Decayuss wrote:Here comes a lot of jewels.
Strong Weapon+
4 B rank slots.
275000 jewels right there.
And then, 1 A rank spell slot.
Alright, Bill Gates; the purchase is approved. xD
Decayuss wrote:Here comes a lot of jewels.
Strong Weapon+
4 B rank slots.
275000 jewels right there.
And then, 1 A rank spell slot.
The forgotten
Nami wrote:i'm buying 1 primary d rank spell slot :D
Dederik wrote:I am paying the 15k for Nami's purchase of 1 Primary Drank spell slot.
Lyserg wrote:Purchasing:
Legendary (+) Magic Item: 55k
D Rank Spell Slot: 15k
Total price: 70k
Pretty as a peach 1
Judge and jury
Approval Sauce all over this.Kihia wrote:One Lacrima Milk and Legendary + Armor Please
Should be 285k
Judge and jury
Knight of Water
Approval sauce ALAPINDARTōwa Lamira wrote:Buying a B ranks Spell slot 60K jewel
ApprovedZ3R0169 wrote:want to buy a legendary + weapon 75,000J please
Yessir... you do need many many more jobs...Kenshi wrote:Buying an extra D-rank spell slot.
Take the money from both Kenshi and my main, Kodai Venator.
15k in total, I should have exactly 7 Jewels left.
Yeesh, I need to do more jobs...
Judge and jury
Haruhi Kanashimi wrote:I would like to upgrade my pet to a battle pet. Pet will be changed because of change in magic happening.
Tōwa Lamira wrote:Purchasing two C rank primary spell slots for my teammate Kocho. 60k
Haruhi Kanashimi wrote:My mistake, I meant a legendary pet.
Knight of Water
Judge and jury
ApprovedAayla wrote:Lacrima Milk: 200,000 Jewels for me pulease
Strong: 30,000 J for Add please, Murry Xmas
Zoe Schiffer wrote:I would like to purchase a Strong(+) Weapon; that's 35K.
Pretty as a peach 1
Akryn wrote:Kihia is funding one upgrade for the Seven Cuts from weak, to strong.
GaroutheFallen wrote:I would like to purchase a legendary+ weapon for GraveDragon and a legendary pet for Inspirational Quote please.
60,000+75,000=135,000 jewels total