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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 13th November 2014, 2:24 pm


    Looking on the job board in the Guild hall her eye came across this job. A job that had caught her attention for one reason and one reason only. It was perfect to show Sinali. Even though Sinali had not told her personally what her past was like Thorn had got the information from the plants on her journeys. Sinali used to be a slave and hated the slave trasw so would do anything for the slaves to be free or at least for the slavers to become extinct. Walking slowly to Sinali's room she was uncertain what to say or even how Sinali would take it but the thing that frightened Thorn the most is the fact that she knew something about Sinali that Sinali had not told her herself how was she going to react? Walking through the Guild it seemed eerily quiet much more quiet than usual anyway. Thorn had been shown around when she first arrived but still had to think of witch way to go as the guild was a maze of hallways and rooms that anyone could easily get lost in.

    Thorn finally reached Sinali's room and paused for a moment looking for the sign that Sinali usually put up on show if she wished not to be disturbed and sighed softly as she found nothing. Thorn raised her delicate hand and tapped softly on Sinali's wooden door so softly that only the person inside the room could just hear it. This was just in case Sinali was in the midst of an experiment ,Thorn did not wish to be punished for interrupting even for a job this fitting for Sinali. Thorn stood patiently waiting for an answer to ever ring from within the room or for the door to be opened.


    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 13th November 2014, 2:46 pm

    Sinali had not been working on an experiment for once. She was merely standing there running her finger down the page of an ancient manuscript. The manuscript was standing on the back of a lectern, but the lectern was no normal lectern. No, it was a humanoid-esque figure that Sinali was very similar with. For some reason it was missing one of its legs. The figure was that of Kaseki, a former member of her pillar. The reason its leg was missing was she'd used it to make the weapon Thorn now wielded. It was the ideal weapon for her because it was a 'root' and thus could be manipulated with one of her spells.

    At the sound of the knocking Sinali raised an eyebrow. She was not expecting company today. However, she was not busy so she did not mind. It was a rare occurence really. She pointed a finger towards the door and then snapped her fingers. Nothing seemed to happen for a few seconds and she frowned. However, a second or two later a magical seal on the inner side of the door glowed and it swung open slowly with an ominous creek and a voice spoke out 'Welcome to the playroom' Lacrima, she both loved and hated them. She had been a slave forced to mine these crystals and refine them. However, she had used the information she gained their to her advantage. She still hated the crystals, but she also saw some beauty to them.

    "Good morning Berry." Sinali said with a faint smile one of her eyes closed. "What brings you here?"


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) 8Xdz1Cq

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 14th November 2014, 7:41 am

    Thorn tock a deep breath as the door opened, it was creepy how Sinali had done that her magic had surprised her every time. It was the one thing Thorn did not with to find out from her plant friends how many times Sinali could screw her over with one simple spell. Thorn tilted her head looking through the doorway into Sinali's play room she dear not enter without permission where experiments and Sinali's mind was free to wonder and expand probably the scarcest room in the Guild other than the guild masters of course.

    Thorn bowed her head slightly her face looking quite confused "Good morning Sinali, you are either in a good mood or your plaining something evil!" She stated lightly reaching out her hand with the job within it. "I found this on the guild board and I thought you might wont to do this one with me?" she stated her mind was racing a million miles a minuet.

    Thorn sighed softly "the plants informed me of your past where you where once a slave I am sorry I got the information that way but you are very fascinating and I was curiase of how you ended up here how you ended up undead!" She said honestly she hoped if she was honest Sinali would not punish her as badly. Thorn gave the paper to Sinali "so what do you think fancy going to free some slaves?" She asked softly biting her lip softly her hand shock slightly


    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 14th November 2014, 12:15 pm

    Sinali listened to the words that Thorn said and read the details of the job. So it was to free from slaves from a slave ship that should be passing through Hargeon Town's port soon. Interesting that the rune knights weren't dealing with this themselves. Very interesting. It seemed Thorn had found out her past even more quickly than Sinali herself had. It did not matter. Those slavers had already paid. "Slavers are bad men. They must be punished." she said simply and walked over to a cupboard and pulled out a crystal. She stared at it for a moment before walking over to a podium surrounded by a magic circle. She beckoned Thorn over into the circle as she adjusted the crystal and scratched some symbols into it using a wolf ring.

    "We best hurry or we will miss our boat." she said and focused her magic on the crystal. The two of them vanished and appeared just on the outskirts of hargeon town. The crystal however had not come with them and had in fact shattered. This seemed to have worked perfectly, but there was a confused look on Sinali's face. She stared at her own hand as if it was something new to her. "Strange. My magic doesn't feel right." It was as if her magic power had been capped. She felt like her strongest spells would not be able to be used. Had her teleportation lacrima somehow sealed part of her magic. That didn't make much sense, but her knowledge of lacrima, whilst extensive, was not complete. It was possible she'd used a slightly off crystal or perhaps the carvings had been slightly incorrect. It did not matter though. She still felt as strong as ever and with her strength...well the slavers would be no match.


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) 8Xdz1Cq

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 14th November 2014, 1:28 pm

    Thorn raised her eyebrow Sinali let her get away with finding out about her without permission. She hadn't even mentioned a punishment. Thorn stepped into Sinali's room this wasn't the first time she had been in their but it was the first time she did not need to be healed by Sinali. Looking at Kaseki or at least the remains of him she smirked and touched his shoulder “Nice seeing you so well!” she said in a joking tone smiling widely.

    Looking to where Sinali stood and walked so she stood next to her. “ready when you are!” she stated watching Sinali play with her lacrima. When they arrived  at Hargeon town Thorn was surprised when she heard Sinali's words. She became concerned as she processed the. “Whats wrong? What happened?” she asked looking at her. Neither of their magic auras seemed different to her.

    Thorn looked around and found trees chopped down to nothing, plants crushed into the floor and she became angry. Was this the work of the slave bosses if so they where going to pay with there lives. One plant had survived and Thorn started to get any information she could of who had done this to her kin and about the slave drivers. They were near the town of Hargeon. It wasn't normally a slave port, at least not according to the plant. However, slavers had been coming in more and more using the funds they had generated to bribe the local officials and giving other generous gifts to get the people on their side. That was why the woods were gone. The slavers had used their slaves to cut them down and make the town bigger. It was terrible.


    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 14th November 2014, 1:47 pm

    Sinali considered the question. What exactly had happened? Her magic power felt the same. It still flowed within her as strong as ever, but something just felt off. It was possible that only if you were inflicted by something like this that you would notice. It was as if despite the power being there she could only channel so much at a time. It was likely enough for her second level spells, which some called 'C Rank', but it certainly wasn't enough for her most powerful spells. That was irksome to say the least. "My magic won't flow as strong as normal." she said simply. "The power is there, but I can't access enough at once."

    Sinali considered the issue at hand. If they came in guns blazing then they would likely either chase the slavers off or be overwhelmed. No, they would have to be sneakier than that. "Berry how good an actress are you?" Sinali said having an idea. Sinali was a former slave. She knew how they acted and she knew that she looked ragged, but strong. "Your going to sell me into slavery." She said with a grin and looked at Perry who had teleported with them. "Perry you will keep an eye from the sky." The insect clacked its mandible and flew off into the sky. She would send telepathic messages periodically to Sinali to let her know what is happening. She looked at Thorn again. "You trick them into taking us onto the ship to discuss terms...then we strike." It was quite a good plan. Sinali did not let Thorn answer straight away and instead removed her ring and bracelet, opened her mouth and swallowed them both. They wouldn't look inside her to find them. It was a perfect way to get weapons in. "Manipulate Friend to turn into some shackles."


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by NPC 14th November 2014, 2:24 pm

    The member 'Sinali' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 14th November 2014, 2:43 pm

    Thorn raised her eyebrow Sinali's word where confusing ”so you cant use some of your spells how screwed are we then?” she asked softly tilting her head slightly by the sounds of things they where really screwed over by something that happened to Sinali but what?

    Thorn glanced at Sinali her eyes becoming suspicios “I personaly think I am ok at acting enough to get us in at least!” she stated softly taking her staff from her back and gazed at it before turning her gaze back at Sinali “I do hope you know what you are doing!” she stated very nervous about putting Sinali  into chains. Such a thing had  never been a good idea but if they wanted to do the job proply this seemed the only was “lift your hands!” she stated placing friend on top of her wrists. Thorn then concentrated and turned her staff into shackles she sighed softly and placed her hand onto Sinali's shoulder “ready?” she asked before she started walking forward putting them in plain sight of seven men who looked like slave traders “Halt what do you want?” one asked looking at Thorn then at Sinali. To him she was a young cuffed girl just like the others ]“I have brought a special delivery for the leader to buy. She is very special indeed very strong and helpful to have around!” Thorn stated her cover was not going to be blown she had made shore the savage skull emblem was easy to see. She was a dark guilder and from the most powerful dark guild. It should be enough to make them fear her to some extent.



    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 15th November 2014, 4:43 am

    One of the men walked over, one of the lower down people by the looks of it, and looked at her. "She doesn't look so strong. She looks 'arf dead" he said his breath was foul and Sinali tilted her head wondering what the best way to prove her strength was. "I reckon she's a weakling. Prove she's strong miss." As Sinali had expected. She needed to prove she was strong. An obedient slave would help herself be sold right? She was handcuffed though, even if they wouldn't really hold her, so physical acts with her hands were out of the question. Acts of destruction would not go over well. She decided to show off her jumping to show she had strong legs. She crouched down and leapt up as high as she could, which took her above the rooftops in terms of height. She landed with a thud generating a puff of smoke. The fall didn't appear to have even phased her showing not only that she had high leg strength, but also a high level of endurance. I.e. she was a perfect slave and on top of that she was obedient and willing to do stuff without even being asked. The young smelly breathed slaver nodded in approval and looked over at one of the stronger looking ones. "She is perfect. No need to take her to the boss right?"

    "Nah no need. We can pay ya miss and take her off ya hands." the man said. That wasn't good. Sinali had half expected it, but hadn't given any instructions for Thorn on what to do in such a situation. She'd have to improvise. Sinali only hoped she was good at it. Her acting had been good so far. "Why do ya want to sell her anyway? Don't dark guilds use slaves?"


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) 8Xdz1Cq

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 15th November 2014, 6:13 am

    Thorn smiled softly and lowered her head covering her eyes as Sinali jumped if she had not the dust would of effected her vision for a few moment looking at the stronger men she decided to speak directly to him “We have no need for slaves in savage skull we like to do our own dirty work its more fun that way but this slave is special she thought she could steal from us so it is my job to get a good price for her. A girl that got in and almost out of our guild without being seen is pretty impressive don't you think? We'd normally kill her, but she broke some of our property and so we'll sell her in order to make that money back” she stated softly taking Sinali's shoulder she walked over the the strongest looking man “I have strict instructions to only deal with the boss, so I get the best deal. She is worth more than a normal slave just take me to him or I let her go. I honestly don't really care which you prefer!” she stated looking at her fingernails

    The slave drivers looked at each other with slight concern and nervousness the aroma the protruded from the men was very strong almost overbearing “Our boss dose not deal with dealers!” said one of the weak men “Then that's one less very useful save for him then!” replied thorn with a shrug of her shoulder she turned and started to walk away. The strongest looking one stepped forward “Wait a moment. Okay we'll take ya to 'im just follow me!” he stated thorn winked at Sinali before turning back facing them.

    “Good decision!” she stated and followed the man that seemed to be in charge of the small group



    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 15th November 2014, 6:28 am

    Thorn had done well. Her improvisation skills were quite good and her words had not only proved that Sinali was a worthwhile slave, but also given a good reason as to why Savage Skull didn't want her. A prisoner who tried to break into a dark guild. It was a good cover. On top of that the woman had given a reason as to why Savage Skull didn't do the savage thing, which was kill her. She'd done it all almost flawlessly and kept the guild's reputation up. The wink was a bit too much in her opinion. It had a chance of giving them away. However, it hadn't been noticed and so now they were going towards the slaver's ship. That would be where the boss was no doubt. Things were going very so far.

    There were seven slavers so far. Five of them were the weaker ones, probably initiates of some kind. The other two were the stronger ones. One had spoken, the other had remained silent. Sinali was curious as to why, but it didn't matter. Her gaze, with her one open eye, widened as she saw the slave ship. It was huge and by the looks of it there were at least three decks of oars. That meant three decks of slaves. That made things tricky. They had to get the slaves off alive, unfortunately. If they had not been an issue then Sinali would of just sunk the ship with a spell.

    What was worse was as they got close Sinali saw a lot more people that weren't slaves. She saw five more of the weaker slavers and two more of the stronger ones. That brought the slavers numbers up to fourteen. "She's a beauty ain't she. Thats Captain Scarlet's flagship the Slaving Grace" Sinali's ears perked at that name. Why was that so familiar? Then she remembered. Captain Scarlet was one of the people who brought in new slaves to the Tower of Earth. They were responsible for many of the slaves being there. This had gone from a destruction of slavers to something much more personal. They might not of been responsible for her being there directly, but they might have been responsible for her mother, whoever she was, being there and thus indirectly they were . As they were lead aboard the ship the silent man walked off, likely going to find the Captain. It was then Sinali noticed a man with a strange earring. A crystal earring. No, it was a lacrima earring and blue in colour. Likely a water lacrima. His cutlass also had a similar lacrima in its hilt. So far he was the biggest threat. Still, her sensory abilities didn't appear to have been sealed like the flow of magic. He was probably a C rank mage at best. Still not too big a threat. However, she doubted he was the only one. "The boss will be right out. She's probably busy talking to Carver about our path." Sinali raised an eyebrow. Captain Scarlet, the leader of all these rough looking men, was a woman?


    Last edited by Sinali on 15th November 2014, 6:46 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) 8Xdz1Cq

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by NPC 15th November 2014, 6:28 am

    The member 'Sinali' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 19th November 2014, 2:20 pm

    Thorn sighed softly her mind raced thinking of everything that could go wrong and what the plan would be. As she tried thinking of her next move she hoped they would meet the boss soon as Sinali's fake cuffs would end eny time soon and when that happened all these people would know it was a trap. If that happened then they would have a fight on there hands.

    Thorn glanced at the ship and smiled softly ”how long has the slaving grace been ferrying slaves?” she asked, her plant friends whispered information about how often the ship was at this port but other than recently the ship was not around that area.

    Thorn leaned against the side of the ship her eyes wondered over the deck counting the number of people they where going to be against Thorn noticed the blue rock like things on two of the men by what she new from Sinali they looked like lacrima but she had no idea what type they where and what they did which worried Thorn slightly. They seemed to always be outnumbered when ever Thorn went on a job with Sinali. The odds were never in there favour and they were always outnumbered 'Never seem to get an easy job with Sinali but its always entertaining at least!' she thought speaking to the plants on the shore. Thorn looked at the person speaking ”The captain's a woman? That is rather impressive!” she stated with a sweet smile acting as normal as possible.



    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 21st November 2014, 2:39 pm

    Sinali was lead over to a cage area with other slaves. She noticed that people nearby were being branded. So it seemed once the slave was sold it was branded to indicate the person belonged to whoever Scarlet worked for. The brand was definitely familiar. It was one Sinali had branded on herself. It was branded onto the back, but they couldn't see it. She stared at it with a look of apprehension. To her honest surprise and joy the handcuffs were removed and tossed to the side when she was put into the cage. It was not necessary whilst she was in there or so they thought. Sure, she wasn't sold yet, but they seemed they really wanted her. Being in the cage gave her time to think and observe. It was then she noticed more men. Another six slavers.

    She also noticed they were getting ready to make way and that they were eyeing Thorn. Then Sinali realised what they were planning to do. It was a foolish move. They were going to try and take Thorn as well. Two slaves for the price of none. Well, that could work in their favour. She just hoped Thorn would play it correctly. She sent out a telepathic message out to Perry.

    When the anchor is raised take out the tiller. I don't want this ship going anywhere Sinali ordered. There was an affirmative response from Perry and a description of a plan. Perry was going to go under water and strike it and then get onto deck in Empress form. It was a rather delicious plan. Sinali was ready to make her move when necessary. As soon as they tried to capture Thorn she would strike.

    Enemies remaining:

    Last edited by Sinali on 21st November 2014, 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by NPC 21st November 2014, 2:39 pm

    The member 'Sinali' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 11th December 2014, 4:51 pm

    thorn smirked her hand extended behind her back do he slavers would not notice what she was doing. thorn made the fake shackles turn back into the staff and extend it towards her hand without making it noticeable she had noticed the slavers whispering and pointing at her. Thorn knew something was happening it would be interesting to see if it worked but she could not make it easy that would be silly and to oviase so when some of the men corsusly started to make there move thorn revealed her staff and smirked softly as the slavers eyes widened in shock and questioning. with a deep thorn tock a defensive stand, it was their move and they toke it thinking that having more numbers would help take down a magic user as they came in close thorn smirked her staff got longer and she made a swift motion knocking the first three on there asses pouncing forward she hit each in the head hard hoping to at least knock them un-contuse. thorn then looked up she realized the spell she had used was now done it had spent to long as cuffs for sinali -color=violet]"so who's next?"[/color] she asked going back into a defensive stance.

    all at once the remaining men ran at Thorn she knew she was going to be taken but she wasn't going down easy swinging her staff thorn tried taking out more men jabbing and swinging it at the heads of some men but slowly they started to restrained Thorn to the ground her staff thrown to one side thorn new that would put her in Sinali's bad books losing her gift thorn hoped friend would not be put over the side it would take forever to find. Thorn was dragged to the cell and thrown in with all the others her side hit the floor filently and she swore softly as she could feel pain from the impact.

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 15th December 2014, 2:10 am

    Thorn had done well. She had seen the possibility that she was going to be taken and decided to go down fighting. As such she had brought down a couple of the weaker looking men. It wasn't much, but it thinned things out for later. Thorn was now in prison and it looked like the Captain wasn't going to come out anytime soon. The brand was being heated up again ready for its next usage. It looked like it wouldn't be her or Thorn, but someone else first. That was fine. What's more the anchor was being raised and soon Perry would make her move. That would be when Sinali made her own move.

    As the anchor was finished raising and the ship began to move suddenly it lurched to one side and there was a huge ripping sound followed by a loud buzzing. This buzzing heralded the arrival from the depths of a 30ft long parasitic insect monstrosity, the beloved pet of Sinali, the one known as Perry. Sinali grinned as the men began to yell out and shout. On the initial descent onto deck Perry had ripped into three of the weaker men and one of the normal strength ones and torn them apart with ease. It wasn't all due to strength, but mostly due to surprise and the men being thrown off their footing by the sudden lurching. Taking them down so easily again would not be possible.

    Well, not for Perry anyway. Sinali on the other hand had a few tricks up her sleeve or in this case down her throat. Whilst the men were distracted by Perry with a quick thrust of her fingers into her mouth she coughed up the small bracelet that was Mr.Snakey in disguise and a new piece of jewellery. A wolf-head ring. Both quickly when onto their rightful place and then Sinali struck at the side of the wooden caging area with a single palm strike sending bits of wood flying at some of the men. One of the broken bits, quite sharp, stabbed into one of the weaker men killing him instantly. "Berry, get the slaves to safety as quick as you can then get back here." Sinali commanded. "I'll play with these bad men till then." With that Sinali charged out into the fray the ring on her hand glowing brightly until it formed a chainsaw gun in her hand whilst the braclet formed the sword known as Mr.Snakey. Here she was a vicious young girl of Savage Skull armed to the teeth and up against normal humans. No, not normal humans. Slavers. Her natural enemy.

    With a quick double press of the trigger she fired off two blasts of purple energy shaped like skulls. These hit two of the normal strength men doing heavy concussive damage, but also sending them flying off the ship. The impact from the shot, plus the impact of being knocked off the ship was enough to take them out of the right entirely.

    "So its a battle of magic ya want?" the one with the two lacrima said. "Ok then, bring it on." Suddenly the lacrima on his earring began to glow and water streamed over the sides forming two large spheres next to him. He grinned and made a gesture and suddenly one of the spheres launched towards sinali as a high pressure blast of salt water. She immediately used a defensive stance with both weapons, growler first as the stronger with Mr. Snakey underneath to take some more of the blow. The blast sent her sliding backwards, but the damage was effectively nullified. It was then that the other sphere hit her from above sending her crashing through the deck of the ship and into the floor below. She shook her head irritably wondering how Perry was doing as she leaped out of the debris. She was actually quite surprised that the water mage had gone for her rather than Perry as they'd planned. Oh well, it meant more fun time for her.

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 16th December 2014, 7:20 am

    Thorn groaned lightly turning her head slowly as she looked around her. The amount of slaves that where there stunned her she did not think it would be so many. Shaking her head she rose to her feet and stood next to Sinali. Thorn watched as Sinali broke the cage door down in a single punch "Ok but don't play with them all!" she said with a smirk her first target was the slaver with the branding iron, she ran outside and got as close as she could without being in reach of the hot metal and shot her poisonous thorns. They aimed for his face and one at his body. Unexpectedly one of her thorns went down the slavers throat. Normally, it would be interesting to watch and she would of waited but as he was down because of the other poison she signaled for the slaves to follow her.

    Guiding them to safety was easy and far to simple in her mind, but then again they were being distracted by a giant insect and an undead girl. Once Thorn was sure she had got all the slaves off the vessel she turned and rushed back to Sinali. Finding her staff on the way she picked it up and skidded to a stop as she got near Sinali "Should i wait for you to finish with this toy or join in?" she asked softly leaning on her staff a smile on her face she enjoyed to watch sinali at work.


    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 20th December 2014, 11:08 am

    Sinali was up against a powerful water mage and her magic wasn't working properly. Still, by her guesstimate this mage was only a C rank at best. That meant Sinali could match them easily enough and as they had bought the lacrima most likely with slaving funds...they likely didn't have as much as experience as she did. "I'll handle this one Berry. Go have some fun." Sinali said and lunged forward. As she did so the man grinned and threw up a barrier of water.

    "Not gonna get me so easily little girl." the man said with a laugh, but Sinali just grinned and with great force leapt into the air and straight over the barrier. "Shit." The man said and redirected his barrier to form above him. Sinali hit it hard but not enough to break through. If she was at full strength she might of broken through it, but not this time. She leapt off the barrier and landed on the mast of the ship. She had to leap of quickly as a huge blast of water was launched towards her. She dodged the blast and landed on the ship. She grinned as she heard a cracking sound. "Damn. Captain's gonna kill me for that."

    "Wrong. I'm going to kill you." Sinali said and lunged forward once more. As she got in close the barrier was once again thrown up, but rather than trying to leap over it she fired off the two shots from Growler causing a small hole to form. Small enough for her to leap through and launch a powerful headbutt to the man. The brief daze caused by it was enough for Sinali to slice the man's throat with Growler and impale him through the head with Mr. Snakey. The biggest threat for now was down and the other men, who were still dealing with Perry, looked terrified.

    Perry was having fun. She had already torn apart the four weaker ones with her powerful claws. Her tail had sent someone flying off the ship was well. The numbers were definitely thinned out now. The insectoid roars would hopefully alert the captain and bring her up here.

    Unfortunately, it seemed that what had come up instead was another one of the veteran slavers with five initiates. "Get the little one i'll handle the insect." the man shouted. Sinali grinned. Things were getting interesting even if they weren't going the way they wanted.

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    Last edited by Sinali on 20th December 2014, 11:10 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by NPC 20th December 2014, 11:08 am

    The member 'Sinali' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 20th December 2014, 1:15 pm

    Thorn smiled softly turning her back on Sinali thorn decided she was going to go in search for the infamous but some how unavailable captain she must of heard the commission on deck no Captain would ignore that yet the captain had not come to help her crew fight for or defend the ship from the obviase attacks that where happening on deck. Thorns plan was made redundant soon after Sinalis fight was out of sight as she came across A group of slavers heading towards the commotion ”look lads a doll for our entertainment!” said one as he spotted her a dirty grin was on his face as if he was thinking up what he would do with her if she was caught. she was out numbered four to one these odd a few months ago would have been a problem but she had been training with sinali on how to fight.

    Standing in her defensive stance her staff light in her hands she waited for the slavers to attack, they all ran at her at once, thorn brought her staff up with a fulsful shuff she knocked two of the slavers onto there back but the other two slashed there swords down catching her arms, thorn swore loudly and swung the staff around aiming for there feet she knocked the other two onto there backs as-well thorn then brought down her staff onto one off the people head knocking them uncontentious before stepping back and going back into a defensive stance ”so who wants to go next?” she asked a smirk formed on her lips



    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 21st December 2014, 4:03 am

    Perry's transformation wouldn't last much longer. Both Sinali and Perry knew this, but that wasn't going to cause the giant insect to retreat. It was however going to have Sinali interfere with the water mage's ideas. "Perry is having her fun. Leave her alone bully." Sinali said firing two shots into the mage's back as he began preparing a large sphere of water over his head for some powerful attack. The result of it was that the sphere broke apart and crashed down onto him drenching him. He turned around with a snarl.

    "I told you fools to deal with her." he roared and then blasted away three of the weak slavers with a single high pressure blast of water. "Idiots. I'll deal with her myself." Sinali grinned as she faced the three men. One was a threat potentially, the other two not even slightly.

    Thorn had gone off , most likely to lure out the captain who must be sleeping on the job. That worked for her as a few of the average strength slavers had gone after her. Four of them in fact. Sinali was impressed how easily Thorn took down one of them. It seemed she was doing well from her training.

    Perry was now only left with three of the normal slavers and that was easy pickings for the parasite queen. She slammed into one smashing him through the deck and then with her powerful tail smashed one of them over the side of the ship. For the final one she intended to rise off the ship and send him flying into one of the ones Sinali was fighting. Unfortunately, as she was about to do so her transformation wore off and she shrunk back down to normal. The man laughed and charged swinging his sword, but he obviously wasn't aware of what normal Perry could do. She twisted round dodging the blow narrowly and impaled her fangs into the man's neck tearing out his throat. "sssssssdeath."

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Thorn 21st December 2014, 8:06 am

    Thorn smiled softly her eyes wandered from one slaver to the next sizing them up trying to find their Achilles heel. Her keen eyes  noticed one had a limp. He was no threat and easily taken down but the other two systematically jumped back up as soon as they hit the floor. They would take a while to take down but they decided to attack this time separately and from different directions. Thorn knew she could only defend against one off them and she did not wish to use any more magic yet. No, that was being saved for the captain as she was unsure weather she had magic or not so did not wish to waste any on these simpletons. So in an instant she decided to defend her back it seemed the most vulnerable part of her. After all if they hit her in the right place Thorn could become unable to move. As the slavers swung for her Thorn swung her staff behind her knocking one to the side sending them over board. It was not what she was aiming to do but it worked. As for the other that was attacking he slipped at the last minute missing her torso but his sword shredded through her leg.

    Thorns face cringed in pain the blood dripped to the floor ”You are going to regret that I promise!” she stated through gritted swinging her staff over her shoulders and down onto the slavers head not just once though she did it over and over until she was certain the slaver was good and dead ”Told you Thorn whispered then looked up. The last slaver, the one with the limp, had vanished. Possibly he ran in fear. For her that was almost satisfactory she had managed to frighten someone.

    Thorn smirked ripping the bottom of her dress and rapped the make shift bandaged her leg up and wondered off down through a hatch heading below deck to continue looking for the captain.




    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) S6Eaz9K

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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by Bass 22nd December 2014, 7:55 am

    Perry had defeated many of the men before her transformation was over. The parasite queen decided of her own accord to follow Thorn beneath the deck and begin the hunt for the captain. After all, Sinali could handle herself and Thorn was someone Perry liked to some degree. As did Sinali for that matter. So it made sense to protect her.

    Sinali herself on the other hand was against three opponents. Well, only one was any threat. The other two might as well have been snow in a fire storm. What's more this water mage had picked up the lacrima from the first mage she had defeated. That made him all the deadlier. Things were not going to be easy. If only she had her full power this would be a piece of cake. Still, she had growler and that should be enough to bring this guy down a notch or two.

    "Smile bedwetter." she said and with that she fired off two shots from Growler. Rather than being purple these were instead icy blue and were larger. These were both aimed for the water user. She hoped the power was enough to break through any defense the man might throw up. Unfortunately for her it was not. With the power of the two extra lacrima his barriers were stronger than even growlers enhanced shots could penetrate. Still, she had other tricks up her sleeve and had charged behind the shots activating its super rev ability known as Slice. The chainsaw revved into a supercharge mode giving it even greater cutting ability.  Normally, it could be revved, but this added further force allowing it to cut more. She lunged at the barrier and swung into it with full force. With her enhanced strength, the blade revving and the weakening caused by the Smile shots she sliced through it with ease and tackled the water mage to the ground. She aimed to strike him with a head butt, but the mage did something she did not expect, and which gave her ideas for a future spell. He blasted her with a higher pressure stream of water from his mouth which sent her flying high into the air.

    "Wings of the damned." she said forming bat like wing to keep herself from hitting the ground from such a height.

    "Still alive huh? A challenge at last." With that he blasted his own two allies off the side of the ship. "Not even worth keeping as slaves."

    Perry on the other hand had come across a new set of opponents whilst following Thorn. Five more of the weaker slavers and two of the regular ones. It wasn't too much for her to handle or so Perry thought, but perhaps she should intervene to keep her from getting too badly damaged. "Do you need assssistance Berry?"

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    Last edited by Sinali on 22nd December 2014, 7:59 am; edited 2 times in total


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    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade)

    Post by NPC 22nd December 2014, 7:55 am

    The member 'Sinali' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) NormalMonster Liberation of Slaves (team Whimsical nightshade) WeakMonster

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