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    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Posts : 189
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    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Dela 1st August 2024, 1:50 am

    This summer would be different! So different.

    Much had changed since ☆ Millicent Magdelana Hodgins ☆ had the occasion to partake in a summer festival. Last time she'd drowned during the surfing contest and washed up like a jellyfish. A flat, topless jellyfish. Not this time! She vowed it to herself silently just before she began her pestering campaign on her boyfriend to put his chef duties aside for a beach vacation.

    These days, even in these dark days, the magical girl was taking time to enjoy things. Even though her twin was now safe and their enemy was dead, there was a war to worry about. Who knew when life as they knew it would end. Carpe diem and all that. The world might be a burning dumpster, but it was hard to see it from her loved-up rose-colored glasses sometimes. She wanted to enjoy all that being in love with Cillian would bring, because even if neither of them could really die, there were fates far worse than death.

    As they arrived at Hargeon's sprawling beach, the blonde hesitated, though. Even as she stood there at the edge of the wooden walkway in her itty bitty rainbow bikini clutching a beach bag and a cat-shaped ring floatie, she suddenly had half a mind to turn around and drag her man back onto the train.

    "There's so many people," she huffed. Yes, that was the point of festivals like this, as it was hard to have contests with no people, but... she liked the idea of people more than the actual practice. It wasn't the first time she'd made plans and then regretted them once she realized how much energy it would cost her.

    "God, it's like there are more bodies than grains of sand!" Dela continued to grouse, glossy lips pulling into a pout. She knew that wasn't the case, but still. Where were they supposed to put down their towels and canoodle? Bro, she had a boytoy and planned to get at least a little handsy while he was in his beach bum fit. When was she ever not at least a little handsy? Dela was making up for lost time.

    Though she didn't say it, it wasn't just crowding that paused her jelly-sandaled tootsies. Dela didn't talk about it much but... water. She hadn't attempted a pool or beach since Aberneel. Her exposed eye was fixed not on the festival goers, but the waves crashing beyond. Bathing was hard enough. Her arm tightened around the kitty ring.

    Like the waves crashing over the brightly colored swimmers, her trepidation passed due to sheer force of will and determination. Despite the tube, she had zero (0) intention of touching the water with a single cell of her flesh. It was the beach life for this couple. Well, he could go in the water if he wanted, if he was willing to pay the pouty price.

    "Alright!" she psyched herself up, squaring her petite shoulders and taking that first monumental step into the grit. It was a beautiful day! It was hot and the sky was clear and way bluer than the gross water! The snacks smelled delicious and the drinks would no-doubt hit the spot! There was so much to do and see, it'd be a fun memory to have with Cillian.

    "We're making sand castles," she declared, heading to stake their claim on a nearby sandy gap near that particular event. A towel was put down with her bag flopped on top of it. "It's up to you whether we're building the best one anyone's ever seen together or if you want to lose to me."



    [EVENT] alegria bubbles 60731_s
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 8th August 2024, 6:27 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      637 WORDS
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Cillian was greatly looking forward to this day off.

    Not that he necessarily felt like he needed one. Owning and operating his own restaurant had been a fulfilling experience thus far, and his literal centuries of experience had made his business rather lucrative. He enjoyed going to work, frankly. But any excuse he got to spend more time with Dela was something he was going to capitalize on.

    It was odd, really. Over the years and years that he’d been alive, Cillian had take on a number of titles. Prince, necromancer, disciple, cook, dark mage… even a brief stint as a pirate. But in all the time he’d been alive, he’d never once held the role of “boyfriend”. It wasn’t that he hadn’t had opportunities. In fact, there had been quite a few people interested in him throughout his past. He’d rarely picked up on any of those feelings, granted. He had been a dunce for a long, long time. But overall, he’d just never really been interested. His emotions had been muted by his undead curse, or so he’d thought.

    Dela – and Vera, for the time that she’d also been a part of their lives – had changed that. She’d reminded him what it meant to feel human again, and it was a gift he cherished every day. It was a blessing that he wasn’t going to let anyone take from him… as Aberneel learned the hard way.

    Unfortunately, there were still some lingering effects from Aberneel’s final attempt to siphon Dela’s life force. Namely, Dela was having a significant difficulty in being near bodies of water. It was understandable, but that didn’t make him any less angry on her behalf. She’d been robbed of a number of things, but it was difficult to see her lose some of her joy she used to have over certain things. And there was little he could do to help her overcome her fear, short of standing by her side and letting her work on it on her own time. Luckily, with Aberneel technically being one of his summons, now, he was able to pull the asshole up on a whim and exact some vengeance on him basically whenever he wanted. Cillian hadn’t done it in a while, mostly because spending any time with Aberneel was a waste, but sometimes there was only one way to scratch an itch…

    For now, he merely chuckled at his girlfriend as she declared they were going to build a sandcastle. He was clad in plain blue swim trunks with a button up tropical themed shirt that was fully open over his chest. Slung over his shoulder was the strap to a cooler, within which he had packed them a number of drinks and food products to enjoy. He started to follow her, his chuckle growing to a full laugh. “I know I’m not the smartest man in the world, but I know better than to challenge you at anything. So how about I just support your win?”

    Once she’d picked their spot, he dumped their items on the ground out of the way of the building spot, then went to the booth for the event where they had available boxes filled with general sand sculpting equipment. Cillian brought that back to her and set it down, procuring a small shovel from it first. While she worked out what she wanted to build, he dug a small trench nearby. Then, he grabbed a bucket and started carting water from the shore, pouring it into the trench so that they would have plenty of moisture to pack the sand and make it sculptable.

    “That should be good enough for now,” he said as he poured the last bucket of water into the trough. Turning to her, he grinned. “Alright! How can I help?”  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.



    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 189
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    Experience : 2,162,621

    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Dela 13th August 2024, 3:12 am

    Like a good little boyfriend, he offered unwavering support and willingness to fetch the supplies, since she'd promptly flopped the short distance to her knees to begin what was likely intended to be blueprints, but looked more like some sort of insane summoning circle that would call nothing but an inbred, malformed soul intent on eating sand. It hadn't occurred to her that she should've signed up and fetched the approved tools to compete, but that's what Cillian was for!

    As her fingers dug into the hot, dry sand with hyperfocused, unmedicated whimsy, she heard the splashing of liquid nearby. Too nearby. It jerked her from her castle planning with a jolt, as if someone had smacked her. The magical beach girl knew it was stupid, but she hadn't considered that they'd need water to make the sandcastle. Luckily for her, the lumbering dolt that was her lover fetched it from the wretched waves, but as he poured it into a little reservoir, she still gave it a nasty look. It wasn't like she was letting herself rot in her own filth and forego showers and handwashing, but her new phobia was still quite crippling. Her jaw clenched so tightly she thought her teeth would grind to dust, but she said nothing. It was no wonder she emerged from the bathroom each morning or night with a headache.

    Okay, so maybe this had been a very poor idea, but like heck she'd back down now. Unbeknownst to her, she had a similar line of thinking as Cillian, just from the perspective of the victim herself. Aberneel had taken so much from her; her youth, her home, her time, very nearly her life. Her body freely displayed the dark tattoos using her magic for all those years left, the visible remnants of the taint still swirling in the corrupted soul crystal now contained in her covered eye. She wasn't fond of them, but there was nothing she could do. Embrace the angsty goth aesthetic or be miserable. Dela was tired of being miserable... unless it was over losing a game or something. The blonde spitfire would rather do a million covert missions or spend one hundred nights with the Lusty Titans than lose the joys of a summery beach.

    Let's pretend she didn't "hate" outings, doing stuff, and crap like this before The Aberneel Incident[TM], mmkay? It was amazing what a drowning loop could do for one's appreciation of life's little things. She would not be thanking the top-hatted, soul-eating dickhead for that.

    "We're going for a six-turreted model with a grand archway entrance, courtyard, stables, and triple-decker castle. It will be populated with the cutest kitten denizens anyone has ever laid their fugly eyes on. None of these turds will be able to hold a candle to ours. We will crush these f*ckers under the weight of our Kitty Kingdom," she clarified, grinning way too evilly for what the activity entailed. It was probably her still gritting her teeth, but whatever. Overcompensation was still compensation, and the Rune Knight had always been insanely competitive. Dela would successfully beach harder and better than anyone else today if it killed her... not that that held much weight. She'd be back, but still. It was a huge time sink and pretty inconvenient most of the time.

    Like lightning, the bikinied babe crammed every castle-shaped bucket they had access to with sand, leaving them on the edge of the trench as if that was a normal thing to do. "Wet these for me," she said, 100% pretending they both didn't know why she wasn't doing it herself.

    Also, Dela had never made a sand castle before. Ever.

    [613 | 1859/4000]


    [EVENT] alegria bubbles 60731_s
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    Posts : 184
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    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 17th August 2024, 2:36 pm

    Rolling to determine outcome of sand castle contest. 1-2 we lose horribly, 3-4 we lose respectively, 5-6 we kick ass and steal candy from children.



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    Post by NPC 17th August 2024, 2:36 pm

    The member 'Cillian duCrosse' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
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    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 17th August 2024, 3:17 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      567/1204 WORDS
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Cillian really couldn’t remember if he’d built a sandcastle before. If he had, it had been a very long time ago. Still, he understood that building a structurally sound castle required moist sand, which meant it required water. Dela was in no condition to handle that herself, so he decided to take care of it. He didn’t have to look at her to know that she was probably eying the makeshift trough warily… but overcoming a fear was all about baby steps. He wasn’t about to push Dela or tell her to suck it up. He was happy enough to provide support by taking care of the things that she would have trouble with.

    He asked how he could help, and she laid out her grand plan for the most magic girl themed cat castle to ever exist. At this point, it was so on par for his little spitfire of a girlfriend that Cillian didn’t even bat an eye. “You got it, boss!” He knelt next to the small water pit he’d made and accepted the molds as she filled them, carefully dunking them under the surface of the water and holding them down long enough for the bucket to become fully saturated. Then he’d pull the mold out, use his fist and fingers to compact the sand in as tightly as he could get it so it would get a nice, firm fit, and then set the items back out for her to take and arrange at her leisure.

    By the time all was said and done, even he was impressed with the fruits of their partnership. He whistled. “Damn, babe. I’m sure glad I decided not to compete against you, that’s for sure.” It was honestly a masterpiece. People were stopping to look and complement the work, some even taking pictures. In fact, they were gathering a small crowd. Before long, the rest of the groups had finished up their castles and the judged had made the rounds to grade everyone’s creations. When the numbers were tallied…

    “First place goes to… Dela and Cillian, and their immaculate Kitty Kingdom!”

    “Woohoo!” The couple approached to collect their first place ribbon – and the participation coins that were being handed out for the festival this year. “Great job,” the necromancer told her with a smile as they walked off, draping one of his lanky arms around her shoulders. “What do you wanna do next?” Cillian glanced around to see what other activities there were. The water gun fight was a no-go, he didn’t even have to ask if she wanted to try that one or not. And he had a feeling she wouldn’t feel great about parasailing either, considering they’d be floating above the ocean the whole time.

    “How about limbo?” He pointed toward where several limbo stands had been erected. “I’ll even give it a shot this time and you can see how awful I am at it.” The last time they’d gone to the beach, back when Vera was still around, he and their long lost friend had watched Dela make utter fools out of pretty much everyone else participating. She was incredibly good at it, and Cillian very much was not – but that didn’t mean the activity wouldn’t be fun for him. He wasn’t nearly as competitive as Dela was, happy just to enjoy the experience of something without having to win.
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.



    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 189
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    Experience : 2,162,621

    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Dela 19th August 2024, 3:29 am

    Of course, she (they) won. This was a sliver of her cosmic karma coming home. Dela had lived so much bad, that surely she was being tossed little meaty treats of good to try and balance her accursed scales. Winning when neither of them had built one before felt good. Very good. Also, she hadn't been carving little potato cats for over a hundred years for nothing, clearly she'd had the skill all along.

    In the ensuing celebrations of her victory, she'd definitely told some other competitor to 'suck it' and may or may not have "accidentally" godzillaed a bratty child's entry in the name of the Kitty Kingdom (he'd insulted her kittizens) as they passed by. Ultimately, she sashayed off under the biggest-prize-of-all's arm with a catty cackle. What a menace.

    "You should call me 'boss' more often. Good things happen when you do, babe," she commented as they made their way along the beach. One arm was slung around her boyfriend's waist, while the other idly fiddled with the blue ribbon and token.

    The dopamine from winning waned so quickly, as it seemed to do lately. Not that she'd ever had the best relationship with happy chemicals, hence her lazy desires to lay, cram down junk food, and play a constantly rotating assortment of games until they all eventually felt gray and dull and nothing but the fur of her cats could give her the last bump to get to sleep. Flashes of happy were nice, but so fleeting. The more she tried to enjoy the moment, the harder she had to fight to keep it. It seemed it'd take more than sunshine and crushed shell to scrub the shadowy funk from the little blonde. The taint in her crystal was more than just inclusions in the gem that held her soul. The magical girl's rainbows weren't as bright as they used to be.

    Even so, being with her lover did wonders for her outlook and mood. Perhaps winning was little more than a quick hit, but Cillian's supportive presence was better than any other distraction or entertainment. She gave his waist a squeeze. What did she wanna do next? Their minds had wandered over the same things. No water sports. Dela was far quicker to give up on finding another task to dominate. Perhaps they'd return to the blanket and dig into all the yummy things her chef had packed... or not.

    Apparently, it was limbo time. Indeed, that did not involve water.

    "Mmm, I do love seeing you be awful at things~" Especially things she was competitive about. Which was anything that had a win/loss ratio... as long as it wasn't too physical. Given her dancer's physique and flexibility and her ruefully flat chest, she just so happened to be a whiz at limbo.

    However, while Cillian might not be her competition, a cute little thing with bouncy black pigtails and an equally flat chest might be. They scented each other out like two virginal queen bees in a colony, except at least one of them wasn't a virgin anymore. That's not important for this analogy.

    "LINE UP!" an attendant called, starting some zany music and setting the bar as high as it would go. The queen bees eyes were still firmly locked. Dela adjusted her bikini top.

    "I'm gonna destroy her," the magical girl declared under her breath, jutting her tush out toward her elderly mate. "Smack it for good luck."

    [576 | 3002/4000]


    [EVENT] alegria bubbles 60731_s
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    Posts : 184
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 569,852

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    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 20th August 2024, 7:51 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      348/1552 WORDS
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    “Well luckily for you, I’m awful at like… ninety percent of the things I do. So, this should be a real treat for ya.”

    As they waited for their turn, Cillian didn’t even register the other woman that Dela had marked as her next victim slash rival. He was blissfully glued to the contestants that were currently participating, cheering and clapping and laughing along with the rest of the crowd, totally unaware of Dela and the girl with black pigtails sizing each other up. It wasn’t until they were lined up and the music started that Cillian managed to hear Dela’s murmured comment of assured destruction. “Wuh..?” He turned to blink at her, about to ask who she was talking about.

    But was promptly distracted by her follow up request. With a chuckle he shook his head and then gave her ass a polite but solid smack. “Knock ‘em dead, boss,” the necromancer encouraged her, despite being one of said people that she was likely about to school in the art of limbo.

    The problem with games like this for people like Cillian is that Cillian is just so freaking tall. Even having the bar at it’s top most rung required him to have to bend backward quite a bit more than his competitors, meaning he was already starting off at the disadvantage. And it only got worse and worse the lower the bar went. The further back he had to lean himself, the more his center of balance was offset, and thus the more difficult it was for him to stay upright. Before long he was wiggling and wobbling like crazy trying to keep himself steady, until the time came when his stomach just barely grazed the pole as he walked beneath it, just enough to pop it from the frame and disqualify him

    “Uuuuuugh,” he lamented as the staff reset the bar for the remaining contestants. “I should have known it was gonna be my beer belly…” He rubbed his stomach self consciously as he stood off to the side to watch Dela finish the game.
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.



    Alt Account- Alignment Shift- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Working Together- Teaming Up!- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the Candy Witch
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    Posts : 189
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    Experience : 2,162,621

    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Dela 22nd August 2024, 12:22 am

    Right. Beer belly. If beer bestowed rock-hard abs. She patted them with affectionate consolation, offering him a quick kiss before it was her turn once again.

    Cillian's dopy enjoyment and ultimate L aside-- not that she wasn't terribly endeared how such an old soul could be so blissfully, almost ignorantly happy after all he'd seen and endured-- Dela was in a death match with her limbo nemesis. One by one the other contestants met with failure, either similar to her lanky lover or by eating sand. Of course, the two unboobed shorties were left standing-- or bending, in this case-- so long that the two-person rotation was getting boring to watch aside from the freakish contorting going on that might offer some interesting glimpses of buttcheek. It was approaching body horror. Knees weren't supposed to bend like that. Feet weren't supposed to shuffle when they were at that angle. The laws of physics seemed to take a break as their backs were held mere inches from the sand and they inched their ways carefully forward, mindful of their back arching and sucking in their bellies. At some point, Dela had put her hair on top of her head so not even her flaxen locks would touch the sand, lest pigtails call for another rule challenge.

    Then that b*tch Carole Baskin cheated.

    All it took was a strategically tossed shell, a movement she caught out of the corner of her eye but was concentrating too hard on her body and the bar to pay much mind. The judges missed it as it landed just in front of Dela's barefoot while she painstakingly slid under an impossibly low bar like a possessed attic woman in a horror movie. The shell was one of those with the pointy little horns, so as she rotated her right foot forward, it stabbed into her tender tootsie, causing her to jolt up into the bar, twist her ankle, and thus collapse the whole three inches to the ground.

    Now, Dela wasn't a sore loser, but she was a rage gamer. It was all GG until she'd been griefed. Hopefully, Cillian was ready to get his girl.

    "YOU CHEESED ME, A**HOLE!" she roared, hopping up and favoring the afflicted ankle. She limped right at her rival, cute face pinched in pain and fury. "Couldn't beat me without a shell assist? What is this, Jario Cart? F*ckin' scrub!"

    The smug girl denied the dirty move with a sh*teating grin and a shrug. "Delulu much? Sucks to suck," Pigtails hmphed.

    The right thing was to go to the judges first and plead her case, but "delulu" Dela wasn't always known for doing things by the book. No, all she could think was pigtails begged to be used as handlebars, but not in the sexy way this time. There was no controller to throw, so hands would have to do.

    It was that blood-boiling snooty laugh that anime girls did, hand in front of her mouth and all as she walked around Dela to claim her ill-gotten prize, that readied player one for the fighting game. In addition to her newfound phobia of water, Dela's temper was on a much shorter fuse recently. It had never been an extremely long fuse, but normally she was just foul-mouthy because fighting was too much effort. Not today! The magical girl grabbed those pigtails and gave them a hearty yank.

    "Admit you cheated! Rematch, fair and square! You won't!"

    In what was probably a hornier person's moist dream, the two bikinied girls ended up rolling around in the sand, yanking hair and slapping.

    [600 | 3950/4000]


    [EVENT] alegria bubbles 60731_s
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
    Position : None
    Posts : 184
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 569,852

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    First Skill: Necrothurgy
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    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 23rd August 2024, 7:40 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      783/2335 WORDS
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    “Hey, what the fuck?”

    The judges may have missed the subtle movement but Cillian absolutely did not. “Did you see that? You saw that, right?” he asked the rando standing next to him, who looked up at him like he was crazy just before Dela jumped like she’d been bit, bringing the entire structure down with her. When Dela called the woman out on it, the only response she got was to be brushed off and gaslit.

    And Cillian was not going to let her get away with it.

    Where a good boyfriend probably would have dove into the fray and pulled his girlfriend out before she got into any trouble, Cillian instead let her cause a scene, keeping her slippery opponent distracted. Meanwhile, he grabbed the nearest event staff by the nape of the neck. “You’re coming with me,” he insisted, keeping the poor young man under lock with his surprisingly strong grip. The kid was caught so off guard by the act that he barely put up a fight against being dragged over to the limbo station.

    Once they got there, he released the kid and then started surveying the area, careful not to touch anything. “There,” he said, pointing at the sharp shell. “That girl threw this shell right under Dela’s foot in an attempt to sabotage her. I watched her do it.”

    The kid knelt down and picked the shell up, observing that it was indeed quite sharp. Motioning for Cillian to follow up, the two men approached the area were Dela was sand wrestling with her rival, while the judges were doing their best to try and calm both women down. “Sir!” the young man said, getting the attention of one of the senior judges. “We found this in the limbo area. This man claims this woman,” he pointed at the pigtailed girl, “Threw this under the ring to trip up her opponent.”

    The judge eyed the shell suspiciously. “And how do you know that he didn’t put it there himself to plant false evidence?”

    “I was with him the whole time, sir. He never touched anything. This shell was already there when we went to look.”

    “Well, then maybe she,” he indicated toward Dela, “Put it there to frame her opponent.”

    “Are you fucking kidding me?” Cillian just stared at him. “That makes absolutely no sense. Why would she sabotage herself and risk losing in the process? And when would she have had the time? You really think she somehow managed to toss this thing in front of herself, while bent over backward, in full view of everyone here with all eyes on her, and not a single person saw it?”

    The judge shook his head, though it was obvious he saw Cillian’s logic. “I’m sorry, sir. But unless another witness steps forward, there’s no evidence that there was cheating involved.”

    Cillian had a feeling that was going to be the argument. Luckily, he didn’t seem worried. Instead, he folded his arms across his chest and shrugged. “Okay, fine. Maybe she didn’t throw it. So if she didn’t do it, and neither did Dela, then the only logical conclusion is that the shell was there the whole time. In which case, you as the event coordinators failed to properly clear this area of any and all safety hazards… which makes this your fault.”

    Well, now the judge was flabbergasted. “I- No, we definitely cleaned the area. We were very thorough-”

    “The evidence says otherwise,” Cillian insisted, coolly cutting the man off. He had the judge in a box, and the judge knew it. “Either she cheated, or your staff is inept. Either way, Dela was unfairly impaired, and I think a rematch is in order. Do you disagree?”

    The judge looked around at his fellow judges hoping for salvation, only to find his peers equally as stumped. Cillian had managed to win the vote of the crowd, however, and soon a steady chant began to build of people crying, “Rematch! Rematch! Rematch!”

    Ultimately, the judges had little choice. The elder man raised his hands to quiet the people and get their attention. “There will be a rematch. Please reset the bar and do a sweep for any additional obstacles.”

    Quite pleased with himself, Cillian helped pull Dela up to her feet. In the process, he shot the other woman a cocky smirk. “Good luck trying that stunt again, cause everyone’s gonna be watching you, now.” He gave Dela another firm smack on the ass to send her on her way and rejoined the crowd, making sure to keep himself in full view so no one could attempt to accuse him of any cheating on Dela’s behalf.
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.



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    [EVENT] alegria bubbles Empty Re: [EVENT] alegria bubbles

    Post by Dela 24th August 2024, 2:13 pm


    Not only did they walk away with both of their limbo participation tokens, but a blushing Dela had a blue ribbon for each boob. She'd proudly clipped one on each bikini patch, shaking them around as a jiggle physics substitute.

    "Y'know," she began, swinging the hand that dwarfed hers between them happily, "I love that I can always count on you to be on my side. Babe, you're gonna make a brat outta me... but did you see how I owned her a**?" the blonde positively chirped, feeling much better about this whole beach experience. Perhaps it had been the perfect way to blow off her rather impressive build-up of steam. "I'm sure you're enormously turned on, but you'll have to contain yourself until we get back to your place..."

    She did indeed own Pigtail's a**, both in the fight and the rematch. Though they were both scratched up with busted noses and lips and what would surely bloom into beautiful black eyes, both girls gave their all in the sand, fair and square this time. They'd both contorted and flattened while still moving more than any human should be capable of, but Dela's impeccable balance ability to seemingly collapse her torso won the day! Judges were watching them, the sand, the audience, and especially Cillian the whole time. They'd even recruited extra judges just for the occasion, which in hindsight, was just funny. It was a beach limbo contest. It wasn't that deep or dramatic like the Grand Magic Games. They could've also told Cillian and Dela 'sucks to suck' like Pigtail's mistakenly had and had them removed, but they chose to honor the spirit of the game... or maybe just got carried away. Dela could appreciate it, but it was a little silly... except that she'd won in the end with a "GG EZ" and some rather lewd celebrations, telling the girl what she could suck and waggling her clapping cheeks and drumming on them with her middle fingers. No one could go as low as ☆ Millicent Magdelana Hodgins ☆!

    "Oooh! Or a changing tent! I think there's one over there!"

    [355 || 5088/4000 - 2 tokens from sandcastle building, 2 tokens from limbo contests]


    [EVENT] alegria bubbles 60731_s

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:20 pm