"Greetings dear mods, admins, old bones and fresh meat from the oven, I the TATARI humbly suggest a sub board that manages Rumors for in-character purposes. The following materials will be used for this"
My intention and suggestion for the entire board is to open up a sub-board for characters to post rumors. Having read the significance of the "Neutral Grounds" the possibilities of technology rising in the neutral grounds pave way to advance social communication, things such as either the cellphone or the like. I do suggest putting up a rumor board in Neutral grounds to be fair.
The very purpose of having a rumors board greatly promotes character interactions, as well as plot devices. For an example if Character A creates a rumor on Character B, there will be a plot device. Other than just in-character introductions (which are annoyingly and heavily frequent), plot devices based on rumors can easily be made. Do think about how rumors affect communities in the REAL WORLD, it creates a huge impact on groups of people and certain individuals as well. Social growth and in-character relations will sky rocket! At least when someone starts a rumor it be an interesting plot device made out of the blue!
Other Suggestions:
I would like to point out the number of flaws in your system as these were never present during the time I had in the board in its early years
- Take out the story link on the top bar, it serves no purpose whatsoever
- Replace the story link to the shop link, its much more suitable that way
- Requesting mods and admins to update and revamp Character Rules. (Using Canon characters for instances)
- The part of having ambush quests riddles me with confusion, if I'm missing something, do tell me of its details.