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    Find the Missing Jewelry

    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 24th April 2015, 11:58 pm

    Job Info:
    Kite woke up in his room in a small cabin located near the Sabertooth’s guild hall. He sat up swinging in his bed and pulled his blankets off revealing that he was shirtless like he usually was when he was sleeping. .He was was also wearing a pair of compression shorts which were typically his sleep wear as well. Kite let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes as he tried to wake himself up completely. He rotated his neck to the sides and pushed his arms up into the air and started to stretch while he was still in bed. He looked around and realized that he was very much alone in the cabin like he usually was. He let out a sigh ” I wonder what I will be doing today” he said to himself and then looked out the window and noticed that there was hardly any sun out despite it being morning.

    He let out a sigh, finally accepting that he had to get out of bed despite it looking like it was going to be a blah sort of day. With him accepting this he  swung his legs out to the side of the bed and stood up out of his bed pushing his arms out to the side and stretching out his arms and his chest. He let out a small groan as he completed his stretch and then walked over to the window to look up at the sky. Kite could see that the sun was hidden behind a bunch of dark clouds that resembled storm clouds. ”Looks like it’s going to storm. That sucks I was hoping to take a job today but maybe I should just stay in today” He said to himself as he walked away from the window and headed to the kitchen.

    He immediately started to make himself some breakfast, he first went to the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs, his milk and other items he needed to make himself some food. Kite cracked four eggs and let loose the whites and the yolks into a bowl and with a fork he started to whisk the egg into a nice mixture of yolk and whites. Placing the bowl down Kite added some milk and started to mix it again and poured it into a hot pan on the stove and started to stir and mix the eggs around making scrambled eggs for his main course. ”Oh this will be good”  he said as he added some salt and pepper to the eggs and let them sit for a second as he pushed the bread into the toaster and pushed down the lever which started to toast his bread. It was at this time he could hear the sound of rain pitter patter against the windows. ”Yup, here comes the rain” He said and then went to attend his food again.

    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Infinity Crown
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    Age : 28
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 28th April 2015, 8:20 am

    "The sky sure is dark today," Raven commented from the safety of her office, looking out through the window at the darkening sky, getting ready to unleash its intense feelings with violent wind and rain. "It's gonna be really stormy, Raven. Are you sure you still want to go on that mission?" she heard Kuroe from the other side of the room, sitting comfortably on the new black couch that Raven had bought a couple of days ago. She frowned at the lazy bird and tsked. "Yes, I still plan on going to that mission. I just need someone to accompany me since I do not want to die of boredom," she replied and pushed herself away from the window she was leaning on to. Raven walked briskly towards her desk, grabbed the piece of paper she was staring at not too long ago and took the black coat she had draped over her seat before walking out the office, a startled Kuroe following her with complaints.

    There was only one person she could count on to accompany her in this stormy weather. And that person lived not too far from the guild in a small cabin just big enough for him. When she reached the door, she was already feeling the chilly wind biting into her flesh, almost ignoring her black coat. "Kite!" She called, knocking on his doors. "Kite! Open up! Let's get adventurous and go on a job!"


    Find the Missing Jewelry  QoRmBvD
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 28th April 2015, 7:20 pm

    He was now hovering over the stove once again as he used a wooden spoon to push around the scrambled eggs that he had made for his breakfast. He picked up the frying pan and shuffled it back and forth mixing the eggs a bit before walking over to the cabinet that contained his plates and bowls and pulled out a brown colored glass plate and set it on the countertop before he used his spoon and push the eggs out onto his plate. He took a second to think about what his meal was missing”Hmmm, something is missing” Kite said to himself and rubbed his chin trying to conjure what ingredient he was missing from his morning meal. That is when it had hit him, the one thing that would make this meal complete was melting some cheese on the top of his eggs. With this now the current objective Kite walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a bag of shredded mozzarella cheese and walked back over to his plate of food and sprinkled the cheese over the top of his eggs which slowly started to melt thanks to the heat from the cooked eggs. Kite walked his plate over to the dining table and set it down as he went to the counter top where the toaster was located and plucked his two pieces of toast out from the toaster. He grabbed the knife and the butter dish to his right and scooped some butter and spread it over the one side of a peice of toast and then he repeated the process with the second piece of toast.

    He carried his two pieces of toast over to his table and right as he was about to sit down he realized that while he was looking out at the weather and trying to make his breakfast he had forgotten to make himself some tea to go with his meal. ”Ha well now, today must be a really off day for me. First I can’t remember what to add to complete my sandwich and then I go and forget to make some tea. I suppose that is a sign that I should just stay home today… not on my game” Kite said as he chuckled and walked over to the kettle and filled it up with water. Kite thought about it for a second and realized that by the time his water would be hot enough to make him a cup of tea his meal would be cold. ””Kite looked over at his plate on the table and then back at the kettle in his hands and then gave a small grin. ”Can’t let my food get cold” he said as he placed his hand on the underside of the kettle and started to focus the heat of his body to raise specifically on the palm of his hand and in a matter of seconds the kettle started to whistle and he removed his hand from the kettle. He walked to the cabinet that had his tea cups and picked on out and placed a tea bag in the cup and then poured the hot water in and then the tea started to steap as he walked to his table and placed his cup of tea down.

    Kite gave a smile at his meal and was quite pleased with how it looked, however that is when the smell of his food made his stomach grumble and he gave it a small little pat. ”Well it looks as if it’s time to stop putting it off” he licked his lips and then rubbed his hands together”
    Time for food”[/color] Kite said as he sat down and picked up his fork and his toast and was about to dig in but right as he was ready to scoop up his eggs onto his toast he heard the sound of his door being knocked on. He leaned in his chair back to look at the door questioningly ” I wonder who that could be, it isn’t often I get visitors… actually scratch that I never do” however it was soon revealed who it was that was knocking on his door when he heard a familiar voice call his name asking to go on a job. Kite was surprised, enough so to almost make him fall backwards in his chair. ”It’s master Raven?!” he asked himself as he regained his balance, hearing the sound of the wind hit his cabin and her still outside speaking to him through the door talking about being adventurous and taking a job. With that he quickly got up out of his chair and walked over to open the door for her. Kite was so surprised as well as he was not use to not having visitors he didn’t realize that he was only wearing his compression shorts and carelessly opened the door revealing to him on the other side it was Master Raven wearing a black jacket. ” Well isn’t this quite a surprise, Master please come in” he said to her inviting her into his home. ”I was just about to sit down for some breakfast and tea, would you like anything?” he asked her as he waited for her to come in.


    Find the Missing Jewelry  Gvf4gD8

    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Infinity Crown
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    Posts : 1161
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Crown
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 4th May 2015, 8:08 am

    I am a black bird, a Raven, I am Raven. I know and I am knowing—I know and see life and death, expansion and contraction and I do not shiver and cry—I am unafraid. I am Raven. I am black as liquid night with wings and my eyes are stars to see by.The light within me leads the way and it is revealed through my eyes and I am what lies between the dark and light.I am the balance between.

    Raven heard the clattering of dishes even with the sound of roaring winds outside. 'What an unpleasant weather' Raven thought as she pushed her hair back and sighed. Kuroe wasn't very pleased with it either. Crows hated this sort of weather, after all. Raven, despite having human form, was no exception to this hatred towards stormy weather. She just knew how to control her feelings a lot more than most of her species.  

    When kite opened the door, Raven instantly greeted him with a smile and wave of her hands. She was sure he was quite surprised after seeing her there without a notice. She was hoping he would forgive her for visiting at a time like that too. So she decided she would just ignore his lack of clothing since she was the one who didn't let him know of her instantly made plans to visit his home. "Uhm...I saw nothing," Raven said, pointing to his naked chest as she turned to look the other way. Kuroe glared at Kite from the corner of his eyes and decided to place himself between Raven and the blue haired male. "Go get dressed, you fool!" He nearly snapped and Raven just laughed more.

    "Oh and drop the master tag. You can call me Raven too. Also, we don't have time to eat. Get ready and let's head out! I want to get to Hargeon before the storm picks up. Storms and port towns never really go well together," She informed, though felt bad for not letting him have his breakfast. But then again, Raven was quite hungry too. "I'll buy you something when we reach Hargeon!" She declared and decided to think of the best way to get to Hargeon town without flying. Their only option, thought Raven, was getting on the train to Hargeon before the storm actually began.

    321 ● Raven|Kite ●
    deltra of gangnam style


    Find the Missing Jewelry  QoRmBvD
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 6th May 2015, 4:33 am

    Kite opened the door to see Master Raven who greeted him simply with a smile and a wave of her hands. This was a surprise to say the very least after all he hadn’t really had much interaction with Raven yet except for when he first joined the guild and she had introduced herself to him, as well as she played that wonderful song on her flute and for lack of a better word the harmonious sound coming from her flute was quite enchanting. Kite offered for Raven to come in and out of the weather which was getting worse and worse by the minute. He watched as Master Raven and her pet bird entered his cabin to gain shelter from the weather. However before Kite could really say anything to her upon her entry she simply pointed at his chest and then looked away saying that she had seen nothing. Kite felt quite puzzled by her statement but then he looked down and realized what she was talking about. He was so caught off guard by her sudden visit that he had forgotten that he wasn’t wearing a shirt as well as skin tight shorts and he couldn’t help but feel a bit of non magical heat fill his cheeks. ”Uh...well “ Kite was a bit stunned but then his clumsyness of words vanished when the bird that Raven brought with her glared at him and spoke to him which was a surprise also. The bird told him to go get dressed and followed up by calling him a fool.

    Kite already had the notion of getting dressed in mind but when he heard it from the bird he felt it was much more of a priority however the little tid bit Kite didn’t like was the fact that the bird called him a fool. Kite returned the glare but then had it broken by Raven who instructed Kite to neglect calling her Master and he should address her by her name. Kite smiled at her, he was quite pleased about not having to be too formal with his guild master and that she personally told him not too. His smile was replaced with a bit more of a puzzled look when he heard her mention that there was no time for them to eat and told him to get dressed so they could head on out and make their way to Hargeon before the storm hit. Kite had to think about it for a second and that is when he remembered when Raven was knocking at the door she mentioned something about a job. ”oh that's right! You mentioned something about a job and it's in Hargeon? Well I can see why you would want to leave in earnest. Give me about a minute or two in the mean time make yourself at home and if you wanna help yourself to some home cooking you can have my eggs if you want." he said to her before leaving the main living room and entering his bedroom so he could get dressed.

    Kite hurried to his room and grabbed the clothes he had folded on his bed. He first stepped into his blue fatigues and pulled them up buttoning them and then fastening all of his belts. He then put on his socks and then his combat boots that he laced up. Next Kite put on his black sleeveless shirt and then his vest over top and then put on his goggles. He pulled up his gloves and side them on and wiggled and balled up his fingers testing the grip. When he was satisfied he walked out to see Raven. ”ready when you are." he said to her showing that his game face was on. ”what's the job?" he asked her.


    Find the Missing Jewelry  Gvf4gD8

    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Infinity Crown
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    Age : 28
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 12th May 2015, 5:58 am

    "Alright so this person's wife apparently misplaced her jewelry and now he wants mages to search for them. At first, I was going to throw this job request out because I don't understand why they would want mages to do this job for them. But later, I understood that maybe they were scared. Hargeon is quite a big city and not everyone in it is very kind. So it could be possible that the jewelry was stolen and some shady guy just sold it or something. Anyway, it had been a while since I went to Hargen so I thought it would be fun to visit while making some money along the way," she explained, walking out in front of Kite with her face hidden behind the job request. After reading it one last time, she passed the letter to Kite before looking up at the sky.

    "Hmm Kuroe, you should be able to handle this wind, right? It's not too bad," Raven turned to the still glaring black bird, hoping to be able to fly to Hargeon since she was pretty sure that trains and stuff wouldn't be running with the coming weather. "We should be fast enough to get to Hargeon in half an hour, Raven," came the reply of Kuroe, who finally got mature enough to stop glaring and focus on the job at hand.

    "That's what I thought. Kite, you can ride on Kuroe since I don't think you can fly," she turned to Kite briefly to instruct him before letting out her own pair of ink black wings. The dark pair stretched out and under the pale light seeping through the dark clouds, Raven's silhouette really took the form of a dark angel. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"


    Find the Missing Jewelry  QoRmBvD
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 13th May 2015, 8:18 am

    After Kite informed Raven that he was ready for the job he noticed that she was indeed ready also so he started to follow her outside. Kite looked at the sky above them and took note on how much darker the clouds had gotten and knew that this would be one killer storm that was coming their way. ”Sure picked a good day to take a job” he said to himself, and while it wasn’t raining yet he felt some drops of rain hit his face like the sky was spitting at him. Kite broke his concentration from the sky and then looked over at Raven as she began to speak to him about the job. He listened as Raven explained that the job request by some man who’s wife had apparently lost some jewellery while they were in Hargeon. Kite heard this small little detail and couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed by it, and it wasn’t that Raven picked the job but the fact that something so minor as locating lost jewellery would be left for mages instead of them getting off their butts and going to find the missing jewellery themselves. ” that seems to be a little bit of a misuse of our skills” Kite thought to himself not arguing the task at hand but simply was thinking about his own opinion on the topic. After voicing his opinion he listened to the rest of what Raven had to say about the job and how she had thought about throwing it out but decided against it considering how large Hargeon is and also didn’t ignore the possibility that the jewellery could have been stolen in town by some thugs and then later sold. Kite took that second to refer back a month or so ago when he was in Hargeon and had a bit of a conflict...hell a pretty major conflict with some residents of the town. Kite began to feel a bit of restlessness flow through his veins. While listening to her Kite’s eyes shifted to Kuroe, Raven’s pet that for one reason or another didn’t stop glaring at him. Kite ignored this for now and brought his eyes back onto Raven as she explained that aside from the job she hadn’t been in Hargeon is quite sometime and she thought it would be fun to do as well as make this little bit of cash as a bonus.

    Now that she had finished speaking and handed Kite the flyer with the job description on it he had a chance to read it himself and he was surprised just how little information there was. ”My beloved wifes jewelry was misplaced during a vacation to Hargeon town. Please find it for me.” he read to himself. He already wasn’t a fan of playing lost and found for a piece of jewellery and was even less of a fan for the little amount of information that was given. He looked over at Raven and noticed she was just looking up at the sky and decided now was the time to voice some of his opinions. ”Well I can’t lie I am not too big of a fan of these sort of tasks.” He said bluntly about it. Kite looked back at the paper in his hand ” another thing that concerns me is the lack of information in the job description. It simply says they lost their jewellery in Hargeon and as you mentioned Hargeon is a large place.” He added before offering Raven back the piece of paper. ”But it sounds like these people really are in a tight spot so that’s a thing but since you did me the honor of asking me to tag along I am looking forward to it” he said to Raven finishing his thoughts.

    After Kite finished speaking to Raven she turned her attention to her bird Kuroe, Kite looked as she spoke to him about if he could
    fly in the increasing wind, Kite noticed that he still had this rather nasty glare fixed on him. for reasons he didn't know ” Huh wonder what that bird is glaring for...better not be up to something" he thought right before Kuroe broke the glare to answer Raven telling her that it should take a half an hour or so to arrive at Hargeon. Raven had figured the answer and then turned her attention to Kite telling him that her intention was for Kite to fly on Kuroe's back. With some instruction on how Kite knew there was no point in arguing this, the storm was in its way and they were short on time. Raven then released a pair of jet black wings, looked like one a fallen angel would have but that isn't how she looked with her wings, she looked rather elegant with them. Kite sorta stood there amazed by her wings right before she asked him what he is waiting for. Kite shook his head ”Oh yeah right, sorry he said but then smirked ”alright" he said as he hopped on Kuroe's back showing he is ready. ”he better not drop me or I'll burn him in the way down" he thought right before they took off.


    Find the Missing Jewelry  Gvf4gD8

    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Infinity Crown
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    Age : 28
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    Character Sheet
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 18th May 2015, 2:54 am

    Raven listened with a nod every now and then as she heard Kite tell her how much he didn't like the job since it looked as if people saw mages as something so simple that they are even asking them to do small favors for them. While Raven agreed on most part of his argument and shared his sentiments. something still told her that the mission wouldn't be as easy as it looks. There had to be some kind of glitch if the owners were actually asking for mages to do something so small. While she definitely thought, with the description in the job, that the people requesting were not fond of mages, Raven also felt that they had only taken the help of mages because there was something they couldn't deal with. Now however that was, Raven thought it would have been better if the guy actually gave them more clues than "Missing jewelry is in Hargeon".

    Shaking her head at the thought, Raven finally turned her attention to Kuroe who was silently yet angrily letting Kite on to his back. The look on Kuroe's face did make her want to raise an eyebrow at him but it seemed that the bird, now in human form, caught on to Raven's puzzled look and reassured her with a small smile. If Raven had not known better, she would say Kuroe had some extreme cases of mood swings. Honestly, ever since he came back, not even Raven figured him out completely. Yet, he was her best friend and companion. She valued him as much as she valued her guild and the people in it. He was family. The type she just couldn't let go no matter how annoying he is.  

    So as he took off with Kite on his back, Raven took off too. She instructed Kuroe to fly as fast as they could after inspecting the way the clouds rumbled and roared, just waiting to unleash its fury down into the world. "This will be one crazy day," she found that the words escaped her even before she could stop them. Not that she cared but it was supposed to be a tiny voice in her head reminding herself to finish this job as fast as they could.  

    "Hmm so Kite, once we reach Hargeon, we will try to ask around the place this guy and his wife stayed and look around the places they visited. I called the guy who requested this job to find out more details and got the complete list," she said as her hands dug into the satchel she was wearing before pulling out a small map with some places neatly marked with red marker pen. "We will visit those places one by one. Remember, we should always try and see if there are any particular group of people famous with jewels and their "business". I believe we will find our answers soon if we looked around that way," she said and looked down when she noticed that they were almost at Hargeon and just in time too. The rain was only beginning.

    Kuroe, who have had Kite on his back for all this time grumbled happily as he saw the port town he knew as Hargeon. Despite the numerous temptations he had to drop his charge, Kuroe was proud that he kept a strong grip on his self control and didn't do so. Not like he would ever kill a mage of Raven's guild. Oh no. Never!However, he didn't forget to tell Kite that he was lucky for being a Sabertooth member as they descended to Hargeon.

    The first place Raven had in her mind to search was the hotel her clients stayed in. As soon as they landed, Raven found herself dragging a certain fire demon slayer behind her towards the extremely luxurious hotel called "Blue Stone" right around the center of Hargeon. "Come on. I don't know if those guys would ever let us in to investigate....they could make a big deal out of it. I suppose we can try asking first and then proceed with some other plan."


    Find the Missing Jewelry  QoRmBvD
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 18th May 2015, 10:25 pm

    After stating his opinion on the idea of them, two guild wizards of Sabertooth being reduced to a game of lost and found he took notice of Raven's face and the expression she was making. He could tell she was thinking over his words but that was about all he could tell, the exact thoughts she was thinking was unknown to him but he hoped she didn't think poorly of his opinion or him. However he took notice of the look that Raven fixed Kuroe with, he didn’t know what to make of it and since he couldn’t see Kuroe’s face to read the expression but he already had a notion that Kuroe wasn’t a fan of Kite and the reason well that was unknown to him but seeing as Kite was about to be high in the sky on the back of this dude he didn’t feel like asking about it. With Kite fully situated on the back of Kuroe Raven spoke to the humanoid bird and instructed him to not hold back and fly as fast as he can. Kite could only conclude that this order was given due to the growing of aggression of the storm clouds over head and how they rumbled at one another. The more time passes the more it looks like the storm is going to be a doozy and will get worse at a port town like Hargeon.

    Kite felt a sudden dip in his center of gravity as he felt Kuroe prepared to launch himself into the air with Kite on his back. Kite then felt the force of the air hit his face as Kuroe accelerated towards the sky, Kite looked back to see the ground grow further and further away from him much like a distant memory and there was Raven trailing right behind them after take off but it didn’t take long for her to catch up to Kuroe and match his speed. Kite looked forward again to see the clouds out in the distance pass by and over them all the while the wind blowing in his face and causing his already messy hair to flap about ”Wow, Never had a chance to fly like this before but today is a good day to be thankful for these goggles” he thought to himself right before he looked over at Raven who had just said out loud that today would be a crazy one. Kite wanted to answer her but he wasn’t sure exactly how crazy this would be [i]”I wonder what she means by that, The weather might get crazy but I don’t see how a retrieval job could be considered Crazy… unless there is she suspects there is more to this job than what was told. Might be best to keep an open mind from here on out”]/i] he thought to himself, for the moment he felt that it would be best to keep such speculations to himself after all who was he to question her.

    In mid flight on the way to Hargeon Kite had kept quiet taking in the view as well as keeping half of his concentration on Kuroe, the last thing he wanted was to lose focus and find himself free falling for one reason or another, but that is when Raven broke the silence by laying out specs of the job. She told him that they would first check out the place where the couple had stayed during their vacation and then investigate the locations that they visited to find clues or even the actual missing item. Kite was going to ask if she had any idea where they had went but before he could utter a single word about it she mentions that she had already compiled a list from the client detailing all of their stops on their vacation as well as a map with each location marked down on it. Kite was really impressed with how well prepared she was. ”I am glad to see that at least one of us was prepared for today” he said with a smile joking about how this job wasn’t on his radar for the day. What she added after revealing the map made Kite’s suspicions about this being possibly more than a seek and recover mission, she stated that they should keep an eye out for businesses that deal and specialize in jewels for their businesses. Kite found that he couldn’t stop himself at this point ”Say Raven, I have been getting the feeling that this job might be more than a lost and found sort of thing. What do you think is the chance that this job will get violent” he asked her trying to keep it to the point.

    It wasn’t long after he asked the question that Hargeon came into view, and it was certainly a sight to see from above. They were soon coming into Hargeon’s air space when they started to descend down into the town which made Kite hold on to Kuroe a little tighter right as he spoke up to Kite telling him how lucky he was to be a member of Sabertooth. Kite heard this and let out a sigh, mainly because Kuroe wasn’t wrong, Kite was quite lucky to be in a guild such as Sabertooth. However that being the truth of the matter Kite was lucky for a lot more than just being in a guild seeing as if he hadn’t discovered magic he possibly could have his hands stained with the blood of many innocent wizards. Being in Sabertooth gave him a chance to give back to the community that his family tried to destroy but he simply and kindly said ”Yeah I know” he said upon landing. They landed near the center of town, which seemed to be a bit of a nicer part of the town. Kite released his grip from and let his feet hit the ground. Kite grinned at Kuroe ”Thanks for the lift” he kept his smirk and started to look around but before Kite could really take in the surroundings he finally noticed that it had started to rain. The ferocity of the storm was still in the distance but it seemed that the rain was something that couldn’t be avoided no matter where they went. ”It would be so convenient if i could just burn the rain away” he said to himself not sure if anyone could hear. Kite felt something loop around his arm which made him look to see what was happening. Raven hooked her arm with his and started to pull him along to wherever it was she wanted to search first. Along the way she told him to come on and stated she didn’t know if those guys would let them investigate and possibly make a big deal of the situation. With that being a possibility they could ask and then go with a plan b if need be. ”Not too many places that were on your map that could match the sort of problem we would be facing. If i remember reading your map right that Blue Stone hotel is in this general direction, I am  sure where we are going, perhaps if this place has some sort of security system they might have video lacrima, possibly give us some leads, even if they are small ones.” He suggested even though he didn’t know too much about the hotel to know if that was a possible tool they could use to make the job go smoother. Kite gave a small snicker, thinking that if she had been anyone else he would have had a wise crack sort of joke already mentioned. Possibly along the lines of “ better buy me dinner first” but since this was Raven he held back his joke due to his respect for her.

    Holy Darkness

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 20th May 2015, 9:25 am

    Raven nodded at the possibility Kite put forward. If she had known about what he was thinking about in his head, Raven probably would have gave him a hard punch on the back of his head. But since she didn't, he was safe. For now. Raven was more interested in the task at hand though. "I'm pretty sure this has more to it behind the scenes, Kite. I mean...come on...why wolud ANYONE ask mages with destructive powers to search for missing jewelry? There got to be something more. Some background organizations or bad people. I talked to this guy who gave us this job. He wasn't very fond of mages at all. But since that same guy asked for mages to help him, there must be something more to it. He just didn't voice it out no matter how much I asked him," she sighed before turning the last corner to hotel Blue Stone. It was quite a luxurious hotel. There was no question that most of the rich pigs of Fiore used the hotel. Not just for the good things.

    Pushing her lips together into a thin line, Raven didn't bother with much details as she marched into the place. "I need to see the security footage," she told the bewildered hotel manager as he stared at her like she grew two heads. "Excuse me? Who are you?" He asked the woman who was demanding things that can't be disclosed. "For the love of...I'm Sabertooth's Guild Master and we need to see the security footage. A client of ours stayed here while he was on vacation with his wife and her jewelry were stolen," she glared when she found the guy gulping. "You know something about it?" She pushed and he shook his head. "No, Madam, I don't know anything," was all he said before he hurried away. "Got some plans, Kite?"


    Find the Missing Jewelry  QoRmBvD
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 22nd May 2015, 9:09 am

    Kite saw the nod that Raven gave him upon him making the point regarding that it seems there is a lot more to this job that was meeting the eye. He then listened to what she had to say about her own suspicions on the matter rhetorically asking him why would anyone ask a guild full of mages with destructive power at their finger tips to merely look for missing jewelry. Kite heard this and couldn’t agree more with this point but waited until Raven was finished explaining her thoughts. He listened more as she explained that she believed that there was a third party involved with the whole ordeal whether it be randomly bad people or even possibly an organization of some sort. He also pickup on the parts where she mentioned that the client wasn’t a fan of mages at all and also found it quite odd that would hire them to locate the jewelry but according to her the more she had pressed him to tell more about what was going on but had refused to share the information with her. He had been following her, not that he had much choice seeing as she had him by the arm as she walked and turned the corner where the Blue Stone Hotel was this when he decided to voice his opinion before they entered the hotel. ”So this guy, he doesn’t like mages huh, the idea of us doing this makes me wonder about the whole thing, but the fact that he would hire mages to do this task over using his money to hire some hired guns… makes me quite weary about this job” He said to her.

    He marched right with her, walking with her into the main lobby of the hotel, and to the front desk where the manager was standing there as he watched her approach the desk. She told the man that she needed to see the security footage. The man gave her a look which made Kite immediately sigh, knowing full well that he was going to give them both a hard time about it and asked who she was. She answered him quickly and matter of factly telling the man that she was the guild master of Sabertooth and that they were hired by a client who stayed here vacation and his wife’s jewelry went missing while they were while he was staying at this hotel. The man did an obvious nervous gulp before he told her that he didn’t know anything and quickly scurried away like a rat that had been cornered by a cat… or in this case a bird. He watched as he pretty much ran down a long hallway, where it went he didn’t know ”Hmm I wonder if he is planning on getting the footage for us” he said out loud.

    That is when Raven asked Kite if he had any plans, Kite placed his hand on his chin and let out a hum sound before answering. ” Not really a plan, but the manager seemed to be a bit shaken up by the fact you we’re here to find the stolen jewelry” He put his hand back down and in his pocket [color=#191970]” Either way, we need to take a look at the footage from when they were staying here, so if you want I can either find where they archive the footage or I can follow Speedy Gonzales to see where he was going in such a hurry. Kite thought it over and decided quickly, ”Raven I think I am going to follow that guy, I don’t know what it is but something seems fishy about him, and if one of our theories is right, and there is an organization involved it’s possible that he might be involved” he concluded his thoughts and turned to head down the hall way where the Manager ran down but stopped ”What about you?” he asked her curious to how she planned on handling the situation.


    Find the Missing Jewelry  Gvf4gD8

    Holy Darkness

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 25th May 2015, 5:33 am

    Raven grinned at Kite at the question. “I know exactly what I’ll be doing,” she told him and looked around to see if anyone was looking their way. “Alright, Kite. You can go ahead and trail that guy. I’ll be sneaking up to the room that our client stayed while he was here,” she told him but once again looked around her. “Psst! Listen. Take one of my crows with you,” she summoned a crow on her right hand and gave it to Kite. “That crow will let me know where you are how you are,” she told him one last time, gave him a pat on the shoulder and moved towards the stairs of the hotel.

    She vaguely remembered the number of the room they stayed in. Raven simply chanted it in her head as she passed by each door engraved with numbers. She finally found the room 101 once she turned a corner. She tried opening it only to notice that it was locked. “Ugh I would love to go down and sneak around to get the key again but since that will waste a lot of time, forgive me, Mr. Lock,” she joked, turning the lock with her inhuman strength, breaking it completely in the process. “There. That wasn’t so bad,” she chimed more to herself before pushing it open.

    The room was quite neat and luxurious. Cream colored walls with flora lights and different paintings. It was, admirably, the type of place Raven likes to stay in. She scanned the room with her bird’s eye, trying to find anything improper in the room from a raised vision. Then she began searching the room bit by bit, throwing off the drawers and even the bed covers and sheets. She found nothing after a while and was just sitting there staring at the almost destroyed room in scorn when she thought of something. “Maybe this isn’t the place she should be searching in”.


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    Post by NPC 25th May 2015, 5:33 am

    The member 'Raven Kurosaki' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Kite Wilhelm
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 27th May 2015, 10:56 am

    Kite’s question about what Raven would be doing when he left to go follow the hotel manager was answered but not before Raven grinned as her initial response and then said to him that she knew exactly what she would be doing. Kite looked at her with a puzzled look on his face and was already curious as well as slightly concerned about what she had in mind. ” I am not sure if I should be concerned about that response or not.” he said to her as she looked around to see if anyone was watching them. He was going to suggest a second idea but she turned to him and approved his plan telling him to tail the manager and in the mean time she told him that she would sneak up to the room where the client was staying and search the room. Kite gave a grin when he heard what her plan was and rubbed his hands together [color=#191970]”Now it makes sense why you were smiling so deviously.. Leave it to me Raven, if he is up to no good I’ll take care of it”[‘/color]. He was about to head out to do his part of the job but was stopped when he felt Raven’s hand on his shoulder which made him stop instantly and she told him to take one of her crows with him and summoned a crow and explained to him that the crow would allow her to know where and how he was. Kite nodded and had the crow land on his left shoulder and gave it a quick rub on it’s neck looking at Raven ”good luck Raven” he said to her before he took one quick look around to make sure the coast was clear and made his way to the hall’s doorway. He peered around the corner to see the long hallway and then made his way down it casually at first the last thing he needed was to draw any sort of unwanted attention to himself. He knew that despite being in a luxury hotel like environment he was aware of the sort of dirty dealings that were done here behind the scenes.

    While walking down the hallway he noticed that where he was there were no room numbers but instead there were doors with words on them such as maintenance closet, electrical room and etc. It was safe to say no for sure Kite was in an area that wasn’t suppose to be seen by residents of the hotel, and this wasn’t a bad thing especially seeing as the fact that if he were to continue to venture down the hallway there was a pretty good chance that the manager’s office would be located near by. The long stretch of hallway was nearly ending or so it seemed at first but in fact there was a turn which continued around the corner. ”hmm maybe this section of hall will lead me right to the manager’s office… I need to…” he said but stopped it seemed that luck would be on his side and he wouldn’t need to find the office after all. He heard the sound of someone talking right around the corner which made him curious to who it could be since it was the first legitimate sign of life since he came down the hallway and so he leaned and peered around the corner to see who it was and his eyes lit up and a grin appeared on his face for who it was just so happened to be the man he was suppose to be following. However the man had a communication Lacrima next to his ear and was speaking to someone and Kite concentrated on what the manager was saying. “ Listen I know you need more money for the deal to be solid. But there are two people here one is a wizard’s guild master and they are snooping around here for something….I know you aren’t interested in dealing with Mage’s so just stay put until I contact you again!” the manager immediately hung up the lacrima. Kite let out a small hum sound and stroked the point of his chin ”Hmmm I wonder what that was about…. whatever it is Raven has him shaking in his boots” Kite watched as the man turned and he quickly pulled back not wanting to be seen, the last thing he wanted to do was to scare the man and have to chase him down. He heard the sound of a door open and then close which meant Kite could peer over again which he did seeing that the manager was gone and so he stepped around the corner and put his hands in his pocket. ” at least he is in one spot and I won’t have to look too hard”

    Kite leaned his head towards the crow that was sitting on his shoulder ”I don’t know if you can understand what I am saying or not but if you can go get Raven lead her here, I think this guy might have something to say and she might want to hear it” he said not sure how or if the crow can do such a thing ”go get Raven” as he took the bird off his shoulder and placed it on the ground. With the bird hopefully getting Raven Kite opened the door and to the manager’s office and walked in. The manager looked up at the man “ can I…” the manager stopped realizing that Kite was the other mage who was with Raven “what do you want?” he said trying to act tough which made Kite smirk ”oh me? I am here due to a complaint… you see my master spoke with a man earlier who said he knew nothing but I just so happened to over hear him warning someone to stay away until we were gone do you think you can help?”. The man went to run past Kite “ I am getting security!” The manager said upon his approach however Kite let his right hand light up in his white flames which made the manager stop ”I think it might be a good idea to have sit tight until Raven swings by for a visit… oh and keep your hands on the desk, you try anything funny I will reduce you to cinders… and if you think I am not serious and you try to play me…. well you know what they say about playing with fire right?” Kite said which made the man gulp and take his seat with his hands folded on his desk.


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    Post by NPC 27th May 2015, 10:56 am

    The member 'Kite Wilhelm' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Holy Darkness

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 29th May 2015, 6:33 am

    Raven wasn’t expecting the bird to get back so early. In fact, she was ready to get out and find them herself when the black bird she left with Kite came looking for her. At that time, she was still sitting cross legged on the disheveled mattress looking at an even messier room with a small pout on her lips. Her friend cawed at her ears, telling her what it learned from Kite till it disappeared into a bunch of black feathers.

    “Interesting,” Rave got up, quickly walking out the doors without even bothering to lock the door. Surprisingly enough, she walked rather slowly to her destination. She was thinking. Thinking of the possible ways the hotel management could possibly be involved in the whole thing.

    She arrived just in time to hear Kite talking to the manager about her. She gave him a pat on his back, silently telling him she is already there. “Alright, so you are the manager?” she decided to take over, bringing herself to the front to confront the already sweating man. ‘First sign of weakness’ she thought with her lips pressed into a thin line. How unimpressive, he wasn’t even a challenge now unless he insisted on keeping his mouth shut.

    “So how are you involved with the stolen jewelry case?” she decided to get straight to the point, not wanting to drag it on for too long. His answer was silence followed by a lousy I don’t know. Of course, Raven smiled at the answer and walked around him, stopping behind his rotating chair. “Are you sure you want to lie? If you give us the truth now, we will let you go and go after the people we really want. If you insist on protecting them, however, my friend here,” she paused to point a long finger at Kite. “He really will turn you into cinders and I’m a guild master. I can justify his actions as well as mine. In every possible way I see this situation; it will be your loss. So what do you say?” she pressed forward, watching the man honestly consider her options for him.

    “Alright...there is this street urchin. You have to find him. That’s all I can say,” the middle aged man dropped a shaking hand into the pocket of his pants before pulling out a small piece of paper. “Here’s the address...you’ll find him somewhere near. Please leave me alone!”

    "You heard the man, Kite!"


    Find the Missing Jewelry  QoRmBvD
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 29th May 2015, 10:21 pm

    While he was glad that the hotel's manager was being cooperative with him, he couldn't deny that he wishes for the man to give him a reason to follow up on his promise. Also in the back of his mind he hoped that the bird went to get Raven so the upcoming interrogation could get under way and as luck would have it Kite felt a hand on his shoulder. Kitw turned his head to Raven who just signaled that she was here and gave her a smile for he was glad to see how quickly she had arrived ” I'm glad to see the bird understood me. You made it in time for the fun part" Kite said grinning as he walked up next to Raven after she stated that he was the manager. He wanted to enjoy the show but gave her enough space so she could work her magic to drill the manager's answers right out of him.

    She got straight to the point and asked him how he was involved with the stolen jewelry but of course the manager seemed adamant on denying his involvement with the whole ordeal and claimed that he didn't know anything. Kite let out a chuckle and planted his butt on the edge of the man's desk and crosses his arms as he waited to hear what Raven had to say to the man. She told the manager that if he were to be honest and tell them what they wanted to know he would be free to go which Kite nodded in agreement with Raven. However listened carefully to the next part to where she gave the ultimatum of if he were to continue to protect whomever it was he was covering for. She confirmed that Kite's earlier threat of reducing him to cinders was something he would do, and Raven added her own juicy threat by dropping her status as a Guild Master and she can rightfully justify Kite's actions as well as her own and asked what he was gonna do now that she pretty much squashed the chance of the scales tipping in the manager's favor and then asked him what he what his choice was. With a grin Kite lifted his right arm up and snapped his fingers which produced a small white bulb of flame ”and just so you know, I would take my sweet time reducing to cinders" he said to the man before letting the flame fade away and placed his hand on the desk behind him.

    Kite could see the sweat dripping from the manager's forehead and could tell he was feeling the "heat" so to speak. It didn't take long for him to crack and spoke up revealing that there was a man, a street urchin that they needed to find and that was all he had to say. Kite was underwhelmed by the lack of information there, so much so he almost didn't notice the man's hand reach into his pocket to get something and pulled out a piece of paper which he was seemingly reaching out to hand to Raven. Kite reached over and grabbed the man's wrist right as he explained that it was the address for the urchin. Kite opened his free hand which signaled for the man to drop it, which he did and Kite didn't waste anytime unfolding the paper and reading it. ”29th West Surf street is the address, old man how do we get there from here?" Kite asked the manager who answered seemingly quick. It was apparent he wanted to get out of this situation as fast they did. " if you exit the hotel and go left and take that all the way down until the 4th intersection and then turn right. That would be surf street" he said Kite walked over to him and smiled ”cool thanks but just in case" he said and paused as he reached for the man's jacket and gripped it which caused the manager to close his eyes and whimper. Kite reached inside his lapel and reached inside the pocket to take out the communication lacrima he used earlier. ”let's make sure he doesn't know we are coming" he tucked it in his pocket and turned to Raven with a smile and exited the office and headed towards the hotels exit looking to follow the man's directions he faced right and then back towards Raven [color=#191970]”think we can use the lacrima to trace where this urchin is hiding or should I smash it?" He asked her wondering if this could be more accurate than the manager's "somewhere near there" answer.

    Holy Darkness

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 2nd June 2015, 9:35 am

    “Smash it! That lacrima isn’t useful enough to trace anyone,” Raven answered, walking out the way they came from after patting the manager on his right shoulder. It was her silent way of telling that he better behave from then onwards. She wasn’t very enthusiastic about paying a visit to the same place for some other reason later. “Oh and if we discover that you were lying to us…well, I hope you keep Kite’s face in your dreams or nightmares,” she said in a sickeningly sweet voice before turning away and walking away again. Take left and turn right at the fourth intersection, huh? She replayed the manager’s instruction in her head with a nod of her head. She remembered that place. She had actually been there and was told by a nice old man that was passing by that it was not the place for a refined young lady to be at. Of course, that was his nice way of telling her that it was where the not so good side of the people stayed at.

    “I know the place. Somehow, I’m not surprised about it. I have heard about it before though I have not been adventurous enough to venture further into it,” she spoke casually as she walked, exiting the hotel to find Kuroe standing right where they left him with a scowl on his features. “Sorry Kuroe, it took a lot longer than we expected. In our defense, we ran into a few stubborn people that just refused to co-operate till we drove them into a corner,” she shrugged earning a smirk from her dear black bird. “Fun times, huh?” he joked, knowing all too well about how Raven’s head ticked. “You know it!” she winked at him before telling him to go back to his bird form. “We won’t have to fly in this weather anymore. The place this manager pointed towards isn’t too far from here,” she informed Kite and Kuroe and then started skipping down the street with a merry song dancing on her lips. The sky just darkened and roared loudly, as if forming a contrast to Raven’s merry mood.


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    Post by NPC 2nd June 2015, 9:35 am

    The member 'Raven Kurosaki' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Kite Wilhelm
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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 9th June 2015, 9:17 am

    KIte held the lacrima in an outstretched arm after asking if they could use it to get a trace on the person on other end of the lacrima. Unfortunately his idea wouldn’t serve much purpose in terms of tracing confirmed by Raven’s knowledge followed shortly by her order to smash it. Kite retracted his hand back and looked down at the Lacrima in his hand with a dissatisfied look on his face. ”Well that is underwhelming " Kite said underwhelmed by the fact presented to him. He watched as Raven walked back from behind the manager patting him on the shoulder before making her way to the doorway of his office and gave him a slight warning or rather a bit more like an order telling him to telling him if this had been a lie in any way that he should keep Kite’s face in his nightmares. Hearing this Kite turned his head to face the Manager who locked his eyes on Kite. Raven had exited the office and Kite stayed behind for a second. ”For the sake of knowing " Kite let the his flames engulf his closed hand, the hand that had the lacrima in it and poured on the heat in his hand causing the Lacrima to burn, melt and parts to get crispy before he let his hand open allowing gravity take the incinerated remains of the lacrima hit the ground. Kite looked down and then back up with a smirk ”If I have to come back here, I will repeat the show, but on your hotel " Kite said and grinned when he saw the white flames reflect in the eyes of the manager. It was clear he understood and nodded. Kite let his face grow more stern and then he exited the office and caught up to Raven quickly as she walked down the long hallway eventually speaking to Kite informing him that she knew of the place the manager spoke about and she wasn’t surprised, also she had not been adventurous to go in herself. Kite heard this and smirked and let out a small chuckle as he heard the thunder from the approaching storm ”You certainly know how to pick your moments to be adventurous."

    As soon as they exited the hotel with Raven’s companion Kuroe waiting outside with a scowl on his face. At first he was expecting the look to be aimed at himself but Raven quickly apologized to Kuroe explaining that the reason they took so long was because of the uncooperative manager which eventually cracked under the heat being put on by Raven and Kite. It clicked that Kuroe’s scowl wasn’t aimed at anything except the amount of time he had to wait but soon his scowl was replaced with a smile asking if it was fun times. Raven replied to him however Kite remained silent and just waited until the two were done conversing. Soon after their conversation Kite heard Raven tell Kuroe that he could go back to his bird form since they wouldn’t need to fly. She turned and began to skip down skip away humming a nice tune. Kite looked back at Kuroe ”You might find this entertaining, I am pretty sure the manager wet himself when Raven cornered him "he smirked and began to follow her. As he watched her skip he couldn’t help but smile. Hearing her hum such a merry tune brought him back to his first day in the guild hall. He had arrived in time to hear her play a flute and played it beautifully with a smile he returned his focus back to the walk ahead of them luckily it was only a few blocks worth of walking before they reached the fourth intersection. It was then a quick right turn and a straight shot down the street looking down the long stretch of street ”Well, hopefully the needle in the haystack is in more of a pile of hay " he jested before making his way down the street.

    While he walked down the street he kept an eye out for anyone who might be someone they would be looking for. However the streets were rather empty with only a handful of people most people were most likely in their homes and shops bunkered down for the incoming storm however, all of the people that were out were staring down Kite with looks that could kill. Kite ignored these looks mainly because he could and would incinerate the lot of them if need be. However the looks these men were giving Raven were not vicious as the ones Kite was receiving. These looks were more like a pack of wolves staring down a piece of meat making it clear that they hadn’t seen a lady of Raven’s class before or her elegance. One whistled at Raven and shouted out to her “ Hey Angel want to have some fun. Kite looked out the corner of his eye to see who it was and shook his head, he wanted to floor the thug but he figured that if anything happened Raven would either handle it or have Kite or Kuroe handle it on her behest. If it wasn’t already an obvious fact, it was safe to say that they were in a not so nice place of town. Kite kept looking around until they were reaching the end of the first block which he noticed there was a man leaning against a building holding onto something. As he got closer Kite was able to tell that the item in his hand was an identical to the Lacrima that he burned back in the office, and the man continued to look down at the Lacrima as if he was waiting for a phone call. Kite gave Raven a small tap on her shoulder and then nodded his head towards the man of interest. Kite kept his eye on the man and in that instant he came up with a pretty good idea ”Did you hear about manager at the Blue Stone? he had a run in with a few mages". The man with the lacrima looked up quickly at them both which signaled that he had interest in it. ”I think we found him " he said to her. Kite came to this conclusion based on the fact that the man’s expression was surprised and also held a bit of panic. Kite called out to him ”Oh don’t worry nothing happened to him, and now that we know that he wasn’t lying about your location nothing will, but we need to ask you some questions ". The man shrugged “ Don’t know nothing” Kite furrowed his brow ”Really? but you don’t know the question ". The man shrugged and shook his head. Kite crossed his arms gettin angry with the man. ”I’ll cremate you and no one would miss you " he thought to himself. Kite looked at Raven. ”wanna try your hand at it before this gets violent "


    Find the Missing Jewelry  Gvf4gD8

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 13th June 2015, 8:02 am

    Raven stopped when she heard the whistling and ridiculing remarks. ‘What a bunch of dogs’ Raven thought as she stared at some of the laughing men to the side. The street was full of them. All of them were people that would pass off as delinquents or ruffians. In fact, they all had a sort of signature look to them. Most of them either had their head completely shaved or had a long scar on their faces of arms. Coupled with a menacing and flirtatious look, the fact that Raven didn’t lose her cool was an amazing feat. Her nose scrunched up when the repulsive smell of drugs and smoke hit her sensitive little organ. “Unbelievable, are they seriously stray dogs or something?” She felt her tongue click in annoyance at the greedy eyes that followed her. She just hoped from the bottom of her heart that no girl or woman actually stepped into this street without knowing it.

    “Hey Angel, want to have some fun?”

    And that was the last straw. Putting on the countenance of a confident woman, she turned on her heels to face the group huddled together in a corner. “Why don’t you come and get this?” she gestured to herself with a finger. “I’ll take you straight to hell,” at the last word, her whole appearance changed. Her eyes flared with a dangerous red and for a second, almost changed to her demon’s. They must have noticed because all of them visibly gulped and averted their eyes just like how dogs submit to someone far superior to them. “That should teach them”.

    The next time she stopped was when she felt Kite tap her shoulder. “What is it?” She turned to find Kite’s eyes far off at somewhere else. Following his line of sight, Raven noticed it too; A street urchin with a lacrima. At the mention of Blue Stone, he looked up and Raven confirmed it too. He was the one they were looking for, definitely. “Actually Kite, can you deal with this guy yourself? I’m tired of having to threaten blockheads all day,” she coughed and crossed her arms. “Please?”


    Find the Missing Jewelry  QoRmBvD
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 8th July 2015, 7:45 am

    Walking through the run down and filthy streets was not a very pleasant one for him and apparently Raven had felt the same thing. While walking and being the target of both threatening looks while Raven was getting flirtatious glances. Kite heard her ask if they were like stray dogs or something. Kite turned his glance from her to the men that watched as they walked and really noticed how they looked at her and it wasn't a look of admiration. No the look they had in all their eyes was that of an animal who has found a scrap of meat. Right after he heard her click her tongue he knew it was his time to answer. ”strays maybe, mongrels all the same and I hope one makes my day“ he said as he cracked the one side of his neck and walked with Raven. Shortly after that one of the many men actually attempted to flirt with her and make a pass at her. Kite was at an impasse here, he wanted to say something but wasn't sure if Raven, who was capable of defending herself would have an issue with that but it soon didn't matter for Raven answered the street rat.

    Kite watched as Raven turned to face the men speaking to them telling asking them if they want some of her and had her hand positioned in front of her with a finger extending and curled back to her signaling them to come to her. Kite wasn't what Raven was going to do so he stood at the ready with his arms crossed with thought escaping his lips by accident ”Touch her and I burn that arm right off “ he said quietly to himself. Soon the men turned and talked among themselves as Raven added that she would take them straight to hell and started to release some of her power and there was a hint of a demonic signature there. ”didn't know that“ he said under his breath this time without a doubt no one heard him. Kite then have a goofy grin at Raven ”which one do you think pissed himself?“ he asked her.

    Shortly after Kite was able to spot the Street urchin against a wall but didn't seem to wanna cooperate with them. Kite had asked Raven if she wanted to speak to the man but she responded to his request by asking Kite if he wouldn't mind dealing with this one telling him that she was tired of having to threaten people all day long. Kite was going to ask if she was sure but she crossed her arms and after a small cough simply said please. Kite heard the word please escape her lips and in her voice and his eyes lit up. ”it would be my pleasure “ Kite said as he took a step towards where the man was. ”Get your marshmallows ready. Things may start to heated up soon “ he said as he had his back to her and was approaching the man.

    Kite was now several feet from where the man had his back against the wall and stood there looking at the man. The man looked back up from his Lacrima and gave Kite a crooked look "are you soft in the head? I told you I don't know nothing. Piss off." He said to which Kite smirked. ”well you see I would go but you see I have this thing where when someone lies to me I just have to know the truth“ he said being koi with his attitude. The put the lacrima in his pocket now and was looking at Kite. ”and I know you're lying because you don't even know what my question is. So you see a couple who were here on a vacation managed to lose some pieces of jewelry. Good chance they were stolen that were stolen from where they were staying the Blue stone. Happen to know what might have come of them? “ the man brought out a knife from his pocket and held it firm on his right hand. "Alright now you asked and now take you and your little birdy over there and piss off before I hurt ya. Kite took a step back which made the man smirk thinking he won. Kite made a fist with his right hand and threw it forward as if he was punching air but right at the end of his punch he simply said ”Flame Demon's Hiken! “ and from the end of his punch a large white flame in the shape of a fist appeared and slammed right into the street urchin. The force of Hiken slammed his back into the wall hard and caused him to drop the knife and shortly after Hiken hit the urchin the fist exploded catching the urchin in the explosion causing more damage and also pushed the knife away from him. Kite reached forward grabbing the urchin by the back of the neck and pushed him into a seated position. Kite squatted down so he was just about at eye level of the urchin and started to speak”ok so now that's outta the way and we know who has the larger stick here let's try this again.“ Kite glared ”any information you have on the jewels or even better point is in the right direction and we will go and forget this ever happened. Before you answer let me ask you one thing. “ he paused and waited for the Urchin to ask what it was but he remained silent. ”oh I'm so glad you asked“ pretending he was asked what the question was. ”did my attack hurt? “ the Urchin simply nodded ”ok good. Now you see that pretty young lady over my shoulder, she wants to know as badly as I do and I really rather keep her happy because I enjoy her company but if you don't answer and answer honestly she won't be happy and she will ask next. she is also a guild master and far stronger than me so the pain will increase a hundred fold“ The Urchin looked over at her and then back at Kite. "Seriously?" Kite smirked ”as serious as my flames burn so now spill it.“ The Urchin gave a sigh "towards the center of town there is a pawnshop, word on the street is he got some fine new jewels with in the past couple of days. Kite smirked ”Raven you hear that?“

    Cool Down


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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Yvonne 25th July 2015, 6:05 am

    While Kite took care of the street urchin, Raven stood to the side, spinning her body in a lazy way, blocking out the painful sounds coming from below her. She was spacing out thanks to other thoughts running through her head. Her thoughts ranged from the weather to the design of the stolen jewels. Her thoughts jumped like monkeys from one thought to another. However, all this time, she was also staring blankly at the street urchin. She didn’t snap out of her reverie until Kite turned to her with a smirk. That’s when she took a closer look at the shabbily dressed man of not more than thirty five. His brown hair was messy, his eyes clearly held fear and resentment towards the two people raining on his parade. His white shirt was torn and old. Yellow patches of dirt were distinctly visible on the shirt. His black pants had holes at the knees and they gave off an awful stench that made Raven scrunch up her nose. Clearly, the man had not taken a bath in a long time.

    “Good, so we just need to find that pawn shop. We better be careful…oh! And if the info turned out to be wrong, we will be paying you another visit,” she scornfully narrowed her eyes at the shaking man before turning around to walk out of the damned place. She felt she would have suffocated to death if she had stayed in that stinking rat hole for longer. “Do you think he was telling us the truth, Kit?” she asked him while walking towards the center of the town. What a weird place to put up a pawn shop. Maybe the ones running the shop were very confident that no one would catch their illegal dealings. Either that or they were more dangerous than what Raven first assumed them to be.

    The center of Hargeon town was a beautiful place. Build in a ring form, the center of the town held a fountain with a water spitting dolphin in the middle. Around the fountain, in a distance, were buildings of all shapes and sizes. Some of them were shops while some of them were big buildings giving rooms for rent. There was only one pawn shop around the area and that was a very small building which, from the outside, looked really well maintained. She would never guess that a shop like that did illegal stuff under the officials’ nose.


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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by NPC 25th July 2015, 6:05 am

    The member 'Raven' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Find the Missing Jewelry  StrongMonster Find the Missing Jewelry  NormalMonster Find the Missing Jewelry  StrongMonster
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

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    Find the Missing Jewelry  Empty Re: Find the Missing Jewelry

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 26th July 2015, 8:15 pm

    ” “
    After Kite had informed the older man of his fate if he decided to make the poor decision of impeding their mission. Kite looked over at Raven with a smirk happy that he was not only able to terrify the Urchin but this was the first time on the job with that things seemed to finally be going a bit smoother. When his eyes fixed on her and couldn’t help but notice that she was lost in her own little world It was a moment however before Raven acknowledged Kite’s smirk and question. However quickly enough Raven snapped back from her own thoughts and seemingly was focused back on what was happening around her.

    As Kite stood up from his squatted position he turned towards her as she really looked the urchin over taking in the whole sight and he was able to figure by how she scrunched up her nose she was also taking in the the smell too. He let out a chuckle ”Sorry about that, It seems my attack must have agitated his musk a bit. my bad “ he said right before Raven spoke up sharing her approval of the situation and stated that they should be careful when they find the pawn shop. However her approval was soon turned into a warning for the man Kite just had quality time with, that if he was lying to them that they would pay him another visit. Kite looked at the man with a sinister grin and nodded in agreement with her statement but then walked to catch up to Raven who was already turned and walking towards the exit of little ally they had found themselves in.

    As they proceeded to the their next and hopefully their last destination for the evening. While accompanying Raven to the pawn shop that was located in the center of town Raven asked him a question regarding whether or not their new friend was being honest with his answer. He also noticed that she referred to him as Kit instead of Kite but he ignored this and acknowledged her question instead. ”hmmm, I am not rightly sure to be honest. “ he said and then paused ”but He was quick with his answer and didn’t hesitate when I informed him that you were a guild master. More than likely his might was already under a fair amount of stress when he picked up on the beating he was facing between the two of us so I doubt his was able to conjure a lie compelling enough for us to believe. “ he said as he assessed what he observed during the situation.

    Luckily the walk from the alley they were in, to the center of town was luckily a quick one. It was also much more refreshing of an area compared to their previous environment. It was clean and almost completely devoid of any sort of dirt and unlike the alley it had a focal point to draw in attention in the form of a elegant water fountain with a masterfully carved Dolphin spouting water from the blow hole on it’s back. ”well now, much more appropriate for a lady of your stature “ he said to her being half serious with his words as well as humorous, knowing full well that she didn’t like the alley one bit. Kite continued to scan the area surrounding the fountain taking in the various buildings and assorted shops including the only pawn shop that was immediate area. ”Don’t suppose you wanna take a bet on whether that is the place or not “ he asked her as he began to approach the nice and neat building. ”I wonder if I am the only one who thinks that it’s odd that a place in a nice part of town would be dealing in shady businesses “.

    Cool Down
    Flame Fist X3


    Find the Missing Jewelry  Gvf4gD8

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