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    Let's Talk About Death

    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 569,852

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necrothurgy
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    Let's Talk About Death Empty Let's Talk About Death

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 8th September 2024, 10:26 am

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      594 WORDS
    @Saiko Akai
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Cillian honestly couldn’t recall if there was ever a time in his life where he’d been more happy than he was right now. Not that his life had been a slog, but for a man who had spent the last several centuries just going through the motions and flitting haphazardly through his day to day, it was weirdly thrilling to finally open up to his emotions. He had Dela to thank for that. And Vera, too, of course. It was crazy that he’d met so many people throughout his life, even becoming good friends with so many of them, but it wasn’t until he’d met those two ladies that his sense of humanity had started to return. And now here he was, a successful business owner, a member of a guild that was lasting quite a bit longer than any of the others he’d joined in the past, and a committed boyfriend to the most amazing woman he’d ever known.

    Speaking of business, Cillian was currently working. While his restaurant, Vera Jayne’s Bistro, wasn’t currently open there was still plenty of work to be done to prepare for the day. It was midmorning, and the delivery company had just finished dropping off a regular supply of ingredients and goods. His staff was busying themselves with putting everything away and doing a sweep of the store for any areas the closing team from the night before may have missed cleaning. Cillian himself was behind the bar, his tall, lanky form bent over the surface as he double checked the inventory slip to make sure nothing was missing. He was dressed in plain clothes rather than his work attire for the moment, a pair of yellow pants with green plaid trim, and a matching jacket. He wore no shirt under the jacket, his almost obnoxiously muscular chest exposed from collar to navel. On his left hip, just above the hem line of his trousers, was the crimson emblem that marked him as a member of Confidence International.

    A couple days ago he had heard from Saffron, notifying him that she had pointed someone in his direction. She hadn’t said much, but she’d said enough: a young girl who was interested in meeting with someone who shared her “magical affinity”. It was an innocent enough comment on the surface, but Saffron was part of the small circle that knew he was a necromancer, so even for a dunce like him it hadn’t been too difficult to put together. The girl in question had yet to show up, but Saffron said she had given her directions to his restaurant so he was confident that she would show when she was ready.

    In the meantime, he went about his work. Satisfied that nothing had been left out of his shipment, he signed the slip and passed it over to the delivery driver, who was waiting patiently on the other side of the counter. “Looks good. Here ya go, bud.”

    “Thank you, sir. And thanks for the goodie bag, too! The guys back at the office always appreciate it.”

    Cillian grinned. “You mean you’re actually gonna share, this time?”

    “I always share! After I eat my favorite pieces.”

    The man grinned back and Cillian chuckled as he waved him off. “Alright, see you next week, man.” As the driver exited through the front door to continue his route, the necromancer got to work wiping down the counter of the bar and restocking it with all the necessary goods they’d need for when the restaurant opened in another hour or so.
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Saiko Akai
    Saiko Akai

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 64
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 11,665

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromantically Touched
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    Let's Talk About Death Empty Re: Let's Talk About Death

    Post by Saiko Akai 8th September 2024, 11:05 am

    To say Saiko had not had the best experience with other necromancers was a bit of an understatement. The last batch had all been members of a weird death cult and had not been terribly friendly. Most of them currently resided in her Morgue spell, actually. That was why she had been hesitant about meeting with someone else in her line of work. Yes, having more insight into how others performed the art would likely help with figuring out her own magic. She just hoped they did not randomly attack her like all the others seemed to.

    In the end she had decided to go, because it was Saffron who had recommended the man. They had not known each other long, but the girl had ended up liking the older woman. Not just because of the swimsuit, honest! So while she only trusted Saffron as much as one could trust someone they barely knew, it was still more than most people the girl knew.

    Which led her to now standing outside the cafe she had been directed to. Unlike at the beach, she was not alone this time. Suki, her doll, was held tightly in her arms. She wore a cute white dress with a purple ribbon around her collar (made by Saiko), and had black hair as dark as Saiko’s. Her eye color was impossible to determine because the doll’s eyes were closed, as if sleeping. It was rare for Suki to be far from Saiko, unless the necromancer was going somewhere dangerous… or sandy.

    Having her doll with her had given her the courage to seek out the man Saffron had told her about, and even just standing outside the care she could tell someone related to death was inside. Spirits floated around the building in far higher concentration than elsewhere on the street. These were the lingering thoughts of the departed, the ones too weak for people without the Sight to see. The kind drawn to those that treated with the dead.

    Deciding she had already stood outside the cafe for an uncomfortable amount of time, she finally decided to walk through the front door after someone else left. Only to be surprised by the lack of people inside. She had thought the place was already open because of the man she had seen leaving, but there was only a single tall man wiping down tables. Maybe the food here just really sucked? Probably best not to order anything then.

    There was no doubt this was the man she was after at least. He practically reeked of death to her magical senses. Or was that body odor? No, definitely death she decided after a moment. Carefully, she took in his appearance to decide if he would prove immediately dangerous. During her scan she saw that he had not learned you were supposed to wear shirts underneath jackets, which just seemed to further prove that every necromancer besides herself lacked any sense of fashion. It was distressing, really. Pushing down her desire to chew him out on his choice of clothing, the young girl walked up to him.

    “Saiko,” she said, introducing herself trying to hide her annoyance at having to crane her neck to look up at him. “I was sent by Saffron. Said you could help.”

    547 words


    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
    Position : None
    Posts : 186
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 569,852

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necrothurgy
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    Let's Talk About Death Empty Re: Let's Talk About Death

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 17th September 2024, 3:20 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      504/1098 WORDS
    @Saiko Akai
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    He was so focused on his tasks that he almost didn’t even notice the girl when she first walked in. By the time Cillian spotted her, she was only a couple steps away from reaching him at the bar. Before he could speak up to inform her that the restaurant wasn’t quite open yet, having assumed she was a customer, she introduced herself and explained that Saffron had sent her his way for aid. “Oh! Yeah, I was wondering when you were gonna drop by.” The tall man offered her a big, toothy smile that made him look more like a goofball than anything else. “Nice to meet ya. I’m Cillian.”

    Finishing with wiping down the counter, he tossed the used rag in a bin behind the bar, he pushed open the swinging door that led to the back kitchen. A moderate cacophony of sound streamed through from the cooks that were getting things ready for the day; the clang of pots and pans, the rattle of silverware and the rhythmic thumping of knives chopping away at this or that ingredient. There was also a strong scent of cooking food that wafted in – food that would probably smell impossibly good to anyone who got a good sniff of it. “Hey Reg, I’ve got something I gotta take care of for a bit. You mind locking the front door? We’ve still got about an hour before open, don’t want anyone wandering in early.”

    “You got it, boss!” called a male voice from inside the kitchen.

    Cillian let the door close once more, the barrier muffling the noise from beyond while he turned his attention back to his guest. “Sorry about that. Let’s have a seat. Can I get you something to drink? A beer or cider, or something? My treat!” He was already pulling down a couple clean glasses, his friendly smile still in place and clearly not a single thought between his ears as to the fact that the young woman standing before him was obviously too young to be drinking alcohol.

    Ultimately, whatever she chose he’d fill up a glass for her and get a drink for himself as well before leading her over to one of the corner tables. Cillian set their glasses down, sliding hers toward her before taking a seat. He took a moment to take a sip of his drink.

    “So, Saff tells me you’re looking to talk shop about magic and necromancy? Oh, don’t worry about talking openly here. My staff are all members of the same guild as me. They know about my magic, so no need to keep our voices down or anything; they don’t care and they’re not gonna talk if they overhear anything, promise.” Most people that studied necromancy were used to having to keep their abilities hidden, seeing as how society wasn’t exactly fond of the practice. But he wanted to assure her that his restaurant was a safe space for such talk.

    “Anything in particular you’re looking to learn more about?”
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Saiko Akai
    Saiko Akai

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 64
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 11,665

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromantically Touched
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Let's Talk About Death Empty Re: Let's Talk About Death

    Post by Saiko Akai 18th September 2024, 1:41 pm

    It actually surprised her when he opened a door to a kitchen, and it was full of people. How could he afford to pay all those people if he did not have any customers? Only when he mentioned to the person in the kitchen that they were not open yet did her eyes widen in understanding. The smell coming from the kitchen did smell really good, so maybe their place did not suck entirely. She would leave her judgment open on that one.

    When he returned and asked about a drink, she tilted her head curiously. She was really only used to water and milk, and the occasional fresh squeezed juice her mother had made for her. Suddenly being offered an entire menu to select from was actually a bit overwhelming. Well, assuming he did not suck at his job, she figured he would be better at picking a drink than she would be.

    “You choose,” she ordered, before taking a moment to consider more. “Not sour.”

    After making their way to the corner table, he placed some kind of reddish liquid in front of her. She sat down, placing her doll in her lap as if it were a child needing help reaching the table’s surface. Carefully picking the new drink up so as not to spill it on herself (since she actually cared about her clothes), Saiko took a sip. It was sweet, and not bad, but there was also a weird taste she had never encountered before that made her nose wrinkle up in disgust.

    “Weird,” was her final judgment. This did not stop her from drinking more as she listened to him talk. She was not about to turn down free food and drink.

    She could not help but look around when he brought up necromancy. No one was around, but it was an old habit. Yes her skills were happily called upon whenever someone needed a ghost called or some nasty put down. That welcome would then end the moment the job did. Not everyone treated her like an outcast, Saffron and Jaeger for instance had been unusually friendly toward her. Her magic was known as a plague bringer, which was not exactly inaccurate. She did not blame others for fearing what she could do. Still, she felt relief when he said this place was safe.

    As for revealing what it was she wanted to learn, Saiko took a moment to consider. Not what she wanted, that was what drove her forward every morning when she woke up alone when she should not be. What gave her pause was how much to disclose to this man. Many would consider what she was attempting as immoral, or outright call it forbidden magic. Those people she brushed off easily enough, yet Cillian seemed like he might know more of what she was attempting.

    “Resurrection,” Saiko finally said, looking him straight in the eyes. Ultimately she decided to risk it. He was the first necromancer she had encountered that did not immediately try to kill her, and she needed information.  “Soul is easy. Body is not. Can’t reform it once it's gone.”

    517/1064 words


      Current date/time is 15th October 2024, 5:29 pm