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    Psychosis by the Beach


    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 7,143

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Law Slayer
    Second Skill: Curious Case of Willow
    Third Skill: Weaver of Fate

    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Willow 17th April 2022, 6:06 pm

    Willow Banner
    Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.

    Now this had been a fun experiment.

    Willow grinned as she lay back on the reclining chair, grinning from ear to ear. She was sporting just a simple black and purple bikini; the warm air and sunshine more than enough of an attraction to wearing far less clothing. A small table was set up on her left side, with a colorful margarita glass filled with equally colorful alcohol resting on the surface. She lazily draped her hand behind her head, still wielding her firearm, though it wasn’t primed at the moment. Willow had set herself up near the pool, the glistening swimming cove behind her and the glistening ocean spreading out before her, just past the edge of the veranda.

    Below her, on the boardwalk of this particular resort, was absolute chaos. Men and women of all ages and sizes were tearing one another apart, either with makeshift weapons that they had taken from around them, their own limbs or magic that they controlled. Bloody and viscera stained the once pristine ground, the white-washed walls and the well kept grass. It was a bloodbath of the best quality.

    Standing just to her right stood Libra, the silent Celestial Spirit under control of the Xocili. She’d heard about this particular resort and, given its location away from major cities and population hubs, she’d picked it for a secondary experiment for Libra. Her test run in the bar had been impressive and provided significant results but a good scientist always ran the same experiment several times to verify findings. Plus she wanted to expand upon her subjects, opting to target a wider range of people rather than a small group. Chaos Shift had played out just as she hoped; tipping the scales of good and evil within each person and dropping it dramatically into the dark and malicious. She watched with amused glee as the carnage continued to unfold itself below her.

    “Ya know, you and I are gonna do some great things, Libra,” she said as she reached over and took her glass in hand, bringing it to her lips to take a sip. “Frankly, if ya had a dick I could use, you’d be the perfect partner. Wait, do you have a dick? Because if you’ve been holdin’ out on me, I’m gonna be real hurt. We coulda been screwin’ this whole time -- ain’t nothin’ like sex during a massacre.” She looked over at the Celestial Spirit, eyeing him up and down.

    The Spirit remained silent, staring out towards the horizon without a hint of emotion. After a moment of consideration, Willow leaned over and patted down the armored cup where the spirit’s crotch should have been. “Can you uh like… remove this thing for a moment?” she asked her spirit as she continued to try and pry it off. But still Libra remained still and silent. After finding no purchase, Willow sat back with a frown. “Aw, you’re no fun,” she said with a visual pout. It seemed her dream of being railed around the sounds of bloodshed and murder wouldn’t be realized that day, or so it seemed. “I suppose I could shift one of the pretty ones back and see if I can’t suggest some fun. But humans get all crazy when they see blood and stuff. I’d need a real psychopath to really catch my interest.”

    WORDS: 560 | @Trinity  
    Serilda Sinclair


    Psychosis by the Beach GMD1cGPt_o
    Character | Junk | Stuff

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
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    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Re: Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Trinity 22nd April 2022, 4:55 pm


    Well, if this didn’t just bring back memories.

    Thana had a very special meeting lined up today, not that her companion was aware of the impending introduction. She had waited for quite some time for certain events to be set in motion so that she could step back into her place in the limelight. The time was quickly approaching for her and Aeron and Eliza to be separated, and for Thana to die. Knowing that the moment for which she had been preparing for was quickly approaching, she had begun to move forward with setting other contingencies in motion so that the world would be ready for her upon her return.

    One such contingency involved recruiting members for the upcoming dark guild that she was heading up, and she could think of no greater candidate for membership than one Willow. Thana was well aware of what Willow truly was, and why she was on Earthland. Darius had been quite forthcoming with information about the young woman, who had been raised in a life of cruel slavery, much like Thana herself was. And also like Thana, the young woman had learned to love the cruelty and carnage that had bred her, sparking a streak of sadism that had resulted in entire planets being snuffed out of existence.

    Though truthfully, her real interest in Willow was her connection to the woman Mercury, the fiance of Vandrad du Wolff and future sibling in law to Mythal Ragnos and Serilda Sinclair. Thana was practically obsessed with Mythal and Vandrad especially, the two dark and powerful men both of whom she had fought in the past, who had dedicated themselves to ending her existence. Their hatred of her was delicious, and soon it would be up to them to devoid her of life, if only temporarily. And in the meantime, she was all too happy to do everything it took to get under their skin and incite their fury with her further. Vandrad in particular was probably all too eager to hunt her down after she had kidnapped Mercury and had her shipped off with Khelben back to the Xocili fleet, where the woman had been tortured and almost killed. The Nazru were all but gone now – a shame really – but that was immaterial. Thana had accomplished what she’d wanted with her stunt, and now the two adoptive brothers were primed and ready to act at first opportunity.

    And yet, Thana aimed to make things worse still. Willow was kin to Mercury, though her morals were much more wild and destructive, even toward others of her own race. According to Darius, it would not take much to convince Willow to submit to Thana’s own rule, the young woman craving renewed subjugation now that she had freedom for which she had never asked. And it was a very familiar scene in which Thana would find the woman lounging on a beach chair, sipping from her drink and enjoying the chaotic scene beyond as people viciously attacked and murdered one another, their personalities imbalance by the Seal that stood beside her.

    “Mm, this really takes me back,” Thana purred as she approached from behind, stepping up to one of the lounge chairs next to the Xocili and easing herself down upon it. She was immensely pregnant, merely weeks away from motherhood if her swollen belly was any indication. With a sigh she made herself comfortable. “I remember the first time I massacred dozens of people at a spa. It was a couple of years ago in Hosenka, a delightful little tourist town. One of the guildmasters of a former dark mage hunting guild attempted to confront me there. I’ll never forget the way her body trembled and twitched and broke beneath my touch.”

    She let out a soft sigh at the fond memory of her time with Sivvy. In truth, Thana had quite a few plans for the little clone as well but there were some circumstances that even Darius, and thus herself, could not see, and at this time there was no telling if she would ever come across the young woman ever again. Turning to glance at Willow, she allowed her amber colored eyes to roam the woman’s form openly before locking their gazes together with a perverse smirk. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Willow. My name is Thana, though you may know me by the moniker of Trinity. You and Libra have done some fine work here today, and honestly your talents are wasted with your current guild. So I’ve come here today simply to inform you that you work for me, now… and I think you’ll find your life to be much more satisfying.”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 784 | TAGS: @Willow



    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 7,143

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Law Slayer
    Second Skill: Curious Case of Willow
    Third Skill: Weaver of Fate

    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Re: Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Willow 22nd April 2022, 6:31 pm

    Willow Banner
    Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.

    Willow’s sensors detected someone approaching. That was unsurprising -- someone was bound to make their way up to the pool area and try to attack her too. After all, the Chaos Shift didn’t protect her entirely from danger but that was part of the fun of it! What was strange was the slow, meticulous way the person was approaching; calm and rational even. Raising a brow, Willow shifted just enough to look up and over her shoulder as a new gorgeous albeit dangerous-looking woman came up from behind. She lowered herself onto one of the lounge chairs that was next to her, her large, pregnant belly almost at the point of bursting. She mused aloud about her first time slaughtering people at a spa. A thrill of excited electricity ran up Willow’s spine as she listened to the woman casually brag about her own crime scene, even admitting that she had managed to capture a guildmaster of a former guild and break the woman in.

    Who was this woman? Willow did very little to hide the excitement and, frankly, arousal in her features as she stared at the other woman. As Thana’s eyes took a trip down her bikini-clad form, goosebumps puckered all over her flesh as if activated by the stare. There was an aura about this woman that was bone-chilling, terrifying to the deepest core and it filled the Xocili with more adrenaline and excitement than she’d felt in a short bit. This was a woman that wasn’t going to wish to sit her down and try and give her a heroic speech. She licked her lips as the woman introduced herself as Thana first and then by her moniker of Trinity. A very quick search on the lacnet provided all the information Willow needed to know about that particular name. A Warlord, an enemy of the state and wanted for numerous crimes. She praised Willow for her efforts and stated plainly that her talents were wasted in her current guild. As such, she declared Willow worked for her and that working under her would satisfy her desires more than she even expected.

    “Well, well. I do love a woman that can take charge,” Willow purred out, rolling onto her side and resting her head on her hand. “Here I was trying to screw my Zodiac spirit and now you’ve come along to try and claim me. Mmph. My endorphins are going crazy right now.” A wild grin tugged at her lips. “But if you claim to be my new master, then you’ll understand I can’t just believe you at your word. You gotta prove you can dominate me or else you may be the one writhing under me.” Willow twirled the firearm on her finger. “Libra. Gravity shift.”

    The world around them would lurch and then spin all the way around, as if they were standing in a room capable of moving. The ground would spin up to where the sky once was and the open air would move beneath them. The pull of the planet’s gravity would attempt to yank Thana out of her seat and cast her into the sky, somehow dismantling the laws of gravity to send her careening past the safety of the world’s atmosphere. And yet Willow would manage to keep her feet planted, laughing maniacally and excitedly.

    WORDS: 555/1115 | @Trinity  
    Serilda Sinclair


    Psychosis by the Beach GMD1cGPt_o
    Character | Junk | Stuff

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Re: Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Trinity 26th April 2022, 7:53 pm


    Oh, but Willow was exactly as delightful as Thana had hoped. The young woman was nothing but excitement and eagerness as the Warlord sat herself down and reminisced about one of her more cherished memories of violence. Willow said not a word as Thana introduced herself and made the reason for her visit known, informing her outright that she had decided the blue haired mage’s loyalties belonged to her, now. But there was no mistaking the hunger in the younger woman’s gaze, nor the numerous levels to which that hunger extended.

    As Thana rounded off her small speech, Willow admitted how much she loved a woman that could take charge, mentioned how she’d previously been trying to find a way to fulfill her sexual needs via her Zodiac only for Thana to come along and stake her claim. The Warlord’s smirk deepened, even as Willow informed her that it would not be so simple as merely wandering into her life and telling her how things were going to be. Thana would have to prove herself, though it was obvious that Willow was less testing the Warlord and more satiating her own curiosity and carnal need to be subjugated.

    With a simple command to her spirit, Libra shifted the balance of the world and caused gravity to revert itself. All around them, the people that were busy tearing themselves apart quickly found themselves hurling into the sky along with near about anything that wasn’t tied down. Thana, however, continued to sit comfortably in her chair, which was equally as unaffected by the shift. She chuckled lightly. “A clever little trick. Unfortunately, my pet, I think you’ll find that things do not often operate the way they should when I am involved. But if you wish to taste my power…”

    Suddenly the world would once again feel as though it were flipping, but in a completely different way. Much like she was caught in a dream, the Xocili’s vision would blur, her movements becoming sluggish and heavy as the scenery around her would seem to shift. No longer would she find herself on an Earthland beach, but rather she was back upon the one of the Nazru ships in space, the organic vehicle drifting aimlessly through the black. The scene that unfolded before her would feel as real as every other day that she had lived, her body wracked with pain as she was cruelly beaten into submission by the horrifically scarred and grotesque form that loomed over her.

    A hand reached out and viciously gripped her by the throat, claws digging in hard enough to pierce skin and cause her blackened blood to drip slowly down her collar. “Filthy synthetic pest,” the Nazru said, his face inches from Willow’s as he looked down at her with disgust and hatred. His deep voice seemed to be echoed by the sultry tones of a woman. “The fact that your people exist is heresy of the highest order, and it is only by our mercy that you live. We will find a use for you, yet.”

    His face shifted somewhat as a dangerous smirk befell his lips, dark eyes flashing amber in color briefly as the tone shifted to something much more violating. “I’ll bet you’d just enjoy it, wouldn’t you? Disgusting little abomination that you are. I could put you to whatever purpose I desired, and you would be completely powerless to stop me. You might tell yourself that you don’t want it, but you can’t deny that little voice in the back of your head wants nothing more than to please and satisfy me, and earn my favor at every turn. By the end, I bet you’d be begging for more out of a desire for nothing greater than to simply gratify me and earn a sliver of my praise like the obedient little parasite you are…”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 645/1429 | TAGS: @Willow



    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 7,143

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Law Slayer
    Second Skill: Curious Case of Willow
    Third Skill: Weaver of Fate

    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Re: Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Willow 27th April 2022, 6:18 pm

    Willow Banner
    Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.

    The world spun to its polar opposite, the land flipping to become the new sky. As such, everyone and everything that had been safely planted came undone. The numerous people that had been fighting around them were suddenly ripped off the plane of balance and thrown into the sky. Their cries and screams of both anger and fear filled the air with a new chorus, alarmingly different but no less satisfying as the ones from before. Willow was overwhelmed with excitement, her eyes shining bright and vibrant with a range of manic, crazed excitement. Her laughter echoed out through the area around them, raising its boisterous sound along with the panic.

    And despite her attempt to take the woman by surprise, this Thana woman seemed completely unfazed by her spell. She wasn’t kidding -- that aura about her proclaimed power and she was proving she could back it up then and there. She didn’t even look bothered by it! Oh this was going to be so much fun. Thana gave her credit but stated that things generally didn’t go the way they were meant to. But the dark mage was more than willing to provide a taste of her power. “Yeah, whip out your power, mommy…” she said encouragingly before… the world got weird. It felt like the world had changed once more but she hadn’t ordered Libra to change. Did Thana have power over balance as well?

    No, it was something more. She tried to speak but her jaw felt heavy, weighted down. Her arms were equally as tired, drained of all of their energy and locking her in place. Worse was that the world around her wasn’t tilting but changing altogether. Gone was the shining, bright world of Earthland and in its wake was…

    No. It couldn’t be. It was one of the Nazru’s ships. Her eyes widened in surprise, her excitement put on pause only long enough for pain to suddenly hit her hard. Agony wracked her form as something beat her hard, knocking her down to her knees. Then a hand snapped out and grabbed her around the throat, its sharp claws burying into her flesh. Black blood poured out from the wounds, dripping down over her chest and staining her bikini. With wide eyes she stared into the face of a Nazru, its angry, disgusted voice mere inches from her’s. Thana’s voice seemed to be mixed in with the voice but it was completely lost on her. She was too in awe, the pain filling her veins causing her heart to pump harder. Her entire body felt like it was on fire and she let out a small moan as she bit her lower lip.

    The Narzu taunted her, words familiar and loving to the tinkerer. But its tone shifted to something else entirely; a visage that held a strange darkness of violation. It was something that no Nazru would dare consider when looking upon a Xocili. And he called her on her own desires; reading her innermost lusts about the Nazru, about wanting to please them. Despite the heaviness, Willow’s legs tightened and rubbed against one another, a miniscule movement to allow her some kind of pleasure center. The Nazru continued to taunt her, knowing that she wanted nothing more than to please her masters in any way they desired, like the lowly cretin that she was. “Oh god yes,” she cooed lovingly, her eyes fluttering. She knew it was a trick; she knew well enough that no real Nazru would ever say or even insinuate anything overtly sexual involving the Xocili.

    But it was undeniably one of Willow’s deepest, darkest fantasies. One of her hands reached up to the Nazru’s wrist and wrapped around her hand, putting just enough pressure to invite the creature to tighten its grip on her. Her other hand went elsewhere to help incite herself higher.

    “Yesss… let me please you, satisfy you. Do what you want to me,” Willow hissed, her voice hot and ragged. “Choke me out, beat me, tear me open and rip me all over. Make me hurt. Make me bleed. Fuck me, rape me. Anything you want.” While dark and inherently disturbing, there was a sort of softness to her tone. It was the sound of a woman that missed what she had, longing for the reality she had grown up in and thrived within. Fantasy or not, it was the only time she’d be able to see the Nazru again and if Thana was going to make them live out her darkest desires, then she was going to lean into it as much as possible. The machinations of both her hands was enough to tell that.

    WORDS: 782/1897 | @Trinity  
    Serilda Sinclair


    Psychosis by the Beach GMD1cGPt_o
    Character | Junk | Stuff

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,761,571

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Physio Manipulation
    Second Skill: Mania
    Third Skill:

    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Re: Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Trinity 30th April 2022, 8:05 am


    This one had just the darkest of fantasies, and Thana was all too eager to flex her power over the young woman. Willow was young but had lived quite a bit during the couple decades that she’d lived so far, and most of it was a hard and unforgiving environment that had shaped her into a woman after Thana’s own heart. The cruelties that this alien had endured, had inflicted upon others – had enjoyed inflicting upon others – fostered her down a path of depravity that Thana herself walked, and yet there was still an innocence to her. There was still enough left to break, enough to shape and to mold, enough to manipulate. Yes, she would do quite nicely.

    The warlord watched with heated interest as the woman live through the scene in her head that Thana had crafted specially just for her. Willow was writhing in Thana’s hand, which was very much around the younger woman’s neck. What a beautiful sight she was, a delicious tragedy that longed to be subjugated and controlled. She would let the scene play out long enough to lure Willow into thinking that things would follow through to the end, only to rip away the fantasy world in a sobering flash, dropping – almost throwing, really – the girl to the ground with very little care, the gravity of the world having righted itself after Thana had flexed a bit of her power to negate the effects of Libra’s spell.

    “Perhaps another time,” was all Thana said, casually brushing past the incident and leaving Willow to try and sort herself back out in the cold grip of reality on her own. “You have come such a long way on your own, Xocili, but with my guidance you will reach depths of power and destruction the likes of which even you have never known. I have such things to teach you.”

    Raising her foot without warning, Thana swiftly brought her boot down on Willow’s face from where she sat, stepping onto the woman and pressing her into the ground. The warlord leaned over a bit, smirking. “And if you’re a good little pet… I’ll even tell you who it was that ruined your life; the person responsible for the destruction of the Nazru and taking away everything that was important to you. Would you like that?”

    She would wait long enough to give Willow a chance to respond and, presuming the blue haired beauty was favorable to Thana’s proposal, she would smile sweetly down at her. “There’s a good girl,” the warlord crooned, lifting her foot from Willow’s face and relaxing upon the bench once more. “I will, of course, need you to prove your loyalty to me. But what kind of proof is acceptable? Hmm… I can hardly ask you to go on a killing spree for me. After all, you’ve already killed just about everyone in the immediate vicinity, and you’d quite enjoy doing it again. No, pledging yourself to me must involve something that you truly do not wish to do, something that repulses or terrifies even you. Oh, I know..”

    Extending one of her hands, Thana conjured a simple but elegant blade that curved slightly at the tip and had a hook on its spine. She looked down at Willow with a considerate expression as though she were thinking about injuring the woman but instead she offered it to the alien. “I think one of your arms would do quite nicely.”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 582/2011 | TAGS: @Willow



    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 7,143

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Law Slayer
    Second Skill: Curious Case of Willow
    Third Skill: Weaver of Fate

    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Re: Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Willow 30th April 2022, 4:36 pm

    Willow Banner
    Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.

    This was peak fantasy for Willow. A dark dream that had played in her head more times than she could count, for more years than she should ever admit outloud. Though the Nazru found her physically disgusting, sick at the very sight of her and her kin, their treatment of her had bred a woman wanting -- needing -- punishment. There was a hole in the spot where her soul should be and there was nothing in existence that would ever fill it up enough. And she was good with that; she wanted it that way so that the abuse could keep coming, feeding her more primal desires in comparison to any kind of whimsical philosophical need to be reaffirmed. Torture and pain were the tools of caring and she relished in feeling their lash against her skin as well as dishing it out to others. And she marveled at the masters of this trade, much like this woman Thana.

    Willow was all too ready for the abuse that was surely coming, double entendre intended. But before she could achieve any kind of payoff, she was suddenly and rudely thrown from both fantasy and agony, the dark wizard tossing her to the ground like a crumpled up piece of trash. To say that made things better for Willow would be an understatement but it wasn’t quite the punishment she was waiting for, lying on her back, one hand paused while the other held onto the air. She stared up in Thana in confusion, even as the woman dismissed the opportunity. Thana took a moment to appreciate the path that Willow had gone down and offered the chance to deepen her understanding and ability to sow chaos.

    As if that wasn’t bad enough -- good enough? -- Thana brought up her boot and slammed it down on Willow’s face, twisting her head down and forcing half of her faces into the ground. It sent her mind spiraling into euphoria and her body right along with it. Willow let out a shaky groan before relaxing, her attention refocusing. Thana told her that if she were a ‘good little pet’ -- as if that wasn’t enough to push her again -- she’d even enlighten her on who the culprit was that had destroyed the Nazru. Now that was interesting. So this woman had a deep seeded knowledge not only about her race but about what had transpired between them and the Nazru. Further than that, she had foreknowledge on who specifically had brought about the ends to her former masters and threw Willow’s life on a tailspin. Truthfully, she didn’t care about any kind of revenge against the person, or so she told herself, but if it presented the opportunity to rend further punishment on her people for daring to think they were homefree… now that was an opportunity worth taking. She smiled against the boot on her cheek and gave the woman pushing down on her a gentle nod.

    With her agreement in place, the boot was removed from her face. It was becoming increasingly apparent that Thana was not going to be screwing Willow anytime soon; utilizing her magic and her domineering stance to tease the girl without truly giving her what she wanted. Stars, if that wasn’t an even bigger turn on; this was the kind of punishment someone usually had to pay good money for. Not even bothering to wipe the boot mark off her cheek, Willow sat herself up even as Thana complimented her. “Oh I don’t think I want to be a good girl. Pet is nice though -- good pet or bad girl,” Willow said with a grin up to the woman.

    But it wasn’t enough to put it to words; the Xocili needed proof of that loyalty she was now pledging. It was complicated though; Willow couldn’t just go on a killing spree, as she had already done that before Thana had even arrived. It couldn’t be something enjoyable -- it had to be an act performed that encapsulated her fears. Willow’s eyes widened slightly, not quite understanding what was being orated to her. The context she got but as far as she understood, she didn’t really have a lot she was afraid of. But it seemed that she wouldn’t be given a lot of time to consider herself; Thana came up with one herself and summoned for a curved blade. For a brief moment, Willow wondered if she was about to be cut, with the dark wizard reneging on her decline from earlier. But then the handle was turned towards her and it was demanded that she offer one of her arms.

    A chill ran down Willow’s spine. She stared, wide-eyed, at the handle before her for a long moment before she slowly reached up and took it in hand. It shouldn’t have terrified her; she could always build a replacement, probably one that was better than her actual arm. Of course it would take her longer since she would be lacking the help of that additional limb. Yet even as she turned the blade over in her hand, she could feel her stomach clench and her throat tighten. She spoke a lot about being cut and abused but in all her years, no long lasting damage, such as mutilation, had been done to her. She’d been saved from that and perhaps that’s where that fear had been created from. She’d never experienced it and with it being unknown and mysterious, it didn’t have a tangible memory or feeling she could relate to.

    Yet she understood that declining wasn’t an option. Thana had the aura of a woman who not only knew many things but expected just as much. This was a test of not just loyalty but of her dedication to a path she had only, apparently, dipped her toes into. As her master, Thana was telling her then and there that things would only get darker and more terrifying. And turning that down would most likely result in her immediate death. Her fingers tightened on the blade’s handle. And it was the excitement over what could be, what awaited her on the other side, that she drew energy from. Death was a constant and it was juvenile to fear it’s approach. But the possibilities of what she could learn from Thana, experience at Thana’s hands…

    Hell, she didn’t need two arms for that. A ravenous, nearly manic look crossed over her face, her eyes flaring a brighter pink as she grinned from the very deep, dark depths of her soul. Her other arm rose up quickly, extending away from her body. And then in one swift motion, she swung the blade over and through the flesh of her bicep. Blinding, agonizing pain ripped through her veins as the limp dropped the ground, black blood spewing from the stump. It hurt to her very core but she continued to grin, her chest heaving from the exhilaration she was feeling in tandem with the pain. She dropped the  blade to the ground and slowly reached over to the limp appendage laying on the floor, gripping it and pulling it up. Finding strength in her insipid excitement, she brought her offer up and presented it to Thana, much as the blade had been presented to her. “Been a long time… since I just gave a hand job on the first date… but whatever makes you happy, mistress,” Willow said between panting, pained breaths.

    WORDS: 1240/3137 | @Trinity  
    Serilda Sinclair


    Psychosis by the Beach GMD1cGPt_o
    Character | Junk | Stuff

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 318
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Re: Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Trinity 1st May 2022, 7:10 pm


    Perhaps Thana had overestimated Willow’s stamina.

    The young woman was starting to come down from her high right up until the moment that the Warlord quite literally stepped on her face, crushing it into the ground. The stiffening of Willow’s body and the jagged noise that rushed from her lips was all too telling. Ah, well. It just meant that the little alien was going to be exactly as much fun as Thana had suspected.

    As Thana described only a few of the many things she had to offer her new protege, Willow eagerly agreed with a nod and a smile. Soon enough the foot was removed from the young woman’s face, but the torture had only just begun as Thana mused over how exactly Willow might prove her loyalties to her new master. Thanks to Darius, the warlord was more than well aware of Willow’s deepest fears, and dismemberment of any kind was one of them. It was for that reason that Thana summoned the blade and handed it to Willow, not just demanding a sacrifice but that Willow be the one to cripple herself. She could almost taste the young woman’s fear, her hand reaching out with slow trepidation to take the blade in hand, the avatar biting her lower lip ever so gently in anticipation as she watched the slave struggle to come to grips with what was being commanded of her.

    Only once she had come to whatever mental preparation she needed did Willow raise the weapon and, in a single swift motion, sliced her arm off at the bicep. Thana’s smirk deepened with pleasure as she watched the blue haired maiden fight through what must have been blinding pain and agony, no matter the smile on her face, to pick up the detached limb and offer it up to Thana, joking through her gasps of agony about how long it had been since she’d given a hand job on a first date. The warlord chuckled darkly, reaching down to accept the limb and looking it over as the black oil that served as Willow’s blood dripped all over the place. She raised the limb to her face and rested Willow’s palm on her cheek, almost as gently as one would to a lover, before giving a small, sensual suckle upon a couple of the fingertips. “Mm, yes this will do just fine, pet. And just to show that your devotion will be rewarded… ”

    She beckoned Willow closer with a finger, coaxing the woman to approach. Presuming Willow acquiesced, Thana would take her by the bicep and press the dismembered limb against it. An ominously purple glow began to radiate around Willow’s arm as before her eyes the limb reattached itself exactly as it was before, with one exception: there was a scar in the shape of a ring around her bicep where the limb had been cut. And, despite the magical reattachment, she found that her body still ached with excruciating pain as though the wound were still there. “There you are,” the warlord murmured softly as the magic faded and she ran her fingernails gently along the top of Willow’s hair. “Let that scar serve as a reminder of who truly owns your life. You belong to me now… and don’t you ever forget it.”

    “Here’s how this is going to work. Very soon, I will be founding a new guild along with a couple new acquaintances of mine. I think you’ll find our aims are much to your liking. We strive only for war, destruction, and the subjugation of the weak. As I’m sure you have picked up since coming to Earthland, there is quite a bit of strife brewing between the countries on this continent, and we plan on using this opportunity to fan the flames and make a name for ourselves. However, before I can really take the reins I have a couple of matters to attend to first.” Her hand dropped to her swollen belly and caressed it, drawing attention to the child growing within. While her mannerisms were gentle, however, the smirk on her face was anything but caring, the dark look malicious as she contemplated the events that were soon to come and how many lives she was about to ruin.

    “So for now, feel free to move about and explore the planet to your heart’s content. Learn and grow, satisfy your curiosities and your cruel whims as you see fit. You will not see or hear from me for some time, and pay no heed to what rumors you may or may not hear about my whereabouts or my fate. There are a great many things in motion that you are not yet prepared to understand, but I will explain everything to you upon my return, and when the time has come for you to be by my side once more I will find you. Am I understood?”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 822/2833 | TAGS: @Willow



    Lineage : Curiosity of a Strange World
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 65
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Trinity
    Experience : 7,143

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Law Slayer
    Second Skill: Curious Case of Willow
    Third Skill: Weaver of Fate

    Psychosis by the Beach Empty Re: Psychosis by the Beach

    Post by Willow 1st May 2022, 8:27 pm

    Willow Banner
    Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time.

    She had passed - she had to have passed. Despite the excitement and exhilaration that she got out of the pain, despite the arousal that was once again boiling up from the agony and tension that wracked her body and the air around her, Willow was still smiling. She looked up, her detached arm held in front of her, staring at Thana as she took in the sight of the pitiful Xocili on her knees and bleeding everywhere. She chuckled at Willow’s joke and then accepted the limb, taking it in her hands and examining it carefully. Then teasingly, almost torturously, she turned the arm around and let the palm rest against her cheek, cradling her features lovingly. Oh it was awful and amazing all at the same time, only heightened when Thana took each digit of Willow’s detached hand into her mouth and suckled on it.

    Thana said that it was exactly what she was looking for. And as a reward for her success, she beckoned Willow to her feet. The Xocili pushed herself up and close to the dark wizard, her heart pounding in her chest with excitement. Thana reached to the still fresh, bleeding stump and then pressed the detached arm against it. The pain increased tenfold as the raw stump was abused by the intrusion of a solid object. Willow gasped in a mixture of pain and pleasure, the sound dwindling down to a moan. But then magic began to wrap around her arm, stitching together flesh, muscle and metal. Willow gasped again as she watched the extremity recombine with her body and once it had fully healed, she flexed her fingers to test it. The place where the stump was still hurt well and good but that only served to make things better. And perhaps the most amazing aspect was the scar that now wrapped around the entirety of her bicep.

    As a Xocili, she was incapable of scarring. None of her race had ever suffered an injury or defect that had left any kind of blemish. Yet here was one, healed, dark and beautiful. Willow was getting all worked up again. Eagerly she brought her fingers up and suckled on them much as Thana had just done, taking in the other woman’s taste before it was gone. She listened to Thana as she informed her that the scar was a reminder of who she was owned by and that it would allow her to never forget it. As if she could. She grinned and purred as Thana ran her nails along her hair, her skin rippling with goosebumps.

    That’s when Thana laid down the law. She was going to be forming a new guild and Willow would be joining it without question. Luckily it was right up her alley -- war, destruction and subjugation. It was as if the Nazru were creating their own little organization on the planet themselves. Conflict was stirring among the nations of Earthland and the guild’s goal was to help whisk the chaos and fury into a storm unlike ever seen before. But her first focus was taking care of the baby she was carrying, her hands moving to her stomach as she caressed the swollen flesh. With that knowledge passed on, Thana informed Willow that she was free to roam as she saw fit. She wanted the Xocili to get stronger and to master her abilities and sate any hungers that may have been within. It would be quite some time before she saw Thana again and she was to ignore any news about the dark wizard that did not come from her directly. Things were moving in the background beyond Willow’s comprehension but all would be revealed when they saw one another again and Thana would be the one to seek her out.

    Willow nodded. “Clear as day, mommy,” Willow said with a grin, glancing at her swollen belly quickly before looking back up to the woman’s eyes. “I promise by the time you come and find me, I’ll be a lot stronger. I’ll be ready to cause even more chaos, both for you and this new guild yer talkin’ about.” Willow was practically vibrating with anticipation and every instinct in her told her to make a move, to throw herself at Thana and let the woman do with her what she would. But the rational part of her mind held her back, understanding that that particular act was guaranteed for another day. Thana had told her to be patient and wait for her and that’s exactly what Willow would do.

    It just meant that a whole lot of other people were going to be on the receiving end of punishment as Willow waited for her master to return.

    WORDS: 790/3927 | @Trinity  
    Serilda Sinclair


    Psychosis by the Beach GMD1cGPt_o
    Character | Junk | Stuff

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