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    Baiting The Trap (Fraag)


    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 1st February 2022, 5:12 am

    She did adore this place and once more the raven haired angel had returned to Solemn Park, in the hopes of making a little mischief and with any luck, coming across a lovely mage that she could toy around with. Her previous visits had been fruitful and since then, Medeia had only been fanning the flames further. She had made no effort to hide her previous abductions from the public and had used her previous encounters as a way to hopefully attract more targets to her. The people of Talonia were speaking more and more of a creature who stalked the park at night. Some said that it took the form of a black cat, some said that it took the form of a purple haired winged demon and some said that it was a dastardly mage who wished to snatch young maidens away. The truth was actually all three, depending on Medeia’s mood and for the moment at least, she was playing the role of the former.

    Medeia was in fact sat in her favourite tree, currently polymorphed in her feline form, her purple eyes the only real giveaway that she was something other than what she appeared to be. She had been there for quite some time now, occasionally tossing out a mind control spell or two in order to amuse herself. Up until now, she had not come across anyone lovely enough to truly attract her attention and the Ace of Errings Rising had to admit that she was beginning to lose her patience. Was the thought of capturing a dark mage not enough to stir the hearts of a legal mage or two and cause them to fall into her trap? Maybe her previous activities had scared them off? It was a possibility, she supposed but one that hopefully was not the case. It had been far too long since she had managed to get her hands on a beautiful new target and given how busy those closest to her had been lately, she was feeling a tad lonely. As much as she adored her precious maid, who was always there for her, there were times where she wished to share her bed with someone else. They both understood the score, of course and more often than not, her purple haired assistant joined in on the fun too.

    Swishing her tail in irritation, the eyes of the cat fell upon a group of young people who were walking past her tree, a group of five with two males and three females. The men were of no interest to her naturally but there was a lovely blonde haired woman too and she most certainly was. Not a mage but perhaps she would satisfy her desires for a little while? Enough until she came across someone more fitting?

    With that thought in mind, she would focus upon the largest male and release a beam of magical power from her purple orbs. Even in her cat form, magic was easy to cast and so she had no issues whatsoever. The beam would travel down and seem to sink into the mind of her target. He was easy to overpower mentally and the angel swiftly eroded his will and took control, a slight smile crossing her features. The others did not seem to notice anything was a miss or were simply so busy chattering away that they did not even notice or perhaps it was that they could just not recognise magic when they saw it? Either way, it worked out rather well for the witch.

    The brawny buffoon now in her clutches, she would force him to come to a stop and then turn around, his eyes glazed over, before launching a punch towards the young man who was just behind him. There was a nasty crunch as the powerful blow landed and as the girls started to shriek and the men brawled, Medeia simply watched with mild amusement. A simple way of garnering attention to her location and if there were any mages in the vicinity then they would surely have felt her magic. Her aura at this point had reached a potency that few other magical beings could match and yet rather than make it ominous and overbearing, she instead caused it to be more of a teasing challenge. She wanted the attention, she wanted a confrontation and she wanted to be found.

    The anger that was stemming from the fighting males was delicious and opening her mouth slightly, the black cat would start to drain it from them, using her slayer element of anger to full effect. Rage and wrath were always so delightful and although she rarely became overcome by such emotions herself, the sight and taste of them were always a pleasure. As the men continued to fight, Medeia would start to increase her sphere of influence, using her powers of anger and releasing a pulse that would travel through the park, resulting in more and more people falling to it. The results would not be pretty and as more fights started to break out, Medeia would remain where she was, her purple eyes watching the carnage, barely even blinking.

    (866 Words)

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 1st February 2022, 1:55 pm

    The only reason Talonia held any allure for Nita Fortune was due to the fact that it was built so close to a massive waterfall, and that was awesome on many counts. Oh, and it had a black market which was so famous that it was said that even the government left it mostly alone due to the impact it had on Fiore’s economy. It was said that just about anything could be found in the black market, for a price. Oh, and there was also the Soul Bar, where one could, with the right skills and/or connections, get almost any kind of information, or at least get set on the path to get the information of their desire. Oh, and there was also the Talonia Arena, which hosted mage battles. Okay, maybe there was more than one reason for Nita liking this particular city. Oh, and then there was the park. It was, despite her cheery and apparently sociable persona, not so highly ranked on her centers of attraction list as far as Talonia was concerned. Why? Because it was a park. What did people do in parks? Apparently they just had picnics, or wandered around aimlessly, or just wasted time in general. Which, in Nita’s opinion, was the purpose of parks: to waste time. And that was also why, despite the general consensus that she was a warm, effervescent person, Nita knew she was not alright. Probably not in the head, at least.

    It was for this reason that the Luminous Rose mage had decided on this fateful evening, to connect more with her humanity. Wait, she was human, wasn’t she? That had been a question Nita had been pondering on for quite a while. Serving in a light guild kept her busy and helped to stave the unwelcome thoughts that crowded in her head every now and then. But on days when she wasn’t very busy, like today, it was difficult not to get concerned about the many things she found herself being forced to think about. She had just concluded a minor reconnaissance mission for her guild, and everything had been wrapped up and concluded to the satisfaction of all parties involved (yes, there were no instances of broken noses and people losing teeth), and despite her relative fondness of engaging in martial activities, Nita was happy (or so she was willing to believe) that things had not been resolved in the good, old fisticuffs method. After all, the good guys weren’t supposed to be so violent, were they? So, with the mission being a success, and everyone being happy, Nita had one night to kill before returning to Hosenka, where she had chosen to call home due to its proximity to her guild. What better way to spend the night than to waste it wandering aimlessly as other normal humans did when the weather was good and the moon was out, and even without the artificial lightings of the city, one could easily see where one was going? That meant the park. Solemn Park, it was called. Initially, Nita had wanted to try her hands at the Arena, but she had been feeling of late that she was a little more violent than she normally remembered herself being. So, at the present moment, the wasting of time in the park was a more wholesome way to pass the evening, even if it didn’t mean getting the stuffing beaten out of you, or executing the favor instead of beating the stuffing out of some lucky fellow.

    And so she was out and about, strolling about aimlessly, and slowly beginning to understand something about the therapeutic nature of quiet night walks, when she seemed to hear the sound of people screaming. Initially, her first thought was to let the matter resolve itself, but she was sure she would feel sorry if she had actually had the chance to prevent suffering, and she allowed it to happen. She didn’t want to think about the possibility of a fight. It was not proper to hope for such, when one was supposed to be trying to make the world a better place. Moving in the direction of the sound, Nita did not have to take long before she discovered what the noise was all about. Two guys fighting, with the screaming being done mostly by the ladies who were spectating. None of them were mages, evidently. With the way the fight was proceeding, it was obvious that it wasn’t a good-intentioned spar; there seemed to be a good deal of bad blood involved. The body language of the women watching showed that they didn’t have an obvious preference for a winner, which meant it was likely an argument escalated into something not so pretty. Nita sighed. She disliked, to an extent, having to babysit adults; after all, it was a commonly read chapter in the adult’s handbook (that people were probably given when they had finished with the struggles of puberty, and which too few people ever read; she had definitely misplaced her own copy of said book) that it was in very poor taste to fight on the street. It was time for a bit of peacemaking. As Nita approached the combatants, she distinctly felt residual magic. Could it be that these two were fighting due to the result of a spell having been cast? It was beginning to seem more and more likely the case, especially as she began to notice that any other person around in the park seemed to be in a rotten mood. Perhaps this was a prank spell left by some malevolent trickster, and activated by the two men presently duking it out. As she walked into speaking distance, she used her Blink spell, not to teleport, but to banish the strange magic, which seemed to be affecting the larger guy especially. It wasn’t the best of ideas, for he immediately stopped fighting, only to get his own unexpected blow to the face.

    ”Hey!” she called, increasing the speed of her steps, as she hurried to deescalate the situation, ”aren’t you guys tired of tenderizing each other’s facial meat?” There was the scurry of who started what first, and even though it was obvious that the other girls there initially beheld Nita with some level of suspicion, probably thanks to her dressing style, in no time, the atmosphere was that of aggrieved children having an older sibling adjudicate on a wrong done, no matter that Nita was probably the youngest of the six of them. After some placating, and the explanation that a spell was probably involved and the park was no longer safe, Nita first had the combatants apologize to each other, and then sent the entire group scurrying from the park, with the warning of very dangerous magic possibly at work. While she felt that she had exaggerated what she thought the problem was, the Luminous Rose mage had no idea that her statement of the danger was probably even greater than she had imagined. But for now, she simply thought the fight had been a magical prank. Perhaps there were other similar magical bubbles around that would fill whoever entered them with bad emotions. She would quickly clean them up, if they indeed existed. She began concentrating to expand her mental sensory field, and that was when she detected the cat….

    WC: 1230



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 2nd February 2022, 5:04 am

    For a short period of time, the cat simply looked straight back at the blonde, her body language casual as she watched. The woman below her was certainly more powerful than those that she usually encountered and Medeia pondered about her next move. She had most definitely achieved her goal in drawing this mage in and the raven haired woman was somewhat impressed by just how easily this woman had managed to negate her effects. Yes, she was strong magically but just how strong? Was she on Suzhen or that brown haired brat’s level? It was difficult to tell at first until Medeia focused more intently on the woman’s aura. It was only then that the answer came to her and one that intrigued the angel even more. She was on the same level as they were and that realisation caused a swish of her tail. This might be a little more difficult than she had planned but that only made things more fun, she mused. It had been some time since she had fooled around with a more formidable target and she was curious about the scope of the blonde’s powers, among other things.

    There was little point in keeping her polymorph ability going at this point, given that she had already attracted the blonde to her but for the moment, she remained in her feline form nonetheless. That being said, Medeia’s purple eyed gaze soon enough left the woman’s face and descended, admiring her body in a way that no cat would. She was beautiful indeed and it did not take all that long for a hint of lust to appear in the eyes of the polymorphed mage. Her intent would not be all that difficult to fathom either and a purr would escape the cat, pleased with the sight before her. Already, Medeia’s mind was starting to turn towards the dirty and depraved with the next step of her plan having formed in her head incredibly quickly. Powerful or not, she wanted this woman in her arms and when was the last time that she had been unable to get what, or in this case who, she wanted?

    With a graceful leap from the tree, the cat would land a few feet from the woman and speak, Medeia’s voice sounding a little more high-pitched than usual due to her feline state. “I must admit that you were not who I was expecting, my dear but I am anything but disappointed. It is rare indeed that someone with your talent comes into my park and you have most definitely piqued my interest, in more ways than one.”

    Approaching the woman, Medeia would proceed to rub her head along the blonde lady’s leg as a friendly cat would although there was a far deeper meaning behind the action. It was a sign that she marked the woman to be her next target, whether the woman would figure it out or not was another matter. It also gave the witch the perfect opportunity to admire the beautiful blonde’s lovely legs and her gaze never stopped dripping with lust and desire. It could probably be sensed too in her magical aura, if the woman’s sense was potent enough to detect it. She was never one to hide such feelings as the reactions of those she was fond of were always priceless to see. Some would become uncomfortable, some would become angry but sometimes, just sometimes, they would feel the same way.

    “I suppose I should be angry with you for ruining my fun.” She continued, still rubbing her head against the woman, as well as occasionally walking through her legs.“Those filthy males deserved a lesson for flaunting themselves in front of those lovely ladies and I do so love the taste of anger and wrath, it is a form of nourishment for me you see. That being said, I can hardly stay angry with such a beautiful person as you and I would rather that we get to know each other in a way other than fighting but I will leave that up to you. It has been a long time since I played with someone new and I cannot take my eyes off you, my dear.”

    With that said, the cat would then proceed to leave the woman and take a seat a few feet in front of the pretty blonde, eyes once more upon her. Medeia did not care all that much at this point about being discovered by others. The park was pretty much deserted now after her spell and besides herself and the blonde, the place was quiet. Besides, even if they were discovered, the witch could remove them with just a wave of her hand. Her attention was fully upon the blonde now and she had made her rather friendly ultimatum. This was the option that she offered all of her targets, peacefully or violently. In truth, she was not all that fond of hurting other women and Medeia did truly hope that perhaps it could be avoided but sometimes that just did not happen. Some were just stubborn and had to be broken and hauled off in a more restricted state.

    (866 Words)
    (1632 PWC)
    (2962 TWC)

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 2nd February 2022, 2:48 pm

    This was certainly not a normal cat; Nita didn’t have to look closely to come to such a conclusion. Firstly, cats usually didn’t come with purple eyes, and even though Fiore was such a magical place, despite the stories people told, normal cats weren’t magical creatures. So, that cat was not normal. Also, Nita was not quite sure, but she felt that there seemed to be some strange intelligence behind those eyes, and it was not at all the beastly intelligence that was to be expected from four footed creatures with too many brain synapses firing in the right directions. It thus stood to reason that a cat with purple eyes, that seemed to be quite intelligent, could very likely have been the selfsame one who had cast the spell that had caused people to start beating one another’s teeth out. That painted the black cat as a threat, and even though Nita was fond of animals, she wasn’t quite sure she would want to yet be all friendly and amiable with this one, that is, until she had gotten to the bottom of the whole exercise in face to fist connecting rituals. For all she knew, this thing could be a being of pure evil, hiding behind the innocent guise of an apparently harmless black cat.

    Then there was something else. The way the cat was looking at her was very very weird. Although the creature didn’t have human features, there was something in that look that was reminiscent of how one random creep had been looking at her some months ago. The creep had made the mistake of trying to get closer, and some well-placed blows had been sufficient to change not only the creep’s facial expression, but probably his intentions as well. But this was a cat, and Nita was not sure how well punching a cat would look. Also, with it being a cat, there was very little it could do… okay, it could probably use magic, so she would probably have to scratch that part about the cat being incapable of really doing anything to her. But just what the cat was capable of doing was what she could not tell. And that in itself was worrisome. In any case, it was best to just wait and see what the cat would do next. If the cat did nothing, they could stay there and stare at each other all night, although Nita didn’t think cats were that patient. It would eventually have to do something, and what it did next would determine Nita’s own subsequent action.

    And then the cat descended. While Nita did not move, she had already prepared herself, if need be, to go into battle mode at once, in case the cat decided to begin throwing hands, or paws, in its case. And then the cat began talking. That was odd, but of course it was a magical cat, so it could probably talk. Nita made a mental note to herself to not be too surprised if the cat could shoot lasers from its eyes or fly, or do some other strange things. In any case, the cat’s words were a bit confusing. Apparently the cat had been expecting someone else before she came along, so why didn’t the cat remain where it was and continue expecting whoever it hoped would show up? Why did Nita’s appearance mean that the cat could stop waiting for whoever it was waiting for, and focus on her? ”Uh, thanks, I suppose?” Nita replied uncertainly, not sure if she should be flattered or concerned by the cat’s words. But if Nita had been wary on seeing this intelligent cat, she was now much more so. How could the cat have deciphered that she was ‘talented’, unless this creature was far much more than it seemed to be? Apparently, the cat had something against the fighting guys, though Nita was sure she missed it. She also wasn’t so sure how having people beat each other’s faces into ham sandwiches was fun. Okay, maybe she was being a bit hypocritical here. But Nita was more of the practical sort; she didn’t mind rolling up her own sleeves and doing the knuckle sandwich making from time to time.

    As far as behavior went, this seemed to be a normal cat. It also seemed friendly. But cats were not normally gifted with the powers of human speech, and with this one having said it was supposed to be angry with her, Nita was sure she had to tread carefully when dealing with this feline. ”Filthy males? Let’s not be too quick in our opinion making,” she said with a nervous chuckle. ”Granted, the bigger one looked like he could have won the spot for local bully of the year, but I think the other guy was cute. And he fought well, though I don’t think either of them has really been in enough fights to be used to the scientific art of rubbishing an opponent’s face with one’s fists. Buuuut, although I’m sure I’m in no position to give advice on your preferences, I thought it was peace and love that were responsible for making the world a better place. I don’t know, have you ever tried tasting serenity as opposed to anger? I’m sure it tastes like citrus-flavored chocolate.”

    Nita could not say whether the cat was being passive-aggressive, but since the feline did not appear intent on creating hostilities, she was not inclined to give battle either. It seemed an irony, though, for the cat to be interested in playing, not fighting, with her (Nita had absolutely no idea what ‘playing’ in that regard meant), when the cat seemed to find nourishment in rage and all that. Still, it was best to be cordial and accommodating. ”Well, playing is fun,” the blonde mage said in a chipper tone, ”and I have always said that too little of it has left the world a less colorful place. But I wonder, what games would you like to play? I think I know a thing or two about card games, but I’m not absolutely certain about what games cats would enjoy.”

    WC: 1030
    PWC: 2260
    TWC: 3992



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 3rd February 2022, 6:51 am

    The blonde woman seemed rather nervous yet cheerful which the cat could understand. How often was it that someone ran into such an unusual feline as her, after all? It simply made the lovely woman more endearing in Medeia’s eyes and her interest was increasing by the moment. She sounded almost innocent in some respects although the purple eyed animal knew better than to simply assume that. The angel had come across similar types before and more often than not, it was simply a facade. Hiding one’s true nature was something that many did, whether deliberately or not. Why was that? Were humans simply afraid of showing their true colours because they were worried about what they would seem to others? Nonsense in her opinion. It was only when one embraced their true nature that they truly grew and that was something that she not only believed in herself but taught to her students too and for the vast majority of them, it had aided them greatly. For herself? It had allowed her to reach a level of strength that so few mages had reached.

    It was becoming rather difficult for her to maintain her animal form at this point but not due to the difficulty of the spell, instead because of the fact that Medeia was quickly becoming rather obsessed with the blonde. She wished to return to her humanoid form in order to show her interest and yet, there was a part of her that actually enjoyed the frustration that her cat form caused her. Quite a conundrum but not an unpleasant one for her to find herself in. So, she would test her endurance and see how long she could control herself before she simply had to change back. On the plus side, the woman had yet to see her true form which was an advantage in itself. Not that she would fight in her cat one, of course. She could but unfortunately would be limited in both power and the spells she could use. It was supposed to be used for stealth and deception, after all, not direct combat.

    “We will have to agree to disagree regarding males.” Medeia replied, her gaze seemingly fixed upon the woman’s face again for the moment. “I find them rather repulsive and would not allow one anywhere near me. All ego and hands everywhere, certainly not my idea of a good time.” Her tone was filled with disdain and there would be no doubt at all that she meant every word she said. Unfortunately, she could not truly show by her expression so her voice would have to do. “Since they are so eager to show their strength, it is only fitting that I put them against each other, yes?”

    In response to the blonde’s comment about the taste of serenity, Medeia actually chuckled. “Unfortunately, I am unable to devour other emotions. Rage and wrath are what nourish me and I have become rather fond of the taste after eating them for so long. Besides that though, I personally do not believe that positive emotions would taste quite so pleasant. I am sure that they would be rather bland, a meal without seasoning. I think that you also just might have the wrong idea about me. If I truly wished for world peace, would I have been so willing to cause harm? I am sorry, my dear but I have no interest in that. Strife is more entertaining and no matter how hard people try, peace never lasts for long.”

    The witch had to admit that she was a tad surprised by the woman’s response to her comment regarding fun and she inwardly smiled. Did the beautiful woman not understand what Medeia was referring too? How wonderfully innocent, if that was truly the case. “I confess that it has been some time since I last played a card game with someone and I am known to cheat. That, however, was not the kind of game that I had in mind. As I said before, you are lovely and what I had in mind was a little more…blood pumping.”

    At that point, there was no chance that she would be able to retain her cat form and as she stepped forwards towards the woman, the body of the cat would briefly be surrounded in a purple light. Her feline features would slowly vanish, to be replaced by her usual human ones and after about a minute or so, her transformation would be complete. Where the cat had been standing, now stood a curvaceous raven haired woman, wearing a rather revealing outfit that was almost see through in most spots, the type of clothing worn in desert regions such as Desierto. She was hardly unarmed either, with a whip and a couple of books attached to her hip, while a sickle was attached to her back. Of course, she had come prepared in case things got a little hairy but she did hope that it would not come to that.

    Rotating her shoulders a few times, she would speak again, her voice having returned to its normal depth and tone. “That is much better. Forgive the deception, my dear but it is simply far easier to use my cat form in order to attract a playmate these days.” Medeia blamed it on Sorcerer's Magazine, as ever since she had agreed to be on the front of it, far more people had become aware of usual form, not to mention her…habits.

    There was no hiding the look in both her eyes and expression at this point and she was soon admiring the blonde’s form again, seemingly uncaring as to the effect that it had on the other woman. “So, before we start playing, I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Medeia and you are?”

    (973 Words)
    (2605 PWC)
    (4965 TWC)

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 5th February 2022, 12:34 am

    It seemed this was a very misandrist cat, though Nita had no idea why a feline should think this way. It had apparently not occurred to her that the animal standing before her could actually be a mage in shapeshifted form; this was all the more ironic, seeing as Nita had a transmogrification spell of her own. ”Surely you exaggerate,” the Pergrandian said with an amused chuckle. While she had most certainly met the ‘all ego and hands everywhere’ sort, she was also quite certain that not all human males were confined to that behavior. Humans ran the entire spectrum of behaviors, and narcissist, obscene, or even cruel behavior was not limited to a single demographic. It was quite easy for the Luminous Rose mage to draw on past experience in order to disagree with the black cat’s opinions; after all, a very good example of those Nita could call ‘good men’ was her father. Kind and pacifistic to a fault, he had always tried to see the good in people, until his life had been cut short in one of the numerous border fights that Bellum and Pergrande seemed to be so fond of for so long. Thinking too long about him was painful, so Nita stopped her reminiscence.

    That the black cat seemed to gain nourishment from such negative emotions as rage and wrath made Nita begin to question whether it was such a good idea to continue to be friendly with this strange creature before her. But as of yet, the cat had not been hostile, and Nita knew that, despite her inclinations sometimes, it was always much safer, at least for other lives and property, to avoid escalating problematic situations to physical conflict. ”Well, that’s positively awful,” the blonde mage said, looking quite alarmed. ”Couldn’t you try uh, how do the culinary folk put it again, a balanced diet? I’m quite sure that even unseasoned food has its merits when coupled with other types of food.” At the present moment, Nita did not quite know whether to be merely disturbed or more alarmed than she felt she was. From her reading on related subject matters, magical creatures were capable of feeding on what would normally not pass off as organically tenable food. So, it was established then, this was probably a demon, taking the form of a cat. Nita began to wonder whether she shouldn’t go on the offensive and make a preemptive strike, or wait and see how the interaction turned. The later sounded more reasonable, so she bided her time, though for what she was waiting, she could not say.

    ”Strife does have its merits…” the Pergrandian said, mildly irritated that she was agreeing with this peace-hating cat. She knew though, that the only reason for her agreement was due to the aspects of the deity she had had incorporated into her very being. But she had to accept that this was who she now was, else she would be unable to realize her true potential and use her powers to do as much good as she could in the world. ”Still, in the end, I think every single one of us living things desires some level of peace, or at least safety, where we can go to and feel safe. Which is why peace, even if it seems uninteresting, is a necessity.” For Nita at least, it was. As at the time she had joined Pergrande’s military, her sole purpose had been to involve herself in putting an end to the Bello-Pergrandian War. It seemed that the day she had enlisted with Pergrande’s military diplomatic corps, and now were eons apart.

    Nita was not surprised at the cat’s admission to cheating. The creature seemed rather unscrupulous, although Nita felt a bit hypocritical for judging the creature harshly, seeing as she was one herself to make use of not so honest tactics from time to time. Still, she consoled herself that for the most part, she tried to be straightforward, until provoked. She did not have the time to smooth over her screaming conscience though, as something in the cat’s words made her ears figuratively perk up. ”Ah good,” the blonde mage said joyfully. ”I have always believed blood pumping activity to be good for the heart. Nothing like extensive cardiovascular activities to strengthen the body and keep the mind alert. A game involving running should be worth it. I think my legs are sadly too short for my liking, but they have served me well enough in the past, and had better do so now. So, would you care to elaborate on the peculiarities of the game?”

    Sadly, game peculiarities had to be placed on hold, as the cat was enshrouded in purple mist. ”This is it…” Nita said, temporarily forgetting her excitement at engaging in cardiovascular (in her unsuspecting mind) games, and mentally preparing herself for combat, though as far as appearance alone went, she didn’t seem to be in a battle stance yet. Her eyes widened though, when she saw the form before her. ”Well, her dress style is indeed interesting,” Nita thought, ”and she looks familiar, though I am not certain I have met her before….” But with the woman’s introduction of herself, it clicked. Medeia. The Errings Risings Ace that the Sorcerer Magazine tabloid had interviewed. Nita was still debating on whether it was right for a magazine that was supposed to be serving Fioreans to go interviewing criminals, but perhaps it had its advantages, one of them being that such interviewed baddies would be more recognizable. But Nita, for her part, was getting increasingly convinced that this night would be much more strenuous than she had hoped it would be. The introduction was made, although it was no longer necessary, and if Medeia looked a little more closely, she would see that the normally blonde hair of the girl was almost white in color. ”Hiiiii!” Nita replied, a bit of strain evident in her voice, though she still managed to sound bright and sunny, ”I’m Nita. For someone who came to play, you do look more like you’re expecting violence….”

    WC: 1022
    PWC: 3282
    TWC: 5987



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 5th February 2022, 6:36 am

    The blonde’s words regarding men had little effect on Medeia in fairness, the angel’s own experiences with them having left a profound impression on her. Where she had come from, males held all the power and women were second class, something that the holy being had set out to change. She had too but in doing so had caused such damage on her kin that they would never recover. How could they? There was no one left besides herself and Armina and her family had treated her maid even worse than they had her. The witch did not hate the male gender for no reason and it was far more than simply sexism. No, it had been entrenched in her for so long now that she doubted she would ever truly change her views on that topic. It was true that she could tolerate the male members of her own guild but that was more a sense of duty as an Ace rather than genuine fondness for them. “Try living in a place where they have all the power and then say that.” She said no more on the topic after that and simply let her words hang.

    “My ability to feed on rage is a magical trait, my dear.”
    Medeia explained. “Many mages are able to consume different elements and anger is simply one of mine, one of quite a few, I might add. Spells nourish me more effectively than just natural anger but from what I have learned, there are not many anger mages out there. Such a pity too.” The woman before her had such an innocent way with words that the angel had to chuckle again then. “Mmm. I am not so sure. I just cannot fathom that serenity could taste anything other than bland and uninteresting. Innocence on the other hand…I confess that I have some experience when it comes to exploring that particular taste.” It was a somewhat sordid comment but hardly rare coming from the witch.

    “Strife is necessary in order to grow and times of struggle do tend to show just who and sometimes what people truly are. A life of eternal peace may sound like paradise but it would only breed stagnation in the end. Not that peace could ever be achieved in this world anyway. Humans make war and that is simply a part of their makeup. They fight with each other over the simplest things. Land, money, women. If there is a reason for them to throw a punch or march on an enemy, they will do so. Peace is a dream, a lovely one in the eyes of many but a dream nonetheless. In the end, people will revert to their base nature and that is to fight.” It was actually quite pleasant for her to have someone new to talk and debate with for a change. There were few in Errings Rising who wished to talk about such things, the majority of them more interested in other activities.

    There was a noticeable change in the woman’s body language, now that Medeia was in her true form and the black haired mage picked up on it rather swiftly. Was the blonde afraid of her? Her voice was not quite as strong now and despite her attempt at keeping her tone cheerful, it did not escape the angel’s notice. “A pleasure to meet you, Nita. I am going to guess by the sound of your voice that you have heard my name before but there is no need to be frightened. I do not wish to hurt you, unless you force me to do so and I would rather play instead, as I have already said. These weapons are just a precaution, as it seems that I can hardly travel anywhere anymore without a legal mage trying to make a reputation for themselves by defeating me. As if they could.”

    Her eyes briefly glanced up to see Nita’s lovely blonde locks change colour, resulting in an eyebrow raise from Medeia. “Your hair…Why has it turned white? Do you perhaps have the ability to change your own form too or is it something else?” Her gaze returned to the face of the now white haired woman as she asked her questions. It was a look that many women received from her, as though she was trying to stare into the soul. Yet, it was not an overly frightening gaze, her purple orbs containing a mixture of curiosity and desire. If fear truly was the reason behind it then Medeia would have to confess that she was slightly surprised. Yes, her power was immense but Nita was not exactly weak either. She was well on her way to joining the elite, so why was she afraid? Medeia wanted to know.

    Up until now, she had deliberately avoided replying to the topic of the game that she wanted to play but at this point, she took a few steps forward so that the two women were close to one another, before leaning in so that she could utter into Nita’s ear. “Your legs are just perfect, my dear, as is the rest of your beautiful form. You ask me what game I want to play? Well, I am not sure how much you know about me but I do have a particular fondness for games that are not usually played in public spaces. You seem so innocent and naive but I wonder if that is all just a deception? I want to play with you Nita…”

    Her head shifted away from the woman’s ear and back so that they were looking each other in the eyes again. The lustful look returning in hers. “I am a creature of desire, Nita, cast out from my  home because I dared to walk a different path from my kin. When I say I want to play, I mean that I want your beautiful body, your lovely face and your oh so sweet soul.”

    (998 Words)
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    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 5th February 2022, 9:43 pm

    For Nita, realizing that she was standing face to face with a dark mage, and a notoriously terrible one at that, created a hodge podge of thoughts, counter-thoughts and conclusions that resulted in the fear she was currently feeling. As far as things went, she was not afraid because she was in the presence of a powerful mage; as a matter of fact, there was a part of her that was actually eager to trade blows with the Ace of Errings Rising. But Nita knew all too well that the power she wielded could not be confidently called her own, and she had no idea what would happen if she ended up losing whatever mental hold she had on the influence roiling at the back of her mind. As someone who valued life, Nita was all too aware of just how dangerous her power was, and she was also quite aware of how easily it could be used to kill and maim. Before she had ended up absorbing the Primordial that had given Nita her powers, she had seen how the creature used its power with no thought for the humans it slew, regarding them as nothing but lesser life forms. There were days when Nita looked at human beings doing what human beings normally did, and the sentiment that they were lesser life forms than she was would come uninvited to her. Of course, such days made her very uncomfortable, and as such she tried to always remind herself that she was a human, primarily, before she was anything else. And always there had been the sensation of something in the recesses of her mind, laughing at her silly thinking. It was that laughing presence that worried her. And that presence was most active on days when she found herself engaging in the aspects that the Primordial within her controlled, namely desire, knowledge and strife. Handling knowledge was easy to control, and when Nita realized that she had been reading or studying too long, she could easily drop what she was reading and take a break. Handling desire was tackier, and one of the things that helped her was her natural innocence. And in spite of this, she still ended up coming off as a flirt, in many situations. The most difficult to control was strife. Even before meeting the Primordial, Nita had been a soldier; even though she had been in the diplomatic corps, all Pergrandian military personnel were trained to fight, and they were trained well. Nita’s instructors had praised her skill in battle, and while she liked the praise, she tempered it with a desire to not hurt people more than was necessary. It was strife, of the three aspects that was most akin to her. And the aspect which seemed to incite the presence in her mind to greater activity. Now, it was very likely that battle was inevitable, and Medeia was already giving off rather salacious vibes which, despite Nita’s own sexual preferences, seemed to be provoking the unwelcome presence in her mind. She had never faced such a mental challenge before, and it was the sudden realization that in such a time as this she would lose all compunction and become inured to abusing her power discriminately that had made Nita afraid. For that was the greatest of her fears; compared to it, death and bodily harm were mere trifles.

    Which was why Nita decided that, as much as she could permit, she would try not to tread the warpath; somehow she knew deep down that this intention was futile, even with Medeia’s present lack of interest in fighting her. ”Well, while it might be flattering to one such as yourself, it isn’t you in particular that has given me cause for concern, though yes, your presence is quite strongly correlated to my worries,” the blonde mage responded, mentally pinching herself for not being able to hide her emotions. Seeing as Medeia had talked about gaining nourishment from negative emotions, Nita had to keep herself in check, else she would only serve to strengthen her opponent, were they to cross blades. ”Wait, is my hair white?” Nita asked in surprise, realizing in alarm that the tendency of her hair to give her emotions away might be picked on by the dark mage and used against her. ”Well, it’s a personal tic, a side effect of my magic powers; my hair changes color from time to time,” Nita said, not particularly telling the truth, as her hair shifted back to its natural golden blonde color. She was not eager to let Medeia know anything about her magic, if possible, although it was likely that this would not be very feasible, especially when the two decided to butt heads. ”Don’t worry about it.”

    As Medeia drew close and whispered into Nita’s ear, the latter’s eyes slowly widened, as her cheeks colored slightly. She was hoping that Medeia’s insinuations were not what she thought they were, but it seemed that hope was getting to be a vain thing. Now as Medeia stared into her eyes, she could see the unconcealed lust in the taller woman’s eyes, as the Errings Rising Ace made her demands. For a while, Nita just stared at her, the Pergrandian’s face beet red, as her active mind suggested all the things that Medeia probably wanted to do with her body, face and soul. And whatever essence of the Primordial which remained in the back of her head was definitely having a field day. Nita could almost feel the intentions of this unwanted presence striving to form coherent thoughts in her mind. ”When you put it like that, it sounds so one-sided, and that would be very unfair to me. You see, despite my size and looks, I am not a toy.” She did a good job of looking slightly offended. ”So, I would be very much obliged to you if we stuck to the more healthy, more ‘usually played in public spaces’ kind of games. And you offend me by your insinuation that I am given to deception. I try as much as possible to be an honest, contributing member of society, so I shall not stand for your hard words.” All of this was spoken with very theatrical tones and gestures, revealing that the blonde mage was not in the slightest bit serious. While it was true that Nita was a lot more innocent than she looked, Medeia’s thought that she might be deceptive did not offend her in the least. Tricksters, after all, could not be completely honest. At this point, Nita was trying what she knew how to do best in order to take charge of her mind and the battle that raged within: defusing tension. Of course, all the tension was hers, so it would be hopefully much easier for her to manage it.

    ”But really, Medeia, let’s do cardio. It’s much safer than looking for non-public places at this time of the night.”

    WC: 1166
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    TWC: 8151



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 7th February 2022, 6:50 am

    Nita’s reactions to her words were amusing to say the least and Medeia had all the evidence she needed now to assume that the blonde did somewhat know what she was after. The mage before her continued to try and deflect and slide around the topic but Medeia was simply not having it. Nita was certainly effective with words and being in a similar vein herself, the angel could not help but admire that trait, however, the problem with playing mind games with someone who used similar tactics was that it made them all the easier to see through. The raven haired angel knew exactly how she wanted this encounter to end and as so many had discovered before, it was not often that Medeia did not end up getting what she wanted. Still, she had not reached the point of irritation and frustration yet and with that being the case she was willing to toy around with the woman for a little longer. Perhaps she should actually agree to the woman’s request and play a different type of game for a while? The holy being had to admit that she was unfamiliar with children’s games in general but naturally, a few had caught her attention, some through name alone. Her mind naturally moved to the depraved after all and even the slightest hint of something perverse was enough to attract her.

    “Mmm. I am not sure that I believe you regarding your hair colour.” She eventually said, her smile widening as she saw the effectiveness of her previous remarks. The woman was blushing rather deeply at this point which brought no shortage of amusement to the angel. “I think that you might be afraid of me, despite your words to the contrary. It is only natural, of course but if I had wanted to frighten you, would I have taken on the form of a sweet feline? Surely I would have taken on a larger and more intimidating one? No, my dear. Everything I have done here today was to amuse myself. You see, I have learned that this park is a rather good spot to cause trouble in and whenever I do, I seem to attract the loveliest of mages. I confess that usually they are Rune Knights so imagine my surprise when you came here instead. Of course, perhaps you are one and I have got it wrong? I struggle to keep track of guilds these days, as they tend to come and go so quickly.”

    The woman’s theatrics did not do much either and Medeia simply passed them off with a casual shrug. Clearly, Nita had a quirky sense of humour which did not bother the angel all that much. “The fact that your adorable face has turned such a deep shade of red speaks volumes, my dear. I think you know exactly what I am referring to. Your words say one thing but your body says another and at the moment, the latter is speaking louder than the former.” Her eyes sparkled with whimsy as she spoke and there was not the slightest chance that she was going to let Nita off the hook. She would keep pushing, curious to see just how the gorgeous woman would react. What would happen if Medeia managed to make her uncomfortable enough to lose control? The angel just had to know. “I believe the word I said was playmate, not toy, but if that is the role that you enjoy playing then I will certainly be happy to oblige.” That was an outright lie and Nita’s description could not have been more accurate.

    “Since you seem to feel the need to stretch your legs though, how about a compromise? We play a game of what humans call ‘Kiss Chase’. If you manage to evade me for long enough then you win and that will be that…” She then took a step forward again so that they were closer again, her purple orbs becoming rather lustful again. “If I catch you, then I get to do whatever I wish with you for the next 24 hours and I will see for myself just how innocent and naive you are. I confess that you certainly have garnered my interest and there is so much about you that I wish to know. Deceivers are always fun…I should know. So, what will it be?”

    Honestly, she thought it was a rather reasonable offer on her part. By now, she would usually have simply engaged her target in combat but there was something about Nita that seemed to draw the playful side out of her. It certainly could not have been any more different than the last time Medeia had tried to capture a powerful lady mage. Oh, she had been successful on the day and the time that she had spent with the woman had been incredible but it had been rather less playful and far more serious. Still, it had woken Medeia up to the possibility of hunting other mages and she had been doing so ever since. It gave her such a thrill that it was difficult to describe and the thought of having Nita in her arms was already beginning to arouse the inner predator inside the dark haired angel. It never took too long in truth and although Medeia was a master of control, her eyes always gave her away. A possessive purple hue of desire and lust, enough to cause even the most hardened woman to blush when she faced them. Her maid often said that Medeia could undress someone with just a glance and although she was obviously just speaking metaphorically, it was not a stretch to say that was what the Ace was visualising at times.

    (961 Words)
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    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 7th February 2022, 1:58 pm

    Medeia’s statement mentioning that Nita was likely scared of her sent a surge of defiance through the Luminous Rose mage, although she was careful not to let anything show. This lustful dark mage seemed to be quite an adept at reading people, based on body cues alone. In any case, Nita was beginning to wish that Medeia had come with a more dangerous form, because that way, she would have simply plunged into battle, with little or no thought for communication. The hoop jumping and manipulations involved in so many spheres of communication could be overwhelming, and though Nita had learned enough to be very convincing, most of the time, she was not a fan of outright manipulation. As such, she didn’t rely on it as much as she did her other skills. Facing a master in the field of manipulation was troublesome, and the blonde mage was all the more convinced that combat was more straightforward. It was at this point that Nita realized that she could now clearly ascertain that the presence in her mind seemed to have emotions of its own, and at the present moment, whatever was in her head was laughing at her. How comforting.

    ”My my, you must live a charmed life,” Nita replied to Medeia’s announcement of her successes in haunting the Solemn Park. ”In any case, it’s quite encouraging to hear that the Rune Knights have begun recruiting a fair number of pretty ladies.” With what she had heard Medeia say, Nita was positively certain that Medeia would never use glowing words to describe a man, and since the dark mage had used plurals, it meant she had met more than one Rune Knight in Talonia’s major park. ”All the same, I think I shall be quite comfortable with not joining the Rune Knights. They seem so… rigid, but then I guess that’s what is to be expected from our stalwart defenders of justice, wouldn’t you say?” Nita knew that Medeia would most certainly disagree with her on the ‘stalwart defenders of justice’ part; she was yet to see a dark mage who appreciated the work of the Rune Knights. ”So no, I’m not a Rune Knight. I don’t think they’d be tolerant of my personality. Or dressing style, for that matter.” Medeia was right, in any case; guilds tended to come and go from time to time, but there had been a number that had remained for quite a while now. Luminous Rose was one of the newer ones, but Nita was hopeful that it would stay.

    The mind games continued. ”Wait—what?” Nita asked, looking the picture of confusion. ”I don’t understand what you mean by my body speaking a different--” there was a pause, ”—you know what? I don’t think I even want to know what you mean. And I vehemently repeat that I’m not for playing the role of a toy. You be a toy and see how you like it,” she finished in a slightly petulant tone. The slight sullenness gave way to hope, when it seemed that the Errings Rising Ace was willing to oblige her, as far as the nature of games to be played was concerned… or not. Still, the amorous side of the young Pergrandian was not wholly averse to the game; despite the fact that it could be a lot less innocent when played by two beautiful women, than children, for whom the game was originally supposed to be. ”Oh my,” she said, not knowing whether to be outraged by the subtly scandalous connotations of the game, or whether to be delighted. She placed her hands on her cheeks, hoping that she had not begun blushing again. ”That sounds positively scandalous.” But if she had thought it was scandalous, the rewards and punishments for the victor and the vanquished of the game made her gasp. ”Twenty four hours of…? By the cold of the north, most certainly not!” She took a step back, her face burning again. ”And how is it that if I win, ‘that will be that’? What is ‘that will be that’ even supposed to mean?”

    If the whole discussion was uncomfortable, Medeia’s gaze was enough to make Nita want to run for cover. She had been around people who had been attracted to her, whether wanted or unwanted, and at all levels from the mild, “I think she’s very cute” to the twelve thousand degrees Fahrenheit, and none of them was as intense as the way the dark angel was looking at her. ”You also should stop looking at me like that,” the Pergrandian said, taking a step back. ”It will be quite difficult to play with you if you keep looking at me like you want to make me do things unacceptable as discussion topics in polite society.” Of course, her backing away from the dark angel would be definitely interpreted as fear, but the direction of the fear was certainly not what Medeia would think it was. At present, there now seemed to be a mild fog in Nita’s mind, and this was beginning to get disorienting. Also, she could almost hear whispers in her head, encouraging her to stay and find out exactly what Medeia wanted. She could not decipher words, but she could sense intentions. Whatever was inside her head was goading her to be a woman and face Medeia, stand her ground and find out how their interaction would play out and where it would lead. Nita also knew that this was a trap. Ever since she had gained the powers of Celestial Fate magic, there had been something deep inside her, struggling to gain some level of preeminence over her mind. And Medeia was the perfect opportunity for this to happen.

    The dark angel would probably see, being so good at reading people’s emotions, that Nita was fighting some battle of turmoil within. Of course, the details would not be known, and if anything, Nita was very unwilling for Medeia to know of her condition. Because she knew what the dark angel would want. She was sure the dark angel would want to see what happened if she gave in to the ominous presence within. And that could spell woe for many, something Nita was sure Medeia gave no flying figs about. The same way someone stumbles when struggling against something holding her back before suddenly breaking free, Nita, with a surge of willpower, suppressed the fog in her mind, but at the cost of a mental stumble. ”I accept your challenge!” she almost yelled, before clamping both hands on her mouth. She had entered it, she would just have to go forward with it. ”Uh, two things before we begin. Firstly, if I win, I get the chance to do whatever I want with you for twenty four hours. Secondly, what rules exist? Are we allowed to use magic? And how long is this exercise?” Nita knew she was playing a very dangerous game. Frankly, she had no idea what she would do with Medeia, if she won, or if Medeia would even allow her to do anything if she won. But she would just have to walk down this path and see where it leads.

    WC: 1204
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    TWC: 10216



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 8th February 2022, 7:59 am

    There was something going on inside the blonde woman’s head and Medeia could not help but continue to feel that same delightful tingle of amusement. She would have paid quite a large sum to know just what Nita was thinking but it was far more entertaining for the witch to try and get her target to reveal it herself. Whether it be now or later, she would find out everything about the blonde, every detail and all that Nita would be able to do was sit there and allow it to happen. There was no intent from the raven haired woman to go any further than that and Medeia most certainly did not desire to harm the woman if she could avoid it. Somehow, she doubted that this would all end in anything other than combat. Medeia was certainly not one to keep her word and given the devious nature of the blonde, she did not truly expect the same from her either. Every word had to be judged for deception, which in its own, could be just as tiring as physical exertion but the angel had been playing such games for so long now that she could keep going for as long as needed. Always probing, always questioning and always using every weapon in her mental arsenal to gain what she sought from those she played against.

    “I suppose we are in agreement there. The Knights do tend to walk around this land as though they have a rod stuck up their…well, somewhere uncomfortable. It pleases me to hear that you have no intention of joining them, my dear, as those horrible uniforms would not do your beautiful form justice. No, if I was to take a guess then I would say that you were more suited to a guild with a slightly different objective other than simply protecting the weak, not that they do a great job of it.” The cogs were turning in the angel’s mind again as she pondered the options for a moment. “There is a guild of mages that have the most wonderful distinction of being involved with many of the most beautiful spell casters around. I recently met a lovely lady from there and they use a rose as a guild symbol. I find myself wondering if you happen to be in the same one?” She was talking to both herself and Nita and as she looked the blonde in the eyes once more, there was a slightly different tone to her voice. “I promised her that I would take special care of any mages that I came across who were members of that guild.” Medeia left the point there for the moment, allowing her fellow mage to ponder over its meaning.

    Medeia laughed as Nita seemed to become a little uncomfortable, leaping on the opportunity to push the envelope further. “Deny it all you want but there is a part of you that wants to be toyed around with, Nita. This innocent role that you continue to play is not going to work with me. Your clothing, your stance, your beautiful looks. I am not going to stand here and believe that you are all that different from me, deep down. I think that if I push you enough, you will start to show your true nature and I am in no hurry. What is more, I am curious and something you should know about me is that once I am curious, there is nothing that will stop me from satiating it. What is going on in your head right now? What are you thinking about?” Her smile turned to a smirk at this point, attempting to provoke and antagonise the blonde with every word spoken. Any reaction was a good reaction in her mind.

    The angel brushed off Nita’s comment regarding how she was gazing at her and chuckled a second time. “I will look at you in whatever way I desire. It is all part of the game, Nita and if you truly wish to win then you will have to overcome my gaze and focus on what you are doing. Believe me, I am already imagining what will happen when I win and as I follow you around this park, I can assure you that those imagings will only become more…intimate. I am unconcerned by polite society and what is deemed right or not. When you live long enough, such things become unimportant and all that remains is one's own desires. I am simply being open about mine, when will you start acting the same way?”

    It seemed that eventually something inside Nita snapped and she finally and rather rashly accepted the challenge in quite an angry manner. That was exactly what Medeia had been hoping for. She had rattled the woman’s cage enough to cause her to briefly lose control of herself which was just perfect for the angel. Yet, that was not even the best part, as Nita would then inadvertently reveal a more dominating side. The blonde wished to own Medeia for 24 hours if she won? What a novelty but one that only brought an almost ‘I told you so’ look to her face. “When I said that would be that, I meant that you would walk away if you won without me doing anything to you. I would give you a free pass but you just had to make that request, did you not? You upped the stakes and so my offer no longer has any value. I knew that you were kinky but to find out that you enjoy dominating as I do? I was not expecting that, my dear. Very well, if you win then I will do as you wish for 24 hours, I suppose it is only fair.”

    “As for the rules. You can use anything in your arsenal in order to evade me and I can use all of mine to capture you. There is no limit to how far you can run but bear in mind that there just might be some innocent humans still walking around. Being the noble mage you are, I am certain that it would bother you if someone got hurt but even if they do, the game does not end, you keep playing. It will only end when either the time is up…shall we say an hour? Or when I catch you.” She thought she was being fairly lenient with her rules although the look of mischief on her face might just raise doubt if she would follow them.

    With a brief hint of her own magic, she would teleport so that she was directly in front of Nita, close enough that she could place a hand on the woman’s cheek. “I look forward to having you in my arms, Nita.”

    (1138 Words)
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    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 8th February 2022, 1:01 pm

    Nita raised an eyebrow when Medeia mentioned the guild with the rose as its symbol. So the dark angel had come across someone from her guild. While Nita was curious as to whom Medeia had met, and to some extent, how their interactions had turned out, she was almost certain that she would probably not know the person, being hardly around herself and having joined the guild relatively lately. The blonde mage’s raised eyebrow rose even higher when the Errings Rising Ace talked about making a promise to take special care of Luminous Rose guild members. Now this was a matter that Nita wanted to get to the bottom of. ”Well, this is a very serendipitous happenstance,” the Pergrandian replied, a curious look in her eyes, ”for I will not hide the fact that I am a proud member of the guild you just mentioned, Luminous Rose. But come, tell me about this guild member you met, though I am sure I don’t know her, having just recently joined the guild myself. What did she do? What was it about her that warranted your decision to take special care of Luminous Rose members? Was she able to match your dirty inclinations? Though my hope is that your meaning of ‘special care’ is of a more ironic nature.” Whatever had happened between Medeia and this fellow guild member, Nita wanted to hear, though she did not feel she would be very much obliged to engage in the activities themselves, seeing what sort of person Medeia was.

    If there was something that worried Nita to no end, it was the fact that Medeia believed that they were alike. Granted, Nita knew that she had her own desires, like every other normal young human being who existed. She had however liked to think that her inclinations were well within the range of what could be considered normal… until she had absorbed the essence of the Primordial. For the first time in like forever, the Pergrandian was surprised to realize that she was a little bit happy that she was no longer in Pergrande, if this was the sort of person she had become. Back then, she had been known by her associates as ‘proper’, for lack of a better word, at least as far as sexual matters were concerned, and even though she had often feigned a lack of interest in such matters, she was not above secretly researching on the subjects, or despising being flirted with. The Primordial’s influence had destroyed her life in so many more ways than one, it seemed. Anyone who knew her back then would probably call her out as a hypocrite, hiding who she truly was, only to shamelessly reveal her real nature now she was somewhere nobody knew who she was.

    ”I’m nothing like you,” was all Nita could retort, though she could not hide the pain from showing through the words. All this time, she had simply taken on the carefree, happy-go-lucky demeanor that everyone in Fiore knew her for, to hide the inner turmoil she faced, as well as the fact that a sliver of the true Pergrandian maiden that still existed despised her current life: her ability to use magic, her minxish deportment, and her inability to reject these two aspects of her life that had been so utterly foreign to her until that fateful day. She managed to take a better hold of herself, and continued. ”I don’t intend to tell you what I’m thinking about. Curiosity made jerky out of the cat, so they say. You should specially take heed to that adage, putting in mind the form you had concealed yourself as when we met. But maybe it’s because I haven’t lived long enough, maybe it’s the foolishness of youth talking, but to throw restraint to the wind and focus completely on one’s desires is very wrong.” She would not bother explaining why she thought so. It was unlikely that sermonizing would change Medeia, especially as she would see quite the hypocrite doing so.

    Nita’s mouth actually dropped open when Medeia talked about knowing how kinky she was, but not even expecting her to be that intense. ”Do you even have an idea of what I have planned for you if I win? Oh, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the first five minutes or so which will involve tying and securing you so that you can neither escape or use magic, because I suspect you have quite a lot of experience in that area. But bondage isn’t my thing, and if I must use rope, my knots may be quite uncomfortable, because they’re more utilitarian than… whatever. In any case, the fun part will be after restraining you. My plan is to ship you off to Era, with a bow on your head. I hear they have a very comfy prison for your types. That’s just in case you’re imagining that I’m anything like you.”

    Sadly, Nita was not too pleased with the rules. ”I will not allow you to hurt innocent people just because you want to win a game. I also am not a fool. Your intention is to simply attack an uninvolved bystander if I manage to hide from you, because you know that I will not allow it, and as such, I’ll be forced out of my hiding place to save the victim, is that it?” she asked, quite forgetting how close Medeia was standing to her. ”Well, if you must know, I am not going to agree to such rules, especially when the consequences for my losing do not sound so flattering to me. I shall play your game if and only if you do not harm any bystanders. But of course, all this while, you could have just been lying to me, no? And yet for the sake of not bringing more misery to the people of Talonia, I decided to play your scandalous game with you. So I shall only agree to play your game, if you agree that should you attack any innocent bystander, you forfeit the game. You cannot be the only one making all the rules after all.”

    WC: 1027
    PWC: 6679
    TWC: 12381



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 9th February 2022, 7:00 am

    To learn that Nita was indeed a member of Luminous Rose was intriguing to say the least and Medeia could not help but be drawn closer to the blonde after hearing that. She was rather fond of the guild, despite its legal status and although the witch had originally threatened to destroy it, her views had changed over time. They were a delightful bunch and the raven haired mage knew that if she ever wanted to spend some time with a legal mage, she knew that the guild of idols, as Medeia had come to call it, was always a great place to go. “Her name is Suzhen and we met on Crescent Island. A lovely woman indeed, with purple hair and dazzling green eyes. She came across me when I was punishing someone who refused to leave me alone and similar to you, she insisted on protecting him, even when she had no real reason for doing so. Unfortunately, she was not quite so willing to play and so we ended up fighting in the end, much to my disappointment. If she had only been a little more flexible then it could all have been avoided. Anyway, in the end, I managed to defeat her and had my fun with her anyway although I am sure she would probably call it something else if you asked her. I left her…in a rather compromising place when I was finished since she had been so prideful and stubborn.” Medeia chuckled briefly before adding. “Since then, I have taken a specific interest in members of your guild and I am delighted to discover that you are also a member, my dear. I must say though that she was certainly more…conservative than you. Not that I am complaining.” Had she become obsessed with the guild as a whole? Well, the smile on her face as she spoke, while small, spoke volumes.

    Her eyes sparkled with amusement once more as Nita rather timidly tried to deny her point regarding their similarities. It did not sound all that convincing and Medeia was quick to prod at the blonde’s moment of weakness. “Come now, Nita, there is no need to hide it. There is no one here but us and I see parts of myself in you. I was like you once, cheerful and bright, able to charm anyone who came anywhere near me. That is part of the reason why I feel so drawn to you. That and…other things.” Chuckling for a second, she would then raise an eyebrow at Nita’s comment regarding curiosity. “Not this cat, my dear. This cat always gets the cream, no matter what form it takes. To focus on one's own desires is not wrong, it is simply that so few have the courage and determination to fulfill them. It frustrates me to see so many mages who are bound to the laws and wills of others in this world. You are all just puppets on the string of someone else and that is so sad. My guild desires the end of the law and in doing so…” Her hand briefly rested on the guild mark that was resting on her bare stomach. “We will cut those strings.”

    Medeia laughed at the jaw drop that she received from the legal mage as her rather direct comment struck home. “If you actually believe that I will allow you to do that then you are dreaming, my dear and the fact that you just revealed your plan so openly was foolish. I will not be bound by anyone, least of all you and you have made a grave error in threatening me with such an occurrence. Up until now, I have been accommodating with you but there is only so far that I am willing to go and you just crossed that line. I will tell you what is going to happen and this will be the case whether we play or fight. You will lose and I will be the one who will be wielding the ropes and believe me, I know exactly how to use them. The slightest wriggle from you will send waves of pleasure through that beautiful body of yours that you will not know what hit you and one way or the other, I will draw out the real you, no matter how long it takes. I have spent enough time locked away and now I am the one who does the locking.”

    The amusement had left her gaze at this point and for the first time, she appeared slightly irritated. Nita had struck a nerve with the witch with her previous words, never an intelligent decision and as the blonde argued about Medeia’s rules, the raven haired woman’s expression darkened, which could be easily noticed given how close the two were. “I want you to listen to me carefully now. Considering your plans for me, why should I agree to any rules that you lay down and leave myself at a disadvantage? Why should I give the slightest damn about any of the wastes of oxygen that are in this area? You have already seen a glimpse of my power but believe me, that was only a minor spell of mine. I am more than capable of turning this place into nothing more than a crater and I am ready and willing to do that if the desire crosses my mind.”

    If she was in her cat form, her tail would no doubt be flicking in anger but as it was, her body language and gaze would tell the blonde all she needed to know. “I will tell you what I told Suzhen. If you play with me, whether it be combat or a game and lose then I will make sure that all of your precious pride will be ripped away from you. This…whatever it is that you are trying to hide will be brought to the surface, as it was with her. That is what I do. I will push you to the brink and force it out. My reward for doing so?”

    Medeia’s right arm would wrap around Nita’s form at this point, drawing her in so that they were inches apart. “You, until I say otherwise.”

    With that, she would swoop her head down and attempt to capture the blonde’s lips with her own. Why? It was her desire at that moment.

    (1070 Words)
    (6772 PWC)
    (13451 TWC)

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 9th February 2022, 4:44 pm

    The name Suzhen was an unfamiliar one to the Pergrandian, although she wasn’t in the least bit surprised that she did not know who the woman in question was. It was likely that Suzhen was no longer in the guild, because even though Nita could not say she had had the honors of meeting all her guild members, being the relatively pedantic person that she was, she had made the effort to at least read up the present roster of those who she could call her fellow guild mates. In any case, she hoped this Suzhen was doing well, wherever she was. It was frustrating to hear that Medeia had come out on top in their altercation, and the Luminous Rose mage decided not to think about what the meaning of ‘had my fun with her’ meant. As far as she could help it, Nita was more determined than ever that that would not be her case. Although there was this very unhelpful thought that informed her that Suzhen had probably been of the same mindset, and yet would certainly not have been able to say that the conclusion of the purple-haired woman and her raven-haired opponent had been in her favor. ”What did you do to her? On second thought, maybe I don’t want to know.”

    When Medeia stressed that Nita need not hide who she truly was, the Pergrandian decided not to say anything. There was no way she could convince her aggressor that this wasn’t the case, except in a scenario that she wasn’t so pleased to think about, which was the Primordial taking over her body. For quite a good while, she had feared this possibility, and had been so far able to prevent it from happening. Until today. And if it happened, Nita was sure that Medeia would see the side of her that actually wasn’t her. She supposed the dark angel would like that side, though. She had to admit though that she was impressed by the Errings Rising mage’s confidence. But she disagreed on one major point. ”Actually, the only reason much of the world is quite similar in attribute to bat guano is because too many people lack the courage and determination to keep their damned desires in check. It’s like so many people feel, ‘hey, I want to do something’, and so they go ahead and do it, not minding that their activities might very well be destroying the lives of others. If that is the kind of world Errings Rising wants, I shall be honored to stand against your desires and ideals. Besides, I find your concepts of abolishment of laws absurd and laughable. Without laws, would you even be able to function as a coherent structure? Your power alone makes you an enforcer of the laws of your guild, but because these laws are to your liking, you have no issue with them. And that there is my issue with you dark mages,” she concluded with a sad expression on her face, ”you’re even worse hypocrites than the sticks-up-their-ahem… that you mentioned earlier.”

    It seemed, in any case, that Medeia was beginning to lose her patience with Nita. Of course, Nita had been certain from the get go that her opponent would not be so amenable to allowing herself to be submitted under another’s power, even for a minute. It would, in the end, just be the kind of relatively mindless displays of power that the baddies loved to have: a test of strength. And whoever won the battle would have their way with the other, game or no game, rules or no rules. That was the actual game that was being played here, and now all the cards were on the table. She could see the dark angel’s beautiful expression glower with anger, and a part of her felt some satisfaction for finally getting under Medeia’s skin. As the dark mage asked why she should effectively be compelled to subject herself to rules that were not to her liking, Nita wondered why Medeia would expect her to go with the dark angel’s own rules, when the latter was not amenable to any rules but those devised by Medeia and Medeia alone. And then Medeia gave her ultimatum of what was going to finally happen. Seemed like there was no place for concessions. The Errings Rising mage seemed to be an all-or-nothing sort of woman, and while Nita always liked to tread the more harmonious and peaceful sides of dialogue, she, as well as those who knew her, knew one thing about her that she had considered a weakness for a long time: she was as stubborn as stubborn went. While not particularly confrontational nor cantankerous, when Nita hit that streak, she was the ‘hold fast or break’ sort. And there was presently no better time than to dig in her heels and resist with all she could.

    The first stage of the resistance came when Medeia grabbed her and pulled her close. ”What are you--?” the Pergrandian asked, the alarm in her voice at the outrage of her position impossible to mask, and indicating that despite her looks and mannerisms, she was perhaps not as pretentious as people assumed her to be, on matters of raunchy adjectives. As was often the case in an innocent person who suffered an unexpected outrage, the alarm quickly gave way to ‘righteous’ indignation. ”Unhand me this instant, you slattern!” Apparently, Medeia was past discussing, and proceeded to attempt the dreaded lip lock technique. Nita responded by throwing herself backwards, while trying to kick at Medeia’s stomach, not to cause damage, but to apply leverage as she fell backwards, attempting to roll on her back and flip the dark mage over her (in essence, perform a circle throw, or Tomoe-nage as it is called in Judo). If this maneuver worked, she would try to transition the throw into a pin by rolling over to mount Medeia, and pressing the latter’s shoulders firmly to the ground. If she failed, and Medeia landed on top of her, well that would be an issue that would be worked on if it presented itself. Nita’s hope was that with Medeia trying to kiss her, the dark mage would not be a hundred percent prepared for the maneuver, although she was sure that someone such as Medeia would be able to quickly recover, even if thrown. The true game had begun.

    ”Desist from this shameful behavior,” Nita chided, unable to keep her tongue from flapping. Yep, that was another failing of hers. ”Whatever will I tell my parents?”

    WC: 1100
    PWC: 7779
    TWC: 14551



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 10th February 2022, 6:00 am

    Rather than give a verbal answer to Nita’s question regarding Suzhen, Medeia only smiled for a moment, that in itself being an answer. If she was honest, the angel had not come up against a mage who had been able to actually say no to her until she had come up against the purple haired mage. Oh, Suzhen had not been on the witches level but powerful enough to at least push Medeia into her more powerful forms. It was indeed a rarity and although she had been rather miffed about it at the time, she had come to respect her opponent for it and had come to enjoy the sensations that a closer fight could stir up within her. Medeia had never been one to care about combat too much, being the playful and toying type as she generally was but now and again, she had to come to appreciate the chance to indulge in the more destructive aspects of her magic. A part of her hoped that Nita would be able to offer her the same kind of thrill, given that her power seemed, at least from Medeia’s ability to sense, similar. The odds of combat were pretty high, given her own dislike for losing, a trait that the blonde seemed to share with her.

    Medeia simply chuckled once more as Nita attempted to point out her hypocrisy. “I would hardly say that Errings Rising has laws, unless doing whatever you want counts. I remain in Errings Rising because I desire companionship if you must know. If I wanted, I could easily survive without carrying a guild tattoo and still be as successful in my endeavors as I am now. Make no mistake, I am the most powerful member of my guild and if I desired the leadership then I would take it but I do not. Why? There is no need to do so. Unlike guilds such as yours, we are not bound by the ridiculous notions that humans live by and that I suppose is another reason why I remain. Stand against our beliefs if you wish but in the end it will not change anything. You will continue to be bound by your guild while I will have the freedom that I desire from mine. That look on your face, an expression of such sadness and pity. I suppose if I were you, I would be in that state of mind too. You have my utmost pity for being unable to see the chains that bind you.” Naturally, it was followed by the inevitable. “I promise that you will certainly see the ones that I wrap around you though.”

    The time for debate was pretty much over at this point of course and the angel did not truly believe that her words would have much effect on Nita. She was rather stubborn although if she was honest, Medeia found that to be a rather attractive trait too. Words were pretty much pointless and given that both women were becoming rather more pointed with their barbs, a confrontation was inevitable and that was part of the reason why she had lunged so aggressively towards the blonde. Nita had gotten under her skin, in a similar way that Suzhen and come to mention it, that brown haired boy had too. She wanted Nita, now more than ever and as both her anger and lust rose, it did make her slightly more impulsive. How could she claim to be a slayer of the former and conduit of the latter if she refused to embrace them herself?

    To her slight surprise though, Nita appeared ready for her change in tact and the dark haired woman found herself being thrown, just as she was leaning in to steal the kiss. She was not exactly unfamiliar with such techniques though, having encountered and almost fallen prey to a few in her fight with Suzhen. It had revealed a weakness in her combat style and she had swiftly attempted to remedy it through research. Her magical prowess was the core of her power and she would be the first to admit that her physical strength was not as formidable but she was a hybrid slayer, which naturally bolstered her martial might and a few pages of her tome passively bolstered her psychical prowess further.

    Her research saved her on this occasion and while the throw was successful, Medeia was able to prevent herself from being pinned down by using her strength to roll through and end up pinning Nita instead. A wicked smile crossed her features as she looked down upon the blonde mage, oddly more amused than angry about the woman’s actions. “I will do no such thing and you surely must know that by now. You have quite the skill when it comes to martial arts but you can thank Suzhen for opening my eyes to them too. It is quite amusing to me though that after complaining about me putting your hands on you, your next course of action is to do the same to me. Just admit that you want to fool around as much as I do and this can all stop right now.”

    Glancing down at the woman’s beautiful body beneath her briefly, her smile would widen. “You do almost ask for it with the way you dress and yet even now, you still persist with this innocent outlook? I find myself wondering why you would still feign to be naive after all of this. Are you actually naive to all of this?” It was again one of those occasions where she was uttering to herself as much as she was Nita. The idea brought a slight sense of confusion to the holy being but as always, it simply aroused her curiosity further. “Only one way to find out, I suppose.”

    Her gaze turning back to the woman below her, Medeia would start to sing, a magical song that would attempt to wrap around the mind and soul of the blonde. It was a spell that was meant to control the will of others and turn them into the puppet of the caster. A spell that Medeia adored, not only because of the effect but because it was relatively low in damage. It was perfect for those who she wished to fly off with.

    (1058 Words)
    (7830 PWC)
    (15609 TWC)

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 10th February 2022, 9:33 pm

    Nita had been feeling quite pleased that she had successfully managed to throw the Errings Rising Ace, but her pleasure was not to last long. As Medeia fell, and Nita rolled to pin her, the Luminous Rose mage was shocked to see that the dark angel had expertly chosen to roll even as she fell, carrying the smaller Nita with her and managing to reverse their intended positions, so that Medeia was the one on top, and Nita was the one below. The Pergrandian girl gasped in alarm as her back hit the ground, and she found herself staring up at the wicked smile on Medeia’s face. She gulped nervously, her eyes wide with distress. Still, hope was not lost. Medeia’s next move would allow her to determine the next course of action. Since the dark mage was well within grappling range, Nita was almost hoping her next action would be physical, which would hopefully give her a chance to counterattack. If Medeia chose to sit on her and not make the next move, Nita would try to force the dark angel off her, or into a less advantageous position. But the best thing to do would be to get out from this problematic position, which was as dangerous as it was embarrassing for the blonde mage.

    ”That Suzhen again?” Nita asked in exasperation. ”I think I’d probably spank her rather than thank her, if we met.” She was very unlikely going to do such, if she met Suzhen, but at present, she was beginning to feel frustrated. And the fact that at every turn Medeia was trying to worsen the matter by asserting that she was actually just as interested as the dark angel in doing the steamy stuff was not helping matters in the slightest. Nita was not going to admit a lie. If she was going to do some canoodling, she actually did prefer guys (though her experience on the subject was sorely lacking), and she was most certainly not interested in making out with a dark mage, although she was certain that Medeia would not believe her if she said so. Thinking about it, Nita was more likely to remove the teeth of a baddie, rather than kiss him, if it came down to it. One of the things she found attractive about people was their capacity to show compassion, and obviously the Errings Rising Ace didn’t have a single shred of such in her body. Nita would just have to take a hard pass on this one.

    While Medeia seemed unwilling to accept that Nita wasn’t pretending to be much more ‘corrupt’ minded than she professed to be, the dark angel seemed interested in giving the hypothesis a test. And that was a very consternating thing to think about. Because the Luminous Rose mage was sure that whatever the Errings Rising mage had in mind, it wouldn’t be pleasant, at least not for her. ”See here, don’t you think it would be much easier if you just handed me a questionnaire or something?” she asked nervously, wondering what Medeia was up to as the latter began to sing. ”Wow. Well, even though you have such a diva’s voice, I would like to insist that my preference--” her words were cut short as the spell began striving to take its effect on her. There was something quite insidious about the song. It seemed to be trying to tear down the mental defenses she had set up in her mind. It was now practically impossible to keep up the resistance in her mind. A fortress being besieged could resist external invaders, but if the fortress was being attacked both from within and without, there was no hope for it. A loud moan of pain escaped her lips, as she felt something in her mind give way. If she had not been in her present mental state, she would have probably felt some shame at how improper that sound seemed, especially in her current physical position.

    It was like the wind changed, or a distant music suddenly stopped playing.

    The feeling would not be particularly identifiable, but it would be discernable to the singing dark angel, like something had changed, a switch had been turned off. The expression of the formerly distressed Nita changed to something similar to what Medeia had had on her face before the raven-haired mage had started to sing. And then there was a low burst of light, and Medeia would find herself seating on a heavily muscled, full-bearded Desiertan man, with a very annoyingly lewd smile on his face, and despite the position of this strange man underneath Medeia, he attempted to do a few pelvic thrusts while screaming, ”yeah! Let’s get it on!”. And then he was gone in an implosion of shadow and runes. Medeia would sense Nita’s magical signature at the same time resurface some distance behind her, and the young Pergrandian burst into high-pitched laughter, daintily covering her mouth as she threw back her head and chortled in glee. ”What a darling! You should have seen the look on your face, Medeia love,” she said, gaining control and closing her eyes to shake her head in amusement. And Medeia would notice two things. Firstly, Nita had never used any terms of endearment for the dark angel, so suddenly calling her ‘love’ was signifying that something was clearly amiss. Also, Nita’s voice sounded different. Not particularly different, because it was still the light, silvery voice of the young Pergrandian. But it had lost its peppiness, sounding a lot more sultry and luscious. If Medeia cast a gaze at the Luminous Rose mage, she would see that Nita’s bearing was no longer the attractive, yet springy demeanor. It was a lot more regal, yet quite sensual.

    ”Frankly, I wonder at your interest in agitating settled waters,” the blonde mage chuckled, studying her fingernails under lamplight and standing in such a way as to pull all attention to her curves. ”Oh, not that I’m complaining, love. I guess this is mutually beneficial for the both of us. Your curiosity is satisfied, and I--” there was a pause, and for a split second she looked confused. Then she looked at Medeia and smiled her captivating smile. ”Well, I am curious. Are you human? You seem to be… and yet….” There was a joyous laugh. ”Yes, I want to know more about you, dearest Medeia,” she continued in her Pergrandian lilt. ”We could even become best of friends…” there was a pause, ”except I don’t like people touching me.”

    WC: 1095
    PWC: 8874
    TWC: 16704



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 11th February 2022, 6:19 am

    The dark haired mage had never moved as quickly in her life as when Nita briefly polymorphed into the form of a Desiertian male, pulling back in disgust. It did a good job of breaking her concentration and Medeia had to admit that it was a rather shrewd move on Nita’s part. The blonde woman would vanish from beneath her and teleport elsewhere but the angel did not sense an attack as a follow up, allowing her to stand up and turn at her own convenience. Despite the fact she had been outplayed in that moment though, Medeia did not feel overly angered by it. No, she was rather impressed although it might take her a while to get that image of the filthy male out of her head. The holy being’s hatred for men was one that transcended race or creed, she despised all of them equally in general but there was a special place in hell for Desertian males. She knew them better than most, given that her human side had grown up in that foul place and whenever she had the opportunity to go back there and make a mess, the raven haired woman always took it. “Clever girl.” She simply said, amused by the situation as a whole.

    Her spell had most definitely made an impact though and there was a distinct change in the legal mage that Medeia certainly did not miss. There was something different in the way that Nita stood, the way she spoke, the look in her eyes and frankly, the angel could not have been more intrigued. This was honestly what she had expected to see in the blonde from the start and Medeia had to ponder just why it had taken so long for Nita to reveal this side to her or more accurately, why the angel had been forced into drawing it out through magic? Just what was the beautiful woman afraid of? The questions just kept coming and the dark mages desire to know the answers did not diminish.

    To her surprise though, it was Nita who actually inquired about her background and while Medeia mused briefly about whether she should or not, in the end, she saw no reason to hide it. Why should she? The angel had nothing to hide. “I suppose it is only fair, given how insistent I have been in trying to get you to open up a little. I was a human, born in Desierto and raised like any other child would. It was not a great life and my family was hardly rich but we survived. As I grew older, I came to despise the squallor that my kin lived in and I started to take an interest in knowledge and history. My studies led me to become an archeologist or something of that sort. I have always been gifted with languages and to this day, I can pick up a new one, both verbal and written, in moments. Eventually, my studies led me to investigate a large and hidden structure that had been buried in the desert and you would not believe what I found there…”

    She paused for a moment and smiled. “The most exotic female that I had ever seen in my life. Purple hair, purple eyes, with enormous wings of the same colour. She was bound from head to toe with magical bindings, unable to see, speak or move a muscle. A being from the stars, cast out by her own kind for daring to speak out against the status quo and left in that state to rot for eternity. I could have left her there but there was no chance of that happening. I wanted her and as I removed her bindings and she became aware of me, I felt that same desire from her. She was a creature of pure insatiable lust and the power that I felt from her was what I had been secretly craving my entire life. I wanted control, over myself, over others and over my own fate. When I freed her from her final binding, we made love then and there and in doing so, we fused together, becoming one and the same but do not mistake our bond. There is no conflict between us, only harmony. The body of a human but the soul of an angel who fell from the stars. Where once there were two beings, there is now just one. Priya is a part of me and we will walk across this world until time itself ends, immortal.”

    She chuckled then, her mood lightening for the moment. “I will spare you from having to sit through Priya’s history, as I am sure the history of angels is of little interest to you.”

    Stepping forwards once more although not in an aggressive manner, she would then ask. “Now that I have satiated your curiosity a little, I believe that it is your turn, yes? I must admit that I love this new swagger of yours, my dear but why did you not act like this earlier? Why did I have to draw this side of you out? If you had been so confident from the start then perhaps we could have avoided our little scrap just now. Am I not the only one who has someone else in their head?” It was a deliberate question and honestly one that Medeia probably should have asked previously. Maybe the blonde woman was more similar to her than she thought. She chuckled again at that point and added. “You may wonder why I take such joy in trying to rattle those I talk to but it is only so that I can find out the truth about them. Humans are so fond of trying to hide their true selves from others and I have found that a little prodding is needed.”

    (981 Words)
    (8811 PWC)
    (17685 TWC)

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 12th February 2022, 1:45 am

    The Pergrandian girl grinned and performed an extravagant curtsy at Medeia’s begrudging praise, although she kept her gaze firmly fixed on the raven-haired woman’s seductive form. Frankly, she had expected that the dark angel would probably explode, or do something to express her sore displeasure. It was after all nothing but disgust that had been expressed on Medeia’s face when the Errings Rising ace had seen a man beneath her. Still, Medeia seemed quite pleased. This was no doubt because she had been able to force out the ‘true’ side of Nita. But could the grinning young woman really be called Nita, seeing as she was almost a different person from the one who had been fighting with the dark angel mere seconds ago? In any case, this new ‘Nita’ was not certain that she was altogether out of the woods. For all intents and purposes, Medeia was still an enemy. But the moments of peace were good to be taken while they existed. New strategies could be formed, in case hostilities decided to escalate themselves again. But for now, Medeia seemed amenable to answering the blonde mage’s enquiry, and proceeded to tell the tale of how a normal human ended up being blessed with a divine sort of power.

    ‘Nita’ watched and listened in silence through it all, listening attentively to the story. It appeared that indeed there were more things that made Medeia similar to the Luminous Rose mage than she had cared to admit. That Medeia mentioned that she was interested in knowledge, languages and history brought a wry smile to the heterochromic mage’s face. She was not certain that they could be best of friends, however. The true Nita would most certainly not allow it. The discovery of the bound angel was where the similarities more or less ended. For starters, ‘Nita’ could bet all of her powers that the actual Nita would most likely have been a lot more careful to release the sealed being she had come across. Everything which was found sealed was sealed for a reason, and while the imprisonment of the angel was apparently unjust (if indeed she was actually telling the truth that she had been imprisoned for believing things differently), the declaration of Priya as a being of ‘pure insatiable lust’ would have probably had the actual Nita running in terror. As was to be expected as well, the process of fusion of Medeia and Priya would have been altogether unacceptable for the girl that had grown up in Pergrande. It was a funny thing, how humans could change in so short a span of time, once particular events occurred. But such events would surely have to be as world breaking as coming in contact with the divine.

    ”Well, an immortal creature of absolute naughtiness wandering free and unhinged, ” the Pergrandian maiden said in pretend shock. ”This is really a frightening world to live in. I probably wouldn’t have minded learning about Priya’s history; there probably would have been quite a few tales to hear that would be useful for harassing this dear girl talking to you, but it is enough. Let it never be said that I, though regarded as devious, am unfair. I shall answer your own questions with a story of my own. Perhaps you will more fully understand the drama you had been witness to up till now.” The light mage found a nearby bench and perched daintily on it. ”And I’m happy that you love my new style. I aim to please. But lest I bore you further, I shall start by saying that yes, you are not the only one with someone in her head, although my relationship with Nita has not been as… unequivocal as yours.” She straightened her back a bit and held up her head, gaining an imperious air. ”I am nameless, for deity does not require a name, except to be invoked by its subjects, and I have, as of yet, not been successful in finding worthy worshippers on your world.

    I am, to coin the term in your tongue, a Primordial, an elder god. As befits a god, I hold sway over a divine portfolio, which grants me my powers. Myself, as well as a number of my kin, have cyclical portfolios. And I am the deity of Fate, my cycles being creation, preservation and destruction. My aspect of creation is desire, of preservation is knowledge, and strife is my aspect of destruction. It seems fated for the gods to ever wage war against their elder generations, and this happened on my world, although I am surprised that most Earthland myths speak of the younger gods gaining the ascendancy. On my world, we crushed the upstarts, but at great cost: our planet, as well as our worshippers, were destroyed in the upheaval. We took what resources, slaves and vanquished enemies we had left, and struck out into the Interdimensional Sea in search of a new home. We were all parted along the way, and I found my way to your world. Here, I discovered that humans are of a rather poor constitution, and they could not long abide my presence, often running mad, or rupturing their fragile shells. As a being of knowledge, I decided to learn more about them, and so captured a number to carry out experiments on. Sadly, this particular girl you see standing before you managed to singlehandedly mess up my operations, and most of my prisoners escaped. So I decided that I would curse her to absorb necrotic energies and be twisted into a perversion of nature. While I was at it, one of my slaves rebelled against me and struck me down. As the curse of absorption was already in effect, the unwitting child absorbed my essence, as well as that of the traitor. And so, here we are.”
    She spread out her hands dramatically.

    There was a pause as ‘Nita’ seemed to consider some things. ”You asked me why I did not act like this earlier. It is because you were not interacting with me. I agree that humans do so love hiding who they truly are, but trust me, the true Nita is a much bigger prude than the delightful girl you’ve been harassing all evening. As at the time I met Nita, the girl would blush if she showed a young man her knees. Well, when she absorbed my essence, there was a comingling of souls. She has inherited some of the powers of my divine portfolio, and thus reflects these aspects. I believe the aspect that was easiest for her to come to terms with is knowledge, because she has always been curious and eager to learn. Strife, she has been able to manage, because she is no stranger to it, already in the armed forces of her country when I found her. But desire…” here, the young woman allowed herself a chuckle, shaking her head, ”you don’t expect someone with the essence of a deity of desire to be fussing about showing her collar bones to the world, do you? Now, I’m sure you’d ask, why doesn’t Nita ‘let me out’ more often? She is scared of losing who she truly is.”

    There was another moment of silence, as the Pergrandian maiden’s expression turned wistful. ”I believe that just as she has gained some of my attributes, so I have gained some of hers. For instance, I know it is counterproductive, but I find myself viewing mindless killing with a lot of distaste. Also, being in her head, I know her life history, the great losses she suffered as a child, how she learned compassion in spite of her great suffering, and the suffering I have made her go through, seeing as she has been forced to leave her homeland on account of Pergrandians hating magic users to the death. And in spite of myself, deity that I am, I feel sorry for her. Prior to my amalgamation with her, I did not know the meaning of the word mercy. Now I feel it more than ever, and it troubles me, no doubt just as my influence worries her from time to time. Did you know,” at this point, she brightened up, ”that poor dear Nita can no longer dress without showing a lot of skin and feel comfortable? That’s me, reflexively at work. She’s a lot more amorous than she was before our mutual encounter, but I think she’s about as lascivious as an abbey chantry girl, and she does try, the noble soul, to keep things that way. I think I have become rather fond of her.”

    The green and cerulean eyes concluded their searching the stars and fixed themselves once more on Medeia. ”So, beautiful, what are your plans for Nita? I personally operate a ‘look but don’t touch’ business, one that Nita has managed to get comfortable with. I see no reason to make her more uncomfortable than she already is. Oh, and did I mention that ‘Nita’ sounds like the name I’d give my pet kitten? You may call me Ms. Fortune, love. I really dig the pun.”

    WC: 1526
    PWC: 10400
    TWC: 19211



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 12th February 2022, 6:28 am

    The dark angel remained standing for the entire story, listening with interest as Nita’s other side, for lack of a better word at first, spoke. A story that was all too similar to Priya’s in many ways, one that only ended fairly recently. Medeia had returned to the stars in order to achieve vengeance for her soul mate and the result? Annihilation. Where once had been a glorious holy castle amongst the clouds, inhabited by her entire sect, now sat desolate and empty. Not a single member of her sect had survived besides her beloved Armina, who had joined her in her conquest. They were the last two survivors and despite how distasteful it was, they carried the future of their group with them. Her family had been slaughtered by her own hand, a fitting fate for how they had turned on her and cast her out but that was not the sole reason. For as insufferable as her punishment in that prison was, Armina had suffered a far more humiliating fate. Used as little more than a slave by the males of her sect and subjected to indiginities that even now riled the dark haired mage whenever she thought about it. Her hatred for men had stemmed from this but that was not a topic that she was keen on bringing up with the beautiful blonde. Not today, anyway.

    “We are more similar than I had thought.” Medeia finally said, taking a seat beside the blonde once she had finished. “Disagreements between immortals, bloodshed, war. Priya experienced all of this too, once I freed her from her prison. We sought them out after our fusion and wiped out every last angel we could find. Father, brother, cousins, it made no difference as to who they were. They fell before us, their bodies falling to the earth and littering these lands. I had never taken part in a battle like that before but with our souls joined, it did not matter. All of Priya’s knowledge and experiences had become mine. Her history was my history and mine had become hers. Not an easy concept to understand I know but I am sure, given your bond with Nita, you will understand better than most as to how it feels. I experienced every moment that she had suffered in that prison, unable to do anything but sit in forced silence. Can you imagine the elation that she felt when she was finally freed and saw me? A beautiful woman who was just dying to wrap her arms around her?” Medeia chuckled briefly. It was such an unusual memory, as she remembered it from both sides. “That desire for close contact has been with me ever since, amplified by Priya’s own lust. Yes, I kill and I do take some pleasure from it but carnage is not what I truly seek. I seek close contact and to have my arms around those who I find desirable. I do not seek to harm them and if you ask those who I capture, you will discover that more often than not, they come out the other side knowing far more about themselves than before. Some submit, some fight and some actually ask for it but the end result is the same.”

    Pitying one’s host was not exactly a foreign concept to the witch and honestly, Medeia did feel a twinge of pity for Nita too. She understood the pain that abandonment could cause although the angel would have no doubt responded with anger had she been in the blonde’s position. With the powers of her slayer magic amplifying that, it was only natural that she would move in the direction of that emotion and unlike the primordial beside her, mercy was not generally something that the angel granted those she met. It was more often than not underserved and those who were gifted with it would only fall back into their own habits anyway. Humans were so fallible but truthfully, were angelic beings any better? No, not from her vast amount of experience with them. They were worse, far worse.

    “As long as you clash with one another, neither of you will ever truly find balance.”
    The angel went on to say. “Have you tried to engage her in conversation and explain all of this to her? Does she truly understand just who you are? I find myself asking these questions to so many people that I meet in this world. Students, enemies, lovers. So many have a monster or some kind of being within them and what is the reason why that they all suffer? Simple. They are afraid of that which inhabits them and allow their fear to rule them. I am a controller, a dominator, a dominantr…well, you get the idea and it simply baffles me that so many people are so unwilling to take the reins of their own bodies.”

    The the raven haired woman would flick her gaze in the woman’s direction, having considered the woman's earlier questions. “A pleasure to meet you at last, Ms.Fortune, that is quite the name that you have chosen for yourself. As for what happens now? Well, common practice would be for me to fly off with Nita’s lovely form and spend some quality time together. That is always my goal when I play games such as this and I cannot help but think that it might help Nita come to terms with her…new relationship with you. I will not hurt her, if that is what concerns you and I will keep my word and release her. I do not keep those I capture and I never have. Surely she will have to embrace your aspect of desire sooner or later, no?” There was little in the way of anger in her voice at this point and even the lustful touches had mellowed out somewhat.

    (981 Words)
    (9792 PWC)
    (20192 TWC)

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 12th February 2022, 1:55 pm

    As Medeia seated herself beside the Luminous Rose mage, the latter made no attempt to create distance. Anyone who saw them would think they were two very close acquaintances sitting together and having a friendly chat. Apparently, the realization that they both had similar histories had created some sort of unspoken bond between them, and even if Nita was absolutely unwilling to refer to Medeia with any term which even remotely denoted friendship, she did have to admit that to an extent, she found herself sympathizing with the dark angel in some regards. Nita’s father had once told her an adage, a long time ago: “to understand all is to forgive all”. Evil, by itself, was not created in a vacuum. A good number of people who ended up bad had actually been less inclined to not care about their fellows from the start. Understanding what made people develop their motives made it much easier to sympathize with them. That in itself had disadvantages, because it meant that one might not be able to show decisiveness in some cases where it mattered. Still, Nita had always believed that too little compassion, instead of an excess of it, was what made the world such a dark and sour place.

    It was not particularly surprising to hear that Medeia had proceeded to slaughter, of course with Priya’s full backing, all the members of Priya’s group. That left a number of questions in the Pergrandian’s head. When Medeia talked about the kin slaying, she had mentioned male relatives. What about the women? Or the children? What had happened to such ones? In any case, Nita decided to keep silent. Maybe the time to ask such questions would present itself. But for now, it did not seem particularly the best time to do so. Nita’s mind idly strayed to the thought of angelic bodies falling from the sky, based on the way Medeia had arranged her words. It was thus likely that these angels had lived in the geographic skies above Earthland. She wondered if any of the humbler earthbound beings wandering below had been witness to such a thing as dead angels falling from the sky. Or perhaps what someone would have probably done if an angel corpse crashed through their roof. Being the ever curious creature that she was, Nita was quite interested in asking Medeia the location of the latter’s former home, but again, she decided not to ask. It seemed a bit irreverent. In any case, if she wasn’t busy, maybe she would go looking for the place, or at least try to find Priya’s tomb. That, though would probably be very difficult, what with the closure of various international borders in Ishgar, Desierto being one of them.

    While it seemed the most moral path to take pity on even one’s enemies, the statement Medeia had made about killing and sometimes enjoying it meant that the Errings Rising mage and her Luminous Rose counterpart would ever be at variance. Because Nita could not stand those who took lives without compunction. And still, she found herself empathizing with this criminal. No wonder dark mages considered morals to be a weakness. But to the Pergrandian, if one could uphold such virtues, then they were truly strong. ”Ah well, there goes the hope that we could have been friends,” Ms. Fortune said with mock disappointment. ”Still, I find it quite interesting that your encounters with your captives often end up making them discover more about who they really are. You sound like an accomplished psychotherapist. Maybe one of these days, I would like to perform a study of one of your sessions. There may be quite a lot to learn.…” there was a pause as she realized the unintended implication of what she had just said. ”For purely academic purposes, of course,” she concluded, keeping a straight face, although she felt her cheeks slightly warm up. She was not the sort to blush from embarrassment. This could only mean one thing. It seemed that the original Nita was close to resurfacing.

    Ms. Fortune listened to Medeia’s observation of those who shared their bodies with more supernatural entities. She sighed in exasperation. ”Have you ever tried arguing with a spoilt child? The insufferable lass will never listen! Even though she knows my powers have been more or less a boon to her. To be honest, though, I commend her ability to have kept me suppressed for this long. It shows that even without the leasing of my powers, the child is certainly no pushover. Hopefully, she may be more amenable to having discussions with me after having to ride for a bit in the back seat. As for embracing my aspect of desire, oh yes, she will have to come to terms with it sooner or later. I suspect though that she will probably choose a single object of her affection, and lavish said person with her devotion. But I am almost certain she will never get to the point of having multiple partners. For my part, I am more comfortable with being the object of desire, as I mentioned earlier. I cannot particularly say that I have  any desires, maybe except to be desired, and I have seen that most sentient creatures are enamored with what they can never have. So Nita will just have to stay on the lovely pedestal I’ve placed her on, and kick off anyone who tries to climb it, until she finds her one true love.” The last three words were said with a lot of amusement, and then she sighed. ”Ah, humans.…”

    And then Nita would inch away from Medeia gradually, until she was on the other end of the bench, and she placed both her feet on the bench in case Medeia tried to glide closer and cover the distance, so that her legs would create more space between the two mages. ”Well,” she said with a loud exhalation, ”I guess you’ve had a most wonderful kiss and tell session, haven’t you?” Medeia would notice that the deeper undercurrent of sensuousness in her voice was gone, and if she looked at the blonde girl, she would see that her large green and blue eyes didn’t have that sultry look to them. ”I’m not particularly a fan of your… common practice, and I’m beginning to feel more and more that the most helpful thing for me right now would be to go home, have a shower, and go to sleep. And alone, if that can be helped, thank you very much.” She fixed her eyes on Medeia’s. ”You’re certainly not a good person, but I begin to think you’re not too far gone that you can’t be helped somehow. Deep down, it still seems there’s a good heart beating inside you. For all your efforts in helping me… ‘discover’ my not so true self, I shall take it on myself to keep pointing you to the truer side of yours, that part of you that can feel sorry for her fellows, and desire to help them. And if I can’t… well, I’m sure I’ll think of something.” It was the ingenuous yet defiant young Nita once more on the bench.

    WC: 1203
    PWC: 11603
    TWC: 21395



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 12th February 2022, 3:19 pm

    Honestly, Medeia had to admit that it was rather nice to speak to a being such as Ms.Fortune. To be able to discuss matters that were borderline impossible with most. No doubt many would say that they were both mad for claiming to be beings who were beyond that of humans but that was simply the ignorance of the human race, mocking and dismissing anything that goes against their own beliefs. The angel knew who and what she was, as did anyone who had come across her. She made no secret of it, as that was the way that she wished to live her life. Anyone who had an issue with that would end up occupying a nice space in Hell, the location of pretty much her entire family at this point. How many of her kin were now residing there? She honestly did not know, such were the numbers that she had wiped out. It amused her in a way that a race, who strived to bring the pure to the heavens, would end up burning in the fires of the underworld.

    The dark angel could only smile as the blonde being spoke about how they could not be friends. She expected such a response in a way but there was a slight part of her that was disappointed. Medeia had pondered that perhaps by becoming closer with Ms.Fortune, she might have had a chance at becoming closer with Nita as well. Naive perhaps but something she had considered. A long shot, now that she thought about it now, given how much the two personas seemed to clash with one another. Still, Medeia did take some satisfaction in the fact that she had managed to draw out Nita’s other side. A victory of sorts for the Ace and even though it might have seemed like a small one, it was a victory nonetheless and one caused Medeia’s smile to widen.

    Unfortunately, Nita soon enough regained control and scooched herself away from her, resulting in a chuckle to escape the lips of the witch. “I must admit that being able to talk to your other half was a rather enlightening experience, my dear. You should have just let her come to the surface from the start. She is an incredibly charming goddess and I do hope that I will be able to talk to her again one day. We have so much in common and she did a lovely job of revealing some of your failings.” Her tone of voice was a mixture of teasing and amusement, not bothering to hide her feelings from the blonde. “You should try and listen to her sometimes, it just might do you some good, child.” There was a specific emphasis on the last word, a playful attempt at rattling Nita’s cage.

    “I appreciate your concern regarding my well being, my dear but I chose my path a long time ago and I do not regret it for an instant. Light and dark, good and evil, they all fade away with age and the journey that I am on now is one that I will continue to follow until this world ends. I have no intention of becoming a holier than thou hero who defends the weak and smites the so-called villains. I will continue to remove those who try to rule me, teach those who wish to learn and have my way with as many beautiful women as I can. That is who I am, Nita and I am content with it. I have the life now that I dreamed of back when I was just a Desertian child and I could not be happier.” Relaxing on the bench, she would appear at ease.

    “So, what happens now? Are you finally willing to stop being a complete prude and loosen up a little? I confess that speaking to your other half has only aroused my intrigue in you both further and the desire to have you in my arms has not diminished. You spoke about a kiss and tell but I only remember the latter, my dear. The former is still owed to me. Surely you must be a little curious about such things and even though I understand now that you truly are innocent to the concept, a kiss would not hurt, right? One smooch and I will leave here in peace. The alternative? Well, I think you know what that is going to be. I have been all so patient with you and if we come to blows again, I am not going to hold back. You have my word on that.”

    Her gaze met Nita’s at that point, ready and willing to fight if that was what was necessary to obtain what she wanted.

    (794 Words)
    (10586 PWC)
    (22189 TWC)

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 13th February 2022, 1:08 pm

    Nita was not too pleased with the fact that Medeia was quite interested in the Primordial in her head, but frankly, she was not too surprised. It was the Primordial that had a lot more in common with the dark mage than Nita did. Still, the momentary period of ascendancy of the Primordial, as well as Medeia’s words, had made her realize a few things that she had not been interested in coming to terms with, one of which was that it was perhaps not impossible to create a sort of working arrangement with the source of her power. She was still not so sure whether she would lose more of herself or not if she attempted this. But it seemed that if she had lost some of herself to the Primordial’s presence, the divine being had also lost some of itself to her as well. It was quite unexpected to hear, from the position of her consciousness floating disembodied somewhere in the recesses of her own mind, that not only did the Primordial share her intense dislike for mindless destruction of lives, but also had expressed fondness for her. Of course, it could have been a lie, except that Nita knew it wasn’t. She knew the being could not lie to her, nor she to it. Their thoughts were open to each other. IT was just that Nita had not been paying attention to the Primordial’s thoughts. She felt a begrudging admiration for the woman seated next to her on the bench.

    ”I’m not a child,” she could only respond, with a pout that did a lot to undermine her words. In any event, Medeia seemed comfortable with her standing in life, which would make changing the dark angel a lot more difficult. ”I find it odd that you describe heroes as ‘holier than thou’, and yet your stance towards the weak, which is the same as most of the baddies I’ve studied, is the same dismissive judging that they are worth nothing and should thus be removed,” the blonde mage said. ”It’s just a difference in opinion of the meaning of virtue. For me, smiting is only necessary if there is no other way.”

    And so it was that that last sentence put Nita in a sort of fix. Medeia had given her an option: fight or allow a kiss. The response was Nita’s face looking like she had bitten an unripe lime. Normally, Nita would choose the fight option, but the problem with violence was that if it escalated, especially in the presence of a combatant who cared nothing about others, there could be loss of lives and property. With someone as powerful as Medeia, it could be on a grand scale, especially if the dark angel got frustrated and chose to lash out at those around. Nita was not sure she would be able to defend any bystanders if this happened. And she was also sure that Medeia would be quick to point out her hypocrisy, if she chose to fight, only after mentioning that violence was preferred as a last resort. Besides, one kiss was better than a fight in which probably multiple kisses would be attempted. ”O—okay. Just one, then…” the Pergrandian mage said, her cheeks coloring again, as she looked away, unable to keep holding the Errings Rising mage’s gaze. Medeia was right in the sense that she was interested in “such things”, but she still did have her modesty from before her assimilation of the Primordial, or at least what was left of it.

    Still remaining with her feet on the bench, the Luminous Rose mage closed her eyes, to await Medeia’s lips, as her hands were slowly raised in a half clenched position. Nita wasn’t sure if it was to hold the dark angel or push her away, but she hoped the latter was the case.

    WC: 645
    PWC: 12248
    TWC: 22834



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 13th February 2022, 2:18 pm

    The look on Medeia’s face when Nita pretty much confirmed what the primordial had said regarding her being a child made the witch laugh but it was surprisingly not a mocking one, simply playful in nature. Now that her anger had fizzled away, Medeia honestly did not see the need in continuing with her more menacing persona, not today anyway. The witch played many roles, teacher, lover, warrior, deceiver but for the moment, she was content with simply being herself. Truthfully, she was rather glad that combat had been avoided for once and she took some pride in being able to open someone up without either having to beat them down or wrap them up in rope. They were the usual methods and although were both incredibly effective, Medeia did enjoy finding different solutions. It kept her games interesting after all and Nita had proven to be one of her most interesting playmates. They would meet again one day, the angel would make sure of that. She was simply too invested in the blonde for that not to occur.

    “I look down upon humanity because that is my nature. The lives of angels are spent entirely on guiding souls from this world to the next and you have no idea how distasteful that is. I confess that as much as I despised my imprisonment and the pain that it causes me to this day, I do not miss that particular part of the job. I spent millenia seeing the worst in people and after a while, it is difficult to see anything in them other than their faults. I was a judge in the literal sense and I suppose that habit remains now.”
    She paused for a moment and then added. “You may not smite but you are willing to toss them in a prison to rot, no? Was that not what you wanted to do with me previously? A fate worse than death.”

    In fairness, Medeia was uncertain as to what Nita would make of her suggestion. The woman had been so unwilling to be reasonable up until now that the angel had expected the blonde to refuse outright. Yet, that was not the case and the dark mage raised an eyebrow as the woman accepted her proposal. Pleased beyond measure, a satisfied smile would cross Medeia’s face once more and she would stand up, since the blonde did not seem to have any intention of moving from her position. As she walked around and caught sight of the look on Nita’s face, a chuckle escaped the witch’s lips. “You look absolutely adorable like that, my dear. I am glad that you finally decided to listen to reason. This is a much sweeter solution than me setting fire to this town.”

    Leaning down, she would lift the blonde’s head gently, before lowering her head and capturing Nita’s lips with her own. The moment she did, Medeia felt a whirlwind of lust inside her but just this once, she did not allow it to consume her. Delicate and sweet, she would hopefully leave the gorgeous blonde with something pleasant to remember her by. In the back of her mind though, the desire would churn, as now that she had the taste of Nita’s lips, it was one that Medeia would only wish to experience again. Would Nita realise what she had done by accepting her kiss? Well, time would tell. The blonde was not stupid, after all and had such a keen intellect. One that Medeia had come to appreciate during their encounter. She leaned in slightly but came up against Nita’s hands but rather than push against them, the Ace simply paused, leaving the ball in the legal mage’s court as to what happened next. A rare act from her indeed.

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    Last edited by Medeia on 14th February 2022, 4:06 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
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    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Fraag 13th February 2022, 7:49 pm

    There was a lot of logic in Medeia’s lack of value for human beings, seeing as they did not really have so much speaking for them in the records. Humans were known to be rather vengeful, cruel and aggressive, not to mention insolent and pompous. And yet they were also capable of great acts of heroics and kindness. Nita was of the strong opinion that the lack of enough of the second sort of humans was the fundamental problem of the world. Being a sort of judge of human souls, it would be easy for Medeia to come to that conclusion. There was actually very little Nita could respond to in that regard, seeing as much of her life had been shaped by difficulty caused by nothing but the willful callousness of humanity (although Pergrande’s merciless winters made it a lot more painful to bear). She also was not going to respond to Medeia’s rebuke about her intentions for the dark angel. Frankly, she wasn’t certain she knew how to respond. But if everyone decided to kill those who went against them, much like the Errings Rising mage was comfortable with doing, how would that leave the state of the world?

    Nita made no sound, keeping her eyes shut, as the angel commended her willingness to not tread the path of violence. Her heart skipped as she felt Medeia gently angle her face upwards, and the breath of the dark mage on her face, just moments before their lips met. There was an explosion of emotions that followed, and the Pergrandian found herself considering the options of letting the dark angel continue, or putting a stop to the kiss. About three seconds passed before she made her decision. With a distressed sound of embarrassment, she pulled away, and then dramatically crossed her arms around her face, so that her right hand clutched her left shoulder, her left hand clutched her right shoulder, and her face was firmly entrenched in the insides of her elbows. ”I’ve done what you wanted,” she said, her voice wavering and her breath ragged. Even though the two of them were probably alone, Nita felt an incredible amount of discomfiture, not the least of which was Medeia’s proximity. And perhaps the realization that the sensation was not as unpleasant as she had expected (or maybe even hoped). ”Now, you shall have to keep your word.”

    WC: 400
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    TWC: 23866



    Baiting The Trap (Fraag) Empty Re: Baiting The Trap (Fraag)

    Post by Guest 14th February 2022, 4:31 am

    Once Nita had made her decision, Medeia simply backed away, deciding against pushing the subject further. She had gotten exactly what she had wanted and although the blonde appeared to be anything but comfortable with what had just happened but the angel was not having any of it. If it had been that unpleasant, then Nita would have pushed her away quicker and Medeia pondered to herself that deep down, the beautiful blonde had quite enjoyed the experience. That was what she believed and for her part, Medeia most certainly had. The desire that had been fuelling for the majority of the encounter was now back in full force. She still wished to have the Luminous Rose mage in her arms but she was able to contain herself for now and wait. There was no rush and she knew that given time, Nita might just come around to the idea herself. If Medeia was lucky, her kiss might have just opened up a different world to her fellow mage and perhaps shown her that physical contact was not as sordid or perverse as Nita seemed to believe it was.

    “Very well. You have, eventually, given me what I sought and I will keep my word and move on. I hope that in time, you will look back on our kiss and this encounter in general fondly. I must admit that it was rather nice not to have to have to resort to combat for once and debating with you and Ms.Fortune was rather enjoyable. Remember what I said about her, Nita. Instead of trying to shut her out, perhaps consider actually having a conversation with her. She is most certainly a well travelled being and I believe that there is a chance for you to find balance and become one, as Priya and myself have.”

    With that, she would turn away and take a few steps away from the bench, a spot from which there were no trees directly above her. It was only then that she finally revealed one of her more angelic features, as a pair of large purple wings formed from her back. They did not offer her any combat benefits as such although she could form a more aggressive looking pair but they did give her a rather regal appearance nonetheless.

    Looking over her shoulder for a moment, she would smile at the blonde. “Until we meet again, Nita. I am certain that our paths will cross once more.” The legal mage could count on that.

    With nothing more to say, she would then flap her wings and take off, heading for parts unknown. The night was still young after all and there was time enough for her to find someone else to admire. Yet, she would not certainly forget her encounter with Nita for quite some time.

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