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    Red Frost [Kaz]


    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Mythica 29th August 2024, 1:16 am

    One thing with Iceberg you could always count on was its vast emptiness. Between the constant blizzards and hostile wildlife, there was little of note in this frozen wasteland. That’s what made these tales and rumours so intriguing. Apparently, there was some sort of secret buried in the ice, a long-lost treasure. Something so valuable its creators sought to lock it away forever, burying the secret in the snow to be forgotten. Yet in this world, ancient mysteries have a knack for being rediscovered, and this frozen fortress in the glacier was no exception.

    If you believed what the innkeeper had to say about his previous customers at least. Most laughed and ignored the man, assuming he was full of fanciful tales meant to entertain his patrons, though there was a certain look in his eye to suggest he wasn’t lying. Mythica had seen that look before.

    After a short bit of clarification, the soul merchant was given a general location of this supposed “ruin” and the name of the outfit that went looking for it. Apparently, a small guild of treasure hunters named “Golden Key” had an old map with the ruin’s location marked on it and had a bit too much to drink the night beforehand, daring the other patrons to race them to this treasure that would set them for life. The innkeeper had explained to the girl that he only believed them because he knew the area they were talking about, an old pass between the ice a day’s travel from the village they were in. That was to be her destination.

    Some time later a figure was standing amid the snowdrift, looking down upon the ice through the intense blizzard that blew around them. She wore a long cloak and hood, covering her entire body save her face, which stared ahead with a dead gaze. The golden glow of her left eye ticked slowly with the passage of time. Iceberg had never been her favourite place, though unfortunately, Mythica had little choice. If there was a way to save them she needed to find it. For his sake. Thankfully her little expedition to Joya had proven fruitful, plunging the continent into war so that they were too distracted from what came next. Yet unlike before her lust for chaos was not the driving force, but a pretext. When she looked down upon that ruin she saw hope. Hope for a future she could never have, only give.

    With a yellow flash of magic part of the frozen stone came crashing down, light flooding the chamber instantly from the outside world! Standing adjacent to the smoking hole was Mythica, holding a smoking rifle with the same emotionless expression. She took a few steps into the crater she had created into the side of the ruin and observed the room with passing interest. This was certainly the place. Mythica had appeared to be in some sort of ancient chapel, rows of benches lined up facing what looked like an idol to some long-forgotten god. The woman stepped down into the chamber and observed its walls more closely, noting the old and intricate designs that snaked their way across. There was something else here as well.. Elusive and old. Very old. Mythica had to resist the urge to turn her back, feeling as though she was being watched. The artifact must have been real, the girl was certain of it. Its influence crept through the ruin like a cancer, giving off a sensation that only those attuned to their darker side would even notice. It was calling her, and the Blood Wolf was determined to obtain it.

    612 Words | PWC: 612 | TWC: 612


    Red Frost [Kaz] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Kaz Valent 29th August 2024, 12:04 pm

    In the room given to Kaz within the Divine Calamity guildhall lay a man. His mouth was sealed shut to prevent screaming, and his insides were more out than in. Sitting next to him the dark mage looked on with boredom. By now he was intimately familiar with the workings of the human body. He could take one apart and put it back together with his eyes closed. It was not enough. Something was missing from his research, and it was preventing him from developing his magic further.

    A change of pace was required.

    While looking upon the disassembled man, Kaz spun a rolled up map in his hand. This man and the rest of his Golden Key group had claimed to find a ruin in Iceberg. One that may still hold magical relics of the past. It was unlikely that he would find anything directly related to his issue, but the wizards of old had taken many secrets to their grave. Some of which could be repurposed if one was creative enough. And of course Kaz believed himself creative enough.

    “Hmm, well I suppose I don’t have a choice, do I?” Kaz asked the bound man. Not expecting an answer, he stood up. “Better clean up before I head out. The smell of rotten flesh is such a chore to get rid of.”

    Reaching down to touch the man, he and his scattered insides were quickly sucked up into Kaz’s body. Shifting his body to let the extra mass settle, he considered what he required for the trip. A shirt, much as he might prefer otherwise. With his magic frostbite was not much of a concern, but replacing rotted bits did take up mana. Mana best saved in case he runs into any obstacles.

    And so the dark mage began his trip to Iceberg, wearing a long sleeve robe like shirt wrapped around his body. It was certainly not enough for a normal person to survive the bitter cold, yet Kaz did not seem at all bothered as he pushed through the snow to the location marked on the map. At the end of his journey he found… nothing. That was to be expected though, if these ruins had been easy to find they would not have remained hidden for hundreds of years.

    Stuffing the map into his clothes, Kaz used his magic to heighten his senses. Every snowflake became distinct, every whisper a yell, and every wisp of a scent overbearing. As he explored the area, the sound of an echo caught his attention. Following it he found what could have been a well weathered wall. Inside was hollow, which made it the most promising option he had thus far found.

    Drawing on some of the flesh he had absorbed, Kaz strengthened his body and transformed one arm into a sharp bone blade. Trusting it forward, the stone wall crumpled inward. A few more thrusts of his bladed arm and the opening was large enough for him to pass through. Once his eyes adjusted to the lighting he was thrilled, as wherever he was it was definitely man made.

    The air was stagnant and full of malice, as all the best places were. Wandering through the hall, the first room he came across was some kind of religious room. He was not immediately familiar with the faith, but what drew his attention most was a young looking girl standing in a sunbeam. Never one to miss an opportunity to become friendly (and hopefully more) with a cute woman, he called out to her.

    “It would seem this place is not as deserted as I was led to believe,” he said in a tone that was friendly but slightly cautious. The exact right balance for meeting a stranger in such a locale while not coming across as threatening.

    640 words
    1252 total



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Mythica 30th August 2024, 12:20 am

    Mythica was lost in her own thoughts, stewing in uncertainty as she tried to discern the different powers that crept through the ruin. Whatever this artifact was must have been strong enough to coat the old fortress in a permanent sense of dread. Knowing her own presence would likely be masked by the ruin, Mythica walked around the room uncaring about what was around her. That was until a new voice hit her ears and shattered her thoughts.

    There stood a man Mythica did not recognize, but something about him certainly felt off. The girl wasn’t sure what the members of Golden Key would look like exactly, but she was sure it wouldn’t be this. Taking a moment the soul merchant studied him in silence, though it was obvious his sudden intrusion had taken her by surprise. The dark power that infected the ice fortress was also effective at masking the presence of others, even to one like Mythica. It was irritating, though if this stranger wanted to use the element of surprise he wouldn’t waste time with talk. He dressed in a manner the girl was not expecting for parts like this, causing her to arch an eyebrow in curiosity. Without heavy winter gear, one would be freezing out here even inside the ruin, yet the stranger appeared unbothered. Was this simply his magic, or did his human appearance deceive her? The girl wasn’t sure, but either way, it wasn’t important. What was important was that he was likely expecting a response.

    “That would appear to be the case.” Mythica started, staring at him through the darkness, her golden eye illuminating part of her face beneath the hood. The girl was in no mood for competition, though until this man made his intentions clear there was no reason to show her hand just yet. With any luck he’d assume she was a simple scholar travelling to dangerous places in pursuit of knowledge. That worked on most people at least. “I take it you’re not part of that band of treasure hunters then?” She’d ask, her gaze periodically scanning the shadows for unseen assailants. That lingering feeling that someone was looking at her did not go away. Not just from the newcomer, but something else. Something hungry. “Hm, not that it matters much. Their fledgling guild will soon be devoured by this place anyway.” She’d continue, taking steps toward the stranger as she looked upon the walls and ceiling. “Can you feel it? That hateful sin spreading its claws across the stone..?” She would ask in a softer tone while she made her way closer, her long dark cloak dragging across the stone as she halted a few feet away. Mythica’s eyes shut for a moment, as though a new sensation was filling her mind. “That darkness, deep in the ice. Is that why you’ve come? Or has your own led you to it?” She would question. It was obvious by now the woman showed little fear despite the circumstance, though that was hardly odd considering the location.  

    Bowing her head slightly Mythica greeted Kaz. “I am a studier of such things, though some simply call me Maven.” The girl would say, using the alias she had crafted to start the war, preferring to leave her real identity out of the spotlight. Despite appearing completely harmless the Blood Wolf would remain on her guard, in case this man who reeked of pain and death tried anything. Still, something told her the ruin had its own plans for them, though it probably wasn’t anything good.

    595 Words | PWC: 1,207 | TWC: 1,847


    Red Frost [Kaz] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

    Lineage : None
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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Kaz Valent 30th August 2024, 2:57 pm

    When the girl turned toward him, Kaz could not help but notice her eye. Bright golden glows and clock faces tended to be hard to miss, after all. Hmm, perhaps a time mage, he thought to himself. Without proof, he certainly could not assume that was her real powers. It could be a feint. Until he learned more about her, he would stay on guard while keeping the possibility of time magic in mind. Not the most pleasant possibility though, combatting time magic seemed like it would be quite bothersome.

    “My name is Lawrence,” he lied, doing so as easily as he breathed. It was always advantageous to be able to slip in and out of locations without being recognized. Making up personas was simply standard practice for him. There was always the risk of running into someone a second time while using a different persona, but to someone like Kaz that could change their face whenever they wanted it was far less of an issue than one would expect.

    “I am but a humble researcher, who was tipped off about these newly discovered ruins.” This time not a complete lie. After all he did consider himself a researcher, though he was anything but humble about it. “I bought the map off of a treasure hunter seeking some quick jewels. Of course I had no idea if he was telling the truth, but what fun is there in research if you already know the outcome?”

    As he spoke, Kaz stepped closer to the other person. Still out of direct attack range so as not to be threatening, while still close enough for the conversation to be more personal. “You are right about the aura of this place though. There is something dark and ancient here, which is certainly exciting!”

    Now he spun partially to the side, never letting her completely leave his sight. As he did, he gestured dramatically to the ruins around them. “How many centuries has it been since a living human graced these halls? Perhaps before the mana disasters?”

    Dramatic sweep complete, he turned back to “Mevan” and held his chin with his thumb and index finger looking contemplative. “If I am lucky, there will be some artifact or tome from the ancient wizards that once lived here. Some clue to peer into how those of the past performed their magic that is different from our modern understanding.”

    The real question was what to do with her. Fighting without a measure of her strength was foolishness, but he did not want to risk her reaching the prize before him. It seemed a compromise was in order. If they worked together he could keep an eye on her as well as potentially locate any weaknesses. It would also likely speed up the search. Decision made, he held out his hand slightly, as if offering it to her despite them being too far away to touch. “As we are two curious souls wandering these dark halls, I propose we team up for now. Interested?”

    505 words
    2352 total



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Mythica 31st August 2024, 11:59 pm

    Mythica did not fail to notice the stranger’s inquisitive gaze when she turned to face him, figuring that he was likely doing the same thing she was. Sizing the other up in case they would be a threat. Still, that did little to discourage the girl, as Mythica was usually confident in her ability to get what she wanted without resorting to blood. Of course, there was always the chance that they could come to blows no matter what, so she wouldn’t put all of her eggs in one basket just yet. However, if there was a chance to save her magic power for the real threat lurking within the frozen rock she would be inclined to take it.

    The girl would tilt her head slightly when the man responded first by introducing himself as “Lawrence” and claiming to be here for the same purpose she was. Of course, Mythica was always suspicious of anyone randomly appearing in dark ruins, though she was willing to accept his story for the time being. Not that she really had a choice. “I couldn’t agree more. You can hardly call yourself a researcher of such subjects if you weren’t even willing to venture to the source.” She would respond in a friendly tone, masking her insidious nature. When the strangely dressed man only confirmed her suspicions about the power that cloaked this ruin she couldn’t help but break into a wide smile, the ticking in her eye betraying her excitement as it sped up. “So you understand, then.” She’d start, looking up and around them with an expression of awe. “Sometimes I worry that I’m crazy.” The girl snickered. “Rarely do I come across someone as in tune with their desires as you. After all, I strongly suspect the ruin only speaks to those who are truly free.” She’d say somewhat cryptically. What exactly did the Blood Wolf mean by that? Well, it was usually up for interpretation but she suspected Lawrence would have some notion of what she was speaking about, otherwise why would he be here?

    In response to his query about how long it had been since the ruin was inhabited, Mythica simply placed a hand upon the nearest wall and felt its cold stone. She had to resist the urge to shiver a bit, as even with her power the biting cold still stung. However, there was certainly something else that had shadowed it. That presence. Shutting her eyes for but a few seconds she opened them again with the same smile that hadn’t left her face since she started talking. “Centuries at the very least, though with stone as cursed as this, the truth seems veiled in shadow.” Mythica would say, though her tone got noticeably sour near the end as her eyes narrowed. “Something interferes..” She’d say again, looking around the room as if she were spying on phantoms. “It mirrors our own emotions. Intrigue, excitement, and most of all…” She stopped herself for but a moment, as if trying to nail down her final thought. “Hunger…” Mythica would finally utter. “You’ve already confessed that you can sense its power too, though I must ask… What do you intend to do about it?” Her smile quickly returned as Mythica locked eye contact with him again.

    As Lawrence circled Mythica failed to move herself, letting the man have free reign of the room. If keeping herself in view made him feel safer, she had no problem playing along. Of course it wouldn’t take long after for the man to finally confess his motivation, looking for some sort of magical tome or artifact that would help him advance his own knowledge. “Ohoho.. I feel as though you may get exactly what you want, though I fear it may not be in the form you expected.” She’d respond again, speaking in riddles. When the man offered his assistance the girl simply observed him from afar, staring at his outstretched hand for a moment before chuckling lightly to herself.

    “A kindred spirit, then? I suppose we could accomplish more working together than on our own…” She’d muse to herself. If this man truly was a threat than it would be wise to stay nearby. If he intended to betray her the woman was prepared to make him regret it, though her trigger finger wasn’t so eager. Life was often easier when you had others to act as your distraction. The longer she could keep this Lawrence around, that was one more person the ruin would need to torment. Whatever magic was at work here Mythica was confident she could outmaneuver its malice easier if it had more to focus on. “Very well my good sir, you have yourself a deal.” She’d say as she stepped closer and accepted Lawrence's hand with her own and gave a small curtsy. Her skin felt nearly as cold as the ruin itself, and something far more malevolent would creep up the man's arm until she finally let go. Mythica only regretted the fact that they couldn’t seal this pact in blood. Unfortunately, there was little time for such things, even if Lawrence trusted a stranger enough to enter a magically binding agreement. He did not seem like the desperate type the Blood Wolf usually preyed on, instead he came off as more curious than anything.

    “Best not keep our host waiting much longer. I feel it waits for our next move.” Mythica would say again, finally moving towards a nearby doorway that faded into darkness. “If you can defend us from any.. ‘Unwanted attention’ I can lead us to our destination.” She would start, staring ahead. Trying her best to give off the impression that she was not suitable for combat, Mythica hoped that her new accomplice would have no issue getting his hands bloody if the situation called for it. “The Dark Heart of the ice will be deep within the ruin. As well as its protectors.”

    994 Words | PWC: 2,201 | TWC: 3,346


    Red Frost [Kaz] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
    Kaz Valent
    Kaz Valent

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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Kaz Valent 1st September 2024, 3:28 pm

    If there was one thing he gleaned from speaking with the girl, it was that she was dangerous. Not in terms of power. Kaz still had no idea the true depth of her strength, though he suspected it to be deep. No, it was her facial expressions. Her words. A smile that lingered too long, words that were cryptic. Simply put they reminded him of himself when he was not playing a part. Like him, she did not value the lives of others. He was certain of that.

    Perhaps she could sense something similar in him. While he doubted she had seen through his acting, he was flawless in that regard, it would not be too surprising if she had detected that there was more beneath the surface. It was good then that she had agreed to this partnership. The power creeping up his skin as they shook hands only confirmed this. He would happily betray her if he found benefit in it, but staying on her neutral side remained the best plan.

    “I am a healer by training,” he replied when she brought up defending her. “But I have found ways to use this magic on myself for defensive purposes. Hopefully it will be adequate.”

    Naturally he knew his magic would be able to handle anything they encountered; this was just another attempt to keep her off guard. Certainly it was true his magic could heal, a by-product of manipulating the flesh was the ability to return it to its original state. That was far from its greatest strength. Leaving his most powerful spells hidden for as long as possible might yet give him an advantage. Ideally he would reveal nothing, but if she could narrow down the destination for him then it was a small price to pay.

    With that the two set off, heading through a door in the back of the chapel and into a new hallway. Which to the dark mage looked exactly like the hallway he had been in before. Navigating old ruins was not exactly his best skill. He was still amazing at it of course, just not as amazing as say bedding women or dissecting bodies. So deciding it best to divide up the tasks (purely for efficiency), he focused on his still heightened senses. The two of them were loud enough to drown out much else, but he could still hear the sounds of movement somewhere in the distance.

    What he could smell proved far more useful at this moment. When the pair passed a seemingly empty room, Kaz raised his arm. The arm transformed with startling speed; bone and flesh melding together into the form of a blade. A man who had jumped from hiding within the room quite unexpectedly found himself impaled on this newly formed blade, coughing up blood as it pierced his chest entirely.

    “It is very rude to attack people for no reason,” Kaz said to the man as he died. Part of him wanted to consume the man, but that was a part of his magic he would keep hidden. For now at least. Lowering the arm so the man would slide off, the dark mage’s attention shifted to their surroundings. “There are three more nearby. Did you want any of them alive?”

    545 words
    3891 total



    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Devotee of Darkness- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Shipped- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Mythica 5th September 2024, 12:03 am

    With the partnership agreed upon the next step would be to venture deeper into the darkness. Lawrence claimed he used healing magic, but wasn’t exactly helpless in combat either. Whether he was telling the truth mattered little to the girl, as she was confident that Lawrence wouldn’t even be here if he wasn’t expecting danger. Of course, the nature of the ruin itself still weighed on Mythica’s mind. There was no doubt it would interfere with their progress, but the form in which its wrath would take was unknown. Perhaps Lawrence would prove adequate enough to repel the danger, though Mythica needed to develop a plan for multiple outcomes. If her temporary protector appeared to struggle in the challenges ahead the Blood Wolf would be prepared to help him in subtlety. “I feel safer already.” Mythica beamed with a genuine-looking smile beneath her hood as she walked past the dark mage.

    As they continued on the shadows appeared to be off. They seemed to move in strange and unnatural ways, though only in the corner of one’s eye. Subtle gusts of air could be felt flowing from the darkening halls and corridors as if the ruin was beckoning them further. The stone looked like it had one day been a grand display, though years of decay and frost had reduced it to a shadow of itself. Between the chunks of ice forming on the walls, there were carvings of detailed designs. A prominent symbol of an intricate snowflake seemed to be at the center of all these carvings, with figures venerating and standing aside it. Mythica only observed her findings in silence, trying to piece together the story of this old fortress. She had no theories as of now, though the wall carvings were good reference points. Mythica seemed a little too interested in the carvings, as when she stopped for a moment to observe one more closely something moved in the darkness!

    Lawrence appeared quicker than he looked, extending an arm and swiftly moulding a weapon out of his flesh and bone! Before Mythica could even question his actions the sudden grunt and gurgle of his would-be assassin drew her attention, as he lay dangling from Lawrence’s surprising power. Mythica allowed herself to be distracted and internally scorned her scatterbrain for not sensing the presence of the assailant as they passed the room, though her look of awe would not betray these feelings. “Impressive..” She’d say, admiring the new form Lawrence’s arm had taken and completely ignoring the dying man hanging from it. When the assassin’s body slumped to the ground Mythica couldn’t help herself from turning her attention back to the man. “I must admit magic like that is rare and far between. Your assessment of its efficiency seems to be an understatement.” The girl would say, kneeling down to examine the bleeding wound of the corpse more closely. Mythica would notice the guilt tattoo branded to his neck, a golden skull forming the handle of a key. “Your power intrigues me. Perhaps one day you can tell me more about it.” She’d remark. However, Mythica’s giddy attitude didn’t last for long as she watched the blood and her expression began to change into a blank stare. It lasted for only a moment though something about the red liquid entranced her, followed by a jolt of pain in her cranium. Shaking her head slightly, the girl got rid of the invisible fangs of her curse for now, though it did not sit right with her. Not at all.

    Mythica blinked slightly and turned up to face Lawrence when he made a note that he could feel others nearby and questioned if the girl wanted them for anything. So his magic allowed him to sense the presence of those nearby as well? Not a completely uncommon trait, after all, most wizards could become capable of similar techniques when they reached sufficient skill and power. Still, with the ruin’s dark magic interfering with the Blood Wolf’s power Lawrence had already proven that his enhanced senses were more than helpful.

    “Hmm.. Only one will do.” She confirmed. Normally Mythica wouldn’t bother with such actions, preferring to leave behind no witnesses. However, if this guild already came into possession of the map that Lawrence had ‘bought’ off them then there was a chance they knew far more about this place than anyone else at the moment. Mythica was confident she could get what she wanted from a single pup that wandered too far into the frosts. “A shame he’ll have to be spared from your art, for a time at least.” She snickered.

    Mythica would finally stand up again, turning to look around the expansive hallway around them. “Though I shouldn’t linger here while you do your job..” She’d say. “I’ll have a look around and find you when you’re done.” Mythica hummed with a smile, just as another gust of air came from the darkness behind Lawrence, only this time much stronger. The moment Lawrence’s eyes were distracted Mythica had appeared to simply ‘vanish’, with no sign nor trail of where she went. Just the deepening black of the long and empty corridor…

    862 Words | PWC: 3,063 | TWC: 4,753


    Red Frost [Kaz] Myth-Sig1-1

    Mythica's Theme:
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    Kaz Valent

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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Kaz Valent 6th September 2024, 11:11 am

    “It really isn’t that impressive,” he said, waiving off her compliments despite preening inside his own mind. “When you can restore bone and mend flesh, combining the techniques is fairly simple.”

    Killing was always easier than leaving someone alive, but he did not consider it a problem either way. He simply did not think it was possible to fail at anything he attempted. Already he was using his enhanced senses to narrow down where the last three were hiding and planning how best to take them down. It was in that brief moment Maven disappeared from his sight, which was somewhat unpleasant. Not knowing where she was defeated the purpose of keeping her close. For all he knew she would be watching him in secret to try and learn more about his magic.

    Unfortunately, there was little he could do about it. On the other hand, he had already planned on revealing some of his weaker magic. This changed his plans little even if her disappearance had not originally been accounted for. He had accounted for not accounting for something though, so it did not count.

    Stalking the corridors, Kaz pumped magic into his muscles once again causing them to grow. This caused both his shirt and pants to become tight around his body, not that he seemed bothered. As he drew closer to the side room he smelled his targets hiding in, the sound of their breathes reached his ears. It was obvious they were shaken by having lost two members since discovering the ruins, yet they still did not smell of desperation. Clearly he would need to fix that.

    The moment he approached the room, one popped out and sent a spike of ice flying toward the dark mage. Having expected an attack it was a simple matter to lean out of its way. The ice managed to gouge out some flesh from Kaz’s arm, a wound he ignored as he suddenly lept toward the treasure hunter with remarkable speed. Sweeping his bladed arm down, the outstretched hands that had sent the ice magic fell to the floor with a thump.

    As the dismembered mage fell to the ground screaming, the other two attacked in his place. One swiped down with a magic sword, which Kaz simply caught with his own blade. It was the third one that proved the most dangerous, as she had used take over magic to transform into a half demon form. Her mouth opened, and the powerful scream she let out burst his ear drums instantly. With blood dripping from his ears and his hearing gone, he decided he needed some distance.

    Letting his body fall to the ground, he landed on his back and began to roll backward. His bladed arm returned to normal as his hands found purchase on the floor above his head, turning the roll into a handstand. Stretching out his leg, it transformed into a blade and swept up the sword wielder’s body from between his legs to his head. In the same movement Kaz pushed himself effortlessly into the air and across the room to land near the entrance.

    Just in front of where he landed was the ice mage, who had managed to stop the bleeding by freezing the stumps of their arm and force himself back to standing. Standing was a decision he would immediately come to regret as now Kaz’s fingers became blade and dug into the man’s back. Lifting the man, now coughing blood, Kaz tossed him at the transformed woman. She had been running toward the pair to continue her attack, only to find her comrade flying at her. Moments later the two were on the ground, tangled up.

    Before she was able to push the heavy, dying man off of her, Kaz was standing above her. In a panic she took in a breath to try and release another screeching attack, to no avail as his hand shot down to cover her mouth. When he removed his hand, she no longer had a mouth, a realization that finally drove her to panic. Not that she needed to worry too much, he had chosen her to be the sole survivor. Weaving more of his magic into her body, her arms and legs melded into her body leaving her completely helpless. Just to make sure the ice mage did not cause any unexpected issues, Kaz picked him off the woman and tore out his heart.

    Tossing the body to the side, Kaz focused on his own wounds. The blood flowed back into his body as they healed, and soon the only signs that he had been in a fight were the tears and blood on his clothes. Now his task was complete, he just had to wait for his wayward partner to make her appearance. Which he expected to be any moment now, for full dramatic effect. It’s what he would do after all.

    “One gift wrapped treasure hunter,” he said to the void. “As requested.”

    833 words
    5586 Total



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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Mythica 15th September 2024, 9:50 pm

    As the day continued on the more and more unexpected it became. Mythica had figured there may be others at the ruin looking for something like her, but it had been some time since she had met another who was so open with their craft, despite it being a bloody affair. Of course, Mythica had yet to take her golden-eyed gaze off of him just yet, despite the fact that she had disappeared only moments before. With Lawrence’s enhanced senses, they discovered three wayward members of the treasure hunter guild, which proved to be a perfect opportunity to study her ally more closely and witness what sort of magic Golden Key had to offer. She could knock out two birds with one stone and didn’t need to step in harm’s way. Of course, due to the nature of the Blood Wolf’s curse, she also preferred to stay away from such unfettered carnage. One stray droplet upon her tongue was all that it would take to make her entire journey to this ruin pointless.

    The guild wizards seemed to be varied in their skills, but their obvious inexperience was showing. She still knew little about Lawrence but after she witnessed his magic in more detail there was no doubt in her mind that this had been far from his first battle. It was truly an art to witness how he seemed to be toying with them. An ice mage in a place like this should have been a challenge for most sorcerers, not to mention the demon take-over magic of his ally. Still, that did little to slow the flesh-crafter as he weaved his way between them and shredded the cryomancer’s appendage off, before moving on to the demon. Mythica could almost scoff at this woman’s attempt to tap into her darker side. At the rate she was going the take-over would one day dominate her soul. Still, that would matter little as Lawrence finished off the swordsman slicing him in two in the air before landing. Finishing the takeover mage that had given him trouble by grabbing the defiant ice wizard and throwing him directly at the banshee, sending them both tumbling onto the ground!

    As the blood still dripped off Lawrence’s hands the woman was shaken, but before she could even release another breath of magic the flesh-crafter’s own was already at work, fusing her mouth shut and her legs and arms to her body. A fine show. No doubt assuming Mythica was nearby Lawrence would begin to speak to the darkness, informing the chronomancer that the task was done.

    “And a fine specimen indeed.” Mythica’s soft voice sounded from behind one of the shaded pillars in the room as she stepped out into view, her long cloak dragging across the ice as she walked closer to the two. “Truly an artform I have not seen for.. Such a long time.” She mused, staring down at the helpless treasure hunter who was still struggling in fear. It brought back memories of a ‘friend’ she used to have who used similar magic. Chaoris may have been a self-proclaimed blood god, but his sorcery had never been anything to scoff at. “No need to fear, my dear.” Mythica would begin to say, her smile turning into an insidious fanged grin as she knelt to get on eye-level with the hunter. “No need to even open that little mouth of yours… Not that you have a choice.” She’d snicker. “All you need to do is look.” She would say with almost a whisper, grabbing the girl’s cheeks and holding her face up to her own, Mythica’s golden eye glowing with intensity as it nearly entranced her prey.

    After a few short minutes, Mythica stood up again, turning to face Lawrence with a bright smile. The treasure hunter now lay on the ground, twitching as wildly as she could in such a constricted state, her eyes wide and pupils dilated as cold sweat drenched her skin. With her mouth no longer there the only noise came from muffled grunts and spasms in her throat, as though she was living a waking nightmare and couldn’t escape. And based on what Lawrence had done to her, that wasn’t far from the truth. “There’s about twelve others in the ruin, though most are deeper in. They had more but ‘something’ in the dark had taken them, didn’t get a clear view.” Mythica said, shaking her head slightly. “It’s a good thing these guilds do briefings with their members, or I may have learned very little from her.” She chuckled, implying that the girl had somehow peered into the hunter’s immediate past. “They’re certainly here for the artifact as well, if we’re smart we can watch the ruin devour them, though I doubt it will allow us to sit and observe.” Mythica mused, putting a hand beneath her chin. “However, I know exactly where their leader is going to be.” She grinned, moving past Lawrence and leaving the girl on the cold ground. “Their beloved ‘Guildmaster’ is leading this expedition, and from what I gleaned he is no slouch. I hope this warmup got you in the mood?” She would say, looking back slightly as she moved towards the adjacent hall. “We just need to make our way towards the old throne room.” The Blood Wolf said in a more serious tone. Now that they had a clear destination in mind they just needed to clear a path, and hope they get to it before the guild wizards did.

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    Red Frost [Kaz] Myth-Sig1-1

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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Kaz Valent 16th September 2024, 9:06 pm

    Of course Kaz was not at all surprised by her sudden appearance having expected it, but it was always nice to have one’s suspicions confirmed. While he could not read minds, he was adept at figuring out other people and their motives. It was not full proof of course. That just gave him incentive to always be cautious, even if he was certain of what someone else was planning.

    Speaking of reading minds, it would seem Maven was capable of doing just that. Whether it was actually mind reading or her time magic letting her peer into the girl’s past was immaterial, it was a dangerous ability for someone like Kaz. As someone that changed names and faces more often than some people change clothes, he did not enjoy the idea of someone learning his secrets. It was then he made a mental note to never stare directly into her eyes. So doggystyle instead of missionary. He preferred that anyway.

    “Only twelve?” Kaz asked after her report. “And here I was hoping for a bit of sport. Oh well, at least it should make finding whatever is hidden here easier.”

    If he was concerned by whatever dark horrors were picking off the treasure hunters, he did not show it. Honestly it was questionable if Kaz ever actually felt fear, regardless of what he encountered. Part of it was his belief that he could handle whatever he encountered, another part was that he found the unexplainable more intriguing than frightening. Such mysteries existed to be dissected and learned from, not to be afraid of.

    “I am always in the mood,” he joked when she brought up the guildmaster. A joke, but also the truth. He just found the hunt, even if it took awhile, as much fun as the actual act. He was fine playing wait and see, and taking his time. “As I am sure you know the way to this throne room better than I, I shall let you take the lead.”

    As for the bound woman, she would keep. Even if one of her companions happened to find her, there was nothing they could do for her besides cut her apart. Unless they had an extremely strong healer on hand, it would only lead to her death. More likely she would remain trapped in this room, with no help ever coming as the rest of her guild died one by one. Perhaps when he had finished in these ruins, he would return. If she was still alive, he imagined she would be willing to serve him as he saw fit. People tended to be much more malleable when they had spent time stewing in their terror.

    “So what abilities does this guildmaster have?” he asked as they traveled. If he was as strong as she implied, it certainly would not hurt to have some plans set ahead of time. It would be much less troublesome that way, and he could get back to his research faster.

    498 words
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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Mythica 4th October 2024, 12:42 pm

    Mythica was not surprised by Lawrence’s reaction, already sensing that the man was eager for more bloodshed. For a supposed healer he seemed quite adept at doing the opposite. Not that it really mattered much to the girl, as his willingness to fight made things much easier. The girl had been confident she could easily navigate the ruin and its malice on her own, but having a competent wizard throwing their assistance surely made things simpler. Of course, there was a drawback to their alliance as well which ensured that Mythica couldn’t reveal too much of her strength to this man. That was of course if she intended on letting him leave these ruins alive. The thought of betrayal had crossed her mind more than once, knowing that even if the two were successful in finding the artifact they may immediately become enemies to claim it for themselves. Still, Mythica was hesitant to snuff out such a promising young wizard, or at least what she assumed to be a young wizard. Despite the graphic displays of his strength in magic Mythica still had a suspicion that he had been doing the same thing as her, holding back on purpose to not give away anything too important. It was the smart thing to do, even if your opponent knew that was your plan. Of course, she had little time to interrogate Lawrence about his magic so for now she’d just need to trust him. For a time at least. If there was a way to avoid leaving his corpse to rot in these dark halls the Blood Wolf would be inclined to take it. It had been a while since she had met someone like him, and the girl was most eager to see what he could accomplish with time. Mythica would remain on her guard though, knowing that others like Lawrence in the past had been successfully fooled by Mythica’s mask and tried to test their luck against her.

    Raising an eyebrow at the flesh crafter’s question as they continued through the ruins, Mythica smiled lightly but kept her mismatched gaze forward. “Well, he seems to be some kind of paladin. I couldn’t even begin to guess which god he follows, though his magic was unmistakable.” She started, closing her eyes as if she was reliving a vivid memory. “A holy sword and a tall shield to match, covered from head to toe in plated armour, inscribed with magical runes.” She exclaimed. “Now I have no idea why a holy knight would be leading a gang of treasure hunters but I have a sneaking suspicion he hasn’t been very truthful to his followers.” She grinned. “A man like that doesn’t delve into cursed ruins to steal evil artifacts… He comes to purge.” Mythica would continue just as the two of them seemed to reach the end of the hall, opening up to a massive circular chamber. High above faint glimmers of light shone down from cracks in the ceiling, giving off an eerie glow in the otherwise completely darkened room.

    Mythica would walk forward, descending the steps that led into the chamber as she gazed around. The dark presence lingering felt stronger here. Before long a faint rumbling could be felt as the floor and walls quaked, loose stones and ice falling from the ceiling around them. Without warning a loud crash sounded behind the two as the doorway they had just passed through seemed to give out, its arches crumbling in and completely blocking the way out! Mythica turned slightly to see the commotion, her expression blank. There appeared to be multiple other paths through the ruin, but the quaking had yet to cease. Without warning more of the doorways seemed to crumble and cave in, one by one leaving them with little room to escape. The only doorway that seemed unobstructed was the largest of them, towering high as it beckoned them into the darkness. “It would seem as though our ‘host’ wants to lead us somewhere. Interesting.” Mythica would say as she observed the path. A dark wind would begin to rush out of the doorway, causing Mythica’s cloak to flap in the air current and soon an animalistic growl echoed from the shadows. Tilting her head slightly Mythica thought she saw something move in the dark, a pair of glowing blue eyes. “Prepare yourself.” She said, still staring ahead.

    Suddenly the shadows in the room would begin to twist and turn, including their own! Out of the darkness rose a monstrous-looking arm, and then another! Before long the visage of a creature could be seen, rushing out of the darkened hallway! The room instantly got colder, and a monster made from pure darkness immediately revealed itself as it lunged out of the hall straight toward the girl! The creature’s body may have been made up of shadows, but its appearance was hard to miss. It looked almost humanoid but completely twisted and deformed. Darkness seeped from its edges, and its blazing blue eyes were nearly enough to light up the room! It also stood much taller than your average human, even in its hunched state! Upon its face, Mythica could faintly make out the shape of a human skull, but that was about all the time Mythica had to observe before its massive clawed hand came rushing down to crush her!

    In a blinding flash of yellow light, Mythica’s body seemed to vanish from sight completely, the shadow monster’s arm obliterating the stone floor where she had been standing just a moment before! It was then the creature noticed Kaz and roared in rage, digging its claws deep into the icy floor and scooping up a pile of rubble as it threw it straight in his direction, sending massive chunks of ice and stone hurtling straight toward the flesh crafter with lethal velocity! The air only continued to grow colder, every second that passed making the temperature plummet as new ice seemed to form along the walls and floor around them, though this was far from normal frost. The crystals turned dark, with hints of crimson lining their edges. The cold was almost debilitating, even to mages like them. Kaz would have little time to react as the creature advanced on his position, rushing forward with reckless abandon in an attempt to ram the man straight into the wall. Mythica had reappeared nearby, standing tall upon the remains of a broken pillar. It was clear just from her expression that the cold was getting to her, and she knew they needed to end this fight quickly if they wanted to survive. That’s when the girl’s gaze spotted something interesting. In the monster’s charge, it had carefully avoided the few spots of shining light coming from the roof far above them. An idea sprang to her mind. “I’ll keep its attention, focus your strength on the roof!” She’d call out above the chaos. With its body made from pure shadow, it would be difficult for either of their magic to have a direct effect on the beast, but Mythica had a theory a monster like this had no love of daylight. She hoped Kaz had enough time to catch her meaning before the creature had closed the distance and prepared to strike at him!

    Vanishing from sight once again Mythica reappeared closer to the creature, directly behind it. “Your darkness will not save you, for I have faced down worse horrors from the void.” She grumbled, extending an arm and summoning what looked like a musket rifle into her hand! With speed and precision Mythica aimed and released a point-blank burst of yellow magical power, though as expected it did little to harm the monster as the magical bullet phased through its body and crashed into the stone walls next to it. Thankfully that was all it would take to redirect the creature’s attention to her. With paranormal speed, the shadow-beast swung its body around and attempted to back-hand Mythica, but the chronomancer was quick! Another blinding flash and she was gone, appearing again in another direction and firing two more consecutive shots! The magic passed through the monster again, doing little to harm it but it was enough to enrage the beast further which brought a smirk to the girl’s face. Rushing toward her Mythica stepped into one of the sunbeams to see the monster’s reaction. Knowing it wouldn’t be that simple the beast opened its fanged jaws and released a breath attack of red frost, nearly covering the entire room in supernatural ice that froze you to the touch! Yet as before when the dust cleared Mythica had disappeared and the monster was left standing in the direct center of the chamber, evidently avoiding stepping into the light as it looked around for its prey.

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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Kaz Valent 4th October 2024, 5:16 pm

    “A fanatic then,” Kaz said scornfully when she revealed their target was a paladin. He had little love for those that claimed to be pious while attempting to force their beliefs on others. That alone was enough reason for this paladin’s life to be snuffed out, the fact that he was in the way of Kaz getting whatever was hidden in these ruins just assured the man’s future death. “If they were not already getting themselves killed, I would suggest turning his guild against him. Sadly, I do not think that will work. Corpses are notoriously uncooperative. We will just have to stop him ourselves, lest he succeed in destroying anything.”

    Shortly after they entered a grand room, only for the ruins to shift and crumble around them. Once the quaking had finished and only one path remained, the dark mage gave it a curious glance, one eyebrow raised. ”Well at least we won’t have to worry about getting lost,” he joked.

    Unfortunately he did not get any time to enjoy his joke, as a magical presence took form in front of them. To most people such an inhumane monstrosity might be seen as unsettling, Kaz mostly found it annoying. As the shadows formed into a creature, he immediately knew most of his magic would not work on it. Flesh magic required flesh. Whatever this shadow beast was, its dark body was certainly not flesh. Happily, it chose to target Maven instead. Well, he was not completely in the clear; it seemed ice and stone were sent flying his way.

    Stepping quickly to the side, most of the attacks missed. Only most though, as several still tore through his arm and leg leaving ragged holes behind. Rather than be distressed by this, the flesh sculptor wore a wide, feral grin. Immediately the wounds began to close, just in time for the creature to charge at Kaz. This time he did not even try to dodge, instead letting his body become rubbery and pliable in nature. He was hit square on, yet was essentially unharmed when he landed on the far side of the room.

    Standing up and brushing off his torn clothing, he saw what the time mage was indicating. Indeed the creature did seem to be avoiding the light, which made sense for a creature made of shadows. The problem was that she was expecting him to do something about it. She was the one that could apparently pull guns out of thin air, why did she not simply pull out a canon or something?

    Once again it seemed Kaz was the only truly component person in the room, it was the story of his life. Letting out a sigh, he began to change. Bones began to break and reform into new shapes. Muscle and skin stretched. What clothing had been undamaged tore. Where a man had been previously standing, now stood a massive bird of prey. With powerful flaps of his newly formed wings, Kaz took to the air. It took mere seconds to arrive at the hole in the ceiling, which he passed through by tucking in his wings and using his momentum to shoot through.

    Now he was in the air above the ruins, and once more he began to shift. His form returned to being humanoid, though his arms were now far more muscular than any human could manage. At the end of his arms were dark colored hands, large and as hard as iron. Using gravity to his advantage, he smashed into the ceiling near the hole with all the force he could muster. Immediately that part of the ceiling was blown inward, and as cracks spread from the breech point, soon the entire ceiling began to come down. The shadow creature, unable to escape the torrent of light, burned away to nothing in short order.

    Standing amongst the rubble was Kaz, now returned to his usual form. Sans clothing, of course. He had not wanted to reveal his shapeshifting abilities, but at least he had been able to observe some of Maven’s magic during the fight. Still, he acknowledged she had won this exchange. As he waited for her to reappear from wherever she was hiding, he realized that his lack of clothing would prove detrimental in this severe cold. Deciding there was no point in hiding it, he let his body change once again. Soon he was covered in warm fur, grown in such a way as to mimic clothing.

    “I don’t suppose you know light magic as well,” he asked Maven, knowing full well the answer. “I suspect this won’t be our last monster today.”

    773 words
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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Mythica 18th October 2024, 3:16 pm

    With the man’s brilliant display of his powers, he could take flight, heading straight toward the roof and flying straight through the small holes that shone down upon them. After a few seconds of silence, a resounding boom shook the chamber as the stones above came crashing down, causing the shadow creature to roar in a rage. With the light flooding into the room, the monster’s anger soon became agony as it shrieked. It dissipated by the second before nothing remained except the large remains of a humanoid skull with fanged teeth, thudding down onto the rock before Lawrence.

    “Now that was more than I expected.” A soft voice sounded directly behind the man with a satisfied tone, Mythica seemingly appearing when he wasn’t looking. Her weapon had all but disappeared, and she stood motionless as her cloak flapped slightly in the newfound wind thanks to the massive hole in the roof. Glancing curiously at the new furred form he had taken Mythica’s attention was quickly drawn back to the flesh crafter as he inquired if she possessed any kind of light-based magic, to which Mythica simply chuckled. “I’m afraid not, though that’s what makes it fun, right?” She would remark, stepping down a few ruined stones before stopping right in front of the shadow creature’s skull. Kneeling to get a better look the girl seemed keen in understanding it, but cracked a grin underneath her hood when Lawrence theorized they’d have more shadow monsters to deal with. “Oh, I’m counting on it.” She’d say rather cryptically before standing straight again, looking toward the hall that the monster had come from. “And you’re certainly right about not getting lost. This feels familiar.” Mythica would start, walking closer. Despite the extensive damage the rest of the chamber had taken this hall still appeared untouched, fading into darkness. “I’m sure the guild members passed this way as well. The paladin looked… Rushed.” She would continue, still piecing together what she had seen in the treasure hunter’s memories. “He sent some of their own to guard their flank, which we ran into.” Mythica sighed with a smile. “This paladin is sensing the growing power of this place. He knows there isn’t much time left.” The girl would say. “Though I’d wager he’s fearing the wrong threat,” Mythica smirked with a glint in her eye.

    With no choice but to continue along the only path open to them, Mythica strode forward, placing her hands behind her back as she observed every detail of this place. Just when it seemed the pair would have another brief break before the next threat the quaking seemed to return as they traversed the hall. Looking up at the roof with a curious expression Mythica began to feel her balance shifting as the stones gave way beneath their feet and they were dropped into the icy chasm underneath the stone floor! Not seeing a viable spot to teleport to Mythica had no time to act before her frame crashed into one of the walls and she began to roll down into a stone cavern, her body finally falling still as she hit level ground. “Well, that was.. Annoying.” She’d mutter to herself as she got back to her feet, brushing off the stone dust. Thanks to the incline she had hit the girl hadn’t taken much punishment from the fall, but her cloak had a few new rips and tears in it now. Feeling slightly embarrassed that she let a random quake get the jump on her Mythica opted to turn around to her companion only to realize he wasn’t there… Instead, there was a massive wall of glistening red ice, dividing the cavern she had fallen into in half. On the other side of the ice wall, she thought she caught a glimpse of Lawrence’s shape but it was incredibly hard to see through such magical frost. Did he fall into another chamber as well?

    Mythica’s attention was quickly drawn away as she heard coughing in the distance, turning to see a trio of men slowly getting to their feet as well. Her brow furrowed slightly when she realized these men must have been in Golden Key as well. “It appears the ruin intends to divide us and pit us against each other. So, will you make the first move?” She spoke aloud to the dazed men who suddenly noticed her presence. They must have been caught by the quake as well, but she knew their presence here was no coincidence. She wondered if Lawrence was given the same treatment on his side of the ice, though until she had dealt with these fools she couldn’t focus her effort on the red wall to find out.

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    Red Frost [Kaz] Empty Re: Red Frost [Kaz]

    Post by Kaz Valent 19th October 2024, 5:29 pm

    “Says the woman who could have easily done as much herself,” Kaz replied when she reappeared, turning slowly to face her. As Maven described what she had seen in the treasure hunters memories, he considered the implications. Light magic would be terribly rare among a guild like this, though it was entirely possible their leader possessed it. The paladin’s abilities were an unknown, but it would not be too strange if they were light based. That seemed to be fairly common among paladins anyway. If so, the shadow creatures would prove little threat. That meant the pair needed to follow after quickly. “I suppose we should hurry then."

    While they walked down the only remaining path, the flesh crafter considered his options. While by no means a light mage, he was not the type to admit he could not do something. Fighting those shadow creatures as they delved deeper into the ruins would prove to be a significant challenge, especially if there was no outside access to let sunlight in. Kaz did not consider himself out of options though.

    Before he had finished his thoughts, he felt a sudden sensation of weightlessness. Rather than panic, his face showed only interest as he watched the stones under them fall away, sending them into an icy hole. Of course if he wanted to, transforming and flying out like he had so recently done would be easy enough. Doing so would separate him from Maven though, and the fall did not seem dangerous to begin with. He was more curious about where this trap led. As they hit the slope, he transformed the fingers of his right hand into blades that dug into the incline, slowing him down so he came to a gentle stop by the end.

    Taking a quick stock of his surroundings, he saw some kind of red ice wall separating him from the time mage. Otherwise the only thing in the chamber was the body of a single dead treasure hunter, not yet cold enough to freeze. His heightened senses came alive as he felt a sudden gust of wind against his fur, causing him to instinctively jump to the side and avoid being stuck by the shadow creature that appeared behind him. Being trapped with one of these was not the most exciting of circumstances, yet he was glad for the cover of the red wall.

    As he continued to dodge the attacks from the beast, Kaz used his flesh magic on his arm to try out the theory he had come up with before the fall. There was no significant change aside from the color of his skin changing slightly, that is until he turned the newly formed cells on. Instantly his arm began to glow from the bioluminescent cells he had created in place of his skin. This was the first time he had tried to form something so complicated in the field, and he was not surprised that the glow was fairly dim. It would serve as an adequate test at least.

    Once the glow was complete the living shadow suddenly seemed less eager to attack head on, instead sending rocks flying toward Kaz. Dodging the more dangerous ones and accepting the occasional cut and stretch from the rest, he closed in and punched the beast. His fist sunk deep into it’s body, or what counted as its body. Like he had hoped, wherever the dull light touched, the shadows disappeared. Also as he expected, it was not bright enough to kill the beast outright. Instead he was flung against the far wall, blood gushing from the torn stump where his arm had been moments before.

    Taking so many wounds in the ruins had started to have an effect on the dark mage, and he could feel his supply of spare flesh running critically low. Forcing himself up, he leaped toward the corpse as a rock smashed into the wall Kaz had been leaning against. Reaching out, the fingers of his remaining hand brushed against the cooling flesh. Instantly he felt his magic activate, the corpse was not too old it seemed. Flesh melded, bones cracked and crunched, muscles tore, and in seconds the body was gone; merged into Kaz’s own. The only sign he had existed was the man’s clothing and gear lying in a puddle.

    Turning back to his quarry, his flesh once again began to shift. A new arm formed from the stump, muscle and skin forming around the growing bone. Then the skin began to shift color again. Getting the balance right was tricky. The cells needed to be oriented in a way to focus their light, and needed the right amount of chemicals from his body to fuel them. Using his previous attempt as a base, he tried again. This time the glow was significantly more, enough that it cast shadows of its own in the room. The creature, sensing real danger, attempted to escape, but that would not happen. Bursting forward with strengthened legs, Kaz struck the beast repeatedly with his bright arm. A few strikes later and the beast vanished like the first one.

    The immediate threat neutralized, he turned toward the red wall to determine how best to meet back up with the woman on the other side.

    881 words
    881 total


      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 9:38 pm