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    Fish Out of Water

    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 52
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    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 23,075

    Fish Out of Water Empty Fish Out of Water

    Post by Aeron Krishna 17th July 2024, 7:07 pm


    Aeron could not think of a worse place to be than this.

    For a woman who had spent nearly her entire life as a shut-in, with her only constant companion being one of the most unhinged sociopaths to ever exist in the modern age, she had come along remarkably well when it came to being social. She was making better strides at putting herself out there and at least attempting to make friends, which is something that she couldn’t even fathom doing not much more than a year or so prior. There was no doubt that the former dark mage was still unlearning a lot of defensive habits, but anyone who had taken the time to get to know her even a little could recognize the effort she was putting in at being a better person.

    Unfortunately, not everyone was willing to take that kind of time. There were plenty of people in the Knights that had chosen to accept her, despite her history with the infamous and recently deceased warlord Thana, known by most of the public as her alias of “Trinity”. But there was no avoiding prejudice, even within the ranks of the Rune Knights, and plenty of her fellow soldiers that were aware of her lawless past would turn their noses up at her, or even treat her with out-right hostility. Many of them openly questioned why Director Mythal, second in command of the Knights, had allowed her to join their ranks, and often went out of their way to alienate her and try to make her feel unwanted.

    Thankfully, Aeron had never been too concerned with whether or not people liked her, so she didn’t exactly lose any sleep over it at night… but it did make her work environment uncomfortable, at times. Mythal did his best to discourage the negative attitudes, and foster her toward personal growth, but there was only so much he could do to protect her, and Aeron knew it wasn’t his job to do so. She couldn’t expect him to watch over her shoulder day in and day out. She had to learn how to navigate the world, and her coworkers, on her own.

    This was what had prompted her to attend this ridiculous summer bash event, despite the fact that she would rather be anywhere else. Yeah, she was doing a lot better with her social skills, but the sheer number of people crowding the beach of Hargeon was making her a little jumpy. This was crowd was far, far too big for her tastes, and she was having to fight back a lifetime of paranoia to prevent herself from reaching the point of “fuck this shit, I’m out.” Adding to her discomfort was the dress code. Aeron couldn’t recall if she’d ever worn a bathing suit before. Even though her outfit was relatively modest and conservative for a bikini, she felt extremely exposed. Not to mention all the second hand anxiety and embarrassment she was feeling for most of the women around her that were in far more revealing get ups that barely covered anything at all.

    There were many familiar faces around her, given that this was the official location that the Rune Knights had picked out to enjoy together, making the majority of the crowd off-duty coworkers. However, she couldn’t see anyone that she had any kind of rapport with at all. So she stood there, a visible beacon of awkwardness and social panic, her fruity drink clutched tensely against her chest with both hands as she sipped nervously from the straw and glanced around with apprehension. She was here…

    …but what the fuck was she supposed to do, now?
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 613 | TAGS: @Francois Prideheart @Kaito Shiratori


    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
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    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by Francois Prideheart 2nd August 2024, 1:52 pm

    Francois was not one to rest his laurels even when on a vacation or a holiday, especially when most of the Rune Knights are helping themselves with the amenities and games all over the venue. He can’t quite describe what he felt at the sight of his co workers being lax during their time of respite. Annoyed? Perhaps, given the previous fiasco the rune knight was involved in which resulted in his collapse. It was fortunate that the mysterious figure was there to catch his fall when he ran out of magic power and couldn’t sustain the existence of his comrades anymore.

    To him, that ordeal scarred his pride. That he had to rely on someone’s help made him feel inferior, and he couldn’t stand being so helpless and vulnerable around people. One would argue that this is a testament of his strength, perseverance, and determination against overwhelming odds, but what happened last time… it was just a miracle. It was as if he was in a trance. In that moment, arcane knowledge flooded his mind at ludicrous speed that he couldn’t process what he’d witnessed, yet he subconsciously kept on chanting until he ran out of mana after the slew of spells he casted at his adversary.

    Was he still fatigued? Mentally, perhaps. His brothers had told him to take it easy, even though the eccentric scientist from before was kind enough to provide him succor and rejuvenation with his odd trinkets. Despite the aid, a saying goes where ‘the flesh is healed but the soul remains bruised’. After the previous mission, Francois’ normal everyday routine was hindered by this odd sluggishness that he felt, and he’d get a dizzy spell once in a while, though it has stopped occurring recently. His consultation with the professors went okay, though he couldn’t help but wince at the thought of having to rest. His overexertion of his magical power damaged the flow of ethernanos within his body, which in turn affected him physically. They explained his flow of ethernanos is more delicate than others, and it is of utmost importance that he takes this chance to recover. He complied, as much as he is reluctant to do so.

    And that is where he found himself by the venue occupied by the Rune Knights for this summer soiree. He himself sticks out like a sore thumb considering the fact that he is wearing his casual attire - a white buttoned shirt, brown vest, purple ascot, brown trousers and brown leather boots. He has no plans to join in on the celebration because of one thing - sand. He hates it, and it gets into uncomfortable places. All the magic in the world can’t get rid of that one annoying grain of sand sticking on his skin. He is irked at the feeling of sand beneath his bare feet, or rather any part of his feet. He’d have to maintain a thin layer of air around his skin to prevent the grains from sticking to his skin, but he’s not supposed to use magic.

    As much as he hates to admit it, but today he accepted the fact that he may be a bit of a workaholic as he reflected on his career as a Rune Knight. Reading case files and studying magic hardly qualifies as ‘rest’ to everyone’s standards. He just wants to rise up the ranks and prove his worth as a valuable asset in the defense of Fiore. But looking upon his comrades enjoying the soiree… seeing them drown themselves in the festivities reminds him that these smiles exist because they were here to protect them. Surely they deserve respite from their duty.

    Except… there’s just an odd one out of the bunch - a short haired woman with a drink clasped between her hand. She stood out to him because it has been a while and she has not made a single effort to mingle with their comrades. Social anxiety? Maybe. But he could feel that she was maybe tense, or just isn’t good at making friends so she’s just awkwardly standing around doing nothing.

    Well, if he isn’t going to be working, he might as well try and figure out what goes inside this woman’s head and help resolve whatever internal conflicts she might be facing, if there is any. Or just to be in good company so she doesn’t stick out awkwardly, though they’d stick out even more considering his choice of attire for this occasion.

    “I don’t know your story but I figured you could use some company, if you won’t mind.” He said as he approached the woman, “After all, the beach is hardly the best place to be by your lonesome, especially at a festive soiree. I won’t pry if you’re uncomfortable talking about your troubles. I only have your wellbeing in my best interests. Oh, and you may call me Francois.”

    Post Word Count: 819
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    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 52
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 23,075

    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by Aeron Krishna 18th August 2024, 9:42 am


    Aeron was on the verge of saying fuck it and going home, when someone approached. She turned her face to look at him warily, unconsciously gripping her drink a little tighter. Though she had never formally met the man, she at least recognized that she’d seen him around the Rune Knight base a couple times. They’d never interacted previously that she could recall, yet here he was, wandering up beside her and offering her company.

    Her first instinct was suspicion, a feeling that she quickly stamped down. Try as hard as she might, there was just no overnight fix to the paranoid habits she’d built over her lifetime of fighting for survival. Up until recently, the brunette was used to her only company being dark mages that were just as likely to stab her in the back as they were to protect her. And while there were certainly people in the Rune Knights that looked down on her because of her past and treated her like she was nothing more than shit to be scraped off the bottom of one’s shoe, there were plenty more that showed her kindness.

    From the way this one talked, it seemed he didn’t have any idea who she was at all, which was… well, refreshing. “Uh… Aeron,” she told him awkwardly by way of returning his introduction, visibly doing her best to relax. “I don’t have any troubles. At least, nothin’ that doesn’t revolve around not bein’ comfortable in crowds… or around people in general…”

    Blue eyes scrutinized him closely, as though only just noticing what he was wearing. “Why are you dressed like that?” she asked… only half a second later to open her eyes wide in realization of how rude she’d probably just sounded. “S-sorry, that’s not how I wanted that to– I just meant– I mean, aren’t you hot in all that?” The only reason Aeron herself was in such little clothing was because it was so warm on the beach that she was sure if she’d put on anything else she’d just melt right into the scorching sands.

    Which was what she was considering doing anyway, her cheeks red with embarrassment as she stuttered and stammered her way through an apology and rephrased her question so that it didn’t come across as judgemental as it had sounded the first time.

    Presuming he gave her some sort of an explanation – or at least didn’t totally blow her off – she turned her gaze back to the throngs of off duty Knights gallivanting around the beach without a care in the world. “They all just… make this look so easy. I don’t even know where the hell to start, y’know? All this… unwinding, carefree relaxation… It’s not exactly a strong suit of mine.”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 462/1075 | TAGS: @Francois Prideheart


    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by Francois Prideheart 21st August 2024, 5:03 pm

    Francois just smiled as the woman confided to him about her troubles. Something about her reminds him of his twin brother - reserved, not too fond of crowds, being a lone wolf in general. He could tell that something was on her mind just by her way of speaking, but withheld himself so as to not make her uncomfortable. He is just happy to accompany her.

    The rune knight chuckled at the question Aeron had asked him, flabbergasted at his odd choice of wardrobe. Understandably so, considering his attire is inappropriate for this summer soiree. And it pleased him to see her flustered and fumbling with her words as she asked him. Adorable. “Haha, fret not Ms. Aeron. It might be odd to everyone, but I simply don’t like sand sticking to who knows where around my skin. It gets into annoying areas, and the next thing you know you get a rash in uncomfortable places, or however that goes. Heat be damned, sand is the worst. If it was possible to be allergic to sand, then I might as well be on my deathbed right now.”

    And then he noticed her gaze looking at their comrades, a tinge of melancholy seen in her eyes. He listened as she expressed her woes to him, and found himself relating to her problems, ignorant as he is to her former life.  “Likewise. I find it difficult to just… do whatever other than work. It’s what I’ve been doing all my life that my brothers said I’m a workaholic… which I won’t deny. But what am I supposed to do? If I don’t work, I train. If I don’t train, I rest. If I don’t rest, I work. Rinse and repeat. It’s all I’ve ever known.”

    He’d then grab a glass or two of alcoholic beverages before continuing the conversation, one a fruity alcoholic beverage and the other whatever it is that the woman fancies. “When I was faced with this conundrum in the past, I’d ask my older brothers for help. They know how to have fun. It’s in their nature. I don’t. But… it’s not as if it’s difficult to figure out where to start, or that everyone made it look easy. You just have to get the ball rolling, you know? Make some small talk and the next thing you know you’re part of a circle of friends who will back you up when you’re on your lowest.”

    He took a sip before continuing with the conversation. “Ms. Aeron, I won’t ask what past you had that makes it difficult for you to interact with our coworkers. But I do know this - everyone needs a friend, one you can rely on when you’re at your lowest, through thick and thin. And I’m willing to be that friend.”

    He paused, leaving her a brief moment to contemplate on her words while gulping down his fruity cocktail. “So why don’t we have some fun together? We could try parasailing. Or, how do the kids say it? ‘Wreck some noobs’ in volleyball? We can do whatever you fancy. Just… nothing involving making elaborate sand creations.” he chuckles.

    Post Word Count: 521
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    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 52
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 23,075

    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by Aeron Krishna 23rd August 2024, 6:21 pm

    Rolling for water gun armament.



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    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by NPC 23rd August 2024, 6:21 pm

    The member 'Aeron Krishna' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Fish Out of Water Die_01_42158_sm
    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 52
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 23,075

    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by Aeron Krishna 23rd August 2024, 6:34 pm


    Well, he was certainly not afraid to talk. In a way, Aeron envied how easy it had been for him to just walk up to her and start a conversation, making it look like the most natural thing in the world. He admitted his choice of wardrobe was odd, but the reasoning he had behind it was… well, very sound. Aeron just sort of blinked at him, as if it had only just dawned on her that just because everyone else had dressed up in bathing suits didn’t necessarily mean that she’d had to do the same thing. The stare she was giving him was almost one of respect. With a blink, she turned and stared down at herself. “Well now I feel kind of silly for forcing myself into this thing. I’d definitely rather be warm than be digging sand out of my asscheeks later.”

    That was possibly a little too graphic of a comment. A slight blush rose to her face. Thankfully, he carried on. It seemed the two of them were peas in a pod, so to speak, when it came to relaxing – though he still seemed to be more comfortable with all this than she was. She nodded. “Yeah, that about sums me up, too. I mean, I wouldn’t consider myself a workaholic, but… saying that I didn’t have a well-adjusted upbringing is the understatement of the century. Spent most of my life on my own, running and hiding and surviving, and not much else.” It was a statement given rather matter-of-factually, the woman not looking for pity so much as just giving some context to her social anxiety.

    She was surprised by the drink, taking it uncertainly. Aeron still didn’t really have a whole lot of exposure to alcohol. The last time she’d had some was her New Year’s Eve date with Xavier, where she’d choked on her glass of champagne. This glass smelled much different. She could smell the alcohol in it, but also the aroma of different sweet fruits. She sniffed the glass in a mixture of caution and curiosity while he regaled her with some knowledge about his brothers, before giving it a small sip. While she didn’t choke outright, it would be impossible to miss the telling cough that indicated she wasn’t used to the taste of alcohol.

    Still, she had to admit it was pretty delicious. Better than the champagne had been, anyhow.

    Aeron didn’t really look up at him again until he started talking about friendship, her blue eyes flicking over to him in uncertainty. She… really didn’t know what to make of his offer of kinship. If this had been even a year or two ago, Aeron would be suspicious and wondering what his angle was, or what he wanted from her. Even now she had to fight that inclination, which was probably just going to be a struggle for the rest of her life. She really didn’t know what to say to him, her awkwardness rising to new heights as she visibly wrestled with how to respond.

    Luckily, he once again chose not to linger, pressing the conversation forward and suggesting they attempt some activities together – provided said activities didn’t involve much sand. “Noobs?” Clearly, she wasn’t on the up and up with today’s youthful slang. Glancing around, she once more took stock of the options. She supposed volleyball wasn’t too bad of an idea, though truthfully it looked like Francois would be much more likely to get sand up his everything playing volleyball than he was building sandcastles. The swimsuit contest was a no go – there was no way she was putting herself on a stage in front of people to be gawked at like some circus freak. Limbo she could probably be talked into, but it looked equally as embarrassing to participate in with an onlooking audience.

    “Uh… well… how about the water gun fight?” she asked, pointing toward a makeshift arena that had been sectioned off with inflatable walls to create obstacles and cover. Presuming he didn’t have any objections to getting wet, she’d make her way over with him, sipping her drink along the way, and signing up for the next group. When it was their turn, she got in line to receive her gun and was surprised to find herself being handed an extremely adept looking rifle, one that the event staffer informed her was enchanted so she wouldn’t have to refill it for the entire duration of the fight.

    Taking her place in the arena, she gave him a look. “Good luck?” Aeron wasn’t really sure what the social protocol was for something like this, but wishing him luck seemed, at the very least, not out of place. Then the whistle blew and she was off, searching for a place where she had plenty of cover from which to fire from. Luckily, she was adept at using firearms – even if she didn’t have any experience with water guns, specifically. But fighting in general was about the only thing she was good at, so at the very least a smidgen of confidence began to return to her as she blasted her coworkers over and over with liquid firepower.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 870/1945 | TAGS: @Francois Prideheart


    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
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    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by Francois Prideheart 24th August 2024, 3:15 pm

    Rolling for water gun armament


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left


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    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by NPC 24th August 2024, 3:15 pm

    The member 'Francois Prideheart' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Fish Out of Water Die_06_42164_sm
    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 11,500

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    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by Francois Prideheart 24th August 2024, 6:44 pm

    “Sure? I’ll just say I’m not as adept at firearms so don’t expect much from me.” He said hesitantly in response to the woman’s proposal, then chuckled in the end. When Ms. Aeron proposed to join the water gun fight as a team, there was a brief moment of discomfort for him, perhaps cringing at a distant embarrassing memory in the past involving guns. Honestly, compared to his twin brother Michael, Francois is terrible at wielding firearms. Water arms, in this case? Regardless, he isn’t afraid to get wet. Moreso, he is somewhat afraid to embarrass himself in front of his peers when using guns. Sure, aiming with magic is what he’s good at, but he has piss poor hand eye coordination when it comes to guns, as if the heavens decreed it to be his one and only flaw.

    As if things wouldn’t get worse for him, he got the short end of the stick with the guns, so to speak. He was given a pistol, the staff claiming that everything else was out and these were the only ones left, and Ms. Aeron was lucky enough to snag an excellent one. Compared to hers with an unlimited water supply, he’d have to manually reload his. He sighed, disappointed upon inspecting the specs of his gun. There is a silver lining to it, however - the pistol’s good for short range combat, something Francois is adept with. Lunge and blast, rinse and repeat. A tried and true tactic in his books. If he plays his cards right, he wouldn’t need to reload as much. Assuming it’s not allowed to ‘steal’ weapons, then the pistol is what he’ll have. “... I’m grabbing two.” The staff nodded and gave him an extra pistol.

    It wasn’t after he stepped foot in the arena when most of their coworkers locked their eyes locked unto him. Then they glanced at each other, as if they all unanimously decided to take out the competition and formed a ceasefire pact with each other. An unspoken agreement, so to speak. He could feel the tension in the air, but he remained unbothered. All of them? Against  him? Fat chance. It’s as if the spirit of festivities was replaced by an air of competitiveness when he stepped into the ring.

    But in this fight, there are no winners. Only men and women drenched in water. So why the hell are they so serious?!

    “Have fun.”  he said in response to Aeron giving him her well wishes. The whistle blew, marking the start of the fight. He watched as she left him behind to assume the position of a marksman, and observed her strafing through the battlefield looking for an apt cover. It would appear that the woman was adept with firearms, and was an experienced markswoman. Her mannerisms and approach to this endeavor gave him that tell, which reminds him so much of his twin brother. Meanwhile, he walked towards the wolves’ den, a group of eager coworkers waiting for the chance to drench him in water.

    They didn’t fire their weapons at him simultaneously and indiscriminately. Rather, some took cover while those with pistols rushed towards him as they pulled the trigger, shots of cold water bursting through the barrel towards him. They took turns firing at him while some took the chance to reload their water guns.

    For the sake of brevity and sparing the dramatics, Francois was only partially drenched at the 20 minute mark, after which the fight ended. Only his trousers were wet, and so are his sleeves. His chest? Not so much. A little bit of dodging here and a little bit of side step there, some shooting over there and blam, it’s over. His back was wet from slipping on his back once or twice but enough for it to be completely soaked, and so does his hair.

    He waited for her to emerge from the arena, and he’d wave as soon as he saw her. “So, how did you do Ms. Aeron? Did you have fun?” He asked the woman after the match ended. She could see him not being completely drenched in water, for some damn reason. After listening to her response, he’d make another suggestion for an activity. Something fun, yet challenging. He pointed in the direction of a crowded court filled with music, the venue decorated with wooden tiki masks and hay. At the center of the court is a light bar fixed upon a pair of wooden poles. The bar was fixed lower and lower after each successful pass, until such a time where the participant could not go any lower that they knocked off the bar, they fell to the floor, or something else. In short, it is a Limbo contest.

    “Oh, how about we try that? This could be a fun challenge, yes?” Presuming she agreed to it, he went to the court and observed the participants go at it. Some were flexible enough to go low, but others were not as lucky and stumbled around to try and keep their balance but failed miserably and knocked off the bar. Then it was his turn. Considering his frame, it shouldn’t take him long. But one could say years of dedicated training was for this moment alone as he is surprisingly flexible, being able to pass through a fourth of the way with ease. Then he was starting to struggle as the bar went lower, prompting him to take his sweet time so as to not rush things. Not like he is on a timer or anything. Unfortunately, after he tried to move across, his body gave away and he fell to the ground.

    He couldn’t beat the high score unsurprisingly. He’s flexible, but not that flexible, and he is on the bigger side. “Well I tried.” He’d say to Aeron as he came back towards her.

    When it was her turn to go at it, he gave his well wishes to the woman. “Good luck! And don’t think about it too hard.”

    Post Word Count: 1009
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    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Aeron Krishna
    Aeron Krishna

    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 52
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Mythal Ragnos
    Experience : 23,075

    Fish Out of Water Empty Re: Fish Out of Water

    Post by Aeron Krishna 25th August 2024, 7:29 pm


    Even Aeron, in all her socially inept glory, could tell that Francois wasn’t entirely keen on the idea of the water fight. She felt a little bad for picking something that he seemed hesitant to partake in, but.. Well, he wanted something that didn’t involve sand and this was pretty much the only option. This and parasailing, but she wasn’t about to get strapped up in some contraption next to someone she just met, coworker or no. He was a good sport, though, agreeing to the activity and joining up in line with her regardless.

    While she won the lottery with the guns, however, Francois seemed to draw the short end of the stick. “Oh, yikes,” was her only comment as she eyed the piddly pea shooter he was handed. He seemed to take it in stride, opting to take a second such water gun. Soon they were off, and with quick well wishes toward the other, the game had begun. Despite his miniscule armament, she watched from the corner of her eyes as he just walked right up to several other competitors who were much better armed and eying him like a piece of meat. Boy he’s much crazier than I am, she thought to herself with some amusement; not that the stakes were exactly high. It was just water, afterall, not real firearms. Still, for someone who claimed not to be very adept with such things, he was carrying himself with an awful lot of confidence.

    She made it a point to cover his six, often adjusting her own fire to hit someone that was trying to sneak up on him. By the end of the twenty minute round, the only water she had been subject to was the splashes from water fire hitting the area around her, as opposed to any direct hits. And Francois himself really only appeared to be wet along his limbs, his torso dry as the summer sands.

    “Well, I didn’t get hit, so I guess I did… good? Didn’t exactly help with cooling off, any… but most of them were more focused on you, I think.” She glanced at him studiously for a moment as she handed back her gun to the event staff. “If that’s what you consider ‘not as adept’, though, then I’m not entirely sure I want to know what you consider yourself actually good at.” Though the statement was as dry and even-toned as she had bit up until that point, there was… something. A glimmer of humor in her blue eyes, perhaps the slightest of upturned tugs on the corner of her lips, the faintest of smiles.

    Of course, that all washed away when he suggested doing the limbo event. She watched the participants in the current round, feeling second-hand embarrassment for them as they twisted and bent their torsos before a captive audience, all while shamelessly dressed in next to nothing. It wasn’t exactly her idea of a good time, but… on the other hand, Francois had been amenable enough to do an activity that hadn’t necessarily seemed to thrill him either, just for the sake of helping her get started in this relaxation nonsense. The least she could do was return the favor.

    Not for the first time, Aeron internally cursed the day she chose to start turning her life around. “Yeah, sure. We can give it a try,” she told him, surprising even herself with how earnest she sounded. Who knows, maybe it would be more fun than she had given it credit for? Probably not but, she would, at the very least, attempt to be optimistic. It’s what Mythal would have encouraged her to do.

    She definitely needed one of the event staff to explain the rules of the game to her, which didn’t take long. It seemed pretty simple. Try to pass under the pole, legs first, without touching the pole. She also could only support her weight with her legs – couldn’t brace herself on the ground with her arms – and couldn’t use magic to assist her movements.

    Doing her best to swallow her embarrassment, ignoring the sensation of so many eyes being on her, she got in line with Francois. In the end she did okay. She got a little further through than he did, but in all honesty she did have a slight size advantage on him. In this case, the advantage being that she was of a smaller figure that could bend more easily. That said, bending more easily didn’t necessarily mean her balance was on point. As flexible as she was, this wasn’t exactly a position she was used to holding herself in. She got maybe a few rounds further in than Francois did before she slipped in the sand, hitting the ground with a wide-eyed grunt.

    Standing to her feet with a groan, she irritably brushed the sand off her ass, her mind calling back to Francois’ earlier commentary about the grit getting into unwanted places. She very much wished she was wearing pants. Still, she got her equivalent of a participation trophy – a coin – and made her way back over to her companion for the day.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 864/2809 | TAGS: @Francois Prideheart


      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 6:12 pm