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    Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity]

    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 36
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Experience : 1,268

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    Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity] Empty Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity]

    Post by Kaz Valent 13th August 2024, 1:00 pm

    It had taken years, but Kaz had finally broken through to understanding the ancient magic of Flesh Sculpting. With it he had taken the first step toward becoming a perfect being, a concept even he did not fully understand yet. To continue the research would require certain... sacrifices be made. While he had no qualms about experimentation on his fellow humans, he was well aware that in the general population this was a "frowned upon behavior."

    His practices had gone unnoticed so far as he had limited his actions to animals and himself, but he would need greater resources than were available to him. Someplace no one would care if a few bodies went missing, and where he was at least nominally safe from the Rune Knights.

    That is why he had arrived not long ago in Lavanitir Port City. The idea of being under anyone’s thrall galled Kaz to no end. In this case he saw it as more of a transaction, which made it bearable. The dark guild Divine Calamity would give him safety and a place to conduct his research, and he would in turn occasionally lend his aid to whatever nonsense they were up to. It did not particularly matter to him if the person he murdered was for his research or because the guild wanted them dead.

    Stepping into the guild’s entry foyer, he let magic flow into his nostrils before taking a few sniffs. One could tell a lot about a place by its smells, and his senses came alive now with all manner of information. Blood, old and new. Fear. Pain. Sex. Someone’s meal that actually smelled quite delightful. Perhaps his stay here would be even more entertaining than he had originally thought.

    Disappointingly, the only other individuals he saw in the foyer were a number of slaves. He supposed it would be too good to have the person he needed sitting and waiting just inside. Moving to one of the couches, Kaz flopped down heavily and gestured to the nearest slave.

    “You, I am joining this guild. Bring me whomever I must speak with.”

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 321
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity] Empty Re: Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity]

    Post by Trinity 19th September 2024, 10:32 am


    The slave bowed and nervously hurried off, ascending the stairs in the entry foyer and into the bowels of the guild hall. Through the hallways they went in search of one of the guildmistresses, until eventually they found Thana. The warlord was in the war room, reading through a small stack of missives they’d received from various members that had infiltrated the Luminous Covenant and Ironheart Pact. Their agents were doing quite well with ingraining themselves into the factions without arousing much suspicion, taking whatever steps were necessary to climb the hierarchy and become more trustworthy. While they weren’t yet at the point of being able to overhear any major secrets or cause any true damage from within, they were establishing themselves as crucial cogs in the machine, and it would only be a matter of time before their efforts bore an abundance of fruit. All they needed to do was have patience.

    And Thana was nothing if not patient.

    Her attention didn’t so much as flick to the slave as they entered, her eyes continuing to read the report in her hand even as the woman approached. She dropped to her knees and bent her torso forward until she was fully prostrated at Thana’s feet. There she remained, stone silent and motionless, until…


    “Your worship, there is a man in the foyer requesting an audience. He claims he wishes to join the guild.”

    A single brow lifted on Thana’s forehead with interest, finally turning to face the servant. “Is that so?” Ironically, there weren’t too many men that had stepped forward to join their ranks. There were plenty of male slaves, certainly, but curiously enough when she had built this guild with Yuri and Yuli, the vast majority of interested parties had been women. The small handful of men that had joined in the past hadn’t lasted very long. Would this one wash away like the others, or would he prove to be of more substance? There was only one way to find out. “Well, best not to keep him waiting then. You may go.”

    As the slave hurried to her feet and left, Thana also stood. With a touch of her magic, she transformed into one of her many aliases: a tall man with long shaggy dark hair that was loosely braided to one side. An eye patch appeared over one eye, and a tight fitting red shirt with a lavish feathered pauldron on one shoulder hugged his torso so closely it was practically glued to the taught muscular structure beneath. While much of the guild knew who Thana truly was, the guildmistress rarely choosing to walk the halls of her own establishment in disguise, she did often take precaution when approaching potential new members. After all, she wasn’t quite ready for the world at large to know that she had returned from the dead. The time for her to reveal herself was swiftly approaching, but it would not be today.

    He filled a crystal glass with red wine and made his way toward the entrance of the guild. It didn’t take long to spot the newcomer lounging on one of the couches. His dark hair was also long, longer even than Thana’s disguised form, and he seemed to sport a similar physique. In fact, his body was excellently crafted. Rarely did one’s physical appearance truly catch her attention, but even she had to note that he was quite handsome.

    Approaching at a comfortable pace, he gently sank down into the seat of the couch that sat across from the one which the newcomer occupied. “So,” he said, his tone pleasant with a small but affable smile upon his lips. “I understand you wish to join my guild. We are, of course, open to new membership. May I inquire as to your interest in Divine Calamity? And perhaps to what it is you hope to bring to the table, mister..?” The question lingered to give the newcomer a chance to introduce himself as the disguised guildmaster put the glass to his mouth and drew from it a quiet, dignified sip.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 683 | TAGS: @Kaz Valent


    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,268

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    Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity] Empty Re: Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity]

    Post by Kaz Valent 19th September 2024, 1:49 pm

    The wait for someone to arrive was far too long, to the point that Kaz started to become annoyed. If no one showed up, he would have to hunt down that slave and teach her a lesson. It was just as his patience was starting to wear thin that someone finally approached. As he did, the flesh sculptor sized him up. In a contest of strength, he was certain he could take this other man despite their similar builds. In a contest of magic, well that was more difficult to determine. Assuming the slave had not been entirely incompetent, this should be the guild leader or an executive. That implied some level of power, which warranted caution.

    “Kaz,” he said as way of introduction. Normally he was reluctant to give out his real name, usually creating a new alias for every new encounter. That he was offering his name at all was his attempt at creating a basic layer of trust with the guild. A calculated risk. “I am looking for a place to conduct my research away from the eyes of the Rune Knights. It can be… frowned upon, by some.”

    As he spoke, he relaxed even more into the sofa he was occupying, looking as if he had lived here all his life. In his mind he was already a member, and this discussion was just a formality. After all, who would turn away his help? They would have to be a fool.

    “In return I shall lend my capable services to the guild,” he continued. “I am certain that you will find my abilities exceedingly useful. Fighting is obvious, though I imagine you have more than enough grunts with more fighting ability than thinking ability. As a sample of what I can do…”

    There was a loud crack as his neck bent unnaturally to the side, then his skin began to ripple. As he sat on the sofa, his entire body started to transform. Bone continued to bend and break, muscle tightened as his arms thinned into a more feminine form, his wide chest narrowed and swelled. The look and sounds of the transformation would be incredibly unsettling to watch for most, yet despite however much pain he was in Kaz’s face was joyous.

    When the transformation was complete, the handsome man from before had been replaced by a tall, beautiful woman draped across the sofa cushions. The skin right clothes now clung to curves instead of muscles, though despite the face being completely different it still held Kaz’s smugness. Clearly he was quite proud of his ability, even if being able to change appearance was not that unheard of in the realm of magic.

    “Unlike most magic,” she said once she was completely transformed, her voice now matching her form, “mine is impossible to detect. I am, for all intents and purposes, exactly what you see before you even down to the cellular level. I am sure someone of your level can think of all sorts of uses for someone that can be anyone they want at any time.”

    512 words



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 321
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity] Empty Re: Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity]

    Post by Trinity 3rd October 2024, 1:38 pm


    Kaz explained, if vaguely, about his ‘research’ that he was hoping to keep out of the prying eyes and hands of the Rune Knights, a statement which drew a raised brow of curiosity from the guildmaster but otherwise was not remarked upon in any way. In exchange, he offered up his capabilities for use by the guild as desired. The disguised Thana listened with interest, watching with a keen eye as the man demonstrated his ability to morph his form, choosing that of a delightfully beautiful woman.

    The single visible eye on the guildmaster made no attempt to hide looking the new physical aspect over, not necessarily in a lecherous fashion but certainly an appreciative one. A pleased hum escaped his lips. “I can certainly think of plenty… being a shapeshifter myself, whose abilities are equally difficult to detect, I am intimately familiar with how exceptionally useful such skills can be.” Indeed, the smile that he gave was more than open to the prospect of having another member with similar talents around the guild hall.

    “You may call me Ezekiel,” the man told him, returning the introduction. “I am the founding guildmaster of Divine Calamity, alongside my fellow associates Yurielle and Yuliana. You’ll find that we don’t have very many rules here. For the most part it’s survival of the fittest. Yuri and Yuli and I don’t tend to get involved in any squabbles between guildmates if they arise; you’re expected to handle your own disagreements. Pretty much the only hard lines we stick to is that any and all guests are restricted to the entry foyer here unless given prior consent by one of the three of us to venture into the restricted areas of the building. And that rule is primarily in place to help reduce the possibility of any Rune Knight spies from smuggling themselves in. We have quite a few individuals here that the Knights would just love to get their hands on for far worse crimes than simply being a ‘dark’ mage, myself included, so we do like to give our members a certain sense of security in that regard.”

    Ezekiel paused for a moment to take another sip from his glass, allowing the mouthful to linger between his lips to appreciate its taste before gently swallowing. “For the most part, the slaves are open to usage by the members for whatever you may desire. There are a few that members brought in for personal use, and I’m sure you will learn those in time. Naturally, you are allowed to bring your own slaves as well. As for your research, as long as it doesn’t hinder the guild in any way, you are free to practice whatever hobbies you desire. And certainly if you ever need assistance with anything, you have but to ask and we’ll see what we can do. While I am more than capable of ‘laying down the law’, so to speak, I much prefer to interact at an open and honest level with the members. Things simply operate so much more smoothly when all parties are satisfied, you see.”

    “Otherwise, all we ask for membership is to undergo a trial of a guildmaster’s choosing. Think of it less as a test of loyalty, and more as… proof that your intentions are what you say they are. It should take but a moment.” Lifting his free hand, he beckoned toward a nearby slave, who hurried over and immediately knelt at Ezekiel’s feet, ready for instruction. A woman with striking blonde hair, she was rather young – not very far into her adult years. Maybe early twenties or so. The guildmaster gestured almost dismissively at the woman, his single eye still turned to Kaz. “Kill this one and we’ll call it even, shall we?”

    A simple test indeed, but one that someone with more noble intentions would certainly balk at. A Rune Knight attempting to infiltrate the guild would almost certainly hesitate to take the life of an innocent slave. A bit wasteful of a request, perhaps, but slaves were a dime a dozen and another could easily be found to take her place. Given the lack of subsequent detail, Kaz could assume that the manner and speed of the murder was up to his preference as Ezekiel merely waited with patience to see what the would-be recruit would do.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 727/1410 | TAGS: @Kaz Valent


    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,268

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    Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity] Empty Re: Scent of Calamity [Divine Calamity]

    Post by Kaz Valent 4th October 2024, 1:53 pm

    Kaz, or Dahlia as she called herself in this body, looked “Ezekiel” over. This was actually her first time meeting another shapeshifter, and while their magic was undoubtedly very different from each other she still would love to see what made his tick. Dissecting one of the leaders of the guild would probably prove troublesome unfortunately, so she put her curiosity to the side for the moment. The more interesting topic at the moment was who he really, well, was. It was possible Ezekiel was their real name and face, but she assumed everyone operated like she did. A fake identity when meeting new people, a face that could not be easily traced back to her real identity.

    Obviously she had not done so today, but that had been a calculated move. Such information would have spread eventually within the guild, she simply enjoyed her true form too much. Who would not love being near perfect, after all? Though it was that near adjective that was why she was here. For Dahlia to advance her magic, and finally reach true perfection, her research would require a body count that the Rune Knights might object to. Individuals or even small groups of low level knights did not worry her, it was the higher ranked knights that could pose a threat to her endeavors.

    Revealing her true form and name, and eventually letting her link to Divine Calamity spread, would make it more difficult for them to try and hunt her down. Not that she expected her fellow guildmates to simply help her out of the goodness of their hearts. Instead she would use whatever time being in the guild bought her to continue her research and become strong enough that the Rune Knights were no longer a threat. But returning to the present, she was not fond of being the only shapeshifter to reveal their true self. It made her determined to learn this man’s secrets. Subtly, of course. Secrets were best when no one knew you knew them.

    As for the briefing, she committed it all to memory. There was nothing particularly strange about the rundown, dark mages were not exactly known for their comradery. The topic of slaves was interesting though. Generally she found slaves ineffectual, far less useful than a proper servant and usually too weak to be of use in her research. They also did not give the thrill of the hunt she craved. Still, they might prove useful to relieve the occasional bout of boredom. Well, all but the one that Ezekiel had brought before her.

    “A bit of a letdown for a trial,” she said in a bored tone. “And here I was expecting something more interesting.”

    The tall woman shifted forward on the couch she was draped across, her long fingers digging into the slave’s head and shoulder. The flesh crafter’s nails extended into claws that dug into the woman’s flesh, and fangs filled her mouth as she opened it. At first the slave was obedient, even as she trembled in fear. Then the claws entered her and she saw the fangs out of the corner of her eye. The instinct to live drove her to fight against the other woman’s grip, but it was futile. Even as she whimpered and cried as terror consumed her, Dahlia’s teeth dug into the soft flesh of her neck. Soon the slave’s life flowed freely from the wounds, staining the floor in red. A gurgle was the last noise she uttered, before she began to meld into Dahlia’s flesh with the sickening sounds of bones cracking and muscle tearing.

    In moments the slave was no more, her clothes and blood the only sign that she had ever existed. Dahlia licked some stray blood from her lips, and gave a beatific smile up at Esekiel. “Thank you for the meal.”

    641/1505 words


      Current date/time is 16th October 2024, 1:56 am