help of neighboring countries and know that they were in danger.  That it would be coming for them.

    Siren had to wonder...  How did they know it was awake already?  How did they know it was coming for them?  Something about the situation suggested that the Principality was withholding information.   Siren would kill the beast regardless,  it was too valuable for her to let go free.   

    The power of this creature was precisely the sort she needed,  a major component to her plans for Earthland.  She had just the plan in mind for how she would first use it.  It wouldn't be complete just on its own however.   There were other keys that needed to be set in place before she did anything drastic...

    But for the time being she was not about to play puppet to some tart' looking to brush problems off onto her so easily.  She would find her answers and seek an audience with the Prince.   From what she knew,  the Prince was unmarried and in his prime looking for a wife.   

    She could use that to her advantage.  Either woo him and wed at some point,  or just for now use that opening to get in closer to his heart and get the answers and whatever else comes to mind at the time. 

    She had at most half a day to find out whatever she could before she'd have to turn around and make her way to Crescent Island and start evacuation procedures.   Time was limited.  But for now,   it was quiet while moonlight shined on her from the sky above on her little magic carpet ride. 


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

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    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 2:10 pm

    Words: 596
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Nidhogg, a bit curious to why Deniel had said that, stared down at the bed in which he laid on. Usually he was on his shoulders, or if he was laying down his chest, but here? "What are you talking about? There's no way it can be--" Jumping down to the bed while he spoke, he cut himself off mid-sentence because he pretty much proved himself wrong. The bed his partner was laying down on was unlike anything that Nidhogg had felt before, and a wave of comfort jolted through his back and the rest of his body. "Wooooaaah..." The two of them sat in the exact same positions. Both of them had their legs outstretched and their arms over their heads. Both of their eyes were closed tight, and neither one of them seemed to want to budge an inch. "What did I tell ya', Nidhogg?" Deniel inquired to his sword/pet, and would have looked over at him if his eyes were actually open. "More comfortable than your shoulders. Hahahah!" Deniel smirked and shook his head at the dragon, but only slightly. "Shaddap, ya' little bastard."

    He had no idea how long the two actually laid there without a single movement. Each one of them worked tirelessly, so for once having some time to rest seemed like something they could take full advantage of. However, at long last Deniel was curious to go out and see what this vacation city was like from a first person perspective. More important he wanted to take a look at the beach, the one place he was interested in the most for the island. At last picking himself up off the bed with a bit of a grunt, Nidhogg hopped up and joined him on his shoulder once more. Deciding that he wouldn't need combat boots, or his coat for that matter, for a walk on the beach, Deniel stripped himself of the latter and then walked out of his room. He locked it behind himself, and exited the large hotel room to head towards the beach. They were smart enough to make it nearby, so it was only a brief walk for Deniel to actually reach the place. And when Deniel did, it was an amazing sight.

    The water was a deep crystal-clear blue, shining and reflecting the sun perhaps in a much more glorious way than his White Angel armor could ever accomplish. Everyone around him seemed to be having fun in their own way, whether it was swimming, surfing, relaxing, playing beach volleyball, or even walking. Deniel couldn't think of the last time he saw a place in which people seemed to be so happy and enjoying themselves than now. And although he didn't really want to involve himself in any of it, it was still a sight to behold. Making his way over to the shoreline of the beach, his feet marching through the thick sand, Deniel gave one glance back out at the shining sea, and then began to walk. In a single direction, Deniel had only walked and walked in the damp sand that would occasionally be covered by foamy water. He did not mind it at all, and in fact it was something that pleased his feet just as much as the bed satisfied his back. He was sick of walking around everywhere he went in combat boots...now he felt like hew as truly free for once. And the lack of a coat over his shoulders seemed to lighten his burden ever so more. He felt...like an ordinary person for once.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
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    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 2:30 pm

    Lady Red

    It took two hours out of her night to travel across the ocean and arrive at the Principality.  "Neighboring" they said.  Right.  It was no closer to Fiore than Fiore was to Pergrande.   There was no other country in between however,  and the country was in the middle of the ocean on a small micro-continent of its own.  

    The Principality was easily the size of Minstrel,  Ishval's second largest country after Pergrande.   It took her a few minutes to soar along the coasts until she found a Port city,  with great docks and large ships throughout a bay area.  It was a large city,  perhaps one of the princedom's largest.   She doubted it was the capitol however,  as there was no obvious palace of some sort.  

    Instead,  there was a relatively small government building and barracks as far as she could tell.  A keep,  at the far end of the central walled-in city with other buildings spilling out beyond the walls in a sprawl of expanding city limits.    It was still night out,  so the streets were quiet though many lights shown through windows and streetlamps while a large lighthouse tower lit the way towards the docks for incoming ships. 

    Deciding to keep up formalities,  Siren's magic carpet grew as she came to a rest in front of one of the docks and stepped off, letting the carpet linger for the time to make it obvious how she arrived.   Her large carpet floating in the air beside the dock looking strange and foreign next to the many ships that were docked. 

    When the harbormaster greeted her Siren gave her name and business,  explaining the request she was handed and her need to meet with the Prince while her carpet rushed through a crack in the air,  storing itself away while Siren was lead away by the man in a white uniform with an awkward looking official's hat.  

    Asking questions and conversing with the man while he lead her to an office,  she stood twice as tall as him and clearly intimidated passers by with her height.   At the office,  he asked her a few questions and Siren asked her own.   With her origins identified and logged,  she was registered as an official visitor and she left the office with a farewell.

    The capitol city was three hours to the west he had said.   By magic carpet,  it shouldn't take more than a few minutes.   Stepping onto her carpet that appeared out back out from a crack in the air,  Siren shot off in the direction she had been given.    


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

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    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 2:49 pm

    Words: 457
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Repeatedly he felt his soles impact on to the soft, damp sand before rising back up briefly only to push itself back down again. He didn't know why something so ordinary seemed to be so significant to him. Perhaps it was the fact that he never experienced anything that would be considered "normal"? He could recall that all of his life he was treated as something special. Something horrific. From the moment he was born until the age of sixteen, that being only three years ago, he was raised inside of a cell and isolation. He never got to taste any of life's pleasures, only the absolute worst of it. And even after all of that had ended, from sixteen to nineteen years old, he still never really experienced something like this. Well...he did have some moments where he took the time to appreciate nature and the landscape, but he thought that this was his very first time on a beach.

    Not just on a beach, on a beach where he could wash away all of his troubles. Right now he didn't have to worry about fighting monsters, saving someone's life, or even fighting for his own. That was rare. He didn't even have to worry about going anywhere. The only thing he could do--and he certainly did--was relax. Take a breather. Enjoy the sights. Or even sit down. Of course he wasn't going to sit down on the damp sand, but he did take the time to relax himself plenty. He took a pause from his walk, and turned himself out to the sea once more. He began to get to a part of the beach that was a little let densely packed than the other parts, so there were fewer people. Glancing to his left Deniel could see that there was a location hardly anyone ever visited, and it was probably because it looked quite rocky and a tad bit dangerous. Not intimidated by the danger, Deniel made that his destination.

    But for now, all Deniel did was gaze out into the vast and open see with the afternoon sky just above him. It seemed like nothing could ruin or take away this moment from him. Luckily for him, Nidhogg had remained silent wrapped around his shoulders, so he could enjoy the moment for himself. A sea breeze passed straight over him, pushing back his clothes and removing his hair from his forehead briefly. "Huuuh..." A sigh escaping his lips before shortly inhaling the serene sea breeze, Deniel crossed his arms over his chest just like he usually did, and smiled to himself. A smile. Not just to anyone, but to himself. Even more rare than smiling at someone. "I could get used to this."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
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    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 3:06 pm

    Lady Red

    The capitol city came up on the horizon quickly.   After the rolling hills and cliffs that formed along the coast the majority of the Principality of Veronica appeared to be mostly grasslands similar to Minstrel.    Great planes of grass and flowers stretched far and wide,   with large forests dotting the planes like patchwork.

    The capitol city itself was a very impressive sight.   The city radiated out from a great central tower that had was lit up by a great bonfire within it,  and reflected outward through lenses.   Similar to a lighthouse,  but its purpose was just to shine.  Combined with smaller towers of similar construction that lined the wall that enveloped the city the capitol remained well lit despite the night.

    The streets were busy and life went on.   Valendaria,  the capitol city of Veronica.  The city of light.   

    Despite the impressive construction and architecture,  the white marble towers and well paved roads and lighting,  Valencia had an extremely low magic density.   Hence their need to send for foreign aid against the Storm King.   

    What Valencia lacked in magical power it made up for with positive diplomatic relations and very effective training of their armed forces and naval units.  Those impressive ships she saw at the harbor weren't for show.   

    The Palace itself was built around that central tower and seemed to be raised on a hill forming a central bulge of civilization that stuck out from the well-oiled city and it's grid-like layout of city blocks and what appeared to be an extensive aqueduct system that doubled as a railway. 

    The Principality of Veronica was clearly a wealthy and well-off country.   As she drifted towards the palace on her magic carpet,  catching the sight of the many citizens as she flew above their streets,  Siren admired the structures.    This was definitely a people worth saving.   Siren had seen nothing of its likeness in Ishval.  

    Stopping in front of the large palace doors she was met with armed resistance as guards gathered in front of the doors.    A line of sword-and shield wielding guards formed a front line while spear-men leveled their weapons at her from over the shield-bearer's shoulders and marksmen armed with musket-like rifles stood behind them.

    Siren stepped off her carpet unperturbed and withdrew a document from the inside of her white fur coat signed with a red wax seal showing she was documented and here officially,   paired with it the job letter requesting aid.

    Standing double the height of any of the armored men present,   they all were visibly relieved to see she was here officially and not to cause trouble.    Yet, perhaps. 



    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

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    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 3:51 pm

    Words: 562
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Letting the moment pass by as if it never happened, Deniel continued his way on over to the edge of the crescent on the beach. The terrain got much more rocky, and perhaps this was where most people would stop. Deniel, however, saw an opportunity. There was a large vertical rock that was fit for one person to sit on, several meters out into the ocean that was made thin by many years of erosion to it. Looking for a way to get over there, Deniel began to climb the rocks at the very edge of the beach. Using both his bare feet and his hands, Deniel latched on to the rocks and slowly made his way over to the other ones, occasionally leaping off of ledges so he could grasp on to other ones. If he ever slipped or fell from where he was, it could result in a very painful impact. Perhaps even death. The rocks below him were sharp and dense, and could crack an normal person's skull wide open. Of course, if an emergency occurred, Deniel could simply use one of his Take Overs to save him. However, that was not necessary.

    For Deniel had finally reached the rock that he wanted to. Jumping over to it from a rock parallel, he lifted himself all the way up on to the tip of the rock. It was the only flat part of it, and not jagged or wavy like the rest of it due to the water slowly chipping away at it. It was enough for him to sit down, perhaps even lie down if he were to dangle part of his legs off of it. Crossing his legs together, Deniel took this as an opportunity to rest once again. It was most certainly not as comfortable as the bed that was back at his room, but it still had a sense of wonder to it. He was all alone on the small little rock, with the sea breeze passing through his hair stronger than ever. He felt a serious connection to the bright and beautiful ocean that was in front of him. He lifted one of his legs up, and hugged on to it with his arms. He buried half of his face into his knee, and only kept his blood red eyes focused on to the sea.

    Now that he was all alone in nature, he started to contemplate exactly what he was doing with his life. Wandering around in search of a destiny? It seemed to be a bit ridiculous. "What am I doing with my life?" He briefly asked himself. He missed the old days of glory that he held whenever he helped people. Now he tried to convince himself that he did not need fortune or fame, but he had begun to crave it in some ways. He was the very last of his kind. Of his family. And he was a sterile hybrid. He could never continue the legacy of Arianna the White Angel and Diabolos the Black Devil. Which meant that if he died...he would be forgotten forever. At least how he was now. He needed to try and find a way to gain an immense amount of fame. Enough fame to where he could be remembered for centuries. Just what exactly could he do to give himself that title?
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
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    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 3:52 pm

    Lady Red

    The guardsmen opened the doors before her revealing a great main hall lined with pillars on either side of a wide red carpet that extended from shortly after the door onward to a cluster of 4 thrones that stood on a raised platform like a small stage.  behind which long courtains ran from far above on the high ceiling to mask an opening behind the thrones and two curtains on either side of that seemed to be on tracks on the ceiling allowing the thrones to be hidden behind another layer that closed in a circle around the edge of the circular stage-platform.  

    To match the occasion,  each step Siren took along the red carpet saw her grow a foot in height making the guardsmen increasingly nervous.   Reaching the end of the red carpet,  the base of the throne,  Siren nearly scraped the tall ceiling and looked down at the empty throne in waiting while the prince or some adviser could be called to address her presence. 

    After waiting for only a short while,  Siren made a slight gesture with one hand and caused the two nearby marble pillars on either side of her,  each one easily several meters thick and dozens of meters tall,   bend inward and interlock with one another over the red carpet,  tangling together like serpents in dance to form a throne of marble.   The red carpet itself got caught up in the process and formed a red velvety accent over the seat upon which she sat herself down on.  

    The trembling guards didn't know whether to shout at her to stop,  attack,  or flee.   So they all backed away towards the outer walls of the room trembling at her display of magic while she tapped her fingers on one of the sleek armrests awaiting the Prince.

    When they arrived,  the surprise and awe in their face was clear.  Astounded and perplexed.   Siren had converted their own throne room into something more magnificent for her own placement that overshadowed their own.  

    It was incredibly poor etiquette on her part.  But what could they do?   The move showed the Prince who was in a position of power here.  They sought her aid,  and she was here to whisk them away from certain destruction at the hands of the Storm King.

    She was not here to play around or let some Prince lord over her.   She was here for information,  and to show them that things were under way, that their request for aid was granted.  

    As the Prince took his seat,  adviser in tow,  Siren leaned to one side,  her legs crossing while she shifted weight in the chair and waited for them to address her.    

    That was only polite after all. 


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

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    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 6:26 pm

    Words: 536
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    The Ten Wizard Saints. Deniel heard that title from the citizens of Fiore numerous time, and he recalled that Zeno, the former Guild Master of Eclipse Soul, held the title of Wizard Saint Zero. Up until now Deniel had almost no interest or intentions into even bother with such a title, but now was no longer the case. His clock in his life was ticking, and then that would be the end of him and his lineage forever. Before that happened, he needed to make sure that he was not forgotten. Not him, not Arianna, and not Diabolos. For despite how wicked his parents were, they did not deserve to be forgotten. Not after how long they had lived and how much they had done. And above all: they were his parents. They did not deserve to be forgotten, not even by him. Not even after she called him a wretched brat, and he called him a cry-baby.

    The Wizard Saints...they seemed to be known throughout the citizens. Or even feared by Dark Mages. Becoming one would give Deniel that presence of awe and intimidation at the same time. He would seek to attain the title of Wizard Saint? Could he do that? He was a Guildless wanderer. But at the same time, its temptation was too much. He wanted to be remembered for centuries. And he wanted his name echoed across the land. ...Not just Fiore. Isvhal. The entire continent. The world! "Not just any old Wizard Saint..." he said to himself out loud. Nidhogg had overheard him, and perched his head up. The dragon had disconnected the thoughts that they shared, and he had no idea what Deniel was thinking right now. "Nidhogg...I know what I'll do..." Nidhogg didn't have much faith in his master at his point, but still stuck with him anyway. "Oh? And what is that?" A scowl coming across his face once more, Deniel stood up on the rock. Struggling at first to keep his balance, he eventually attained it and kept it.

    Outstretching his arms to the open sea, and the entire world, Deniel proclaimed: "I will become a God of Isvhal!" He yelled at first before pumping his fist straight up to the sky. The frown on his face deepened, not out of anger, but out of the heroism. He almost strayed onto the path of evil when he was sixteen, but now? He wanted to become one of the world's greatest goods. Even if he was half devil. Even if he was half angel. Even if his parents were wicked. Even if he was sent to prison and raised in isolation. Even if he didn't look like he could pass for a hero! That is what Deniel wanted to be. He would not just seek to become a Hero of Fiore, he would want to become a God of Ishval. So even those bastards in Bellum would respect him. "That's what I'll do, Nidhogg! I will ascent my way up--somehow--to becoming known throughout the continent. I will become a God of Ishval, no matter what. I don't care if I have to defeat someone for it or go to another world. I will become...a God of Ishval."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
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    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 6:27 pm

    Lady Red

    The prince seemed to struggle to remain composed as he adjusted his collar and cleared his throat, swallowing hard, before raising his voice to speak to her.   As was her intentions,  it was as though he were visiting her domain.  She had usurped dominance of the setting and in doing so instilled the proper humility in the man.  

    She knew little of the prince,  but it was unlikely her little shtick would have backfired to begin with compared to the tone she intended to set and benefit it would bring.   Even if the Prince proved hostile and took offense at her antics,  she could play quite rough.

    "You... You're an impressive sight.   I hesitate to say I had my doubts that anyone could help us ward off catastrophe,  but seeing you in person...  I feel we may see the end of this Storm King once and for all."  The Prince said with a hint of adoration and wonderment. 

    "That is my intention." Siren said in reply,  a hand touching the great silver sword in hand.   Having adapted to her size,  the blade was as long as perhaps a dozen men on its own,   silvery metal glinting in the light coming from the walls of the well lit room.  

    "I have come to confirm that your plight has reached my hands.   I will kill this beast."   Siren let that sink in for a moment of pause before she held up a hand as he started to speak again.

    "However.  There are... curiosities to address."  Siren leaned forward in her throne of marble to look down closer at the 'tiny' Prince.   "How is it that your people became aware of the Storm King's awakening.   How did you know it intends to destroy your lands."   Her eyes narrowed slightly.

    "It is of no concern of mine the peculiar.   I need to know regardless.   So satisfy my curiosity...  And I want the truth."  She said,  noticing the adviser to the prince stepping back a little and shifting uncomfortably.  It was subtle,  but it was plain before Siren.   A nervousness.    The Prince did not share this nervousness,  not any more than before.   On the contrary he seemed to be relaxing.

    "I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that personally.   The reports came in a week ago and we've been running our heads into the wall trying to come up with a solution to this problem until we realized we were running out of time and had to ask for help before it'd be too late for help to arrive."  The Prince rubbed his chin trying to remember details before he turned to his adviser.  "You received the reports,   do you know the specifics?"  
    The adviser looked a little out of breath.   "Y-yes,  Yeah.   It was just fishi,  the merchants.    A merchant ship sailed into port having barely survived the storms,  giving tale of tentacles the size of rivers and twisters that spawned in clear skies.   We feared the worst and sent scouting ships to confirm the tales."


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 7:22 pm

    Words: 462
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    There were a few moments of silence between Nidhogg and Deniel. Another sea breeze passed straight through him, with his hair once again moving backwards from the motion. Sitting back down on the narrow rock again, Deniel was a bit disappointed that Nidhogg had given him no response or words of encouragement. In fact, on the contrary, he questioned him: "How exactly do you plan to go about that?" ...He didn't think about that quite yet. Just how did someone become a God of Ishval. How did they go about it? Did they ask the council? Did it just happen? Did they do something to deserve it? Deniel started to think about this instead, and very swiftly he began to doubt his ability to get it already. "Good point...I guess I shouldn't do it after all." He said to himself rather grimly and began to look down at the sea below. It was as if in that statement all of his hope was lost. However, that was not Nidhogg's intention.

    "Hold on a second. I never said that you can't or shouldn't. I merely asked you how. How and why do you think you should be known to be that powerful?" Looking back up at the horizon just ahead, Deniel narrowed his eyes and started to think about it again. What if he did something for the council? For the world? Something extraordinary as a display of his power? That seemed to be the most logical of them. Becoming determined once more, Deniel sat up straight and clenched his fist. "I'll perform something worthy of that title. Whether it's defeating a God, or even defeating whomever currently holds it. That's what I'll do!" Courage and determination filling his voice once more, Nidhogg couldn't help but laugh at his partner and master. Not because he did not believe what he said, the opposite. He believed every last word that came from Deniel's mouth. And he couldn't be more proud of him. For the first time in a long time, it felt like Deniel knew exactly where to go and what to do without any help or guidance. He was living his own life. Making his own choices. And this was the very first positive one that he chose, it seemed.

    "I like your determination, Deniel!" Smirking and crossing his arms across his chest, Deniel stared at his sword momentarily. "How about we say it together, partner? We're in this together." Nidhogg looked up for a moment, before he nodded.

    Abruptly Deniel stood back up on the rock, raising his fist to the sky. Nidhogg stood on his hind legs on his shoulders, and the two of them shouted together:

    "We will become a God of Isvhal!"
    "We will become a God of Ishval!"

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    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
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    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 7:22 pm

    Lady Red

    The adverser's tale was reasonable enough.  It sounded plausible.  But Siren could see he was hiding things,  she could hear the deception in his heart.  See the sin in his eyes and guilt.   

    A low rumbling filled the palace chamber,  and the lights dimmed while Siren glared at the man.  "You're lying." She said,  a touch of playfulness and certainty leaked through her voice.  

    The man panicked,  his heart thundering in his chest and an expression of dread filled his face.  He turned to run,  hoping he could get through behind the curtain and into the halls behind it and away from this giant woman,  but Siren's hand shot out as though to grab him and he was plucked off from the ground,   a stone imitation of her arm lifting him up by the back of his robes pinched around near his waist.

    Her other hand came forward and hovered under the man as though to catch him should she drop him... However this hand was as fire and burned intensely causing the man to scream and send all the guards in the room into a frenzy, lowering weapons at her and approaching foolishly,  as though they could stop her.  Their weapons shaking in their hands and the Prince looked on stunned as she dropped the adviser.

    Her hands rotated,  the man landing in her marble-like hand while the flaming one switched to lord over him with fingers out stretched as though she were gripping an invisible ball,  as though caging the man in as she lowered her hands down lower for the Prince to witness while her burning hand eased up,  dying down to a low flicker.

    "It appears your good adviser has some things he's been less than truthful about."  Siren said.   She could see the man's dark desires at his core.   The dreams of power and control.  Typical adviser-turned-villain power fantasies.   

    "Tell them" Siren commanded.  "Tell your Prince what you have been up to."  Siren's voice came not from her lips,  but reverberated throughout the palace itself as the marble walls themselves seemed to echo her order.

    Siren could see the man struggle.  His heart was beating wildly, erratic.  His breathing labored,  stuttering while his eyes became less responsive.  

    Sighing,  Siren lowered the man onto the ground at the Prince's feet and reduced her size to stand only a few feet taller than the average man,  the marble throne uncurling as the pillars shrunk and straightened themselves,  the red carpet lying flat and back in its place while Siren stepped forward purposefully and took the man by the back of his collar and brought him to his feet.

    "Go on then."  She said while the man stammered incoherently in a daze.  


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

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    The Nephilim

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 7:44 pm

    Words: 515
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    The two of them exchanged a bit of laughter once they finished their bold proclamation. Bold, indeed. Becoming a God of Ishval would be no easy task, but Deniel was still up for the challenge regardless. "Ahhh....I could get used to this view, Nidhogg..." Deniel muttered to himself, and continued to stare.

    He almost completely lost track of time of just how long he stared out at the horizon. One moment it seemed to be mid afternoon, and the next it looked like it was late at night. Shaking his head quickly, it was almost like Deniel had daydreamed for seven hours straight. Just ahead of him was a much darker sea, and the moonlight reflecting it rather than the midday sky. But even late at night, that didn't seem to affect the activity of the island. In fact, it seemed to increase it. While there probably wasn't anyone on the beach, there were plenty of people to be seen on the interior of the city. From where Deniel was, he could see the giant hotel that he stayed in. And just like he predicted earlier: it was lit up as bright as a Christmas tree. There were flashing lights and designs going around it, and the entire city was illuminated from below as if there was an artificial sun. It seemed like there was loud music coming from it too, like one big party going on. Perhaps any other time Deniel would have participated in it, but now he was feeling sleepy and tired. He needed to get back to his hotel room.

    Traveling so much the previous days exhausted him too much, and he had not the energy or the will to party. Tomorrow would be another day, though. Tomorrow he would go out and meet people. Meet some ladies, perhaps. Tomorrow he would have some fun at the beach, and then party at night. Maybe his impressive tolerance for alcohol would get him a lot of attention in a chugging contest. Or even impress some girls. The idea excited him, but would have to wait another day. For now, Deniel traversed his way back from the rocks and on to the beach. The damp sand underneath his feet once more, Deniel slowly walked all the way back to where his hotel was. Of course the beaches weren't entirely clean. There were a few people here and there, but not nearly as much as there was during the daytime. But even if the time of day was completely different, there was still the same friendly and refreshing cool breeze that he experienced during the day. Displacing his hair as it blew, before it returned back to normal once it faded, it filled Deniel with joy and relaxation.

    Back at his hotel room, he made sure to clean the sand that was on his feet, before finally collapsing on his bed. Nidhogg had done the same, although he put some distance between himself and Deniel so he wouldn't get crushed during the night. And then...the two of them fell asleep at long last.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
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    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 7:50 pm

    Lady Red

    The adverser calmed down while Siren held him,  the room getting quiet.  The Prince didn't look amused that this visitor,  impressive however she may be as he had said and though she was there to put an end to the threat looming on their horizon,  was manhandling one of his most trusted confidants.  

    More likely out of fear of the giantess than respect,  respect wasn't earned by looking tough for a minute of first impressions,   and perhaps out of some preexisting concern,  the Prince sat back in his throne looking grim and pale.  

    He held a hand out gesturing the guards to back down,  tensions easing among their ranks as they lowered their weapons.    "Alavron.  Speak." He ordered and the man raised his head to look up,  but unable to meet his eyes.

    "It...  We woke the Storm King...  Trying to retrieve the Diadem of Veronica.   The Scepter.  I sought them out in the Deep."  Siren knew enough from her books to know that the Diadem and Scepter were lost generations ago to one of the beast's first recorded appearances.  They were more than symbols,  but actual artifacts of power granting influence over the entire kingdoms,  anyone considered a "subject" to the wearer and granted them arcane authority over the Principality of Veronica in particular.  

    They were lost during the ruin brought on by the beast as a island nation of Old Veronica sunk below the ocean waves.  Descendants of Old Veronica went on to establish the Principality of Veronica.   

    The man,  Alavron the adviser,  sought to overthrow the Prince.  Siren squeezed the back of his neck,  pushing him to continue.

    "I... Intended to take the crown for myself.   I had it in my hands,  but that beast attacked our ship sunk it as it rose.   Several of us escaped and it has pursued us since.  Or perhaps seeks revenge on Veronica."

    The interrogation persisted for minutes longer until guards took the man with his hands bound off through a doorway to the side of the throne room leaving Siren and the Prince to talk for a while longer regarding certain matters and the job at hand.   

    The positive ties to the Principality would have been enough for Siren,  but the wealth offered was more than welcome.   Funding for the Rune Knights would be given through her,  with a tidy sum for her own purse and a welcome place with the Prince should she ever visit in the future,  and promising a feast for her return after victory.

    As sad as the reveal of the adviser's treachery,  the occasion was of good spirits.  A rebelious plot was foiled,  and a noble hero was off to save the day.   The prince walked Siren down the red carpet and stood before the palace to wave at her as she stepped onto her magic carpet and flew off,  vanishing after a short flight to appear somewhere closer along the path she took towards where she should be closest to Crescent Island and fly from there. 


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

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    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 6th September 2015, 8:35 pm

    Words: 561
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Deniel trained himself to wake up at the light of day. Not necessarily at the light of dawn, but the light that illuminated the sky at around 8 or 9 AM. It was always a reasonable amount of time for him to wake up: it gave him plenty of sleep and there was still a long day ahead of him. It was for this reason that he always managed to miss the things that were important. He could recall that one time that he slept through half of Clover Town being destroyed while being in a tree, all because he was trained to wake up from only two things: that light, and him being in danger. When Clover Town was getting destroyed, he wasn't even so much as touched. So naturally, he did not wake up until it was all over.

    That would have perhaps been the case for Crescent Island. Of course: trouble followed him wherever he went. While he and Nidhogg slept, a storm began to brew on the island. The once spectacular tomorrow began to look like a grim today. For this was not just any storm: it was quite a devastating one. One that would block out the sun from the sky entirely, and one that would cause hurricanes, tornadoes, twisters, hail, and heavy rain down on Crescent Island. But regardless of the storm's magnitude, it would not stir or awaken Deniel one bit. And he would have perhaps slept through the whole thing and maybe died. However, Nidhogg, being the very loyal companion that he was, had practically saved Deniel's life. Nidhogg had not trained his body to work and awaken like Deniel's did. So instead of sleeping through the storm like his master, the dragon's eyes awoke suddenly when it heard the heavy rainfall and wind just outside of their room. Sniffing its nose briefly, Nidhogg sat up and hopped over Deniel's body to get a glance.

    Outside he saw the havoc that was being wrought by nature, and no doubt he and Deniel had to get off the island. Making his way over to his partner's face, Nidhogg smacked it. His tiny little claw not doing much. "Deniel! Wake up, you dumbass!" Awakening as if he were in danger, Deniel awoke suddenly with his eyes snapping open and looking at Nidhogg. Without even having the chance to ask what was happening, he could see it from outside of his window. "Oh shit!" Jumping off of his bed and grabbing his coat and combat boots, Deniel swiftly put the two items on. Nidhogg deconstructed into black mist that made its way into Deniel's palm once he finished dressing himself briefly, and then condensed into a solid form once more. This time, instead of a dragon, it was a jet black katana sheathed inside of a black scabbard that Deniel held in his left hand so he could grab the hilt by the right.

    Opening the glass screen door that lead outside, Deniel was met with some of the strongest winds he had ever experienced. Lightning cracked the sky and heavy rain fell, drenching him almost instantly as the winds blew his coat to its direction and his hair. Down below, he saw something: a carpet, it looked like. It disappeared briefly, before appearing once more with what looked like....Rune Knights? Could Elizabeth be among them?
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
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    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 6th September 2015, 8:36 pm

    Lady Red

    Several hours passed and Siren knew it should have been morning by now,  but a wall of black clouds blocked the eastern horizon as she flew towards it.  The sky was overall lighter,  but somewhat shaded.   The Storm King was approaching.   It should arrive later this day.  

    Lightning crackled against the blackness of the clouds,  the sky was gray over all with cloud coverage.  Rain falling sporadically as Siren touched down on her Magic Carpet in front of the large hotel of Crescent Island.  Few people were out and about in the early hours of the morning.  Ships were docked on the side of the island opposite to the crescent shaped bay,  leaving the crescent itself for the beach goers.

    Siren wasted no time.   As soon as she landed she soaked in her surroundings and vanished.   Appearing in Crocus amidst the Rune Knights.   Siren shouted,  calling them to attention and startling many.   Her magic carpet expanded outwards,  forming a great sheet and she gestured the Knights forward,  forming up in a formation on top of the great magic carpet.

    "Move it move it,  come on."  She shouted,  standing tall and towering over the men and women of the Defense Corps as they lined up in rows.   When they all formed up,  the world around them faded in and out with a new set of surroundings, the island.  

    "Move out.  A-D squads evacuate the hotel,  get people back to the Carpet.   E squad,  check the grounds.  I'll search the island for stragglers."  With a gesture she sent the Knights out to their duties.   With her magic Carpet she should be able to evacuate the island in record time before leaving the Knights back in Crocus and her here to deal with the beast itself...

    It was raining suddenly,  a downpour that lasted a minute or two.  Her carpet could take it,  but she imagined the civilians wouldn't appreciate getting wet standing on the carpet waiting for it to fill up.  The rain was quite cold,  and random.  As though small storms were being cast off from the main body of the Storm King,  away from the bulk of the storm.    

    With a gesture,  she raised a stone slab like a pavilion to shield the carpet.   That should help.   For now,   Siren turned to the island's forest.   Her senses searching the island from the earth itself to look for anyone who might be on the island this morning,  separate from those in the hotel.  


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

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    The Nephilim

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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Decayuss 7th September 2015, 11:49 am

    Words: 581
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    "Rune Knights..." Deniel whispered to himself, although not even he could hear it. The wind and rain was so intense that almost all noise aside from it was blocked out. The only things that he could hear was the lightning cracking the sky, the rain pouring against the structures, and the wind right against his ear. Glancing more over to his right, Deniel could see that there were multiple boats and ferries that would take the beach goers off of the island. At that moment, a sense of disappointment had just struck him. He missed a day of fun just to be alone, and now perhaps he would never get that day back. Now this island may be ruined for quite some time, and he would be forced to wander once more. He really hated himself right now... and probably would do it for a long time. What he began to wonder as he stood out there in the storm for a few moments, however, was where exactly it came from? He could have sworn that the other day the sky was clear as day, and the weather gave no indications of a storm this terrible. Looking out to the sea, he could get a glance at several sea twisters conjuring themselves up in the heavy rain. The tide at the beach was heavy, pulling itself back drastically before having intense waves crashing in to the shoreline. All of it seemed naturally possible, but impossible at the same time. He was suspicious....did something cause this? Or was nature pissed off?

    "Hey, Deniel! Now's not the time. You should probably help or get out of here." A tricky option, his dragon pointed out. Deniel had no doubt that he could fly off right now and navigate through the storm before getting to clear skies once more. But at the same time, he thought that he might wish to investigate into this a little more. And maybe even help out a bit. Although helping might classify him as a vigilante, since the Rune Knights appeared to have it under control. Elizabeth wasn't among them, as he would easily recognize the armor that she wore more than anything else. And from above he could see that one of them was giving out the orders, someone he hadn't even seen nor heard of before. And apparently she was the one that left herself behind while the other Rune Knights went out to try and help out civilians. Maybe he could ask for her permission. If not, he would just get himself off of the island.

    Placing one hand on the railing, Deniel hopped right over it to the side and started to dive his way down to the ground. Adjusting himself slightly, he brought himself close to the building, and with very careful timing, placed his feet against it so he could break into a sprint. Running vertically down the hotel room, Deniel pushed himself off once he was nearing the ground so that he may perform a single flip mid-air, and then land slightly crouched. It was a bit of a rough landing, but he was not harmed. Now he stood right in front of Siren's carpet, although not under the protection of the rock that she made to shield it from the rain. He stood out in the middle of it, with his clothes already drenched from it. "You the one in charge? Never seen you before, but....any way I could perhaps help?"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Storm Bound (job) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
    Position : None
    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
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    Storm Bound (job) Empty Re: Storm Bound (job)

    Post by Eris 7th September 2015, 10:08 pm

    Lady Red

    The Rune Knights scattered to their designated roles,  filing through the wide double doors of the hotel while the first two held them open and they started speaking to staff and civilians in the lobby.    

    Apparently there were already concerns about the approaching storm front on the horizon and the general overcast and there was no resistance.  However,  the Rune Knights still caught them off guard.   

    Rune Knight presence indicated a magical threat after all.    

    While the Knights guided civilians out the doors to stand in rows on her Solomon's Carpet,  what was effectively Siren's third eye roved over the island and full speed,  like a scanner or spotlight revealing a great circular area as it moved. 

    The island was deceptively huge,  with towering trees that made it look smaller in perspective from the distance or in pictures from above, especially with the lack of a mountain.  It was remarkably flat if not for the trees,  adding to the lack of perspective.    

    It would take a few minutes to "Scan" the island,  but in the mean time it was apparent that it was going to be a bigger task to evacuate than anticipated.    Once the hotel was cleared they would have to work their way through various shops and diners in a village on the outer curve of the island opposite of the crescent bay.   

    Not to mention searching the ships themselves for those who would rather stay on their boats,  or were too poor to buy room on the island itself for the night.  Those were the types who would perhaps be more stubborn with her,  but Siren was not comfortable letting anyone sail away on their own.

    As another flash-downpour covered the area in rain,  Siren easily saw a man drop off from a balcony of one of the hotel rooms.   She was ready to extend a hand to catch the man,  but she could almost as quickly see that he had it under control.  Clearly a mage,  to her eyes she could see magic radiating off of him in what was to her a visible aura revealing the nature of the mage.   It looked more or less holy... and unholy... or not... Well that was peculiar,   and something to do with takeover and weapons.

    When he reached the ground and stood upright,  Siren had a few guesses as to his identity,   one of which confirmed when she got a good look at his face.    Having never met him she was a little slow on the update but fast enough to take his rushed entrance as a threat.    And for the best,  as the ex-guild master offered to help.  

    Siren didn't answer right away,  turning a step to look back at the approaching storm on the horizon.   It was overcast in general already,  random deluges of rain that were fragments of the imminent storm approaching,   winds slowly picking up.    The waves on the beach weren't that bad yet.   

    Turning back to him,  she nodded.

    "Alright.   We have time,  but that storm over there will be hitting this afternoon. This weather will only be getting worse as it nears.  More hands couldn't hurt.    My knights can handle the civilized areas,  however there are more isolated structures and cabins in the woods.    It wouldn't do to cause unnecessary drama sending teams to clear them and deal with the wildlife or getting lost.  They can keep to the docks and main buildings.   If you want to help,  you can head to the western point of the island and check any buildings you see from there.   Same as I'll be doing from the East."   As she spoke the carpet filled up with civilians,  Knights keeping them calm and organizing them onto the available space while some knights carrying pens and paper took notes,  listening to people's comments for names and making sure families were either together or would be easily united later.   When the last spot was filled,  the magic carpet winked out of place taking them all to safety.     In but a minute or two,  it'd appear back empty and ready for more. 


    Storm Bound (job) NvVyM98

    Storm Bound (job) CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
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      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 1:14 pm