Hey guys,
It has reached the point for me where I simply have to say goodbye to this website.
For the last two years or so, I've pretty much had to carry this place on my back in terms of staffwork and I simply can't do it anymore. I feel as though my love for the site has been completely exploited by both members and staff, with me being thought of as little more than a bot at this point, one who is being unfairly blamed for the lack of activity on this site.
I frankly no longer care about whether this site survives and I have no desire to even post here anymore. I can't do any more and it appears that the current staff/owner don't wish to help either. I'm not going to sit here and watch another site I care about slowly die, so I'm going now.
I will delete my accounts before I go, so there is no reason for me to return.
I'm so sorry to those I was writing with, as you guys have been the only reason that I've been able to remain here so long.
It has reached the point for me where I simply have to say goodbye to this website.
For the last two years or so, I've pretty much had to carry this place on my back in terms of staffwork and I simply can't do it anymore. I feel as though my love for the site has been completely exploited by both members and staff, with me being thought of as little more than a bot at this point, one who is being unfairly blamed for the lack of activity on this site.
I frankly no longer care about whether this site survives and I have no desire to even post here anymore. I can't do any more and it appears that the current staff/owner don't wish to help either. I'm not going to sit here and watch another site I care about slowly die, so I'm going now.
I will delete my accounts before I go, so there is no reason for me to return.
I'm so sorry to those I was writing with, as you guys have been the only reason that I've been able to remain here so long.