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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Natalia Wolf
    Natalia Wolf

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel

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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Natalia Wolf 18th August 2014, 8:24 pm


    Natalia stood at the train station with her arms crossed listening to the complaint from one of the train conductors about the blockade that she was supposedly going to clear, she didn't really know how she was going to clear it though so she decided to get Artemis to come join her. "Sir I understand the issue but I can not handle this myself, if you would just be patient my partner will be here soon." She said trying to calm him down. Natalia face palmed as he continued to complain, where was Artemis she seemed to have either forgotten where you meet her or about the job all together. To be honest Natalia wasn't too mad about Artemis taking her time however this was cutting into her cupcake time as well which was starting to upset her a little bit. Her stomach growled, she could really use a cupcake right about now and she didn't know if the station cafe had any cupcakes, She stared at the menu still bothered by the conductor complaining about the blockade and unfortunately for her they didn't have any cupcakes on the menu. Today she may have to go without, but where the hell was Artemis.



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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Artemis 18th August 2014, 8:41 pm

    Artemis ran through the station, a plastic bag in her hand. In the bag a box, in the box, about 12 cupcakes. It would take a while to get to the blockade and she past by a bakery. And then it hit her. Natalia loved cupcakes! But the line was so long. Although Artemis decided that it was important for Natalia to have cupcakes. The pair could eat them on the way to the blockade. But now she was late and She could imagine Natalia being angry at her. Between this and talking about her other mission in a few days, anyone would be. But Artemis couldn't wait! Her and Priscilla would going to a wedding and Artemis just had a good feeling about the job. She finally reached the part of the station where she was suppose to meet her guild mate. And after a few seconds she spotted her.

    "Natalia!" called out Artemis. She started to jog towards her friend, who seemed to be entertaining a very stressed out train conductor. "Sorry I'm late, but I brought cupcakes for the trip!" Artemis waved the bag slightly to draw Natalia's attention to it. But not enough where the cupcakes would be knocked around. The look on the train conductor's face was priceless, but Artemis grabbed Natalia and started to drag her towards the train before anything could be said.


    Rank ups::
    Natalia Wolf
    Natalia Wolf

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel

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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Natalia Wolf 20th August 2014, 2:28 am

    Natalia turned to Artemis the moment she showed up and was about to scold her for being late but then the sweet scent of fresh cupcakes reached her nose, She was already all over Artemis before she could say that she brought the cupcakes. "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE A LIFE SAVER!" She shouted staring at the bag and was almost on the verge of drooling. "Can you believe that the train station cafe doesn't sell cupcakes." She explained, she shook herself back into being herself and cleared her throat. "Right we have a job, apparently this poor guy has Goblin and Vulcan problems." She motioned to the infuriated conductor. "I suppose are to fix the problem and get the trains back up and running, what do you think about that?" She asked Artemis as they departed the station.

    Natalia felt like this would take a while, goblins may be easy to simply kick out of the way due to their rather small size and weak muscles but Vulcans were stubborn and strong, getting one to move out of the way would be a severe pain. Natalia was already searching for a solution and made preparations by causing a light snowstorm over the train tracks near the blockade.



    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Artemis 20th August 2014, 9:21 pm

    Artemis handed the box of cupcakes to Natalia, who seemed to lose her composure a bit when presented with the cupcakes. But shortly after recollecting her composure, the pair where off. Although Artemis seemed to been a bit confused on how they where getting to the blockade.

    "We have to walk!" cried out Artemis while munching on one of the cupcakes. Hers was a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting. It was covered in mint flavored toppings and had a mint flavor frosting as a filling. She moodily continued to munch on the cupcake, while watching the snow fall. It was something she had gotten used to having with Natalia around.

    "I was all excited too! I never actually been on a train and I got all excited telling Priscilla all about it too. Well at least I have the wedding job to look forward too. Some bridezilla is paranoid that an old ex-boyfriend will show up. But I just can't help but get the feeling that it won't happen and I get to go on a date with Priscilla." said Artemis sadly with a sigh, although seem seemed a lot happier by the end of it.

    "And even if he does show up, what's the worse that can happen? Oh! the reminds me I need to show you this really cute collar I bought of the wedding. It cost me a lot though." Rambled Artemis.


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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by NPC 20th August 2014, 9:21 pm

    The member 'Artemis' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] NormalMonster
    Natalia Wolf
    Natalia Wolf

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Windswept General
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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Natalia Wolf 21st August 2014, 4:17 pm

    Natalia took a big bite out of a vanilla cupcake as Artemis blabbered on, was she really that excited about a simple job. She even blabbered on about Priscilla whom Natalia had no clue who she was but something about how Artemis was talking gave her a pretty good hint what was going on. She didn't know that Artemis could be such a talkative person and she felt content to just let her talk though it sort of reminded her of the conductor back at the station complaining about the blockade, apparently the guy had been stuck there for a few weeks and had been pestering the station controller as well, had the guy even heard of Clovers boat system?

    While the continued their walk Natalia had activated her snow sensory and picked something up and immediately set into a defensive stance and the snow fallowed in suit. A vulcan lunged out at them from the trees shouting something about pies, thankfully Natalia was ready and he found himself slamming face first into her snow wall. "Artemis you should be more aware of your surroundings." Natalia lightly scolded her partner. "You never know when idiots like these might pop out and attack you."

    Spells Cast: Snow Wall
    Magic Power:95%



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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Artemis 21st August 2014, 10:39 pm

    Natalia seemed to just let Artemis ramble on about stuff that didn't really matter. What could she say? She was really really excited for the wedding. It would be a really easy job, nothing could go wrong and she gets to spend it with Priscilla. What could be better then that? I mean it's not like the ex would be very strong. He was just as normal guy as far as she knew. Besides Priscilla was really strong so she could just kick him out really easy. Anyway Artemis was going over the collar she picked out for the wedding. Although Natalia might of been surprised to learn that it was an actual jeweled dog collar and not a necklace. What could she say? She found them comforting to wear. And there she heard something about pie. This snapped her out of her rant and looked into the direction of the yell. She let out a scream of surprised when the vulcan hit a wall of snow that seemingly appeared out of no where. It had fly right through the wall of snow and was laying on the ground at the foot of the wall.

    "Oh... uhh... sorry." said Artemis, rubbing the back of her head. It seemed to recover quickly enough as it was back on it's feet. Artemis hid behind Natalia with a reassuring smile. "I'm not very good in a fight, how about you deal with it and i'll  protect the cupcakes ok?"


    Rank ups::
    Natalia Wolf
    Natalia Wolf

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel

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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Natalia Wolf 23rd August 2014, 9:48 pm

    Natalia gasped and tried to take a big step back from the vulcan as he tumbled through the wall and she was about ready to slam him with another spell when he decided to jump up in an attempt to hit Natalia with an uppercut. After Natalia narrowly dodged the uppercut she made a quick motion blasting the vulcan in the head with a quickly timed snow blaster which knocked him back into the snow wall behind him, this time being the opposite side carried the vulcan all the way around to the other side to land square on his head. Natalia sighed, she didn't really like vulcan's for their stubbornness and endurance factor.

    After Artemis started to ramble on about protecting the cupcakes and not being any good in a fight which caused Natalia to face palm. "And I brought you along again why?" Natalia was less than impressed with her partners excuses, though it was a bit satisfying that the vulcan should be out for a while. Now it was all a matter of finding the goblin and clearing the blockade so that the trains could start up again. Thankfully she didn't have to look very far seeing as the goblin had taken a seat right on top of Artemis's head and was starting to eat the cupcakes. "You really are oblivious aren't yo..." Natalia said then froze as she saw the goblin take the last cupcake out of the box which caused her to start to tear up and almost begin crying.



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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by NPC 23rd August 2014, 9:48 pm

    The member 'Natalia Wolf' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] WeakMonster

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Artemis 24th August 2014, 11:20 am

    "Because we are best friend and I can help you heal back up in a pinch!" said Artemis happily with her eyes closed. But she didn't feel the goblin climbing up her back or taking the box up cupcakes out of the bag. She also didn't notice the goblin setting up camp on her head and going to town on the cupcakes. Both her and the goblin laughed at the Vulcan's misfortune of being dropped on it's head, it was just funny!

    "No I don't think so." said Artemis slightly confused. But when Natalia started to cry Artemis tilted her head to the side. Causing the goblin to flail and fall of her head, the empty box of cupcakes landing softly next to it. Artemis let out a scream in surprise and just a few inches away from the goblin. When did that get there and wait...

    "When did that get there! And the cupcakes! I-It ate them all!" cried Artemis. And then Artemis got strangely serious.

    "Those where for use you dumb goblin!" shouted Artemis, channel magic. And seemingly out of no where A swarm of wasps appeared and started to swarm around Artemis before flying after the goblin.


    Rank ups::
    Natalia Wolf
    Natalia Wolf

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel

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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Natalia Wolf 24th August 2014, 9:28 pm

    Natalia began to cry her little head off as she stared at the empty box lying on the ground, not even the crumbs will be edible now. Her state of emotion caused her to lapse into a bawling fit and in turn the snow that was falling turned into a severe snow storm, her mental state so unstable that she didn't even regard how it would basically kill Artemis' attack. The snow started to circle in a cylinder like motion aimed directly at the goblin which then narrowed into a spinning cone of snow. Natalia had now entered an angry state and was about to unleash her rage upon the little monster that had ruined her day. Unleashing the massive spinning cone of snow and wind the creature would find himself stuck in a never ending spinning motion heading straight at the trees, the tree's themselves getting torn apart by the shear force. After it was all over the goblin lay there twitching completely incapacitated with several bumps on the top of his bald head.

    After the commotion had died down Natalia sat there cry over the train tracks in front of her, the day had turned into a nightmare for her and she didn't know if she could go on. The snow returned to falling lightly, the disruption in Natalia's mental state now over had even caused the snow wall behind her to disappear.

    Spells cast: Blizzards Howl
    Magic Power: 85%



    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Artemis 24th August 2014, 10:19 pm

    Artemis was just about ready to attack. The wasps around her started to swarm up, about to attack. And then they started to drop like house flies. The wind and snow picked up which caused her to throw her arms over her head. What was causing it? Natalia? Artemis tried and walked towards her friend but the wind was so strong that it just knocked her down while trying to fight. She was barely able to see what was going on but she saw a cone of snow attacking the goblin. And in seconds it was over, the wind and snow returned to normal and she darted over to her friend.

    "N-Natalia? Are you ok? That was awesome!" said Artemis, starting off concerned and ending excited. She noticed that Natalia was still crying though. Artemis kneeled down and pulled her friend into a hug.

    "Hey come on, lets finish this dumb job up and I'll buy you 2 dozen cupcakes to make up for that box! I know how you like the vanilla with rainbow frosting!" said Artemis, she was more of a chocolate person herself but whatever.

    "Usually when i get sad Prissy would kiss me to help cheer me up... but since I don't think that would work in this situation cupcakes would have to do!" said Artemis, trying to sound like she had any idea of what she was talking about.


    Rank ups::
    Natalia Wolf
    Natalia Wolf

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel

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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Natalia Wolf 25th August 2014, 10:55 pm

    Natalia wiped away her tears and looked at Artemis. "You would do that?" Natalia sniffled and an attempt to regain her composure, the job was in fact still only half done she needed to compose herself the rest of the way. She lightly hugged Artemis as a way of re-stabilizing herself. "Thanks Arty, that means a lot." She spoke softly and pushed away gently. "Now lets go and clear this blockade." She still seemed a bit sad but she was at least in good enough condition to resume the mission, standing up and taking the lead down the train tracks to where the blockade would be.

    Moments later Natalia stared in aw at the rather large tree blocking the train tacks, there was no way in hell she could possibly move and she didn't think working with Artemis would work either. She sat down and crossed her legs and began to ponder how she was going to deal with this. "How do you suppose we could move a log that big?" She questioned Artemis hoping that she would have some idea to chime in. The more Natalia thought the more she fumbled on the idea of cutting the tree apart, it may have been easier for some of the smaller tree's but breaking a tree this size would need something rather large to chop it in half and she just used her biggest spell to blast away a goblin. She stared at the tree as some bugs started crawling out of a few holes, could the tree be rotten on the inside?



    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Artemis 26th August 2014, 12:19 pm

    Artemis nodded.

    "You have my word! It's the least I can do." said Artemis with a smile. She helped Natalia up and they started to head to the blockade. It shouldn't be to far away. They continued to walk and then they found the blockade.

    "I-I don't know. How do you think they got it here in the first place? It's like twice our size." said Artemis shocked. She tried to look around the blockade. And then an idea hit her.

    "Oh! I know! Maybe if we get on top of the log!" said Artemis, acting like she was a genius. Spirit wings appeared on her back and Artemis flew up to the top of the log. Her spirit wings disappeared and the log started to creek. And then there was a large snapping sound and the spot Artemis was standing broke, causing her to fall into the log. Artemis screamed and fly back out the log, shaking and wiping trying to get all the bugs off of her.

    "Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww!" screamed Artemis. IT was strange, seeing a nature mage being scared and creeped out by bugs. She landed next to Natalia and started to roll on the ground to trying to get the bugs off of her.


    Rank ups::
    Natalia Wolf
    Natalia Wolf

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel

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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Natalia Wolf 26th August 2014, 3:54 pm

    Natalia shook her head in disbelief at Artemis's cluelessness. "Obviously the Vulcan carried it here." She stated plainly, She had seen one of the brutes carry and entire tree not just some log before. Then Artemis flew up on top of the log, and it started creaking. "Arty get down from there you might hurt yourself." She said and then Artemis fell in, and then it all came together, the whole tree was rotted out and filled with bugs it would be a cinch just crushing the log to remove it.

    Artemis flew out of the log and landed near Natalia covered in gross little insects. "HEY! don't shake them off on me." Natalia exclaimed completely grossed out just a rather large spider was flung from Artemis right onto Natalia's arm. After a brief moment of silence Natalia released a shriek loud enough to be heard all the way back in clover. Natalia flailed around running all over the place trying to get the ugly critter off of her, she didn't even notice that it had already fell to the ground and was still running in circles. "GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" She screamed over and over again trying to remove what was already gone.



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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Artemis 26th August 2014, 7:18 pm

    After a bit of flailing all the bugs where off and Artemis had calmed down. Natalia on the other hand seemed no where close to it. Artemis saw the spider fly off of her friend before it scuttle away. Yet Natalia kept running around and flailing. Getting the hint that Natalia would be running around for a bit Artemis got back and and investigated the rotting log. Artemis kept a healthy distance from the log though, she didn't want any more bugs on her. The part of the log she had stood on was completely caved in, showing that probably 90% of the log was rotten and hollow. The train could but plow through the rest of it. Heck most of the log was now just a pile of rotted wood. She pushed some on the wood away, to make sure that the tracks where clear before turning her attention back to her friend.

    "Hey! Natalia!"
    said Artemis, walking to her friend. She attempted to get Natalia to calm down.

    "The spider has been gone for some time now, you can stop freaking out now. The tracks should be clear enough for the train to get through. Hey the damn thing was hollow, they probably never needed our help to begin with. I think they where just being lazy or over reacting. Now lets go get those cupcakes ok?"


    Rank ups::
    Natalia Wolf
    Natalia Wolf

    Snow Angel

    Snow Angel

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    Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis] Empty Re: Get Rid of the Pesky Blockade [Job, Natalia and Artemis]

    Post by Natalia Wolf 26th August 2014, 9:17 pm

    Natalia was still shaking from the spider crawling on her arm it felt as though it was in her skin now, her eyes were wide and teary. "C-c-can we go home now?" Was all she could utter through her trembling lips. She smiled a very crooked and weak smile when she inspected the position of the log, the trains would definitely be able to get through without a hitch now. Natalia turned and stumbled a little bit before shakily walking back towards the station, she had enough of this place and all the ugly things that it brought. She came across the Vulcan who had regained some consciousness and was ready to attack her, unfortunately for the savage beast he would step on the empty cupcake box and slip face first into the train tracks knocking him clean out again, all while Natalia seemed to be oblivious to what was happening.

    Upon returning to the station Natalia mumbled words about their success in clearing the tracks and how they would be able to resume activity. She stumbled her way out clearly still distressed about the spider landing on her arm, maybe she should go home and lay down a while to sleep things off.

    Thread Closed


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