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    Equipment Rules


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Rules Equipment Rules

    Post by Admin 19th January 2014, 2:19 am


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    Rules Re: Equipment Rules

    Post by Admin 29th June 2018, 6:15 pm

    Equipment Rules ZbjLwjF

    Equipment Overview

    • Overview: In general, Equipment, on FTRP, refers to different types of apparel and items separate from magic that characters can use to aid them in various different scenarios such as combat, et cetera. The main types of equipment a mage can possess are Weapons, Armor, and Items (all of which are generally custom made by the player in question unless they acquire special pre-made equipment), with Pets & Companions as well as Unknown Summoning Keys making up the rest of obtainable equipment. All equipment created or bought by players must be approved before it can be used. To obtain a piece of equipment a mage must either buy it from the Armory Shop, a special kind of shop such as Items of the Month or the Oddities Shop, or alternatively earn it as a reward from completing a job following the Job Rules. To design or register an already acquired piece of equipment open a new thread in the WIP Pets and Items section of the forum, copy and paste the template you can find on this page (if making a custom piece of equipment) or copy and paste the code for the pre-made equipment into the thread. When making a custom piece of equipment, you must obviously design the piece of equipment yourself following the rules you can find below as well as the Magic and Spell Rules (for the equipment's abilities, if it possesses any). All equipment abilities, whether active or passive, follow the same template spells do and adhere to the same rules as spells. When the piece of equipment is complete, it must be submitted to the Items and Pets Approval Thread, where a staff member will claim and grade your equipment.

      • Equipment Grade: Equipment is separated into different grades of rarity and value, with each ascending grade being more powerful (and expensive) than the previous one. Some grades of equipment can only be obtained through special/seasonal shops or special events. The grades equipment is classed in are as follows:

        • Weak
        • Strong
        • Legendary
        • Artifact/Ethereal
        • Mythical
        • Unique
        • Event
        • Special

      • Equipment Slots: Mages may possess an infinite amount of equipment (excluding special equipment of a grade higher than Artifact/Ethereal), but may only bring 3 of each equipment grade (Weak, Strong, Legendary, Artifact) per equipment type (weapon, armor, item) into a thread (e.g. 3 Weak Weapons, 3 Strong Weapons, 3 Legendary Weapons, 3 Artifact Weapons; 3 Weak Armors, 3 Strong Armors, 3 Legendary Armors and so on). The exception to this are Compat Pets and Unknown Summoning Keys of any grade. A mage can own an infinite number of Combat Pets, but, in most cases, may only bring a single Combat Pet into a given thread. A mage can own a maximum of 10 Unknown Summoning Keys per character, but may only bring 3 Keys into a given job thread.

      • Mythical/Unique/Event/Special Grade Equipment/Pets Note: A Player may own an unlimited number of these tiers of equipment, but may only bring a single piece of equipment for each of the following categories per account/character into a given thread: Mythical grade Equipment, Unique grade Equipment, Event grade Equipment, Special grade Equipment.

      • MP / SP Cost: Abilities in Custom Equipment can be created and cast with or without an MP / SP cost. If equipment abilities are cast with an MP / SP cost, they are cast in the same way that spells are, requiring the user to pay a set number of MP based on the rank of the ability when activating the ability for its duration, with MP having to be paid to activate it again after its duration has expired. Alternatively, Equipment abilities may be created and cast without an MP / SP cost (or do not have an associated MP / SP cost in the case of certain pre-made equipment), using the equipment's intrinsic store of magic. In this case, the abilities in question can be used once per thread max, and cannot be recast once their duration has expired. These conditions apply only to active equipment abilities. Passive equipment abilities do not cost MP / SP to use or are subject to other restrictions in this way. This rule applies universally and without exception.

      • (+) Equipment: Equipment marked with a (+), Strong (+), Legendary (+), Artifact (+) grade equipment/Ethereal (+) grade pets gain, as opposed to their regular counterparts, one advanced ability that follows advanced spell rules. The ability that follows advanced rules is always the one one that scales lower, so in the case of a Legendary (+) weapon, for example, you will get one ability that scales with rank up to A, and one ability that scales with rank up to B+. For (+) items that share two abilities of the same rank one of the two will follow advanced rules. For multi-part weapons or armor that consist of two pieces of equipment and include (+) equipment, the lowest ranking ability will follow advanced spell rules. For multi-part weapons or armor that consist of three pieces of equipment and include (+) equipment, the lowest ranking ability and one ability of a rank higher than the lowest ranking ability will follow advanced spell rules.

      • Prefix Modifiers: Item of the Month or Oddity Equipment may have set prefixes that modify the way a given piece of equipment functions. These types of equipment cannot be created by players via the use of custom equipment.

        Equipment labeled "Integration" will, as the name suggests, require the integration of any set item, another set type of Equipment, or even a custom piece of Equipment into the Integration Equipment, which will, depending on the type of item or Equipment integrated into the "Integration" Equipment, grant the "Integration" Equipment special benefits or abilities unique entirely to them or even unlock special mechanics.

        Integration Equipment will usually be stronger than regular Equipment, as the use of a separate item or Equipment is required. Integration Equipment must be combined with the specific item, kind of item, or specific Equipment in order to be registered and used when apped for approval. Integrated items or Equipment can, depending on the circumstance, be bought separately from the Integration type Equipment and then combined with it or, in other cases, require the use of a specific item or piece of equipment, which must be acquired in order for the Integration Equipment to be approved. If the required item is a consumable, it will be used in the creation of the Integration Equipment and they can not be separated again. Should the required item or Equipment be re-usable, the two may be separated again, though the Integration type Equipment might lose its validity depending on circumstance. Unlike Multi-Part Equipment, Integration Equipment is classed as a single piece of equipment, which is dependent on the type of equipment that is used for it after the "Integration" prefix.

        Equipment labeled "Combo" requires the use of two linked pieces of equipment, both of them being sold as a pair and possessing the "Combo" prefix. They will have weaker abilities unique to each piece, but when they are used together, a set combo ability can be used. Two people must discuss and agree to purchase these together (Using funds from one or both parties. Must specify another player who will receive the other piece of equipment. Must specify which player will receive which piece of equipment). Combo abilities can only be used when both players possessing both counterparts of a "Combo" set, as well as the individual pieces of equipment, are present in the same thread.

    Equipment Rules 5oewTOg

    Overview of Weapons

    • Weapon Abilities: Weapons are, as the name suggests, offensive equipment that can be used to attack and damage opponents. When a weapon is used to attack, the melee damage the weapon deals is added onto the user's base melee damage (e.g. an A rank character with a base melee damage of 50 HP uses a Legendary (+) weapon to attack, which means the 10 HP of melee damage from the weapon are added onto the 50 HP of base melee damage the character deals, for a total of 60 HP in melee damage). This value is then modified by increases or decreases to strength. Weapons, in most cases, also possess inherent magical abilities, which are typically offensive in nature and can be either active or passive and can either be "Caster" type spells or "Techniques". Weapons do not possess HP or durability and can thus not be targeted, disabled, or destroyed. Below you will find the different abilities customizable weapons can obtain as well as the ranks to which those abilities scale with the rank of the character that possesses them:

      • Weak Weapon: 1 D Rank Ability
      • Strong Weapon: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to B rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to C rank)
      • Legendary Weapon: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to A rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to B rank)
      • Artifact Weapon: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to S rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to A rank)
      • Mythical Weapon: 6 abilities, one for each rank from D-H. Abilities of a higher rank than player-rank are scaled down to the appropriate rank

      • Additional Information: No matter the grade of a weapon, if the user is lower in Rank than the weapon it will effectively function as a weapon of the user's rank (in terms of both damage and abilities) until the user has reached the weapon's highest relevant ability Rank. Example: If the user of an Artifact Weapon is B Rank, the Artifact weapon would utilize the damage values of a Strong weapon (as a Strong grade weapon's highest possible ability rank is B Rank. For anything below B rank, Weak weapon values would be used). If the user ranks up, the damage values of the weapon increase accordingly until the user has reached the weapon's original grade.

        In order for a weapon to deal its own melee damage added to the character's melee damage, the attack must occur within melee range and at the character's own movement speed. Ranged melee attacks may occur (such as e.g. arrows fired from a bow, throwing knives, etc.) within burst range and at burst speed of the highest-ranking ability (e.g. S rank in case of an Artifact, A rank in case of a Legendary, etc., scaling in rank with the user), but only deal the weapon's melee damage without adding the character's base melee damage on top. Abilities, by default, follow spell rules for their damage. Weapon base damage cannot be stacked onto the base damage of another weapon or the base damage of a spell or ability.

    Overview of Armor

    • Armor Abilities: Armors are, as the name suggests, defensive equipment that can be used to protect the user from incoming damage. A character's armors will take damage from any magical or physical attack that hits them instead of damaging the character's HP up to their durability value. Armor durability cannot be buffed or increased by any means, and can similarly not be restored through any means either. The damage done to the armor/s is subtracted from the attack in question before being applied to the user's HP, if not absorbed entirely (e.g. a Legendary Armor has 180 HP in durability. The character using the armor is hit with an S rank spell, which deals 120 HP of damage to the armor, subtracting 120 HP from the armor's durability, leaving it with 60 HP. If the character is hit with another S rank spell, the attack will deal 60 HP to the armor, bringing it to 0 HP and thus "breaking" it, dealing the remaining 60 HP to the character's HP). If an armor reaches 0 HP, it is considered "broken" for that thread and only for the rest of that thread, meaning it can no longer absorb damage, though it's abilities still function normally. Armors may be affected by piercing effects. Armors, in most cases, also possess inherent magical abilities, which are typically defensive or supportive in nature, can be either active or passive, and can either be "Caster" type spells or "Techniques". Armors themselves do not possess damage and can thus not be used to attack. Below you will find the different abilities customizable armors can obtain as well as the ranks to which those abilities scale with the rank of the character that possesses them:

      • Weak Armor: 1 D Rank Ability
      • Strong Armor: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to B rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to C rank)
      • Legendary Armor: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to A rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to B rank)
      • Artifact Armor: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to S rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to A rank)
      • Mythical Armor: 6 Abilities, one for each rank from D-H. Abilities of a higher rank than player-rank are scaled down to the appropriate rank

      • Additional Information: No matter the grade of an armor, if the user is lower in Rank than the armor it will effectively function as an armor of the user's rank (in terms of both durability and abilities) until the user has reached the armor's highest relevant ability Rank. Example: If the user of an Artifact Armor is B Rank, the Artifact armor would utilize the durability values of a Strong armor (as a Strong grade armor's highest possible ability rank is B Rank. For anything below B rank, Weak armor values would be used). If the user ranks up, the durability values of the armor increase accordingly until the user has reached the armor's original grade.

    Overview of Multi-Part Weapons

    • Overview: Multi-Part weapons are weapons that are made up of different grades of equipment and forged into a singular piece of equipment. Only weapons and items may be used in the creation of Multi-Part weapons, and at least one weapon must be used. For classification purposes, Multi-Part equipment is classed as their individual pieces when used as equipment. To make a Multi-Part weapon, one must have purchased at least 3 weapons/items of different grade (e.g. Legendary, Strong, and Strong) or 2 or more of the same grade (e.g. Legendary and Legendary). The ordering of the weapons/items doesn’t matter. In all instances, the weapon is considered the same rank as the highest grade of weapon/item used in its creation. The base melee damage for Multi-Part weapons is the same as the sum of weapon damage of all weapons used in its creation added together. Multi-Part weapons are created as a singular piece of equipment when making and registering it in the WIP Pets and Items Subforum.

      • Limitations: Despite them all being forged into one weapon, all weapons/items used in the creation of a Multi-Part weapon still use up their respective equipment slots. Multi-Part weapons cannot have mythical grade or higher weapons/items used in their creation. In addition, they also can’t have weak weapons/items used in creation either. A Multi-Part weapon can be made up of a maximum of 3 different weapons/item slots. You may only own one piece of Multi-Part equipment per character.

      • Strong, Strong: 3 Abilities Total; 1 Ability of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability 2 ranks below maximum weapon grade rank.
      • Legendary, Legendary: 3 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank.
      • Artifact, Artifact: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Legendary, Strong, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability 2 ranks below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Legendary, Legendary, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Legendary, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Strong, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 3 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability 2 ranks below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Legendary, Legendary: 5 Abilities Total; 3 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability 2 ranks below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Artifact, Legendary: 5 Abilities Total; 3 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Strong, Strong, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Legendary, Legendary, Legendary: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Artifact, Artifact: 5 Abilites Total; 4 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank

    Overview of Multi-Part Armors

    • Overview: Multi-Part armors are armors that are made up of different grades of equipment and forged into a singular piece of equipment. Only armors and items may be used in the creation of Multi-Part armors, and at least one armor must be used. For classification purposes, Multi-Part equipment is classed as their individual pieces when used as equipment. To make a Multi-Part armor, one must have purchased at least 3 armors/items of different grade (e.g. Legendary, Strong, and Strong) or two or more of the same grade (e.g. Legendary and Legendary). The ordering of the armors/items doesn’t matter. In all instances, the armor is considered the same rank as the highest grade of armor/item used in its creation. The base durability for Multi-Part armor is the same as the sum of armor durability of all armors used in its creation added together. Multi-Part armors are created as a singular piece of equipment when making and registering it in the WIP Pets and Items Subforum.

      • Limitations: Despite them all being forged into one armor, all armor/items used in the creation of a Multi-Part armor still use up their respective equipment slots. Multi-Part armor cannot have mythical grade or higher armor/items used in their creation. In addition, they also can’t have weak armor/items used in creation either. A Multi-Part armor can be made up of a maximum of 3 different armor/item slots. You may only own one piece of Multi-Part equipment per character.

      • Strong, Strong: 3 Abilities Total; 1 Ability of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability 2 ranks below maximum weapon grade rank.
      • Legendary, Legendary: 3 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank.
      • Artifact, Artifact: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Legendary, Strong, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability 2 ranks below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Legendary, Legendary, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Legendary, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Strong, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 3 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability 2 ranks below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Legendary, Legendary: 5 Abilities Total; 3 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability 2 ranks below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Artifact, Legendary: 5 Abilities Total; 3 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Strong, Strong, Strong: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Legendary, Legendary, Legendary: 4 Abilities Total; 2 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 2 Abilities of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank
      • Artifact, Artifact, Artifact: 5 Abilites Total; 4 Abilities of maximum weapon grade rank, 1 Ability of a rank below maximum weapon grade rank

    Equipment Rules QaM9Njg

    Overview of Magical Items

    • Overview: Items are supportive equipment that can be used to buff the user and enhance their abilities. Items, unlike weapons and armors, cannot deal or absorb any damage, but in turn cannot be targeted, damaged, or destroyed. Items can only possess passive abilities. Below you will find the different abilities customizable items can obtain as well as the ranks to which those abilities scale with the rank of the character that possesses them:

      • Weak Item: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to C rank).
      • Strong Item: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to B rank).
      • Strong (+) Item: 2 User Rank Ability (Up to B rank).
      • Legendary Item: 2 User Rank Ability (Up to A rank).
      • Legendary (+) Item: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to S rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to A rank).
      • Artifact Item: 2 User Rank Ability (Up to S rank).
      • Mythical Items: 6 Abilities, one for each rank from D-H. Abilities of a higher rank than player-rank are scaled down to the appropriate rank

    Equipment Rules GZ1odAn

    • Overview: There are two types of pets/companions, combat and non-combat. For a Combat Pets Health and Melee damage please check the Tables and FAQ Thread. Pets can be purchased in the Pet Shop.

      • Combat Pets: Combat pets can participate in battles along with their user. All Mages are limited to 1 Combat Pet per thread but can own as many Combat Pets as they like. Mages who have a pet or companion that is of higher rank than their own will have to decrease the rank of the pet's abilities to that of their own rank. Once they reach a higher rank, so do the pet's abilities until their maximum rank is reached. Combat Pets themselves can hold 1 Item, 1 Weapon, and 1 Armor (which do not count towards the user's equipment limit unless limited equipment of mythical and higher grade is used). Pet abilities can be passive or active and can either be "Caster" type spells or "Techniques". Combat pets can be killed but follow player rules (only with OOC permission from the owner like any other NPC, of course). All Combat Pets move at Character Speed equal to the rank of their highest ranking ability (As with other equipment, this scales with the rank of the player). The exception to this rule are Bond pets, which are based on the player's own base stats and scale accordingly with them. Below you will find the different abilities customizable Combat Pets can obtain as well as the ranks to which those abilities scale with the rank of the character that possesses them:

      • Weak Combat Pet: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to C rank) and 1 D Rank Ability
      • Strong Combat Pet: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to B rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to C rank)
      • Legendary Combat Pet: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to A rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to B rank)
      • Ethereal Combat Pet: 1 User Rank Ability (Up to S rank) and 1 User Rank Ability (Up to A rank)
      • Mythical Combat Pet: 6 Abilities, one for each rank from D-H. Abilities of a higher rank than player-rank are scaled down to the appropriate rank

      • Non-Combat Pets/Companions: Non-Combat pets cannot be used for combat and instead are meant to be used for plot reasons only, however, a character can have a theoretically unlimited number Non-Combat pets. Non-Combat pets can't be killed in battle and have no rank. Non-Combat pets can have as many plot-related, non-combat abilities as the player decides, though as mentioned before, these are not applicable in any kind of official PvP or combat scenario.

    Unknown Summoning Keys

    • Unknown Keys: Unknown Summoning Keys can be obtained through various Events and Shops. These Keys count as pieces of equipment and thus fall under equipment rules, which also includes the cap of 3 max per thread. Unknown keys are essentially a summoning spell contained within an item but still follow the active summon limit that applies to characters and other associated summon rules. If a character has no summoning magic, the max amount of summons they may have active at the same time is one, meaning that even if a character is not a summoner, they may still, with limited capacity, use Unknown Summoning Keys.

    • Key Caps: A single person may own, at most, 10 Unknown Summoning Keys per account. Other special Keys outside of that classification (such as Special Zodiac Keys, Special Crystal Keys, etc.) are limited to 3 per account at max, otherwise following the same rules as Unknown Summoning Keys.

      Current date/time is 3rd October 2024, 8:23 am