Fairy Tail RP

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    The Story of Subject 18 "Akire" (done)


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 74
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bio-Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Story of Subject 18 "Akire" (done) Empty The Story of Subject 18 "Akire" (done)

    Post by BloodCakedFlame 25th December 2013, 8:58 pm

    History: The story of Akire starts in the back streets and underground of an island town known as Visila. Akire at age 12 was left on his own after his house, with both his parents and little sister inside, burned to ground before him. He was taken in as a "duct rat" by a local underground mafia don. For years he was used to scout out banks, businesses and any high rolling citizen that would make a good heist. At the age of 17 he could no longer play the part because of his height and voice. The don, not wanting to lose a valuable resource, had one of his associates take Akire away to a privately owned and operated research and development facility. The don was payed handsomely for a "pristine test subject". Over the course of 3 years, Akire underwent so many experiments and genetic modification that it was unethical. But this R&D company didn't care, they kept experimenting away, until a break though happened. On 09/19 they had finally what they set out to create many years ago: A form of bio-magic. (See Akire's magic registration for more information.)
    What they didn't count on were the side effects that comes with 3 years of torture and medical procedures. As they were unstrapping him from an examination table, he snapped and used his new bio-magic to slaughter every member in the building. Wether they were involved or not. He painted entire corridors with blood and gore. The last thing he did before exiting the building was ignite his blood that was mixed in with all the others Akire killed. This caused the little sparks he made to have ample fuel and burn an entire 6 story building to nothing but ash. Those who were close enough to see, saw a man dressed in nothing but jeans with a metal collar around his neck laughing manically in front of the flames. Everything was covered in more blood than most people see in a life-time. 2 years since that incident and people still refer to what happened as the "Night of the Burning Blood". The man who stood in front of the burning building while tortured screams came from within, was never seen from again.  
    RP Sample: Akire stood there facing the mugger that had tried to stab him in the streets. Glaring at him the grinning a wicked grin. "That all you got?" he asked taking a step toward the man, pulling the knife out of his stomach as he did so. The man startled at first was getting angry. His fists clamped tight. "Screw you!" he yelled drawing another knife out from behind him and charging Akire. He stood there grinning like a fool as the mugger rushed him. Removing his hand from the cut on his stomach he held out the forefinger and his thumb like a gun. The blood leaking out of his stomach began to move and form small streams going toward the end of his finger, "You aren't even worth fighting." he said releasing the "gun". his hand comes up like a fake gun as a bang is heard. The mugger continues forward before falling to the ground at Akire's feet. A hole going clean through his head and beginning to pool on the stone street. "What a waste of perfectly good crap." he says kicking the corpse in the head before turning and walking through the crowd that had cleared a way for him out of town.
    Face Claim: I just googled "red flame" and this came up so I'm not too sure about the face claim.


    Lineage: Aspect of Jupiter

    D: 0/0 EXP
    C: NA/150 EXP
    B: 50/750 EXP
    A: 0/3750 EXP
    S: 0/75000 EXP

    The way of the Gladiator is of blood and steel. Mine is of flesh and bone.

    Character: Akire
    His story

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:52 pm