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    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    Experience : 62.5

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    Private Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Axos Katori 21st June 2015, 7:27 am

    A new town for him to explore was everything Axos asked for. Even though these towns were all a part of Fiore, each one carried a certain flavor that mystified Axos, who came from a land from far. He took in the culture and people, keeping the sights in his memory as a part of his collection. Alas, Axos was not here to start sightseeing. He and one of the newer guild members decided to go on a mission together, as they are both starting out and wanted to both prove themselves. It also worked that their magic worked well together. He started out a bit ahead, courtesy of the goddess that shares his body.

    Axos was waiting by the fountain in the middle of the town, hoping that Anastasia would come soon. He had some food in his mouth, a delicious treat he got from one of the bakeries in town. Although he didn't have much money, he figured he should eat. His jewel kept taking a minute amount of magic from him, but it wasn't enough to be deadly. It was just enough to keep up the human illusion, otherwise his form would scare citizens. This way, it was safer for everyone to trust him at first site.

    Maybe you will finally man up and start using your strength...

    Axos sighed again, a piece of bread hanging out of his mouth. Ilyria was truly a nuisance at times. She did have a great deal of positives however, which includes providing his body with a lot of power so he wouldn't die so easily. He was truly grateful, as it helped satisfy his objective of leading a guild one day. Being stronger then others allowed him to lead them better.

    He sat down on the edge of the fountain, looking towards the entrance of the town. He didn't mean to leave the pretty girl behind, it was just a part of his physique. He left a lot of people behind.

    332/2000 WC

    Monster dice rolled: 0


    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) OWncaUB
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st June 2015, 6:08 pm

    Job Number 1:
    The Stolen Jewel

    Oh!  Anastasia is excited!  She finally gets to start on her first job as a Blue Pegasus!  While her superiors didn't take time out of their busy days to visit the newcomers, which kind of annoyed her (but at the same time, she understood), her and Axos got along and decided to turn themselves into a new team.  'Chaotic Dance Party' was the name of their team.  Though, she didn't realize the point of the name.  Certainly she sings and people can dance to it, but she doesn't understand the chaotic party part of it.

    Making her towards the fountain in the town square; as she approached the town, she gasped and looked at the town with mouth agape.  Every new place she got to visit just opened her mind and broadened her horizons more and more.  First she got to see the time-tested beauty of the guild-hall, now she is witnessing the beauty and magnificence of a fishing/trading town.  The air smelled of salt-water and fish; an organic smell that most people would find abominable.  This smell, however, was a thing of beauty for Ana.  While she wouldn't eat the flesh of a cow or a pig, fish are A-OK in her book.  

    Not only was the town beautiful, but the backdrop with the ocean is spectacular.  However, it is unfortunate, but she isn't here to sight-see or take part in the delicious sea-food this harbor is known for.  No, she has a job to do.  But with the job done, the money should net her enough to come here for a nice meal.  Oh!  She wants this job to be done with already so she can make her way here for leisurely activities!

    Approaching the fountain, she noticed a large man wearing his usual hat with the jewel embedded into it.  One could easily say that the jewel in his hat could potentially be the jewels they were looking for, but let's not get hasty now.  Upon seeing Axos, she raised her hand in the air and waved it rapidly.  "Hey, Axos!!" she said with a large smile upon her face.   If only Kibo could be here to see this!  But then again, people would react a little strangely to Kibo if they saw a largely dressed girl riding on top of a large lion-dog creature.  

    Jumping up and down, she waved both of her hands to get Axos' attention.  "Yoohoo!  Axos!!"
    Stats wrote:WC:  404 / 2000
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    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 21st June 2015, 6:08 pm

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) WeakMonster
    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 62.5

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Axos Katori 21st June 2015, 7:04 pm

    His partner in crime has made it! Axos smiled at the cheerfulness of the lady on front of him. She was very pretty, with gorgeous white hair and ice blue eyes. It was like looking at the stars themselves.

    She looks good enough to eat...

    Axos winced just a little when he felt his goddess talk again. What a nuisance. He quickly shut her down in his mind, putting up mental barriers so she wouldn't be annoying, unless needed. Axos waved to Anastasia, hoping she would come over. Even though she was jumping like a maniac already, acknowledging her would probably make her stop the crazyness. This mission would need a little bit more finesse then just blasting everything wide open... Although that would be nice too.

    "Yo, Anastasia. Ready to find these jewels?"

    He winked at her and got up off his sitting spot on the fountain. He actually had no idea what to do. They got the most limited information from the man. And all of it boiled down to it MIGHT have been stolen by someone. Thank Ilyria that Axos kept the picture of the jewelry. He knew that there was no way he would be able to ask people without a picture about it. They would just look at him funny, since in large towns like this, thievery happens all the time.

    "Well, let's get going I guess. I got copies of this picture of the jewelry. It should help us in this mission."

    Axos knew he had to look somewhere, so he looked around at anyone suspicious. Nothing of wonder, of course. There was no way he could find it like this. However, he could perhaps try and look for the thief... but that was the last resort, of course. He would rather try and do this without causing too much of a fight. However, he also did not want to raise too many alarms if a gang DID indeed steal the items. It would cause even more of an issue for Ana and he.

    "I'll go this way. You'll go that way. Just try asking around and in shops and stuff. Maybe we can find something."

    Axos pointed in one direction, and for Ana to the other. He gave her a copy of the picture he had, and started walking off. Looking behind him, he smiled and said;

    "Meet back here if you have anything. If you find something but need to stay in place, throw some mana in the air. Red for danger, blue if you found something, and green if you are heading back to the fountain."

    He started walking off, hoping that he would be able to find something of use. He started with the closest stall. It was a simple grocery stall, with some of the fruits looking amazing to eat, as if they were grown in the stalls themselves.

    "These look delicious! How do you do it?"

    The store keeper was very pleased, putting his fists on his sides. He had a proud expression on his face, taking his comments with no stride at all. He seemed to be a very narcissistic man, loving attention that it gives him.

    "OH ho, boy you have a good eye for fruits! Do you want to try any? We have a good deal going!"

    Axos chuckled heartily, putting a big smile on his face. It was a fake smile, but it was all he could do so that perhaps he could find his end goal. He knew that manipulation was something Ilyria did, but ever since the joining of their souls it was something that entered his brain. He always felt partly evil ever since then, but he felt that his good-natured soul cancelled out the supreme evil within him.

    "Not today, shopkeeper-san. Just looking for my lost jewels. They were a promise to my girlfriend, and I really wanted to give them to her! Shes over on the other side of town looking for them."

    Sympathy. It was a strong emotion, and it definitely helped the manipulation technique work a little more. Especially for someone as narcissistic as the shop keeper, who has wanted everyone to see how good of a person he is, even though it is only vanity that Axos sees. That was a good thing about the goddess. She showed him a lot of sin among people. Perhaps it wasn't premonition, but very good people reading combined with the experience of Ilyria.

    "Let me see here... hohoho... Nope, never saw them son. However, that shop over there might have some more information for you. They always seem to have people walking through, way more then my magnificent little stall here before you."

    Axos bowed, thanking the vain shopkeeper. He started humming, walking over to the next stall, hoping to perhaps find some clues as to where these jewels are.


    Last edited by Axos Katori on 21st June 2015, 7:04 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) OWncaUB

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 21st June 2015, 7:04 pm

    The member 'Axos Katori' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st June 2015, 8:29 pm

    Job Number 1:
    The Stolen Jewel

    "Oh my gawd!  Isn't this town so pretty, Axos?" she asked as the man approached her.  Her eyes went from the pretty looking man to the beautiful fountain and then the beautiful town for a moment.  "This place would be so nice to go out on a date, especially at night," she mentioned for the hell of it, not implying that Axos should ask her out, no no; but in general, this place would look beautiful at night assuming the lighting in this place was more romantic in design than Victorian London.  She put her hands together and (XD) faces.  "And the seafood here would be to die for!"  

    However, once she returned to the real world, she noticed the man winking at her, asking if she was ready.  Well, yeah, she was ready.  She threw an arm up with a big smile on her face; positivity is the pavement towards victory -- right?  Well, at least Ana wanted to think so.  "Yeah!  Let's do this!" she shouted out enthusiastically, only to have people stop what they were doing and look in her direction for a moment.  Noticing that there were so many eyes on her forced Ana to blush a bit.  She waved off the newly obtained audience and said in a breathy manner, "Don't mind me, I'm just a tourist," she said with an awkward laugh before the on-lookers returned to their regular lives.  Thankfully, she wasn't a shinobi.  Perhaps she should consider being a tad bit more inconspicuous.  Or perhaps her acting awkward simply added to the flavor of this job?

    Having snatched a copy of a picture of the jewels, she zipped around, asking people if they knew anything about these jewels.  Unknowingly, she remained within ear-shot of her partner, knowing that communication is the key.  Besides, if one of them were to get clues, they didn't exactly have a subtle method of communicating with one another.  (Perhaps she should consider having some form of communication device for future jobs with her partner for more efficient job completion).  Throwing different colored mana wasn't exactly subtle.  Besides, the mana she produces is generally invisible to normal people who have no concept of sound magic.  Well, if Axos was a master of sound magic, then he would see a 'grossly incandescent' ball of magic in the air.  But she doubts it.  

    Due to Anastasia being relatively new to asking and finding things out, she stumbled and fumbled her words on a few of the individuals she questioned.  Certainly, with those that left, she continued to badger them until she got her point across.  So far, nobody had offered a single clue for accomplishing the mission.  Stopping to look at the picture, Ana sighed for a moment and looked around.  Yes, she normally had a happy demeanor upon her face, but she's starting to grow a bit frustrated and a bit at a loss for the moment.  Perhaps she should have branched off instead of staying within ear-shot of her partner.  One could only be so careful right?
    Stats wrote:WC:  914 / 2000
    HP:  100%
    MP:  100%


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 21st June 2015, 8:29 pm

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) StrongMonster
    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 62.5

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Axos Katori 21st June 2015, 8:53 pm

    Axos started walking towards the next stall, hoping this one would be a bit more fruitful then the one before it. The personalities here were very vibrant, and Axos knew that he would need to combat their fire with his coolness. It was all he could do, as the mission was most important. He also wanted to shove off to Ana, who, even though he asked her to go to the other side, she stayed close. She even mentioned something about a date. Axos laughed it off to himself internally, as the goddess chuckled.

    At least I picked a good looking one... now why don't you go about ripping these people's arms off...

    Axos winced again before stopping at the stall right in front of him. He smiled again, hoping to be just as inviting as he was to the previous stall owner. This one sold jewelry, much like the one that was stolen. It seemed a bit suspicious, but then again, most of the street vendors were. It was a shady business to stay open. Axos had no issue to that.

    "Hello there. My name is Axos. I am looking for these jewelry. I want to give them to my girlfriend, who is right behind me. I can't find them though. Have you seen them?"

    The street vendor turned around, a much colder look on his face. It was a stark contrast to the previous street vendor. He was a bit taken aback, of course. Axos had to change his strategy up.

    "Do you know anything about it?"

    The street vendor got close, a thick accent ringing through his voice. He was a bit leaner then the rest of the vendors, who all had a certain... round aspect to them. He also had a more vicious look on his face, covered with some scars as well. He seemed battle ready at all times, as well as an experienced vet.

    "Nothing at all. Go look somewhere else."

    Axos looked strangely at the evil before him. He could sense that something was off, but he didn't know how to approach it. Axos sent out a tiny vibration through the air, a slight air type magic that sprung a wind into Ana's hair, as well as a tiny sparkle. He hoped she would come quickly. The magic was tiny enough so that only Ana can see. Axos waited for her to come before he continued on.


    Last edited by Axos Katori on 21st June 2015, 9:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) OWncaUB
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st June 2015, 9:22 pm

    Job Number 1:
    The Stolen Jewel

    And sparkles flew through her hair.  The sound entered her ears, sounding like glockenspiels ringing from the lowest note to the highest note.  Some people may consider this to sound like magical crystals or a chime-like sound, but the sound was enough to tell her where her partner was and at what distance.  Lifting her skirt slightly off of the ground, Anastasia begins to skip towards Axos' location only to come to a full halt.  Perhaps she found someone who may know the location of these jewels?

    Walking around the man as stealthily as possible, she appeared directly behind the thinner, more sinister looking merchant.  My, did this merchant look some sorta fierce when compared to the pudgy ball of fluff that the others were.  She sneaked up behind the man and with a loud, booming shout of "Hello~~~ Axos!" the man jumped a bit, this caused the man to be startled for a moment.  

    "So!  Does this guy know something about the jewels?  My, they're awfully pretty.  I wonder who would have stolen these jewels," she said as if playing good-cop and bad-cop.  The man turned his shoulders a bit to put the two in front of him, leaving his back exposed and with a way out if he deemed it necessary to flee from the situation.  

    "So?  Out with it," the girl said in her usually cheery manner.  The fact that the man was being pressured to saying something from a laid-back man and an over-enthusiastic woman made him feel extremely uncomfortable.  His eyes shifted away from the two.  He took a step back for a moment only to be met with a woman raising both of her arms in excitement.  "Cat got your tongue?  I understand, these are some pretty jewels.  So come on, you know something about these jewels so tell us about it!  If you do, I'll reward you with something nice," she said with a bit of a wink.  Yes, she teased the man using her feminine wiles, but she had no real intention of following through with the task.  She was a decent girl and she wasn't a floozy-flapper-kind-of-woman.

    Sweat began to drip down the man's face as he is now cornered.  The man squatted, grabbing the top of his head with both of his hands.  "What the hell is wrong with you people!?  Why don't you leave me alone!  So what if I know about these jewels!?" the man said before clearing his throat and backing up a bit.  Now's the time to make his escape.  With a bit of dust kicked up, the street urchin began to run through the town, using other stalls as springboards for his escape.  

    Turning to look towards Axos, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.  She wouldn't be able to catch up with the man, she had troubles just walking around without getting winded.  "Um.  Sorry, Axos.  Could you catch him?  I tried," she requested with a slight giggle.  "I'd chase after him, but I'm not in that kind of shape yet."
    Stats wrote:WC:  1421 / 2000
    HP:  100%
    MP:  100%


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 62.5

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Axos Katori 21st June 2015, 9:36 pm

    Axos smiled. The man practically gave them an important piece of information. That he knows where the jewels are. Axos smiled. He hasn't been able to use his magic in a real world setting for a while now. The last time he had too... well it did not end pretty. His avatar made him much stronger then the average person, much more then average person. He continued smiling as he looked at the gorgeous girl next to him.

    "See you in a bit"

    He winked, and he was off. The wind started sweeping through his hair, as he started picking up speed. His gallop was unbelievable- even Axos himself was surprised. This was the fastest he has ever run, and he was keeping up easily with the man in front of him. In fact, he was even catching up. Axos saw the man throw some stuff in his way, to block his running. However, Axos acrobatically flipped over them, maintaining his speed. He was extraordinarily fast. Axos thought to himself;

    "Ana probably thinks I am pretty cool right now."

    As soon as he got closer Axos jumped as far and as high as he could- intending to land on the man himself. However, the man was a bit too far- Axos reached further and further, stretching his body as far as he could, all 6'1" of him. He grabbed his foot, clutching it with all his strength. He felt something crack as he landed awkwardly on top of the man.

    "Oh man, I hope I didn't break anything..."

    Axos looked up, seeing the man wince in pain. His ankle contorted in a different way, something that should not be happening.

    "Now... tell us... where are the jewels?"

    Axos kept the man in his grasp, hoping that the police force won't come. He figured they saw the guild emblem on his right shoulder blade, as his shirt came off a bit after that run. He looked around for Ana, hoping she would be close by. He wanted to start the interrogation. At least, with his partner in crime.



    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) OWncaUB
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
    Position : None
    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st June 2015, 9:57 pm

    Job Number 1:
    The Stolen Jewel

    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) Rio
    Street Urchin, Rakuya
    The street urchin continued to run, using his limited parkour skills as he jumped over stalls, pushing over obstacles to get in Axos' way.  Turning to look back was a rookie mistake as he noticed the man slowly creeping up to him.  He couldn't allow this!  No!  The boss wouldn't allow this to happen!  Nope!  Even if he got caught, he wouldn't let his lips loosen.  He couldn't dime out his boss; he had resolve of stee---.

    The man lost track of what he was doing, playing the entire deal of loyalty and 'keeping the family true' ideals in the back of his mind instead of concentrating on running. The man screamed with a loud, shrill shriek.  "Oh my CRAP!  What the hell, man!  Couldn't you have caught me without spraining my ankle?  Geez!" the man said grasping at his leg and howled out in pain.  Perhaps the man was disguising his pain, lying about it to give him the opportunity to run away?  Upon closer inspection, his foot seemed to have faced in the exact opposite direction.  Nope, his foot's really broken.  

    "I'll never talk!  There's no way I would talk about my boss being at the pawn-shop!" the man said, bursting out in a deluge of sweat.  He looked towards Axos for a moment and blinked a couple times.  ~Crap!  I hope this brutish idiot didn't catch that!  If he did, I'm toast!  Boss isn't gonna appreciate that very much!~ the man thought to himself.  

    "Yeah!  The restaurant!" the man said attempting to cover up his tracks.  He laughed nervously.  As nervously as he giggled and chuckled to himself, he grew more and more racked with pain.  Certainly, while stricken with such a tense situation, one would forget about the pain of wrapping their ankles around itself, but no, the adrenaline ran out and the man rolled around in pain.  "The humanity!"  

    It was at this point that Anastasia caught up to the two, huffing and puffing.  She placed her hand upon her knees and turned to look towards Axos with a big smile.  "You looked so cool just now, jumping over stalls and chasing after that bad guy!  If we weren't the same rank, I would so be a fan of yours," she said between each and every huff and puff.  She gave him a big thumbs up though, she was quite impressed with Axos' agility and athleticism.  

    "So, did he tell you anything?" she asked before turning her eyes to look at the man before her eyes slowly turned over towards Axos, wondering if that was his doing.  She walked over to the man and placed a hand upon his forhead, attempting to calm him down.  If she didn't have a job to do, she would sing him a song to stop the pain, but she needs to ensure she's combat ready.  

    "You couldn't have been a bit easier on the guy?" she asked before looking at the man and bowing her head slightly in apology.  Such needless suffering could have been avoided if the guy just didn't run away.  Not only was it an admission of guilt, but the guy could have and did get hurt because of it.  There isn't much she could do right now, but the guy will live; albeit he's going to be a bit agitated and limited until his injury improves.

    Stats wrote:WC:  1982 / 2000
    HP:  100%
    MP:  100%


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    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Axos Katori 21st June 2015, 10:42 pm

    Axos got up, dusting his cloths off. He shook his head a bit, getting his daze out. He looked down at the man, and motioned to some person with rags. He started grabbing some pieces of wood, and wrapped it around the man's ankle. Axos felt really bad about it, so he broke the foot back into place and wrapped it with the makeshift cast. Axos asked around for a medic, hoping to get this man some medical attention. He wasn't ignoring Ana, he just wanted to make sure this man got his treatment. Besides, he found his answer.

    Axos turned to Ana, with a smile on his face as the man got pulled away to the hospital.

    "I know where we can go next. The man said something about the pawn shop, and his boss being there... perhaps he knows where to go? Or... perhaps... this boss knows where the jewelry is."

    Axos stretched a bit before walking towards the direction of the pawn shop that he saw before. He motioned towards Ana to follow along. Axos went through the doors, knocking pretty obnoxiously. He went up to the counter, hoping to see someone who would help them. He saw a lot of the same hard faced people like the vendor. He looked at all the different jewelry on sale, all with extremely high price tags. He looked curious, wondering if he could pick up anything... he was a fan of collections, after all.

    Wish you could just kill everyone in here...

    Axos winced again as he kept on looking. He motioned towards the most beautiful item in the store, a gorgeous diamond. It was huge. A gorgeous blue as well, almost iridescent. Axos motioned towards one of the vendors, and looked down at the diamond.

    "So... how much for this one?"

    The evil man smiled viciously, a bit forced on his part. He motioned towards the others, and started whispering to them. Due to Axos' appearance, he seemed to be a wealthy man, especially with the jewel smack dab on his forehead (which was quite rare in its own right, of course). Axos stood up straight (and regally, as he believed) and smiled some more.

    "This is a pretty rare item sir... You sure you want to buy this? This diamond can only be bought with permission from the owner of the store. He never truly wanted to sell something like this. It was just something on display for people to come in..."

    Axos laughed, cutting him off midway. He put on a different personality, becoming louder and louder as he finished laughing.

    "I have enough money. Get me the owner."

    The vendors started smiling ridiculously. They caught their first dweeb (or so they thought). Of course, the diamond was a massive fake and was only shining due to the magic that surrounded it. But, this kind of trick got people all the time. It was how the pawn shop made their money. Besides, of course taking other peoples things and selling them. Axos knew this, as he had something like this back from where he came from. A dangerous shop, but still, a sleazy business behind the curtains.

    As Axos was thinking to himself, a massive man emerged from the shadows. He was definitely the boss the other lackey talked about. He was frightening, and definitely someone that Axos hoped Ana would help him fight, if it came down to it. The boss bent over, looking into the eyes of Axos. This man was at least 6'7", or even closer to 7'. He was massive.


    Axos looked at the man with a devious look in his eye, and shook his head. He laughed merrily again, and pulled out the sheet of paper. He shoved it into the face of the boss, and said with a straight look in his eye:

    "Do you know about this jewelry?"

    The man laughed, before looking straight back into Axos' eye, with a bit more malice this time.


    Axos didn't waver. This man was trying to force him to show all his cards immediately. He wanted to keep some for himself of course. This part of the interrogation was needed. If it didn't happen, then Axos would never get the item.

    "I am asking. I would like to buy this jewelry for a friend. And I know you have them... your lackey outside told me to come here since he said he has seen them before."

    Of course, the lackey said no such thing. The boss would never know that, of course. He probably did know his lackey was tackled and broke his ankle. Perhaps it was better this way, so that Axos had the upper hand. As well as the ball back in his court. This was a very precarious setup, and all Axos had in mind was that he was hoping Ana was there to back him up. Not losing a single step, the boss looked him dead in the eye, and just muttered 2 words.

    "GET OUT."

    Axos did not move a single inch. He knew that negotiations were breaking down, but he needed to stay firm. He was almost there. He just needed to push a little more.

    "Please. I need this jewelry."

    The boss straightened up, wrapping his arms around his chest, looking down at Axos. Hopefully, this conversation would go better with a more... feminine quality to it.


    Last edited by Axos Katori on 21st June 2015, 10:44 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) OWncaUB

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 21st June 2015, 10:42 pm

    The member 'Axos Katori' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) WeakMonster Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st June 2015, 11:25 pm

    Job Number 1:
    The Stolen Jewel

    The woman smiled as she noticed Axos attempt to fix his roughness with the running-man.  However, with a swift movement, Axos snapped the ankle back into it's original place.  The sound of bones breaking and muscles tearing played clearly in Anastasia's ears.  Turning pale, the woman covered the lower half of her face with her sleeve, biting her lower lip so as to not let her lunch be released onto the floor.  Yes, she had a wimpy stomach that couldn't such squeamish acts of violence.  This is one reason she couldn't get into combat medicine.  On top of this, the man's shrill cries didn't help her cause.

    Anastasia was told that the pawn shop was where to go.  She swallowed heavily to settle her digestive tract.  "Alright, but let's make this quick.  I'm not feeling too well," she said as her stomach continued to bind itself into knot after knot.  Her stomach found it's way up her throat with her salivary glands in her mouth activating on hyperdrive, flooding her mouth with spit.  Her eyes focused on Axos as he made his way out of the little alley they found themselves in and turned to look towards the street urchin.  She lowered her hand and bowed at the man before turning and pursuing after Axos.

    Keeping in stride with the man proved difficult, being in absolutely horrible physical conditioning.  Just the act of maintaining stride with the man caused Anastasia to heave and ho; breathing heavier than normally people should.  Oh, her folly of being out of shape will be corrected the more jobs she takes part in while in the Blue Pegasus; whoever they are.  While she met some of the newer recruits, she has yet to encounter any of her leadership.  It would be nice if she even met them, to be able to put a voice to a face and a face to a name.  It could easily be stated that she would put a smell to a face, but that's a bit creepy and smell isn't exactly her top scent (at least not one she would normally use for identification).  

    She kept behind Axos as the two walked into the Pawn Shop.  More people that seemed as annoyed and brutish as the pompadour-donned ruffian.  She simply followed the man's lead as he examined the diamond on sale.  She leaned in and whispered to him.  "I really hope you don't intend on buying that.  That's a fake," she stated.  The gem didn't seem to have the same appeal as an authentic diamond.  No, it seemed too perfect and it glimmered differently.  It was blatantly obvious just by looking at it.  Who would spend that kind of money on an imitation?  She made sure her voice stayed low enough to not insult the men that worked at the pawn shop.  As they turned to look at her, she only responded with a slight wave and a big smile upon her face.

    Then the large, behemoth of a man walked from the back to the front where Anastasia and Axos stood.  Certainly, the man on her team would be more eloquent with his words.  No, he was extremely blunt and got straight to the chase.  Turning her eyes towards Axos for a moment, she looked at him with a bit of disappointment.  She turned and looked towards the large behemoth man and took a step next to Axos.  It was her turn.  Darting her eyes towards her partner for a moment, she had to get in-character for this job.

    She leaned in to look over the large diamond, intentionally forming her body into a seductive pose, realizing that ruffians like these guys enjoy getting a view like this.  Her eyes looked at the diamond for a moment and sighed for a moment.  "I was truly hoping for an actual diamond.  It seems this place sells a lot of fakes," she said in a haughty manner, flipping her long blonde hair with her right hand.  "Hm, yes, there's no way this place has anything that would suit our expensive tastes, darling," she stated as she snaked her arm around his, running her other hand through her hair to display the expensive looking headdress that adorns the top of her head.  This should give the men some indication that they had some money to spend.

    "Perhaps if we don't see any -real- jewels, perhaps we should go seek out another dealer that wouldn't mind the idea of money not being an obstacle.  We have to, after all, get something pretty for your wife, right?" she asked as she pressed her chest into his arms all the while staring at the men with an air of superiority.  This was, indeed, a role she was playing.  She barely knows this man, but playing this role as the bourgeois would most likely whet these people's appetites for more and more money.  Considering that 'money isn't an object' and that Ana thought everything shown are fakes, this should fish out the real jewels that they were looking for.  

    Stats wrote:WC:  2826 / 2000
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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 21st June 2015, 11:25 pm

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
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    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Axos Katori 22nd June 2015, 1:31 am

    Axos had to keep up the act. He knew that the only way for them to accomplish anything with this hardheaded boss was to continue to act with the premise that they were loved ones. Axos was glad he brought a woman along. This facade would only be possible with Ana being here, and he was tremendously grateful for that. He laughed and patted Ana's head, like a husband would.


    Axos knew the situation was getting dire, and so he tried to go to some of his final draws. He needed something to mull the situation over without being too upfront, lest he start a war in this tiny store.

    "Look, this girl is in a relationship with me. I want to make it official as a marriage, but I cannot without a great jewelry set to give her. Someone recommended these jewels, and that they came from here. I was looking for the past few months for these jewels, and the fact that you are keeping them from me, even though I heard how great your generosity is, is hurting me. I want to treat her with the most respect."

    The grandstanding speech would suffice for now, at least. The larger man nodded, but didn't say anything. He still looked at them with contempt, distrusting them completely.


    Axos winced again. He truly hoped that this speech would delay them, but the old large man wasn't budging. He, however, had optimism. He knew that they were getting closer. It was just breaking through this steel wall in front of them.


    Last edited by Axos Katori on 22nd June 2015, 11:51 am; edited 1 time in total


    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) OWncaUB

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 22nd June 2015, 1:31 am

    The member 'Axos Katori' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 22nd June 2015, 7:18 pm

    Job Number 1:
    The Stolen Jewel

    ~Crap!  Axos didn't play this the way I wanted it!  I was outting him to be an unfaithful man goofing off with another girl.  Crap crap crap.  Recover, Ana, recover!~ Her eyes went from a wince, trying to think of how to recover back to a big smile upon her face with her nose turned up.  She had to remain in character.

    "Oh?  Flowery language not something to your liking?" the woman asked with a single raised brow.  "Perhaps I could speak like your jewelry; cheap and fake," she said before clearing her throat.  She puts on an obviously fake bourgeois voice, one that just spits like a geyser of condescension and arrogance.  She turned and looked towards Axos while remaining in character.  She wrapped her arms around his neck, hanging off of the man.  

    "Dah-ling, do you think that if we melt down all of the 'precious' stones in this store, we could make a lot of red cups?  We wouldn't even need to have our slaves wash the dishes.  They could just," she said as she moved one arm away from Axos' neck and makes a flicking gesture away from him.  "Toss them out.  They'd most -certainly- be worth more as cups than fake jewelry.  At least they would be able to sell them that way," she said as she placed a sleeve over her mouth and laughed in an oujo-sama manner.  "oooooh ho-ho-ho"

    Her eyes turned back to look at the boss of the pawn shop with a look of mischief in her eyes.  Her voice returned to how it was when she started getting into the role.  The hand the she used to cover her laugh flicked to display her wrists, intentionally moving that hand over the man's body before stopping at his lap.  She made sure to not touch a certain place, because she didn't particularly want to touch it.  This particular act should get the point across without going too in-depth.  "Besides, who cares whether I'm his wife, girlfriend, or consort?  What matters is he gets to see and touch things you can not.  Things you'll never feel, unless of course, your men do it for you.  Is this why you keep so many men around you?" she asked as her pompous role dictated.  

    If the man wasn't going to give the information through temptation, she made it her effort to ensure he spoke due to his mind being clouded with anger and contempt.  Perhaps shattering his pride would make it much easier for him to shout out, admitting he knew about the jewels.  Why wouldn't he?  Unless the street urchin told Axos the wrong information to which, well, they'd have to apologize.  Yeah...  The woman leaned up to speak into Axos' ear.  Her words came out as whispers, to where only Axos could hear.  "This guy must know something.  If he doesn't start talking, we should strong-arm information out of him.  Those glass display cases sure look tempting to break, do they not?" she asked, appealing to Axos being a man.  And men want to break things.  Explosions wouldn't work well for this mission, so breaking glass should alleviate a man's desire for destruction on some level.
    Stats wrote:WC:  3359 / 2000
    HP:  100%
    MP:  100%
    Status:  Floundering

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    Last edited by Anastasia Isayev on 23rd June 2015, 1:53 am; edited 4 times in total


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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 22nd June 2015, 7:18 pm

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster
    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

    Lineage : Avatar of Ilyria
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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Axos Katori 23rd June 2015, 3:21 pm

    Axos loved the back and forth going between him and Ana. He knew that the large man in front of him would not budge. However, Axos needed an out. He needed something to go on. This scene was on the cusp of both figuring things out as well as falling apart completely. Ana whispered to him that perhaps threatening the store itself would be the way to go. Axos wanted that as a last resort option- he didn't want to get jumped by all the people in the store as of yet. However, Axos had the advantage, knowing that he had a spell that rendered most, if not all of them immobile. He had already come up with a backup plan, just in case.

    "Look, I just want this jewelry. I know you have it. You know we know you have it. We can do this. Without it divulging to something neither of us want to do."

    Axos went a different route this time. Perhaps he could talk the man into giving him the jewelry without incident? It was a different approach, and something new. It would probably sideline the man for just a bit, until of course they figured out where the jewels are. Axos put his hand on Ana's hand, as if to look grieving. He thought perhaps putting on a bit of a show would do better.




    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) OWncaUB

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 23rd June 2015, 3:21 pm

    The member 'Axos Katori' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 23rd June 2015, 10:28 pm

    Job Number 1:
    The Stolen Jewel

    The woman turned her head towards Axos for a moment after their exchange.  She whispered into his ears, while keeping a grin on her face to stay with the facade.  "They aren't biting the bait.  These guys are starting to really annoy me.  Maybe I should sing super off-key until they give in to our demands," she said.  It actually takes a decent amount of effort for her to sing off-key.  While it hurts her ears doing this, it will also really hurt everyone else's ears.  Who knows, perhaps she could summon something 'grossly incandescent'.  Naw, she's trying to get jewels back, not completely blow up a building.  That would only hurt the name of the guild.

    Letting go of Axos' hand, she gently slapped the man on the chest.  Looking Axos in the eyes, she mouthed out 'cover your ears' before turning to look at the pawn-shop owner, still bearing the condescending grin on her face.  She stuck her nose even further into the air, looking down at the man.  She grew over-animated with it and laughs at the frustrations of the pawn-shop owner.  "Ooooh ho ho ho!  I see you are all just dying for a killer performance, then you will pay us in the gems we are looking for, no?" she asked before clearing her throat, releasing her grip upon her 'husband'.  "If it is a spectacular performance you are looking for, then a spectacular performance you will get," she said before she cleared her throat and took a deep breath in.  

    As she sung, the glass within the area began to shake and quiver under the intense terror that was her voice.  The look of strain was clearly evident on her face as she went to great strides to sing like an absolute mess.  Gods hope they decide to give in through this torture.
    Stats wrote:WC:  3667 / 2000
    HP:  100%
    MP:  100%
    Status:  Annoyed, Causing a ruckus

    Total Mobs, including this Post:
    Weak:  2
    Normal:  10
    Strong:  0
    Boss:  0

    Last edited by Anastasia Isayev on 23rd June 2015, 10:31 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 23rd June 2015, 10:28 pm

    The member 'Anastasia Isayev' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster
    Axos Katori
    Axos Katori

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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by Axos Katori 25th June 2015, 12:24 am

    The notes were ringing loud and clear. Neither he nor his "beloved" wanted to leave without the jewels. As Axos put his hands over his ears, he knew this distraction was all they needed. He looked around, hoping to find something of use. Yet every single jewelry on display was something else- perhaps another person's stolen items. Axos kept on looking, while Ana was singing.

    Axos revved up some magical power inside of him, hoping to release something interesting soon. As noticed before, Axos knew he had the advantage in this area- he could cut off 3/4ths of it instantly with his magic. It was the benefit of having a lot of area damage- he could create a scenario that would benefit him, especially in this tiny area. He didn't know when it would stop, but if it would ever stop, Axos would be ready to go as soon as possible.

    The boss and his minions were clutching their ears, trying to do something but couldn't do the insane sounds that were coming out of the Ana's mouth. This was the perfect opportunity for SOMETHING to occur.



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    Private Re: Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only)

    Post by NPC 25th June 2015, 12:24 am

    The member 'Axos Katori' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) NormalMonster Looking for the Missing/Stolen Jewelry (Chaotic Dance Party only) Boss

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