Fairy Tail RP

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    Opening Up

    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 23,075

    Opening Up Empty Opening Up

    Post by Aeron Krishna 11th October 2024, 12:24 pm


    Aeron rubbed her arm self consciously as she walked behind Mercury. She wasn’t sure why the woman made her nervous. She’d never met Mercury before, and had only ever heard good things from Mythal about her. Well, he’d said she could get a little ‘rambunctious’ sometimes, but that hadn’t come across as a bad thing. Maybe it was just Aeron’s social anxiety rearing its ugly head. Or, maybe she was just projecting her insecurities about the destination of their walk. It was probably best to just not think about it too hard.

    “Mythal told you how all this is going to work, right?”

    “Y-Yes, ma’am.”

    “Xavier isn’t a prisoner that we’d normally allow any kind of visitation for. The only reason we’re making an exception is because Mythal was insistent that you be given the chance to confront him. Vandrad was very reluctant to agree, particularly given your… history.”

    There it was. Suddenly, Aeron understood where her anxiety was coming from. She shrank a little under the queen apparent’s gaze, those emerald eyes regarding her with a mixture of wariness and… maybe not suspicion, but certainly a sharpness. Mercury was the one that Thana had kidnapped, back when she and Aeron were still just pieces of Calliope. And while Aeron hadn’t consciously contributed to that, she was still a part of it, if only by a technicality. The Knight nodded meekly. “I understand. I’d probably feel the same way. You know, if… if our situations were switched.”

    Mercury watched her a beat longer before facing forward again, continuing to lead the brunette through the halls of the manor and down into the bowels where the prison awaited them. “Yeah, well… you just keep your nose clean and we won’t have any problems.”

    It didn’t seem to be a threat. Or at least, it didn’t feel like one. Mostly, Mercury just seemed to be voicing her general displeasure over the situation. It was fine. Honestly, Aeron had endured worse from people that hadn’t even been targeted by Thana before, and just wanted to judge her from her past with the deceased warlord alone. At least Mercury had first hand exposure to validate her standoffishness.

    “I won’t cause any trouble.” The promise was met with a hum of skepticism, but no further remarks. The two women walked in silence for several more seconds before Aeron spoke again. “I’m sorry.”

    Once again, Mercury turned to look at her, a single brow raised upon her forehead. “For what?”

    The Rune Knight shifted uncomfortably. “For… y’know.. My part in what Thana did to you. What we did. It’s…” She fumbled for words, reaching up to scratch the back of her neck and mentally berating herself for even opening her mouth in the first place. “It’s all really confusing, honestly. I know I wasn’t actively a part of what happened to you… but at the same time, I know I was. I can never completely wipe myself of the responsibility for the things Thana did when she and I were the same person. You have every right to be wary of me. But.. if it’s worth anything at all, I am sorry. And… I just want you to know that I’m not her.”

    Mercury watched her carefully for several long moments before eventually turning away once more. “I guess we’ll know for sure sooner or later. Mythal is convinced of that, at least… and his word means a lot to both of us, which is the only reason we entertained the idea in the first place. So, we’ll give you a chance, for now.”

    It was about as much of an acceptance of her apology as Aeron expected to get. She felt like some of Mercury’s coldness relaxed in that moment, but… the former dark mage had never been a great judge of emotion. So she just decided to leave the conversation where it was and quit while she was ahead.

    After a few more minutes, they finally found themselves at the jail. A single guard was posted, who gave a small bow of his head to Mercury in acknowledgement. He made no effort to stop their passage to the cells, having been made aware of this meeting in advance, so Mercury strode right past him with a small wave, Aeron towing close behind her.

    “It’s your lucky day, god-king,” Mercury announced as she came into view of the cell. While her tone wasn’t outright hostile – more neutral than anything else – it was certainly less warm than it had been even moments ago with Aeron. “You’re being allowed a visitor. I suggest you make the most of it, because it’s not likely to happen again.” With a snap of her finger, she summoned a backless metal stool in front of the cell door. “I’ll come to collect you in thirty minutes,” she informed the Rune Knight. Only after Aeron nodded her understanding did the Xocili finally turn and walk away, leaving the two alone with only the guard at the entrance of the cells to accompany them.

    Timidly, Aeron approached the cell, ignoring the stool for the time being. She was dressed plainly, with a green jacket over a white shirt and black jeans. “H-hey Trev– I mean, uh… Xavier. I don’t have to stick around if you don’t want company or anythin’, I just thought… I dunno… thought I should reach out. Are you… holding up okay?”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 904 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 219
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    Opening Up Empty Re: Opening Up

    Post by Xavier Clarent Yesterday at 3:53 pm

    Xavier Clarent

    Y Rank
    Confidence Int.
    New Rhaegar

    Visitation Rights

    The once lamented, oft-feared God-King of the Rhaegarian people made no motion when the sound of people approaching reached his ears. If anything, he seemed ominously still as he sat, facing the wall away from the open bars of his prison. His hair had grown long and wild, still neatly wrapped in braids but unkempt in several other segments. He was seated on the ground of the cell, his legs crossed over themselves and the prison tunic pulled down to his waist, leaving his top half bare. While he’d been fit before, it was clear that he had bulked up quite a bit while in prison, most likely exercising often for the sake of staying active in both mind and body. A resplendent gold necklace, arm band and bracers were clasped tightly around his limbs, ordainments that seemingly stood apart from his so-called imprisonment. But even a brief glance over each piece of jewelry would reveal the technology embedded below the gauche surface.

    Turned away from two people entering, Xavier was focused on his meditation. He was deep within the dark confines of his mind, almost oblivious to Mercury’s voice, though he did take in the information and receive it. His curiosity about a visitor was minimal; it wasn’t unlike the nobles of Vandrad’s family to show up, wanting more information from him. Notably family members of those that hadn’t appeared in Earthland, wanting to know the fate of the missing. He provided answers where he could, each time tearing off another portion of his soul as he watched grief overwhelm the people he had meant to save and protect.

    However, today was different and a voice so familiar yet somehow foreign reached his ears. His eyes opened slowly, blinking away the shade of darkness that came from long term meditation. His body twisted around to look and there he found, of all people, Aeron. He couldn’t believe his eyes, a wave of shock rushing over his features, even as she greeted him.

    “Aeron,” he said softly. And, in spite of his situation, he let a small familiar smile cross his face as he rose to his feet and turned to face her fully. “I’m surprised they were willing to let you in here. Prisoners ain’t exactly supposed to have friends.” He chuckled softly, seemingly amused at the thought.

    “But I’m uh… okay. In spite of everything, I’m being treated pretty well. Better than I deserve, that much is true.” Another soft smile. Someone in his position, who had done the things he had done, didn’t deserve to still be breathing. “I get two square meals. I got plenty of room to exercise. They’ve even let me read a book or two. So not too bad as a stay of execution kinda way of living.”

    Another joke or perhaps a dark, truthful belief? He didn’t seem inclined to delve deeper as he turned his gaze back to you. “I’m glad you came, despite everythin’. I know I don’t deserve it but I’m happy to see a friendly face. How about you? How are you doing?”

    @Aeron Krishna | 515 words • Notes •


      Current date/time is 15th October 2024, 5:27 pm