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    Character Rules and Perks


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Rules Character Rules and Perks

    Post by Admin 23rd June 2014, 7:12 am

    Last edited by Admin on 13th August 2020, 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Rules Re: Character Rules and Perks

    Post by Admin 29th June 2018, 6:13 pm

    Character Rules and Perks GOb8L8U

    Character Rules and Perks VVVS7yE

    • Overview: Characters, naturally, go through a growth process as they learn, train, forge bonds, and fight, making them stronger, faster, more durable, et cetera. Here on FTRP, a character can attain 10 normal ranks (In order: D, C, B, A, S, H, X, Y, Z. Repeated for Prestige. O Rank separate), each representative of a certain point in a character's growth process, and each consecutive rank representing an increase in power over the previous one. Below you will find brief descriptions for every rank both from a combined in-character/lore perspective and a mechanical perspective (note that these descriptions are purely for reference and don't strictly have to be followed or adhered to by the roleplayer. Players, after all, should and do have the freedom to roleplay their own characters to their own liking).
      • D Rank: The rank every new character starts out at under normal circumstances. D rank characters are mages and fighters that just unlocked the ability to effectively use and shape their arcane abilities and can, in a limited capacity, use their magic to create a few spells or techniques of a varying kind within one magic or art. Whatever their age or background, they can exercise very limited control over the world around them and their power is untapped, though there is still much room for growth.

      • C Rank: C rank characters are mages or fighters that are starting to grasp what it takes to use and effectively utilize their innate power, these facts reflecting in their abilities. Characters who attain this rank can use more and stronger spells / techniques than D rank characters, and can additionally unlock a second magic application separate from the first magic they started out with given the proper means or training. In general, characters of this rank are still relatively weak and untrained but have learned how to tap into their arcane potential and use it to exercise a very limited control over the world around them.

      • B Rank: B rank characters are mages or fighters that have collected some experience in the use of magic, techniques, and spells which bestows upon them the ability to use more and potentially stronger powers than the previous ranks for the magic or arts they wield. Characters that attain this rank can generally be confident in the abilities that they have already mastered and just begin to realize the true potential inherent to the growth process of a mage or fighter as well as grasp what the proper mastery of arcana entails. Generally, characters of this rank can be considered a threat, especially in numbers, as they are somewhat experienced magic or arts users and can use their powers to influence the world around them to a decent degree.

      • A Rank: A rank characters are above-average mages or fighters that have become fully accustomed to the use of their powers and abilities, so much so that some magic or arts may come to them effortlessly. This is the level where characters first unlock the ability to utilize more complex and yet stronger spells and techniques while also having access to a considerable arsenal of spells or techniques that can vary in effect and purpose greatly. This familiarity with arcana allows characters of this rank to unlock an additional magic separate from their first and second magics. Generally, a character of this rank is an experienced combatant and a force to be reckoned with, these traits giving them the ability to influence and manipulate the world around them, through the use of their powers, to a degree that can be considered respectable.

      • S Rank: S rank characters are mages or fighters that can be considered a powerhouse, their potential to exercise their strength and magical power alone being factors that demand respect. The abilities, techniques, and spells that a mage of this rank can possess across the spectrum of their powers can be some of the strongest out there, though there is of course room for improvement still, and the number of techniques, abilities, and spells an S rank mage has access to is impressive, to say the least. Commanding magic or arts, for characters of this level, is almost second nature and as easy as breathing or taking a step forward for the average person, while some degree of mastery over their particular niche of magic or arts is almost guaranteed. S rank mages are what people would generally consider locally famous or infamous fighters, warriors, casters, etc., and can shape as well as control the world around them to an impressive and, sometimes, even permanent degree, and while some people find themselves peaking at this level of power, this is not quite the upper limit for a character's growth process.

      • H Rank: H rank characters are mages and fighters that have acknowledged the limits of power, explored the boundaries imposed on them by nature and have, through some factor, be it relentless training, combat, study, introspection, passion, or entirely different means, surpassed the limits and boundaries set for them. Those who have attained this rank can be considered part of some of the most powerful mages and fighters in all of Earthland. Their strength and understanding of their own inborn abilities grant them the power to use and control what are, under normal circumstances, considered to be the strongest and most complex spells and techniques a mage or fighter may obtain within limited numbers. Whoever they may be, their abilities, on some level, can be considered worthy of substantial fame or infamy, and they can exert this power to shape, influence, and control the world around them confidently and almost effortlessly. This rank is where even the strongest of combatants typically find themselves peak, though some can strive to attain yet greater heights.

      • X Rank: X rank characters are mages or fighters that have long surpassed their limits, have realized the path ahead, and have taken the confident steps forward to the peak of existence. The very presence of an X rank character demands respect, and their aura in itself can be enough to convince others of the character's sometimes overwhelming level of sheer strength and power. Characters of this rank first gain access to abilities others would consider unnatural and cannot be mastered by mages or fighters under normal circumstances. Characters of this rank are equivalent to local legends, and their power and abilities can be used much like those of an H rank mage, though with yet more precision and raw skill, to manipulate and shape the world around them according to their whims.

      • Y Rank: Y rank characters are mages and fighters that have, by some means, begun to transcend a level of power that should be obtainable by mortals, so much so that their sheer might is difficult to register by most senses. The very use of their magic or arts can produce an aura that can give manifestation to force, and every living being would instinctively know that trifling with beings of this level could spell certain death. Awe-inspiring control and nigh unrivaled mastery of their magics, elements, and powers are a must for a Y rank character, this enabling them to gain access to yet more strange and exceptionally powerful abilities. Mages and fighters of this rank are equivalent to living Weapons of Mass Destruction that could effortlessly lay waste to entire cities or save the same from equal devastation, and their power is so great that many seek to attain, control, or achieve it for themselves as the stuff of legends.

      • Z Rank: Z rank is a peak of power any single being may only dream to obtain. Attempting to apply reason or logic to the sheer capabilities of characters of this rank would be truly futile. The presence and aura of a mage or fighter of this rank alone can induce primal, instinctual fear within some, and their power is so great that they have mastered additional abilities that other mages cannot normally obtain, and can effortlessly combine and integrate these abilities into their being to their liking. Mages and fighters of this rank can bend the laws of the world, physics, even the universe itself, and their very presence has the potential to change existence around them, should they wish to do so. Still, while this is considered the officially recognized peak of power for mages and fighters alike, there is always room for improvement, and those who do not shy away from embarking on a journey to break themselves down to the very core and rearrange their being shall be reborn more powerful yet.

      • Prestige (+) Ranks: While Z rank is the officially recognized peak of power, characters of Z rank have the option to train and perfect their abilities further to a degree that may eventually make them equal to the might of the strongest mages and fighters in the history of all Earthland. Prestige ranks, sometimes called + ranks, can grant Z rank characters even more options in terms of raw capabilities, and mages and fighters of this rank who reach a certain level of mastery can even use spells so powerful that they are only rivaled by guild spells.

      • O Rank: O rank, a rank that can only be reached by those who have achieved the unachievable, have improved and honed themselves to the natural limit the universe had set in stone for them, exceeded that limit to begin anew and reevaluate existence, and have shot forth to the top after being broken down once more. It is a level of mastery over their respective powers that is absolute, unrivaled, unparalleled, and ultimate, so much so that they defy existence in itself. Those who reach this rank have at their fingertips the might of gods (O rank can only be obtained by Z+ rank characters).

    Character Rules and Perks X4jQu4s

    • Experience Points: The experience points, or EXP, a character possesses are the primary factor that determines their rank. Apart from D rank, which every character automatically attains at 0 EXP upon being first created, there are Experience Point thresholds that must be reached in order to rank up to the associated Rank. The exact numbers of EXP needed to obtain set ranks can be found in the Tables and FAQ section.

    • Gaining Experience Points: The easiest and most straightforward way to earn EXPis through the completion of jobs. The rules for taking and completing jobs can be found under the Job Rules. Experience can also be earned by successfully completing dungeons (which give a character 1/4th of the EXP for a regular job of their rank). Lastly, EXP can be gained from successfully completing seasonal or large-scale site-wide Events that the entire community may participate in. The availability and specifics of an Event can vary greatly and are entirely dependent on the nature of the Event itself, but almost always reward participants with a generous amount of EXP and other rewards. Available Events can typically be found here and are always announced both on-site and the site's Discord Server.

    • Prestige Ranks: Once a character reaches Z rank, the player in question has the option to apply for Prestige Ranks in the Prestige Registration Thread. When applying for Prestige Ranks, a character's EXP is reset to 0 and their rank is changed from Z rank to D+. D+ rank characters retain all benefits of being Z rank (Spell Slots, Magics, Ascendant Abilities, etc.), though gain an additional advanced spell for every + rank they achieve corresponding to the rank (D+ rank grants a D+ Advanced Spell, C+ rank grants a C+ Advanced Spells, etc.). Mages of X+ and Y+ Rank receive an additional Unique Ability, following the rules for regular UA's. Mages of Z+ rank receive an H++ spell. All benefits gained from Prestige Ranks can be added to a single magic of the user's choosing, though all must be contained within that single magic (e.g., once the additional D+ Advanced Spell has been added to one of the user's magic of their own choosing, the C+ Advanced Spell must be added to that same magic, etc. The Unique Abilities and the H++ spell similarly must be added to the same magic). More information on the benefits that can be obtained can be found below. Once a mage reaches D+ rank, they no longer obtain regular EXP, but instead receive Prestige EXP. Prestige EXP are similar to regular EXP, though can only be gained from jobs of lower rank than the mage's Prestige Rank, jobs of the mage's prestige rank, or jobs of one rank higher than their own prestige rank (i.e. C+ rank mages can only gain Prestige EXP from jobs that are D rank, C rank, or B rank). If a mage doesn't receive prestige EXP (e.g. if a Job is higher in rank than a rank above their own prestige rank) they will automatically receive 100% additional Jewels due to sacrificing any EXP gain. The Experience Point thresholds that must be reached to attain Prestige Ranks are higher when compared to the thresholds required to reach regular ranks. Once you reach D+ rank, any thread that was completed before you attained that rank can no longer be handed in for any EXP gain. The chart with the EXP required to reach every obtainable Prestige Rank can be found below. For the regular EXP and Job tables, see the appropriate Tables and FAQ section.

    • O Rank: A rank that can only be obtained by characters that are Z+ rank and reach sufficient EXP. Characters, once all prerequisites are fulfilled, may obtain this rank via the Prestige Registration Thread. Upon reaching O rank, characters gain access to a single "Divine Ability", a variation of a Unique Ability that may be added to a single one of the user's magics. This ability gains access to a total of 5 effects that may apply only to the magic in question or the character that uses this ability. All effects contained within this Divine Ability, however, follow the rules and guidelines for Custom Lineages, meaning that it can obtain powers usually not reserved for magic.

      RanksEXP Required
      D+ Rank0EXP
      C+ Rank350EXP
      B+ Rank2,750EXP
      A+ Rank15,000EXP
      S+ Rank40,000EXP
      H+ Rank900,000EXP
      X+ Rank1,500,000EXP
      Y+ Rank2,750,000EXP
      Z+ Rank5,000,000EXP
      O Rank50,000,000EXP

    • Examinations: Apart from obtaining the needed Experience Points to reach a certain rank, mages are also required to sign up for and successfully complete exams in order to officially rank up to the next rank and access the perks their next rank entails. An exam is comprised of two distinct parts, the application, and the optional roleplay part. Firstly, a character must apply for an exam. In order to do so, the player must post a new thread in the appropriate section in the Examinations Subforum (to rank up from D to C rank one must post in "C-Rank Examinations", for C to B in "B-Rank Examinations", and so on). Within this thread, the player must link their previous exam (if they completed one on this character), link all jobs, dungeons, and events they have completed since obtaining their current rank, and must calculate the number of EXP they have gained from every completed thread and add those numbers together to ensure that the number of EXP they currently possess is correct. This is also the stage where EXP may be adjusted or corrected accordingly by staff should the current EXP number the player possesses be wrong or off. All exams follow a standard template that can be found here. Once all the information has been filled out please apply for a staff member to check your exam in the Exam Approval Thread. Please note that it is entirely up to players to keep track and correctly calculate their EXP. It is not staff's duty or obligation to calculate or compile your jobs and EXP for you.

      If your application for an exam is approved by a staff member the optional roleplay portion of your exam begins. This step may be skipped entirely if a player so desires, but presents a way for players to justify their rank-up in-character. If a roleplay prompt for your rank up is desired then, once approved, you may contact an Ace of your guild or the Guildmaster to give you a roleplay prompt for your exam, which they will post in your exam thread. If you wish for a specific prompt please specify such under "Additional Information" when posting your exam thread. If you wish to skip the roleplay part of your exam please also specify this under "Additional Information".

      Guild Masters and Aces are required to adhere to the player's wishes and must give them an exam prompt according to their specifications. If no specifications are given the parameters of the exam are left to the person providing the prompt. If you so desire, you can also request an exam from a member of the staff team rather than your GM or an Ace, which must also be specified under "Additional Information". If you are guildless, you will always receive a roleplay prompt from a member of staff. Once you have been given your plot prompt, you may start a new thread in a location of the forum specified in the prompt or a location of your choice, should the prompt have no specific location, where you will follow the given roleplay prompt in a similar fashion to a job, event, or dungeon.

      In order to successfully complete your exam, you must complete both the exam-specific word count (more information below) and any prompt-specific objectives if chosen, should there be any. Once your roleplay thread has been completed, link the finished thread in your original exam thread, where the person who provided your prompt will check your roleplay thread and approve or deny your exam depending on whether the word count and objectives have been reached. If your exam is approved, you automatically obtain the rank you applied for. If the roleplay portion of the exam is skipped, you simply obtain the rank you applied for upon staff approval. Further information on the rank-specifics for exams can be found below:
      • D to C exams: As a D Rank mage, one can choose to perform the roleplay portion of an examination up to C Rank, but it is not required. The base word count for a D Rank exam is 500 words. For this exam, please specify whether you would like to take or skip the exam under "Additional Information". If the exam is skipped, you automatically obtain the next rank upon staff approval.

      • C to B exams: When applying for an exam from C Rank to B Rank, your Guild Master, an Ace of your guild, or a Staff Member will provide you with a roleplay prompt for your exam. The minimum word count for these kinds of exam is 1,000 words. For this exam, please specify whether you would like to take or skip the exam under "Additional Information". If the exam is skipped, you automatically obtain the next rank upon staff approval.

      • B to A exams: When applying for an exam from B Rank to A Rank, your Guild Master, an Ace of your guild, or a Staff Member will provide you with a roleplay prompt for your exam. The minimum word count for these kinds of exam is 2,000 words. For this exam, please specify whether you would like to take or skip the exam under "Additional Information". If the exam is skipped, you automatically obtain the next rank upon staff approval.

      • A to S exams: When applying for an exam from A Rank to S Rank, your Guild Master, an Ace of your guild, or a Staff Member will provide you with a roleplay prompt for your exam. The minimum word count for these kinds of exam is 3,000 words. For this exam, please specify whether you would like to take or skip the exam under "Additional Information". If the exam is skipped, you automatically obtain the next rank upon staff approval.

      • H, X, Y, Z Rank: These ranks do not require an exam to reach. Once you obtain sufficient EXP required to reach the aforementioned ranks (H, X, Y, Z) you will automatically obtain said rank and any perks associated with those ranks.

      • + Ranks, O Rank: These ranks do not require an exam to reach, but require registration in the Prestige Registration Thread to obtain the next rank, following the order of normal ranks. Any perk associated with these ranks is automatically obtained upon reaching the said rank.

      • Additional Information: Other players may always accompany you on your exam should you and the other players so desire, though the word count of any player other than the player taking the exam will not contribute to the overall word count of the exam. There is no limit on how many additional players may accompany another player on their exam.

    Character Rules and Perks ACkOA2c

    • Overview: Character Perks covers a variety of different inherent attributes, stats, and abilities characters possess or can obtain with some unlocking upon rank-up or purchase. Clarifications on Health Points (HP), Magic Power (MP), Melee Damage, Movement Speed (alternatively, Melee Speed), and Magic Sensory are additionally included below:

    • Health Points: All characters have a set amount of base HP dependant on their rank. Buffs from abilities, lineages, items, and various other sources may increase the number of Health Points a character possesses. Note that HP increases can never be used in active abilities. For further information on how much base HP a mage possesses at any given rank see the Tables and FAQ section. For more information on how Health Increases function see the Magic and Spell Rules.
      • Effect of hitting 0HP: Being reduced to 0 HP by any means (unless otherwise agreed, i.e. no player killing without explicit permission from the affected party) will always leave a character unconscious. Even if a character is unconscious, the player in question must still give explicit permission for any potential consequence that affects their character after they have fallen unconscious. If a player agrees to their character dying or being killed, they may revive their character via any means they desire in that same or another thread (though once a character is defeated in PvP, they may not engage in PvP again for the rest of that same thread unless special permission from an Admin is obtained. If the PvP has any plot, lore, or event consequences, the player that has been reduced to 0 Health Points is declared the loser of that PvP fight). The option for players to revive or regenerate their character at their choosing cannot be disabled, circumvented, or otherwise ignored by any means.

    • Magic Power: A character's Magic Power, or MP, defines how much magical reserves they possess. Every mage has a set amount of base MP dependant on their rank. Magic Power is used to cast spells and activate certain abilities and effects. Magic Power can be increased by buffs, just like Health Points can be. For detailed information about Magic Power see this section of the Magic and Spell Rules, and to see how much base MP a mage possesses at any given rank see the Character section of the Tables and FAQ thread.

    • Melee Damage: Melee Damage refers to the amount of damage a character can deal with a single physical strike, whether this be unarmed, using weapons, et cetera. Every mage ha a set amount of base Melee Damage dependant on their rank. Melee Damage can be increased by the use of equipment, by buffs, and a variety of other sources. For detailed information about Melee Damage see this section of the Magic and Spell Rules, and to see how much base Melee Damage a mage possesses at any given rank see the Character section of the Tables and FAQ thread.

    • Movement Speed: Movement Speed, alternatively referred to as Character Speed or Melee Speed, describes the maximum movement speed and reaction speed of your character. Every mage has a set number for their base speed depending on their rank. This number can be increased by buffs to Movement Speed. Note that speed is different from spell speed, which denotes the speed at which a mage's spells can travel. For detailed information about Movement Speed see this section of the Magic and Spell Rules, and to see how much base Speed a mage possesses at any given rank see the Character section of the Tables and FAQ thread. It is also important to note that, while speed can be increased at a player's desire, autododging and godmodding are still frowned upon as breaches against FTRP's Code of Conduct.

    • Magic Sensory: Magic Sensory essentially describes a sixth sense that is only available to magic users. This sense entails the ability to sense auras and magical energy in all of their forms, as well their nature and intensity. Naturally, as a mage ranks up, so does their Magic Sensory become sharper and more skillfully used. Some effects can hide individual magic signatures or auras from Magic Sensory, but as soon as magic or magical abilities are used by a player they and their spells, as well as the full extent of their magical prowess, may be sensed via Magic Sensory under any and all circumstances, and this cannot be avoided by any means or under any circumstances. Every mage's Magic Sensory has a base range dependant on the mage's rank. To see how much range a mage's Magic Sensory possesses at any given rank see the Character section of the Tables and FAQ thread. It is important to note that the range of Magic Sensory is set and cannot be increased or decreased by de/buffs.

    • Overview: Below you can find a list of all perks a mage obtains at any given rank through rank-up exclusively. All spell slots, signature spell slots, advanced spell slots, and unique abilities slots gained between D and Z rank apply to every magic a character owns. All unlocked spell slots, signature spell slots, advanced spell slots, and unique ability slots unlocked at those ranks apply retroactively to any newly unlocked magics as well.

      D Rank:
      • The Ability to use Magic Sensory
      • Access to a Primary Magic and MP
      • 1 Unique Ability Slot per Magic
      • 3 Free Normal Spell Slots per Magic
      • 1 Advanced Spell Slot per Magic

      C Rank:
      • Increase in Base HP
      • Increase in Base MP
      • Increase in Base Melee Damage
      • Increase in Base Speed
      • Increase in Sensory Range
      • 1 Signature Spell Slot per Magic
      • 3 Free Normal Spell Slots per Magic
      • 1 Advanced Spell Slot per Magic
      • Gain the ability to unlock Secondary Magic (via purchase or training)

      B Rank:
      • Increase in Base HP
      • Increase in Base MP
      • Increase in Base Melee Damage
      • Increase in Base Speed
      • Increase in Sensory Range
      • 1 Unique Ability Slot per Magic
      • 3 Free Normal Spell Slots per Magic
      • 1 Advanced Spell Slot per Magic
      • 1 Fusion Spell slot to be allocated to one of the user's magics

      A Rank:
      • Increase in Base HP
      • Increase in Base MP
      • Increase in Base Melee Damage
      • Increase in Base Speed
      • Increase in Sensory Range
      • 1 Signature Spell Slot per Magic
      • 3 Free Normal Spell Slots per Magic
      • 1 Advanced Spell Slots per Magic
      • Gain the ability to unlock Tertiary Magic (via purchase or training)

      S Rank:
      • Increase in Base HP
      • Increase in Base MP
      • Increase in Base Melee Damage
      • Increase in Base Speed
      • Increase in Sensory Range
      • 1 Unique Ability Slot per Magic
      • 3 Free Normal Spell Slots per Magic
      • 1 Advanced Spell Slot per Magic

      H Rank:
      • Increase in Base HP
      • Increase in Base MP
      • Increase in Base Melee Damage
      • Increase in Base Speed
      • Increase in Sensory Range
      • 1 Signature Spell Slot per Magic
      • 1 Normal H rank Spell Slot per Magic
      • 1 H+ Rank Advanced Spell Slot per Magic
      • 1 Fusion Spell slot to be allocated to one of the user's magics

      X Rank:
      • Increase in Base HP
      • Increase in Base MP
      • Increase in Base Melee Damage
      • Increase in Base Speed
      • Increase in Sensory Range
      • Access to 1 Ascendant Ability

      Y Rank:
      • Increase in Base HP
      • Increase in Base MP
      • Increase in Base Melee Damage
      • Increase in Base Speed
      • Increase in Sensory Range
      • Access to 1 Ascendant Ability

      Z Rank:
      • Increase in Base HP
      • Increase in Base MP
      • Increase in Base Melee Damage
      • Increase in Base Speed
      • Increase in Sensory Range
      • Access to 1 Ascendant Ability
      • 1 Fusion Spell slot to be allocated to one of the user's magics

      D+ Rank:
      • 1 Additional D+ Advanced Spell for 1 Magic

      C+ Rank:
      • 1 Additional C+ Advanced Spell for 1 Magic

      B+ Rank:
      • 1 Additional B+ Advanced Spell for 1 Magic

      A+ Rank:
      • 1 Additional A+ Advanced Spell for 1 Magic

      S+ Rank:
      • 1 Additional S+ Advanced Spell for 1 Magic

      H+ Rank:
      • 1 Additional H+ Advanced Spell for 1 Magic

      X+ Rank:
      • 1 Additional Unique Ability Slot for 1 Magic

      Y+ Rank:
      • 1 Additional Unique Ability Slot for 1 Magic

      Z+ Rank:
      • 1 H++ Spell for 1 Magic

      O Rank:
      • 1 Divine Ability slot to be allocated to one of the user's magics

    Character Rules and Perks 587qVDS

    • Overview: Lineages, in essence, are a term used to describe a character's distant or recent heritage which, in all cases, bestows upon them some form of special ability or perk, be it through your bloodline, through discovery, blessings, curses, etc. and can be defined as either normal or custom lineages. "Normal" lineages are free and can be rolled for, while "Custom" lineages must be bought, but, as the name implies, can be customized to a user's liking. Lineages can also give a user an optional lore or backstory prompt that can help them in creating their character. Members, of course, don't have to follow the lore prompt of the lineage, but it is not at all discouraged to do so. Every character may roll for a "Normal" lineage here upon first being created. To roll for a lineage, follow the instructions in the thread linked above. Additional information on the two available kinds of lineages can be found down below:
      • Normal Lineages: Normal lineages are pre-made lineages that can be rolled for when first creating a character. Every character gets 3 free lineage rolls and can pick a lineage from the ones they rolled. If one rolls the same lineage twice the duplicate may be rerolled for free. One can choose to pay 100,000 jewels in The General Store to roll again with 5 dice instead of 3, or they can pay 250,000 Jewels to freely pick any lineage from the Library of Normal Lineages.

      • Custom Lineages: Custom lineages are lineages that can be acquired from The General Store or the VIP Shop or be won in contest and events. As the name suggests, these lineages are custom and can be tailored to a player's liking while also being considerably more powerful than "normal" lineages. Custom lineages can also contain effects which under normal circumstances cannot be used in magic, for example, increased jewel rewards from jobs, et cetera. More information on Custom Lineages can be found here.

    • Ascendant Abilities: Upon reaching X Rank, Y Rank, and Z Rank characters unlock a single Ascendant Ability respectively. These abilities allow a character to gain a single "Normal" lineage from the list of pre-made lineages and apply it to their character. Custom Lineages cannot be used as Ascendant Abilities.

    Character Rules and Perks YUprwQt

    • Overview: Players on FTRP can have an unlimited number of accounts, but for each account a player possesses after the fourth one a fee of 100k jewels must be paid in The General Store. Please note that it is highly encouraged to inform a member of staff when creating an alternate account to avoid confusion and make sure you meet the requirements. If an alternate account is created without fulfilling the necessary requirements there will be consequences that can potentially result in a warning, so please make sure you fulfill the requirements to create an additional account. Further, when making a new account and character, please make sure to register it in the Alternate Character List. This is a requirement and failure to register and identify one's alternate accounts properly may result in additional consequences. The exact requirements needed to unlock additional accounts can be found below:

      • Second Account: Your first account must be at least C Rank or higher.

      • Third Account: One of your accounts must be at least B Rank or higher, and the other account must be at least C Rank or higher.

      • Fourth Account: One of your accounts must be at least A rank or higher, another account must be at least B rank or higher, and a third account must be at least C rank or higher.

      • Fifth Account (and beyond): One of your accounts must be at least S rank or higher, a second account must be at least A rank or higher, a third account must be at least B rank or higher, and a fourth account must be at least C rank or higher. For each additional account, your previous accounts must be one rank higher than the rank specified above and following the same pattern (up to Z rank max).

    • Character Change: In case people wish to rework their character into another character they receive one free character change per account. If the free character change is used, the player keeps all EXP, Jewels, and other possessions they have earned. Once the free character change has been used, a player must either pay 10k Jewels in The General Store to purchase a character change or can change their character for free again, though will lose their EXP, Jewels, and all other possessions if that is the case. Keeping EXP, possessions, and Jewels for free only applies to the first character change in an account and cannot be saved for a future character change. Regardless of whether you pay for a character change or not, changing a character means you automatically cancel all active jobs on that account and automatically surrender all in-character and out-of-character positions you hold on the same account (such as Slayer, Rising Star, Guildmaster, Ace, etc.).

    • Additional Rules: You can have a maximum of 2 characters in the same guild group at the same time (excluding Guildless - you may possess up to 3 guildless characters at a time.) A character can only be a part of one guild at the same time, meaning you cannot have one character that is a member of two guilds. Your characters may not be part of the same team. Your characters can be in the same job thread if there is at least one other player in the thread with you. Multiple characters belonging to the same player may be part of the same faction.

    Character Rules and Perks 3dDG7HJ

    • Overview: The mentor system is designed to efficiently allow players with higher-ranked characters to plot with lower-ranked characters to establish in character relationships and gain more rewards in the process by helping them rank up. A mentor/mentee relationship can be registered here.

      • Roles: There are two different roles in the Mentor System; Mentor and Mentee. The Mentor must be at least A rank or higher, and the Mentee's rank must be between D and S rank. Mentors and Mentees are automatically considered to be a part of a team. This team is separate from any other teams they are on, meaning a mentor and a mentee could be in different guilds or teams and still receive the team EXP bonus for the job so long as the mentor and their mentee/s are the only ones participating in a given job. Mentors and mentees who go on a job together, as long as no other parties are signed up for the job as well, receive double the jewels rewards from the job. A mentor, as opposed to regular job rules which specify that a character can only take on jobs of one rank higher than their own, may take a mentee on jobs of two ranks higher than the mentee's own rank if only the mentor and mentee/s are present on the job.

      • Limitations: There is no limit to how many mentees a mentor can have in their lifetime, but a mentor can only have 2 mentees at any given time.

    Rivalry System

    Overview: Much like the Mentor system, the Rivalry system is intended to allow players who would not normally be able to thread together to pursue additional options. Players will work together to come up with plot and lore which leads to in-character rivalries between the rival characters.

    • Roles: There is one role in the Rivalry System, though it is filled by both of the two participating players. Rivals can be of any rank above C Rank. When threading together, rivals are automatically considered to be part of a team; this team is separate from any other teams they are on. This means rivals registered in the Rivalry system can be, for example, from different guilds, and even of different alignments, and still get team EXP bonuses. For rivals, as opposed to regular teams, or a mentor and mentee, jobs do not have to follow job alignment rules and both can go on any job one of the rivals can go on. This means, if one rival is part of a dark guild, while the other rival is part of a legal guild, they can go on ANY job, whether it be Legal, Neutral, or Dark.

    • Limitations: Each character can only have 1 rival at any given time, though there is no limit to how many rivals a character can have in their lifetime. In order to get approved for a rivalry, the players in question must have at least one thread they have both participated in and worked against one another in some way, or must have had enough in-character development and interaction for the rivalry to be valid and make sense, as determined by staff. For this reason, both players need to be C Rank or higher in order to qualify for a rivalry.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 7:13 pm