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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event


    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Alakai 6th June 2014, 10:23 am

      The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Untitled-1_zps9353a174

      A year... 52 weeks... 365 days; That is how long they have been in hiding, that is how long they have plotted to exact their revenge. Correction, they never hid, they just sat on their island waiting for the correct moment to strike, like a snake that had been stepped on. That is how they felt really, like a stepped on snake, too small to do anything about it, but with a concentrated and precise attack, can be very deadly.
      Cunning and swift, the guildmaster of Tartarus led a group of 10 members to the outside skirts of the city of Era; The last place any Dark Mage wanted to end up, yet here they were. Staring at the tall regal palace that sat atop the mountain, he nearly became sick to his stomach.

      The sun sat above their heads and he could feel the heat and the light shine down, It would be so much easier to do this at night, but they would never have enough time then. With a sigh he tried his best to grin and bear it.
      Theo, barely at the age of 17, had taken up the position of Guildmaster; with this, he made a solemn vow to return Tartarus to its former reign. It took all this time to plan, but was worthwhile. Era, and the Magic Council are oblivious to their return, and this would make a lovely surprise. However, some rumors did get out, seeing as he couldn't keep a leach on all of his members, and a few were quite destructive, so it would be horrible if they would actually suspect their forthcoming.

      With hate and anguish, he turned to the troops behind him, " Today will be marked as the day in History, when Tartarus will be renewed, and the threat from the Magic Council finally defeated, " He announced. Looking across the faces of his members, not one seemed nervous or too anxious, they all looked ready. In their eyes, they all wanted the same thing, to be free of the chains that bolted them to the shadows.


      The light was beginning to hurt his eyes and he raised his hand to his forehead, just out there was the city of Era, and where all of this would take place. Theo, the Guildmaster of Tartarus had brought him along in the plan to reunite with Yugi, a fellow S rank Guild member that was being held deep within the dungeons of the Magic Council. His little speech filled the hearts of all the other members, but Alakai just looked away.
      None of this mattered to him, all he cared about was getting to kill again. The blood on his hands and suit, he could just picture it in his mind; but here he stood, in a perfectly clean black suit. No blood, nothing to ravish in.

      Theo then pulled out a pen like object. It was a light pen, black in color the tip of it glowed a bright red. He began to write in mid air, the magical object letting flowing magic take shape in the floating occupancy. It was a diagram of the city, he must be going over the plans to get into Era.
      Ten people was quite a bit to sneak in. He began by pointing out 10 circles on his drawing, these were supposed to represent them. " Evenly spaced around Era are 10 guard stations that sit up on the surrounding wall. They are about 6 feet by 7 feet, and can only hold one person at a time. " He then drew arrows from the circles to X out each guard station. " At precisely an hour, they rotate shift from each station around the wall. The man will step out and be walk along the wall to fill in another station."
      Simple plan, he understood where this was going.
      " This takes ten minutes to do, you each have ten minutes to sneak past them effectively as they walk along the wall. However, you can just sneak into the station if you like and throw them over the mountain, i do not care."
      Alakai couldn't believe he was relying so much on each member. If even one failed, then they all did, and Yugi would most likely be executed, along with the rest of them. How lovely.
      " After this is done, request from the outside guard to take a leave, for whatever reason you prefer, or just make your way off the wall and meet me at the guards quarters."
      Just before Alakai could speak out, he was thrown a uniform, helmet and all. Alakai wanted to cut off his head, thinking he would wear something so horrible as that... but he just sneered and slipped into it. He refused to wear the helmet until it was needed. It smelled funny, where did he get these uniforms? Did he pull them off of dead people?!
      " Any questions?"
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Lucille Grove 8th June 2014, 4:29 pm

    Lucille stood with her fellow guild members, ready to release her pent up aggression on to anyone who dared to get in her way. She had hidden herself as best she could, but it was getting frustrating to not release all of her pent up bloodlust like she actually could. Now it was nearing the time for them to finally take action, and she was fully preparing herself to take action against anyone who dared stand in their way. For now she would listen to her guild master, Theo, but if she got any blood on her then it was all a game of what would happen eventually. She scanned the small group she was with, noting that she really didn’t know many of them even from her small amount of time in Tartarus. She could easily recognize her current master, her sister, and she did manage to remember the name of one Alakai, but other than that no one clicked a bell. Sighing silently, the blood maid tipped her razor rimmed hat downwards and peeked out from underneath.

    The blood mage paid rapt attention when her guild master started to explain the plan. It was rather simple to her, just kill the guard and go down the wall in perfect synchronization. Meet up with her guild master to start the second phase and carry on with it from there. Although it seemed a bit irritating that the plan relied on everyone to perfectly perform their duties, Lucille ignored it in favor of hoping that the plan would go smoothly. When she was thrown a uniform, she made a disgusted face at the smell but reluctantly put it on along with the helmet. Her hat would have to take a place on her back, hopefully they wouldn’t notice it but she was sure that it would have to perform a vanishing act before she tried anything. When asked if she had any questions, Lucille kept silent as she usually did. Only a few people could get her to speak, and unfortunately her guild master wasn’t one.

    Something told the blood maid that she wasn’t going to be speaking to him much in the future, if at all.

    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Guest 9th June 2014, 2:46 pm

    Of all the eyes and faces amongst the group of dark magi, one would stand out amongst the others as perhaps the brightest and most enthusiastic for this mission - and this time it wasn't just the glare of his garish clothing. Maximilian Hexworth was eager to get started and start to make a name for himself as a mage, as opposed to simply being a member of the infamous Hexworth family. The idea of breaking Yugi Sparrow, an equally infamous mage, out of the grasp of the Magic Council...well, being a part of that group would be the foundations of his great story, one that would continue to be written and built upon for many years to come.

    Unfortunately for him it appeared that the mission would come with a price. He'd have to dress up in that dreadful outfit and - worse yet - replace his hat with that ghastly helmet. It was certainly not something he was comfortable with, but there again he may well find some use for this uniform in the future as well. With this in mind the God Slayer tapped his parasol three times and bowed. "If that is the plan then so be it. Today will mark the beginning of our rebirth, and to be a part of the cast is a privilege. To be one of the directors of our future...now that is an end to justify our means don't you think?~" he asked gleefully, although he cared little for whether anybody answered. He'd do his part all the same.
    Medea Grove
    Medea Grove

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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Medea Grove 9th June 2014, 3:34 pm

    With a sharp nod or two throughout the explanations to show her understanding and enthusiasm, Medea started to feel the tension claw through her body. It was a mix of many emotions, with anticipation topping the list while it was mixed with dread, aggression, fear and an undercurrent of blood lust. But that last one might not be coming from her. She spared one glance at her sister- wondering how long she would hold it together. There was no doubt for any person here, at least in her opinion, that blood was going to be shed, at one point or another.

    She turned her gaze and attention back towards their Master and team leader as the last of the plan was explained and pieces of armor from the Knights were handed down to each of them. She looked curiously at the outfit, wondering how they had managed to get their hands on such a large stock. Oh well, last of my problems she thought to herself as she nodded negatively at the last question addressed to them and proceeded to put on the unflattering armor. This should be simple. A quick surgical strike on the guards and then to the wall. Medea was confident she could do this at the drop of a hat. She wasn't sure the others could- that was all.

    With a smirk, she turned towards an unfamiliar, and yet clearly equally determined guild member. "All ends justify the means. But I'll agree, this one more than the others" she agreed before sliding the helmet on her head. "At least we'll all look positively dreadful and ridiculous as a whole" Medea added with a look of disgust on her face as she straightened out her disguise.


    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event FSXITsD
    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event JnUqkvx

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 9th June 2014, 5:03 pm

    As Yugi sat in his jail cell; it was almost completely dark, except for a single beam of light cast down from a window up high in this---pit.

    His one eye remained closed as something...no, someone. A familiar Magic Power called out to Yugi. He would open his eye; sitting on the floor of his cell indian style he would slowly smile to himself.

    'That's not Shaku's magic power....his has been the only one's besides Lucien's I've been able to sense in a year or two....' since he as a wizard could sense all wizards; but only identify Magic Power's that he'd felt before or knew personally. 'This feels like....'

    As a founding member of Tartarus; one of the Three Demons. Warden, Luficer, and himself. He would never forget the enchantment within their Guild Crests on the day they created the Guild. One Demon of Tartarus could always sense another.

    There were at least four other Demons of Tartarus in the city of Era. Yugi smiled to himself as his Tartarus Guild crest on his tongue began to glow a bit as he stuck it out; he could see it's glow in the cell. Closing his mouth and continuing to sit; he finally spoke.

    "Well now, perhaps it will be an interesting day after all." however as he thought to himself, he also remembered that he still sensed his brother, the Chairman's magic power here in Era. 'I wonder if he'll make an appearance when the they make their move and attempt to spring me from this place....' Yugi thought to himself as he had already included that by sensing four or five fellow Demons of Tartarus that they were planning a prison break. Looking across the cell at Quincy, Yugi wondered if he should keep his promise and free him as well once he was out of his cell. '....Maybe, he is an ex-Rune Knight. Probably nothing but the Block waiting for him if my brother has is way.'

    Although he couldn't use any of his own Magic inside this cell; he would begin to grow a bit anxious. He'd love to set some of his perverted Goblins loose on some female Rune Knights who had tortured him. Or perhaps rip the cafeteria staff limb from limb with his Lycans for serving him that---shit for a year and some change.

    "I'd love to watch this whole place burn....." Yugi said to himself under his breath, but his mind as a tactician already raced 100 steps ahead. 'No...I'll free every last wizard in this damn prison---as long as they pledge themselves as Demons of Tartarus.....yes. This'll be a Prison Break for the record books. I don't have time to try and attack the whole city. If Lucien appears as much as I want to rip his face off, I don't know if all of us combined could even keep up with him and endless battalions of Rune Knights in Era....a prison break is the best option.'

    He continued to muse to himself, sitting with his feet touching one another on the floor; still indian style as the camera would pass over the cell--and it's single beam of light again as Yugi finally stood up into the light; a mere shadow.

    ".......Hm." he mused on, thinking about how he'd furnish transportation. 'Yes...that will do.' he smiled to himself as when the time came they would be leaving here riding Gigantic Werewolves, every prisoner on his cell block. As he truly wished he could free everyone in this Magical Prison--it simply was too large to make an attempt on this day. 'Maybe one day........let's just hope that this plan doesn't fail.'

    As he would slowly close his bright fiery hazel eye, the camera would zoom back outside to the Tartarus members clothed as Rune Knights on patrol on a sunny day in Era City. The Magic Council HQ looming high upon the dome hill, a castle in the sunlight for the time being.



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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Domino 10th June 2014, 1:28 pm

    The plan was ready to begin. It was a simple, but effective plan if executed correctly. Manipulation was needed here, something he excelled at. Without a comment he quickly changed into the uniform. It was one he had worn before. It was a while ago true, but it was familiar. Perhaps too familiar. There was the chance that he would be recognised now that he was back in a guard uniform. It was a risk he would have to take though for the mission to succeed.
    "Let us begin." he said and began to walk forward to prepare to complete the mission. Fortunately, he understood the way the guards worked. They would rotate in a circle so there were areas where there were openings. He needed to strike at just the right point for this to be successful. Out of view of anyone. A swift, simple strike was required though doing so would be incredibly difficult.

    "Now....what would be the best way forward." he said calmly as he got nearer the target area. There had to be a way to do this effectively and efficiently. The question was how.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by P.B. 10th June 2014, 1:48 pm

    Hydra wasn't pleased with the idea of venturing into Era to rescue a guildmate. He also wasn't pleased with the idea of wearing this outfit. In order to wear it he had to wrap his snake appendage around his torso, giving himself a somewhat... rounder appearance. He also had to store his glasses within the snake to put on his helmet, and although the round eyewear was more of a fashion statement than anything, Hydra didn't enjoy being without them. In other words, he was in a pretty bad mood. Nevertheless, he found it within himself to put on that silly fake grin and talk to his guildmates as if he truly respected them, despite the complete absurdity of that idea.

    "Ah, hello there everyone, how are we all doing on this wonderful day?" he said, smile growing bigger, "If the plan is to kill swiftly and move quickly then I'm glad to say that I'll be able to fulfill my goal quite well," he concluded. Tch, I can't believe these miserable humans are making me wear something so foul and uncomfortable. The first chance I get I'm slipping out of this, he thought in reference to the clothes that made him look like a potbellied Rune Knight. He really wasn't sure about why he was told to wear these, considering he was still clearly a demon. Holes were made in his helmet to provide a place to put his horns, and his eyes were still snakelike, but Hydra wasn't going to argue with his Guildmaster. That's not why he came to Tartarus, he came to be the most ruthless killer possible. This break out of someone called Yugi? Jus another way for Hydra to advance in his goals.



    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Alakai 10th June 2014, 10:29 pm

    Everyone seemed on ball with the plan and Theo gave a quick nod. He dispersed the light diagram that was drawn out and slid the uniform on himself. Medea was right, they all looked horrible, and not clean like a Rune Knight normally would, but it was just a quick maneuver to get them past the guard stations. He slid on the helmet and with quick words, " Alright everyone," He said in a booming voice, " You all know your designated places along the wall. Let's go." He said as he began to walk down the hill to the towering mountain, he hoped no one would have any trouble scaling the cliffs to the wall. At this time of day, and with the events within the Council, no guards should be doing rounds beneath the city, so that was good for them. However, he always kept an eye out, looking at any struggle from surrounding teammates.

    It was about half a mile to the mountain cliffs the city stood on. There were bridges leading into the city and out, however they couldn't use those as it would bring too much attention. Concentrating, two magic circles appeared in the middle of his back. From beneath his clothes you can see it rising and falling like a bubbling effect. Suddenly bat like wings in a residue erupted from him, tearing slits into his uniform. Hopefully no one would notice that.

    Flapping those wings simultaneously, he was able to fly, and just in time too. The clock tower near the center of the city chimed loudly, and he could hear moaning and grumbling above. Luckilly for them, they were concealed in a fog that separated the city from the mountain.
    It was time... In a instant he burst through the clouds and up the wall at a speed of 20 mph. Sure he could have done more, but why waste himself when the fight hasn't even begun yet.
    He soared in through the window of the guard tower quickly and waited. Just like he expected a knight with a nonchalant attitude walked to the station, he met the man outside after concealing his wings. Theo put on a fake smile, " Hi i'm new here, can you explain what is going on?" The man just shrugged and didn't notice what was happening, but before he could react. Theo simply shoved him off the side of the wall, to fall the 40 meters the the bottom of the mountain.
    Glancing from side to side, he made sure no one else saw and continued to climb down the ladder and into the city. The next part was to meet them within the guards barracks before the next hour was up and they discover that all ten stations are empty.


    Scowling as he walked up to the mountain cliff, Alakai just grunted as he looked up. This was way more work than he ever intended to do and it upset him. The man just slipped on the helmet finally and contemplated his next move. It was not like he could fly up the side of the cliff. This was such a pain, and with a tick in his jaw he unsheathed Soul Reaver. Such a delicate instrument and it was going to be abused like this.
    Taking careful aim, he tossed his scythe towards the cliff at least ten feet above his head. This was going to be hard, but completely doable for him. He couched low and jumped up to grab his scythe with two hands. The blade secure into the wall. He swung his body to it detached from the stone, and swung him farther up. Going at about 4 feet per time, it took him a while to get up the wall.

    The bell had rung when he was only a few feet from the wall... Crap! He had rushed to get the rest of the way up, but a man walking along the wall had seen him and nearly fell out of his own pants. He was wide eyed and his jaw dropped. The knight was going to alarm someone when Alakai's eyes flashed. The man fell to his knees gripping his head. This was Alakai's Nightmare. A illusion magic that targeted the pain sensors of the nervous system. It was great for rendering a man useless.
    Alakai walked up and picked the man up by the collar. The look of horror in his eyes was delightful, and he just wanted to tear off his head, but instead he dumped the body over the side, it wouldn't be good to leave a mess on his newly obtained (dirty) uniform.

    Just as he was instructed, Alakai made his way to the left corner of town where the guards barracks would be located, he assumed this was a way into the cell blocks. Why else would they go there. But first, he took that ugly helmet off of his face. He didn't care if it put him at risk.


    Theo's Spell

    Alakai's Spell


    OCC: BTW!!! If you haven't realized by now, i am playing both Theo ( PK ) and Alakai ^^
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
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    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Lucille Grove 11th June 2014, 6:43 am

    With the plan beginning, Lucille looked up the cliff she was supposed to scale. In her mind, this was about as insane of a plan as it could get, hinging on the fact that she could actually climb this. But luckily for her guild master, she indeed could climb this. Grabbing a piece of rock that jutted out from the cliff, the blood maid began to climb rapidly upwards. It wasn’t elegant, but it was her own way of getting where she was needed. Lucille focused only on quickly getting there, she had no clue how much time she actually had before her part was shot to all hell. So the blood mage wouldn’t even dare risk waiting and thinking about the long drop that awaited her if she lost her grip.

    The blood mage was only a couple feet from the wall when she had heard the bell ring. ‘Damnit.’ Lucille immediately sped up, and managed to make it before she was spotted. In fact, she had just climbed up right when a rune knight had began to walk by. The woman was oblivious to the Tartarus mage behind her, which made it all the more sweet for Lucille. She walked up behind the rune knight and put her in a sleeperhold, cutting off the airflow and forcing the woman to pass out almost instantly from the loss of oxygen to her brain. The blood mage wasted no time after and immediately threw the woman off the cliff, not caring where she landed or how. Lucille then began to walk in the direction of the guard barracks, hoping that people wouldn’t pay attention to the crap uniform she wore.

    God, was it asking too much to have something clean to wear for this?


    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event FRU1Cmr
    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force

    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Guest 11th June 2014, 12:10 pm

    Maxie couldn't help but giggle to himself at the thought of the other Tartarus magi climbing the mountain. They'd be sweating profusely, cursing their luck at having such a strenuous task before they even began their job. Their faces cause his face to be illuminated in a huge grin as he walked up the cliffside with little trouble, using his magic to make the stone beneath his feet sticky, keeping him in place. Within no time he was at the top of the cliff and looking at the wall that surrounded the city. He even had time to spare as he waited for the bell to ring, time he spent dreaming up fantasies of how the Magic Council would react to this prison break. Needless to say that every outcome was overly exaggerated in Maxie's mind, but made for good amusement to pass the time.

    And then the bell rang. The God Slayer broke out of his daydream and began walking up the wall in the same way he had walked up the cliffside, humming quietly but merrily to himself. Unfortunately his lack of attention meant that he reached the top of the wall...and walked straight in front of the guard he was supposed incapacitate. "Who're you?!" the knight declared, drawing his weapon. Maxie looked around for a moment before a recording lacrima appeared, placing itself beside the guard and beginning to play a backing track. Maxie removed the helmet for a moment and smiled happily before bursting into song, leaving the guard to stare at him in sheer confusion.

    "When the Devil is too busy
    And Death's a bit too much
    They call on me by name you see,
    For my special touch.
    To the Gentlemen I'm Miss Fortune.
    To the Ladies I'm Sir Prize.
    But call me by any name,
    Any way it's all the same.

    I'm the fly in your soup,
    I'm the pebble in your shoe,
    I'm the pea beneath your bed,
    I'm a bump on every head.
    I'm the peel on which you slip,
    I'm a pin in every hip,
    I'm the thorn in your side,
    Makes you wriggle and writhe.
    And it's so easy when you're evil
    This is the life, you see
    The Devil tips his hat to me."


    Maxie tipped the helmet down and cracked the guard over the head, before throwing him over the side of the wall.

    "I do it all because I'm evil
    And I do it all for free~"

    He fell silent for a brief second, smiling as the guard screamed whilst falling to his death.

    "Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need!

    With that task done The Director headed in the direction of the barracks, the helmet back upon his head framing the huge grin that was now plastered across his face.
    Medea Grove
    Medea Grove

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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Medea Grove 11th June 2014, 1:18 pm

    Medea let out a small noise of irritation as she saw their guild master fly off to the top. Some people truly do have an advantage. And now I must waste time and energy to scale this cliff she thought bitterly. This mission was truly going to show her in an unattractive light. Her annoyance only grew as she turned to the side to glance at the fellow team members and saw one walking on the cliff as if gravity only affected lesser being. With a huff she turned back to her task, touching the rough texture, making sure she had a good grip before beginning the climb.

    Half way up, she looked down and felt her belly drop slightly. Saying it was a small fall would be an understatement, and definitely something her handy spell to keep her from bleeding out wouldn't be able to handle. But with vertigo came also a new surge of determination and she turned her head back up and continued the climb with renewed motivation and strength, a smirk on her face.

    But that expression quickly fell as the bell rang. "Crap". Of course I'm late if I'm not given actual climbing tools, she thought angrily and she rushed up the hill, and in her hurry, putting her foot on a weak grip, a large gasp escaping her as she caught herself in the last moment and the sound of the rock could be heard tumblr down the cliff. No. No time to calm my heart, I must go now; she nearly mentally screamed to herself as she made her ay up the hill, her head poking up once she reached the top.

    What she saw was not what she expected, as she landed face to face with a guard, spear in hand. Think fast! Medea started to moan as she dragged her body over the edge, forcing herself to make her muscles spasm as her breathing hitched. Discreetly bringing her hand to her stomach, she let the wounds on her palm open, blood flowing out of it and onto her disguise. Pushing herself in a kneeling position and moving her hand away slightly to make the blood visible, she started sobbing.

    "S-sir! Help m-me please" she begged as she brought a hand towards the guard as if requesting assistance. Medea fought hard to keep the contempt off of her face as the man lowered his weapon and kneeled next to her. "M-mages are attacking, overpowered me and my colleges. I couldn't t-take the bridge, they'd find me before I could raise the alarm. I- I think it's bad" she said, looking down to her bloodied stomach, before gazing back into the guards eyes.

    "Dear God. Yes, let's go back to the barracks, I'll raise the alarms for these mages and we can get you treated" he said worryingly. Hook, line and sinker, Medea thought proudly to herself as she brought her hands to the guards face tenderly. "Thank you- I'll never be able to repay you" she said sweetly as he hands moved to his shoulders "I think- I think I can try to stand up and walk" she added in a faint voice as she made a show of pushing herself up using the kneeling guards shoulder for balance on her shaky legs.

    But the second she was up, and in a position where she could finally overpower the heavy built armed guard, she quickly spun around behind him, delivering a quick kick to the back causing him to stumble forward and over. This time Medea didn't fight the smirk off her face as she leaned over the edge, watching the body tumble down, hitting the wall a few times before ending the long fall face first on the pavement. "And down he goes~ Good luck to the person that'll have to cleans the brains and blood off of that" she chuckled before pulling out a piece of cloth, wiping the blood off of the armor and making her ways towards the barrack with a large grin.


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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Domino 16th June 2014, 12:26 am

    "Oh great beast of the sky, carrier of heroes, grant me your wings, your speed, your strength, let my boots embody all that you are" Alaric chanted and his boots turned to ones of black leather with black wings on the ankles. These were his 'Boots of Pegasus'. A useful spell that granted him enhanced speed, agility and most importantly the ability to fly. As such when he got near the wall and heard the bell ringing he simply ran upwards as if running on the air itself. He came up to the roof just in time getting to appear behind the guard who had just walked past the exact point he'd come up on. How fortunate for Alaric. The man had a saber on his waist. Military issue and one Alaric was familiar with. It would be a useful addition to his arsenal for this mission. His initial idea had been to roundhouse kick the man off the wall, but that would mean going back down for the saber. Instead he performed a powerful axe kick to the man's shoulder crumpling him temporarily. The man rolled and went to shout out, but his actions were as Alaric expected who used both feet to stamp on the man's head powerful shattering the skull. A bit messy that was true, but it did the job. With that accomplished he removed the saber and sheathed it on his belt before tossing the man over the side, but not before using the man's clothing to mop up most of the blood. Now all he had to do was make his way towards the barracks.

    He walked towards the ladder and glanced about for a moment checking nobody was watching and then leapt over the side and gently floated down towards the ground. He glanced about again. Good, it looked like no-one had spotted him. He moved swiftly and silently using the boots to his advantage. "I wonder if the others were successful." he thought to himself as he continued on his way

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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by P.B. 16th June 2014, 7:03 pm

    "If we're ready to begin, then let us," Hydra smiled. He removed his outer shirt revealing that he had cut a hole in his pink undershirt. He leapt onto the cliff face, grabbing hold of the side of the cliff with his hands, he then used his snake to grab higher and pull himself up, then repeated the process, over and over again, all the while his over shirt tucked into his pants. He swung his way up the cliff side like this until he had finally made his way to the top. Looking around he contemplated putting back on the rest of the disguise but decided not to. He smiled as he thought about what would happen to the first person he saw. Then the bell rang, turning around, he saw a rune knight looking down and passing right by him, appearing to be in some sort of depression. Hydra placed his hand on the man's shoulder, "Hey friend, something gotcha down?"

    "Well, it's a bit complicated, but it has to do with a girl. I really want to ask her on a date, but I have no clue how she'll respond. I'm really nervous about talking to her, and I don't know what to do," he said.

    "Ah, well you know things have a way of working themselves out," the rune knight began to turn around to thank Hydra, but that's when he saw who he was facing. Right as he was about to scream, Hydra gripped the back of the man's head and smashed his face against the floor, hard. Not hard enough to kill him, but hard enough to knock him out for a while. Within the next couple seconds Hydra devoured his victim with the snake, leaving behind no trace. He then put his over shirt back on, watching as several rune knights went tumbling down the cliffside. He mumbled to himself, "Such a waste," before continuing on his way.



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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Alakai 16th June 2014, 8:47 pm

      Rounding the corner, the guard quarters came into view. It took him a little to find it, and actually had to ask a patrolling guard, acting like he was a new recruit.
      And after, before he could mull it over and question the truth, Theo pulled him into the alley and mauled his body with darkness. It was silly, how a simple question could end with death.
      The man in the Rune Knight uniform walked up to the large wooden door and looked up. It wasn't a very tall building, but did have a tower; which could be a problem if they left anyone alive to spot their mission.

      Every bit of information, from a Rune Knight source, said that there was two entranced into the underground prisons. One, being in the Magic Council castle itself, after passing the crystal prisons where some mages are monitored.
      Two, being in the guards barracks, which has a tunnel to lead directly to the deep pit cells where Yugi is held. The one's that capped off Magical Power. But Theo could still feel dark emissions as he got closer.

      With a grin, he opened the door to peer inside, acting innocent and friendly, there were only five guards in there at the time. Those that were off duty or taking a break, the rest were on patrols. "I'm sorry to interrupt guys..." He said before closing the door behind him.


      Passing by each building he pondered over the plan Yugi had given him. Alot of it was up close and personal dealings with someone that could give away that they were here. And not just a few, but ten Dark Mages that could all be discovered at any time! With a sigh he walked through the alley ways, avoiding any personal attraction to him from unwanted attention.
      That was when he walked up on a gruesome scene; A body torn apart, blood splattered over the ground and walls, The blood was still wet and fresh.

      He smiled at the attack. It was on a Rune Knight, so it must have been by one of the members of Tartarus. Or a traitor within the ranks... The first option seemed more likely however. Alakai walked on and turned right. There is was, the Gaurds Barracks. Hmm, how interesting. No one was around, not even a single walking Rune Knight, or a citizen of the city.

      Opening the door, which wasn't locked he sneered. The room smelled of blood, tons of it. Looking in, he seen pools of blood, and red splattered walls. He had to hurry and enter before the smell leaked outside.
      Pushing the door closed behind him, Alakai nearly laughed as he seen Theo with his feet propped up downing a beer. He must have been here for over ten minutes waiting. Alakai could tell by the amount of drained blood, and the color of the remaining body parts.
      "Am i the first?" He asked Theo before walking up and pulling out a seat. He had to kick away a body first, and Alakai realized how dangerous this was for him.

      A paroling guard could stop by at any time, what told Theo otherwise?
    Lucille Grove
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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Lucille Grove 19th June 2014, 1:05 am

    Lucille managed to avoid any more confrontations as she approached the Guard Barracks with a sigh. The blood maid really had tried her hardest to stay in the shadows, and it paid off since she had not seen nor been spotted by any Rune Knight. It wasn’t a long time, but she had felt the slight urge to go and kill someone else and bathe in their blood. Of course she had the willpower to reject the urge, but it was still there like an annoying pest. She just had to hold off until her master gave her the go ahead to brutally murder as much as she pleased. Only then would she go out and cause as much havoc as possible.

    Opening the door to the barracks, and mentally noting that it wasn’t locked, Lucille slightly paled at the sight. Blood, a huge amount of the liquid, had been splattered on the walls and covered the floor. The blood maid knew that if even a small amount of the blood got on her she would go nuts, which would ruin the entire plan. She had to, after shutting the door behind her so the smell didn’t float outwards, swiftly and nimbly dodge the pools of blood as she tried to go and meet with Alakai and Theo, who had already made it. This was no shock, as the two were very quick on their own. Lucille simply stood at attention quietly, away from the pools of blood on the floor. Awaiting her future orders like she always did.


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    The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event Empty Re: The Awakening of The Fallen || Tartarus Guild Event

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 19th June 2014, 10:55 am

    As Yugi stood with his back turned to the cell bars; he heard commotion outside of the windows. In the form of screams that would go from quiet, to loud, to quiet again.

    'Someone must be falling from the top of this place....' Yugi looked out of his window, and then upward; wondering if he'd catch a falling Rune Knight go whizzing down past his window. As he honed his magical senses, he could feel way more Tartarus wizards getting closer and closer.

    "Hm, hm, hm." the student of Zeref mulled to himself as he heard a voice from behind him.

    "Seems there's something of a party going on outside." Quincy would say from across the hall, his bald head shining in the small bit of light; his perfect beard and scar across his eye visible from across the hallway. Yugi would smile at him in return, a sincerely pleased and somewhat frightening smile. With a nod, he'd respond.

    At that moment, several Rune Knights came running down the hallway between the cells, a blur of white and baby blue as they headed off---probably to deal with his Guildmates.

    "Yes...it would seem that there is something happening. Though these days, you can never tell what." as he waited patiently for loud bang! or something of the sort; signaling that his Guildmates had gained entry into the Maximum security ward he would begin to think to himself that he might actually get out of this place. At this exact moment however, he thought of his brother. "Lucien.....where are you?" he muttered under his breath, wondering why his brother hadn't personally appeared and put an end to any attempt at freeing him. All it would take is the Chairman himself, standing like a gentleman with his cane in front of Yugi's prison ward.

    Yugi doubted seriously that there was anyone left in Tartarus with the capacity to deal with him in a duel of magic, so he wondered intensely why he hadn't put an end to this.

    'Is it possible?' at this moment, Yugi had flashbacks rare flashbacks to happier times with his brother. The twins played happily, running through Oak Town as children. Lucien carrying some book he'd checked out from Oak Library, as Yugi followed (both eyes still there), running after his brother intent on catching him in a game of tag.

    A shadowy figure watched them, his face hidden. The Patron Sparrow, master of both Ice and Fire 'make' magic; which eventually he'd pass on to his sons. The flashback would end as Yugi would open his one good eye. 'Impossible....', did Lucien still love him in that way? That brotherly love that could not be broken by action or time? As he mused to himself, he added to this train of thought by thinking that Lucien hadn't had him executed immediately---and now it appeared that he was going to let Yugi be broken out of prison. Was this all just to teach him a lesson? To remind him who truly had the power?

    Yugi gritted his teeth, and fumed as a fist balled up naturally. Even a showing of love from his brother, no matter how vague---served only to infuriate the legendary dark wizard.

    "Bastard still trying to teach me lessons after all these years....." his fist trembled as he stood; eventually he calmed down, wondering if he could use Lucien's remaining emotions for him no matter how thin, to his advantage in some way. Although his brother likely had already planned for the day Yugi would try to manipulate him, he didn't know how he would try. It probably would be a futile effort.

    However, Yugi's attention then focused on the increasing numbers of falling screams outside; and eventually he wondered who had assumed leadership of the Guild that he, Lucifer, and Warden had founded. Although he'd been offered leadership upon it's inception, as Yugi had spent a large bit of the Sparrow fortune (that he'd stolen long ago) to pay for the building and it's needs--Yugi had never really been one to assume a leadership role; unlike his brother. Although he was a stellar leader, it just was not his style.

    "Hopefully it is someone who understands that Tartarus is a guild for wizard supremacists, not just for blood thirsty maniacs....we're not Savage Skull." Yugi cared deeply for his fellow wizards, and hoped that these values had been passed on by whoever had assumed control of Tartarus.

    If it was just a group of bloodthirsty maniacs without any bit of planning or intelligence, then Yugi would gladly leave behind the Guild he had started before he was a part of such mindless madness.

    "One can only hope..." he sat down, prayer style on both knees resting his hands in his lap and let both of his eyes slip closed as he let his conscious go and slipped into a state of patience.


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