Fairy Tail RP

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    In the Firelight

    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    In the Firelight Empty In the Firelight

    Post by Xavier Clarent 15th June 2023, 1:59 pm

    Trevor Winters

    X Rank
    Confidence Int.

    In the Firelight

    Delinquent Ward had become a huge sensation, especially with the introduction of Saffron as their drummer. If they thought their fame had been on the rise before, the spitfire blonde strapped a rocket to their back and shot them into the stratosphere. Emma had been right; the Fairy Tail mage would be a huge draw to their already talented group. Within weeks of getting her incorporated, their first gig took the land by storm and soon they were in even higher demand than before. And with the festival coming, it seemed the perfect time to start booking some high paying performances all over Fiore. But the one thing Xavier never avoided was taking time to sit back and enjoy any free time they could get. Especially if requests for a tour to be started started becoming a tangible plan for the future.

    Plus it was important for all of them to spend time together as a band outside of playing. So he’d asked them all to accompany him to one of the bonfire celebrations that would be taking place in town. Their latest gig had taken them to Cedar, a quaint little port town that had a lovely beach just south of the city. Across the nation there were lots of different celebrations happening and there were a few happening in Cedar itself but something about the bonfire on the beach really appealed to Xavier. So he’d invited his other three bandmates along with him and headed down to the beach early to find them a seat. And boy, were the sands bustling; people from Cedar and beyond had come with picnic stuff and swimsuits to get in a late afternoon swim in.

    Xavier laid out a rather large blanket in one of the few open spots nearest the bonfire placement, easy enough to fit four people. He’d even stopped and grabbed a cooler with some food and beer inside for them to enjoy, though it looked like there were businesses setting up a few stalls for free stuff to give away. The guildmaster of Confidence International  was dressed rather casually, all things considered. A loose black shirt that had a single button on the inside, it was a laid back version of a dress shirt. He didn’t wear anything underneath, save for a golden necklace. He also had a pair of clean white pants and a simple pair of shoes; no reason to dress for his ‘hoes’ this time.

    He set the stuff down and walked over to the bonfire pit. They’d done a good job of building a massive, circular area, the former God-King wondering if people grabbed the rocks or simply used magic to bring them together. The logs that would be used to burn had been erected to lay against one another in layers, wood gathered in a cone shape all the way to the center. The fire was going to be massive, there was no doubt about that. A few people gave him some sideways looks, narrowing their gazes as if they could recognize him. Before they could get a good look at him, Xavier tossed on a pair of thick black glasses and buried his head in his iLac as he walked back to their blanket.

    What was supposed to be a group hang out was becoming a one on one situation. Emma apparently had lined up a date and wasn’t going to be able to show up. And Nik had gotten invited by another friend in the city to go to a different festival. Well hell, if it was just gonna be him and Saffron, then that’s just how it would be. He sure wasn’t going to complain. Though they’d only known each other for a short time, he found he really enjoyed being around the bombshell. That, of course, only made things more complicated; both because she was a bandmate and also because she was a mentee to Vandrad. He’d told himself that he wouldn’t use her to get to Vandrad; that he could find his own way to get a face to face with the du Wolff. No doubt it was still going to cause some issues, especially once who he was came out, but it was for the greater good. But it was hard not to find usefulness in talking to Saffron and getting bits of information; at least enough for him to know what he would be going up against.

    With a sigh, he reached over to the cooler and reached in to grab a beer. Popping the top off, he took a sip as he stared out at the ocean, getting lost in his own thoughts while he waited for Saffron.

    @Saffron Remington | 783 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 268
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Saffron Remington 15th June 2023, 6:50 pm


    Saffron never, ever turned down a trip to the beach.

    The beach was her favorite place to visit, full of warmth and sun, fun activities like swimming and volleyball, not to mention lots of hotties walking around in swim trunks and bikinis. There was no better example of an element that she thrived in, the very atmosphere filling her with life and adventure. So when Trevor invited her and the other band mates to join him for one of the many bonfire festivals happening in Cedar, she immediately checked herself off as yes in the group chat. Things had been going extremely well since she joined the band, the blonde surprised by how quickly they’d risen in the charts after taking over as the new drummer. Not that she attributed all of that to herself; she was good but she wasn’t that good. The simple fact was that the entire band was extremely talented, and while Saffron didn’t know what kind of rapport they had with one another when the previous drummer was alive, she did know that the current four of them were really on the level.

    And as much as she would never admit it out loud, that seemed to be especially true for her and Trevor. While neither of them had commented on it openly, there was certainly a chemistry between them. He never stopped trying to keep up with her sass and remarks, so their interactions with one another continued to be as playful as they had been since the beginning, and she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed getting close up views of him performing, both on stage and at rehearsal. So while Saffron certainly had no plans to try and make anything happen between them, particularly given that she didn’t think it would be a good idea to have that kind of relationship with a bandmate, she wasn’t all too broken up over the fact that Emma and Nik wound up opting out of the invitation in lieu of prior commitments.

    The Fairy Tail mage pulled up to the beach that afternoon only a bit after Trevor himself had arrived, the sun still high enough in the air that it was plenty warm out but beginning to make its descent toward the horizon. She was dressed in a bathing suit cover up that was made of a light, breathable fabric, cream colored with pink hibiscus flowers and green leaves. It had long sleeves that she’d rolled up to her elbows, and a bikini bottom that left her long legs in full view. The front of the piece had a plunged neckline that was just enough to cover the bathing suit she wore underneath it. Her long blonde hair was left down, but pulled back into a very loose ponytail that was more just enough to keep the majority of the locks out of her face with all the wind, and she wore a simple pair of flip flops.

    Using the directions he’d given her about where he’d set up, it took a few minutes to spot him through the hordes of people but Saffron did eventually find him sitting out on a large blanket that he’d brought, hiding behind a pair of sunglasses and his iLac, sipping from a beer. “And here I expected to find you fighting back a crowd of ladies,” she teased, dropping her beach bag on the blanket next to his cooler. It was a bit of a recurring joke between them now, though not one that was without merit. Trevor was nearly always surrounded by women trying to get his attention, and while he didn’t run off with as many as she’d assumed when they first met, he did still score a few hookups out of it.

    “So I guess we’ve been ditched, huh? Now you’re stuck with me for the rest of the day with no Nik here to protect you. I hope you’re ready for some fun, cause I almost never sit still at the beach and I’m gonna be dragging you along for the ride.” She shot him a wide grin.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 684 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Xavier Clarent 16th June 2023, 1:42 pm

    Trevor Winters

    X Rank
    Confidence Int.

    In the Firelight

    Xavier was in his own little world with his iLac, mostly because he could already hear the whispers. Despite putting his sunglasses on and keeping his head down, he had an unmistakable look about him and anyone that was a decent fan would pick him out of the crowd any day. Luckily no one seemed too bold to approach him yet. As he flipped through a couple of screens, he finally heard the familiar, energetic voice of Saffron. Smirking before he even bothered to look at her, he shook his head. "Y’know, you make me sound like a pimp more than I really am. I just ain’t one to be disrespectful to fans,” he remarked as he closed his iLac and finally turned to look at her. "Oh damn.” There was nothing he could do to prepare any kind of covering comment as his eyes came upon her outfit, a cover for her bathing suit that hugged her tight in all the right places.

    Hell, he even had to pull his sunglasses down to look at her fully. "Wearing something that nice, I kinda expect the same for you,” he said, flashing her a grin. They’d spent enough time at that point that he was unafraid to flirt with her, unhindered by rules or taboos. Though he had no intent on breaking the one cardinal rule that the band members had -- don’t sleep with one another -- he wasn’t going to pretend he didn’t notice when she looked damn fine. After all, he’d have to be an idiot to not pick up on the crackling chemistry between them and frankly she kept him fresh and snappy, forcing him to keep his wit as sharp as his tongue. He enjoyed the challenge and if he were to be honest with himself as well, he probably wasn’t too upset that it was just the two of them either.

    He reached over to the cooler as she teased him over being stuck with her without any protection. As she saw it, he needed to be prepared to get active because she didn’t like to sit idly by when she was at the beach and she wasn’t doing it alone. "A’ight well at least chill before you start draggin’ me all over the sands,” he said, pulling the top off a beer and passing it up to her. “Here’s to us; having a grand ol’ time while Nik skips out for some other friends and Emma goes on some lame date. We the real ones,” he joked as he brought his bottle up to clink with hers.

    As he took a sip he nodded to the ocean. "This is my first real time seein’ an ocean. Even when I was travelin’ about, I never really had time to stop by the water’s edge and take it in. It’s a pretty sight; almost makes me wish I knew how to swim,” he remarked idly as he took another sip and then got to his feet. "Alright firecracker, y’all say you don’t sit still, let’s get crackin’. All I want is to be back by the time they light the bonfire. Apparently they got some things with chocolate and marshmallows? Sounds hella tight.”

    @Saffron Remington | 536/1319 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 268
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Saffron Remington 16th June 2023, 6:31 pm


    He didn’t look up right away, finishing up with whatever was occupying him on the phone as he shook his head and insisted that she made him out as more of a pimp than he actually was, claiming he only liked to make sure he was being respectful to his fans. Saffron merely snorted, looking away from him to take a glance around and see what kind of activities the event had to offer today, her attention only drawn back at the sound of his exclamation to find that the reason for his outburst was that he’d actually looked up at her. Apparently,  he liked it enough that he couldn’t even hide it, causing Saffron to raise a brow and give him an amused, if wry, smirk as she crossed her arms over her chest as if to ask, “Really?”

    Trevor pulled his sunglasses down to get a better look, causing the blonde to roll her eyes. He informed her that he was surprised she didn’t have any crowds of her own, given how well the attire complimented her. It wasn’t the first time he’d flirted with her. One could argue that all they’d done since they met was flirt, if in a more confrontational fashion, but the more time they’d spent together the less he held back on genuinely flirting with her. Saffron had yet to return the gesture in any traditional sense, almost always clinging to her more spicy version of teasing that was playful and never malicious, but certainly not flattering. “Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on, playboy.”

    He pulled another beer out of the cooler and popped off the cap for her, the Fairy Tail mage accepting it with an “Oh, hell yeah, don’t mind if I do,” before warning him that she planned on having an active day with him. His only request was that she at least chill for a bit before dragging him every which way. Holding up his bottle, he made a toast to the both of them, with a remark about Emma and Nik’s lame excuses. Saffron clinked her bottle against his with a snort. “At this point you’d think they’d just admit that they’re sleeping together. It’s not like it’s not obvious. Like if you want some alone time together just say so. It would be less weird if they stopped trying so hard to hide it.”

    She took a long sip from the glass, enjoying the crisp taste as Trevor nodded toward the ocean and admitted that it was his first time really seeing one in person. He’d never had time or opportunity, even when he was a vagabond, stating that it was a pretty enough sight that made him wish he knew how to swim. “Shit, seriously?” she asked, surprised by the admission but not overly so. While most people knew how to swim, it wasn’t unheard of to run into someone that didn’t. Instead, Saffron was already making a mental note on how to fix that when he stood up and invited her to more or less lead the way, stating that he just wanted to be back for the lighting of the bonfire. It was the second comment that truly caused her to open her eyes in surprise.

    “Brooo, are you telling me you’ve never had s’mores?” she asked, looking aghast. “That is a crime against humanity, one that we’re going to fucking rectify, along with the swimming thing. The ocean ain’t exactly the most ideal setting for learning how to swim – the shores can be a bit brutal with the tides and the waves – but we can at least get you out in the water.”

    Setting her beer down, she eagerly stripped out of the cover, zipping the front down and pulling the piece off until she was in her bathing suit: a gold colored string bikini that was adorned with a few purple pendants dangling just below her bust and a vaguely heart shaped flame pendant on her left hip. Kicking off her flip flops and leaving them behind with everything else, Saffron picked her beer back up. “Come on, let’s go find some excitement.” Drinking her beer as they walked, she led him over near the pier where there was a small dock with a smaller stall where one could rent various recreational water vehicles. She slipped some money over the counter in exchange for two life jackets and the keys to a lacski, handing one of the jackets over to him.

    “Here, put that on.” She was certain she didn’t need to explain the purpose of the vest, as even if he had lived under a rock his entire life and had never heard of a life jacket, it was obvious by the feel of the material – and others in the water using them – that it was designed to keep the wearer afloat even if they couldn’t swim. Polishing off her beer, she tossed the bottle in the nearest recycling bin, twirling the key around on her finger as she led the way to the rental they’d been assigned.

    Saffron hopped on the water bike, swinging her leg over to mount the seat, even as she nodded to the empty space behind her. “You’re riding bitch,” she informed him with a smirk. Inserting the key into the ignition, she turned the lacski on, the purr of the engine bringing quite the grin to her face. Flipping it into reverse, she slowly backed it away from the pier before switching gears and carefully steering them out of the no-wake zone. Once they reached the edge, the only warning he’d get was, “You might want to hang on.” He’d have only a few seconds to get his arms around her waist before she gunned the throttle, launching them out into the open ocean at full speed with a loud holler of excitement.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 982/1666 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Xavier Clarent 18th June 2023, 10:16 am

    Trevor Winters

    X Rank
    Confidence Int.

    In the Firelight

    Xavier rolled his eyes at her as she commented idly about keeping his pants on, displaying her usual playful refusal to acknowledge and return any compliments that he passed. It was their usual manner of flirting; a bit confrontational and insulting but it seemed to give them both a thrill and he was always amused when he paid her true compliments and she just knocked them away like pesky flies. Moving on, he shared one of his beers with her and cheered the two of them, having been ditched by their other bandmates. Saffron, it seemed, had some idea that they were sleeping together and stated it was ‘obvious’ they were. Xavier’s brow furrowed in confusion. "What? Nah. They’re not sleeping together. I don’t even know if Nik likes women… or men. Or anything. And Emma would need someone much more excitable. I think you’re reading too much into it,” he said, waving the notion away. There was no way that they were together; they were the complete polar opposites.

    Understandably, she was surprised that he couldn’t swim. It was a careful line he had to tread constantly; mixing truths with lies about the life he was living. But he couldn’t claim he could swim and then make an utter fool of himself that way; that created even more questions. Plus, it was believable that there were people that hadn’t been near large bodies of water, like him. "I mean I’ve been in baths and shit but never the ocean or any kind of deep pool. Just seem ‘em from afar or heard of ‘em,” he said with a shrug as he got himself to his feet, committing to whatever insanity that she wanted to do. She’d insisted he was coming along and he really didn’t have any reason to say no. All he wanted was to be back for the fire itself, especially so he could try the chocolate-marshmallow creations he’d heard about. Saffron herself was absolutely appalled that he hadn’t had s’mores, as she called them. They were going to fix that and his inability to swim, though she admitted the ocean wasn’t the best place to learn.

    No matter what, they were going out to the ocean. She put her beer down for a moment and then stripped out of her cover into probably the slinkiest bikini he had ever seen. "Oh hell nah. You ain’t here tellin’ me to keep myself in my pants and then show all’a that all casual like,” he insisted, drawing a big circle around her entire form with his beer-holding hand. "Plus I ain’t even got a bathing suit.” He gestured down to his white shorts. "I guess shorts as good as anythin’,” he said with a sigh, pulling off his shirt and tossing it into the pile of shit they had before following after her to the promise of ‘excitement’.

    She seemed to have an idea already in mind, heading to the closest pier. She walked up to the counter of a stand and handed off some jewel in exchange for two lifejackets and a key. She gave him one and he gave it a curious look at first. It was rubbery and light, filled with some kind of material that felt a bit spongy. As it was a vest, he slung it over his shoulders and onto his body, buckling the thing where it needed to be until it was tight against his form. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing he’d ever worn but he imagined, given the bright colors, that it was some kind of floating thing. He swallowed the rest of his beer with her and tossed it in the same bin before following her to a strange looking water vehicle, to which she climbed on and insisted he was riding bitch. "Ain’t I always with you?” he quipped as he hopped onto the vehicle and sat down in the open spot behind her. The vehicle grumbled to life and then growled as she reversed them out of the ‘parking spot’ and then glided through the water until they reached, what he assumed, was the segment of ocean they could go full blast on. All she told him was to hang on before she ripped them forward, turning the engine on full and rocketing them forwards. His hands had been resting at his sides but, instinctively, they shot forward to wrap around her waist at the sudden lurch. "Goddamn!” he cried out as he nearly slipped right off the seat.

    He had never moved so fast in his life. The roar of the water around them, shooting up salty spray in their wake, was stupid levels of fun. Plus, he wasn’t gonna complain about having to be so close to her. He adjusted himself slightly in his seat so he was sitting against her, keeping his arms around her waist as he looked out and around. "I say I can’t swim and you bring me out even further. Is this your attempt to take over the band? I ain’t gonna lie, it’s pretty genius,” he hollered over the roar of the lacski.

    @Saffron Remington | 855/2174 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 268
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,996

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Saffron Remington 19th June 2023, 5:34 pm


    Saffron gave Trevor the hardest, most humorous stare as he insisted that Emma and Nik weren’t sleeping together. He couldn’t even get a read on Nik sexually, and Emma needed someone in her life that was more on her own wavelength. “Buddy, I don’t know how to break this to you, but they’re one hundred percent giving it to each other, and probably have been since before I was around. No woman wastes time and energy physically dragging around a man that she’s not interested in, and no man would allow himself to be dragged around by any woman that he wasn’t into. But hey, if you’re that confident, we can set a wager. I’ll happily take your money.”

    Soon after they had agreed to get moving and have some fun before the fire, with Trevor admitting he’d never really had an opportunity to learn how to swim. The ocean wasn’t terribly great for a first time learner, but if she hooked him up with a life jacket that would be plenty to keep him afloat while he learned to tread water, and if she got him far enough past the shore the waters wouldn’t be as jostling or full of waves. As such she’d made her decision, stripping out of her cover up and into her bikini, drawing an immediate protest from him as he informed her that she had no business telling him to keep his arousal in check while she ran around in something like that. All she did was grin at him in a very self-satisfied look that likely would have made Mercury proud. “Is that a complaint?”

    He didn’t own a bathing suit, but the shorts would do well enough. “There’s plenty of shops along the boulevard – we can get you a change of clothes to dry off in after.”

    She led them straight to the rentals and got a lacski for them, making sure he put the life jacket on correctly before hopping on the vehicle and telling him to hop on behind her. With a quip about always riding bitch with her – which earned him another grin – he did as instructed. Once he was settled, Saffron pulled them through to no wake zone and out into the open waters where she practically peeled out, cackling as he nearly fell off, having to reach out in a panic to grab her waist in order to stay put. She was grinning like a maniac, hollering out into the wind and being her best adrenaline junkie self as he adjusted behind her to get a more secure position behind her, calling out to ask if she was trying to kill him to take over the band.

    Saffron laughed. “Just trying to make sure you know who’s boss..!” she teased. “Besides, I’m just getting started!”  Without leaving him too much time to consider what she’d meant by that particular threat, she shifted gears and snapped the steering handle to the side, digging a deep donut in the water as they spun a couple times practically in place. Then, she ripped out of the donut and barrelled straight toward some of the choppier waters where the waves were starting to swell before breaking closer to shore. It was a perfect place to cut straight across the rolling surface, the lacski catching air for a brief second or two with each surge.

    Spotting an opening, her grin deepened as she raced them further ahead where a wave was building up and getting ready to break. Riding up the rising swell, she dove the nose of the lacski down the front of the wave, the speed increasing even more from the motion of the tide as they rode the wave down like a surfer would, the Fairy Tail mage carving the vehicle against the wave even as it folded over their heads and formed a pocket of air where they had water all around them but a perfect tunnel to drive through. The pipeline lasted for several long seconds before it started to close ahead of them. She managed to pull them out just in time that they would splash through the wave without getting knocked off the lacski, pulling around and back out toward the deeper waters where they wouldn’t have to worry about additional waves.

    Finally she slowed down a bit, turning to look back at him over her shoulder. “Doing alright back there?” Saffron asked, making sure he hadn’t lost his nerve – or his bowels. “You wanna give it a shot?” Presuming he was open to steering, she’d slow to a stop and turn off the ignition, unclipping herself from the steering column. Standing carefully so as not to tip him off, she jumped into the water to give him plenty of room to scoot forward, swimming over and resting her arms on the edge of the boat. “Alright, you see that clip there? Hook that to the front of your vest. That’s an emergency fail safe so that if you fall off while the boat is still running, it will kill the engine so it doesn’t keep running when you’re not on it. You twist the handle on the right forward or backward to control your speed, and if you need to brake instead of just slow down that’s what the lever on the left is for.”

    The instructions were fairly simple, all things considered. Once he was ready, she’d pull herself back up onto the boat behind him, putting an arm around his waist. “Alright, hot shot! Show me what you got!”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 931/2597 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 218
    Guild : Confidence International (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,714,115

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Xavier Clarent 20th June 2023, 1:27 pm

    Trevor Winters

    X Rank
    Confidence Int.

    In the Firelight

    She seemed awfully confident of herself – an endless fact but that was besides the point – over the fact that Nik and Emma were apparently hooking up. Xavier continued to give her a look of disbelief, even as she outlined what was practically a thesis on what a man and woman would act like if they were together. But, as she put it, if he was willing to put money down on it, she’d take him up, if only to take his jewel and probably rub it in his face forever. “A’ight, bet. Nik would let anyone drag him around; hell, I’ve dragged him around. And Emma is just that excitable with anyone. I bet she would do the same thing with you. And if all’a that is true, then people are definitely gonna get the wrong impression about us today,” he gave it right back to her. It wasn’t that her point didn’t have substance, it just didn’t make sense to him, especially since Emma had been the one that had said no fraternizing.

    There weren’t a lot of things he was almost assuredly confident in but this was one of them. As he stood and commented on her chosen attire and her worded comments about his feelings over her outfit. She flashed him a look that made him a certain kind of way and asked if he was complaining. “I never said nothin’ about complainin’. I’m just sayin’.” Even he knew it was a fight he couldn’t win; she’d find some way to keep on giving him shit over it, despite her being in the ‘wrong’. And of course, by wrong, it really just meant that she knew exactly what she was doing. Hell, he wasn’t going to complain about having to be close to her but he would happily give her the grief that she loved to give him.

    The lack of a bathing suit didn’t seem to affect her at all, as she insisted there were plenty of places to buy dry clothes once they were done. No reason to fight her on that so he followed without much pomp, joining her on the lacski and getting himself just barely set before she launched them into the choppy waters. It was a bit of a bold strategy, to take someone who had no swimming experience out onto open waters but he did have the life vest on. That didn’t keep him from teasing her about her attempts to launch a coup and she insisted that she was just trying to remind him who was in charge and that she had barely scratched the surface. With a hard jerk, she brought the water vehicle about, spiraling them in the water. He held on tight to her, attempting to lean in with the thrust of the lacski so as not to be lifted from his seat. Then off they went, zooming out into the rougher waters where the waves originated from.

    They got a good pop and some air from a few waves before she directed them into the growing swell of one of the larger waves. She brought them into the growing current, surging beneath the cacophonous water as they entered the tunnel it created from existing. It was absolutely deafening… and one of the craziest things he had ever seen. He laughed and reached out, his fingers ripping temporary slashes in the water. “Well ain’t that some shit,” he said to himself with a grin. As the wave began to descend on them, Saffron pulled them out from underneath and into calmer waters just beyond the waves.

    She turned enough to look at him and asked if he was doing fine. “You kiddin’? This shit’s fun as hell,” he said, the exuberance in his voice obvious. That only grew when she asked if he wanted to give it a try. “Well shit, sure.” She turned off the lacski and leapt into the water so he could step up and sit himself down in the driver’s seat, giving him instructions on how to operate it and what safety measures there were as he clicked everything in place. “Just like an instrument, right?” he said, flashing a grin at her. He turned the lacski on as she climbed aboard, waiting just long enough for her to get her arm around his waist and begin to urge him on before he, too, ripped them forward. Though he lacked any kind of understanding of Earthland’s devices for mobility, it actually felt intuitive to how one would direct themselves in the same situation and within moments, he felt more than comfortable with its control.

    And frankly, he was feeling pretty damn cocky too. As he brought them back into the wavy territory, his eyes spotted what looked like floating ramps. He probably wouldn’t have considered it at all if he didn’t spot another lacski zoom over it and get some major height, soaring over the open water before landing on the other side. With an amused chuckle to himself, he jerked the water vehicle over a wave and when they came down, hard turned them in line with the ramp. “Hope y’all are ready,” he called out as he revved them up, getting up to maximum speed just as they came upon the precipice of the ramp.

    The change from water to solid surface took him by surprise as the ski attempted to turn sideways. Lucky for both of them, he was quick enough to right their direction and with a roar of the lacrima engine, they took to the sky. He whooped and hollered, even finding the courage to lift one hand up and pump it. But as they came down, he took full control again and down they came, splashing hard enough that water surged in over their legs and waists before the vehicle naturally rose back to the surface. “Well shit, never thought I’d get a chance to fly,” he said with a cackle.

    @Saffron Remington | 995/3169 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Posts : 268
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    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Saffron Remington 20th June 2023, 6:04 pm


    “Perfect, let’s start some rumors. People love that kinda shit.”

    The matter of whether or not Emma and Nik were sleeping together wouldn’t be solved that day, so there was no point in lingering on the subject. For now they would have to agree to disagree – with an unconfirmed monetary bet on the table – and carry on about their day. They hopped in the water where Saffron took him for a wild ride around and through the waves, much to the guild master’s delight, she was satisfied to hear. He was laughing behind her, enjoying the fast paced cruise and fascinated by the interior of the pipeline, reaching out with a free hand to feel the water, remarking about the astoundingness of the experience.

    They came out the other size and Saffron took a moment to check and make sure he was holding up okay while their surroundings weren’t quite as noisy, and he was quick to admit to how much fun he was having. So she offered to let him drive, which he quickly agreed to, the blonde hopping into the waters to give him room to move up and coaching him on how to use the vehicle before hopping on the back. Once her arm was around him, he followed her example and ripped the thing into gear, the engine roaring back to life as it once more took off across the waters. He took to the controls well enough, not that it was a difficult machine to operate, but soon he seemed more than comfortable with what he was doing.

    Apparently enough so that he turned their course back into the wavy territory, his eyes set on the ramps as he lined them up for one. “Aw, fuck yeah! Let’s DO THIS!!” Saffron cheered, all too happy to enable his daredevil side. And as they came upon the ramp, she shouted out her excitement, standing up behind him with one hand on his shoulder and another pumped up in the air in tandem with his own. There was a slight shift in the balance, but Trevor felt it and managed to recover, keeping them from toppling overboard as the lacski slapped back down onto the waters, forcing Saffron’s ass to hit the seat again as water surged over them.

    She was cackling about as hard as he was, the man remarking about how he hadn’t thought he’d ever get a chance to fly. “Man, once we get you comfortable with swimming I’m gonna teach you how to ski or wakeboard. If you think catching air on one of these is fun, you should try it when it’s just you being dragged behind a boat, or with a parasail. That’s an experience.” With a cheeky grin, she pointed to a more remote spot with calmer waters away from where others were doing tricks and stunts with their own lacskis. “Let’s go over there and get you in the water a bit.”

    Presuming he followed her direction, she’d wait until they were stopped and he was unhooked with the engine off, scooting back to the edge of the seat to give him room to stand or turn around. “Alright, the vest is going to keep you afloat, so don’t worry about drowning or anything. You can either hop right in or just lower yourself slowly and hold on to the edge of the lacski for support.” To demonstrate, she swung her leg over the seat and slid down into the water, holding on to the bottom lip of the boat and treading the water with her feet. Whether he decided to ease in or take a plunge, she’d be right there with a hand to help steady him and guide him to the side of the boat where he could hold onto it.

    “Alright, so the key is to keep your limbs moving. It doesn’t have to be fast or erratic; you just need it to be synchronized: kick forward with one foot and back with the other, and then keep moving them back and forth to keep yourself pushed up above the surface. Your hands you’ll wanna move in circular motions. Use them to keep you steady and upright.”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 703/3300 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
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    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Xavier Clarent 21st June 2023, 4:21 pm

    Trevor Winters

    X Rank
    Confidence Int.

    In the Firelight

    Leave it to Saffron to not back down from a challenge. A more sane person may have stopped and considered the fact that he was about to shoot them over a ramp with minimal to barely any experience. He was more going off of adrenaline than any actual grips of training. But that wasn’t going to stop him and Saffron did all she could to support his decision. As they both launched themselves over the ramp, they each pumped a fist and hollered, much to the delight of the nearby spectators. And they came down without wiping out, which was always a plus. He remarked about getting the chance to fly and she jumped in, informing him that once he was comfortable swimming, she would take him water skiing and wakeboarding. It was something else entirely to be dragged behind a boat or attached to a sail. "Don’t know what any of those are but works for me!” he said with a laugh. Then she pointed to a more calm spot in the ocean so that they could get him in the water. He nodded and directed them over, slowing them down as they approached before bringing them to a full stop.

    He turned the engine off and unhooked himself as he turned slightly to look at her. She told him that the vest would keep him above water so all he had to do was hop in or lower in. She demonstrated by sliding in and waited for him. "Okay well uh… here goes?” he said and hopped in. He’d taken plenty of baths so he knew what it was like to have water around him but never quite like that. Luckily, as she said, the life vest kept him above the surface as his legs and arms paddled out of sync and without much purpose. But he found her hand as she pulled him onto the side of the lacski.

    She began his instruction, telling him that the important thing was to keep his limbs moving. It didn’t have to be crazy, very similar to what he had been doing mere moments ago, but it had to be together and in sync. She guided him to kick with one foot and then back with the other and just continually repeating that to keep himself above the surface. And his hands would be best suited to be moving in circles. "Damn that’s a lot goin’ on, ain’t it?” he asked as he started with his legs, paddling them back and forth. Once he felt he had a decent rhythm, he slowly let go of the lacski and bobbed up and down slightly. His hands started to move erratically to try and stabilized but he did his best to just roll them in circles.

    "Well… this is… tirin’,” he admitted as he kept up the pace for a bit before he floated slowly over to the lacski again and took hold of it. "Usin’ my muscles in ways I never thought before. Ain’t that somethin’,” he said with a laugh. He would repeat the same thing over a few times; slipping away to practice moving his limbs and then returning to the lacski. After about thirty minutes, he figured they should head in and get some food, since all that swimming was starting to make him hungry. He’d let her take control and bring them back to the dock… only to discover that white shorts when wet, unfortunately, didn’t leave much to the imagination. He earned several whistles and obvious stares from plenty of people around and he hastily made his way to the closest dockside shop that sold clothing.

    Once he emerged, he was wearing a pair of black shorts and, just to match, he’d bought a white shirt as well. "Well, I bet we’ll be readin’ ‘bout that in the news tomorrow,” he chuckled as he walked back over to her. "What’s next?”

    @Saffron Remington | 655/3824 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 268
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,996

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Saffron Remington 21st June 2023, 8:04 pm


    Trevor hopped in the water after her, the flotation device keeping him upright for the most part, though he still needed her help to stabilize against the lacski, taking her offered hand and letting her pull him back over to where he could grab onto the boat. She explained a bit about how he should move his limbs beneath the water, eliciting a remark from him about so many moving parts. “Yeah, but you’ll get the hang of it. It’s not as much as it sounds. It will be second nature soon enough, I promise.”

    Saffron watched as he gave it a shot, getting his legs in motion before letting go of the boat and trying to keep himself afloat. It wasn’t pretty, but he managed to do it with moderate effectiveness. After a minute or so of that he once more grabbed onto the boat to give himself a break, commenting on how tiring it was using his muscles in a way he’d never thought to before. “Honestly, swimming is great cardio,” she told him. “Not sure what kind of workout regimen you pull, if any, but I try to swim some laps at least once or twice a week. It’s a total body workout. Very tiring, but with enough practice to get comfortable with it, it won’t feel so exhausting after a while.”

    They stayed in the water a bit longer, giving him plenty of practice, and once he indicated that he was too tired to carry on they pulled themselves back up onto the lacski. Saffron brought the boat back around to the dock, parking it and returning the key and life jackets to the owner, only for them to discover that Trevor’s white pants were a bit conspicuous while wet. She grinned at him in amusement even as a few well meaning strangers gave him a couple whistles, the guild leader hurrying off to the nearest clothing store to get some dry attire that wasn’t as revealing. The Fairy Tail mage followed along behind him, giving some of the others a thumbs up to express her approval of their boldness.

    Soon enough, he emerged from the shop with an outfit that was practically the inverse of what he’d been wearing before: black shorts with a white top. With a chuckle, he mentioned that he’d probably be reading about the incident in a newspaper sometime tomorrow. “If you haven’t been caught in something scandalous, can you even call yourself a celebrity?” Saffron asked, her humorous way of implying that it was all part of the territory. When he asked what was next, she took a glance around. “Well, you’re probably gonna be tired for a bit after all the swimming, so let’s not do anything to crazy. How about some ice cream and we can just talk a walk around, see what kind of stuff they’ve got going on?”

    Assuming he was keen on that idea, she’d find the nearest ice cream stall and hop in line, making small talk with him and a couple people in line that recognized them and were brave enough to say hello. When it was their turn, she ordered a double scoop of chocolate ice cream with chunks of chocolate in a bowl, slipping some cash over before waiting for him to get his order. Once they had their dessert in hand, they started walking along the beach at an easy pace, the blonde happily digging into the ice cream with a spoon as they did.

    They passed the time with idle conversation before something caught her attention. Redirecting them a bit, she walked toward a spot where people where building sculptures out of sand. “Oh hell yes, I love this kinda shit. People can make some really bad ass art out of sand.” A number of sculptures were already finished, but many were still being worked on, and as they would come to find out it was actually a competition. Saffron elbowed Trevor lightly in the side, nodding toward the booth. “Looks like they’re still accepting new sign ups. What d’ya think? Wanna give it a shot?”

    Once that was decided, she found the nearest bit to throw her empty ice cream bowl away, and the two of them registered with the booth. As part of the competition, they were provided with a box of tools that had most everything they would need for basic sand sculpting, and an attendant led them to a free space that was cordoned off to mark what area they could use. “Alright, what cha thinking? Got any fun ideas?”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 765/4065 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Xavier Clarent 27th June 2023, 6:01 pm

    Trevor Winters

    X Rank
    Confidence Int.

    In the Firelight

    Saffron insisted that swimming would become second nature once he’d had time to train his body, though who knew how long that would take. He was a quick learner in most aspects but this was altogether new. The oceans on Rhaegar were few and far, most often near the northern and southern ice caps. And they had never opted to create any kind of large swimming pool, the interest never really being there. So if he wanted to get any kind of time to do it, he’d have to dedicate effort into finding a place he could consistently swim at, especially as she insisted it was great for cardio. "I dunno if it has a name or not; just some basic shit.” Yet another aspect of Earthland was apparently having names for workouts. While he’d heard a few and committed them to memory, he just did the same thing he did before on Rhaegar. He’d have to take some time to look up those workout names as well.

    After a bit of time spent continuing to train his body in the art of swimming, they finally headed back to shore, where he and everyone else within sight could take in the sight of his poor choice of wardrobe -- at least when it came to swimming. Though he wasn’t always one for embarrassment, he felt it was a bit much to be pretty much on display, especially with Saffron happily encouraging the remarks and appreciative sounds A quick change into opposing colored clothing and he was feeling much more comfortable, even if he’d provided plenty of meat for any gossip column to talk about. Saffron idly remarked that being a celebrity generally meant causing a scandalous stir and he chuckled. "Great. Good thing to know whatever screw up I put out into the world is gonna be put on blast. Let’s hope I don’t piss off the wrong person on any kind of grand stage or nothin’ then.”

    At the question of what to do next, Saffron suggested they take a bit to relax, grab some ice cream and just stroll around to see what was set up. "Sounds good to me,” he said with a shrug. He followed her over to the stall and waited in line until it was their turn to order. She got herself a heaping pile of chocolate on chocolate and he decided to get himself something called Seven whiskey coffee ice cream. It had one hell of a punch for ice cream, even if he didn’t have a wide experience with the frozen treat either. With their sweet treats purchased, they walked along the beach, talking and eating as they observed the celebration.

    It wasn’t long before they came across several people carving out sculptures from the sand. Now that was intriguing; he’d grown up fashioning all kinds of things out of the sands and clay of his planet. Saffron excitedly professed her love for time honored art and as they continued to look around, it looked like it was an active competition. Giving him a prod with her elbow, she nodded to the sign up booth and asked if he was up for it. "Shit, girl, you ain’t any idea how up for this I am,” he flashed a cheeky grin at her, agreeing wholeheartedly to the idea.

    They tossed away the remnants of their ice creams and got themselves all registered. A short walk later and they were at a plot of beach with their own tools and the opportunity to carve up whatever they want. He rummaged through a few of the tools, giddily taking stock of what they had. On Rhaegar, they’d made use of some of the worn utensils and gardening tools from their families to help with sculpting and it seemed like on Earthland, they weren’t quite dissimilar. She asked what he was thinking and he nodded. "Oh I got somethin’. I’m thinkin’ a big fiery lookin’ flame right there and then something right in the front here. Eye poppin’ shit. Can you work on the background fire? I know exactly what I want up front,” he said, creativity and inspiration flickering brightly in his eyes as he dual wielded two of the instruments. Counting that she agreed, he’d get right to it, taking a few experimental cups of sand to play with to get a feel of it. Once he’d more or less figured that it was about the same as what he was used to, he got to work.

    And he worked quickly; piling up sand and molding them to shape. He started on the ground first, making tower-looking growths of sand and differing heights. He used the sculpting tool to carve out the image of arms and hands, waving in the air like one might see in a crowd. Then he began to pile up a lot of sand into one human-sized figure that quickly became more human shaped. Cutting and carving, he swiftly molded out a humanoid with long, raised hair. He continued to detail out each part until he finished, taking a step back and wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. With the backdrop of a raging fire, there stood a sand version of Saffron, her own hair seemingly raised in an open flame, looking as excited as she normally did. She was rocking out on a guitar, with a sea of hands raised in excited recognition for the grainy show she was putting on.

    He grinned as he looked at her. "You did say your hair was a flame once, right? Figured that’d make a bad ass picture while rockin’ out.”

    @Saffron Remington | 941/4765 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Posts : 268
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    Experience : 7,996

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Saffron Remington 11th July 2023, 7:58 pm


    A little walk with some ice cream was great, but a sand sculpting contest was right up her alley – and his, from the sound of it. Saffron suggested that they join the contest and Trevor wasted no time agreeing to the activity. They both finished their ice cream and signed up at the booth, accepting a box of materials and getting set up at their sculpting spot. She asked what he wanted to design and it seemed he already had the perfect thing in mind, something that involved flames behind another thing that he elected not to elaborate on. He asked her to deal with the flames while he worked on the rest.

    “Cryptic,” the blonde offered with a snort. The deepness of her smirk, however, betrayed that she was pleased by the mystery. “Alright, I’ll make the best damn flames you’ve ever seen.” And with that she got to work, as did he. Saffron wasn’t what she would consider a professional at sand sculpting, but she had spent more than her fair share of time on the beach through her life and had always been extremely active, so she had more than enough experience to be decent with the craft. Making sure to find the right balance between sand and water, making sure the sand was wet enough that it would stick together but not so wet that it would be too heavy to be sculpted, she got to work on the flames.

    It didn’t take long to watch as she worked and see that Trevor was clearly building a humanoid figure of some kind, feminine by the shape of it, slapping out on a guitar. By the time she finished her part of the project he was just about done with his, and she grinned wide as she realized it was a replica of herself, with inflamed hair and hands outstretched toward her like a crowd. “You tryin’ to fucking butter me up right now, Heff?” Despite her teasing, it was clear she was tickled and even a little flattered. “It looks bitchin’ though, dude. Great job. You’re pretty good at this shit.” Reaching up a hand, she extended her fist for him to bump it.

    In the end they didn’t win the contest, but it did get quite a bit of publicity and attention once people started to realize who they were. They took pictures with several fans and one or two media personnel that had been covering the competition, and even signed a couple autographs. But as the sun began to set, Saffron was sure to be diligent in excusing themselves, knowing that Trevor wanted to be present when the bonfire was lit. Returning to their little spot that he had staked out for them at the beginning of the day, Saffron donned her floral suit once more and also slipped on a pair of high waisted jeans over it, knowing the beach would get plenty cold once the sun was gone.

    The bonfire was lit to a multitude of cheers from all the onlooking event patrons, and as music was pumped in through a large speaker and stereo set for people to enjoy with dance, drinking, and general merriment, others like her carved out a space next to the flames to partake in traditional bonfire activities such as making s’mores. Saffron showed him the best way to approach the treat, explaining it was easiest to make sure all the pieces he wanted were ready to go, snapping the graham crackers and chocolate bars to the desired sizes before shoving marshmallows on the end of the thin metal stakes that had been provided. She also explained the different methods people used to roast the marshmallows themselves, some shoving them directly in the fire to let them catch flame, causing the outsides to become dark and crispy, while others – such as herself – were patient and kept the marshmallows at a distance where it would heat slowly to a beautiful golden brown color.

    Once hers was ready, she slapped everything together and took a bite, giving a small dramatic groan of pleasure. “I’ll take a good s’more over sex any fucking day of the week,” the blond commented, her eyes practically rolling back into her head as the sweet treat quite literally melted in her mouth. After they had both finished their first treats, Saffron grinned up at him. “Now are you ready for the really good shit?” Reaching into her beach bag, she pulled out a small pack of chocolate peanut butter cups, a squeeze bottle with salted caramel syrup inside, homemade thin rice krispy wafers, and bacon. She set everything out and nodded to it. “Try some of those in one. Whatever combos you want. Mix and match it. Don’t be shy – if you’re not gaining weight and clogging your arteries, you’re not doing s’mores correctly.”
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 814/4879 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


    Xavier Clarent
    Xavier Clarent

    Lineage : None
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Symphonic Savant
    Second Skill: Champion of Bastet
    Third Skill:

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Xavier Clarent 14th July 2023, 1:08 pm

    Trevor Winters

    X Rank
    Confidence Int.

    In the Firelight

    Saffron agreed to make the flames, insisting that she would make some of the best he had ever seen. Xavier shot her a grin before getting to work, expertly crafting the sand with the tools he had been given. He never insisted that she look away or tried to hide what he was making; sculpting it up front and without deception made it all the better and more fun, frankly. As she finished up the back portion, he made the last few touches on his, revealing the spectacle of a rock show with a sand version of Saffron rocking out. She asked him if he was just trying to earn brownie points with her. "Nah, I thought about puttin’ me up there but damned if I didn’t want to listen to you call me an egomaniac for the rest of the night,” he shot back, grinning. "Plus we both know a badass woman rocking out is gonna attract more attention than a man. I mean, look at that hair,” he said, gesturing to her flaming crown of follicles. "Thanks; I’ve had just a little practice,” Xavier admitted as he tapped his fist against hers in respect.

    Though they had done a great job, they didn’t end up winning. To be fair, there were a lot of bitching sculptures around, some true masterpieces worth praising. Still, it attracted a lot of attention from the crowds, especially as they realized who the two were that had made it. Fans and media alike came over to talk to them, both on a personal and professional level and they wound up spending some time doing interviews and signing autographs. But soon night was approaching and Saffron made sure to get them out of there so they could get back to their camping spot just in time for the bonfire to light. The blonde bombshell put on her floral cover and a pair of jeans in preparation for the night air, though the raging fire was making it quite warm all around them. Music began to play through several speakers, with the guests dancing and having a good time. They, however, had camped out by the fire to try the s’mores he’d heard so much about.

    She gave him instruction on what to do, laying out all of the parts in a row for him to put together. With that, they shoved their marshmallows into the fire, with the blonde keeping her’s away so that it could slowly cook. Xavier followed her example, even as he looked around and saw people pulling out flaming pieces of fluff. Once his had turned brown as well, he pulled it back and stuck it on the cracker, covering it with the chocolate and the top cracker in a little sweet sandwich. He took a bite as she almost lost herself to enjoyment of the treat, claiming it was better than sex. He… well, he had to agree. It was a weird thing to agree to but goddamn if it wasn’t the perfect mixture of flavors. "Damm das gewd,” he said with a mouthful of s’more, his words completely scrambled from trying to talk around the marshmallow.

    After he had finished it and took a moment to admire the inventiveness of the treat, she turned to him with a really wicked look, asking if he was ready for something better. He stared as she reached into her bag and pulled out a bunch of over dessert items; peanut butter cups, squeezable syrup, wafers and… bacon. "Naw, no way bacon works on this,” he said in wonder. She offered the full array to him, telling him to play around and see what he liked, claiming that not gaining weight wasn’t a priority when it came to s’mores. "Spoken like a real dietician,” he laughed, going right for the bacon. He refused to believe that it worked with the rest of the food -- so of course he had to try it first.

    Once more he slowly cooked his marshmallow until it was perfectly golden. Then he assembled the pieces, making sure to slap the bacon right between the chocolate and melted marshmallow. Then in it went, the former God-King chewing on it. "Oh yoo goa bew kitten mew,” he exclaimed, graham cracker crumbs popping out of his mouth. After a hard swallow: "That’s insane!”

    He, of course, then felt compelled to mix and match like a maniac. Frankly, none of it was bad; there were a few combos that didn’t work quite as well but they still tasted good. After consuming way too many than he cared to admit, Xavier leaned back on his hands and looked up at the fire. "Damn, now I’m full as shit. Think they would give me grief if I laid back and slept off this chocolate hangover right here?” he asked her, chuckling at himself.

    @Saffron Remington |810/5575 words • Notes •


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 268
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,996

    In the Firelight Empty Re: In the Firelight

    Post by Saffron Remington 14th July 2023, 7:00 pm


    The blonde could only grin up at him when he insisted she’d have called him an egomaniac if he’d done the statue of himself, a look that would assure him his assumption was entirely correct. Trevor also insisted that a badass female would be more well received by spectators anyway, which was probably true.

    The pair didn’t win, but they still got some publicity out of it, and before long it was time to head over to the bonfire. Saffron walked him through the process of enjoying s’mores, which he seemed to enjoy, before pulling a number of pre-packed goodies out of her bag to spice up the treat, so to speak. His eyes immediately fell on the bacon, insisting that there was no way the meat would pair with the campfire dessert. “Only one way to find out,” she teased. They cooked another round of marshmallows and the Fairy Tail mage was practically giggling as he remarked on the deliciousness of the treat with a mouthful of the substance, crumbs spitting out of the orifice in the process.

    “That’s some good shit, right?” From there, they tried a few more combinations. Saffron had attempted all of the mixtures in the past and found them noteworthy enough to consume again, though some combinations were certainly more to her liking than others. But it was fun to watch him approach the activity with an almost childlike excitement, stuffing his face and putting his health at risk beside her. When they were finished he leaned back and joked about how full he was, wondering if anyone would give him grief for trying to sleep off the “chocolate hangover”. Saffron grinned. “I doubt it, though if you fall asleep in front of me I can’t promise I won’t pull out a marker and start drawing dicks on your face.”

    She leaned back herself, laying fully down and putting her arms back behind her head, looking up at the stars with a content sigh. The pair sat around for a while, just chatting and relaxing, and enjoying the atmosphere with the bonfire and the people dancing and socializing around them. Once they were ready to call it quits, she offered to give him a lift back to the hotel where he was staying. Packing everything up, she stored all their belonging in the small trailer she had attached to the back of her motorcycle before hopping on and driving out into the night.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 409/5288 | TAGS: @Xavier Clarent


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