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    Akeyas B rank testing


    Quality Badge Level 1- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 821
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : Thorsfell, Gamara, Vishnu, Cytorakk, Botosai
    Experience : 1625

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Akeyas B rank testing Empty Akeyas B rank testing

    Post by Akryn 4th June 2015, 6:41 pm

    Akryn stood in a boat on the beach, making a quick inventory of his toys. He was without his glasses again, and his coat still hadn't been repaired from the lion incident. He had also started letting the hair on his chin grow a bit, coming in as just a bit of fuzz for now. His swords and glove were also intact. Akeya had recently acquired enough guild reputation to become a B rank, and Akryn had recently obtained B rank. As he was Akeyas team leader, and B rank now, he had stepped up and volunteered to test her. Krakens Wake was currently suspected to be linked to the guild Gorgons Head, likely as a small splinter group, or a feeder guild. They did not pose any real threat, to blue Pegasus, or anyone really. At least not yet. Akryn knew the details of this mission, but as far as Akeya knew, this was a simple smashup. "Allright dragon girl, lets get going. You don't get sea sick do you?"


    Prayne de crabug ahm keike rinedere be-yogt iglo kes gron!

    Akryns battle theme


    Dramatic moments


    "I came into this world, kicking, screaming, and covered in someone elses blood. I have little issue going out the same way."

    Twilight Dragon

    Twilight Dragon

    Dragon VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Hic Sunt Dracones
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1371
    Guild : Fairy Tail (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Whedalsin
    Experience : 1,093,688

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Second Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic
    Third Skill: Twilight Dragon Magic

    Akeyas B rank testing Empty Re: Akeyas B rank testing

    Post by Akeya 5th June 2015, 5:52 am

    It didn't take very long for the dragon girl in question to arrive, landing on the beach as she stared at Akryn standing in the boat. She already had a bad feeling about this. Yes, she did want to be recognized as a B-Rank, because that would make things a lot easier in the long run. No, she did not like the fact that apparently part of becoming a B-Rank required her to use a boat. In fact, she was going to try and avoid that part of the test entirely, if possible. She wasn't completely sure what exactly the test was, only that Akryn had volunteered to supervise so the higher ranked of Blue Pegasus could direct their precious time to something more important to the guild as a whole.

    Akeya looked pretty much as she always looked: loose pants, sleeveless shirt, wrappings around her arms, legs, hands and feet, and a mask and blindfold covering her face. Everything in the same dark blue. The only recent change were the dark blue scales that could be seen on her shoulders and upper arms, large but sparse in numbers so they acted more as adornments than actual coverings.

    Right behind the winged ninja was the shadow fox known as Korikami, who was technically Akeya's pet although he rarely showed himself as such. In fact, he rarely showed himself at all, only having showed up here because Akeya had told him to come. The vulpine shadow looked at Akryn with his glowing white eyes before looking away, until Akeya indicated that he was to step onto the boat, at which point Korikami with obvious reluctance did so, merging himself with the darkest part of the boat that he could find from which he stared at Akryn continuously and unblinking.

    Akeya herself, however, only stared at the boat, Akryn's comment earning him a glare which her blindfold never could block as she replied with an obviously annoyed tone of voice.

    "I'll use my wings. Unless you're planning to go particularly fast I should be able to follow you without issue."

    The fact that Akeya showed that much annoyance and dislike at all, when she normally was rather uniformly cold, would certainly make it clear to Akryn that she wasn't going to get in the boat no matter what. Instead she just glared at him while her wings spread out, preparing herself to get airborne as she waited for her team leader to get moving.


    Akeyas B rank testing Akeya2
    Between the Sun and the Moon, where it is neither Day nor Night, the Dragon of Twilight sleeps.


      Current date/time is 4th June 2024, 6:53 pm