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    Guild and Faction Rules


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
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    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

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    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Rules Guild and Faction Rules

    Post by Admin 19th January 2014, 2:24 am

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    Guild Rules Index

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    Last edited by Admin on 6th March 2022, 12:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Rules Re: Guild and Faction Rules

    Post by Admin 29th June 2018, 6:14 pm

    Guild and Faction Rules RwfI1HN

    • Overview: Guilds are organizations founded and controlled by players that act as their Guild Masters, these organizations accommodating and providing a specialized range of work for mages who choose to align themselves with and follow the guild's ideals. All mages that belong to a given guild are marked with a Guild Tattoo of the guild's choosing to signify their allegiance to said guild. Guilds motivate and stimulate teamwork, interaction, and cooperation between mages of a given guild and promote competition with other guilds of opposing purpose, creating opportunities for character development and the establishment of overarching character and guild plots. Guilds are associated, through whatever means that might be, with one of three alignments: Legal, Independent, or Dark. In general, all players could and should join the guild they expect to work best with their character and/or their plot. A list of all official guilds on FTRP as well as a short description on each can be found here. All guilds available on FTRP are based in Fiore.

    • Guild Status: Guilds can be classed as either being an open guild or a closed guild. Open guilds accept new members, while closed guilds no longer accept new members for any given reason. Guilds may only be opened or closed by the guild master/s, and may be opened or closed at their discretion. Guilds may also have basic requirements for joining the guild, such as having new members write an introduction thread to the guild or other specific plot requirements that may vary depending on the guild and the guild's own plot. Note that guilds with more than 25 members will automatically be closed and will remain closed until their member count falls below 25 members total to give other guilds a chance to increase their numbers as well.

    • Guild types: Below you can find a list of guild alignments and short in-character explanations on them as well as the expectations and stipulations that come with being a part of a guild of a given alignment in general:
      • Legal Guilds: To put it simply, Legal Guilds are guilds recognized by the Magic Council of Fiore and acknowledged as official mages guilds. All guilds placed under this alignment pursue goals that are considered noble or morally good by wider society and serve to help and protect the people of Earthland. As a consequence, of course, Legal Guilds will be closely watched and monitored by both the public and the Magic Council and can be subject to alignment change if members commit crimes or other heinous acts (at the discretion of the staff team) if the members doing so are not expelled from the guild. Members of legal guilds have access to legal and neutral jobs but cannot go on dark jobs.

      • Independent Guilds: Independent Guilds are guilds that are, by some means or another, not affiliated with the Magic Council, but do not classify themselves as or associate with Dark Guilds. Generally, these guilds follow their own morals and goals and are detached from, while tolerated by, the Magic Council, but are subject to alignment change the same way legal guilds are if caught openly committing crimes or harboring members that do so. Members of independent guilds have access to legal, neutral, and dark jobs.

      • Dark Guilds: Dark Guilds are always guilds recognized as active threats to Fiore and Earthland as a whole by the Magic Council. All Dark Guilds must align themselves with morals and goals considered evil by wider society, often housing criminals and other individuals that defy public order and law, and will openly strive to be a force of objective evil and darkness within Fiore. Dark guilds, however, operate outside of the laws set by institutions and are typically in conflict with or hunted by the same institutions such as the Rune Knights or the Magic Council. Dark guild members have access to dark and neutral jobs but cannot go on legal jobs.

      • Guildless: Characters, instead of joining a guild, may also be guildless. Naturally, guildless mages are not affiliated with any guild and are free to align themselves with whomever they choose with no added responsibilities. Of course, guildless mages are still subject to the law and do not gain any added benefits from being a member of a guild. Guildless mages have access to legal, neutral, and dark jobs.

    • Additional Information: Administration reserves the right to disband any guild for any reason at any point, e.g. if a guild is deemed inactive by the Admin team or if a guild is deemed harmful to the site's community, environment, community, and Code of Conduct. If a guild is disbanded, any benefits gained from and any positions connected to the guild are disbanded and all members will automatically be returned to guildless. All possessions of the guild will be reverted back to jewels (including expansions, sub- and front boards) and the jewels will be distributed among the rest of the guilds. All guild spells will be removed, as will the guild pet. The admin team also reserves the right to deny the creation of or application for a guild for any reason. The price for guild creation is also subject to change, should it be deemed necessary.

    Guild and Faction Rules DiLduCG

    • Becoming a Guild Master: There are several ways for site members to become Guild Masters. Firstly, a member and their character may inherit a guild from their previous Guild Master as long as their character is A rank and if the GM in question is relieved of their position by staff or by a guild vote, the GM goes inactive for a prolonged period of time, the character that holds the GM position is character-changed, or the GM no longer wishes to remain as such and gives up their position voluntarily. In general, a guild will vote on who will succeed a Guild Master, and the vote will always be supervised by an administrator, though the staff team reserves the right to decline the promotion of a player and their character to Guild Master for any reason. The staff team also reserves the right to, instead of conducting a vote, promote a player to Guild Master directly in a situation where it is necessary.

      If a Guild Master is deemed too inactive by their guild the members of the guild may also choose to oust the Guild Master from their position, in which case the GM's activity is reviewed and action as previously specified will be taken by the staff team. This requires the backing of multiple guild members to prevent small groups from attempting to relieve GM's of their position for personal reasons. If staff determines that this system is being abused in a circumstance as specified above action will be taken against the members in question. Staff reserves the right to decline the vote to relieve a Guild Master of their position.

      A player and their character may create their own guild from scratch once they reach S rank, provided an open guild slot for the alignment of your conceptual guild is available (inquire with an administrator about the availability of guild slots if you seek to become a Guild Master and open a new guild). If no guild slots are available no new guilds can be created, of course. If a guild slot is available for your desired alignment (Legal, Independent, Dark) you may forward the concept for your guild, along with a description of your guild in general, its goals, its alignment, and any other relevant information, to an administrator (note that the admin team will review your guild suggestion, meaning it would be wise to present the best possible pitch. Please only provide complete ideas). The administrator in question, after reviewing your suggestion, will, depending on the circumstances, provide you with feedback about changes that need to be made to your guild suggestion if any aspects of your guild clash with an aspect of the site, or approve your guild concept to be presented to the site. Provided the admin team approved your guild concept you may post it as a suggestion in this section of the forum to both present your guild in full (i.e. a description for your guild, the guild's theme, the guild's rules, guild goals, location, guild mark, in-character guild positions and any other relevant in-character information about the guild) and gather both funds and interest for your guild if necessary. If you gather the necessary funds and the required members notify an administrator, who will guide you through the steps it takes to turn your suggestion into an official on-site guild. Staff reserves the right to deny both a guild concept and a guild suggestion for any reason.

    • General Information: Guild Masters, as mentioned previously, are players (and their characters) in control of a guild. A guild may have up to two Guild Masters at any given time. Guild Masters may promote other players and their characters into the role of Guild Master, provided the Guild does not already have two Guild Masters. Staff reserves the right to deny this promotion for any reason. It is the sole responsibility of Guild Masters to add or remove people to and from the guild's roster (or Discord channel), bar people from the guild permanently if necessary, develop their guild, promote guild members to become guild Aces, manage the guild account, manage the guild bank and guild funds, create guild events, guild jobs, and guild scale jobs, create and work on guild plots or give these rights to the guild's aces at their own leisure. It's important to note that Guild Masters retain the right to bar members from their guild for any reason (with staff approval). Also note that Guild Masters may be relieved of their position by the admin team for any and all reasons at any point should it be deemed necessary. Lastly, staff reserves the right to disband a guild entirely for any and all reasons should it be deemed necessary.

    • Ace slots: Every guild starts with 3 Ace slots which guild masters can assign to a limited number of members of their guild. Guild aces, in-character as well as out-of-character, are trusted members of the guild who can hold administrative power within the hierarchy of the guild and support the Guild Master/s in running and developing the guild, being second in rank only to the Guild Master/s themselves. More Ace slots may be purchased within the Guild Shop up to a total maximum of 7. A Guild Master can name a member of the guild an Ace if that member is at least B rank or higher.

    • Guild Funds: Guild Masters (and with direct permission from their GM/s, a guild's Aces) are the only ones who may access and use the funds of their guild. A guild's funds may only be spent in the Shops section of the forum (including the "Black Market" and explicitly excluding the VIP Shop and Oddities Shop). Guild funds may not be spent on consumables. Guild funds may only be spent in shops if buying assets for the guild itself. Guild funds cannot be used to buy items, equipment, spell slots, etc. for any player or group of players and cannot be used to buy Items of the Month/Year, raffle tickets or other event items. If guild funds are used to acquire guild assets from private shops the assets acquired must be used or the guild must be refunded in full. If neither is done, both the guild and the recipient risk a warning for trying to funnel guild funds to a player. Attempting to circumvent this rule in any other way will also result in similar consequences. A part of a guild's funds may be loaned to a player at the guild master's discretion should the player request for such a loan. Guild funds may only be loaned to a player if the player uses them to purchase a refundable item (spell slots, magic slots, equipment, ancient scrolls, etc.) and cannot be loaned to be spent on consumables, Items of the Month/Year or any other event item. Funds for a single item max may be loaned to a single player at any given time.

      If a player has outstanding loans they may not receive loaned guild funds. Funds loaned to a player must be paid back to the guild in full before any new loans may be taken up. If a member leaves a guild while they owe the guild they must either pay back the guild in full or loses the loaned item, which will automatically be turned back into jewels and refunded to the guild account. Attempting to circumvent this rule will prompt staff involvement and consequences for the members involved. If a member with an outstanding loan goes inactive, the guild may reclaim the item at their discretion. Any payments already made towards the loan will be refunded to the player and the item will automatically be turned back into jewels, which will be refunded to the guild account. A guild may use guild funds to offer cash prizes for guild events and other guild contests (within reason) and only with staff approval. This may be denied by staff for any reason. Note that until an item is paid back in full the guild who funded its purchase retains sole ownership over said item and can refund it at any point and for any reason. The item will be turned back into jewels and refunded to the guild bank and all payments made towards the loan will be refunded to the player.

    • Guild Spells: Any Guild starts off with 3 guild spells (1 Offensive, 1 Defensive, 1 Supportive) which can be created by the guild master and registered here. Guild spells are classified as H++ spells. Guild Masters automatically learn and can use all of their guild's Guild Spells. Aces may learn one of the guild's Guild Spell each, and cannot learn the same Guild Spell as another Ace. The guild can purchase up to 4 more Guild Spells in the Guild Shop. Naturally, if a guild possesses more Ace slots than Guild Spell slots not every Ace can learn a Guild Spell. More information on how Guild Spells function can be found here. Guild spells may only be used by mages of at least S rank or higher, making them the only way for a mage who is not yet H rank to use an H rank spell. If an S rank mage uses a guild spell they will be drained of all MP and leave them unable to cast any other spell for the remainder of the thread. If an H rank mage uses a Guild Spell it functions normally.

    • Guild Pets: Any guild can buy a Guild Pet, which is, in essence, the guild's mascot, familiar, or another kind of guild NPC. A guild pet can be used for manifold purposes, including guild plot and even PvE / PvP Combat. Any guild is limited to a single guild pet. Guild Pets, apart from their abilities, follow the rules for Mythical Pets for their stats, such as HP, Melee Damage, et cetera. For more information on how Guild Pet abilities function, as well as the associated costs for a guild pet's purchase, etc., see the Guild Shop. Guild Pets, in addition to their abilities, can utilize any Guild Spell that their user can utilize (For example, if a GM uses a Guild Pet in combat, the Guild Pet cat use all of the same Guild Spells the Guild Master can use). Guild Pets, additionally, count as Bond Pets bonded to their respective user, receiving all benefits a Bond Pet receives normally (Apart from the additional abilities).

    Guild and Faction Rules KQeGCOI

    • Overview: Creating a guild comes with a set of certain requirements that must be fulfilled in order to create the guild. Firstly, members must contact staff with information about the guild idea and goals for pre-approval. Once staff approval has been attained, the process may progress. Creating a guild costs Jewels, members who wish to create a guild, as mentioned before, must be of a set rank, and a guild must amass a set number of members that pledge a character to the guild after it has been officially created. It is recommended to have all relevant information about your guild, such as a guild guide, a guild information page, a guild roster etc. ready to be submitted before your guild is officially created.
      • Guild Price: Creating a guild costs a total of 10,000,000 jewels, which must be located on the account of the would-be Guild Master in order for a guild creation to be accepted. Upon creation of the guild, the jewels will be deducted from the GM's account.

      • Rank: The creator's Guild Master character must be S rank at least without exceptions by the time the guild suggestion is approved. Attempting to bypass this rule in any way is punishable and will have consequences.

      • Minimum Member Count: A would-be guild must accumulate a minimum of 3 members (The GM and 2 others) that pledge their character to the guild and join the guild upon its approval. If the guild does not garner sufficient interest the guild creation will not be accepted. If the pledged members do not move their characters and join the guild, and the guild has less than 3 members 2 weeks after its creation it will automatically be disbanded. Members can have a maximum of 2 members per guild. Having multiple characters in a guild does not count toward the minimum number of members a guild must maintain to remain active.

      • IMPORTANT! The Administration reserves the right to decline the creation of a guild for any reason should it be seen as necessary.

    • Guild Creation Perks: Your guild will automatically obtain the following perks upon first being established as an official guild
      • Forum: One guild forum placed in the same alignment main forum as your guilds alignment (legal, independent, dark).

      • Bank Account: A guild bank account to store jewels for your guild.

      • Upgrades: One level 2 Extension free of cost that may be placed in the "Guild Territories" subforum or the guild subforum (may be upgraded later).

      • Spells and Aces: A new guild automatically gains 3 Ace slots and 3 Guild Spell slots


    • Overview: Factions are separate from other institutions in that they represent organizations that span a nation, or, in some instances, several nations, as opposed to individual guilds who represent the collective goals of a group of individuals. Factions, as such, can include the governmental and military apparatus of the nations of Ishgar and beyond. Factions are explicitly linked to current and future development of site lore and lore events that dictate the course of official site lore canon. Some factions may be populated by NPCs, but certain factions may be joined by players, as well. Factions, as opposed to guilds, can control large territories on the continent of Ishgar via the use of Faction Bases. Each individual nation represented via a faction may possess a number of Faction Leaders. Faction Rules determine which players may join a given faction. One can generally be a member of a guild and be a member of a faction simultaneously. Players may join a given faction with more than one of their characters. Every Faction may possess its own system for progression within the Faction itself up to the leadership of a Faction. Factions will also be able to engage in pre-made Faction Events created by the Admin Team and Event Team.
      • Mechanics: Factions, as opposed to guilds, do not utilize the standard hierarchy that guilds use (i.e. a separation into members, aces, and guild masters), but instead use their own unique hierarchies for progression said Faction, which is determined by Faction Leadership. Factions also do not possess an alignment, but are associated with the government/s of select nations belonging to the Faction in question instead. Each nation represented in a given Faction may possess up to 3 Faction Leaders, which are organized into a Faction's sub-section, or "Chapter". Faction Leaders must be at least of S rank. Leadership of a Faction does not clash with Leadership of a Guild, meaning that one can be the Leader of a Faction and still assume a role as Guild Master. Factions cannot possess Pets as Guilds can, nor can they designate Ace positions. Factions do not possess a minimum or maximum member count. Faction Leadership determines the conditions a character must fulfill to join the Faction in question. Membership in a Faction determines the role an individual character takes in Faction Events, as well as their allegiance in the context of Site Lore. Rank within the Faction determines the role one may play in lore-driven Faction Events and Faction Jobs.

        Members of a given Faction, if both belonging to the same Faction, may not be registered rivals. Members of a given Faction, upon finishing a job together, receive a 25% EXP bonus in the same way guild members belonging to the same guild do. This bonus stacks with Guild bonus, as well as Team.

      • Bases: Factions, unlike guilds, do not possess extensions or upgrades and cannot hold funds as part of a separate bank account. Instead, Factions will begin in control of Faction Bases centered around towns, cities, and strategic positions on the continent of Ishgar. Faction Bases represent a Faction's control over a given area of Ishgar, and Factions may capture Faction Bases from one another via dedicated Faction Events.

      • Faction Spells: Faction Leaders can create a total of 3 Faction Spells per Chapter, which may only be used by the Faction Leaders of their assigned Chapter. Faction Spells utilize doubled base values of H++ Spells and can be of any given Spell Category and Type. They can further utilize Summon, Take-Over, Requip, Combat Arts, or Blood Spells freely, and will always function as if using an integrated piece of Equipment when applicable (With the exception of gaining additional abilities). Like Guild Spells, Faction Spells are limited to a single ability.

      • Faction Bonuses: Members of every Faction receive a set Faction bonus, which is different for every Faction and is determined by the Admin Team. The scale of the bonus a Faction receives is based on the integrity of their Faction Bases and the resulting control over territory. The bonus individual members of a Faction receive is based on the Rank they occupy in a Faction. Members are promoted at the discretion of the Administration based on accomplishments in the context of Site Lore, Factions Events, and Faction Jobs. A modifier called "Faction Integrity" is applied to the Faction Bonus, which dictates how much of the Faction Bonus individuals of a given rank in a given Faction receive of that same Faction's bonus

      • Additional Information: Factions, as opposed to guilds, are controlled and maintained by the Admin Team and Event Team. Administration reserves the right to disband or modify factions for any reason at any point. Factions may not be created by players and can only be created by members of the Admin Team, who will also determine what happens to a given faction when it is modified or disbanded. You can find all current Factions here.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:17 pm