Gemma knocked at the door of the small house, checking if the address was in fact the same one as the one written on the job she was holding in her hand. It was a simple one to say the least but with her armor in the shop for repair after quite an annoying encounter with a goblin walking back home in the Phoenix Mountains. A large slice tore through her right gauntlet and she decided to leave the whole set for revision as she picked a mission that should be the easiest. Not the biggest reward but definitely a time killer. The door opened and Gemma stepped in, taken aback with all the poster of Bilea, the new singer sensation across Fiore, covering the walls and ceiling.
“Are- are you here for the job?” the owner of the house, a tall lanky man that was obviously uncomfortable asked, awkwardly shifting from one foot to another.
“Are- are you here for the job?” the owner of the house, a tall lanky man that was obviously uncomfortable asked, awkwardly shifting from one foot to another.