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    The Not-Sad Cat Dance

    Trina Kassia
    Trina Kassia

    Lineage : The Killer Kitten
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 43
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,250

    The Not-Sad Cat Dance Empty The Not-Sad Cat Dance

    Post by Trina Kassia 7th January 2023, 5:05 pm

    Trina Kassia
    The Not-Sad Cat Dance

    It was getting to be that particular time of the year again-- the end of the year, where everything from the past would be washed away and a new year would be run in. Such things usually came with lavish celebrations, big parties, plenty of people to celebrate with-- and this time was no exception. All across Fiore, things were popping off in style no matter where you looked. It meant that it was a good time. Fireworks, whilst loud and scary, meant parties and happiness and having a great time with some good music. It put the catgirl in a good mood, and that meant just one thing:

    For once, Trina wasn't ready to tear someone random's eyeballs out with her bare claws!

    This had been some time in the making, if nothing else. Trina fully planned to drag Ray out to a party, get absolutely wasted, and then see what happened afterwards. It was going to be an insane time, but the reality of the situation was that they were stuck her,e in a place that was not their home, so they might as well enjoy every second of it. While Ray was very mucha  homebody now that he'd retired from adventuring on the whole, Trina was still young, adventurous and carefree-- mostly-- and wanted to go and do something a little bit different for the evening that was ahead of them.

    So, three things had happened in order to facilitate this particular choice: number one, Trina had elected for them to go somewhere far, far outside their normal comfort zone. While they were now used to travelling a little from their little cabin home, and the fact that they were now hanging around Lavanitir way more than they would have previously thanks to their brand new allegiances, it was still a fact that they needed to wander far outside their usual comfort zone in order to make something of themselves. Therefore, the decision had been made--- by Trina, unilaterally-- to go somewhere totally different. Enter Hosenka, where the place was built with architecture that was... well, it was meant to be like Bosco a little or whatever, but there was a hint of home in it too. Good enough. Enough to make Trina like it. It seemed like an upscale place and that meant parties and drinks.

    Number two: making Ray come along whether he wanted to or not. This was for several reasons: firstly, under normal circumstances, Trina would be the one to be pushed out of her comfort zone, particularly when it came to combat. He was the one teaching her and ensuring that she, well, survived at this point. Before they'd met, she hadn't been able to swing a stick effectively, let alone a comically gigantic axe and spear. Therefore, in her eyes, she owed it to him to make sure he was happy and hale and having a good time with his life. She absolutely owed him the world, and had quietly promised to herself that she would dedicate herself to that task. Now, one might argue that dragging him out partly against his will to a club and getting him drunk was not the best choice if he didn't want to, but she planned on keeping him distracted and moving at all times just enough to wear him out for a good night's sleep later on. And probably cook him breakfast. Food was also a good bribe to wake up after many drinks.

    Finally, number three: Trina had elected to very specifically go somewhere sort of loud, sort of busy, but not too much of either of those things. This way, if they needed quiet time, or they needed to not be around people, they could do so, and if he wasn't feeling it, he wasn't feeling it and Trina would make sure he was still happy anyways! It was a perfect plan. Or so she thought, anyways, which meant that she was going to go right ahead and do it. The promise of a party, a nap and a fun time really did bring it all together for Trina, which meant that, evidently, she was going to be there.

    So being the case, Trina brought Ray through the streets of Hosenka. Here, things were lit with bright neon, with music flowing from so many different windows and buildings that the incomprehensible bass beats reverberating through the air began to meld together into one cacophonous symphony. It was an odd feeling, pulling the Joyan refugee's attention every which way, but nonetheless she showed uncharacteristic focus to get them to their eventual destination. Tonight was a little overcast, which meant that it wasn't exactly a stellar occasion for firework observing - which meant that on the flipside it was a perfect excuse to be inside dancing and having a good time. This place in particular fit the bill - it had some very clear flashing neon signs, oscillating between pink, yellow and blue; strobe lights and other such things on the inside, and the obvious hints of music and chatter drifting from within the doorway.

    "Welcome to Nines!" Trina announced joyously to her companion, which drew the attention of the bouncer at the door. Certainly a catgirl dressed in some form of coquettish pastel purple dress was a different kind of sight for the man, who stood there in his suit, arms folded, trying not to react to her obviously childish behaviour - and Trina already had a firm grip on Ray's arm enough to suggest she was ready to drag him in. However, she was going to give him one final chance to say no.

    "But y'gotta tell me if you still wanna do this. I'm not gonna make you if you don't wanna."

    Her orange eyes looked over to him, engaging the bunny man, wondering if he was going to go through with this at the eleventh hour or not. She hoped so. If he said no, she understood - but she really, really wanted to show him a good time, and a good way to end what had been an otherwise horrific year.

    TAG: @Ray Jyx WORDS: 1,024 TOTAL: 1,024/--- JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW
    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Seal of Balance
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 1460
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,311

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forgotten Legend
    Second Skill: Fantasy Requip
    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    The Not-Sad Cat Dance Empty Re: The Not-Sad Cat Dance

    Post by Ray Jyx 10th January 2023, 2:55 am

    Trina was lucky he was very fond of her. This wasn't Ray's thing at all. Not anymore. He'd traded his days of loud partying into the night for a farm and fishing rod, but things had changed again, hadn't they? It'd take more power than Trina could ever have to rid of him of his fishing rod, but his farm would have to wait until reparations to his country had been made by the offending parties. Once blood for blood had been paid, then they could return to the lowkey life he loved.

    Though his lust for vengeance enjoyed stealthy quiet, his life could not always adhere to the same. Lavantir Port City was a fantastic fishing place, even at night, but this was a holiday. The end of a year. The end of this year, specifically, deserved to be celebrated. It was marred with genocide and agony, and though it couldn't and wouldn't be forgotten, the pair of avenging missionaries could surely spare one night of debauchery to see these mangled twelve months put out of their misery.

    Although he wasn't aware of her inner machinations concerning him, his happiness, his wellbeing, etc, the kitten couldn't have hit the nail more squarely on the head. Ray might not be showing much of it, but he was fatigued and stressed. Since the war crime, he hadn't been sleeping or eating well. And though it had caused no outward issues, the rage that fueled his anti-retirement was building and becoming uncomfortable to mitigate with fishing alone. The man needed to let off some steam, have a night to forget it all and just live and truly enjoy something without the doom clouding his eyes. He needed to wear himself out, have a good laugh, indulge in some carnal pleasures.

    Make no mistake, in his point of view, this was for her, not him. At his age, he got hangovers now.

    Ray may have been somewhat mopey and playing up his reluctance just to get a rise out of the feisty catgirl, but he'd ultimately made the journey and dressed the part. Gone were his musty, well-worn button-up and suspenders getup. Tonight he was in a tight black tee tucked into black pants that kissed shiny black shoes. He almost looked like a different man, if not for the pale hair, long ears, and dorky silver glasses still sitting on his freckled nose.

    This Hosenka place was honestly too much. Though there were parts that made him ache for home, for Felidae and it's counter-culture quirks, this place was flamboyant and humid from so many spas and hot springs. The air smelled thickly of lavender spiked with the tang of alcohol spilling from every cup in the various venues and out in the streets. What were normally spas for relaxing had been turned into balmy clubs of dancers, laughter, and rhythmic lights pulsing with loud music. The various waterfalls gushing from soaring walls were sparkling with specks of gold and glitter, and their warm mists combatted winter's bite as well as provided a relaxing, atmospheric haze. It was a city-wide intoxicated celebration to ring in the new year on a high note, with everyone planning to take the party to midnight and beyond.

    Just as he started to get a bit antsy, Trina stopped and announced Nines. His pale greens scrutinized over her head and were pleasantly surprised. This venue was the least of the offenders they'd passed. Garish, but less loud and less crowded. As his arm was tugged, he returned his gaze to her, still seeming unsure. Ray wasn't much for indoors, especially places that could be considered square, but thus far, none of his neurotic alarm bells were ringing in that regard. Something else was bothering him, clearly.

    Hesitation aside, he cracked a small smile. "Nah, let's do it," he relinquished, but as they made their way past the bouncer and inside, he produced his caveat. "I haven't had a drink in a long time," Ray said, brows lightly furrowed. It wasn't that his tolerance was laughably low or anything, but once he got started, he didn't stop until he was plastered. While he hadn't been plastered in years, he knew he could get a bit... rowdy when drunk, amongst other interesting developments. Who knew if it had gotten better or worse in his sobriety? Accidentally blowing up the establishment was on his list of concerns, but most of the others had to do with Trina's safety and well-being in the face of some stereotypical rabbit issues.

    Obviously, he could have decided not to imbibe but... then what was the point of coming all of this way and enduring all the people and noise? No, he needed alcohol to survive, let alone enjoy, this particular outing.

    "Don't be afraid to tell me when I've had enough. I'm not as... controlled as I normally am when I'm drunk, okay?" he lightly explained, even as he took a bit of the lead and swung the two of them straight to the open bar. Despite his warning, the bunny man was already warming up to the idea now that they were properly arrived. An eager glint appeared in his eyes as he ordered a round of shots and held the tiny glass out to her in a toast.

    "To a victorious new year!" he grinned.

    [wc: 893 || total: 1917/4000 min]


    The Not-Sad Cat Dance Jkp0PmI

    Trina Kassia
    Trina Kassia

    Lineage : The Killer Kitten
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 43
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,250

    The Not-Sad Cat Dance Empty Re: The Not-Sad Cat Dance

    Post by Trina Kassia 27th January 2023, 7:08 am

    Trina Kassia
    The Not-Sad Cat Dance

    "I want you to know that the whooooole point of this is that you lose control you silly," the lilting, playful voice of the kitten purred back to Ray, knowing exactly what it was he meant by his statement. In Trina's defence, although she played the role of the dumb kitten incredibly well - by design - she also knew that she wanted to leverage that idea in his head to get exactly what it was she wanted out of this arrangement, to which part two had been organised for later. She wanted two things - number one, to have a wonderful time dancing and partying with the person closest to her on the whole planet, and number two... well, we don't talk about number two. That would have been a mistake, for now, especially considering it was far too early in the evening. There would be plenty of time to think about later when the time came. And boy - that time was going to come for sure.

    It was something of a shock to her when he was already so willing to head in and partake of the night’s activities, unhesitatingly making their way over to the bar so that they could start with some drinks. This was going better than expected, if truth be told! The Joyan native wasn’t really expecting Ray to get into it, but then again, drinks and the two of them seemed to smooth over any particular experience. Knowing him, a few drinks would be enough to make this entire night become a wonderfully hazy blur and make all the bad things that plagued their dreams go away for a night. If it were that easy all the time, Trina would probably drink nonstop. Unfortunately, as wonderful as that particular coping mechanism sounded on the surface, it didn’t work for her. If it did, tonight would be very different. So would almost every day. However, knowing full well that being an alcoholic would be neither fun nor helpful, she had let that idea go a long time ago. She’d had to find alternative methods of coping with life-altering trauma.

    Like being an absolute feral cat.

    "To victory! To us! To shiny things and pretty colours!" Trina echoed, adding her own particular little flair to the moment because that was exactly what she did given any particular moment. Of course she did! Why wouldn’t she? They were going to have fun and being criminally insane was fun at the best of times.

    The shot glass was curled between two fingers and a thumb, the amber liquid within already giving off a strongly burning sensation to her hyper-fixated nose. A warmth followed it, and then in the next moment she sniffed twice, raised the tiny glass to her lips, and swallowed the whole thing in a single gulp, as the custom dictated. In the next instant, her eyes began to water, hard-- she hadn’t counted on that burning sensation in her nose following along to her throat and stinging its way down. This was way more his sort of drink. She was way more the girly, fruity sort of drink girl, but she’d try anything at least once. Curiosity killed the cat, right? In this case, it was more like it was killing her tastebuds. Nope. Not for her. Coughing and spluttering Trina replaced the glass to the counter, trying to maintain some semblance of composure having just finished the drink to the best of her ability.

    "Hrrrrk. How do you- how-" she tried, as best as she could with all of her might, to get words out between coughs. "I dunno how you drink that stuff! Blech!" Her protests were rather pronounced, having not anticipated whatever that was, but also realising that she’d let him pick the drinks. Of course it’d be what he wanted. Yet, no matter what, she wouldn’t trade any part of the moment for the world. The suffering just came part and parcel with bringing Ray out to have fun. A momentary pause came when she strongly considered an immediate second shot - something a little less violently burning - but decided against it. There would be plenty of time tonight to take the edge off reality.

    Orange eyes cast over the crowd, taking in the sights, the sounds, the smells. The flashing lights played over almost every surface inside this building in a technicolour symphony that was just one or two steps down from being offensive to the eyes. The rhythmic bass thump against her ribs was a reassuring friend where Trina could at least let the world run past her, while the warmth in the air from far too many human bodies in close proximity was both a smell and a tangible stickiness to the air. While not as bad as some places - there were plenty of other clubs going harder tonight - Nines was just full enough that it was noticeable. The music playing over the speakers had a high, upbeat rhythm, and didn’t sound like anything made with normal musical instruments - probably designed just for a party - but it was enough to get everyone up and dancing. That was the whole point, if nothing else. These people were here to have a good time, same as Ray and Trina were planning on doing. These kinds of parties happened fairly routinely, especially when people had an excuse to go all out to celebrate something. The end of the year as a means to an end. Especially now, for them, when they needed to let loose, blow off some steam, and hopefully herald a new year that would be a lot better than the last.

    However, Trina was suddenly feeling very, very brave.

    A hand reached down towards Ray’s waist, an almost demure look washing over her face as she inched closer to the man she spent almost all of her waking time with. "D’you kinda maybe hopefully pwease say yes wanna dance with me?" came her one question, a hopeful glimmer behind her eyes as she looked at him, begging with a simple question that he might take her to the dance floor and keep her company as they got lost in the light and the music for an hour or two.

    TAG: @Ray Jyx WORDS: 1,049 TOTAL: 2,966/4000+ JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW
    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Custom Slayer- Dragon Slayer- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween Social- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Seal of Balance
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 1460
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 50
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,311

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Forgotten Legend
    Second Skill: Fantasy Requip
    Third Skill: Treasure Dragon Slayer

    The Not-Sad Cat Dance Empty Re: The Not-Sad Cat Dance

    Post by Ray Jyx 1st February 2023, 4:13 am

    Ray worried that Trina didn't really know what she was asking for. She'd only ever had the man while he had all of his wits about him. It was possible she wasn't prepared. He was really concerned about it, honestly. Wanting him to loosen up was one thing, but wanting him to actually lose his finely crafted control... He'd never lost control with her. Even when he was being careful, sometimes he felt he was too rough. Admittedly, though, the idea she planted in his mind of being able to do whatever he felt like without worry nagging constantly was seductive. It'd be a relief, but at what cost?

    What if he hurt her? She was the last person he wanted to harm. What if she left because he was too much? Though he'd come to terms with the loneliness he'd chosen, having her around had enriched his life more than he could've ever asked for or deserved. It bothered him sometimes how insecure he could be when thoughts of missing Trina cropped up. Ray presented as such a composed and quietly confident person, and generally, it was true. Sometimes the aspect of the catgirl being such a weakness-- enough that he accepted that her departure would hurt-- bothered him. Raynelle Jyx was not a man who had ever suffered insecurities until very recently, after the tragedy and consequent return to his old life. Perhaps it was his old life he feared her reaction to.

    The farmer's own shot was downed much in the same fashion as his date for the evening. At least, initially. It'd been quite a while since he'd imbibed and the burn wasn't as familiar as he thought it'd be. Still, the single gulp of liquid was met with only a muted hiss and an involuntary twitch of one of his ears. This could not be said for his kitten companion.

    As usual, the softly sadistic side of him appeared in the form of a quiet chuckle and a smile as she choked on the wake of her shot. He'd never considered that someone as young and lively as Trina wasn't used to all sorts of drinks, but the discovery was endearing. "Cute," he noted to himself, giving her nose a playful boop with his index finger. Amusement aside, he decided that she could pick the next drinks, which he assumed would be cocktails that did their best to hide the causticity with sugar. He preferred his alcohol to get straight to the point, but enjoying the taste with her wouldn't be so bad and meant she'd have an easier time of things.

    With one drink down, it seemed that was the abrupt end to her lapin man's plans. Head to the bar for a drink was as far as he'd gotten, which meant he continued to linger there in a somewhat awkward fashion. The music was loud, the lights were spastic and colorful, and his sensitive snout was picking up the musk of human exertion mixed with perfumes and colognes and hair products and a chaotic spillage of all sorts of drinks. A thoughtful frown tugged at his mouth. It brought back a lot of memories from a life he'd poignantly ended.

    Memories engulfed him for a moment or two. Every club smelled like varying mixtures of the elements present tonight. The music had been a bit different a decade ago, but it wasn't different enough. A young bunny boy, high on power and the thrill of adventure, found his way to these exact places every weekend at the very least. Sometimes with friends, sometimes with enemies, and any permutation between. Many he'd partied with no longer existed in the mortal plane, and those that did thought he didn't. It was a beautiful blur of hubris and young idiocy, a stark contrast to his current persona. Alcohol and music had commanded his body and he'd been powerless to both. Notoriously so. That's right. That old him was still him. That Ray was inside him somewhere. Gods above, how could he only just now remember something so crucial as--

    Trina's touch reeled his wandering mind back in and he turned his attention back to her. In a bizarre turn of events, an expression tensed his features, similar to the ones he wore when he became acutely aware of the corners in a room. Fear. What could someone as strong as him possibly fear? It was gone in a flash, but what exactly was its cause? He tapped on the bar for another shot and answered while he waited for it to appear. "Sure," he answered, almost aloof about it. Somehow he seemed even more awkward. Drinking the second shot didn't really do much to alleviate it.

    And so, the reluctant adventurer joined his energetic kitten in the crowd of undulating flesh, and it would be hard for someone to stand out any more than he did. He was already pretty conspicuous with his height and build, and the ears only made it worse. It didn't help that he was just standing there, looking around, wishing he was actually drunk or dead. Two shots only gave him a buzz, and while that was enough to get him onto the dance floor with Trina, it wasn't enough to turn him into a carefree dancing machine. Knowing Trina would start whining or pouting if he didn't get in gear, he tried to find the beat and move to it, but...

    See, the issue he had was that... with all of his physical prowess and impressive and complicated martial arts he was capable of dazzling people with, dancing wasn't something he could claim as a skill. How someone with ears as big as his could miss the beat so reliably was impressive in itself. His moves were a curious combination of self-conscious teenager at a school dance and a dad embarrassing his teenage daughter at a concert. It was undeniably dorky with its off-beat swaying/foot-tapping and little arm movements like he had some tiny invisible maracas. He was trying so hard.

    Six drink Ray was the unabashed weeb-at-an-anime-convention dancer. Two drink Ray was just uncomfortable. But how could he have ever said no to that precious glimmer in Trina's eyes when she begged him to dance with her? She may play dumb, but she had more power over him than she knew.

    [wc: 1062 || total: 4028/4000+]


    The Not-Sad Cat Dance Jkp0PmI

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:48 pm