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    Far From Home [Nymara]

    Akio Kahoshi
    Akio Kahoshi

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 11
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Far From Home [Nymara] Empty Far From Home [Nymara]

    Post by Akio Kahoshi 21st September 2024, 6:55 pm

    A man dressed in simple clothes and a pair of round sunglasses stepped from a train car down to the Aurelia City Train Station platform. It would be an understatement to say he was far from home, and dressed in a style he was not used to. It was, unfortunately, for a mission, so his personal comfort was secondary. The only consolation was the pair of fold up blades strapped secretly to his back. They were far from the top of the line equipment a Paladin like him might use otherwise, but it would suffice.

    Several days ago a dark mage drug runner had slipped out of the Pergrande Empire and made his way through Iceberg to Bosco. At least, he thought he had slipped away from the Empire. Akio had been tracking this fugitive across country lines hoping the man would lead him back to his guild, the source of the recent drug problems within the Ironheart Pact. Now the trail had brought the Imperial Paladin to this country’s capital city. This kind of undercover work was not what he was best at, it was only because of his heritage that he had ultimately been chosen. With his appearance and Midian accent, few would think he was from Pergrande.

    One thing that he had not foreseen though was just how busy this capital would be. Population wise, it was a drop in the bucket compared to the Empire. It was small even for his birth nation of Midi. Either trade was doing exceptionally well within Aurelia, or there was some kind of festival going on. Regardless of the reason, Akio lost his target in the sea of people. There were other Pergrande agents in the city already as part of the mission, but he had been the point man. Losing sight of him was incredibly frustrating.

    Moving away from the train, he slipped through the thong of people as if threading a needle. His steps were light and his movements fluid, allowing him to make it through fairly quickly. Not in time to catch the criminal before he left the station it seemed though. By the time he arrived outside the station, the fugitive was gone. Using his communication device, he let the other agents know the man had slipped the net. Hopefully they would locate him, in the meantime Akio would have to do some leg work.

    Nearby to the station was a series of stalls selling street food. Walking up to one, he presented a drawing of the man he had received from Intelligence prior to the mission. “Have you seen this man pass by?”

    “No I haven’t,” the vendor replied, though given his hard stare it was difficult to tell if he was being honest or if he did not trust Akio enough to say anything. Did the locals have a problem with their own police? His deployment had been so sudden, he had not received as detailed a briefing as he would have liked. Trying again at the next few stalls, he again was turned away without learning anything. Not one person seeing the target seemed exceedingly strange. Either he had vanished into thin air, or he was being covered for. Letting out a sigh, he started walking toward the next vendor to repeat his questioning.

    551 words

    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 165
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Far From Home [Nymara] Empty Re: Far From Home [Nymara]

    Post by Nymara 4th October 2024, 1:37 pm

    “So eager for street food right after you stepped off the train?” A concerned voice sounded not far from the blazing-haired maiden, who turned toward her exceed companion with a sharp glare in her eyes. “Well how else am I supposed to regain my strength? I ain’t taking that death machine with wheels back to the guild! Ya know how many hours I’ll have to endure on that thing?” She responded before slurping up some noodles. “Far less than I’ll have to endure walking back to Fiore from here with you.” Lucky grumbled while rolling his gaze. “Awe c’mon! Don’t you want a little adventure? Travelling is fun!” Nymara said with her mouth half-full, causing the armoured cat to cross his arms and shake his head. “Well I hope you can survive without work for a week, because that’s about how long it’ll take to find a way through those mountains. Can’t we at least take a boat?” He asked, causing Nymara to tense up slightly before placing her bowl back on the counter. “No! That’s even worse! At least with a train I have the open terrain to escape to, I’m not about to be trapped on a floating coffin while I hurl my guts out.” She snapped. “You’re completely hopeless. I often wonder how great a wizard you would be if you didn’t let your motion sickness control you. I guess we’ll never know.” The cat sighed in defeat, only prompting a slight shrug from the girl as she continued to greedily devour her meal at the food stall.

    Nymara and Lucky had arrived in Aurelia only a few hours prior, making their way back to Fiore from her previous job. Outside of her trip to Joya shortly before the war began Nymara hadn’t really left the borders of the Flower Kingdom. Until she became a more powerful guild wizard the girl rarely needed to! However, with her growing strength, she had been encouraged to take on the more dangerous and well-paying jobs to bring in more business for the rest of the guild. The girl had no problem at all with such a proposition except for one glaring issue. Transportation hated her, so most of her time was spent dreading the train ride. Thankfully their mission had been a success, so the girl could take her time getting home, much to Lucky’s irritation. After taking out that rogue scientist and his small army of battle bots Nymara was eager to eat something, even if it was from a random street vendor. She would have ordered another bowl if something hadn’t caught her attention.

    Making his way down the stalls was a young man holding a piece of paper, showing it to one of the chefs and asking for information about the person drawn on it. The girl would usually have ignored the passerby and gone back to eating except for one thing. The person on the paper looked eerily familiar. “Hey, wasn’t that dude on the train with us?” Nymara would muse, just loud enough for Lucky to hear. He perked his ears up curiously before turning to see what Nymara was talking about. “I don’t recognize him.” He would respond with a shrug before Nymara rolled her eyes. “No not the man holding the paper, the one on the paper!” She reiterated causing the exceed to look more closely at the parchment as he made his way closer to their stall. “Actually I think you may be right.. Shady-looking guy sitting not far from us. I think I only remember because something felt off about him.” The exceed would explain, an expression of realization on him. “Yeah! Had the briefcase too if I remember! HEY MISTER, OVER HERE!” She’d call out to Akio with a hand wave! “My lady, what are you doing? Shouldn’t we be getting back to the guild? Why are you getting tangled up in local police business?” Lucky hissed in a whisper, prompting Nymara to snicker. “Does that guy look like a cop? Besides he wants information and we have it!” She’d say with a grin. “C’mon, I could use some entertainment after that death ride.”

    694 Words | PWC: 694 | TWC: 1,245


    Far From Home [Nymara] 2ohu3XJ

    Akio Kahoshi
    Akio Kahoshi

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 11
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Far From Home [Nymara] Empty Re: Far From Home [Nymara]

    Post by Akio Kahoshi 4th October 2024, 4:09 pm

    Just as Akio was running out of street vendors to question, he heard a young woman yell out to him. Keeping his guard up in case this person was a threat, the paladin turned only to suddenly stop as his eyes opened slightly in a mixture of surprise and confusion. The woman did not stick out too much, well besides her bright red hair. What had caused him to stop was the strange cat-like creature next to her. Neither during his time growing up in Midi or working in Pergrande had he ever seen such a creature. It had to be magical in nature, and his instincts caused his hand to twitch once as he felt a desire to unsheathe his hidden swords.

    Staying his hand lest he blow his cover, Akio managed to regain his composure before responding to the woman properly. As he walked over she had a short conversation with the cat… thing, but he was too far away to hear it. Once he was close enough to speak without yelling back, he offered the drawing to her. “You’ve seen this man?” he asked her. While it was unclear if she really knew anything or would be willing to help, she was still the first person to actually speak with him. She also did not give off the air of someone who would lie. Keeping in mind that she could just be a really good actor, he decided to trust her for now anyway.

    Obviously he could not simply come out and reveal why he was after the man, that he was an Imperial Paladin hunting a fugitive. It still seemed like a good idea to give her some excuse so as to assure her assistance even if it was just to point him in the right direction. Nothing about the woman made her seem like she would be particularly helpful in the actual hunt, he doubted she was an undercover detective or the like. Her cat thing companion being of magical origin hinted at the possibility of her being a mage though. That meant she could potentially be more useful in combat than she appeared, but also that she was his natural enemy.

    He came to a decision quickly: for now he would take whatever help she would offer. His mission was to hunt down the dark mage, not to kill random mages in a foreign country. Better he use her to his advantage. Using fire to fight fire, as it were.

    “This man has been spreading drugs,” Akio continued, his inner thoughts having taken only a moment. “I have seen the damage his drugs have done, and am attempting to stop him. I also believe he is part of a mage guild, he had a strange tattoo I did not recognize.”

    As he spoke, he was careful to keep his voice low enough so not to be overheard by the vendors. He already expected at least a few of them to be involved in whatever shady business this dark guild was a part of, as not a single one had spotted the man. It was entirely possible he was wrong, but that seemed unlikely. Best to be careful.

    533 words
    1778 total

    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 165
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Akeya
    Experience : 21,875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Far From Home [Nymara] Empty Re: Far From Home [Nymara]

    Post by Nymara Yesterday at 3:19 pm

    When the man turned and acknowledged their presence Lucky felt an internal twinge of regret, not knowing how much this little interaction would go to derail their plans. At least for him anyway, Nymara rarely seemed to care that much about accomplishing their goals when there was a fun distraction. There was little he could do now but watch how the interaction unfolded. Nymara had noticed the slight shift in the man’s attitude when he locked eyes with them, but it didn’t last long before he returned to normal and made his way over. Not thinking much of it the girl eagerly devoured more of her noodles as Akio walked towards them. When he finally spoke up, asking if they had seen the man on the paper Nymara turned on her stool and gave the picture a closer look, squinting her eyes as if to make out the details. “Hmnnnn… Yeah! I think I did! He was on my train, got off when I did, just a few hours ago.” She’d say in a cheerful tone, quickly going back to her food. Lucky arched an eyebrow and waited for Nymara to elaborate further, though it appeared as though she had distracted herself with noodles yet again, prompting the exceed to sigh. “Apologies my lord. My companion sometimes gets a little too excited and forgets what she’s doing.” He’d say with a slight bow to Akio, though lining his tone with enough venom to grab Nymara’s attention again. “Hm? Oh right!” She’d say curiously looking back over at the two.

    “Drugs? Are they any good?” She snickered as Akio spoke further on the man he was seeking. Lucky was not amused by her comment and shot her a warning glance, before returning his attention back to the man. “That does sound concerning, and it would explain the odd smell.” He mused to himself, remembering that he had caught a whiff of something unfamiliar when they were on the train. “Oh yeah! That’s the only reason I remember him now that I think about it. I was too busy trying not to puke on the ride, but something about this guy smelled off! Maybe he had the drugs in his case?” Nymara would question as she continued to eat in front of Akio. Lucky on the other hand was staring at Akio a little more closely, eying him up and down with a curious expression. Nymara had been right that he certainly didn’t seem like a cop, so what was he doing looking for some drug dealer? Perhaps he was a bounty hunter of sorts? He also didn’t seem like a local at all, which told the exceed that he may have been tracking this man from somewhere else.

    At the mention of this man being a guild mage, Nymara finally finished her bowl and turned her attention back to Akio and Lucky. “Ha! Well, plenty of people have tattoos these days.” Nymara laughed. “Though you could be right, maybe he was!” She’d continue before sniffing the air slightly and narrowing her eyes. “You working with the cops? Or is this a personal venture? You don’t smell like the rest of the locals.” She’d ask, leaning against the counter of the noodle stand as she looked Akio over. “My lady, please try and show some decorum. It isn’t considered polite to tell people what they smell like unless you're complimenting them.” Lucky sighed, the tone of his voice suggesting he had tried to teach Nymara basic manners many times before to little avail. “Well if this guy wants my help he’s gotta be honest with me! I gotta nose for this sorta thing.” She’d snicker again. Though if Nymara was being completely honest with herself she just wanted to know if this man did work with the Bosco authorities, because she may need to make herself scarce if they started looking for her based on the destruction she caused during her last job. Thankfully Akio seemed preoccupied with the strange drug dealer so Nymara wasn’t too worried.

    Stretching her arms slightly the firebrand would speak up once more. “Though all this talking and thinking is making me hungry again! Maybe I saw where the guy went after we got off the train, but I can’t think too hard on an empty stomach.” She said with a fanged grin. “Perhaps some more noodles will refresh my memory!” She would continue, patting the pockets of her coat. “Ah, shucks! I appear to be out of jewel. What’re we gonna do now? This is a real conundrum..” Nymara said in a mocking concerned voice, trying her hardest to suppress her laughter. Lucky on the other hand simply sighed in defeat and shook his head. If the exceed could he simply would have bypassed the dragon slayer’s games and told Akio where the man was headed, but unfortunately the knight did not catch a glimpse of him when they left despite what Nymara was claiming. It appeared as though she held all the cards and he could do little but watch the man’s reaction.

    848 Words | PWC: 1,542 | TWC: 2,626


    Far From Home [Nymara] 2ohu3XJ

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:26 pm