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    An Evening of Truth

    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    An Evening of Truth Empty An Evening of Truth

    Post by Xavier Clarent 25th November 2023, 12:46 pm

    Xavier Clarent

    Y Rank
    Confidence Int.
    Solemn Park

    Road to Redemption

    How long it had been, Xavier couldn’t really tack down. One would think, considering how traumatic it had been, that the moment would be marred into his mind like a scar, repeating the time, date and moment over and over again. To a point, it was but the smaller details didn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. All that continued to plague him, weighing him down like an anchor, was the sight of Saffron’s face, the utter tragedy of realization beset in her features. It haunted him, kept him restless in the dead of night and followed him wherever he went. He hadn’t returned to Confidence International, sending a message to the administrators to run things as smoothly as possible while he took a sabbatical. His band was kaput as far as he understood it; he didn’t have the courage to check in with Nik or Emma, assuming that Saffron had spoken to them about what had happened.

    Instead he had returned to his ‘roots’ and found himself on the street. He had significantly more jewel to use, so he wasn’t living on the streets per se as much as he wandered about without any particular place to stay. He shacked up at inexpensive motels as he moved about, taking up residence in bars through most of the days before going to find places to crash at night. The routine repeated itself over and over again, more times than he cared to count. He didn’t help himself by repeatedly playing Saffron’s voicemail when he allowed himself a moment of peace, to even consider not feeling guilty.

    Problem was, he knew he couldn’t run away forever. Avoiding the problem and the situation was what, arguably, put him in the exact mess. After several months, after a particularly liquid night of downing booze to bring him to his lowest low, he’d finally had enough. If he wanted any chance to explain his side of the story, to make up for all the damage he’d done, he needed to be a damn adult and own up to his mistakes. It wasn’t going to be easy and it wasn’t going to be pretty but he knew it was something he had to do. Taking out his phone, he took forty minutes to work up the gumption and the appropriate words to formulate a text to Saffron. It read:

    I’ll be at Solemn Park in Talonia. Tomorrow at 7 PM. I’ll explain.

    Of course, there were several drafts where he tried to go into further detail but it seemed so… cold. Explaining it through the phone was insulting at best, heartless at worst. And there was no telling the kind of anger she still held within towards him; allowing the situation to go on longer probably had only made it fester. All he could hope was she was willing to come and hear him out. Maybe she’d understand where he was coming from, maybe she wouldn’t -- he highly doubted she would. But if nothing else, he would speak his truth, for better or worse.

    The following night, he stood under one of the tall lights that had been erected in the park. It was, admittedly, a dangerous place to set himself, in case anyone decided to take him out in one swift motion. He couldn’t really blame them. His hair had gotten longer and unkempt and he hadn’t shaved since the incident, his usual sense of style the last thing on his mind. He wore a long black trench coat and a semi-nice black suit beneath it. His hands were tucked in his coat’s pockets, as the fall air was cold and biting, the early hints of the soon arriving winter. His gaze remained down towards the ground, seemingly separated from his own body as he stared at the pavement below his feet.

    @Saffron Remington | 640 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 268
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Saffron Remington 25th November 2023, 4:46 pm


    Frankly, this was the last fucking thing she needed right now.

    To say the last month had been rough was the understatement of the century. Saffron had far too much on her mind, particularly after her and Cedric’s surprise excursion to Iceberg, which they had only just returned from a few days prior. Her mother’s timing for a reunion could not have been more poor, and the things they had learned while there were earth shattering. The revelation that she and her sister had allegedly been kidnapped as a toddler by the man she’d always believed to be her father was something she was still struggling to come to terms with, and unfortunately the more she looked into things the more it seemed that Katla and Viggo had been telling the truth.

    Yet despite everything, a part of her was still in denial. While her parents seemed genuine enough, there were still things that didn’t add up. The most resounding of them was the reasoning that Mitchel - Alrik - had for taking the two young girls in the first place. It was an answer that could only be answered by the man that had raised her, though she had yet to confront him. Hell, she hadn’t even talked to Senna about it yet. Saffron wanted to be as certain as possible before upheaving her sister’s life, so she needed time to do what she could to verify Katla’s claims. Then and only then would she find time to talk to her sister, and together they could confront their ‘father’.

    And before she could even begin to start focusing on any of that, she needed time to unwind and process everything that had happened in Iceberg. Saffron had put aside her doubts long enough to give her parents the time to make their case and say what they had to say, but once she was home all the emotions that she’d been bottling up the whole trip came out in force. She needed to work through her frustration before she could really start delving into discovering the truth, otherwise she might not be able or willing to accept whatever she found, one way or another.

    Spending Halloween with Cedric, Vandrad, Mercury, Mythal, and Serilda had helped greatly toward that end, the blonde able to just forget everything for an evening and feel a bit like herself for the first time in several weeks. The news that Vandrad and Mercury were expecting their first child had also really lifted her spirits. She couldn’t think of two people that deserved happiness and the chance at a normal life more than the future royals. It was weird to see Vandrad so… well, emotional. But from what she’d known of her mentor, he’d never once thought he’d ever find anyone to spend the rest of his life with, let alone father a child with. And Mercury had been of the same mindset, given the circumstances she’d been raised under. It was a situation to be truly happy about, and it was a nice reprieve for all the shit that had been happening lately.

    And sadly it hadn’t taken long for things to settle back down into the trenches, so to speak. Saffron had only just started to work on researching the truth of her past in earnest a couple days after Halloween, and it was the very next day that she’d received Xavier’s message; nearly a month after his attack on Vandrad. Saffron had scowled at the phone, her pent up anger and frustration at the man coming back in the blink of an eye. It had been long enough that she had almost started to accept that he was just gone and never planning on showing his face ever again. And now he had the nerve to message her after all these weeks, expecting that she’d be ready to meet with him with only a day’s notice? He had some fucking nerve. She had half a mind to ream him out right then and there, to tell him to shove it up his ass and go bother someone who cared.

    But as much as she wanted to brush him off, she knew she couldn’t. There were other people who wanted and deserved answers as much as she did, and Themmy had made it quite clear that finding Xavier and bringing him in for questioning was a top priority. So for Vandrad’s sake more than her own, the blonde begrudgingly relented and decided she would go. However, she did not respond to the message with any kind of confirmation, simply leaving the Rhaegarian on read and letting him wonder if she’d show or not. It was the least he deserved after everything he’d done and how long he’d waited to reach out to her.

    Instead, she reached out to Cedric and Vandrad to let them know about the meeting. Frankly, Saffron would have been just as happy telling Vandrad when and where to meet the man and letting him take care of it, and even voiced as much, but surprisingly Vandrad insisted it was better that Saffron go, and that she get a chance to speak to Xavier alone. She couldn’t say she necessarily agreed with his stance on the matter, even if she understood his reasoning for it, but at the end of the day it was what it was. She simply resigned herself to taking the opportunity for closure so she could wash her hands of this nonsense once and for all and move on with her fucking life.

    She’d arrived at the park a few minutes early, but once she got here it took her some time to work up the nerve to get off her bike and actually start looking for him. Her emotions were at war with one another, leaving her seated on her motorcycle in tight knuckled anxiety as she fought back the overwhelming desire to turn around and go back home. She’d already been sitting in the parking lot long enough to be late for the meet up at this point, so it was entirely possible that he’d assumed she wasn’t coming and had left already. But once again she forced herself to remember that this situation was about a lot more than just her and Xavier, and it was that near mantra in her head that eventually gave her the strength to pry herself away from her bike and trudge into the park.

    The cold weather was finally starting to settle in, the late fall air leaving a thick chill, though in comparison to Iceberg it may as well have been summer. She was dressed in a pair of dark brown pants that were tucked into fleece lined boots. A black turtleneck sweater with an opening over her chest sat beneath a yellow bomber jacket with a fleece collar. Wrapped around her neck was her orange scarf, and a small pouch was belted about her waist. She also wore a finger-less black glove on her left hand. There was still a bruise and several cuts healing on her face from her altercation with Baldur. Stopping on a small rise in the park, she glanced around until she spotted a lone, dark skinned man in black clothing standing beneath the illumination of one of the park lights, staring at his feet.

    He was far enough away that Saffron couldn’t really make out the details of his face, but she knew it was him. Another surge of emotions, mostly anger, once more tried to claw its way into her head at the sight of him. Saffron bit it down, refusing to let him hold any more sway over her life and her feelings than he already had, telling herself that he wasn’t worth it. With a low growl, she shoved her hands in her pockets and made her way down to where he was waiting.

    When she finally made her way over to him, Saffron stopped in front of him close enough to be fully in the light but with plenty of room between them both. Her expression was laced with an air of disinterest, though the stone cold glare she gave him said everything it needed to about how angry she still was. He looked a lot different. His hair was longer and he hadn’t shaved in a long time. She said nothing at first, merely staring him down without greeting him in any fashion, and any attempt on his part to greet her or make any kind of small talk would be met with a flat wall of silence.

    Finally, she’d pull her hands free of her pockets only to cross her arms over her chest. “Start talking before I start swinging,” Saffron told him plainly, her tone a neutral statement of fact rather than a heated threat. She’d come, despite her better judgment, but she wasn’t here to catch up with him or inquire about his well being. All she wanted was to get answers and go home.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 1503 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Xavier Clarent 26th November 2023, 11:50 am

    Xavier Clarent

    Y Rank
    Confidence Int.
    Solemn Park

    Road to Redemption

    She was late, if she was even coming at all. Granted, Xavier hadn’t worked up the nerve to look around at all, terrified of raising his eyes and finding her standing there. He’d asked for her to meet but now every single fiber in his being was telling him to run away again. He’d never been such a coward before but with it involving Saffron… it made him feel so weak. A stark piece of evidence that proved just how much he cared for her, though he imagined that was a moot point. There wasn’t any chance in hell that they were going to be in a good place in a very long time, if ever. Maybe that’s why he really wanted to run; the realization of that was nearly enough to take the wind out of his sails.

    Despite her being late, he wasn’t planning on leaving. He’d give her two hours maximum before he assumed she wasn’t coming. She hadn’t answered his message back with any kind of confirmation, not that he had expected any. The cold fall air was nothing against the bitter feeling he held inside anyways. He simply stood and stared at the ground, caught in a swirl of different thoughts and emotions that ran so rampant, it was like nothing was happening in his head at all. Soon enough though, he heard the sound of someone approaching. His nerves somehow were shot even more and he had to practically force his body still so as not to vibrate right out of his skin. By the time she had stopped in front of him, he knew that it was her. He could practically feel her rage radiating off of her.

    He was just as silent as she was for whatever length of time it was. He knew he should probably have said some kind of greeting or… something. But what the hell was he supposed to start with? After that length of silence, she seemed fed up and demanded he begin speaking before she started beating on him. His eyes flickered downward more, if only slightly. After a few moments of his mouth opening and closing, failing to provide any sound, he finally swallowed hard and began to speak. "When I came to Earthland, I saw it as a second chance. An opportunity to start fresh, wipe away all the shit from Rhaegar. Stay away from my people, stay away from… Vandrad. He’d won and I hoped that if I was here, it meant other people from my planet were too. But shit just… kept coming my way and connecting back to him.”

    "Despite that, I kept on my goal. New life, new goals and whatever shit came with that. Then during a job that turned bad, I was… saved by some woman from another plane of existence. She called herself Bast and knew all sorts of things about me from when I was on Rhaegar. She also said that an enemy of her’s, Ulthar, had found a way to possess people that were part of the du Wolffs. It was him that had influenced Bacchus to abandon my pops and she believed he was influencin’ Vandrad too. She wanted me to help save him, save all of my people from his corruption…I said yes and she gave me some of her power.”

    He paused, frowning softly. "I had no idea how connected you were to him when we met. I was… shocked to find someone else I ran into, only degrees of separation from him. But despite that shit, I didn’t… I never intentionally tried to get information out of you about him. I know you pro’lly don’t believe that but it’s true. I wasn’t gonna press it, mostly because… well, because I liked ya.”

    He scoffed slightly and reached up to wipe away a few stray tears that had escaped. "Stupid, I know. ‘Specially because I’m sure you know by now that Mercury and I… there’s no excuse. I was plannin’ on telling you everything right before it all went down. It just felt like too much but… some things changed my mind. And then Bast said it was time to roll so we rolled.”

    "But things went sideways. She was telling me all’a’sudden that I had to kill Vandrad, that he was too far gone. I’d told her before that I didn’t want to kill him, hell I didn’t even want to fight him! I tried to talk to him but I… went about it the wrong way. But now she’s saying the only way to save him, to save everything was to end him right there. It just… it didn’t make sense. Sudden change outta nowhere. I told her no, that I wasn’t gonna do it. And that’s when you…”

    He fell silent then, unable to continue at the moment. He’d still kept his gaze downward, ashamed and embarrassed and unable to look her in the eye. "I never wanted it to come to this. I just wanted to… help people for the first time in a long time.”

    @Saffron Remington | 848/1488 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 268
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Saffron Remington 26th November 2023, 3:54 pm


    Saffron honestly wasn’t sure what would have irritated her more, him standing there in silence, unable to even look at her in his cowardice, or if he’d made an attempt to act casual to start things off. It likely wouldn’t have mattered either way. At this point, anything and everything he said was bound to set her off sooner or later. It was why she demanded that he start talking, because she knew the second that she got going she simply wasn’t going to stop, and she owed it to Vandrad to get at least some answers.

    It took him another few moments to get his mouth working, and Saffron continued to wait in stony silence until he finally started talking. Xavier explained that he had tried to use his sudden appearance on Earthland as a new start, trying to stay as far away from Vandrad and his old life as possible, only for fate to continually intervene. It all culminated to one night where a job had gone sideways, and he’d wound up being saved by a woman called Bast. She claimed to be from another plane of existence, and had knowledge about his prior life. She also claimed that she was hunting an enemy that supposedly had influence over the du Wolffs, who had supposedly influenced Vandrad’s grandfather to abandon Xavier’s dad and the rest of their home planet. She wanted Xavier’s help to save Vandrad and the Rhaegarians from the corruption, and in exchange she granted him power.

    The blond’s eyes narrowed, but otherwise she said nothing and let him continue. He claimed that he hadn’t known of Saffron’s connection to Vandrad when he first met her, and that he had never intentionally tried to get information out of her after he’d learned of their relationship, because he liked her. Saffron’s jaw clenched hard, particularly when he started crying, the Fairy Tail mage biting back her indignation, particularly as he touched on the topic of what he’d done with Mercury. He told her that he was going to tell her about it, about everything, in advance, but had changed his mind for reasons he didn’t bother to explain. By then, Bast had made the call for action and he left to confront Vandrad.

    Only for things to go horribly wrong. Everything by this point seemed to line up with Vandrad’s observation of Xavier during their fight, where he was arguing with someone against killing Vandrad. Things weren’t adding up and there were a lot of changes in plan very quickly that he didn’t feel right about, so he refused to follow through. It was then that Saffron had shown up. With his gaze still down on the ground, he explained that he hadn’t wanted things to go the way they had, and that he had just been trying to do better with his second chance at life.

    Saffron just stared at him, a long silence drawing out the tension until it was clear he’d said all that he wanted to say for the moment. “So let me get this straight,” she told him, her tone incredulous. “Some rando supernatural creature shows up that happens to know everything about you, and feeds you a convenient story about Vandrad being controlled by some other evil entity that only you can help her defeat, and you just fucking bought it? You didn’t question it at all? I get that you’re new to the Earthland neighborhood and all, but that’s suspicious as shit in any universe, and the fact that you ate it up isn’t the least bit impressive.”

    “Even if we entertained the ridiculous notion that some cosmic entity was trying to subtly manipulate Vandrad – which is utter bullshit, by the fucking way – you of all fucking people should know Vandrad well enough to know that he would absolutely never let anyone or anything control or manipulate him. He would fight tooth and nail against it, without mercy. Especially if that person was trying to use him to hurt the people he loves.”

    She scoffed, shaking her head. “You can talk all day long about what you ‘wanted’ to do, but I’m not buying it. Your actions tell me all I need to know, especially when Mercury made it very clear that the only thing you needed to do was talk to Vandrad. She did all but shove you in the right direction, and yet you still chose to do what you did. In what fucking world did you ever think that Vandrad was going to cooperate with the terms you approached him on? You came to him in disguise, striking at him from behind without warning, and even after he gave you a chance to correct your course, you continued to insist that he submit when you knew damn well that he never would! You were given every tool and opportunity up until now to handle this the right way, starting with how you treated me!

    Her voice was raised by this point, her anger and frustration and pain finally boiling over, the blonde uncrossing her arms so she could indicate toward herself for emphasis. Crimson eyes practically bored a hole through him where he stood. “You have the fucking gall to stand there and talk like you didn’t use me when you damn well fucking did! Maybe you didn’t know about my connection to Vandrad when we first met, but you sure as fuck knew it almost immediately after! And now, what? You reach out after a full month of silence, after running away like a fucking coward, expecting me to rearrange my whole life to meet with you with barely a day’s warning? You’re going to stand there and talk like you cared about me all this time, when you don’t even have the decency or respect to look me in the eyes and see how much you hurt me..!”

    Tears were pouring down her face, her words hitched as she openly sobbed in front of him. Her eyes turned a deep shade of blue, and the look on her face was that of a woman that had been completely and utterly crushed. Whether or not he actually turned up to look at her, she continued. “You broke my heart, Xavier. You lied to me, and you manipulated me, and you used me! You selfishly led me on under false pretenses! Did you think I wouldn’t have a fucking opinion about spending time with the man that imprisoned and tried to kill my friend?! The man that condoned the unjust slaughter of his family?! No, you just saw an opening and ran for it without ANY regard to whether or not I would have felt the same way if I knew the truth! There were so many times to step and do right by me, including not letting me sleep with you or fall in love with you when I didn’t know who you really were!”

    “You took something from me that I will never be able to get back! Do you have any idea how humiliated I feel?! How embarrassing it was for me to have to crawl back to the du Wolffs and admit to them that all this time I’d been sharing a bed with the man that signed the death warrants for countless of their relatives?!”

    “And don’t even get me started on what you did with Mercury!” She rounded on him with a pointed finger. “It would have been bad enough to find out you were sleeping around behind my back with a stranger, but by that point you were well aware of the fact that she and I were most likely friends! But I guess it wasn’t enough for you to hurt just me. She has gone through enough without having to feel like she betrayed our friendship. Especially when she showed you so much compassion and understanding and patience, despite knowing what you did to the man she loves.”

    Saffron sucked in a deep breath, turning her face away from him and struggling to calm herself down. At this point, everything was coming off her chest, the mage finally given the chance to loose all her thoughts and pain on the one that had put her in this position. There was little doubt about how angry she was, but her resentment toward him was quickly devolving into a resigned  sorrow. She shook her head sadly. “But that’s what I get, I guess. I was the one who insisted I wasn’t ready for any commitments. I just hoped that you liked me enough to wait for me; hoped that I was enough for you the same way that you were enough for me. What a fuckin’ tool I turned out to be, huh?”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 1465/2968 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Xavier Clarent 28th November 2023, 7:57 pm

    Xavier Clarent

    Y Rank
    Confidence Int.
    Solemn Park

    Road to Redemption

    Of course he knew how it sounded. It was absolutely insane. How he could possibly make it sound reasonable, even believable, was beyond him. Of course, trying to find a way to manipulate it would then be yet another manipulation, to add onto the list of what he’d already done. All he could do was tell her the truth of everything that had happened. To her credit, she listened to it all without slugging him, quietly taking in the information so that he could get it all off his chest. After a moment of silence on his part, indicating that he had finished, she finally spoke up, circling back to Bast and the overall, suspicious mystery of her existence and offering to help him help his people. She was fairly unimpressed with his willingness to go along with it, to not question it at all before agreeing to her terms.

    But despite all that, she refused to believe that Vandrad was under some kind of manipulation. She firmly believed that he should have understood him better, should have been suspicious of that belief as Vandrad would not let anyone sway his way of living his life. But she wasn’t even buying that; she circled back to the fact that he had a very easy answer for his issues. Mercury had told him, to his face, that all he needed to do was talk to Vandrad, to approach him as a man and sit down with him. Instead he had opted to try and catch him by surprise, to attack him and expect him to cooperate. He had chosen poorly in every decision, up to and including his way of treating her.

    She got angry then, her voice raising and her presence putting an even more palpable tension in the air. She accused him of using her, despite his insistence that he didn’t, stating that he became aware of her connection to Vandrad very soon after meeting. And to go completely radio silent for a whole month without an answer, after fleeing from the scene of his crime and then just send her a message as if she was waiting with baited breath for a response from him. She was insulted, infuriated and broken and she stabbed at him with her words as she dashed any belief in his genuine care for her because he wouldn’t even own up to his own mistakes at that moment by looking at her.

    More out of instinct than anything else, his head finally lifted up. It felt cheap, as if he was only doing it because she had said something. But he couldn’t stop himself, a surge of ache, pain and sadness washing off of him to crash up against her own woe. His own eyes were wide and glassy, tears slowly drifting down from the corners to stain his cheeks. She kept on, claiming he had broken her heart by lying and twisting her around him for his own selfish reason. She demanded to know if he’d ever stopped to think about her feelings, how she would have felt about being with the man that had hurt her friend’s family. He could have stopped it and made things right before it got too far, keeping himself from getting physical or, worse, making her fall in love with the character he was pretending to be.

    It was humiliating and she knew that she’d lost something that was gone forever. She couldn’t handle the weight on her shoulders, on her soul, of having spent time with the man that had killed so many of the du Wolffs. And none of that included what he had done with Mercury, someone that she considered a friend. He’d gone and wrecked not only Saffron’s life but he’d damaged Mercury’s as well. Saffron turned away from him, reaping the blame on herself as much as him for that, as she hadn’t established any kind of boundaries or commitments. She’d just hoped that he would have been patient and committed despite all of that, as he had been enough for her.

    "Saffron, I-...” he started, as if any kind of explanation or excuse would magically pick up the decimation. His lips trembled openly for a moment before they closed again. "No,” he said softly. "You’re right. I can’t explain why I trusted Bast; something about her made me feel like I could. And at the time, I didn’t really have anyone else… but that’s no excuse. You’re right. I was given everythin’ to do things right and all I did was fuck it up. I was selfish because I wanted to get to know you without the cloud of what I did, what I was, hanging over me. I was afraid to talk to Vandrad because then you’d know who I was and then…”

    He didn’t need to say it. Once she had found out, things would have been over. He reached up to wipe some tears away. "I know it ain’t worth anything but… I’m sorry. I fucked things up royally and I ain’t looking for pity, understanding or nothin’. I just… needed to tell you. You’re right, I should have come beggin’ on my knees that you’d even give me the time of day, not sending you a message without notice.” He swallowed hard. "Maybe I believed Bast because I wanted something to justify all of my hatred and anger towards the du Wolffs. Or that it wasn’t really them, that Vandrad’s granddad didn’t really just turn his back on my pops and leave ‘im to die.”

    Truthfully, he didn’t think he knew Vandrad well enough to understand how hard he’d fight. Sure, he’d heard stories about some of the du Wolff’s resolve and he’d seen enough of the future king’s tactics during the rebellion to know how intelligent he was. But that hardly mattered at the moment.  "I’m sorry… I’m just… I’m so sorry…”

    @Saffron Remington | 987/2475 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 268
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Saffron Remington 29th November 2023, 10:09 am


    She wished she could say it felt good to get everything off her chest after all this time. Unfortunately, the situation was so fucked up beyond all repair that even getting the opportunity to give him a piece of her mind really didn’t alleviate any of the pain and frustration she was feeling. He finally looked up at her when she called him out on not being able to meet her gaze, but by that point she was so immersed in letting everything out that she didn’t care whether or not he’d been bullied into doing so.

    When she finally stopped talking, turning her face away for a moment and doing her best to keep herself grounded in a stubborn – and futile – attempt to not let his past actions control her, he started to respond. Whatever Xavier was going to say, however, he decided against it, correcting whatever train of thought he’d been about to have and electing instead to tell her that she was right. He had no reasoning as to why he trusted Bast the way he did, chalking it up to a gut feeling and admitting that at the time he didn’t have anyone else to turn to for support. Hardly good excuses, but he admitted as much himself, recognizing that he’d made every wrong move even with all the neon signs pointing him in the right direction.

    His selfishness was due to his desire to get to know her without the taint from his past, which in turn caused him to avoid reaching out to Vandrad because he was scared that he would lose Saffron once the truth was out. Saffron’s jaw clenched. Neither his admission of his fear, nor his tears, were doing much to garner any pity from her, which Xavier insisted he wasn’t trying to get. He claimed that he was just doing what he could to be honest with her now, apologizing agreeing with the sentiment that he shouldn’t have expected her to be hanging by a thread to hear from him.

    Turning the subject back around to Bast, Xavier did his best to rationalize for himself why he had turned to the mysterious woman. He’d still had a lot of hatred and pain from everything that had happened with his father, and he was desperate for either something to justify him or something to prove without a doubt that he’d been wrong. Xavier apologized a couple more times, doing his best to emphasize how much he regretted his actions. Unfortunately, all the apologies in the world weren’t going to be enough to make any difference to Saffron at that moment. The damage had already been done, more than even Xavier understood considering her past with Addy, and there simply wasn’t any room in her heart for forgiveness at this point.

    “Whatever,” she told him flatly, though not with as much force as he may have expected. After a beat or two, she drew in a deep breath through her nostrils, reaching up to wipe her face dry before turning to look at him again with a thinly veiled mask of disinterest. “Look, the only reason I even came was because Vandrad insisted. If it had been up to me, I’d have just had him show up to confront you himself, but he wanted you to talk to me first.”

    Saffron crossed her arms over her chest once more. “I’m sorry about your dad. I really am. It sucks, and I empathize with it. Moreso now than I did…” Her voice trailed off for a moment, and she shook her head. She, of course, had no experience with a father figure losing his life, and would never compare what Xavier had been through with the emotional betrayal she was currently experiencing. But this meeting wasn’t about what happened in Iceberg, so she continued without finishing her sentence. “Whatever answers you’re looking for when it comes to what happened on Rhaegar, you need to accept that you may never find them. Not even the du Wolffs know what happened.”

    “What I can tell you is that they are good people. I never met Bacchus, but everyone that’s ever talked to me about him only ever talks about his compassion, generosity, and humility. And the rest of the du Wolffs are exactly like that, even when they’re given plenty of reasons not to be. Hell, nearly all the Rhaegarians that made it to Earthland are like that. I’ve spent a lot of time with the people you oppressed, Xavier, and every time you came up in conversation, you know what they said?”

    She fixed him with a poignant look. “They always talk about how troubled you were, and how hard your father’s death was on you. They talk about how difficult a struggle it was for you to adjust to what happened, tying all of your cruelty back to your grief. I have never once heard a single one of them curse your name or express any desire that you get what’s coming to you. Even when we all thought that you had died along with the planet. Hell, when I talked to Vandrad’s family about the way you’d deceived me, the ones who spoke up the most in your defense were Cyrene and Vandrad.

    Saffron was sure she wouldn’t have to spell out how weighty that knowledge was, considering Xavier’s actions against both of them in the past. He probably understood it even more than Saffron. “They aren’t lining up to excuse your behavior, but even after all this they still are showing an understanding and a measure of forgiveness that, as far as I’m concerned, you don’t deserve. So maybe think about that the next time this Bast bitch tries to tell you that the du Wolffs need any kind of fixing.”

    “In fact, I have more than a few words for her, too, so if you can point me in the direction of where I can personally deliver a long list of grievances, that’d be great.” Her ire seemed to return, an angry scowl reforming on Saffron’s face to convey just how serious she was about getting a chance to tear Bast a new asshole, cosmic deity or no.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 1040/4008 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Xavier Clarent 29th November 2023, 2:15 pm

    Xavier Clarent

    Y Rank
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    Solemn Park

    Road to Redemption

    He didn’t really know what else to say. He could apologize until he was blue in the face but he knew it wasn’t going to matter. Xavier had done the kind of damage that apologies didn’t magically fix -- in fact, he wasn’t even sure there was anything he could say or do at any point that would begin the process of healing. Saffron dismissed his apologies, taking a moment to wipe away any stray tears before she turned back to face him, her face showing what he could only describe as disinterest. She claimed, coldly, that the only reason that she had come was because Vandrad had strongly suggested she do so. As far as she stood, she would have been happier for the future king to be standing there rather than herself.

    After a moment she continued, her tone not as sharp as she expressed her understanding about his father, apparently more susceptible to understanding than before. It seemed to hint at something further but not something he believed he had any right to ask about. She told him that the answers he sought, the reason behind his father’s betrayal, may be beyond his reach and he had to come to some kind of acceptance with that. It was as hard of a hit as anything she’d said so far and he had to fight back the wince at the comment. Of course saying as much and accepting it were two different things and it was clear he wasn’t quite ready to begin that path of acceptance. Especially when he had so much more he needed to make up for.

    But she moved on, going to bat for the du Wolffs and stating what she had seen and felt around the family. They even spoke of Bacchus with flowery compliments, something she equated to all of the family, despite situations when they should not be. It was not hard to figure that he was the primary suspect of that particular statement, as she continued and spoke of the other Rhaegarians that had made it to Earthland. She looked at him and explained that his own people, the ones that he had hurt, had still spoken kindly of him, talking about how the loss of his father had hurt him and how he’d struggled to move past it. They knew where his anger and cruelty had been born from and had nothing but pity for him. Even after he’d been revealed and Saffron had told them about what he’d done, Cyrene and Vandrad had spoken in his defense, at least to the source of his agony.

    Neither one were excusing what he’d done but they still understood where it came from and, apparently, showed some level of forgiveness for it, though she made it quite clear she didn’t believe he deserved any of it. It was a driving force behind her point to stop and use his brain rather than blindly obeying the whims of some entity beyond the borders of their world. And it seemed she wasn’t done; she insisted that Xavier direct her to Bast personally, so that she could list out issues she had with the woman as well. "I don’t know if that’s possible,” he said softly. "She was pretty pissed I didn’t follow through on killin’ Vandrad. Something about all the negative energy bein’ too much. I told her to kick bricks and I haven’t felt her presence since. Sorry…”

    "I don’t know where to go from here. But I’ve… probably wasted enough of your time. I just wanted to explain and… say how sorry I am.” His gaze shifted downward slightly. "I imagine Vandrad and them will be the ones comin’ to find me next.”

    @Saffron Remington | 621/3096 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

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    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Saffron Remington 29th November 2023, 8:57 pm


    Saffron had a number of bones to pick with this Bast woman, now that she finally had a name to go along with the mysterious person Vandrad had heard Xavier arguing with. It probably wasn’t the brightest idea to pick a fight with someone that sounded like they were some kind of goddess, but when Saffron was this angry she wasn’t exactly prone to reason. She was stubborn and brash and likely to lash out at just about anyone that halfway gave reason to earn her ire. Bast had been the driving force behind the attack on Vandrad as far as it was understood, and that was not something that Saffron was ever going to take lightly.

    And while she didn’t say it out loud, mostly because she was far too hurt and pissed to even admit it to herself, she had an additional reason to be upset with Bast. The goddess, or whatever the fuck she was, had clearly manipulated Xavier under her influence while he was still at a very low point in his life and without much support. She’d taken advantage of him just as much as Xavier had taken advantage of Saffron. And despite everything that Xavier had done, Saffron couldn’t just turn off how she’d come to feel about him after all this time, as much as she wished she could. The damage had already been done, not just from his deceit but also from the attachment she’d built to him during the time that she didn’t know the truth. He may have had a different name, but it was still the same face, the same man, that she’d held such hopes for a real future with someday.

    But the trust was gone now, and without that she simply could not entertain any such feelings.

    Xavier admitted that he wasn’t sure it was possible to put her in contact with Bast, claiming that the mysterious entity had been livid with him for his refusal to follow through with ending Vandrad’s life. As a result, he’d proverbially kicked her to the curb and hadn’t had any interaction with her ever since. “Well, if you ever hear from her again, you tell her to stay the fuck away from the people I care about. If she makes a move on Vandrad, or any du Wolff, ever again it’s going to be her fucking funeral.”

    Frankly, Saffron wanted to say a hell of a lot more than that to Bast, but there was little point in ladling all of that on Xavier when he wasn’t even in contact with her anymore. It was the only warning the woman would get. Even if Saffron’s strength wasn’t enough to take someone like Bast out, there were plenty of other allies that would be more than happy to step in and take up the cause, including Vandrad himself. There may still be Rhaegarians that were willing to extend Xavier a branch of understanding and forgiveness… but she highly doubted Bast would be afforded the same compassion.

    The guildmaster expressed that he wasn’t really sure what the next steps for him were, but voiced that he didn’t want to keep her, likely because he understood that she hadn’t really wanted to come in the first place. Xavier reiterated his apologies, his gaze dropping a bit, before theorizing that Vandrad and the du Wolffs were going to be looking for him next. “Themmy made it quite clear that you were to be apprehended and brought in for justice immediately,” Saffron informed him. “You attacked her son, the upcoming king of a nation that is days away from declaring its independence, and she’s none too happy with how you treated me, either. So as far as New Rhaegar is concerned, you're public enemy number two.” There was a brief pause there as Saffron let that sink in, her eyes locked on Xavier with an expectant look. It was the blonde’s duty to bring him in, being the one that ‘found’ him. However…

    “Luckily for you, Themmy isn’t the one in charge, anymore. Vandrad and Mercury are, so they’re the ones who call the shots. Vandrad is not expecting me to haul you to New Rhaegar. He knows this whole clusterfuck is hard enough on me as it is. So, you get to keep your freedom for now, until someone else comes for you. My money would be on either Mercury or Cedric.”

    Or, she continued, overemphasizing the word to make sure he was paying attention to all of his options. “You can take your absolute last chance to do the right thing, to stop pawning the responsibility of the consequences of your actions on others, and turn yourself in. It’s not like you don’t know where to find the rest of us. Personally, I’d rather not see your face at Fairy Tail, but you’ve already sought Mercury out at Silver Wolf before, and you know where Cedric lives. Hell, you can turn yourself into the Rune Knights. Mythal and Serilda are keeping an eye out for you, too, and they’d have political grounds to arrest you for attacking a foreign noble on Fioren soil. So if you’re ready to start doing more than just talking about what you want and actually holding yourself accountable for your actions, you’ve got a plethora of options.”

    As far as Saffron was concerned, Xavier had exactly zero excuse. If he really wanted to prove that he was ready and willing to fix things, this was the first step to show it, and the only way he could handle the situation with any amount of self respect. “In fact, I’ll even give you another opportunity to start fixing your mistakes: tell me everything you know about Seberg Tiri.”

    Her gaze was laser locked on Xavier with an intensity that was only partially aimed at him, a knowing look in her dark stare. “Yeah, your boy made it to Earthland with everyone else, and he’s been a fucking menace. He’s also the one that nearly killed Cedric and me twice, the one I ran off to fight last time, and apparently I did the impossible and scared the piss out of him during our last battle. Which, I highly doubt he’s handling well. It’s only a matter of time before he hunts me down for revenge, so if you have any – and I mean any – information about him that could help give me an edge or keep me breathing when he comes calling, now’s the time to start sharing.”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 1091/5099 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
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    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Xavier Clarent 30th November 2023, 1:51 pm

    Xavier Clarent

    Y Rank
    Confidence Int.
    Solemn Park

    Road to Redemption

    Saffron was quick to tell him that if Bast were to ever speak to him again, he needed to make sure she understood that Saffron was the vanguard of anyone she may target. As far as she was concerned, the entity from beyond was an enemy and if she made any kind of move against the du Wolffs or anyone she even slightly cared for, she’d go out of her way to bury Bast herself. Xavier nodded softly; he wasn’t entirely certain Saffron could kill Bast, or that anyone really could. But he knew if anyone could find a way, it was the Fairy Tail mage. With that it seemed that their meeting was drawing to a close, though there was still something hanging over them that hadn’t been spoken about. As he made reference to his wanted status, believing that he would be hunted down, Saffron told him point blank that Themesycia wanted him caught and brought in immediately. His gaze lifted back to her as she ran down, again, the reasons the former duchess would want him captured, stating that he was the second most wanted man on their list.

    There was a pause as they looked at one another. Xavier understood what Saffron was looking at him for, staring at him with a hard understanding of what she had said. By all rights, she should be the one to drag him in for justice. But she continued after that tense moment, stating that Vandrad had asked her to meet him without the intent of capturing him. He’d understood how personal it was and didn’t want to involve politics where it didn’t need to be, at least not at the moment. So for the time being, he was a ‘free man’ until someone came for him, her theorizing that it was probably Mercury or Cedric.

    Yet she offered him a third choice. She told him that if he wanted to make up for all the wrong choices he made, he could man up and turn himself in. She didn’t really want him to come to Fairy Tail and force her to be the one that did it but he had several other options to whom he could go and turn himself in. As far as she saw it, it was the best means of taking action and responsibility for what he’d done rather than just talking about how sorry he was. He scoffed slightly, better defined as a mirthless laugh. "You’re right. I’ve spent enough time on the run…” he said quietly.

    But she wasn’t done. She offered an olive branch, a first step to redeeming himself, if he was willing to tell her all about Seberg. His eyes snapped up to meet her’s in shock, wide as plates. She confirmed that he had arrived on Earthland as well and had proven to be a handful. She also confirmed that it was Seberg that she had fought twice, the man she had told him was the target of her suicide mission. Words couldn’t possibly describe the look on his face as he attempted to process everything she was saying. "Hold on, Seberg was the guy you had to fight? And you’re… alive?” He simply couldn’t believe that. No one had ever fought the maniac before and come back alive. And she had done it twice? No wonder she felt he was going to come at her -- there was little doubt in his mind she was right.

    "Seberg is a menace, a walking weapon of destruction. He’s also one of, if not the oldest Rhaegarian still alive. Our people they… we live an extended period of time, on par with immortality. The kicker is that we do die out, usually from an accident or disease or war. Rhaegar has seen its share of rebellions and massacres. He’s never told anyone his exact age but I know he’s ancient. But he’s not…” How could he put this in a way that made sense? "I thought Seberg was coming to kill me. My pops had agreed to ally with Bacchus and he had it out for the du Wolffs, though he always held off for… whatever reason, he never said. He showed up within a day of the rebellion’s end and told me that he could do me a favor, if I gave him the green light to ‘play’ with the du Wolff survivors on the planet. I was still so… angry that I agreed. I might have been terrified too. I had moments where I thought about stoppin’ him, to stop the killin’ but… he’d remind me of what they’d done and I got angry all over again.” He shook his head, realizing he was just reminiscing and not actually providing much information. "You pro’lly know more than me now. I only heard stories about him, I never saw him fight. I know he keeps to himself, prefers to stay in places where others don’t frequent. I didn’t think he was capable of feelin’... well, anything. But if you scared him or made him angry?”

    "Saff, you… you gotta be careful. There’s no telling what that monster will do to get back at you.”

    @Saffron Remington | 864/3960 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

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    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Saffron Remington 30th November 2023, 8:35 pm


    He seemed to be in agreement that it was time for him to start actually taking responsibility, which was good because Saffron certainly would not have been impressed if he’d had any other reaction. Whether or not he followed through before someone else found him was an entirely different story. His actions hadn’t matched his words thus far, but hopefully he’d reached rock bottom enough to be ready to change.

    However, there was one last thing that Saffron needed to discuss with him: Seberg. The moment she said his name and demanded information about the rogue Rhaegarian, Xavier’s entire demeanor shifted from sorrow to shock. He seemed in complete disbelief that Saffron had fought the man and lived to talk about it, which was a fair reaction. When he was able to speak again he stated his agreement that Seberg was a force of nature all his own, and that he was one of the oldest Rhaegarians still alive. Apparently, no one knew exactly how old he was. Most Rhaegarians had the potential to live forever, but few rarely did between the planet’s routine rebellions.

    He’d thought that Seberg was going to kill him after he assumed the throne, considering Xavier’s father had been allied with Bacchus. Seberg’s hatred of the du Wolffs was notorious. However, the apex predator never made a move, instead convincing Xavier to let him run buck wild as a means of vengeance for Bacchus’ betrayal. Xavier admitted there were times he thought about trying to put a stop to him, but between Seberg’s manipulation of Xavier’s grief, and Xavier’s earnest fear of Seberg, he’d never taken any steps to do so.

    At this point, the disgraced king could only assume that Saffron knew more about Seberg currently than he did. Xavier had never seen him fight personally. All he knew was that he was unthinkably dangerous and liked to keep to himself. And up until now, he hadn’t thought Seberg was capable of feeling anything, let alone anger or fear. He insisted that she needed to watch her back, stating that Seberg would stop at nothing to retaliate.

    “Yeah, I gathered as much after the first fight with him, let alone the last one,” was her dry response. Saffron was intimately familiar with how much of a threat he was. “It’s the whole reason I chose not to go into hiding, remember? I don’t need that psychopath going after my family.” The blonde paused for a moment there to give a frustrated sigh through her nostrils, though from her expression it seemed that it was less frustration at Xavier himself and more that she’d hoped he’d have more for her to work with.

    “Well, then I guess I should be the one filling you in, then,” she finally relented, turning her gaze toward him once more. “I told you when I came back after the fight that we unfortunately only made him worse. Remember when you first met Vandrad, and how he was badly injured until Cyrene healed him? He’d been nearly killed by a weapon that destroyed his magical core; cut off his access to his magic entirely. Basically, we tried to use that exact same weapon to destroy Seberg’s blood marker.”

    “Not only did it not work, but he absorbed the energy that we used to attempt it… and now he can control that element within his own body. I don’t know that he can destroy blood markers with it; the element in its natural state only affects magic, and blood markers aren’t magical. But at the very least, he can destroy a person’s access to their magic, now… and who knows what else. That’s what he was going to do to me, but Cedric took the hit for me instead. He also has magic that allows him to briefly stop time for everyone but himself, and Cyrene is concerned that his push into fear and anger may also force an… awakening, I think she called it. So yeah, the next time he comes for me, I imagine the only reason I’ll be alive is because he’s probably going to want to draw out my punishment.”

    She shrugged, her discussion on the topic more academic than anything else, despite the fact that she should have been losing her mind with anxiety over it. But giving into anxiety wasn’t going to do Saffron any good. It wasn’t that she wasn’t afraid of Seberg, because she absolutely was. But her fear wasn’t going to change the reality of what laid before her. The situation simply was what it was. “Luckily he doesn’t know where the du Wolffs or the rest of the Rhaegarians are, but that will change soon with New Rhaegar declaring itself as a nation. I’d prefer to wipe him out before then, but the odds are against us. The only reason Cedric and I survived the first fight was because Maker – his ally that we managed to kill – ordered him to retreat. Even then, I think he only obeyed because he was fascinated with us both and wanted another chance to fight us later.”

    “And the second time we fought him, we only managed to walk away from it because of whatever bullshit power I pulled out after he ran Cedric through, which I still don’t know how to consciously access or control. Maybe if I had enough time to figure that out we’d stand a better chance, but I highly doubt he’s going to give me that kind of time, and the chances of us pulling a third miracle out of our asses… well, I don’t think I need to spell that out for you. And that goes especially if he singles me out on my own. The only reason Cedric and I have given him this much of a run for his money is because we had each other’s help. If he gets me alone, I’m fucked.”

    A cold and brutal truth. Yet, she didn’t sound any less determined to put up a fight, even now refusing to back down despite knowing that Seberg should have killed her a long time ago. But as she’d told Xavier before the last mission, this fight had become personal, and she was going to do her part to put Seberg in the ground… or, more likely, die trying. Which was more than Xavier ever tried to do, though she elected to keep that thought to herself.

    After a few beats of silence, Saffron uncrossed her arms and shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. “So much for that, I suppose.” If Xavier didn’t have anything useful to provide, then she didn’t see any reason to stay in his presence any longer. She’d heard all she needed to hear, and said everything she needed to say. She briefly looked back up at him, catching his eyes more out of habit or instinct than anything else. For the smallest of moments there was something in her gaze, some measure of hesitance to leave, an evidence of how much she had cared for him and a grief, or maybe longing, for what he had once been for her…

    …And then she shook her head and looked away once more with a hardened resolve. “Well, whatever you decide to do from here, I don’t really care. Just… leave me out of it.” With that, she turned and walked away without so much as a farewell, doing her best to fight back a resurgence of tears and to stamp down the aching in her heart.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 1260/6359 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    An Evening of Truth Empty Re: An Evening of Truth

    Post by Xavier Clarent 2nd December 2023, 2:06 pm

    Xavier Clarent

    Y Rank
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    Solemn Park

    Road to Redemption

    Of course he knew that she would already understand where she stood with Seberg. If nothing else, the psychopath was very straightforward and easy to figure out, at least in terms of his mannerisms. But she wasn’t planning on hiding, if only so Seberg didn’t go hunting for her family. He nodded softly in understanding before she continued, stating that she probably had more to give him than he had for her. She reiterated the information that she had told him when they’d reciprocated after the fight, though she went into far greater details than she had before. Apparently Seberg had absorbed the weapon they’d attempted to use on him, the one that had made Vandrad so weak when they’d first met. And there was no telling what kind of damage he could do now that he’d made it his own. That wasn’t even including the fact that he could apparently halt time on a whim, making him a truly terrifying force to be reckoned with. Cyrene had mentioned that he may have had an awakening, which caused Xavier to close his eyes and sigh softly. He knew very well what that meant, though he’d never dared dread what would happen if Seberg had achieved it. It was a rare occurrence outside of highly stressful situations and the rogue Rhaegarian had caused several awakenings himself during his hunts, though they had all ended in death and failure.

    Though all was not lost. Seberg didn’t know where the rest of the Rhaegarians were at the moment, though once they became an official nation, that advantage was out the window. And based on Saffron’s tone, it sounded like it was coming sooner rather than later. She’d prefer to be done with him before then but given how lucky she’d been so far, she doubted her luck ran that deep. Her and Cedric had just barely escaped death, if only due to the timely intervention of Seberg’s ally, Maker. And the second time, Saffron had pulled out her own miracle in time to save them all, though it seemed she had little to no control of her newfound powers. If she had the time, maybe she could work on mastering it but given how she had embarrassed him, Seberg was probably already on her trail.

    He hated that he couldn’t provide her with more information, his shoulders drooping slightly. "Sorry,” he said again, even as she looked up at him. There was the briefest of moments where he thought he saw something outside of anger and hatred, something he didn’t dare even hope to think about. But just as quickly as he’d considered it, she gave a shake of her head and instructed him to leave her out of anything he decided to do, as she didn’t care. And without as much as a goodbye, she turned and walked away, leaving him to stare at her retreating back. Of course instinct screamed in his ears to call out to her, to say… something.

    But there was nothing to say. He’d said everything he could and she had said everything she needed to. He watched her for several moments longer before he turned and walked in the opposite direction. He paused just long enough to look back at her before he gave a small shake of his head and continued on.

    Two shadows moved nearly at the same time, perched on different buildings on opposite sides of the park and unaware of the other. The one closest to Saffron rose up slightly, still out of view of her and watched as she left. Its head shifted to look back in the direction of Xavier and let out a noise akin to a scoff, as if it was dryly amused or putting pieces together. Without any other noise or indication, it turned and disappeared into the night.

    The other was far more bold, stepping partially into the light, though he was still high enough up that Xavier couldn’t see him. The grim facade of Cedric stared hard at the former God-King as he turned out of park and made his way towards the public transit. Cedric walked parallel to him on the buildings, bounding from rooftop to rooftop to stay nearly in stride with him. He wasn’t sure where the guildmaster was going but, wherever it was, he knew how it was coming to an end.

    New Rhaegar wanted him brought in alive, so that he could be held accountable for his crimes. On some level, the former Dread Master understood that and knew he should honor it. But Xavier had hurt Saffron, hurt Vandrad and betrayed Mercury’s trust. That wasn’t even including the list of atrocities he allowed or put forth on his home planet. However repentant he was, and based on what he could sense from him during his conversation with Saffron, he was, Cedric frankly didn’t care. Xavier deserved to die for his actions and Cedric had taken it upon himself to act as judge, jury and executioner.

    He just needed him out of the city and away from Saffron, in case the Fairy Tail mage came running with some reminded comment she’d wanted to throw at him. Xavier boarded the bus and as it headed out, Cedric teleported himself on top of it. He expected the guildmaster to get out somewhere along the way, heading back to whatever place he’d opted to use for the night. Cedric had zero faith in Xavier going to turn himself in; he’d crawl back into his hole and, after his emotions simmered down, he would realize he didn’t want to be incarcerated and probably judged for execution. Cowards were all the same. The bus carried them out of the city and along the main road, with the former Dread Master sitting on the top of it and waiting.

    Nearly an hour and a half later, he was surprised to find that Xavier had rode the bus all the way to Crocus. As his quiet fury turned to confusion, they came to a stop not two blocks from his own apartment. His eyes snapped to the sight of Xavier walking away from the vehicle, specifically in the direction of his home. Was he… going to his place? Or maybe Cillian’s? The latter seemed unlikely; he’d gotten along with Cillian but not really enough to warrant a night visit after such an emotionally driven encounter. Cedric frowned as he focused on his apartment and teleported inside. All the lights were out, just as he’d left it. He turned one light off in the kitchen, enough to show the slight hue of illumination from the window in the main room. He stepped into his bedroom and parked himself by the window and… waited.

    It wasn’t a few moments later that Xavier appeared from around the corner, heading in his direction. He was coming to the apartment and Cedric could only reasonably deduce that he was coming to his apartment. Saffron had said that he knew where Cedric lived, offering him up as an option for surrender. But of all of the choices, that should have been the most unreasonable. It wasn’t like the Saffron had pretended they hadn’t had a physical relationship and however casual that had seemed or not, they were certainly still friends. Was he hoping for some kind of pity? He should have gone to Mythal and Serilda’s for that. They would, at least, follow the law.

    He hissed in annoyance; he was technically a Rune Knight informant as well. Murdering an unarmed man, however guilty of crimes or not, would look bad if it was discovered. He could just grab Xavier and teleport him somewhere into the stratosphere and drop him. Hadn’t he flown when he fought Vandrad? At the bottom of the ocean then. Who knew what that armored suit he had was capable of withstanding though.

    He got up from the window as he heard a knock on his door. His hand twitched furiously as his heart pounded in his ears. No, he’d own up to what he did then. One swift strike and Xavier would be no more. It would bury whatever hope he had of being with Saffron for good but better to punish the man that had broken her heart. He reached for the door and swung it open, finding Xavier standing there before him. His eyes flared with anger, his lip twitching even before the former God-King could speak.

    "Hi… Cedric…” Xavier said softly. "Listen-”

    Cedric’s fist launched forward and slammed into Xavier’s face. It knocked him back into the wall, though not hard enough to put him through it. Clearly the guildmaster wasn’t prepared for it because he slumped to the floor, knocked out after the one hard blow to the cranium. Cedric scowled at himself, reaching up to scratch the back of his head.

    Damn these people he’d grown close to. All of their soft emotions were getting the best of him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, speed dialing Mercury. “Merc, I’ve got Xavier. Bastard came to my door to give himself up. I… may have punched him. But he’s still living. You better send Vandrad here quickly before I decide to amend that.”

    @Saffron Remington | 1543/5503 words • Notes •


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:31 pm