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    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    Private Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by Axos Katori 22nd June 2015, 11:47 am

    A new mission, a new town. It was a nice thing to finally be traveling more, and now that he had more friends to travel with, as well as an actually party. The group members he was with he enjoyed being with, and since they were all new, he felt a stronger connection with them. However, Axos did understand one thing- that one day, having allies like these would be more beneficial then just being friends and guildmates. Especially if he ever got in trouble.

    Selfish, aren't we?

    Axos hates having physical reactions to the goddess being irritating, but he can't help it. She always had something to say, whether it was nice or not was always subjective. She never truly helped Axos (except, of course, in battles, where she seems to shut up and just let the magic flow through Axos). This mission was a bit more battle-like. The last mission he went on was purely investigation (and of course, getting swarmed so hardcore like they did). This time, though, they added another member to their 2 man team, he and Ana. This man was Dante, someone who also joined around the same time.

    Axos once again was very far ahead. The body of his granted him extra speed and strength, as well as a lot of durability. He was always just so much faster then everyone else, even if he isn't meaning so. It doesn't help he had longer legs.

    Axos was ready, though. This mission would provide a bit more fun. Axos looked behind him, hoping the other 2 were almost here.

    HP: 100%
    CP: 100%
    Status: Impatient
    WC: 266


    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) OWncaUB
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 22nd June 2015, 6:00 pm

    Job Number 2:
    Stop that Wizard!

    Huffing and puffing, trying to keep up with Axos.  Once again, this man just bolted ahead; whether he was headstrong and wanting to accomplish the mission or he's being 'that guy' and leaving his guildmates behind is irrelevant.  What Anastasia knows is is that Axos is a big dummy-head for leaving her behind once again.  Finally shuffling in, she takes a moment to regain her breath, placing her hands on her knees and breathing heavily.

    Beads of sweat rolled down her face and onto the pavement below.  She wasn't wearing her usual attire.  No, she learned from that the last mission.  With how much hotter it is getting and with how intense battling can become, she decided to go with her breezy and cooler attire.  The only problem with this outfit are perverts trying to look up her skirt.

    Her long hair flowed freely down her back and with the wind.  She continued to huff and puff as she looked up towards Axos, trying to inch out words between her heavy breathing.  She wore a headband with cat-ears in the place of her decorative head-dress this time, but strangely enough, the cat-ears twitched. "Seriously....."  she said with a quick pause.  "Axos..  You should....  wait up...  for me..." she said with each exhale.  

    She turned her head up to look towards Axos evenly, a look of annoyance crossing her face could be seen as she stood straight up and wiped her brow with her forearm.  The aqua blue pegasus emblem clearly visible upon her shoulder, she approached the purple haired man and leaned over, holding her skirt down so that he couldn't see.  She scowled and puffed out her cheeks at the man, showing him exactly how annoyed she was.  

    "How am I supposed to support you if you don't stay within range of my songs!?" she asked, chastising Axos' recklessness.  "And besides!  We don't really know how Dragon-kun," the nickname she gave to the new member of their team; a man going by the name of Dante, who was also a new recruit to the Blue Pegasus like them.  "fights like.  Should really stick together as a team," she said as she stood up straight and placed her hands upon her hips.  She said the following as she swung her head from side to side like a sassy individual.  "Mr Leader."  

    Right after she said that, she turned her shoulder and crossed her arms over her chest.  Puffing her cheeks once more, she turned her head away from Axos for a moment.  Yes, her annoyance was simply her teasing Axos.  She can't be too angry with her guildmates.  "But at least you can run away pretty quickly," she said with a chuckle.  "You should use your speed and power to protect me, ya know, Mister Huuuuuuusband," she said in a taunting manner in reference to the last job of theirs where they had to jump 'in-character' for those jewels.



    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by Isis 22nd June 2015, 10:21 pm

    His first job since he became a member of Blue pegasus and it happened to be with the two people he met at the guild hall main patheaon. He didnt know exact what he was doing there but hell he didnt care he had came to trust theses two almost to the point where he is willing to let them know that he has one of the golden keys....... Yea right not yet..... Axos seemed so determined to do this job that he was actually waiting on Dante and Anastasia to catch up. once he had gotten to them he was panting about as hard as anastasia was but refused to let that beat him. " Really now Huuusband and i thought i was not going to have to fight for him" he said with a little laugh.  He was anything but looking to be with anyone since his spirits really needed him to be focused. " Axos how in the hell do you move so fast? i move alright but your speed just walking is impressive" he had taken a breath halfway through that statement.

    " Anastasia.... your songs are support magic huh....... I would love to see that in a fight combined with our own magic." His trump card every time was Scorpio his strongest spirit.Dante had to take care and always knew where his keys where at all times since he had no plans in making bahamut or any of them angry at him. The thing with spirits is though they can not kill there contracted summoner they can scare the hell out of them to make sure they keep there keys where they belong.

    " And i am hoping for a battle this way i can show yall the power of my spirits and the use of each one.". Dante really didnt mind fighting but he knew that he woul be ever since he won a zodiac key. Dante didnt want anyone to know about his trump card till he had no other choice to use him. Alexander Leviathan and Bahamut where the normal keys he wielded before he got a bunch of other keys from same shop keeper that he got scorpio from.


    Dante West| Venom God Slayer
    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 62.5

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    First Skill: Cosmic Annihilation
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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by Axos Katori 23rd June 2015, 3:59 pm

    Axos smiled as the two finally came there. He chuckled heartily at Dante's comment. He knew that Dante knew he couldn't help his rather gifted abilities. He used to be a much slower human being, but after all that has occurred, he became... much more efficient. As his two guildmates and friends came up to him, he knew he was ready to go.

    "So, lets just find the source of this issue, and destroy it."

    This mission was much like the other one, much harder then the average mission. However, there were more people on this mission, so it could be easier. After the impressive display of magic that Axos saw from Dante, he knew that he was in good hands. He was the massive tank, while the two behind him would boost his strength to unimaginable levels. He was very excited, to say the least. This battle would hopefully be a bit more fruitful then the one before it. That was a lot of haggling. At least this time, the perpetrators were out in the open, waiting to fight. And apparently they were demons, making this battle that much more fun. Axos was excited, and honestly, even his god spirit within him was excited as well.

    Axos started walking, at a much slower pace of course, to the town before him. He wanted to see which enemy he will fight today. He was hoping he wouldn't run into anybody that would cause them some issues, but there was hope, of course. He was a BP mage, and he wanted to prove that BP was the best guild. Axos also wanted to prove to others that he was a competent leader, in case one day he would be guildmaster.



    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) OWncaUB

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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by NPC 23rd June 2015, 3:59 pm

    The member 'Axos Katori' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) StrongMonster
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
    Position : None
    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
    Third Skill:

    Private An Enemy Approaches!

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 24th June 2015, 1:32 am

    An Enemy Appears!

    [Background Music]

    Screams could be heard in the distance before a blinding light could be seen.  One of the buildings in the distance instantly erupts in flames, ejecting the material from the inside of the building onto the streets adjacent to the building.  A single mass of people moved in unison like a flock of starling.  The mortified looks on their faces was enough to give anyone the indication of danger and the sheer horror of the event they were experiencing.  Man, woman, and child alike experienced this primordial emotion all the same.  

    A maniacal laugh bellowed through the town being rivaled by only the noble roar of the flames.  "Burn!  Everything burn!" shouted the terrifying man committing pyro-terrorism upon Oak Town.  "This is what these fools get for screwing with the Demons of Yor!  They called us weak, they called us meager!  But no more!  We will show them!  We will!" the man said as he burst into laughter once more, sweeping his hand, causing a large wall of flames to instantly ignite all wooden material as well as all organic material.  

    The man pointed towards the large crowd and commanded the small demons that he kept in his company, "I will give 100 jewels for every civilian killed, 500 jewels for every wizard killed, and I'll give land to anyone who happens to kill royalty!  This will all be yours once we burn this country to the ground!"  With that said, all of the creatures ran towards the civilians, now given encouragement to do their 'master's' bidding.  The man looked up to the sky and laugh hysterically.  Red runes began to glow upon the man's dark blue long-coat.  


    Job Number 2:
    Stop that Wizard!

    Anastasia heard the mocking words stated by Dante, leading her to tug her lips to her right side.  "Oh, we aren't actually married," she said as a blush came over her face.  She covered her face with her palms before turning to look towards Axos for a moment then back towards Dante.  "It was just roles we played during our last mission," she mentioned.  The job wasn't that long ago, leaving very little time for rest in between jobs.  Her fatigue would show if she didn't feel so energized to be around people she considered family.  Yes, after getting to know these two, she felt like family with these two most of all.

    Removing her hands, she placed them around Dante's left hand.  "You should have been there Dante!  We pretended we were a married couple to get this guy to show us that he had the jewels we were looking for.  We played 'good cop/bad cop' but I was a stuck up wife/girlfriend/consort-thing and Axos played the cool, level headed guy," she said before letting out a chuckle.  She turned her head towards Axos for a moment as she covered her mouth with her left hand.  "You should have seen him, Dante.  He whooped them right up!"

    Her eyes returned back to Dante and she nudged the guy in the shoulder with her fist.  Most people probably didn't feel anything due to how dainty the poor girl was.  "But now that you're on our team, we can all do really cool stuff together!" she said before making the 'alright' gesture, lowering her elbow down to the ground.  

    However, as she was enjoying a casual conversation, Mr. Poopy-head had to interrupt and be straight and to the point.  "Fine~~~" she said with annoyed compliance.  She turned her shoulders and looked towards Dante and shrugged her shoulders.  Might as well listen to the group leader, which Axos took the mantle of being.  Good, she wasn't a very good leader and wasn't all that disciplined.  Her combat strategies weren't all that great, but she knew exactly what spells the team would need though.  

    Her eyes caught a glimpse of Axos' demeanor.  He looked poised and ready for anything.  Yes, the man had the makings of a great leader.  All he was missing was the strength and experience.  He had no issues with the clout.  

    A question was poised to her and she nodded her head in compliance.  "Yeah.  My songs are meant for support," she said as she stuck up her index finger and winked.  She leaned forward in a flirtatious manner.  "So leave the support up to me!  I can heal as well, so we shouldn't have ANY problems finding that crazy mage.  Oh!  And make sure you stay close to me, my spells have a range of 15 meters around me," she said before she winked.  "And make sure you pro-" she said before being interrupted by a massive explosion (the above mod).  

    Quickly, she turned her head as her jaw dropped to the ground.  She could feel the suffering and torment from these people.  This sent a wave of shivers throughout her body, and stinging pain down her spine.


    Clutching her arms, she began to shake as well.  This one was much different from the ones they encountered in Hargeon.  This one had killing intent and didn't feel any remorse.  The fear of those fleeing for their lives was contagious.  Why does Anastasia have to be so weak?  Her knees began to visibly shake, easy for her teammates to see.  Her heartbeat quickens and sweat began to fall profusely down her face.  

    ~Get your crap together, Anastasia!~ she thought to herself.  She knows that she can't sing if she's struck with fear.  The song that her team would need the most all depends on her bravery.  She began to control her breathing, trying to calm herself down.  "I'm, afraid." she said with a wimpy, jittery voice.  As much as she hates to admit it, she's not like these two.  She didn't live around combat nor did she prepare herself mentally or physically for something as terrifying is this.  Fire has a strange and terrifying effect for most living things; Anastasia is no exception.


    Last edited by Anastasia Isayev on 24th June 2015, 11:26 am; edited 3 times in total


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Private An Enemy Approaches!

    Post by NPC 24th June 2015, 1:32 am

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) Miss

    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 61
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Experience : 25

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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by Isis 28th June 2015, 3:29 pm

    A laugh a chuckle and some interesing stories that was just from Anastasia and Axos last job before he joined them. " Imagine if he had the strength of my spirits with him as well." he would add when he heard the story from Anastasia. He knew that his spirits would be the easy one but he could only use one at a time since his magic was definitely one that put a massive strain on his body. Dante had to know what was going on when he heard the remark from Axos ending the fun and games. " Ok Axos thanks for killing the buzz man hehe. Anastasia that sounds amazing though b......" There in the distance that was not much further then where they are he heard it. Screams explosions. Dante knew exactly what that ment and it was not what he wanted to do.

    " Those people..." he was afraid but he was a member of Blue Pegasus and had to protect these people that seemed to be running towards them. Dante looked over at anastasia only to see her shaking and terrified. [color=gold]" Anastasia i'm afraid as well but we have to protect them. With Axos strength and my spirits we can do this." his voice sounded with fear but his composer was calm and collected. he did not want to admit that he was starting to regret taking this job with them but he did and he was determined to come out victorious. " We will protect you while you sing your songs. But trust in us to have your back like we trust you to have ours." He really did trust theses two and looked at them like family.

    " Axos you ready for this?" he would ask as he reached down and grabbed one of his black keys. Dante was ready for a battle and didn't want to wait for axos a second before he took off heading down the street towards where the explosion was. " Burn them all 500 jewels if you kill a mage" well with those words he knew it had to be the psycho fire make wizard that was part of the job description. Dante would wait till his team came up next to him before he decided to do anything The key in which he was holding was the key of Leviathan the water serpent that he knew would be a great help in this battle even that of the fire was no match to Leviathan. " Open, Gate of the Water Serpent, Leviathan" with that he made the motion of the key where it needed to be as he summoned the water serpent. Leviathan was not the friendliest but she was definitely ready. Dante did not have her switch forms just yet but did have it in his back pocket. once the light vanished in when everyone else was able to see the water serpent. she would look at Dante and nod knowing that she was not to transform just yet into human form.

    " Leviathan You know what to do we got to extasis theses flames from the building and protect this town" the serpent would easily nod as she started her own spell a magic that he knows he didn't tell them the spirits could do. From the moment that she nodded Leviathan would cast tsunami to try and hit the fire mage as well as the building on fire. She was aiming at the bad guys mostly to make sure that no one got injuried while this was going on.


    Dante West| Venom God Slayer

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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by NPC 28th June 2015, 3:29 pm

    The member 'Dante West' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) Attack Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) Miss
    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 62.5

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    First Skill: Cosmic Annihilation
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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by Axos Katori 15th July 2015, 11:06 pm

    Chapter One:
    The Second Fight

    Dante raced on ahead, as Axos seemed to waver just a bit. It seems as if they were being targeted. Axos felt a little left behind as well, but he strengthened himself up with all his different buffs. The mad goddess inside of him started laughing maniacally as the first casualty occurred, a civilian dying beside him as he ran towards the battle. The screams were everywhere, and Axos knelt to look at the pack of fire mages in front of him. He swung his fist at the closest one, but he was dodged. The fire mage turned to look at him, lunging massive balls of fire at him. One of them burned his right arm, the pain searing through his body. Even his aura of nothingness that surrounded his figure could do nothing to ease the pain.

    Axos swung his right fist, imbued with the magic of chaos that he inherited from his goddess. This time, the fist connected, but it only hit in his enemy's stomach. Even though the fire mage doubled over, allowing Axos one more hit to the face, he still got more damage done back to him.

    This enemy is stronger then anything we have faced yet.

    Of course, the goddess had nothing new to add to anything in his life, so Axos kept fighting the fire mage. Left jab, right jab, everything flung at the enemy in front of him. Some hit, some didn't. Yet the enemy was still standing. They were oblivious to the world around them, focusing on each other, trying to get the upper hand.


    OOC: SOOOO sorry. I had to pull extra shifts at work lately, combined with the fact that ive just been busy with RL in general made me a bit more inactive. I'll be on more often i promise :D

    Last edited by Axos Katori on 15th July 2015, 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) OWncaUB

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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by NPC 15th July 2015, 11:06 pm

    The member 'Axos Katori' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) Attack Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) Attack
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 19th July 2015, 8:30 pm

    Job Number 2:
    Stop that Wizard!

    Dante's words pierced through her.  They rang with truth.  These two need her to remain strong and to be courageous.  Snapping out of her fear, she turned and looked to Dante for a moment with a small smile.  "Yes. Perhaps you're right, Dante," she said with a slight chuckle.  "Let's all be safe and take down this mage before he hurts any more people, okay?" she said with a weak smile to both of her teammates.  She knows what she has to do even though she's still terribly afraid of this mage and the tremendous power he possessed.  

    Dante began to run forward, to get within range of the mage.  Taking a deep breath, she began to run towards Dante to catch up while Axos completely ran forward towards the wizard.  Huffing and puffing, she turned and looked at Dante briefly and cleared her throat.  "Don't let them hit me.  I'm helpless while I sing, got it?" she mentioned before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in.  She held her breath for a moment, thinking of the proper song to sing.  Opening her eyes and clasping her hands, a green light began to surround Axos and Dante.

    Anastasia's Song:  Song of Gratitude
    --High Tempo--
    [+10% HP/MP regen per post for 2 post in length] to Axos and Dante]

    It was re-assuring to know that Dante has her back.  She knew that Axos had her back, so hearing him verbally say it wasn't of much use.  Her voice grows louder and louder as the song continued.  The song causes a large green orb of light to surround the two teammates.  Her teammates feel any of their wounds begin to close and pain begin to melt away.  This makes her teammates have the feeling of immortality.  This and the fact that her song is sped up, making her teammates feel battle-ready and in tempo for a quick battle.  

    More people screamed and lost their lives.  While the idea of people dying to a psychopath scared her tremendously, she knew this man had to be put down in order to stop more lives from being taken away.  She is here to support the two that will make sure that doesn't happen.

    This Post:

    The Enemy:

    Last edited by Anastasia Isayev on 19th July 2015, 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 19th July 2015, 8:31 pm

    Forgot to roll


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Private Re: Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party)

    Post by NPC 19th July 2015, 8:31 pm

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout (private for Chaotic Dance Party) Attack

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:10 pm