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    Kurokon "Psychosis" Shikyo


    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 493.75

    Kurokon "Psychosis" Shikyo Empty Kurokon "Psychosis" Shikyo

    Post by Psychosis 12th July 2014, 11:31 am

    Kurokon "Psychosis" Shikyo Tumblr_mjbmxnU3mT1rwgj3ko1_500

    Name: Kurokon Shikyo
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Birthday: 3/14
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: Forehead Tattoo - Kuro has a strange, symbolic tattoo on his head, showing his ideology and personal wisdom.

    "Look beyond the obvious, see past the face and into the heart."

    Kuro, surprisingly, is a very honorable person. While he may seem distant and cold, even to potential allies, he genuinely cares about those he forms bonds with, be it friends, subordinates, or rivals. Kuro will usually avoid killing the defenseless, but if it must be done, he will not hesitate. In battles where someone challenges him, if they do not interest him, he will gladly kill them, but if they do interest him, he will scar them, but try to inspire them to try again when they are stronger. Kuro genuinely enjoys a challenge, and loves to inspire people, regardless of how it may seem to others. Even though he has a sense of honor, it is shaky at best, and hard to pinpoint where wrongs and rights are when dealing with Kuro. For example, in a fierce battle with someone, Kuro will often spare them for no reason, yet he will, just as often, murder them for no reason as well. At the same time, when enraged, Kuro discards honor like a prom night dumpster baby.

    "I have always seen things in a different way. Everyone sees things from their own perspective, mine just tends to be more indiscriminate."

    To go along with his deranged sense of honor, Kuro is very understanding. He has the interesting ability to see from another person's perspective. While not really an 'ability' so much as a state of mind, it is indescribably useful when leading a group. While Kuro dislikes failure, he will not punish his subordinates when he knows it is not their fault. He will, however, push them to try harder next time, and perhaps even spend time training them to make sure they can do it better, whatever 'it' in the given situation is. Complications arise when it is indeed the fault of his subordinate, which causes him to get very annoyed. Such cases are when one of his allies lets their emotions control them, causing the failure. Kuro is also a good listener, giving advice to nearly every situation, except relationship advice. Asking him for relationship advice would be similar to asking a blind man to describe colors. That is to say, his experience with relationships is... nonexistent. In fact, Kuro may become confused when flirted with, or simply embarrassed. That is one of the few situations he doesnt know how to react to.

    "Do not test me."

    Kuro's most powerful, yet rarely shown emotion is his rage. Very few things can actually enrage him. Destroying his property, he can deal with. Killing anyone he cares about will enrage him fully. Unlike most rage, Kuro's rage is a cold focus, forcing him to focus on how to kill someone, disregarding most others. Should someone attempt to get in his way, his rage will partially direct towards them, but if it is an ally, he will probably listen to reason. For most, rage is a distraction, while for Kuro it is a focus. This means he may become less observant on the whole, but more observant when it concerns the target of his rage. Because of his rage, Kuro has tried his best to learn how to control his emotions.

    "You lost the moment you decided to make me your opponent. I see through all of your tricks, boy."

    Kuro is quiet, reserved, and calm. Because of this, he listens far more than he speaks, which has made him become far more observant than the normal person. Of course this also instilled a joking paranoia within him. He offer thinks to himself, in a joking manner, that everything is out to kill him. For the most part, this is to amuse himself, but it also helps to compare potentials to reality, giving him an incredibly accurate judge of character and intentions. His observations, early in life, caused him to become quite intelligent, in many areas. Often, he will sit in a class in the human world just to learn more. He is very interested in new inventions and discoveries, and seeks them out frequently. Unfortunately, during his more 'bored' moments, he will do random things for entertainment.

    "I don't give a damn what you are, I only care about who you are."

    Kuro, regardless of paranoia, does not care much about race, gender, or age. He never understood racism, sexism or other forms of discrimination, and he does not tolerate it. To put it simply, bigots enrage Kuro to an extreme degree, but not enough for him to kill them outright, unless they do something exceedingly stupid. If a former enemy pledges to follow him, he will not care, so long as he/she is loyal. The only things Kuro really hates are boredom, and bigots. He hates boredom to such a degree that he will do random things to alleviate his boredom, even at minute levels. This means if he gets the slightest bit bored, he may create some random invention that simply should not exist.

    • Kuro enjoys entertainment of various sorts. He also enjoys being around friends, regardless of how it may seem otherwise.
    • Kuro enjoys the taste of orange juice after brushing his teeth.
    • He enjoys humor, especially sarcastic humor.


    • Kuro loathes bigoted actions and thoughts with a passion.
    • He also dislikes being bored, or being forced to wait.
    • Kuro hates being weak.


    • Kuro will always protect his friends, regardless of the situation.
    • Kuro, in his hate of boredom, seeks to have fun with life.
    • Kuro avoids work. Like, he will throw a building at you if it saves him from having to do paperwork.


    • Kuro doesnt really fear anything, having accepted that yes, he will eventually die. The things Kuro fears are not things that happen naturally. The first of these is eternal boredom, being unable to move or interact at all.
    • The second of these would be total loneliness. If Kuro were completely alone in the world, he would experience his truest fear.
    • Kuro's last 'fear' is the idea that he may not be worthy of things, such as friends or love, or even humanity.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'6"
    Weight: 210lbs
    Hair: Kuro's hair is a deep black. The spiked hair is simply a result of him sweeping his hand through his hair, giving it a very natural look, compared to the gelled look that most have. He prefers to keep his hair short and swept back, to keep it out of his vision, and because he likes how he looks. His hair is thick and often tangles if too long, forcing him to keep it short.
    Eyes: Kuro's piercing yellow eyes have been compared to many things, ranging from the sun, a hawk, to the demons from hell, but one thing everyone agrees on is how eerily sharp they are. Sharp being metaphorical, of course, but the point is, everyone, ally and enemy alike, dislikes staring into his eyes for long. While his yellow iris is bigger than average, and his pupil smaller than average, his eyesight is actually better than most would imagine.
    Skin Tone: Tannish pale.
    Appearance: The first thing one must note of his attire is his long trench coat, which is open in the front. The inside and outside are both black, though the sleeves are covered in a red pattern. The neck of the trench coat displays another red pattern on the inside, giving Kuro a theme of red and black, often in swirled patterns. His pants are simple jeans, which are baggy enough to leave room for both comfort and movement. They are held up by a tight belt, which has a gold buckle, while the rest is made of brown leather. Finally, his shoes. His shoes are boots with two belts, one right above the ankle, and one a few inches above that one. Both boots are black, leather, and they add an inch to his height. Aside from that, one would note the cross on his neck, and the hat on his head. The hat was his attempt to keep the sun out of his eyes. The wide brim was his main reason, but the fluff feather on his left side helped with his choice. The hat is a typical captain's hat, but the black outside and red inside match Kuro's color pattern perfectly. The cross on the other hand, was a gift his mother gave him when he was still young. While most of his memories are foggy, he remembers that moment perfectly. The cross, to him, symbolizes the strength of his resolve to remain himself, regardless of all other things, and it reminds him of his religion constantly, telling him that he must keep moving forward, regardless of outside influence.


    Guild: Savage Skulls
    Tattoo: Black, on the chest.
    Rank: D
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 1380
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ragnarök
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kurokon "Psychosis" Shikyo Empty Re: Kurokon "Psychosis" Shikyo

    Post by Indiana Jones 12th July 2014, 11:44 pm

    Well, this app is perfect. Can't wait to rp with you. And only one other thing for me to do:

    Kurokon "Psychosis" Shikyo Andd1f


    Kurokon "Psychosis" Shikyo 18jWfhn

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