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    Last Day of Freedom


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Trinity 27th July 2024, 2:35 pm


    Thana loved these regular seasonal events. They were always so jam packed with people, and at the end of the day she really did consider herself a people person. Not because she respected them or wanted to make them happy, of course, but rather because using them for her own entertainment made her happy. At times like these, they were almost always off their guard, too – far too busy having fun and celebrating to really pay attention to a predator such as herself.

    Now granted, if she was walking around out in the open that would probably be a different story. Thana was quite famous as the Warlord of Madness, known by most of the world as Trinity. However, the world presumed she was dead, and she wasn’t quite ready to reveal herself just yet. So instead, she had used her shapeshifting magic to disguise herself as her alter ego, Ezekiel: A tall, tan skinned young man with long blue hair and a patch over one of his eyes. Given the beach festivities, she was dressed in plain black swim trunks with an open face, red button up shirt.

    In this guise, she walked around at a casual pace, in no hurry and looking simply like a tourist taking in the sights. There was beach volleyball, limbo contests, sand castle contests, and another few handful of activities that had attracted all sorts of participants. The disguised dark mage stopped in front of a large stage where a swimsuit contest was taking place, looking up curiously at the contestants while he sipped some kind of fruity drink he’d picked up at a stall earlier. Some looked quite ecstatic to be participating, more than confident up in front of an onlooking crowd in their skin-tight swim wear. Others had clearly been peer pressured into joining their friends, or at the very least were visibly more shy about the experience than many others.

    Curious to see who would win, he waited to watch the contest through to the end.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 337 | TAGS: @Tabitha



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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Tabitha 28th July 2024, 11:35 am

    Last Day of Freedom 5Zbx69qm

    If ever there was a very controversial choice of scenery for the Sinisterre to attend, it would be anything involving water. Maybe it was simply down to the fact the cat girl was just inherently shuddering at the idea of large bodies of water or perhaps just not really seeming to be her vibe, she couldn't enjoy the idea in her mind that avoiding it forever could make her seem like a prude or a child. She didn't have an aversion to water in general, but just the larger body of water she saw, the more the hair on her tail would stand up. Yet, the crashing waves always sounded like something that was very calming and enjoyable sound to experience. So when an event called for a large number of events and some prizes, who was she to avoid the idea of attending even if just to enjoy a relaxing day at the beach?

    After all, it couldn't be so bad, could it?

    The ebony haired woman made sure that she would be pretty prepared should she choose to do almost any sort of normal "beach" activity... after a quick internet search. Not being the best swimmer, she brought a pool float donut with what appeared to be a pair of cat ears on it to apply a bit of an aesthetic to her tastes. Though she'd chosen to wear a bikini to keep in theme and especially should she get wet somehow, Tabitha had taken it upon herself to make sure she could reduce staring and potential sunburn in more places by wearing a pair of super short shorts  and a lilac colored, light-long sleeved top. Just something to make her feel a little more comfortable and until she was possibly ready to tan, she would keep herself decently modest without being too warm. A pair or sunglasses sat on her head as well, which would throw most people off. When you see a cat girl wearing sunglasses, one might wonder how that would work, however innovation was not below this shadow mage at all!~ The arms of the shades had each end fitted in a customized from factory like design in order to have a thin, yet comfortable strap with some level of elasticity to it as well, allowing it to stretch to occasional pull, larger heads, or in Tabi's case- placing the band behind her hair to give it a more natural look. Her hair itself had been in its usual style, being a pair of low twintails tied off around her shoulders with a pair of maroon colored ribbons.

    A nearby crowd cheered on, garnering the attention of the cat girl as her ears twitched from the loud, yet moderately tolerable noise. Seeing this as an opportunity to kill some time, she approached the venue and slipped a little into the crowd. Stopping a bit into the crowd, the view of the models presenting their swimsuits was pretty clear, but the smell of something fruity poking out through the abundant odor of sunscreen had made her look beside her to a man standing with a drink merely a couple of feet apart from her face. "That drink smells pretty good. It helps eat through the smell of sunscreen, salty air, and BO. Do mew mind me asking where I can get one?" She asked, looking up finally to see the man wearing an eyepatch, now just praying his type of aggressive old timer energy didn't try and kick in from ogling hot girls... or some of the cute, chiseled guys up there. Who knew these days.

    602 words


    Last Day of Freedom GtF3mm9

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 321
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Trinity 30th July 2024, 7:45 pm



    Thana pulled her gaze away from the stage to find a young Joyan woman looking up at her, questioning her about the drink in her hands. She was a pretty little thing, certainly, though the warlord kept any darker thoughts to herself. The single-eyed gaze of Ezekiel would look the girl over more out of curiosity than lechery before offering her a friendly smile. “Certainly, miss,” he said, turning to look as though getting ready to point her in a direction. “There’s a vendor with a wheeled cart back over–”

    “Heee, look at this little girlie..!”

    A group of drunk frat boys that had been standing nearby, ogling the contestants and shouting enthusiastically lecherous things to some of the women on stage, had taken notice of the Joyan that had joined the crowd. They were all elbowing each other and giving her the looks that she almost certainly would not be appreciative of. “Hey sweetheart, why don’t you get up there and join that contest? I bet you’d win!”

    “Yeah, just get up there and shake that tight little backside of yours around. Might have to take off a few of those layers though, show a little more skin.”

    Now, normally Thana wouldn’t have had any issues with someone getting harassed. In most cases, she likely would have encouraged it, or perhaps turned the tables on the young men and done a bit of harassing herself. However, the Joyan had caught her interest. Joyans were rare these days after the events of the failed peace talks, as many had retreated into isolation and had become very outspokenly hostile toward any non-Joyan. Yet here was this woman, out on a crowded beach without a care in the world? Oh, she was very much of interest to Thana, and Thana had no intention of letting other predators target her prey – particularly amatuer ones such as these idiots.

    Luckily, their idiocy would prove quite the opening to make herself look like a safer option.

    “Oh, yeah!” the man said loudly enough for the frat boys to hear, but his gaze supposedly on the stage. “That girl just poured water all over her top..!”

    Almost in unison, the drunk guys practically forgot all about the Joyan, turning as one with renewed interest to the stage. There, of course, wasn’t a woman dowsing water on herself – he had merely said that to get them to look away long enough to place a respectful hand on the Joyan’s shoulder, gently guiding her through the crowd and away from the drunkards. “I’m sorry about that,” he told her after they made their way out of the gathering, pulling his hand back once they were free. “I figured that was best handled without violence, and unfortunately guys like them only respond to one thing.  If you’d like, I’d be happy to escort you to exactly where I got my drink.”

    His smile renewed and, presuming she agreed to walk with him, he’d start making his way with her down the boardwalk at an easy pace. “My name is Ezekiel, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss..?”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 524/861 | TAGS: @Tabitha



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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Tabitha 1st August 2024, 7:15 am

    For a moment, the cat girls face seemed to shutter an utterance of excitement getting to know the answer she was looking for. She had worked her mind pretty quickly into wanting to examine this vendor’s stall that was recommended if such drinks had smelled so deliciously it would help ease her nose from being overwhelmed by the scents she’d described earlier. As if a tiny version of herself stood at the ready in her mind, wearing a pair of glasses sitting at the edge of her nose, a notepad held in one hand, her other with a pen, and her attention focused on the next words ready to note it down to albeit burn these directions into her mind, it all turned into a cloud of dust quite quickly.

    Her ears twitched at the sound of a voice speaking up, though unaware at first the intention was directed at herself. The apparent smell of collective collections of alcohol were more easily noticeable outside of his slurred words while he “complimented” her while acting like a perverted fool. If it wasn’t her being picked out of hundreds of other women, it might have been slightly amusing to think of that persons significant other just quickly swinging and knocking a few teeth out. Her tail swished around in a growing frustration, though her body and face didn’t seem to give much reaction at all. It could be so easy to scare them off. Such a plethora of shadows for her to use to her advantage and freak them out, but that wasn’t in her to do so. They were drunk so at least she could give big mouths the benefit of the doubt… and they were college guys at that. That’s just how some were at that age, so she couldn’t just condemn them to a guillotine for their words towards her.

    Before she had a chance to say anything, a hand gently eased itself onto her shoulder. Did one of the drunks get to her when she wasn’t looking? While the drunk group looked to the stage, the sound of the man who she’d just started to strike a small conversation with had distracted them. Guiding her along, Tabitha didn’t bother to fight moving away and thought it easier to avoid confrontation as she normally tried to do. Slipping through the crowd to the end, the ebony haired woman let off a light sigh and looked to the man in finally noticing the eyepatch. Interesting, but none of her business. “I appreciate the sentiment, sir, however I know walking away could easily have worked. Just now we hope they don’t rush the stage trying to find the mystery woman.”

    Giving a light shrug at the end of her reply, Tabitha took the curious offer with a slight smile. Seemed like a good idea now her set up wasn’t too far from the boardwalk anyway. “Sounds purrrfectly fine to me, Ezekiel. Thank mew. Mew can call me Calico, or Cali if it’s easier for mew.” She replied, giving a rather standard name to strangers. What started as a silly nickname became more of a second identity to her. When she hadn’t been amongst family, many if not all of her relatives tended to have fronts that shaded the family name from possible light being shun onto it. Just like she enjoyed at times, being kept to simplistic things was much easier than being upfront with every person and dealing with consequences. “So what brings this beach dwelling pirate to this event? Hidden treasure buried in the sand?~” Her voice was riddled with sarcasm and joking, wanting to simply jump the gun and get the awkward mention of the eyepatch out of the way. Some people had conditions, some accidents, some just cosplayed. Figuring a light hearted joke could be made without harm being done, maybe it could work in her favor this time.

    652 words
    1254 total words


    Last Day of Freedom GtF3mm9

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 321
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Trinity 11th August 2024, 12:57 pm


    The disguised dark mage chuckled lightly. “Luckily, if they attempt to rush the stage, I think they’ll have a rather tough time getting past the security guards.”

    She seemed open to being escorted to her desired destination, introducing herself as Calico. His smile widened. “What a lovely name! Cali it is.” They walked casually along the boardwalk, the young Joyan electing to engage in a little small talk. Her obvious reference caused him to laugh in delight. “Well, I have to make sure my cache stays hidden. I certainly can’t have any of these civilians unearth my hard earned plunder, can I?” He teased, flashing her a playful grin.

    “In all seriousness, I simply wanted to see what the festival had to offer. I’m not from around here, you see. I’m in Fiore on business, and the opportunity to participate in a Fioren holiday was one I could hardly let pass me by. Ah, here we are.” He stopped them beside a vendor cart where a man was mixing fruity drinks for customers. “I got the one with raspberries and blackberries, but as you can see there are a multitude of flavors to pick from.”

    He waited patiently for the Joyan to take her turn and order her own drink. When she returned, he raised his cup to tap it against hers. “Cheers!” Ezekiel took a sip from his glass before giving a wordless gesture to invite her to keep walking with him if she wished. Presuming she didn’t elect to part ways, he continued the conversation. “What about you, Miss Cali? I have to say, it’s rare to see Joyans in public these days. Understandably so, of course. Given what happened, I’d probably become a bit xenophobic myself.”
    deltra of gangnam style
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Tabitha 11th August 2024, 10:49 pm

    Hearing mention of the presence of security being present at the base of the stage to keep people from storming it, Tabitha tried to get a look through the crowd to confirm her current conversational partner with that statement, however it seemed people were too bunched up in the right places to keep that fully out of her sight. A shame really. Watching a few drunk frat boys getting tackled and their faces pushed into the sand sounded really amusing to the Sinisterre. However, such things would have to wait for a little while longer.

    There was a slight smile that flashed on her face when she heard him calling her by her "name". It always amused her when she gave people her fake name and they took it as fact, but even Tabi herself enjoyed going by her pen name than her given name. Between the sheer habit of using it growing up and just finding it to be her more casual side of her personality to be a much more relaxing time. Pleasure over business, pretty much.

    The sound of business being presented made the cat girls ears twitch. Perhaps even a small gleam in the emerald stare she gave, intently listening now more than she had before over this. Curiosity had truly and quickly gotten the better of her in the moment, wanting to know more all while her tail had lightly swished behind her. "Mew sound like mew have your ducks in a row. Mind if I ask where you're coming in for business from?" She asked curiously, leaning on the cart as they arrived for a brief second. Tabitha had taken her eyes off of her partner for the moment to peer into the cart, now tilting her head as she wandered from flavor to flavor.

    "Ohh, may I have a Blue Raspberry and Lemon, please?" Taking some jewels from the pocket of her shorts, she'd place a few into the tip jar on the cart and take her drink in return, then turning back to Ezekiel now. When he began to ask her about being a Joyan and what happened in their country, the Sinisterre nearly spat out her drink before she started to laugh mildly in an initial response. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not Joyan. I can see why mew might think that, but in my family our descendants have a.. rare chance to be born with feline features. There's no Joyan in us, I can assure you of that. I could tell you tales for days of people acting like a bunch of racist baffoons over my ears and tail, but maybe another time."

    Quite amused now, a small group and the sound of music garnered her attention now. A little bit down the way from the two had been the grouping for an event of limbo. As nimble as she tried to be, surely limbo couldn't be too hard! Plus, it would be funny to tease Ezekiel when she beats him, though playfully of course. "Hey, do you wanna do some Limbo with me? Winner gets to ask a question about the loser?~" A cunning little question, wanting to try and take advantage of any chances she could to get a free bit of information out of him and the business he was here for.

    One can never turn a blind eye to a chance to swoop in on getting their claws into some business ventures~

    582 words
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    Last Day of Freedom GtF3mm9

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Trinity 17th August 2024, 3:51 pm


    “Napedia,” Ezekiel informed her when she asked about his origins. “Fiore is quite different. In a charming way, at least from my personal experience so far.”

    It was only a few moments after that in which she burst into laughter at his assumption of her heritage before quickly correcting that she was not, in fact, Joyan. He raised an interested brow as she gave him a little insight to a recessive family gene. “Well, I suppose that’s what I get for making assumptions.” He chuckled lightly. “That is fascinating, though. I wonder what the source behind that gene is?” It was mostly a rhetorical question, the man expressing his curiosity over the subject but not actually expecting an answer.

    As they walked and sipped from their drinks, nearby music caught their attention. It seemed there was a limbo contest taking place, and Cali was interested in participating. She even invited him to join her, posing a playful game between them in which the winner of the contest had free reign to ask a question about the other. His single eye narrowed on her, though it twinkled with mirth. “Why do I get the feeling there’s a very one sided advantage to this proposal of yours?”

    Ultimately, he shook his head with a smile. “Very well. Far be it from me to decline a friendly challenge.” He hurriedly finished his drink, tossing the empty cup into a nearby wastebasket before following her over to where a number of limbo bars had been set up. After a small wait, they were able to claim one and began making passes beneath the ever descending rod. Ezekiel proved himself to be better at the sport than one might assume just from looking at him, displaying excellent form and balance to betray that this wasn’t his first rodeo.

    At the end of the day, however, he was still decently larger than his opponent, and thus had more mass to keep stabilized. Or at least, that was how Thana would play it. In truth, she could use her magic to morph her body enough to win a game like this rather easily, but she was far more interested in keeping this young feline woman off guard. So instead, with wide eyed surprise, one of Ezekiel’s ankle dipped in the sand, throwing off his balance and causing him to bump the pole. Down he fell onto his back with a grunted “Oof..!” the bar slipping off and smacking him lightly in the face.

    “Ow..” With an amused groan, he carefully stood up and rubbed his nose while the event staff replaced the pole back to where it had been so Cali could make her pass.
    deltra of gangnam style
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Tabitha 20th August 2024, 12:32 pm

    It was interesting to hear the location that Ezekiel had come to Fiore from. It was an interesting place to say the least. Hearing about them just really made her think back to family vacations they'd taken to the country and the memories made her tail swish around in delight. "Ooohh, Nyapedia is such a pretty country! Except the winter... mew can keep that shit away from me. Last time I was there in the winter I nearly got frostbite on my tail." She let out a light huff, smoothing over her tail with one hand as she recalled the last time she'd been to his country during the winter. Thankfully she had a very good hat so her ears weren't in any danger, however the idea of letting her tail suffer was probably equally as annoying as cramming it under clothing.

    All that Tabitha could think to do in response to him questioning how she managed to have cat ears and a tail when she and her family had no ties to Joya was to shrug her shoulders and let out a chuckle as that was quite a mystery to her too. However, even then she didn't really care one way or the other. "Mew're guess is as good as mine." She finished, letting off a light hearted chuckle and showing less interest in the idea of figuring it out.

    When she had offered up the idea of playing around with some Limbo, he seemed to take it as some kind of one sided event on her end. "Mew know, if I was Joyan that would be a little racist on your end, you know that?~" She joked, laughing a little at it in jest.

    She took a good sip of her drink, purring from her delight in the taste of it and watched as Ezekiel would begin to start his limbo attempt. The Sinisterre didn't know exactly how long he would last doing this, so she placed her drink down and pulled a scrunchie from her shorts pocket and quickly bunched her hair up into a big, yet somewhat messy bun without taking out her original twintails. Watching her companion push too much weight into the sand and fall, she couldn't help but watch him flop into the sand and grow a bit of an amused smile. "Nyot bad, mew know!" The shadow mage made her way over, helping Ezekiel up a little while the event crew readied up for her attempt.

    Now it was her turn. With a light smile, Tabi walked up to the pole and began to lean herself back to go under it. Thankfully, she did make quite a bit of a good distance between herself and the pole. Making it through the first time, they offered her the voluntary option of lowering it a little. "I guess so." It was for fun, anyway, but she gave it that second go and as she passed under it, she nearly felt her feet coming out from under her, but luckily she managed to regain enough her balance to make it passed the bar and upright. From there, she flipped right over to nearly a point her face could have smacked into her knees before standing upright.

    "Well, while mew lick your wounds, I'll let you pick the next activity and maybe some fun bet if mew don't want to continue the games." She commented, undoing the mess of a bun and letting her hair fall back down, she grabbed her drink and took another sip of it. "So what's with the eyepatch for real? Honestly, if it's too personal I can ask another question." He had to know she would probably have asked a question like that, but frankly who could blame her?

    635 words
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    Last Day of Freedom GtF3mm9

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Trinity 21st August 2024, 6:41 pm

    Rolling for volleyball match outcome.



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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by NPC 21st August 2024, 6:41 pm

    The member 'Trinity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Last Day of Freedom Die_03_42160_sm

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Trinity 21st August 2024, 7:23 pm


    After making a fool of himself in limbo, he allowed Cali to help him back up to his feet. He was chuckling at himself, perhaps a bit bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, surely you’ll be able to do better than that..!” Let it not be said that Ezekiel couldn’t find humor in his battered pride.

    And sure enough, Tabitha made it through with a breeze, up to the point that he reached and beyond. By the time she was finished, she would find him clapping politely for her well earned victory, and even giving her a small, playful bow of respect. A laugh escaped his lips when she gave him the opportunity to change the style of their bet. “Oh no, I quite like this little questions game you’ve come up with. It’s a delightful way to get to know someone and have fun doing it.”

    And speaking of getting to know each other, her question was pointed toward his eye. Not an uncommon question, and thus one he was readily available to answer even as they started walking to check out some of the other activities. “Would you believe me if I told you I got in a fight with a dark mage..?” he asked her, his voice full of mystery and intrigue toward what was sure to be quite the juicy story…

    “Cause that’s not at all what happened.” Ezekiel grinned down at her briefly before shaking his head ruefully. “Oh, I’d love to say it’s some battle scar, or that it’s hiding some cursed power that would wreak havoc if left uncovered. Alas, the truth is not so glamorous or exciting. I tripped going down some stairs and landed face first into a priceless vase, which shattered and… well, I’m sure you can imagine the rest.”

    The dark haired man shrugged. There was nothing he could do to spin the truth in some way that didn’t make him look like a dunce, so clearly he’d learned to accept his fate long ago and find humor in the situation.

    Movement on the beach caught his attention. “How about volleyball?” he asked, pointing toward a section of beach where several courts had been laid out in the sand, featuring teams of two playing against one another. Presuming she didn’t object, he’d lead the way over and sign them up as a team. When a court and opposing team were free, he took off his shirt and deposited it on the sidelines so it wouldn’t get in the way, leaving him in just his swim trunks.

    The court was standard sized, with the “boundaries” marked by small ropes that were big enough to see through the sand but not so big that they might be a tripping hazard. There was one event staff next to one end of the net with a whistle, who would act as the referee, while two other event staff stood on opposing corners as linesmen. A coin toss determined which team would serve first, landing in Cali and Ezekiel’s favor. Taking the initiative, he stood behind the far line on their side of the court and served the ball overhand style over the net to start the match.

    It was a remarkably even game throughout. The points were neck in neck, with one team winning a couple points in a row, only for the other to make a quick comeback. Currently, Cali and Ezekiel needed only one more point to win, but it was the other team’s serve. They lobbed the ball easily over the top of the net and thus started the back and forth until at some point the other team spiked the ball back in their direction and it went flying in a direction neither of them were near. Ezekiel pumped his feet as fast as they would go in the hot, uneven sands, throwing himself at the last second with both arms extended. He just barely managed to keep the ball from hitting the ground, getting it up high in the air where hopefully Cali would have enough time to get to it and get it back over the net…
    deltra of gangnam style
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    Last Day of Freedom Empty Re: Last Day of Freedom

    Post by Tabitha 22nd August 2024, 11:20 am

    Last Day of Freedom 1GEh5Kj

    The catgirl just raised a brow at his leading question, as if he were pulling her into the beginning of a tale. Well, at least she had a decent drink to wash down whatever bs meal he was trying to serve her with that lead. Taking a sip of her drink, she just watched him with a rather "less than amused" stare while he began to answer her question. Her expression only extended when he laid out the idea that the question hanging in the air was indeed false. While one could think that the injury could be from a fight with a dark mage, he didn't seem like the type who really fought in combat. At least not up close.

    Drumming up this story like he was trying to build a bridge of cliffhangers and cliche scenarios of some lone wolf destined for revenge for the scar or finding themselves to be some monstrosity who singles themselves away from humanity in fear of the curse that lays behind their eyepatch, it seemed he had just a case of wrong place, wrong time. Though maybe that latter option could make for a good screenplay some day, but that's for another time. "Nya.. that's rough, Ezekiel. I guess mew have quite the eye for antiquities, nyo?" With her crummy pun made, she took the last sip of her drink aside and took notice of the activity that he wanted to do next.

    Volleyball? Huh, a strange sport that she honestly had never played before, but she watched the end of the prior match while she looked around to throw away her drink. Still, it was only fair that he pick this event while she had picked limbo before, so she tagged along in a little 2 vs 2. She did what she could, but her inexperience with this game did prove to slow down her partner. He had to carry her along quite a bit and through her best chances to provide support or set ups, the two had barely managed to scrape by with the game winning point on deck now. The ball served on the other side with Ezekiel hitting it back and it going on quite a bit. He took one dive towards the ball coming their way and managed to get the ball served into the air. Tabitha took a glance to the field and spotted a perfect blind spot from their standing from the back and forth. "Sorry in advance!" She yelled quickly, having to get air for her strike, she had stepped on and then pushed off from Ezekiel's back and provided a forceful slam into the ball. It flew across the net and crashed into the sand in their empty corner of the zone.

    "Mew really like eating sand today, don't ya." She teased, walking over to help Ezekiel up and then collect their prizes for winning the match.

    488 words
    2959 total words


    Last Day of Freedom GtF3mm9

      Current date/time is 16th October 2024, 1:54 am