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    Elysia Nightshade


    Lineage : Keeper of War
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 9
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Elysia Nightshade Empty Elysia Nightshade

    Post by Elysia 25th June 2023, 12:53 pm

    Name: Elysia Nightshade
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Birthday: November 15
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics:

    • Enhanced Agility: Elysia's reflexes and agility surpass those of an average person. She can move swiftly and gracefully, effortlessly evading attacks and maneuvering through challenging terrain.
    • Keeper of War (Lineage): Elysia can shout and spreads a black mist over everyone nearby within an radius area. All communications cease and everyone fights the person closest to them. If there are no enemies currently present within the infected, they will turn on themselves and begin causing bodily harm.

    Elysia Nightshade is a spirited and charismatic individual with a mischievous streak that adds an intriguing layer to her character. She thrives in the midst of chaos and revels in the thrill of battle, making her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Her vibrant personality shines through in every interaction, effortlessly captivating those around her with her natural charm and magnetic presence. With an undeniable gravitational force, she draws people to her, leaving a lasting impression.

    Fierce loyalty defines Elysia's character, particularly towards her guild, Divine Calamity. She shares their desire for destruction and domination, embracing her role as a warmonger within the guild. Elysia eagerly engages in combat, always seeking to prove her strength and prowess. Yet, beneath her reckless nature lies surprising resourcefulness and adaptability. She possesses a quick wit and a keen sense of strategy, allowing her to think on her feet and adjust her tactics in the heat of battle. Guided by an intuitive understanding of the ebb and flow of combat, she harnesses the chaos to her advantage.

    Elysia's playful nature adds a dynamic element to her personality. She delights in teasing her allies and engaging in friendly banter, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere within the guild. However, she also recognizes the importance of unity and camaraderie. Elysia understands that the true strength of Divine Calamity lies in the bonds forged among its members. While she revels in playful pranks and mischief, she swiftly sets them aside when unity is at stake, prioritizing the collective goals over personal amusement.

    Elysia's likes and dislikes shape her character further. She craves the adrenaline rush that accompanies battle and dangerous situations, thriving on the exhilaration that pulses through her veins. The chaos and intensity of such moments ignite her spirit, bringing forth a sense of euphoria unlike anything else. Additionally, Elysia finds solace in the enigmatic atmosphere of the nighttime. She derives joy from exploring the world under the cover of darkness, seeking hidden secrets and unearthing treasures while others sleep. The stillness and mysterious allure of the night resonate with her adventurous soul. On the other hand, monotony is anathema to Elysia. She despises repetitive routines that stifle her sense of adventure and freedom. Craving excitement and variety, she seeks the unknown and yearns for the next exhilarating experience. Elysia thrives in ever-changing landscapes, where surprises and challenges await at every turn. The prospect of monotony fuels her restlessness, driving her to break free from the confines of predictability.


    • Adrenaline Rush: Elysia craves the adrenaline rush that comes with battle and dangerous situations. The thrill of combat ignites her spirit and brings her a sense of exhilaration unlike anything else.
    • Nighttime Exploration: She finds solace in the quiet and mysterious atmosphere of the nighttime. Elysia enjoys exploring the world under the cover of darkness, seeking hidden secrets and unearthing treasures while others sleep.
    • Competitive Challenges: Elysia has a competitive nature and loves engaging in friendly competitions and challenges. Whether it's a spar, a race, or a game of wits, she revels in the opportunity to showcase her skills and come out on top.

    • Monotony: Elysia despises monotony and repetitive routines. She craves excitement and variety in her life, and anything that stifles her sense of adventure and freedom becomes a source of annoyance.
    • Cowardice: She has no patience for cowardice or those who refuse to face their fears. Elysia believes in confronting challenges head-on and pushing oneself beyond limits, viewing cowardice as a sign of weakness.
    • Betrayal: Elysia places great value on trust and loyalty. She dislikes betrayal in any form, as it goes against the bonds and camaraderie that she holds dear within Divine Calamity.

    • Personal Growth: Elysia is motivated by a constant desire for personal growth and improvement. She strives to become stronger, both physically and mentally, honing her combat skills and expanding her knowledge of origami.
    • Guild Supremacy: The goal of Divine Calamity achieving complete supremacy over its rivals resonates deeply with Elysia. She envisions a world where her guild's dominance is unquestioned, a force that strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies. Elysia yearns to leave a lasting impact, forever altering the balance of power.
    • Unleashing Chaos: Elysia's motivation lies in the pursuit of chaos and destruction. She revels in the chaos she creates during battles, finding beauty in the raw power and unpredictability that ensues. Through Divine Calamity, Elysia seeks to reshape the world according to the guild's desires, bringing forth a new era of chaos.

    • Losing Control: Elysia harbors a deep fear of losing control over her own powers, particularly her ability to to operate her hands. The thought of becoming a danger to her allies or succumbing to the darkness terrifies her. Elysia strives to maintain mastery over her abilities, cautious of the potential consequences.
    • Abandonment: She fears the prospect of being abandoned or left behind by her comrades. Elysia treasures the bonds she has formed within Divine Calamity and the sense of belonging it provides. The fear of being cast aside haunts her, driving her to be a pillar of support for her guildmates.
    • Becoming Powerless: Elysia dreads the notion of becoming powerless and unable to defend herself or her guild. The thought of being rendered helpless and at the mercy of others is a nightmare she wishes to avoid. Elysia continually seeks strength, both as an individual and as a guild member, to ward off this fear.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5 feet 6 inches (167 cm)
    Weight: 130 pounds (59 kg)
    Hair Color: Deep purple
    Eye Color: Violet
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Elysia Nightshade is a striking figure, possessing an alluring beauty that is as enigmatic as her personality. Her deep purple hair cascades down to her shoulders, flowing freely and framing her delicate features. Her captivating violet eyes hold a glimmer of mischief, reflecting her adventurous spirit and insatiable curiosity. Elysia's fair skin enhances her ethereal aura, as if she belongs to a world beyond mortal realms.

    Her lithe and agile build is a testament to her combat prowess, with well-defined muscles hinting at the physical strength that lies within. Elysia dresses in dark, form-fitting attire that allows for effortless movement, enabling her to make full use of her enhanced agility. The intricate silver jewelry she adorns herself with further accentuates her mysterious and alluring presence, gleaming subtly against her dark ensemble.

    Guild: Divine Calamity
    Tattoo: Lower back
    Tattoo Color: Dark purple

    Faction: N/A
    Faction Chapter: N/A

    Elysia Nightshade Empty Re: Elysia Nightshade

    Post by Guest 25th June 2023, 1:01 pm


    Elysia Nightshade QlhAT3Z

    Elysia Nightshade Empty Re: Elysia Nightshade

    Post by Guest 10th October 2023, 4:34 am


    Archived due to inactivity.

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