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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
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    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kaligos 7th July 2014, 1:15 pm

    job details:

    Kaligos held the letter in his hand holding it out and making small nodding gestures as if he was pretending to read the words. His draconian eyes scanning the page every now and then to keep up the illusion that the various scribbles on the pages actually meant something to him. Why the writing counted as evidence he had no idea, but the parents of the girl they were sent to retrieve certainly seemed to believe that these letters were important. The only scratches Kaligos could read were the numbers on the mission bill, and those had been the driving force behind this gathering of Lamia Scale Wizards.

    "1500J, that's enough for." He quickly counted it out in his head carrying the four. “well it's a lot.” He said realizing he had little to no idea what he would be spending that money on. The sad fact was that he really didn't have much use for the Jewels, as he still didn't even have a home in Hargeon.

    Looking up along the small hiking trail that he had been leading the group along for a little while now he sniffed for a moment. Kaligos's senses were all heightened thanks to his status as a dragon slayer, and he could once again smell the strange signs of magic and civilization. Looking up a ways he could see the tower in the distance. Moving along the path he kept his head low. Kaligos wasn't usually the first person people thought of as 'stealthy' his blue hair stuck out of camouflage, along with his violet eyes. Along with the fact that he was loud and energetic, and yet here he was keeping low to the ground, his bare feet moving along the trails, as his vest and track jeans were both dark blue, if it was night time there would have been a chance that he wouldn't have been spotted, as it was though he was dressed in dark colors along a white path, in the middle of the day. “They will never see me coming, I am silent... like Ninja.”


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 34r

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kali%27s+siggy

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    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
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    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 7th July 2014, 3:59 pm

    Kihia walked silently behind Kaligos and Naraca, he had been listening to Kaligos as he kept on… what seemed to be his attempts to be re-reading the job flyer. Kaligos had for some strange reason read the reward was 1500 jewel instead of 15,000 Jewel. Kihia sighed and spoke up, “Kaligos… the mission reward is listed as fifteen thousand jewel…” Kihia let that statement hang in the air for a minute, and looked on the road in front of them. It won’t be long now… we will be reaching the Mystical tower soon… And find out what these rumors and mysterious letters are all about… Kihia stopped for a moment and looked down at his right arm, Kihia had decided to go on this mission without the bandages or his gloves. He felt that he had to get used to letting it be revealed, but it he was still nervous about the concept.

    Kihia shook himself from that train of thought from his mind and looked back at the Mystical tower, “Whatever is the cause for the peoples strange disappearances in the tower… we should be on guard… considering whoever the culprit is may have the entrance to the tower guarded… but if we can sneak in… that will give us a chance to find out more on what we are dealing with…” Kihia nodded and then continued walking along the path to the Tower, Whatever is the cause… we will deal with it… and return the clients daughter to them…


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10

    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 58
    Experience : 800

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Naraca Breaker 9th July 2014, 4:31 am

    The Mystic Tower...The name alone brought memories of the stories that surrounded it.

    The Mystic Tower, is a very old tower that's been said to hold a great and powerful magical source. Every single mage that has ever been near it has sensed it's presence. Many mages have gone to explore it, examine it. The legend tell however, that no one has ever returned from it. Regardless of the time of day, the sun always shined brightly on it, it's because of this some people say it's protected by God, a sacred and holy place that is not meant to be entered by mortal men.
    Others say it's a dark, evil place, that God is actually calling people towards the cleanse of it's evil, hence the constant sunlight on it.

    Naraca found all of these rumors to be far from the truth.
    The facts were that the temple very far back in history belonged to an ancient, forgotten tribe of people known as "Brotherhood Of The Sun". A group of Sun worshipers that harnessed the ability to use Sun based magic.
    Naraca figured this was the truth, that the clan still existed, and that they were holding up in this tower. Of course they would want to go to a place where the sun was closet to them. So what better place then The Mystic Tower?

    Three Wizards chose to walk the path that many wizards and stepped foot across before. Three Lamia Scale Wizards.
    It was Kihia, a friend of Naraca whom he has been growing a friendship with. Then there was Kaligos, an actual Dragon Slayer, the Earth Dragon Slayer to be exact. Yet the boy with the title looked nothing like a Dragon Slayer, a young, naive child with much to learn still but certainly not lacking in enthusiasm or drive. Needless to say, the title was bigger the person that had obtained it. Yet Naraca was not dissapointed, far from it, the young dragon slayer had a potential perhaps greater then most of the other wizards around. Dragon Slayers were a special breed of wizards, something rare, unique, and very deserving of respect and fear.

    Then of course there was Naraca himself, wearing the same outfit he usually adorned. A black tank top with his dark blue lose fitting shorts and the belt, sash and side cloak around his waist. His large, over sized sheathe strapped on his back, housing is massive great sword which had a chain coming out the end of the hilt that was wrapped around Naraca's right arm.

    These three wizards, all pointed towards the same mission.
    A girl was kidnapped by this potential clan of Sun Worshipers. The girl parents apparently hearing she was there of her own will, yet for the sake of formality, it was listed as a kidnapping as they can't actually confirm if this was there daughters choice. Nevertheless, the job was simple, infiltrate the Mystic Tower, find the girl, extract her, then bring her home safe.
    Why be sent to a place where no one ever returned? Well although it was theory, these Sun worshipers in order to maintain there numbers, had to be recruiting people, and if they were doing that, they were getting in and out. The disapperences were likely the said men and women being converted. There was brainwashing and mind manipulation based magic that caused this kind of thing, so the theory is that The Mystic Tower is in fact escapable. It's just being held safe by some sort of spell from the cultists. So just defeat the clan right?

    Who know how many people considered that idea before our hero's today...

    "You look good Kihia" Naraca told the ice boy after he finished talking about how they should sneak in, breaking the formality of the mission for a moment as he admired the boy finally showing his arm to the world, or at least his fellow guild mates.
    "Believe me, I know what it's like to hide scars, not wanting anyone to see" Naraca expressed solemnly, his two fingers trailed over the scarring on his face.
    "But learn to embrace them without fear, your scars are what make you tough"

    Naraca knew Kihia still wasn't feeling good about revealing his arm like this, so the man figured expressed his knowledge on the subject, and oh yes...His scars were extensive. Physically, Mentally, and even Spiritually.

    A festering darkness hung within his gut...

    The darkness of the night was suddenly broken by the sight of a strong bright ray of sunlight shining down on a tall Japanese themed tower.
    "There it is" He announced as his eye's scanned the tower for any signs of activity.
    Yet nothing...Guards didn't appear to be there, nor even any signs of recent movement. It was like it hadn't been touched in decades.
    "Doesn't look like anyone's there...It's almost like that's what they want" He said curiously they walked closer to the tower.
    Thinking about it, this tower was known for it's mystery, and how no one ever returned from it. It wouldn't be very mysterious if guards were walking around, since then any tough wizard could capture one of them, or at least visually identify them as the Sun worshipers.
    The sunlight continued to shine on the tower, ominous how the light was so constant, and it seemed to split the night sky around the tower in half.

    His eye's spotted the main entrence to the tower. The door was closed, but unguarded.
    "We might just be able to walk right in." He suggested.
    He let himself get quite a bit closer before stopping to observe the tower for a moment, letting his comrades hopefully stop with him.
    The tower didn't look like it had any sort of windows or other doors, just by looking at it from this view anyway.
    "We would need to quiet...But we might just have to walk in the front door"

    He got a bit of a shaky feeling in his chest, a very minor muscle twitch that showed a sign of a discomforting and foreboding feeling.

    "And according the legends...Never return..." He added in a lower voice.
    "So, you guys ready for this?"


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Coolte17

    Rank: C
    EXP: 225

    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kaligos 9th July 2014, 10:16 am

    Kaligos was breathing rather heavily. In truth he was trying to hold back his anticipation and wondering what exactly would be waiting for them inside the tower. It was a troubling sight, just looking at the place it wasn't exactly pretty. Oh sure there was architecture here that would last for a long time, but at the same time his allies were right this was not a place they could afford a slip up. Something here was making sure that anyone who walked inside never stepped foot outside again. Which of course meant that it was time for Kaligos to step up and break the tower. He paused for a moment when Kihla explained that there was actually more money in this mission than Kaligos had originally thought. "Excelent that is even more then a lot!"

    There were no guards, at least none that he could see, and there was nothing stopping them as they reached the base of the tower, and they were reminded that they needed to be quiet. Kaligos was still focused on his goal of being a ninja. A stalker of the night, a shadow on the wall, so of course when he got to the entrance he was too hyped up with his own mind to actually stop himself... from kicking in the door.

    The strength of a dragon is not something that should be handed to a bright eyed, dim witted child. As Kaligos's foot slammed against the front door, the door splintered cracking under the force of the kick before shattering apart. The amount of noise the door made as it's bits rained down into the door followed By Kaligos's own cry of excitement was enough to raise just about any alarms that actually existed in this place.

    The important thing to remember was that Kaligos had not always been a member of Lamia Scale, before the guild had become the hollow rather abusive club that it was today, Kaligos had been a proud (and rather loud) member of Fairy Tail. There known penchant for wanton destruction and facing their problems with their fists rather then their brains had all been things Kaligos was used too. They were habits he had grown into and stayed with, and when his own father was a destructive dragon, it was very difficult to contain things like excitement. Even so as Kaligos walked into the room, and punched his hands together ready to simply kick the ass of everyone and anyone inside this tower, a giant shit eating grin on his face as he turned back to his comrades for a moment. "Stealthy... like Ninja!"


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 34r

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kali%27s+siggy

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by NPC 9th July 2014, 10:16 am

    The member 'Kaligos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] WeakMonster

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
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    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 9th July 2014, 1:09 pm

    Kihia listened to Naraca has he comforted Kihia about having his right arm revealed for this job, after Naraca had finished Kihia thought about what he said for a moment and then responded, “Perhaps… but sometimes… the story around a scar… is cause enough to keep it hidden…” Kihia looked up to get an idea of how tall the tower was. He then saw Kaligos walk up to the doors of the tower, Alright… we are going to sneak in… and going t- Kihia was stopped mid thought when he saw what Kaligos did next, instead of breaking in quietly… Kaligos however... did the exact opposite. Kihia watched as Kaligos kicked down the door of the tower resulting in a resounding slam the echoed through the tower.

    Kihia’s right eyebrow twitched, after a moment he asked, “Kaligos… how is that being like a ninja…?” Kihia shook his head and slowly walked into the tower and examine the first floor, it seemed to have been left unattended only a few moments ago. Kihia then heard a large group of people come running down the stairs. He sighed and unsheathed Icarus, “Well… it seems we may be doing this the hard way…” Kihia watched as a ten people came out of the stair well, He walked up and looked at the ten people arriving onto the first floor, “Stand down… if you do we will not bring harm to you…” One of the ten people laughed at this, “You are the ones intruding! We have every right to kick your rear!” Then the man’s hands started glowing and charged forward, Kihia frowned and said, “So be it…” Kihia side stepped to dodge the man’s lunge and kneed him in the gut. He then followed up this attack by slamming Icarus down onto his back knocking him out cold. Kihia then turned to the remaining nine enemies who seemed hesitant to follow in their ally’s path.


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10

    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 58
    Experience : 800

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Naraca Breaker 12th July 2014, 1:07 pm

    Kaligos took the lead after Naraca had asked if they were ready. Clearly the Dragon boy was ready, he admired the enthusiasm.
    Kihia's reply to him about hiding the scar due to the story was understandable. Some day he figured, some day the boy would learn about scars and where they belonged. He'd of loved to talk about it more, but they had a mission to focus on.
    Naraca let Kaligos run ahead, he figured it'd be good to see what kinda precautions the dragon boy would take, how his own technique on being quiet and unseen might be.

    Such a decision might end up being one of the worse one's he had ever made...

    The dragon boy's quick and forward momentum wasn't slowing down as he was heading straight for the door in just a few steps slower then a mad dash like he owned the place. Ah hell, he did have stealth on his mind at all did he?

    "Kaligos!" Naraca barked, yet he did so right as the motion of the dragon boy's foot was carried forward and rammed through the door.
    Kihia was ahead of him when he rushed in as well the aid the boy to protect him from his mistake.
    Damn it! The entire clan would be on them, they wouldn't stand a chance, not without a LOT of damage to the place. Did the dragon not understand that they held the girl and that they could just kill her if they so choose? They didn't have grounds to attack lest they fail there mission.

    Naraca sprinted for the door that Kihia went in shortly, he over heard the ice boy telling everyone to stand down.

    No, no, no!!
    Damn it this was gonna get bad, real bad. What could he do? They couldn't just simply fight everyone, the entire Sun Clan was supposed to be massive, according to all the people that have gone in there and never come back, some trained and experienced Mages which includes of course the rumored size of the clan itself. They would be fighting a damn army. That didn't even include the girl...She could be killed. She was taken just recently by the Sun Clan, then not to long after her absence a team of Wizards come in? It wouldn't take long for the Sun Clan to realize they were here for her, and it wouldn't take long for them to take her as a hostage. It was said this tower had 50 floors, there was no way they'd get to her in time.

    There was only one option...

    Rushing in through the door and into the brightly lit tower, Naraca saw Kihia took out Icarus and a man in elegant orange and tan robes was going after him with glowing palms.

    "Hey! Stop! Stop this now!" He yelled as he ran in between Kihia and the Sun Worhsipper. He used one hand to quickly take hold of Icarus so Kihia couldn't follow through any kind of a attack, and with his other hand he extended forward to stop the attacking Sun Worshiper. Naraca's large size plus his booming voice was enough to stop the man with the glowing palms. The man stopped, having his chest only lightly touched by Naraca's hand before he looked up at the big man and took a step back.
    "Take it easy guys, it's okay. You guys settle down now, there's no need for this" Naraca said in a firm voice, sounding calming to the sun worshipers, yet he turned his head to Kaligos and Kihia to show his eye's that gave a strong and serious look that, without words, asked for there trust in this.
    "What the hell is this, what are you doing here?" One of the men demanded from the stair well.
    "I'm very sorry this is just a huge misunderstanding. Let me introduce myself, my name is Arashi" He said to the Sun Clansmen with his hands together, placing one on his chest and he introduced himself.
    Fakes names, yet they needed fake names.
    "These two are my good friends, this is Corvo" He extended his hand to Kihia, showing that was who Kihia was.
    "And the rambunctious one here is Masorin" He added followed by using his other hand to indicate that name belonged to Kaligos.

    The Sun Worshipers frowns were firmly plastered on there faces.
    "We're here because we have longed praised the glory of the Sun, and we wanted to join you in your efforts to praise the Sun in jolly cooperation" He informed them with a big, polite smile on his face, very out of his character as he hid the low gruffness and growl of his voice as much as he could.
    "So come in busting down our door with weapons drawn!?" The Sun Clansmen retorted harshly as he pointed at Kihia's staff.
    Naraca turned his head subtly to Kihia for him to relax and lower the weapon.

    "Sir I am very sorry about the door. You see we've traveled great lengths to be here, and the road was treacherous, filled with bandits and monsters and..." Naraca paused for the briefest of moments.
    Towers! This wasn't the only tower they saw on they way!

    "Towers much like this one. All of which we either abandoned or hostile, when our little Masorin here saw this tower and saw it he thought might be the great Mystic Tower, he just couldn't help himself and he rushed right in." Naraca explained to them, trying to sound as genuine as he could.
    "The boy meant well but sadly he doesn't know his own strength" He said with a chuckle.
    The Sun Worshipers scrutinized the three men with narrow eye's, they still looked suspicious. One of them eye'd Kihia's ice made arm.
    "Again I'm very sorry for this disturbance, but we have come a long way, and now they we're here, please let us join you in the Sun." Naraca added with the voice of a man pleaing with passion in his heart, trying as best as he could to sound like this was really what he wanted.

    The man that was almost going to fight Kihia looked convinced enough to put his hands down and let the glow in his hands subside.
    The man who was talking to Naraca still had a look of uncertainty about this.
    Naraca thought to himself, this wasn't the best way to go about this, but they could still make this work. Maybe they didn't even have to fight, they could just pose as men wanting to join in and they could find the girl once among there ranks. She joined The Sun Clan just recently right? They could be very well be placed right next to her. This was a golden opportunity, however they would have to do whatever the clan said for the time being.

    After a long pause, the man whom still looked suspicious finally spoke.
    "Are you going to pay for the damage?" He asked in a grudging tone.
    "Of course, right away sir" Naraca replied.
    The man gave the three of them another look while in thought.
    "Alright...Hand over your weapons, this is a holy place, no tools of violence are allowed within these walls. At least until you are judged worthy" He added, motioning his hand to the other Sun Worshipers to take there weapons away.

    Damn...They didn't have a choice in this...They had to in order to win over the clans trust.

    "Alright" He replied before, with only slight hesitation did he unstrap his massive great sword from his back. Two of the men walked up to Naraca and waited for his to give them his sword. Two men walked up to Kaligos, and two men walked up to Kihia, waiting for them to give them there weapons.

    Kaligos clearly was like a wizard from Fairy Tail, however like Kihia, he hoped the two of them would simply follow what Naraca was doing and hand over there weapons. Once they did, they would proceed to go upstairs.

    This was the best thing they could do, now all he could do was just relay on Kaligos and Kihia to trust him on this. Or for the time being, Masorin and Corvo.


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Coolte17

    Rank: C
    EXP: 225

    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
    Third Skill:

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kaligos 19th July 2014, 4:33 pm

    Kaligos balked for a moment. He had realized his error of going in ball brazen but at the same time hadn't expected the reaction of his team. Even when he had flubbed stealth missions in the past with Fairy Tail there had never been a reaction like this, his ally's well at least one of them was trying too appologize, even... surrendering? He blinked for a moment surveying the guys that they were up against and didn't see anything that smelled like a threat, but sure enough Naraca was still ordering him to stand down. He blinked feeling a mix of anger and a small amount of shame at the very idea.

    And yet he was still being ordered to throw down his weapons... Kaligos didn't even carry any weapons he was a living weapon what more did he need other then his own fists, and magic? Was he supposed to some how surrender his fists, but no the very idea of... wait was he negotiating to try and join the cult?...

    He blinked for a moment his eyes glancing down to the very exposed tattoo on his right shoulder, it was no longer the chicken on the sled that had once represented Fairy Tail, but rather a different symbol, but they were all supposed to represent family right? He shook his head different guilds clearly had different ways about going down their roads for missions, and honestly while Kaligos didn't like the idea that they were for some reason suddenly signing up for this cults practices, and more importantly in his mind surrendering...

    It felt so wrong, but he still tossed up his hands. "Yeah fine praise the sun mother fucker, what ever take us to your leader." His voice could not have sounded less enthusiastic about the idea. He shuddered slightly feeling dirty. His violet eyes glared at Naraca for a moment. If this was Lamia Scales version of a good plan it wasn't one that he enjoyed. Sure we can let the cult indoctrinate us, no problem with that plan what so ever.

    In all honesty as the two men walked up to him he had half a mind to break them, they seemed rather weak and there was no doubt in his mind that they could have made it to the top of the tower one way or another. Still he had already angered his team once. "I don't carry weapons." He said blatantly subjecting himself to a pat down. The amount of sand that fell of his skin was rather unnatural a side effect of his constant magic and earthly scales.

    The glare he passed to Naraca still said everything above what ever he actually couldn't say. It was the simple 'i'm not happy about this.' look.


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 34r

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kali%27s+siggy

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    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
    Position : None
    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 19th July 2014, 5:16 pm

    Kihia stood there staring at Naraca after he had just blocked Kihia’s attack. Kihia retracted his fighting pose and lifted Icarus up and onto his right shoulder listening Naraca talk to this clans men. I see what he is trying to do… and not a very bad one at that[/i]. Kihia’s expression darkened however when he heard the clansmen order, [i]Leave… my weapons with them… Kihia shot Naraca an ice cold glare after heard the clansmen give out that order. Kihia tightened his grip on Icarus, that was one thing Kihia was not good leaving in the hands of complete strangers.

    Kihia watched has Naraca took of his great sword off his back and hand it over to two of the men, I trust Naraca in full… but… Icarus… I won’t trust leaving it in the hands of the people… not without setting up some safeguards. Kihia glared at the two men who had approached him, “Hand over your weapons!” Kihia waited a moment and then walked over by the door… “I will fasten my weapons to the ground… that should suffice… if not… I will simply wait outside…” The two men looked at each other for a moment and then looked at the leader of the group. The clans men thought for a moment and then said, “Go ahead that will be fine… The weapons can’t do anything without their wielder anyway.” Kihia nodded and turned back to face the wall, I am glad that their leader isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed… Kihia then focused his attention on Icarus and placed on end on the ground, and then formed a ice base that completely cemented Icarus to the ground, leaving his right hand on the weapon he channeled a portion of his magical power into it, I store within this weapon, Ice Make Guardian… when you awaken from your slumber… bring me Icarus and the Geruks… Kihia nodded and then reached into his trenchcoat and pulled out Geruko and Geruka. He then placed and froze the two weapons to Icarus in a fashion that only himself or a fire mage could pull them off.

    Kihia then turned around and walked forward, “Well… what are you waiting for… take us up…” Kihia was frowning, he was comforted that he knew his plan would succeed, however he still didn’t like it.

    OOC Status Report:
    Health: 100%
    Mana: 92.5%(Started at 105% due to having a + on hand)
    Spells due to Come out: Ice Make Guardian: Two posts until self activation


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10

    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Naraca Breaker 21st July 2014, 6:07 pm

    It was far from Naraca's desire to do this, he had that sword since he was 16, his first real sword, told to train until he was strong enough to swing it with ease like a twig. Earth Breaker it was called, made and used by his father before it was passed along to him. A blade that's always been near him, and has saved him more times then any man or woman.
    Yet here was not one, but two men having to carry it away. He'd of chuckled at the site were they in better circumstances. He remembered when that sword was as heavy as that.

    Kaligos and Kihia both cooperated despite there clear dislike of this course of action. Being in Fairy Tail Kaligos was probably used to doing things in a very straight forward manner, rushing in, breaking everything and doing the mission in a more direct fashion. Such a way was fun when there was little to risk, but when a little girls life was at stake, such action could get her killed and have them fail the mission. Also despite his training, his experience, and his long history with it, Naraca hated violence. So if they could solve this peacefully, that indeed what he was going to do.
    He was thankful to them, he knew it would be the hardest on Kihia for having to let Icarus go.

    "Well what are you waiting for? Take us up" Kihia said after the three of them were cleared for any weapons.
    "Very well, follow me" The cultist said in a low tone. The man still suspicious.
    Naraca made sure to quicken his pace a little so he was in front of Kihia and Kaligos. The cultist mentioned something called "Judgement" whatever it was, he didn't want those two go through it first.
    They walked up bronze colored stairs, stairs that circled around the walls of the tower. The walk felt slow and it felt like they were being watched and not just by the men that they were walking with. This was said to be watched over directly by the sun, who in there religion was god. This tower seemingly having a direct line with the sun. If the sun god was real, this was were his eye's would be looking right now.
    "So how did you discover the glory of Sun?" The suspicious cultist asked in a casual voice, yet it could be seen the man was throwing out is own little test.
    Naraca had to think here...How did the girl find out about them? It's the damn sun, it's always there, isn't that enough? Of course it isn't, so then what could he say? Maybe just give the cop out kinda answer?
    "I've always believed the Sun deserved praise and glory. The sun gives life after all, so once I heard about the Sun worshipers, I knew I had to find them." He explained in mock passion. Naraca wasn't the best actor out there, but he knew that when it came to someone he'd never met before, he could fool them provided they weren't extremely intelligent or had a nack for detecting a lie. The man didn't look into Naraca's eye's so that helped.
    "I see..." He commented before his eye's looked up the stairs a little to find the door.
    "We're here, come inside" He offered, walking up to the door and opening it to let the others go in first.
    Naraca walked into the room, it had no lights, only the light of the sun shined through the bright stain glass windows that had several designs all with the sun involved in some fashion. The room had chairs along the walls with a desk in the center and behind the desk was a large metal door.
    "Your Judgement is beyond that door" The sun worshiper informed them as he pointed to the big metal door and walked behind the desk.
    "Arashi, you'll go first, then Masorin, then Corvo"
    Naraca nodded, his eye's moving towards the door. It was very thick looking metal, it looked like a door meant to quarantine a monster. Was this what they really had to do?

    He walked over to the door, as he got close he heard steam coming our from the door somehow before it opened like it was an airlock. The door opened to a dark room, he couldn't see anything inside accept for the reflection of a large metal door on the other side. Looking up however he could see that there was some kind of giant lenses on the ceiling of the room.
    "How does this room judge us?" Naraca asked
    "It's the Sun that judges you. Once you step inside we open the cover on the roof and let the Sun decided if you are worthy. If you are, the door on the opposite side will open and the men in there will give you your robes and you'll go with the other Initiates." The man explained to Naraca in a very business like manner.
    "And if I'm unworthy?" He asked, turning his head to the cultist.
    "You'll be incinerated"

    A uneasy chill creeped up Naraca's back, he didn't show it, but he felt it. This was what it took? Could he even believe this was real? To be judged by the sun? How many people have failed, has there ever even been a failure before? He didn't give a damn about the sun, so wouldn't he just get killed? That is even if this was the sun, it could just have trigger man on the incineration button elsewhere.
    This was suicide...

    They could still fight he thought, they got this far without violence, it was better then nothing right? No, no...They couldn't...They knew the risks going into this job, jobs like this you better be prepared to risk your life. But to potentially die through a damn execution room? Hardly a fitting warriors death.
    His eye's quickly scanned the metal of the door. It was tough, really tough, could he break through it if he was deemed unworthy? He wouldn't bet on it.
    Should he just turn back? Knock these men out? Give the word, that's all he had to do and Kaligos and Kihia would destroy these guys.
    It was a tempting offer as he'd certainly feel like his life wasn't at risk but...

    His mind went back to the girl they were supposed to rescue...What was her name again? Luna, yes Luna. Her parents, how could he face them again if she was killed because the three of them decided that there lives were more important? She could be killed if they fought against them. This was there job after all wasn't? To risk there lives in the name of the greater good? To be hero's right? As Zuo has tried to raise them. The term hero still was sour in Naraca's mouth, however he knew he had to try.
    So, trying his best to shove aside his reasons for not going through with this, he turned his head to his comrades, his eye's looking into there.

    "I'll wait for you guys on the other side" He told them before facing the open door again and walking through.
    Walking inside the dark room it was pitch black to him for a moment as he walked in. He stood in the center of the room, the floor was also metal, he bet the whole room was just a big metal box.
    The large door screeched as steam vent before the door slowly closed behind him and leaving him in pitch darkness. He had to wait for a few seconds before a sliver of light came from the lens, and it slowly got bigger and bigger, a powerful light hitting the floor. As it did and illuminated the room, Naraca's gasped quietly.

    Ash's...There was ashes on the floor, fresh as well...Was someone...Just here? The ash's human and were still even floating in the air, like it couldn't have been less then thirty minutes ago.
    Naraca's teeth pressed against each other.
    The lenses grew brighter, and it opened more and more, the light just inches away from touching his toes.
    He took a deep breath as the warm light slowly shone over him, and covered his whole body. He looked up at the light, but it was in fact a direct view of the sun.
    What if this was just some kind of trick? What if this was no judgement room, but just what they told people they didn't want to have in the cult?

    It was too late now wasn't it...

    Maybe note, in his mind he prepared himself for using a spell, or maybe all his spells, anything to break out.
    The sun stayed on him, it grew hotter as it lingered. Damn it! These people were murders. He prepared himself, he was gonna break out, the light only grew hotter. No, no damn it have faith! Come on they won't burn ya, he thought, they were all wizards, tough, strong wizards at that, would they really risk losing three powerful ally's?
    These people wouldn't do it, they couldn't.
    However...What if it really was the Sun's work?
    No...No it couldn't be. There was no way was there? He was gonna find out wasn't he?

    Naraca felt himself jump as he heard a loud screech and a gust of wind hit his face. The covering over the lense slowly began to close and the door in front of him opened, revealing the light on the other side with a man holding some robes in his arm waiting for him.
    "You are worthy" The man spoke those sweet words.
    Naraca walked out, hiding the worry he felt and appearing confident stepping out, acting like he knew he'd be worthy.
    "Thank you" Naraca replied, taking the robes in his hand then turning around and waiting for his comrades, the doors closing in front of him only for the doors for Kaligos to open next.


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Coolte17

    Rank: C
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    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kaligos 21st July 2014, 11:15 pm

    'Why am I doing this?' The more time passed the more Kaligos had to ask himself that question. It was actually starting to drive him a little crazy, joining their order was never part of the plan, it was just supposed to be get in, get the girl and maybe break some things on the way out. There was no need for any of this cloak and dager nonsense, and yet here they were waiting on some trial of judgement. The thought was a little more maddening, and a little less then unnerving the fact was he didn't like it.

    Kaligos was not a patient type of person, and the longer he waited the more he had to try and stay his temper. He had been so excited for this mission, a chance tot take down an entire cult, and yet they were in the building and they were doing a lot of things but they weren't taking it down. The metal doors to the chamber of judgement opened, and Kaligos raised an eyebrow. They motioned towards him going into the chamber and immediately Kaligos balked. He stepped back for a moment his hand covering his mouth as he encountered a smell on a level he had never encountered before.

    Burnt flesh. The smell of melting fat and burnt human was all over the chamber, and Kaligos's nose picked up every second of it. His eyes watered for a moment as he tried to still his breathing. Even in the darkness his eyes could pick up the ashes. Okay there was no way he was stepping foot inside that death trap.

    "Is something wrong?" The cult member approached Kaligos and for better or worse he wasn't stepping foot in that death trap. The smell alone was going to make him vomit and that was saying nothing of the magic that used it. Kaligos's nose could pick up an enchantment along the roof, and figgured out that something would work as a magnifying glass. The simple fact was that if it measured intent like he thought it did then there was no way he would make it across that room. He simply wasn't a good enough liar. Sneaking in was no longer an option. On the other side of the room he had to guess that there ally had already made it across or was otherwise one of the many burnt marks along the ground, frankly he could no longer tell one humans smell from another so even if their guild mate was dead in that chamber his nose wasn't going to be able to pick it out.

    "This is sick..." Kaligos's voice was a little less then a hushed whisper as he tried not to gag. No this judgement bullshit was not going to be his option. Instead Kaligos picked the only option he knew wouldn't fail him at this point in time and space. Violence was the only answer he needed. Turning he grabbed the man closest to him. "Claws of the earth dragon!"

    As he grabbed the man by the throat and lifted him off the ground his strength and power increased his hands becoming crystalline claws. In this form his claws could shatter bone, and the human neck contained the weakest amount of bones in the human body. "One wrong move and your friend's neck becomes nothing more then powder... Kihia they are cooking humans in that room. I can smell it, like they haven't even cleaned up the remains, hundreds of bodies cooked to death unrecognizable their bodies all mixed together in piles of ash. These people are twisted and evil. They aren't praising the sun they are abusing it."

    Kaligos showed clear signs of discomfort and pain. He didn't like the idea of killing a man and yet, here he was using one of the cultists as a prisoner to make the others submit to his will. "Go get your sword 'cause i'm done negotiating with people who don't even have the decency to clean up the dead. We do this the old fashioned way."


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 34r

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kali%27s+siggy

    Missons completed::

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    Pretty as a peach 1

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 22nd July 2014, 7:00 pm

    Kihia looked at Kaligos with a serious look in his eyes, he simply nodded and walked past the cultists who had their eyes fixed on Kaligos… This isn’t good… the mission might be compromised if this keeps up… I need to KO Kaligos for now… he may be mad later… but I will be sure to let him know it was for the best and apologize… Kihia got back to the first floor and looked over where he saw Icarus and the Geruks still frozen in place, He took hold of the Geruks and channeled his magical power into them dispelling the stored spell as well as the ice.

    Kihia quickly sheathed the Geruks and quickly grabbed Icarus, and lifted it up to rest it on his right shoulder. He then nodded and then climbed back up to the second floor. Kihia walked towards Kaligos, with none of the cultists paying a bit of attention to him. When Kihia got behind Kaligos he waited for a moment and whispered, “I am sorry for this…” Kihia then flipped Icarus off his right shoulder slamming one end of it down onto Kaligos’s head to knock him out. Kihia watched as Kaligos dropped the man and started to fall to the ground himself, but Kihia caught him before he fully fell. As he caught Kaligos he sent a bit of his magical power to his hand to form a small plaque made out of crystal with an Inscription on it:

    “Dear Kaligos,

    I am sorry for knocking you out like that but, that was the best course of action at the time, I will be either with Naraca or somewhere else when you come to… but I promise we will not leave you behind. Feel free to eat this message as a supplementary apology meal…

    Sincerely, Kihia”

    Kihia nodded after he was done, That plaque is attached to the back of the inside of his shirt… so it should not be found or lost while they move him…. Kihia then turned to the cultist, “I believe this one needs to be confined for a time…” Kihia watched as the cultists looked confused for a moment until one of them ordered, “The man is right bring that Heathen to the holding area for a bit!” Kihia watched as a few men stepped forward and took Kaligos out his arms and up a separate set of stairs. “May I request… that I may hold onto my weapons for the duration…?” The leader stood there for a moment and then nodded, “Yes you may you have proven yourself not to be unloyal to the sun! Now please enter the Judgment chamber!” Kihia grimaced… I guess it is for the mission… and the chances of them killing me off after that display is minimal…. Kihia nodded and then walked forward into the room. The cultists closed the metal doors and after a moment a bright flash of light lit up the room and faded, he then heard someone say, “You Are worthy! You may Continue onward!” Kihia shook his head as he saw the doors on the opposite side opening up revealing Naraca standing there. Kihia nodded and walked up to him and whispered, “I vote… not to risk that again…”
    OOC Status Report:
    Health: 100%
    Mana: 90%(Started at 105% due to having a + on hand)
    Spells due to Come out: Ice Make Guardian-Cancled


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10

    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Naraca Breaker 27th July 2014, 4:50 pm

    Receiving his robes with mock gratitude. It took a lot for him to restrain himself from ramming his fist so far in this Sun cultists stomach that he'd break the man's spine. He took the robes and tucked them underneath his arm.
    "The lockers are right this way" The sun cultist said, his hand motioning to a door close to them.
    Naraca stayed in place.
    "I'd like to wait for my friends first" He asserted polity.
    "Of course" The sun cultist replied and waited as well, going off the grab another set of robes.
    At first the wait gave Naraca no thought, he only ran the image of the picture of Luna, the girl they were supposed to rescue, through his mind. She was supposed to be quite petite, about 5,2 in height and with long brunette hair and blue eye's. An identifiable mark being a family heirloom of sorts, her earrings that were sliver rings on her ear lobes. The rings having engravings of an ancient language.

    The judgement felt very long, but in truth it shouldn't actually take all that at all in reality. However surprisingly, neither Kihia nor Kaligos were coming out. He didn't hear a single sound in fact. The doors were big and heavy, and if they were torching people in there, it'd make sense they'd sound proof it to avoid anyone hearing screams. However that didn't exactly help Naraca feel any better. Sure he came out okay, but what if by some chance they only want just him? Or maybe just Kaligos or Kihia, just two our of three? The thought made him fee uneasy. He had to remind himself of his earlier logic. There was no way, this cult would have to take all three of them, they wouldn't risk losing such allies.

    The tensions was relieved when Kihia stepped out of the doors. However Naraca's eye's narrowed as Kihia was walking towards him with a somewhat disturbed look on his face. Did something happen?
    "You are worthy" The sun cultist from earlier said to Kihia as he'd hand him his sun robes.
    The ice boy walked right up to Naraca and quickly whispered something.
    Not do risk what again? Later, they could talk in the lockers, hopefully.

    Naraca simply nodded his head to the Sun cultist and walked into the locker room for Kihia to follow.
    The room was empty, thankfully.
    Placing the robes down on a bench in the center of the locker room, Naraca took a small look around before feeling safe enough to talk.
    "What happened to you guys? Wheres Kaligos?" He'd ask Kihia, curious and worried at the same time.


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Coolte17

    Rank: C
    EXP: 225

    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
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    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kaligos 3rd August 2014, 12:42 pm

    Kaligos groaned as he tried to get up. His head hurt from having something heavy having struck it hard. For a moment he had no memory of anything, but the problem then came into play. He started to remember everything, and suddenly the quality of the 'friends' he had been keeping in this new guild were all called into question. First there was the coward Naraca who absolutely refused to partake in a fight where they had every advantage, and then that asshole Kihia who had just finished bashing him over the head. In less then a few words Kaligos was pissed, and about ready to break out of where ever he was being kept and exact his vengence. Screw the cult that had been burning people alive, his teammates would be the victims of Kaligos's wrath.

    His eyes twitched as he got up and something slid against his back tapping against him. Confused he spun around for a moment like a dog trying to catch his own tail before realizing that what he was persuing was actually inside his shirt. Confused and a little put off he reached up into his shirt and took out a plaque. He recognized the magic well enough. It had Kihia's scent all over it. Kaligos staired at it for a few moments a sweat drop sliding down the side of his face.

    "I... still have no idea how to read." that was still one of his major problems. Kaligos had been working on it in secret but it was about time that he actually learned how to work with the language he spoke. That said Kaligos knew an appology meal when he saw one. "Okay Kihia you get a free pass for this one." Kaligos said as he took a bite out the plague and felt himself gain back a little bit of the energy he had used previously in the fight. Finishing the meal so that nothing was left he leaned back into the corners of his cell.

    The cell door opened after a moment or two and a young woman walked inside the room She was carrying a trey that had on it a cloth as well as a large bowl of water, that smelled faintly of lemons. She looked nervous even as she approached Kaligos. "Excuse me? My name is Luna, I am here to clean your wounds."

    Kaligos blinked for a moment hearing that. They sent one of the cult members to actually look after a prisoner. It was a noble effort but not something that would alleviate this groups crimes. Soon as he figured out how he would do it, this entire cult of the sun would have to go down. Kaligos's eyes glazed over for a moment finding the smell of the girl rather familiar however, Her name not so much, but the smell was unmistakable. This girl was the target for their rescue. Finally he had an advantage the others in hsi group didn't know about. He let out a small sigh and nodded.

    Kaligos didn't even really wince as she started to wash the blood away from his head wound. Kaligos winced feeling the citric acid burn. "I'm sorry we don't have much in the way of medical supplies, and since your a prisoner this was the best I could get for you."

    "Then Why even bother with helping me in the first place? wouldn't it make sense to simply let me sit and rot with a festering wound?" Kaligos had to ask as this group seemed to have it's ideals messed up.

    Luna on the other hand seemed shocked by such a question. "I would never allow someone to suffer like that, but actually... I'm having trouble finding the wound." She seemed actually puzzled by the fact that she couldn't find Kaligos's head wound, but he simply waved it off.

    "I'm a fast healer, comes with being part dragon, but aren't you in the wrong place if you want to help people? This isn't exactly a kind location, I mean I could smell the many dead they have in this place." Kaligos winced again as he felt like he had offended her in some way.

    "That merely keeps out those who are unworthy, and would harm others... it's safer inside the cult than it is out there. In here people don't hurt each other."

    Kaligos let out a long sigh. "You said your name is Luna right? Did the cult give you that name?"

    The girl nodded but didn't give any more information.

    "I think, me and the group that was in here was hired to bring you back to your father. I honestly thought you would have been a prisoner, but at least I don't have to go searching up and down the tower when it's time to get you out of-"

    A moment later and a hard slap rang through the room. Kaligos didn't even feel like anything had happened, but the girl was holding her hand clearly in pain. "What are you made of!" She blew on her hand as she flexed making sure she hadn't hurt herself too badly. "I'm not going back! I joined these people because they can keep me safe... Here we respect each other, and warship the life giving sun."

    Kaligos's eyes widened, there was a certain amount of bullshit the girl was spewing, that was clearly from the cool-aid that these guys were selling however the fear he could see in her eyes was very real. That in it's self was confusing as fuck. Who the hell wouldn't want to get away from a cult full of murderous assholes? "Well frankly I don't have a choice. Your father hired us to bring you back to him, So one way or another that's what I have to do. To fail or quit a mission would bring bad reputation to the guild, not that I like anyone in Lamia scale right now when i get my hands on those two, and since your dad is going to pay us to bring you back my hands are tied. What happens after we get paid and get our meal ticket on the other hand is another story."


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 34r

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kali%27s+siggy

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    Pretty as a peach 1

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    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 3rd August 2014, 2:16 pm

    Kihia looked at the cultist robes with a high degree of dissatisfaction hidden in his face, he placed the robes on the center bench and stared at Naraca after hearing his question. “Kaligos… smelled all the people that died in that room… which made him decide not to go in… and try and fight the cultists for the perhaps countless… lives lost in that chamber… I had to knock him out to maintain the cover you had created for us… but I did make sure to plant an apology note for when he wakes…” Kihia frowned and continued to stare at Naraca, “We need to try and find the girl… rendezvous with Kaligos… and get out of here… thankfully I managed to convince them to let me hold onto my weapons this time… which may work out for the better in more ways than one…”

    Kihia paused for a moment reaching behind him and grabbing one end of Icarus with his right hand feeling the familiar magical resonance whenever he held onto the weapon. After a moment he nodded and let go of Icarus and put his hand back to his side, “So Naraca… we have gotten this far… any ideas on how we should proceed in finding Kaligos and the Girl?” Kihia waited for a moment and then walked over to the outside wall placing his left hand on the wall trying to get a read on the numbers they were dealing with and the possible location they had imprisoned Kaligos, There are too many magical signatures… and I am not familiar enough with Kaligos’s to pick his out at a whim yet…

    OOC Status Report:
    Health: 100%
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10

    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Naraca Breaker 5th August 2014, 4:46 pm

    He dropped his robes on the center bench and listened as Kihia explained what had happened. Kaligos broke the cover without hesitation once he saw the ashes. Kaligos reacted in the Naraca wanted to himself, had this not been a mission that required some discretion he wouldn't have hesitated to do things the loud way himself.
    The boy would have been a good choice for a more direct assault kinda job but not this one, not like this.
    Naraca walked over to one of the lockers and leaned his back against the cool metal. How indeed would they proceed? With "Masorin" showing his true self, they'd have to play the part of feeling betrayed. They'd under a suspicious eye again however...How could they not be? Kihia said he knocked out Kaligos, which let him keep his weapon close by, so they trusted him to have his weapon. Would they trust Naraca in same way? The fact no one was bursting in the locker rooms right now was reassuring him that they didn't seem to feel that way.
    Assuming they didn't suspect him, even though Kaligos was probably in a jail or cell of some kind they'd have to continue with the mission. He was worried that they might just up and kill the young dragon slayer, but under the circumstances, if they tried to bust him out they could just end up with having both Kaligos and Luna dead.
    They had to maintain there cover for the time being.

    "How to proceed, well..." He paused a moment before walking towards the bench and picking up his robes.
    "We play the part of Sun bro's" He added and then put on the robes over his current outfit, the robes were worn like a poncho with sleeves.
    "We can't think about Kaligos right now, we'll worry about him after we find Luna. She hasn't been in the cult for very long so I'm betting that she'll be with the other Initiates like us. So we'll just have to split up once we get the chance, and see if we spot her. Remember her description. She's 17, height is five two, brown hair blue eye's and wears silver earrings " He described as he straightened out some folds and wrinkles in his robes. These things was too small for him...

    He'd wait for Kihia to put his clothes before walking over to the exit.

    "Remember, we're not here to start a fight. We'll find her, let her know it's us, then work out a way to sneak out if we can. Once we get her out we can focus on Kaligos" He finished with before opening the exit door and walking out to meet the man who gave them there clothes.

    The sun cultist gave Naraca and Kihia a quick up down with his eye's before smiling.
    "The robes fit you well?" He asked curiously.
    "Just fine" Naraca replied with a lie. He wasn't going to wearing these for long so he wasn't going to try and fine just the right one.
    "Wonderful, if you'll follow me we'll go to the Initates floors. We'll be having a service in an hour where you both can introduce yourselves to everyone else" he explained before beginning to walk up more stairs.
    In an hour? Hopefully they'd be long gone by then Naraca thought.

    Once going upstairs, there was no door, only a short hallway before walking into what looked a like what you might expect the inside of a college to look like. It was surprisingly big walking in, almost too big for the tower itself. The main hall area here was large, real large, it had stairs to second floors, third floors and forth floors, on the ground floor where they were was reception desk with different doors and halls leading to rooms or offices. A cafeteria could even be seen. The place separated into wings. The main wing where they were had the class rooms, cafeteria, gym and assorted rooms and offices. The west wing had the rooms for the Initates, you could compare them to dorm rooms. The east wing had the church and training grounds for Sun Wizards.

    (OOC: Small time skip to save time)

    After being toured around the Initates section of the Tower Naraca and Kihia were left on there own. They had 30 minutes before the Church would begin it's service.
    "No matter what we have to find her before the service begins" Naraca told Kihia while standing only a few inchs away.
    They were back in the main wing in the center hall. They finally were able to actually start looking for Luna.
    "She had to be somewhere around here. She isn't a wizard so she won't be in the training grounds in the east wing. She's gotta be somewhere here or in the west wing. I can go search the church and here, think you can try the west wing?" He asked Kihia after explaining his thoughts.


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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Coolte17

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    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 25th August 2014, 9:06 pm

    Kihia stood there for a moment as he noticed a magical signature fading away from the tower, Someone… is leaving? But who?(OOC: Kaligos Exit) Kihia then snapped back to attention when Naraca had asked him a question.  Naraca had asked him to cover the west wing to look for Luna, the person they came to bring home. “I shall do that then Naraca… be easy in the church…” Kihia then turned around shifting uncomfortably in the Sun Cultists robes. He walked down the hallway getting suspicious glances from various Sun Cultist as he went by them, I guess they don’t like the thought of seeing someone freely walk around with weapons on their back…[/i] Kihia stopped and stood in the middle of a four way hallway and started looking around, [i]Great… which way should I attempt to look first…

    Kihia stood there lost in thought for a moment when someone had walked up behind him, “Excuse me, Are you lost?” Kihia Jumped a bit and turned around to see a large man behind him, “You belong in the East Wing where Magic users practice, so I will ask you again are you lost?” Kihia sighed and shook his head, “Yes I am… but I am currently looking for a friend of mine who had come here not to long ago… She isn’t a magic user so I thought I would come and say Hello,” The man gave Kihia a suspicious glance before asking, “Well What is your friends name, She may be helping somewhere in the tower today?” Kihia twitched his right eyebrow a tad and then said, “Her name is Luna,” Then man softened his glaring gaze a bit, “Luna eh? If I remember correctly she is tending to the holding area today…” Kihia quickly bowed in thanks and then started to walk back towards Naraca, Our first solid lead in the mad house… good…


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10

    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

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    Age : 58
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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Naraca Breaker 27th August 2014, 11:42 pm

    The church was interesting as Naraca walked into it. It was preparing for a service and he saw a few cultists preparing what looked like instruments. The place had golden brown light all around it, it was almost odd the angles in which the light came from. He understood the sun would almost always shine over the tower, but with the amount of windows around in all different directions the sun seemed to shine directly through all of them. Almost like several suns were surrounding it. He wasn't magically strong enough to tell if this tower might have been magically enchanted in some way but he'd bet that this tower wasn't just some ordinary place on the ground.
    The church was fairly standard aside otherwise, it was a huge auditorium with big walls, a big stage, pews on the ground and a balcony level as well. Once he walked in a few people had already spotted him, it was almost tough not to see him, this cult probably never had anyone like him before in there tower.
    Looking around Naraca didn't any particularly small women around here, yet what he noticed instead from these people was...Community.
    There weren't any guards posted, people were talking amongst themselves and laughing, like friends. You'd of never guessed this place was as evil as the rumors suggested.

    Naraca proceeded to search around the church as subtly as he could, not exactly able to so a search of every single room in every single nook and cranny, but he was able to check over everywhere where people would usually be. He couldn't find anyone that matched her description, not even close. The church didn't have anything in it. So he went back to the main hall to search there.
    By this point Kihia was just starting to head back now, Naraca figured he'd see him coming from wherever he was just so long as he kept his eye's on the meeting spot.
    His search took in through a few floors and walkways in the main hall, opening doors that didn't have windows when he could. Yet there was just studying students and teachers, almost like the place offered some kind of education outside of the Sun.

    He had no idea however that a small young lady with brunette hair and silver earrings was walking towards the cafeteria as he was just coming back downstairs. As he walked down he saw Kihia going towards the meeting spot, perhaps the boy was going to come back with something.
    He walked down the stairs, his eye's fixed on the ice boy as a little girl passed him and almost bumped into him.
    "Sorry" He muttered quickly.
    "It's okay" She replied, going around him and passing him towards the cafeteria door.
    Naraca turned passively to look at her and then turned away to walk towards Kihia.

    "Hey! So you find..." He stopped himself for a moment, his brow furrowed as he turned his head back around to see that girl walking through the door. Wind from the door making the girls hair dance up and show her ears.
    A silver twinkle against the light.

    Naraca inhaled sharply through his nose and made a quick motion with his hand for Kihia to follow him as he walked very quickly towards her. Walking through the cafeteria door he saw several people inside, it must have been lunch just before the service started. Yet he didn't pay attention to them at all.
    "Luna!?" He called out walking towards.
    The girl stopped and turned around, seeing the giant man again, looking a bit intimidated and nervous.
    "Y-Yes?" She responded curiously.
    "Your name is Luna right?" Naraca asked, coming a little closer to her so she could hear him in a small whisper.
    "Why are you asking?" she asked sounding more nervous now.
    "My name is Naraca, this is Kihia. We're wizards from Lamia Scale hired by your parents to get you outta here" He informed her, looking around a little to see no one was particularly watching them.
    Luna's eye's widened as she heard that and she took a step back from him, her hands raising up to her chest defensively.  
    "What? My...My parents?!" She asked sounding almost shocked.
    "Yes, now we've gotta go now, the service will start soon and-"
    "No!" She suddenly said out loud and taking another step back. A few people closest to them looking towards them now.
    Naraca's eye's narrowed, she was resisting? Why?
    "Wha? But we were told-"
    "No!! No I'm never going back there!!" She yelled louder, causing more people to notice.

    Naraca's teeth clenched together slightly. Why didn't she want to go back? Did this place brain wash you in some way? No...No they couldn't have, otherwise they wouldn't have judgement room since they could just brainwash anyone that might not be interested in join.
    His eye's shifted around the room, everyone would be watching them soon. He had to diffuse this quickly.
    "Hey, hey it's alright, listen we just-"
    "No! No you stay away from me!!!" She almost screamed out in what sounded like utter fear, like he was about to kill her instead of try and rescue her.
    Naraca felt his abdomen tighten up. Now everyone was watching, and some bigger looking guys were walking up to them now.

    "Someone get these men away from me!" She said to everyone, her voice shuddering slightly in fear.
    Naraca looked down and saw some more men approach Kihia and him.
    His hair hung down slightly over his face and he cursed under his breath.
    "Damn...No choice now" He mumbled under realization that not only did she not want to go, but now they would be investigated and found out to be LS wizards, also because since he revealed it to Luna. They had no other choice now.
    A young man walked in front of Luna protectively, and three bigger men walked over to Naraca.

    "You wanna leave the lady alone big guy?" One of the men said as reached out to put his hand on his shoulder to lead him outside.
    It looked like this was going to get violent after all...

    "Kihia! Cover me!" He yelled out before taking a big step forward and shoving the man who put his hand on his shoulder by the chest with enough force to put him on his back. The three other men went to stop him but Naraca shouldered his way past them, knocking them all back with his strength and size.
    Luna screamed and turned around to try and run while the young man in front of her tried to stand his ground. He looked like he might be a boyfriend. Yet Naraca shoved the young man hard and into one of the cafeteria tables.
    Luna was able to make it a few steps away before Naraca was right behind her and he wrapped his arm around her body and lifted her right up off the ground.

    "No! No! Get off me!! I don't wanna go back!!" She screamed as she punched and kicked him as much as she could.
    Naraca slung her over his shoulder as her fists and feet hit different parts of his body. They were light and he didn't feel them much, yet what hurt most was the incredible guilt he was feeling over this. He felt like he was kidnapping her and the worst part was that he just might actually be doing that.
    "Come on we gotta go!" Naraca barked once he had her on his shoulder and he'd begin to run back through the door as many, many people in the cafeteria would chase after them.
    Just why the hell did she resist? Was she just that easily influenced? Or was this place not as bad as they might have guessed. He didn't have to time think on for now. They had to get out of here or else get swarmed by the approaching sun mages.


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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Coolte17

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by NPC 27th August 2014, 11:42 pm

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 30th August 2014, 1:02 pm

    Kihia grimaced as the situation took a turn for the worse, Luna had begun to resist their attempts to rescuing her for whatever reason. This had drawn a large amount of attention to them and a few bystanders came over and put themselves between them. This isn’t going to end well… Kihia tightened his hands into fists, “Kihia! Cover me!” Kihia simply nodded and put his hands on the ground, “Ice Make Terrain!” The ice sheet that formed covered the entire surface area of the cafeteria making anyone who had started to run at them slip and fall, he made sure to put ice spikes on the bottom of Naraca’s feet. Kihia nodded at this result and then kept his hands on the ice sheet and said, “Ice Make… Chain Trap!” Ten chains of ice formed throughout the cafeteria, intersecting in such a way that they surround Naraca Luna and himself isolating them from the cultists that Naraca had shoved out of the way.

    Kihia then nodded once more and then said, “Ice Make Spear Trap!” The fifteen ice spikes shot out of the ice sheet trapping the cultists from moving for their duration. Kihia stood up and nodded “That should buy us some time…” Kihia then heard a large group of cultists trying to make their way to the cafeteria, “Naraca! Follow me” He then reached into his trenchcoat and grabbed the Geruks., “Ice Make Twin Pile Drills!” Kihia waited for a moment as the pile drills formed on the Geruks. He then knelt down and then jumped up towards the ice covered ceiling holding one of the ice piles drill above his head. Kihia crashed through the ceiling and broke through to the next floor.

    When he landed he found himself in an hallway that seemed to be unoccupied for the moment, he saw a nearby door and opened it up seeing that it was an empty storage room. Kihia waited for a moment and then quietly said, “Naraca quickly in here! We can hide and figure out was is going on…” He waited a moment and then went in and barred the door behind him.

    OOC Status Report:
    Health: 100%
    Mana: 68%
    Spells Active: Spear Trap: Two More posts, Ice Make Terrain: Three more posts, Ice Make Twin Pile Drills: Two more posts, Ice Make Chain Trap Two more posts,


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10

    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Naraca Breaker 5th September 2014, 9:53 am

    Luna's fists pounded into Naraca's back, making light slapping noises like someone pounding on the side of a cow. Her legs kicked and flailed about, trying to both throw her body off his shoulder and knee him if she could. These two things adding to her screaming made her like a cat trying to avoid getting a bath, doing everything she could to break free from the one taking her to where she didn't want to go. Were this just about any other kind of situation, she would be completely in the right for this kinda of response. The worst part though was that even that wasn't completely clear.
    Kihia went to work the moment Naraca gave the word, the boy was quick and precise. Icing up the floor as Naraca got the girl. He followed the ice boy when he said to follow him. That direction not being anywhere on the ground but instead straight up, through the ceiling. The Sun Cult would know exactly where they went from one look at the giant hole, but they'd be out of the line of fire for a small amount of time.

    Running up towards the hole Naraca looked up and quickly gauged the distance, about to jump before his eye's shifted down and his head followed, spotting more decorative Sun cloaks on more athletic looking men with dark yellow glowing hands. They had to be the actual soldiers of this place.
    Naraca looked back up at the hole and took a mighty leap straight up, Luna's hitting and screaming stopping for a moment as the force caused his shoulder to go deeper into her gut before he was through the hole and his feet hit the ground on the next floor which was a hallway.
    Kihia spotted a door to what looked like an empty storage room and said to go there, Naraca looked around for a moment first. He knew they couldn't stay here for long as they could just get cornered, but for the time being it was a sound place to go to get there bearings.

    "Let me go!!! Let me go please, please someone help me!!!" Luna continued to scream away her pleas as well as her calls for help. She screams were bloodcurdling like someone being taken away to get kidnapped or murdered. Naraca was able to keep down his feelings of uncertainty and guilt, as well as his frustration since she was gonna get them killed at this rate.
    "Calm down!" Naraca said firmly, he was strong enough for her to not be a struggle, so his arm held firm around her back as her stomach was on his shoulder.
    "Just please let me go!!! I can't go back there!!!" She screamed again, seemingly not hearing him.
    "Why?!" Naraca retorted.
    "Heeeeelp!!!" She cried out as tears began to form in her eyes.
    "Damn it" He growled before walking up to a wall and letting the weight of her legs carry her down so she could land on her feet.
    The moment she landed she attempted to dash forward away from him yet with both his hands on her shoulders he'd push her against the wall and bend down to be eye level with her.
    "Hey, calm down, come on" Naraca said in softer voice.
    "No! No please let me go! Don't hurt me!!!" She screamed as she tried to shake his hands away and force her way out.
    "Were not gonna hurt you"
    "No!! Let me go!!" She continued.
    "Hey!!" Naraca barked with a low growl. He lifted one hand up and placed it on her chin to turn her head over to face him so she would make direct eye contact.
    "Look at me. I'm not gonna hurt, we're not gonna hurt you okay?" Naraca softly said to her.
    Luna look of terror didn't leave her face but she stopped screaming as her blue eye's made contact with his amber colored eye's.
    "Got me?"
    Luna was frozen, yet her eye's were fixed on his. It took 5 seconds of her just taking deep breaths. Then she slowly nodded her head once.
    "Good" Naraca exhaled out with a sigh of relief. At least she'd stop screaming.
    "Now what's wrong? Why don't you wanna go back?" He asked her curiously but and quietly. His one hand still on her shoulder just in case she tried to escape again.
    She turned her eye's away from him and looked down away from him, a sorrowful and scared look on her face.
    "My parents..." She pushed out in a more hopeless expression, like as if she was talking about a disease she had.
    Naraca's eye's narrowed and he looked at her curiously, like he was trying to read her.
    "What about them?"
    "They're horrible...They don't love or care about me. They want me back so they can look like the 'perfect family' again..."
    "They didn't seem that way when I saw them" Naraca replied, still skeptical about all this. At her age he could just see that she wanted to run away from her loving parents that she might have seen as too strict or smothering. It wouldn't be the first time that a young man or woman had run away from there parents just to get some space during there rebellious years.
    "Well they are!" She fired back at him.
    Naraca didn't even flinch.
    "They use me...It's all they do is just use me. They couldn't care less about how I feel. I ran away because I just...I just couldn't...I couldn't do it anymore" She said slowly again, her eye's looked down and her hands balled up into tight fists.
    He knew there wasn't much of any time at all, but he also knew that if she was screaming the whole way back that they would just get killed trying to escape, and tieing her up and gagging her wasn't exactly the work of a wizard working for a legal guild. So they had to figure this out.
    "How do they use you?" He asked her
    Luna let the question hang for a moment. She almost seemed to shiver when seemingly looking back into her memories.
    "My parents are rich and they want nothing but perfection in everything. They want me to be perfect in everything and if I'm not they hit me...Saying it'll take away the imperfection, and they use me. To work for them like a maid without any sleep. They even use my body to...Settle debts with others " She explained as a tear began to fall from her eye and stream down her cheek.
    Naraca felt for her, he couldn't fully say for sure it was an act of some kind, but he was willing to believe her. He wondered if her body carried bruises from the beatings, or if she was Mal-nurituioned from the labor, she was skinny, but from the robe he couldn't tell if she was underweight. As for the sexual favors for others to pay debts well...There was a place and time to be able to figure that out.

    "I just...Wanted to get away...I couldn't take it anymore."


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Coolte17

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    (All credit goes to Kariline for the sig)

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 5th September 2014, 7:01 pm

    Kihia stood there by the wall keeping his sense sharp to anyone approaching the storage room they were approaching. As he stood there, he listened to Luna’s reasoning for running away from home and joining with this Sun cult, as he listened his expression darkened as he got increasingly annoyed about the lack of knowledge from the employers. Kihia then lessoned his grip on the Geruks, and sighed, he turned slightly glanced over at Luna after she finished, “You know… even if we took you back… we wouldn’t force you to stay… I mean… you always can join a merchants Guild… or learn magic from someone and join a magical guild… You don’t have to stay at home… but anywhere else than here would be better… but… if you do this… send letters… even if they are small ones… to your parents… because one day… they may have a change of heart… or… one day… they may no longer be here… and… you regret not doing all the things you should have done… or could have done…”

    Kihia stood there for a moment letting those words hang in the air, and then tightened his grip on the Geruks, he then shook his head to refocus on the current situation. [i]The Guards could possibly have heard Luna’s screams… which if there were any on this floor could use the sound alone to find our location…[/i] He then turned to Naraca, “Do you think if we can make it to the roof… you can fly us out of here?” He knew it didn’t make immediate sense, but if they could make it to the top and leave in some other way… the cultists wouldn’t be able to prevent them from leaving or give chase.

    OOC Status Report:
    Health: 100%
    Mana: 68%
    Spells Active: Spear Trap: one More post, Ice Make Terrain: Two more posts, Ice Make Twin Pile Drills: one more post, Ice Make Chain Trap one more post,


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10

    Naraca Breaker
    Naraca Breaker

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Naraca Breaker 11th September 2014, 2:45 am

    They could take her somewhere else...Couldn't they? But then that would be a failure of the mission if they didn't take her back to her parents. It would be so much easier if she was just lying then it'd just be parental issue. But abuse like this...If it was true they couldn't take her back there. It wasn't there business to get into the affairs of this family but how could they just sit back and let this continue? She ran away for a good reason, and from the look in her eye's he couldn't see a lie. Which at her age he felt like he could detect.
    If she wasn't reunited with her mom and dad, then the mission would be a failure, and it wouldn't look good for the guild if the word got out to employer's that the wizards let personal feelings get in the way.

    After Kihia finished saying his suggestion on what Luna could do. She looked up towards up, her eye's still moist.
    "But I don't wanna leave here!" She protested to the ice mage.
    "These people are nice, and I have friends here. They've given me a new life" She said more somberly, looking down as she did, her hands coming together nervously.
    Naraca felt like he wanted to get angry at that statement considering what he saw in the judgement room. However he stopped himself from a more frustrated reply as when he thought about they didn't really know this cult all that well. The judgement was bad, no question, but he saw those people in the church, the people that were living here as he walked by them, they were happy.
    Naraca took a step back, trusting she would run away, but of course he was still close enough to stop her if she did.
    What indeed should they do...The runners of this cult were murderers, but that didn't take away from the community and support they gave. Yet he would still ask mention, just to see her reaction.
    "These people are murders, they kill anyone they deem unworthy of the sun." He said artificially, not with much emotion but just as a way to see how she would react.
    "No they're not!" She retorted
    She went to say some else but gasped and look away from Naraca for a moment.
    "They just...Keep us safe...Keep us safe from anyone that might...Hurt us"
    His eyebrows furrowed as he caught on that she didn't say it was because they killed people that were 'unworthy' but instead just to keep them safe.
    "Safe? How can they judge who's dangerous?" He asked considering that that the Sun cult didn't exactly do a very good job since Naraca, Kihia and Kaligos were allowed in, who as of now in the eye's of the cult would be considered very dangerous.

    Luna was quiet for a couple seconds, looking more like she was confessing her sins. Yet you could also say it was simply her being honest but also understanding, as didn't shut him down when he asked his questions.
    "They...They can't. The Judgement is too extreme...But everyone I know here is nice...All people that were given new lives like me. The Judgement isn't right, but at least it gives us a home where we know everyone is good. Doesn't that make up for it?" She said, ending with a question.
    Naraca appreciated her understanding, she was smart and wasn't stubborn in saying that the Sun Cult was perfect. She seemed to understand that it had flaws, but she seemed to be happy with the flaws that this Cult had. Who could blame her? After going through what she did it wasn't foolish to not want a new life in a place that, as of now seemed to only have one critical flaw.

    "I don't believe in an exclusive peace. If you have to keep the whole world away to be happy, then this cult isn't giving to the people what it claims. If you're okay with people dying to keep this peace, okay with the ends justifying the means. Then it won't be long before you'll become just like your parents...Doing terrible things in the name of something great." Naraca explained, calling upon his own memories of the countless times he had known of people, massive numbers of people all with the belief that you could do whatever you want so long as it's in the name of something good. All he saw were people becoming monsters along the way, and even if the attained they're goal, they weren't the same person then when they started to have there ambition.
    He'd bet her parents were good people once, wanting to be the best they could be and stopping at nothing to be happy. Yet somewhere along the line he figured they ended up living in the name of perfection, until that's all they thought about, doing anything, even horrible things, to maintain something unobtainable.
    Luna looked up at him once he finished, her face a mixture of anger and sadness. Like understanding, but a nerve being struck at the same time.
    "I will never become like them!"
    "Then don't start out like them..."

    In the distance Naraca could hear voices and quiet footsteps that were likely quite loud by the source. The cultists were on this floor now, no question.
    Luna was quiet, her eye's turning away from him.
    Naraca took a small step closer and bent down to be eye level with her. He knew they were out of time now.
    "Listen, my partner is right, they're others way to do this, and you don't have to shut out the world and kill unworthy people to be happy." He said more passionately, like giving out pep talk with a more inspiring and heartfelt voice.
    He lifted his open hand out to her.
    "Come with us...We can set you on the right path, we can help you start a new life, one where you can be your own woman, and not something someone says you should be. You don't have to do bad things to live a good life. If you refuse, you'll walk through life in the darkness, in the corner, shutting the world out to be happy....But if you take my hand, I'll help you learn to fly freely" He explained to her fully, his voice full and soulful in his speech to motivate and show there was another way, one where she didn't have to change who she was to live a good person. But to embrace who she is and become only greater.

    Luna looked up into his eye's when he spoke, her eye's with a faint light behind them. It was a light that showed curiosity. A light that showed her heart reacted and listened, even though she was still afraid.
    Her hand slowly reached out to his, before she slowly reached out, and her soft, delicate hand took hold of his large, rough and scarred palm.
    Naraca smiled as she grasped lightly. Once she did, he spun around so his back was facing her, and he bent down while lifting her arm up so she could put it around his neck and go on his back like a piggyback ride.

    Yes Kihia...Yes indeed they could fly up.

    His feet floated up from the air and he suddenly dashed forward, his body going horizontal in the air as he dashed, going above Kihia to wrap an arm around his whole body to pick him up and fly out of the storage room, sun cultists just right around the corner and spotting them as they dashed out with the power of flight.
    Linda screamed in both fright and excitement as he was literally helping her fly.


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Download-2_zps8756c9d2

    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Coolte17

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by NPC 11th September 2014, 2:45 am

    The member 'Naraca Breaker' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Empty Re: The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission]

    Post by Kihia 12th September 2014, 7:41 pm

    Kihia watched as Luna came to the conclusion that it would be best to not stay here and that we would go with them, he gently smiled and then dispelled his twin pile drills, but kept both of the Geruks in his hands, he then heard a large group of people coming down the hallway, Looks like our open window has come to a close… Kihia turned to Naraca and nodded at him as he picked up Luna on his back and then he started to slowly float upward. Naraca then flew towards Kihia and picked him up as he passed busting out of the room.

    When they got into the hallway they saw a large group of cultists crowding around the hole in the floor they had entered in from. “Look there they are!!” Kihia quickly got himself down off of Naraca and held out both of the Geruks, “Ice Make Chained Partisan!” Kihia then swung both of his weapons towards them making the Cultists back up and hesitate for a moment, “Naraca, once I make a small opening, pick me up and fly us through, use the nature of my spell to help break us through!” Kihia then took a step forward and swung one of the chained partisans at one of the cultists and wrapped it him. “Hey get this thing off me!?!” The man yelled out, Kihia watched as two men reached out and grabbed the ice chain, he nodded and the swung the other chained partisan wrapping it around the three men, he then put both of the Geruks into his left hand and grabbed onto the chain with his right. Kihia then executed a clockwise spin, taking the three men off their feet. Mid swing Kihia shook both of the Geruks up and down sending a wave down the chain, when he came around fully the chained partisans ended up unraveling and sending them into their comrades, “Naraca Now!”


    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] Kihisi10
    The Sunny Tower of No Refunds [Mission] 17496c10


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