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    Aeryn Caprina

    Aeryn Caprina
    Aeryn Caprina

    Lineage : Arsenal of Spellpower
    Position : None
    Posts : 12
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Aeryn Caprina Empty Aeryn Caprina

    Post by Aeryn Caprina 18th June 2023, 7:08 pm

    Name: Aeryn Caprina
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Birthday: 07/17
    Sexuality: Unknown
    Special Characteristics:

    Horns: Like every Joyan, Aeryn has minor animalistic traits. In the case of the Caprina family--a member family of the Phrynos Clan--these traits are twofold. The first of these traits are a pair of durable horns that grow from the top of the head. Each individual member of the Caprina family has slightly different horns. In Aeryn's case these horns appear jagged, and in some places seem broken. When accounting for the horns, Aeryn stands at five feet and nine inches tall.

    Tail: The second trait of the Caprina family is more universally similar. Every member of the Caprina family has a lizard-like tail, covered in gray scales. This tail ends with several spike-like protrusions, which serve as an effective emergency weapon when neccessary.

    Personality: On the surface level, the most common summation of Aeryn that a random individual might give up on briefly interacting with her tends to be 'World Weary'. The first impression she tends to give is that of a confident enthusiasm that is tinged with an inescapable fatigue.

    Almost like a weight is dragging her down. Typically simply letting it be known that she witnessed the Tragedy of Felidae is enough to keep people from prodding further. After all, if someone pokes around too much, they might come to realize that her 'Fatigue' and politeness is a facade.

    Not every aspect of the personality she presents is false, however. She is in fact very confident in herself and does hold great enthusiasm for the work she does. But instead of being a truly chipper but world-weary individual like she tries to present, she is actually a fairly serious individual who holds a great deal of darkness in her heart.

    Presenting primarily as a deeply vindictive and vengeful attitude, these traits have also meshed with her experiences and memories to tinge everything in a rather bleak way, creating a grim outlook on life. However this is not the trait that would be most concerning to those who knew what kind of person Aeryn had been before witnessing the Tragedy.

    That most concerning of developments would be her recent embrace of sadistic tendencies. Before witnessing an entire city be wiped from the face of the earth, Aeryn was far from a sadist. And yet, she has found herself gaining increasing pleasure in harming others, especially those she believes to be at blame for the current state of the world.

    This personality is not often seen outright. Hiding herself behind a facade of weary wandering allows her to travel freely, slipping past authorities in the meantime. Those who have seen this personality might often find themselves calling it a 'stereotypical' presentation of a Dark Mage. If this is truly the case however Aeryn isn't admitting it to anyone, not even herself.


    • Joya: Like all native born Joyan, Aeryn takes great pride in her home country. Recent events have seen her locked out of her home, but her love for her homeland has not diminished.
    • Warm Weather: Perhaps owed to her more lizard-like physical traits, Aeryn prefers warmer climates. While she is more than capable of functioning in all climates, temperate, warmer areas remain her favorites.
    • Drinking: While her more recent actions and activities have necessitated that she remain sober, the wake of the Tragedy at Felidae had driven Aeryn to take up drinking. She still has a fondness for alcohol, but must remain careful not to fall into the pit she had dug when she first started to drink.
    • Causing Pain: Aeryn has her normal hobbies. But as of late, she has picked up more..concerning ones. Top amongst the list is a newly found proclivity for Sadism, typically taken out on individuals who she perceives as being at fault for what happened to Joya.


    • Pergrande and Bellum: Hate Mages. Love Mages. Pure Science. Magitech. Pergrande and Bellum could not be more different. Ask Aeryn however, and she will claim that both countries are just as bad as each other. Borne from being witness to the Tragedy at Felidae--albeit from a distance--has given Aeryn plenty of reason to bear hate in her heart for the two primary forces that had been present in Joya.
    • The War: Just as she hates the countries responsible for the current war, Aeryn hates the war itself for creating not only people like her, but for the amount of people who were erased from the face of the earth as a result.
    • Global Government: Aeryn has recently found herself viewing every country as more and more complicit in the tragedy that befell her people as the dice have continued to fall and global leaders have taken sides. As far as Aeryn is concerned, anything other than a flat refusal to assist either side is tantamount to being complicit.
    • Smoke: Particularly as it pertains to things like wood burning. Smelling certain kinds of smoke always inevitably reminds Aeryn of a day she doesn't want to keep re-living. As a result, she does her best to stay away from it.


    • Avenging Felidae: What happened to Felidae was a national tragedy on an unimaginable scale, caused as a direct result of two countries being too cowardly to host peace talks in their own lands. While the blame was assigned to a Dark Guild, Aeryn places the blame squarely at the feet of the leaders of both Bellum and Pergrande. The only way that vengeance will be brought down for her fellow Joyans is for Bellum and Pergrande to burn.
    • Assisting her Guild: While she wasn't always a proponent of the school of thought that Divine Calamity was built around, recent events have changed her perspective. Aeryn is more than willing to do what she must to help bring to bear a force that can stand against the factions of the war.
    • Catharsis: While the motivations Aeryn will ever admit to are on a grander, more vengeful scale there is one simple thing that motivates her current 'Crusade' above all. Emotional Release. Deep in her heart, she understands that this hate needs to leave her body if she doesn't want to go into a spiral of self-destruction. Unfortunately, she is not interested in seeking a healthy outlet. She intends to pay the price of her catharsis in blood.


    • Failing Her Goal: One of Aeryn's most unnerving fears is the idea that she might die or otherwise become incapable of carrying out her goal of revenge. The hate is the primary force that drives her, so to be forced to confront her own unhealthy reality while also witnessing the continued existences of Bellum and Pergrande is something that viscerally upsets her.
    • Moving On: Aeryn lost a great deal of her interpersonal connections and emotional support system when Felidae City was levelled. Without that support system her own emotional state has slowly become wildly unstable over time. Aeryn holds the grief of those deaths incredibly close to her heart and refuses to let go, believing that doing so would mean she never cared about any of them. The idea that one day she would wake up and no longer hold firm to her current goals is something her current mental state actively rejects in anger..but also fear.
    • Captured by Pergrande: Stories abound of Pergrande's hatred of Mages. Over the years these stories have become subject to a great amount of drift, leading rise to stories that are effectively rumors of Pergrande experimenting on any and all mages that they capture, supposedly doing things so heinous that death is a comparative mercy. While most people consider these stories little more than campsite propaganda started by soldiers, Aeryn can't help but think one simple thing: "But what if they aren't?"

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Hair Color: Silver-Gray
    Eye Color: Golden-Yellow w/Red Outline
    Skin Tone: Fair/Pale

    Aeryn Caprina AerynApp

    Guild: Divine Calamity
    Tattoo: Left Shoulder
    Tattoo Color: Sapphire Blue

    Faction: N/A
    Faction Chapter: N/A

    Aeryn Caprina Empty Re: Aeryn Caprina

    Post by Guest 23rd June 2023, 4:56 am


    Aeryn Caprina QlhAT3Z

    Aeryn Caprina Empty Re: Aeryn Caprina

    Post by Guest 1st February 2024, 5:31 am



      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:53 pm